Whitby Chronicle, 29 Aug 1884, p. 2

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ILL RÊ Late Drowntng D/o y lstnpping the proie Whou pricai =pt' o t h thS CHUINIOLE lîdlwook, â*brief flot i2 bevom4 of -vau madi %hat Mr. Elbart Van cars >oiurronco; T/te ad been drowned at oncet'. Poi hcving hie bille ihaý (Tbssrsday) éftercoon, .The unfi suateYoung Mau bëd goleUP1 ofCE ,fice fi impromptu pionlo asi Ibis e PUW laI n l t g side reiort fur the sotertainment ek . fbo ft.e for genlitite 4the CHRZONIOLE lc.L- ara ti:>t excolled by/ any office casti qfToronto. (2) Prices are right. Ours qosouvtiotwfor IssUs ofwts.aever saie nd 4W' iaeuer qtuantity sratied ti/ii sui v.ye.(3) Thte Ire notice giten en teo colun of the CHRONICLE to <s utiglhe4r b 8le risie t ' t is ofc,àoJuf t a of eaîîîîa uccesaftil sale. Itdit'jdiîal lestineont, Ott thu point itis nual d-fftiult Io ind. Thte <HRONICLE t iita apaper «t a circuliation of afeus, puitry itean dreda, butî (s ntc b eyw< id a cot hueamil, aund M/is ta beiîiy I'trtité,r icr'asidthis fa/ilitarotîh the errionîs of mir cuItl- tasssutgaenta taid ely aîtirork, antd ftheipecial anid lihi'rîl clibbiîî1, q.#/ýr bein'te uWtdé a aecaîl e A.ia a imple nmalter of hîîsiiiess-lr#ssit iii 'Otsues.u/-it paya ta have bills prinil et tIhe CHRONICLE. 41. S. ROBERITSON &3ROS., PROPRIB~rJRs Ne* Advertisement8 this Day. I/ail wheeied-LewisBary, ,Audley. I.o Bltla-OJaaoxecu office. GoId riAige-J. 8. Barnard'a libange of business- tir. Gariat. New attraoton»-Simon Fraser. Pareil for Mats-L. Fairbanks, auctiotiéer. Servant girl watted-Mru. W. l: Bowae. lilackmthng-Jas Camerait. *f.vat Wanted-1'hls #Office. Servant Waned-hrs. Chais. King. ONL.Y Si oo PER ANNUM. Whftby, Fiday, Aug. 29, 1884. -e i fariner inA pnS419 the oOHEON' - of Customs et Wbitby. Ebrt vai G*orassteed circulaion Ut Caca, bic :snuty 655 ycr, bati graduate 2230. Trit>' Lovritîy iti tise deRro Bn hast ypar, and issuentéresi i GaaaLv, the axplorer, bas 'tateptefitle Ii tudy af mediciné. lHe vas a gm u iitaigun ta attend thé meeting of eniosi andi iccomplishîsi yoa u: thse Briis associ4tion for thé mîtvance- anti viîh hie acqusita ncé vas asg faveorite, foc héahisi a Most kind1 tuent cf science at Montraa. LHé liams ohiing disposition ansi vas s f aloo roooAnuS a bter of congratulation iriand. trmm Du Lesespe. présidlent ni thé Geao- graphical soCiety ni Pariss. Ih se>'.the& Arctic OannibaULm wblle thé. soclét>'àlu Bled vîtis regret ai the thougtbt bisvwork bas coît 50 Thé fiue golsi oi heroismaame uer much suffrlug' and ne min>' lvés, t fid b>'Comemande ,Graiy and réalizea that Doct nl>' the observations campanions An their arctie itrupi maJeai ortContrbut saltothé ai- bas sucdmnly becorné dAm b>' atale Parity havé ta a mnsrked dégréseénlargisi barrer vbich bas sadéenesi tvoah thé fîid iofpolar geogcîphy ansi&btha lârspr. Tc; prolong Ibeir owvoJ scen.. wîil _profi largél>' from teclisame nf Gfeéiye men killesi ansi octirmgéous efforts, aven lheugh dearly sani ofiheAn campmnions I An in, ~* tigatlon mia 15te trutb ofi Iâbislh Ma. W. J. Gàoec, thé eiii knowu andronolting tala s nov beinafih publisber, of Toronto, bai rettirnéd but Atinl more Ibmn possible the vl bette afier avisit oi about ive veeke trutlli i l hé bdisconoced, as them la tise Nortbvaaî. EHé vont beyond river, in théic dreasi ni public chict th. pressai terminus of thé Pacifia mud tise fear ai pnnishurîni bave bot rsday i'tel. Bok>'mountains, andi themaselves b>' mutuai piesigé nut ta made severailexcursioni Au anortbérîy nemi tiie lacis of the came. Sufficie hue i th rai bil nvmnr, bas camé t iit ta ett direction (rom the lato th é ode h dreadini truth that An thoird varions Pointe. HO vas thus enabiesi éxtrémit>' thé>' ew alo ecother andi #0* Sosebiecountry' ansi ta jutigéni itse urvinors led upen thé flash ni t agcleuîiural capacit>'. Ris parsonal victime. Thé détails reepicting w, inspection ni the larms andi contact piokisi e-eletons are tan horrible vit h.efarmes hîsihim ta the cpin- repent, and vé giadi>' drsw a vnitaI ton tisaI thé gricntural prospect&' Of théetîreadfnl scène. The reador a thé, country an. firat-clies. Oûtânia fiud An IByron a couterpîrî ai theA Dîée. saisi Mn. Gage, ici thé en vL isa tic tile, mnsi hé a S>' hésure thati scooead bossta thé Nortswaist, ansi if fate ni Pidnalbo n the Shipvceck au th.>' aue vockers tisé> are botinsi ta lots barcowinR than tisat ni Hienry. eus mu excellîentfarta and i ylhavé We ethaîl avait vilS mgerueon inoDe O &ote 5m arelin&Auliae batik. la troih of thiR ew ehiorrrlu the. b bis brérvté hstvisibetisai Dtovoil'ips ai Ibat t mn>' héehora ,of mach, ifj Bla Sskallianhomestéati compmn>' ail, afitis terrible gbh soiiia. But1 andi bad tise satténs on them inan Bvihavé dAfficlgy An coming tab Iouriàrlg cocndition. conclusionthat t yen e btter t] Greéli anti ait hie compaaions b M.oha"i'IUtttit Art Clases. diesi amid the ice-finisIb tha ht mny Ibem a soulti ratura ta asis 10tucage Dr. lm>', of bbe éducation depart- anotisor ickening stnry. Ancent1 meut, vUAsla tl onouSaturday otisuit- lion bai beau outdone b>' mi Ù%g V* the.à ireciters of the mechaulca.' roalit>'. Ilu". s"tluiretatise seabligbing ot T ho Qoliegiate Institut&. a seiel etart in conaelon vils thé Iuàtugu lie. eArn as ulus tolui nti. The progrins mdeby Ibis Io lut. wserîký aIob.ip on practicai eaun, eetahlisbod aSd nuitufmoui adat nation Uvlgï;osit. te Peoinoé, ib in toua i nstitution ni our lownva vl th. lolaiiof etIhe-Governnsent t0a&id teps erbsncuttdtep Chosuiblutifls that vili take isolsi of iepi îrbsncsiaé h titis vee Thé tocal dfeltrsétcutioA. curing of addltionsi bélp. "st - n Idlffteic u ' aoooplytng vitb At aaspécial meeting ai tise Board thieGtruu rogulaîlons la thé Eiucatton Wedaieutay éveinng tM~is Ld Orgmntiag a goosiachais ai John Campbeltl, M.À., a gentlearn én 6.51' daY'.Thalthé mepion. btal <caI attaméntu la laesikaovla vUii amie.sditiUgenérmily ticitise and tachuer viso bau sidoa la'ëe gond mnse cf Our people mnei iardiy succe§etol experléae ci Anthie dpi ta b. statési by thé CnaoNzecx. .mini ai salnction vasapp oitetisi- position. Mr E<S(R ~ Mr': Campbell bas benaul master niflise Pelerbomol Collpgiq Thé naeancylainWei Onicnbas Institulé for tisé put elgisI jeagu,, résignation oft talpotln belugai his , aperiiot' God.éend uitiste Cou- sac>' bécause Dr. Tasse th. é »mie serygime ,P!au tIuring 1h. -" sil>' appoi>nteS prinelpal, bakée théciassi 4«»oe." Wlthont il va. hacdly "kn o kartmot t bmaell. va lérclamus vonld have0con- Aàonmplmnt of nie, l 11111. mlqe, 0 bésu gaiS Mc. Embrée, théepilncipa] Wood, et b isgvea emptoyanent, toc, WsibyCalegaté loptite, in1 Le ibdét fthsir auciber visa dlilghin :sebootlonab>' tise MinAtor of Educstic ablnlag op trouble vihaneigisiors s one of tisé aumtttu cim'h4h h Mdsi satlup sucia at tgars wiîîs one an- beau entroatiitise edid tia . cf ai blr Wa at blea bisaupsistof uit o OP f 15rsW ie ?gciae lb.vhoa scon litora vaA ovin g btltat'ho 'e 1 ig iilasu o g-týabli éas4l4th.in W 1e ld? Nuit an>', AIl caltablé e gsnnsfor a seau~ltqi thée DqffpgoikedtIfi tbaI dlrécoté lidecccl.Frida>' it st wes- Party4%I.os insé,W.r 2h rotes- aCind fro thé wlï o btad~ 0 po1Dt arna.,isEven -bars, oma'ddo tijmsi'ga> n bi f.alaî.p4 ir iqJ MrI. J. D. Edgar, thqg'Çol16gja na itîitté &id te IlW toi op * 9rd . tvas allowed, a s >' ryu ppo&ing>ai or a,fàely kuovi, boy sate, A qtialîl alli ompr thp àsé4Ilof laarniag. àousè i offrie. Rit Abilîblaasë 11- rqe MWsuifo r s-JasappÏ btapîbni s. Our Town ad Gouxlty. ntiihlos oai ekung.s t'îAvgbi - 'p0v#rllinAbs EuaêBl'Sr, ohn <d î UTON Uâ5diI Sra ' klsü 'r BIfdsr éetat; bu tt ésî I, uao ob"u foihbas' 6f ilice, ooiïguitsno ate 01,B"s ies, ~ evs i*sÂàeflté wc dtafri i iiln - »friandéso viré viting bers, au 61being an ardent lover ai canoelng- vj hicha lie vastiau adept-accornpaaii tby Master Hlairy L.wvilîr, son ai s .Postoisaur IL . fL'awiir, Venturi ontUL ehartly belon îlsteé n'Co îltbough a staff breeze vas blowi landward and the laIte vas according rongis. Tisé canai vas a «.Piterborc a very light cciii, andi dancesi about a livol>' manuér an the big wvr Whben twa isuiidred yards frirnm hor ntediatel>' oppoeite lte stairs loadut np tise bluff, thé canoe upsét. Lavds via i tlc witnwer, <îat p asm ng, but Carson, who could swim bt lite, ieteiddazed ansi hlpleis, au mnuet have etruck and hein parti stunned by tise canoé in upael:inj Lawdu r let i li te aid he poeeibl noulsi 10 higestricen compsnion,bt witho'ut viii, forC arton inally ianl Lawder tis.-ti tit, ueoverturned cana, wiîtiîlî rn"enutu.- badd îiîlîé in son diâueo, tand siwuinlrighsitly reabis tia'i tand tie. Consîternation fliiupo the mérry pari>' ai pienioers when the réatazéd tîteir cotupnano as hoeleî 1' lotit. Tise sal tiewg vascarriîd t town; and, by W. 1R. ioron oi Inge: enîl, a relative, and R1ev. Mr. Fidil broken to thé parenté. A draggin apptiancélisavtng tbeon constructéd, bt miutlit lithe earch for lihe comain vas begun. andi ît 2:30) Friday mnruin, thé body vas onud in Oboni Ivent, fast ai water and @ome 150 yards ira: shore. Upon exainiation %hors vi foun2d ou thé iorehead a bruies the must havi bean recéivesi béfore doitl and that vonîsi accounit for the trai términation nf thé opset. At thé coui dace on lByron tréet, thé aparîmosn la vbich lay thé remas vas dripes ii vhite andi a mise ai heantifni vhil, foyer. covérési thé coffin. Thé fanera Saturday atémnoon vas attendéd geu ecally lty citizens oi thé tavu, vha thé shoved their sympathy for the héreis ed parents n their dire affliction. Tbi praceseion iormed ai the reîdéaceé an mmrched ta Ail Saint',-vbére 1hý touehingiy nsoma and beatilul borA service ai the Chucch ni Engians ive, réad b>' the incumtbeît,Rev.MrFidlîc andi tittce ta tise Union Cemetery vhérs tisé rîmminé vice int-rési. Elbe'tt Van Coinon vie the ani>' uoi and chli ni Dr. G. A. Careon, who Ai weil andsi wdely knw andi reipioted nnt aloné fmL4 ta cest3fnl prantinE of liAs profession, bot as for a nomboi oi vears tieiné tise Dominion Calleéti id at mn, great film àhie 'gles Je of iemi. lire» aid bhols suar- oquy ourd dent, îligb dire ;he tbéir Well- avec May Ire- the the bope net fev the tbat baid ly of' Resi fac. lng Do*- pro- I of Mr. sud ansi thé [cal ma- bÏly ses. bau' bhis ion, 4"c, At.retlnq or Queful ta any eue I shah Le Ielrspaid ft Iaieffort, wi TRAVELLER. 1 Sea Bre. B Tac vite5tmDiti5aà.-bIvxs zsflsao. 802 TI'ONe 0FPAàttOLtOtOU8 kéOT.- A. TatU'Va OTOT .158 IAVrlIOa. .W fZ'op, pur Own Correspondent) R Be arn orein biscil>' b>'thé ea; Ibistde motbdieî oauap'zeeuing wath tnoder'n iupovret. my I boy ivi4ition f mrvé hngi, enen religion. What Inative bora Amaérica(a Canadiat i Ithé old liifsiomed comp làeeting. wihb THE E-MPOR,,-IUM 0OF 1884. FASHION. 18840 Iôt fre you ventureonouhau=ering spikes throngh oburob onehions, or turnlng '!Dg taoke point upwardi tu aid in the pro. Lic 08 oi f ornoitying thé e kbb I irn . snformed that the vbole cons of -ibe tont building inoladlng organ, upholsteriug ndns gîngral fawnîting amounted bt For. *bout thirty £houîand dollars. *A làl ettnyhftbye aumut nos moh ulrger Zan itby annalliquor bil ai an e average reokoning. The corner seta of of this new building vas laid by h aid1 lite Rev. Dr. Ryereon, and 1'amn _& îrforîned byu my Rev. correspondent id to henart.h, te vhom refere. e a mdina previonslatter, that "lby a B1 happy ooincidenoe, as in the firet, no An id the second churoh Dr. Wood preaohed k, thie dedicatory sermon. Msthod,ém 113 always honore lier chief officers." ?Y Allow me itili further to qnote the language of the saine excellent anthoiy anin saying "Let me -say jutbare that es. the noble ladies of tbe ohucch muet not re bé forgotten in tbis cehersal. Both An Dg reaard ta Ibth e rt and present oburoh, or, by their wiedom and nncésng caci, in iii planning and executing, and raising, ýt monny, they have lreqnintly helped the nd Trueteee n a pressing neoeeeity." tY Rev. Mr. Clark vas follnved in the 1- liestarate by Rev. Mc. Laird in 1877. 11Y Mr. Laird was a min oi fine talents itbots ae a preecher andi a lectorer and h.did Roond vigornus acceptaible servicei Sall departmt'nte ni churcli work. IHie "tortu covered two yeare, when, in 1879, edlit g.ve plae to itév. ). 8135w to wbom nn re-frence liea@lready benu midiBt V conoidérable ength An a prevAons etbter. 'B This waé bit,. "coud termrain Whltby, to îad was marked b>' a spécial "time ni rrefreehing iuom the preeence oi the rLord." \Vbile aithfully discharging t~thé varions duties of bis office as Paîtor ii iy oi thé Mithodiet chnrch hure, hi vas noever ceady. b>' vue cauneel andi active t g9 effort to further thé intecésts nf the à Y Mlater'. Kingdam, whietber in con. ( na nection vith BiAble Society', Tempéraneii sa Society, Y. M. 0. A. or other spécial or t at gênerai obristian work. Owing to veryt LII evere fsmily afflictions, thé paclionlars L Oof which are yet freeh in thé m i nio Sthé oommunnty, a pdrmanent change cft it cone bîcîmé absobutely necessary to L nMrs. Shaw, and conséquently Mc. Shave pasqtoral charge vhioh vould havi benu étendéd vie cloeed at thé s Send ni thse second year moch 10 the È Sregret oi thée*vhole community. Hé vas follovéd in 1881 by Rev. J. Starà la whose taîl ommand hindI>' face coinse i id prornineatl>' to thé iront. He wva ab man nf ceady and easy speech andofi i jgreat comnplaisance and viuevidentl>' M a 6cm h eliever n thé maxira 4,f a a certain old quaker who coed te say that "to make a cart rmn eusA-t a a spoonful nifnil je better than a quart ni tl Svtaegac.'* Hé acted on Ibis principlé cý As n msonaging the machiner7 of theiel cbnrch, and did soi very eoceefntly, b eépecially in financial affaire tan vhieh chi suoceesied in effecting a large ce-s cr dnction of thé charch Jébt bath as to ~ aprincipal andi intecéet. Hi wae followed IL i 188.4 by the préenut ééeemed pistor &a IfRév. Mr. Willoughby of whnm it mi>' i, n vxth ail jutice hé e4aid that fer 1"zeal a, *acoordicg to knowledgé' earaeataeeéa of fi *effort, ability, bath as a preanher and , ni-erséer andi affabilit>' combinéd wvus fitm nesandi dociaion ai character, and y ceady sympathy vrlh thé afflicted hé tr has not beeun mrpaseid by any preions ci Every depmctrnent of chcoh yack is in active worlainiz ordér. Thé Sanda>' *School nov undér thé able sopérinten in déncé ni L. E. Embree, B.A., and Ansa wbicb or estseméd young fcîend Mc. ni 9ea. Stallord bas hein leader of the ih i sging for thé paît thrie yeari, i an uP *average attindance ofl néari> 20M, wit.h fil 28 t4achers andi offite. The -Young Peopl's Association" commande vben in active operation (in thé vAnter *siason) a gond représentation of Young t iolkts for litecar>' improvement. Thé veekly pcayîr meeting, is bélsi 05 inothed, cturi-coom, and si aginîrs.iy orwemany of tiae attendants hein8 Young People. F Thorn isaliçn o a wméns .pcayic tih 1 meeting," tnint attended by mothérs. Cc and may, thecefore, hé propecl>' calleitSe them iother'. crayer meeting. ha A *Young Mon@ Bandi" bas; also been su organized, vhicb, aithongh nat stricti>' te a Méthodiet institution is composed rlacgeiy ni yonng min oai iidénomain -iDi ation. They holsi revivâl meetings at wy different-pointe in town and néîghhar. bu :D R::-Y la thé mnningi, arouad the camp hoatl finI Ain thé cattlé.guard, his aeck ficm, by thé "iveéet ilver iight ni thse beAng broken, ansiinetantly Iiliesi. Thé moon" mach amusement vie expeni- yoong lady vas hurled aoefit>' feet encesi. andi mapuol,vocaî, and dramalio * aa asi aspkesiop for Simd. 8h. intectainmente *mi An vogue. Thé is alil mui, buitlhe doctore îay uhe lait snening espécially, whena n Ia- cannat lin.. Thé horse, strange Coes>', diu drama vas criginaesi hy a New in not seriouuiy burt, andsill probsably York actit, wbich tonk immensély b. ail rigbt. wIIh thé multitude. About a dazen Indians put in an ippsmranoe,(One fcorn CUT TO Pnzcee-Captain Haggart, esob amp r clb). Tere asIt e thvmll-knovn conductor ai thé Grand inarodcmpn or ecubTre as hé p-Tcunk Bailva> dumnmay, andi firoman ai introdiIducion fileabhebm me hé i thé Intmrnational Bridge Company,vaî peart ei ndian i, 1h. dane shAng- rua avec ansi killed it Victoria, Ont., fepaiteaipinsc, var dan, nce vlhofon Saturdiy nigbt. Wbile valking thé captivé it 1h. siake, andi buril o terakgaueinwhbws scené, An vhich the déiunt a v arriad cmoeeio Buffalo hé vas struok by a &round thea camp fire An a bic svitch ongrue tha vas baoktng Soya birkcioé; hé mokng i té brchand almoâ sîintly kitled. Thé en- eacne althsingfhé pipe ineér toit thé jac, ansi imenedusal> ré- vas paIl hé oreil cipphrpreste ion versesi h"elever andi rau abead a fév baail'ts h. mité npi&tId" thecoda. Io gsttinq soya, a man's leg hurial &round. Thé "tgel-up." w a ns4thé oyo h eeu a on icom smli parts of Canada and tvoe as seeaqloita thé nivOng eia- Stites andi oassîsering tise materialo as lion il as fourni that thé deceaued bad band wvire maryc>'ccditmbîe. At tise bien etruck by thé tender on thé back conclusion il vas generaîl>' allovési (t0 ai the bead, thé biov fracturiog thé thé bonor ni Whitby) th&% ber repres, base cf thse au. RHi rigbt am was entative bai takea shi cake for dceau , hadly broised and thé cight leg vas var-vbnnp, andi genécal study of lbe compltely sémeresi irotu the body. Iu Indiau chacacter. This ciosési oun, ni1882 Cipîsiut Hiégacl vas one ai thse the Moat socceseoî lcsmp-firé meetlings pari>' savési (rom thé tommy vhichi ofte AssdéotisaiWh.byba vs precipltaled mb Niagaras river It i undretod tat Witbybas in- ireuiiithé open dciv An thé Interna- sug-uraaed a cégulir Cana. Club vasach tional Bridge. Several lAve voe lait in future yeare vili éndeanour to put et the timé, încindinR Mr. Edwin ta a gond appeacinces ach meeting Héishe>' vardea ai' Wellan4cony cf th Aeuociiion.Capiain Haggmrl never fully recanececl from bis injuries rccivesi at tisaI Lime. "New Model" (Front t/t "Onlarîo Reformer," De- cember su go, 188.) Ocir reisiens are, probib', iti avare thit John Dryiile, M.P.P., Président ni the Canadiena bset Horn Broéders' Association. occuplés ea-oneofthé finesî iarms i thé. Dominion of Canada, ad As one ai thbuét armenu. Hé colti- vîtes someîhing cnér fies hnScd acres of land. andi lieré is meceey mn sari bai vaisaiAs a aigh stîte ai cultivitica. ansi thé vbole tara s Ai res front aIl veeseor planta viih are ia- jurious to cropé. Not ou>'dsiéhi ava one of tise flnest ad hst tAlleS faime An tise country', but bis stcck tiscoogisol, whetaer bounes. caîlle, or sheep. are cf thé ver>' haut breeoila nS *11 cifihîtu fine animais, .lu cvrc> deparimnt Mr. Dryden lnooke eut for tise tient, whetbéc At ie in lise bine ni stock, maceary,--or seesi grains. Hi ansi bis neigisisor, Mn. Samsuel Hoiman, pociaped for tiseir ova usé*, tiis yéîr, a Nev Model Vibcating Thresbiug machiné of tise HallCompany, ansi Mc. Drydten'@t opiion tuegié bbyo. Ever>' ane wbc ie acquainîed vilshibm knva lisat bhé-voald Dot put hie nimo to any-atatémeat visieu ie aaI correct in ever>' pirioulir; thorefore bis opinion ni thsa Nsw Model As ci gréaI vaine t thue. ise odreA-re ta pacare i ibresbing ciaeisiné - Brnakin, 'Onario Cont>', Drc. T/te Jogeph lr xlMatfacturing Com. panny, Qshaeoa. Gumz.mws.-We are isighl>' dellb- Modal Vibrtw Ptlaen r e this césn ruas. amooth antbday tbr.cboeérfectlylapsae$loooby anut* 1h, (aing iïiduaft is ve-' se compleisi>lht h itt lin erefe 1%îsi jusit.ae h"in. (o«<b.hereaf lo ui b' aasaéits na'y'Sp * treL' Ilit la opartvl.y fte- ftoin ý7dutl, <hère -noiu q-vwuta et, gaigéit lu bourAd io de god ei -, sheêtéry; crcnamétaauro:. -iO ill>' pngr*tU- tla yenon.the. lstrodmp2tiom ef-t se Complt. aesepiriior, a great boom both te tlsïn *bdr £stl arma#., Ver>' ruti-Yonn'. -Joas iDI>INz, b.?.?.,ý NAIN..PILLBSe *he4faécsAW pïn-ý patitta osd ass-blùu odeisnne, ileq an, Sap asimd ihioâ lit- Tûsay, tellot n ie eu, eù -rÉ Dg 5op.SctAtheUw's8PAoSSà.ý & n Sa- Aoxnse~ro çué.~tb ùil. olvsa e r tite i Pnot& hrn vhilî ugtia' iïaà »t aa tgm Ot &OODS GLASGOW Summier Goods WAREHOUSE Reduced in Price SIJCH GOODS AS Parasols, Summer Ties, Ladies' Collars, Straw fats, Summer Gloves, Cotton Stocb-ings, Frillings, Drese Goods, Embossed Lustres, Ottoman Cord Silks, Ottoman Cord Dresses, Buntings, Nunn's Veilings, Dress Serges, Debeiges, Shlawls, Fans, Cotton Pants, Lineil Coats, Lustre Coats, Summer Shirts, Summer Drawers, REDUCED Carriage iDusters, Lenos, Fanoy Sateens, muslinsy Cashmeres, - Lustre Skirts, Cricket Caps, Summner Flannels, Boy's Linen Suitings, IRegatta Stripes,' Sun Umbrellas. IN PRICE. 1R &0c OEIIILL Pan bansed as if b>' mat. PeIson' Nxavu.n.s ia apoaltive nt anna out ina- taneous »reés>'fonexternal, intarnal, on local pains. Thé mont activé e rnéS> bitiserto ku va falle fer shunt ai Nerniline io oit power An thé reliif ni nerne pain. UIIWUUf Go oZ i fo xternal or nernat use. Bu >' a i K . 1 i U ( i l " 10 cént sampié hattié. Large httîle 25*U U SU cents, am Il mugglees. Tbomartiat' adiunta bis pioturé: "You ho SingeS l' Fer Deep BéateS Coldsiana Coughe, Alien's Lung Balsam cures vhen ail o-hpr remédies fail. Ses Adn. wh nreMa tmke a ote o! eesh4s. -6u tatkst on& of 'Shaker BloodSi 8'rp, in erafficaling evor7 formacf Sccub as a.bees se cleacl>' andi fuI>' doronstraied, ibit il leaves ne ebadow cf doubs about At bolng thé greatent asedicaidione>' cfi hia gonersiion. --mMy s86n baS senialug>' sccoulons sores bevween tbm anbléeandi hume nf ble rigisî loglRe bas takeettva batlea ni Shaker ElooS Syrtip, th.esmceesharo dis- appealesi, andi hé omseeetehotime tram-,hie humor.1" T. J. AXELT, . Puirlamnd, Me. cnafnI6us' bu ei-frïm infane>'. M.>' mobiser, @inter andi, brother sdc f -ibis baIlle ci Shaker Blcond Syrop I bega&n te improve, saSndrmnv neacly vali. io-qerlmtba vlt mocrlil Eben. astiDiWtbiit tIse réi , 1.0 ho tlil bave dueS. 1Ihabin d eitlfor skia blse vlth marhod aucess Wlsy "oue a raibvi>' tickot agent cul i Jci Î. ycuc ticket?. Tê lot.1 >oSpnu el uésher uvu sor éeiiam itis àIhi na> . estint ou béatiof * ceeu As ceai eues ami"se coin- Cv i 1, (tinden contrai ni the Sol iet fFrimnds), WILL RE-OPEN MONDAY,_SEPT. 1. EgncouragéS b>' thé succes nithé past tha management are -dotueno. lelane- nnthing undone to keep thé College An the enviableé position il bas von among thé éd. ucatinnal ntitutioneef the Province., To tbis endIhe>' bave-rabassSthe sorléeof- xiii ni Igsb >'a's.teac4 ' vho havéery -O.=sufail. Il ile ilAemS Ihalthée *orh .7Wbiayer gu-'71 hiirqsalas- stthas at an>' prevnons periodlIn he Collage bleler>'. Toroqto WeeKIu Nu FOR ONIE YEAR TO EVEfY i,5BCRBE WHITBY CHRONICLE. MIl of aur subscri-beré hwiscwU P'Tthefr sberptlon accounte ta tbis paper An faU te date, aud g9f. yen=luadvce. wilIbe vre. sented with ane yeax.'é ubscripcdd'n to- TEE, TORONTO EE THE TNTO EKLY NEWÉS leais lti.tcPpxuu- acîunsaco thé eset Atn..7,.i , ý '--- entezt cossai claie Four complet. depArtusents are main- Paxsaaâvrî Dxr.argxc soignéS tfon junior studénis andi Ihosé vhaséesni>' estu- -cion ubas beaunegke& Soundi, pnialloalbanm nAig COLBUr.au z mtéSTMýUT repsriziq stu- denta foc th. pnoteàits andS for the vaionz ,University anS 4Tisclers' exmilpount.- The aludente ln ibis Sepasisnenb ha:ve eets - cemachab>' nuccessW tul the larment nain. - .DxZPABrXsau OP MieSe AND» mug Pzw 'AaTe eatmuted tle hachera cf pre'uil Day st-udents receiné. Speciaarage- - W. lH.IITONj. A.. mone Weeley Lake from thé Gre. But do ot imagine ibat innocent, taealtltlnl amusements ici dicnaen. ancesi by the gond liv makeru of Océan (icone. Théy permit you to go bath- ang twevm times a day if yon 11k., andi tu romain in the surf dnring yonc An- tervil ai réalYeeau caasogo ccîb- bing andi cnviag on thé little lakea. You an go fac ont to sea on thé yachts bhat make twice dii> tripe, jon cia bury yeurséil An thieainsi an the beb, 'andi yaoucianvalI tram one ixtramit>' et thé tovu to hot nlbin yomc batbing toit. But you cannai valk throngb thé Camp meeting gronnds la that tog- gecy. No yon vonld be arréstési il y00 attémptesi that feat. Il vouisiloci a ila toc fremand easyand disréspeotfnl; oesides, thé comicai sight of a baiSer in fll coutume might bave a tendency ao dinert thé attention ni the yoogec mntd lighlec beactési vorehippeca Ansi thu 700 aa go ta church hure &Il day long. Thé auditorium ese six hnnssnd people, thea Tabernacle i. amis hast-lé At, the Temple As vithin a etnnése hrov, thse Salvation Ara>' hridei forth An a tint bird by, andi timongisont thé day, services* are beld st ail thedi placer. Onood people ansi baise vho are ote, go irom one meeting I-a anather, ansi frequentl>' 10 ail in ilie came bouce. Thé sorf meet- ige lielsion thé beach ai Sonda>' veuingesta six o'clock, ire altenlesib>' Frm fifîeen ta iveat>' thoessanid people, and then somitbinig interesting As al- raye gning on hère in thé vay ai con- moutions, réuions ansi lectures. In ruIa thé pérson Au unreasonable, vbo annot b. intictainssi amîd thé ver- gatile attractions ni Océan Grave lie. Anrong thé îigthtu efthIe Grume, is, iec tiesé ibcnium, a complete min- sare cepresentation ofi-modern Jeru- alem ans itil suburba, vhicb is 11150 )its ceai aizs.Evsicyhody vhn o rnes ira nisite Jerusilem. andi mnother leicani trip le ta Long Branch, juat iv miles up the Coast. BEA 8IDE. DepartmeuW lExaminationz. I. s - -Wl iITB-Y WORlMS ofien deetroy c/tildren, but Freemansg Worm Powders dertrc'y Worms, antd er-pelt t/tm from t/eyte sm. Why are hést coUs li calétrpiflaraPBe- capée tbey maki tise butter-fl>'. LO( WUIT1 BR1 Ré Mont Né Show u-ca.aIa caUKwn e uccxE5!t nAUI*! DATES. Tisa icîlôvlng As thei continuation ai e telt ni candidat"e(rmmthé WbA&b>' stiegiate Institot.',mad bolié ba 'icoIs of Ouaa,'Port Penrv, Ut isigé und Pickeringocllège. vlio icceletoit>'passéS tbae[reemalNonapro. batonal Examinatt. Tise liet An tisé CUmONacLE cf tise 5th net. vas 5bat ni tiséecadidatéesvibc Prté for Second Cime oi>'. Tisa iist mvlo iAcomplote vils tise exception > the Second Citas aireai>' pubiaee. Intermeaiat.- P. W. Pattercn, F. 1Stmrr, C. là. 8tarr, C. F. Cloudenan, L M. Poyer, IL M. Rioe. A. Lube. A. -Doadas, IL. A. Farqtihamscc5A. oales, C. J. Ward, C. Knapp., Third Clus.-P. Billinga, O.F.Jonea, V.McGiiivni>', G. M. Campbsell, J. %Campbell, A. Le. Docker, A. M. Me- ireigcr, 11f. h.. Bouge, L. Wariag, M. 6 Jackson, H. Hart. Snd Cias.-À. W. Bea, A; J.F. )rper. A; I. B. Anderson, B; I. osB; C. Leaniso, B. l e M. B. Kesdie, a. J. moccovr. isird Clase.-B. RiteoaJ. P. Limc- nSl, Hl. boLean, B. M. Diagla, B. Le. cWeàn, J. 0. Grout, A. B. Anle. ýeond Cias.-O. MaClellan, B; J. POT rPIRE>. I»tecmdite.-L Jwaesa. Bryden, 1Risduel, Il. Bruce,.W. Fenton. H. . ngusca. W. Haseard, S. OBrien, X. aoPhail. Third Ciis.-F. Cloaicb,lî. B>'atu, Don, B. Joluon, J. Matin. L. Vest. Second lais. -S8. Scenos, B; C. Wére. B; T. Pua, À,; J. e. Andececu, nJ. 8eoipe4, P. BuIS, A.-Matard, >Neleon, T. Cornaci. P. Bkelicor, N. 7. Rihrs 0A .Ur ELsR.worbb 'Mustiî, M.WddfétIMsrS Scod C&u.-J; -umheliS B~W. ir1' X. Sentt,B; M oee.B. Tisrd las.- AnÂderson, .E. 1 Second Clam..-L. Larkins, B. WE ARE NOW PREPARING TO RECEIVE THE Lai'gest and bcest Assortced Stoick ol Staple - and 1?ancy D)ry Goods- FOR FALL AND WJNTER WEAR we have ever had the pleasure of placing before the people of Whitby and vicinit.y. Look out for day and date of Grand Opening. iln.thfureai'te OURI TAILORING DEPARTMENT under the management of Mnli. J. R. PRINGILE, i ntefuue si h past, be ever on the alert to give the latest American cut in perfect-fitting suits at. the 1 1 C3ý00:[DS

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