Whitby Chronicle, 29 Aug 1884, p. 1

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27 YEARS EUTABLISHED0. TUEWIDCROIL la PUWSiRBIflir FRIDAY MORNING, jrrQmoual.OffioexamcnaýBuLîl41u«a 1Brock Strest, WhiSky. TEhIM9 01 i r AN1<VX lx ADVD.JOL The onaEaoacLa ban a Ici-garcirculation Iban any ciller paper in th. Oonaly of On- J .Robertson & Bros., PROPlUBTORS. TERMS 0F ÂDVEBTISING. Viral Insertican, per lins, 10 centa; eaoh aubasqatit ngertiiaii.àcents. Disaed Advertlaenientae anoaured Ly &seo alai od Nouparoil, and charge« Advertisementa sent wlthout writttn in- structioans insotteai antil forbiaiden, and chargeai for ful ime. (raer for discontinuutn adrertisenexats must1 bein writing, 9tharwiae tbe publishors vii am ot erempanaible. A liberal discouint for contract caivrtiso- ,Dents by theo par. Copy for changea of conîractavrtisoanents abould ho handeai lai nI lat-r than Wednosalay ; and notice of cay itandod ohanges aboulai ho gaven ho- fore Tuesay noon. Other advortisemontn recalved op ta Thursday noon.' Business notices lu local or newai comumn Brat insertion 15 cents per lino ni Noupa- tail; 10) cents p.r lino euhb aubsogunu lu- sertacu. ive centa per lino per annuma. Cerreapondeuco solîcîteai f-oni aiHparts of the Coanty or neighboriug towuahlîîs Cor- respondants ame reqneeted ta seudinl thoir dmommnsnucatleui sasproniptly as possible. J'IB PRINTINGOMOFRTUENT. -fhis Departanont ln woll supplled witb lii, Newesansd Rondemnt StylIes of T'Pie auitable for every clans a Job ork. ln Prnting a apecielli-. The OanoaacLu'a eq itin u his respectlela trictly fdz-at- clasaà enud la ual exuelleai by cny offil Bsiez-n Ontario. JOHIN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., BARtRISTER, County Crown Attorney, andC Ceunty Solcitor. 0dbc,.- South wang, Court llnuae, Whatby -48 MESSRS RITCHIE BILLINOS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY &c W bU1 lm:) Va Tarouto. W. H. BILLINOS, witlby. JAMES RUTTLEDGE, AILRISTER. &-c. Oficee irraaialy oc- ctriplea(l l'y Farea'ell &- utIlgc', Doit Ira Ruyai Hatel Dz-ne-k St., Wliitty. DAVID ORMNISTON, B.&., A TTORNZE?.AT.LAW. SOLICITOR IN Chances-s, Convoy&eer, d&c. Grc-Il h ime oùtof the IsPotl Office,.l Min jiànaBlocl, Brook Strest, Whitby. us--b ROBJINSON & KENT, ([ASTi Daoosi, &cRoBseN.) B ARRSTERSATLA, ATÏORN OFFICE--lia Victoria Chambe-ta, No. 9, Victoria Sts-set. [G. RasîsasoN, m. A. IKeasser A. E. Rasar. G. YOUNG SMIEI, L L. B., B&RRISTER, dcc,, dc.-Money ta Loau BIssuer nt Marinage Licenses. Oirvc-Orer Dominionu Bank, Wbîtby. fan. 22,1878.11- J. IlAXER GREIENWOOD, A TTORNEY AND SOLICITOII, CON .Liryant6O6. itotars- Public, dc.-Post 0Offc Drayer lio. 11, Whîihy, Ont. Pariais ohotlt ai salaiMars-lesSettle- metWlsandi Trusta macle Specicîties. Losa uogaetiaaad ou s11 kinde ai lroperty. 42-us- cut a JOHN HALL 1DOW, B IRISTRIs.-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR aRes-es-0 -. l Chances-s, Couves-suces-,dcc. radie. -. Office-Devrril's Block. Brook Street, Wbltby- banda ~ MO1IEY TO LEND-Prlvcte Fuuds - lu auma uji ta $800, at a lnv rate of ln-. toremt.(s-d LYXN NLSLL j)ARSEIAT LAW, SOLICITOR 1IN L)Ocnc-y,Convancer,c.,&cm. cos Street, Oshava. Wm.. IICIRIEN,se.., .ReCo.9. l Urs HosýPrrAL LQ14ICIf, Bitai., Jthé oy. B. O0 l.,EL Oshava, Ontario. cà ARD. - Dlt. BOGART, Phyiclan, surgeonu, &coohr, &o., d&o. Wbitby, Sept. 801h, 1874. 40 DR, W. CUTIIJIEET8,90 L ATH Acting Asistant Toronto Asylum for Insane. OPICE-Thât lately occupleai by Ms-. C. Nourse. Inaurance Agent. ]BROOK s1fIIitBT - WEITBY. CHRONICL Wlt cein rlnsd ord, qca îbuglts5sudunertn lduty we adrocat. Peace, Progress, Kuowledge, Broîlaezbooai VOL. XXVII-I. WUlfllY, ONTAR10JO ,-.FIRIDAY9 AUGUTT _________________________ ___________________________ *-'., ..'.J.3r t ~ I -~. . a Umm. à% TH1E WBq-TlKtN 13ANKI 0P WHITBY, - ONTABIO. THOMAS DOW, manager. Wbitby, Nov. 71h, 1lm. ly-47 WHITBY BRANOH, Brock Street, - Wiibs. * .Il.. ADDISON, FINANCIAL AGENT,. P O. Box 114, ca nptt nten ante Staeson maniRae toime asCitleena. Il la Lest la patent adfia-e laStales, Chue sacuriug &ai? ocarsatealnt ;othorve lime wyul b. lmilsai tw er.Total coul ni UnitedI'Statum PaetOoui s-#W0on =&nselsapplication, tbm balance only uten. patent la alloved. Tlai cast ai Causais% 5 s-oas-mpatent, $s4; for $15 se-sr, $74. Oni secelpt ai modal or dravins-, vii hdous-pioa etinvention, vs viii nai dvice,s-ee-ncusasa i crculai-frea. Addremm, C. A. SNOW à CO., tpste . B..ISollctSmocf Pletentm, Pate~nt Office. f Wmdfngtce, D. 0. Piousnention viser. s-ou mae M& airez- tisemat. -51 I =Y. PIANOS TtNKD.- MON-EY To LOAN!1 910O0M) FURi NVESTRENT. ON REAL ESTITE SEOURrrY. At inve a ivng ratesaif ntmret Money secured within 10 dayu of ap. plication. Apl o JORN FARQUHABSON. Wbitby, Febru" y101h, 18W0. C. NOIRSE, Insurancc and General Agent Repreaeuting tbe foltoidng oompsanie Phoenix Fire Insurance, Coampany, of London, Eugland. North British and Mercantile Insurance Coi., of Edinbairgh t îaLondon. British'American Assurance Comspany, of Toronto. Lwidon Guarantea cd Accident Comanîy, of England. APWEàiSE5 FOR TifS Cauida Permaneni Lan & Sadngs û MONEY -TO LOAN, On IiTaroyael Parmi cI low rat. ai Interost AI-o Se-aretaryTrcnaitraif theCouny Agraculturat Soe-ty ai Southe Ontario. OFFICE: At Post 011k., Brock Street WiB efl atan A.. A. PO sT, (late wih Langley, Langley & Buirke, Toarante.> A RCHITECT. Deslgua for Cheerohos,,Villas aud Cottagos a.pcUilt. Dra&wings propareai for r.- medellng existîlg structures. Osrxca, for lis present, et bis residene ou Kingston Roai, Pickerinug. P. O. Box 202 Wirrruy W. 0. JOIINSTON. PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR. Can h. iound st lie Law Offie of J. G. Kelîly. q'Wltby. or st the residouce of Ms-. Rsaeohuaton, P"rstroot. Dominion Wood Works, WHITBY. Geo. Cormao, Tr UIMBEB MERCHÂNT d& BUILDERI. 1-À -A large mu 1ply ai Bnldem-' Furulsh lugs,cand a&U kinla uf Tvyleteaioline Doors, Euansd Blinde. LUMBER wbaleeale and releil, crby by the car bc&d. Piaulng, Mbuldinga of evez descrip- tion, Ptaaring, Sheetiug. Shelvlng, Re- sawlng, Sbaplug, Turulng. Scroll-wark, etc., etc. Whitby, Oct. 151h, 1878.-8 NTARIO, ID 3m --zT r18sT .IImrotersDenand Meieujwa taurei R OOMS OVER JORN FERGUSON'S .lCothin Establisbment, Duudaa-ah., Whitby. 01oc houra fram 9 c.m. ta 12 an., and froua 1.80 ta f, p. ni. Reeldece-Cor. cf Byron sud Gilbaet streets. 8uulable for trplgproslyu unaler carpel.et. 5 e per hund. Apply ta If. TRIfS OFFICII. AMERICAN ARCITRS 100 Columusansd 100 Engraninga in eschi sue. 43rd YEAR, $1.5 A YEUR. Serd Ibres 2c. tampe. for Baniple Copy LBigîborGarmane'of the, OLraxa'rA"i 05-AlaktCUTLUI.l.JOUaN&L EU thé) vos-id. ORANGE JUDO M., DAVID W. JUDO, PRE8, 751 Broadway, Nov York. NS r ia. worlalng elasaý. uSad 10 cents for gêIIosg, sMd va viii aMalii yoaa fisaeroya UVIsctsbl log af cispî geds isI vlpoea youlte LIs asocf seaklasgone.monos-la c.w days th ifflrteaisulausbleauyas à=.g a i«trIen Yoenu. asewerI»tugwr, in Mn L Imecls Ylise aiot a.u tvorsally ad apmte beth ss. s-ounog snd ol.- 4dm mTfoÎLs.aiy mats be oule ta 06 je" nKThat MIl n aias or 6 2= 1 » r ake " Mimg.nvasa; vos a1 Hindi of LEA THER AND FINDINOS, Cash peai for HlUdee, Liark ad Lealer. Ieithms- stretcseai. CBELTINqG MADE TUOODER ON a i. J. a. DATES, Ifovepaper l4dvortîal.g Agent,41 Park Rov (irisées laidIsg),eW TOV14 lé autlsrlse te .eautveet fer advoftsom- m»an lae ~CHlîeONiClEai Ore best rate. Msas-be Sonnai ou'fiDs et vains- ceônts-acla as-Mho ôt lefiliff NTa iesm . 1 , ý .1 GIE0. T. GITNPRICUT, 7ane, .>for Mous. Muson dc Bimch, T ,îto. viii ho lu vbatby about tise middile of Mas-. Parsevlehlug thels- Pianso*apope-S tsae4 LYON& aUPRETPhtgapsrWfll klnsau'm BloclaWii1 eOirnb-mai addreusito mlhI:. n à*M" e,x£oan te, v'tl reolve prompt attenttco - 17.10 E~OSr]?ExR,~S KID; GLOVE CLEANER -FOR SALE BY - Iwo R. HOWSE, OCHEMIST AND DRUGýa-IST, WHITBV, ONTARIO.ý 8peoial Clubbing Offer. Whitby CHRONICL EI M oney in the Pocket of Every Newspaper and Reader. COOBINATION MATE. Chîroniclo Chronice Chronicle Chronicle Chroniclo 'Clesonicle Chronicle *Chrouliee Chronicle Chr-ciei Chronicle, Chrouiclei Chronicle Clsroniclo Chronicle Chreniclei Olirouicle Chronicle (el) (1) (1) ( 1> (1) (1) and Wecly- Globe ($1) . and Weekls- Mail ($1) - - sud Weekly Adves-tises- ($1) . - anid Wéekly Wituoss ($1) - and Wcokly Star ($I) - sud Rural Camadiatu ($1) and Leismsre lions ($1.50) . and Sundas- at Home ($1.50) and Boys' 0wu Paper ($1.50) . sud Girls' Ovu Papes- <$1.50) - sud American Âgsicultss-aisal ($1.50) sud The. Houachold ($1.10) . sud Grip ($2) . - sud Scietifo Amerlos» ($8.20) sud Americsn Farier ($1) sud Seotlish Ainerican journal ($2.50) and Truth . and sus- Ivo Dollar Weehlies or Montisie-thrcc sud sus- lireo Dollar pcsiuicals--four perlodicel and tva Mouthlica publiedat $.W0-8 pefzidiaal $2 00 2 00- 2 00- 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 60 2560 2 10 8 00 4 20 2 00 8350 2 50 8 00 4 00 4 00 Magazine Our& ian-e Pase TRIs s-o. $165 1 65 1 65 -1 e5 1 75 1 50 2 00 20oo 2 00 2 10 1 60 2 60 3 70 1 85 800 2100 2 50 8300 8 25 25 5 60 50 40 50 40 50 65 50 5 50 1 00 75 A VALUABLE PREMIUMwcnisting oflarg. lithograph Iife-like opar ra-ise n22--Of Lord- Lànadowne.ý(Vana.da'a nov Governor General.) Hon. Oliver Mowvat, ]t. nom. 8ir john A. KadoUSad or Rev. Dr. Wild, will be prasent.d (r..eery subsoiber lai b.CEUOLB, whether the a r lu seMt alan. or clubbed withany other perioaicaL.(VWIffn poatar e 80111bymuml O-déb1a ule b. d. ded ta cover cost of postage sud pratectora) It is yonrs to take advanta.ge of these liberal terme before it lu too late. ýJ. se Chrouiclo Bulding, ROBE RTSON Dcvferl'uBlock, WHITBMr IR. WIMTBY.o Union Block, TOIRONTO. H. JAKESON. PURE LIQJOIRso. Walker's [cOmn thro Rye] Wh=ke. Dek Gin, St. Emilion Claret, St. Estephe " B. & G. Medoc Hennessy Brandy, martell c Boucher 1 TALIAN the Native Wi.ue, Fineat -Pork Wie G- Finest Sherry Wine,[Gr don'is], I -bottled.1 WAR'EHOUS gE, M.O'DON< Carniage Works,, Olforst t e. ublicslrg took ;fPFINE ,IBM careeai 'hlonBggeSurWaggpsig, DPOU Box, Bide a"AEeleSrig.~uo i-armer rEîcJcs Scarecrow. Ont lu the corn field, gronped togather, A dlock di crowa disousseai the woather. Obasrving tbean, tbrifty faranor Ni'ck Declareai that the orows wveo igatffi lau tbiok.~ 'II must have a ocrecrow-thaî ile1,-ne: Now, would n that old umbreila do?" So int the bouse the fermer woul, And away to Lhe field the umrn'arlla sent. One zany cday thie fariner vent ont To viow the cornufielda Iying about; Ho neared the umnbrolla ; looked inside; And wbet ho saw, imade hlm teugh titl h cried I For in tbere, oui ni the rainy woathor, A dozen crave vere huddieai together Sa the farmner, laughing nas firmere abhoulai, Sali: "I fear my soarecr-6w dia i lttle gnodî Poor Tired Mother. They were talkingo f the glory of the tend of thse tiht sud *al the gladnese la b. fouud lu paradas.. 01 the flowers ever bloomiîng, oif e noever. ceaaing Longs, 0f the wand'rlnge througb the golden streets of happy white-robed throngs; Ansa sald father, leaniug cozily back lu hie easy-chair (Father alwaya vas a master-baud for com- fort everywhere). "«Whal*a joyfu.l tbinq 'twonld ho tca knov * hat viien thiui i is e'er On. would airagbtway hear a welcome from tb. blossed. abinizag shore 11" And Isabel, out eldest girl, glauceai npward froni the remd She vas painting ou a wator jug, andi mur- mured, "aYeu, iudeed." And àMariais Ch. lu inage, a moment dropped LZ bool Andi îaYes, lildeai " repeateai, with a muet Btmothes-, gray-haa.ee motar obc Camne ta sveep Ch. roomb Wlth a patient amile on hor Ibmn face, leanod llghtly an her broum- Poor motber 1 no onoeaver thonght boy muai sah. bcd tu al- And said, IIbope it lu nut wz-ong nol to cgr.. viti yuu, But seana ta me Chat n-heu 1 die, before I join the ble0t, rdaik e.just for a 11111e vhile tu Hi M grave aud i-st" l m -bMOaaRETETTIE, lu Harpotr'. for Sep- tember. MY UNOLE'S WILL Ms- oncle vas a anulilouaire, sud s-- joiced lu ths suphanicus name of Smnitha. My- eider bs-ailer iad been suseai after hlm sud vas'bis hour, I hedl been seulta oJapan snd pîcceai in e merscantile house ta ork ou ns- uvuow salvatioci. 1 vonkeai diigontly.for fivo y.are at Ibis persait t liseendi ut visicis lime I recoirsai a lettes- fs-oin M- uueo's tamily lavyer anuatons. lise dealis of tliserlative, and uoil4icigme limai I vau nansd as hissol. heir, nis brother isarlug been dialuboeseona aoont ai e moselhaucoe ohiaieau- I va sosmevimat dismsyed aI lise couaigiocie of mls-inhoritauce, wviic vwu liai I muai maiMs-Mny ounxa Ceoelia 'Brook., a s-asies lady I Lsd nover seen, sud acarcels- hoard ai, otises-ise the vhole outhle rail es"el vould ho distrihnted anong th. chas-i- lies. Howvvr, as I1vas heart vhole,1 rosoîrsai ta make th. boal t ohi, asna proeeded goi shed a kma a my nuscte's menions- Mdsatuertaihomo, Hava,1 plenty ofuaitda a$ lIme 'at M'Y- diepoasi 1 proseousd my Soariurn iowlvsîs lellg oy * avaersy place af ilteoecthlecounfinaut. My tmavohg cmpaulon wva voais- s-u0ung EBugitmau namei Lockisart, va. knew everybaidy wot'th kuovinir. saidvisoitroduceal meito tise bost soclos-, ýAh Mauhelu vs feli iu vils a vldov lady sud barenièe, vhom Laiclhant issd met i Egland, snd claiming thimfor oc omtq vo- mon w voncubecme ftctioda, trar. olsa vill hesai lai eidelberg, sud toaik rooms stai lise peLtel. Ms-s, fs-suhans vua evallisy s-ou» vUov, beauul as u aoisastinû. e Lýocahart soon feU a vie" to., tar e ~Tf'b 009 * ela't do ans-him» rash. Whoa kuows buit sse usas- haro a beau andl refuse to mai-zy s-ouP" 5e repîleai. 1 laugseai, but b. oridoutis- dia nol liko the carelea toue ofans- mezrimeut ; it sondeai litLe a luerai kuail to bis cherisheai hope uf sclii zetaiuing the Position cf leg!al aiviser ta aà million- I vont le nis-botel, daisserlainsd thon relususai ta Mzs. Grantlaa's. 1 "as Ridiing au tise gloamuiug cf eveniug on a Ion- sofa, wiîb nis-az- ar zonnai nis- ail- iais iete-aiing the vowe I laad talion amid Heidleberg's rumno. Tise alaul orlusson raye ai the setiing sun-are etreamiug aura,, the raom, gliuîiug ou the golden treeseai ans-love til t bay ahane like a nimbus of glcz-v, aud I vas gazing spell-hand by lier- teauty wvien lime door openeai andi Mr. Capet appase- ed ou the. hseshald. "Pardon mys intrusion, Mies Brooke, the servant tolairme s-ou ver. aloue,"he sali, sud then aloppeai mute with a stonisimment an uecoguiziug me. "ýThs la nalMiss Bs-coke, but ans- in- tenait, MieaGrsuthani. Permit me, ta inîreduce yen Cissis. Tisi lîs- lavysr Ms-. Capel," I saai. Tbey aveai te sch othas--Mi-. Ca- pel vitm a Mtmasetifleai expression. cf countenauce. "Ami I dreaaning, Mise Brooks,"î lm sali atI lst. IIaugimlt t3have tcld s-ou hofore Hard. I meant ta have aiont% 50 jut uuw. Mrsa.s-nlia a l otMy Adnt -onis- a friand wlsom I va, traveling vilh.S, ie visheai metl aeaRasber neice on aur jous-usys, but my real name is Brookta. Cen s-ou forgire nme for nul lelliug s-au? "aisoesaai. Tise viole truîh flashedai pon me ait once. Coulai I forgie lbes-, iudeod 1 WiyIcoreai bes-rusy cheolas vus kaseen», bsiugiag teara la the es-es of the lavs-er by the varanl i vili viich I grasped hls hanai. aWmy Cise, darliug yoa are Mys cousin-îLe idoutiosi une tisa Unoel John os-dered meuse larassy, anad visan 1 piotureai La ans-elf a fatdairs--maaid sort of a gilrl.". I cried in gles. "IShah I euh have s-ou for a client," scai Ms-. Capel, vitis a-reguiab Ininle iu his es-e. I Ithink ysou cau trusrteb hie affection, Miss Braeke; for b8 lu- teudea ta reei&lgi l iam Luonue of lie finest estates in Engianai ta cuable hlm to ars--s-s-u," b.eaideai. "'I don% klnow vwhether te put tisai construction un it os- ncl,"zsplied Cissea as-cily. 'IL l ise Io rne tisaI ho vas villmiut: surs-endos- that esatae rctbas- than mry his coui-1 ai thal I repieai by agasm cuvrz-us ber bluahlug face vilh lasse. é vasDo nul 11yoas-s ailelapasie, cad Loolahurî sud lthe wdov voseemars-led, ead vreoan a risilta a ur happy- home, limai I leaeud limatitlaas &aIl s put up job on lhe panI cf tise lrvs-erLoohhart, the vlde cad Cisi. Tises- vere ais-aid I vaulai b. ases-rosI sfouIasy broîbes- halbeen said fou in lare vilS li.frlpeî-face I met, su liey taok casehas Cisieabsoulai ho liai face. Hwthe Czar Lives. Thb habibe andal urs-oundlns of per- sans in tlt high Places af the sas-tiiare aIvas-. interestiug ta tise roi of-1Maci' kmu., Ws are Apt tai think at of ooiË a. livicn 1a ss-calluxur-, aSow,- sud mplemados-..But anietinies s glimie.t Imb tises-os-elpalsous proves to ua, - lia -this h alen siniplicits- of livicig.. toutmb f rgula la(frandquiet testes. abi. exemple of thie a is e as-Eus- pes-or aitGariens-, vims"aeaet davu, voAshisaX rd lia-ansh ie nirnins-. and, retires ai nigiat goai eep on auai rois Tii.favorite résidence outhlias (Jcrý Aloxaneder- II. ot Ru",esiainul th. f6mOai. Winer IP&aa êetSI, PelerBso Luxvah hia-tha de aW.-here Water is Wealtb. HOW TRIS DANGERS OP- TUE "DARE CON- t IEENi,$ Di<E28CTB ARE OVERIIOME BY BEDOUIN ARABS. inutau icle ou ',The Rescue of Cbine-ae Gardon," la ho faunul in "open Lettere" of lihe Septembar Czcxc-ruY, 3Genaral IL. E. Colslon, laIe <of tise 1Eizypîlan Gaaueral Staff, says: "lInLbhe «W&*Cerlëss Land,' waîc'r le thae para* mnt question. If it; be aoka-d bmw a large body of' Beclonins like lise teas timuuai whoa ss v aeetrnyed the Britisaquaeso t Tanaimanaga'îa aasea, iezessais isplaMIn. uthe d z e ,lc , t i s e y d o , tua a e th i e e n i r - 3mous traine rcquuad for a Europoen army.* They are e .mari absleanjous aofiesn. Eacis Inu carifs a skia of vaez- and a amai bag of grain, pracur- ed by pus-chas. or barles- froan caravans. Tisoir'.ciels andi goals ciove vils lhomý,euipply-ing tissuswitb anlik sud nicat,auil siubeieling upou the scanty ibag<,4neltLge f i itkn Mimosa, 'groanglu elda eiâ. The"' pople'coul-F Iive upun. liseelu- cremaflocf timeir flocks alune, which tlies- exobange s-sailIs-fur otisercuninoditiea; but beiug lias exclusive carriers aud guides 1cr aIl lime trar..l sud comaiereo tat crasstimeir desorte, lhey realize s-eas-ly large amounîs of usuuoy. As ta vaLez-, times- know oves-y nuok sud bol- law lu thme maulaina, avay fs-un the Irsile, vhos-e a feus barrele o t sates- coltect isame ebadqa ravine, sud they eau ecattes-, evrsy uman for hiniseif, le fIll limir vater-ekine. Oun my fis-et ex- pedition, usas- the close cf lime three s-cars' drought, I reacheai sous. voUs oun viiciI vas depeuding, cad founai lieus enlfrsly dry. IL vas severalasn tu the noît voIle. But usy Bédounu guides knew sanie ustural réser-vairs in. tise billii about sii miles off. Bo lb.y luak 1he vater camaIs at ulgiat-faîl, sud came back before day-l ght wvlhhea vater-aikina fusaid. Au invsding arniy vould fli il bard ld'obtinuguides,and oevon if tises-aid, ts.7 muai keep ta- getier, aud cuuld nat learee Hlns cf nsarch tl oklafco- vater. IJesidep, the Bédouine, accusbonied fruni iofsucy lu regard valer as ust ps-coos anda ras-et a usel it ia onderful ecununis. l4either m uen nos- animale drink muoetisu once inl fusts-eighl heurs. As tuavahing, thay sseves- induige lu inach vastef aI nonsense. When Bedouins cause te usy camp. vates- vas alvays offereai Ihm Thi nwe ol frequently IThey kuow tbai olithe importbance of kuaping up l, habit of abatoniiousess. No vondes- they eau. ubls.t viser.i- rader. vould quick1 - poisls." Eiring-Parni Help. Mbeu a fanmer hires m nan for a defiie terni «service, s at s ,deflu- lie rate ofwaes, -go dodasapecifled Iklinai af vuak,.the cents-set le express . But viser. limefaiàes- ainipy requeistlime niam lu vus-for hlm, said -uutblng ie sali %bout lise lime os- psy, orwvies-o lb. relation-uf, employer -sud employée ls fas-med , vithu a fulsimd àJ'efiiâ undei-siandlrag. limecoul-a 'etle, Iniplioil, sud lIe lskiug termesor onîditiona inuit.1 b. suppilsaibylav. A-coutraci fhr ing foi- une yea- or lese, aneed coi ho vrit4og, 'If fus-more thau a s-car, lb la1 nul hinding u nltsin vs-itissg, sud either paily. eau termiànal ime agreemien t nt ExramsaConTaaicra.-Whers-otise us- ing la for a definita lime, bols parties are bouud by itiutil lhe lime expires. Tihe employer muet -furiis yrk; "ad A C0MPLx~rg STOCK 0F 'îDBU~i WILL BE s-OUNIl G.E. GIBBARD.' Let's Laugh. Ab-ind box-Ti.orolsertrâ encltai t. Wben i-4 water liki, fat? WheuWs (lrippine. \Wlai airp Lwo applefaai ka? When 01-.y are pareil.. To tuiAnian hooin.g bis own rîlhe worlai hSst a living. When la a obioeuey like a claiokpnl When it la a 11111e foul. Why isa ec olt like au egg 2 eeause it's of fnous tli Ws abroken. Ruuaway hornas generally léave anie traces b.hind. Aman Ca&~ expres bis foelings- and Wine 1ooe uusnÀ, ~ riagoio'mens a WOïiban*'o. A Boston firm *alvertises "chos for, elopomeuls." They don't squeah. '*Cam a man oe arry .18iïîüios iner ?" i8 onecfbetssal fi- refletng persoas.. Twu thinge that dé o tqie tuau ta conduot them-a bobtadIl ëi* and B stroDg-miltded woman.. When ie a Chines.thoemcmt ibP .à vegetable ? Why, wheà n uu..eob bes hie heci, of Course.' Rtepeat thid wilh au air of aseuranco, tua cîbribal person-"Ohnuroh- Mr"< 0 1 notdffuitaacor' - Turuipu fed to uhsep are laid W isake anuta» tender. Wiil oabbggsj. AIâ a Whsn a yubg mns attempis Cb litl hie ara arand a-girl, -ah. eil llîa hian politely by talling him ta "valet flot, waq- flot.". New eervsnt--uOh, if Fou îhavsýe&i almy chlldrete 1.llah1ilbe1teu wbensever al2tyîlogslebrokei thbl. *i"I Le oub one ta blameit on ut tue."' An a-ariseann ilk cultues sýae t younglady ain'Pbiieipb1hia aoer twenty."vo hundred 1worms." 'Shemaý e But let us drw a velio uer b. térrib1è picture 1- 1mw te keep bar rots -tght. W. mwày *upposed bârroiekept-tight th&,.sn-aa ather peopis,, by gotting- fu,anita ing tbatwa . ~ *'N," h.salai, 4there fs idce. tion about 'me. When xuy-Apii-û-s bautd iea, Iidi4'î tek. Il 1k'.isick Caîf. ý Itlmuat b.a ealemit o f à- o=n sort.bfoe nce auy fds.l i"mamma, tue, weaSter is edL4-bp$j_ý saai a brlght iUtile bqy. 'W rage warmi sauuy, but 1 dau't tiJ reai hot.'" Yea, t. i-Itays -iu the. papor that th. lhsrniomsteriWÀgit,#»a~d - taeat, andi you knowblood is rd" 1 ia.- O aima vlbe sqld eail LUMBER!_LMBR. LUMBER MERCHANT, in . - T 'Y'. - -DoSea., L Uv5. w To rs. LyL, W.AID.M8, KING BROTHRBS, -- - - - -- ý[ WHITBY. O1 29- 1 SRI - XT n Qry 1 T4.1

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