21 YEARS ESTABLtSIIED. TH1E WHI1BïCBRONICLE ]FRIDAY MORNING, From tire OffaeCaaoNICLu Building, Brook strest, Whltby. TEBMS: $1 epaANNUM IN ADVitNOI Th* Ç1imoNieLu ha.à large? eirculationi trau &Dy otiier pape? ie the Coanty cf Ou, tario. JS. Robertson cf Bros,, rIIOPRIHTORS. TERMS 0F ÂDVERTISINO. Fîrat insertion. per lice, 10 cent;esacir aubsequatit icsertion, à cents. DiplaSyd Advertiseeients are masuiirad by a scases ecf sltd Naupareil, aud charged Âdvert'Lentl sent without wrtten lu- s1tructions iuserted until forbiddeu. sud ebargad for fuil tires. Orderu for dîescontiniiin5 ..dvrtiltrne muet ha lu writiug, otherwise the pu bliehers will net ha reepeusible. A libaral discoount for outrsct advertise- monts by the vear. Capy fer changes of ceuntract advertisernouetshsould be hauded iu not lat'r hIen Wadnesday ;acd notice cf aey intendoid change.s eetld haivan h- foe Teesd.ay ceeu. Other advertlselmenèts revoived ni> te Thursdsà y noon. Business notices lu local or news colurans tnrt insertion 1& cents par lino cf Nonnp- reih;10 hcents Psr lina escir subsaquetnt ru- sortieri. ive cente par lhua par sununi, Correspoudence slicited frare &Il parts cf the Couty or uighboring townships Cor- resparirlnts are raquestaî tot seui lu their eeiumuuir'ationis as prareptly sas possible. 40B PRINTING DEPAJITUENT. 'l'iris Dapartmant ls watt seuppliad wth tire Newet aud Haudeomeet St yles nf Type suitatle for every cas. of JobWairk. 1Ftue Printng a speciaity, Tira Cmnes's eqiipmul u ths respect i. strrtly ilrta. cisse, sud 'la net azceiled by any office iu Easstern Ontario. JOUN E. FAREWELL, LL.Il., 3 ARRIISTER,. Couuty Crowu Attorney, DuItCOUuýty soiciter. office'- Soutir wing, Court Houes, whithy -48 MBÉSUS BITCIIi BILLINOS BA1ÉRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCE RY &c W h. L i t 1x -Y, C. H. RITCHIE. Turonto. W. HA ILLINGS, « Wiitby. JAMES RUTIGEDtE, B ARIISTEIt, &, Offirceforrnetl oc- ru piiiî'd ly Farewî'l C Beftltgt, îrxt te Royal Hatl, BravI St., WitIhy. DAVID ORMISTON, B.A, ATTORNIiT-AT-LAW, SOI.ICITOR IN Cirartvery, Con voancer, &C. Orrnct-mntire Officesntir af tire Peut Office, in MeMIfU&ni Block, Brook Street, Whirtby. iy.hO ROBIINSON & KEINT, (LiTa Dvooi-5 & RItioue.) 3 ARIkISTERIS-AT-LAW, A TTORN - Ucys. Solcitors, Canvayancans, &c. OFFICE.-lu Victoria Chamerai, Ne. 9, Vctria Street. .1.1. RoiNseS, X. A. Hiessien A. E. K&Tai. G. YOUN(. SMITII. L L. B., BARRISTER, &c., &.-Mauey ta Loan BIssuen of Marriage Licences. Orvicz-Over Dominion Back, Wiitby. Tan. 22, 1878. (tf-8 J. RAMER <REENWOOI>, TTORNEY AI) SOLICITOR, COiN Aivyucer. Notary Public, &c-Post Office Drawer No. 11, Whity, Ont. Ferasbouglît sant sold Maria~ge Ie- ruants, illt sud Trrîess made Slpenalties. l>aui uegotitet ou &Il tiride of Property. 42-ty JOHN B&S.ILDon" 13ARRISTER-AT-LA\W, SOLICITOPR Blu Cirsnoery, Cenvazyancar, &-e. Office-Devenill's Blockl. Brock Street, Wbîtby- MONET TO LEND-Prtvate Fund,- ln uers up ta *8000O, et s iew rate ot ie- terest. ' ly-62 LYMAN ENGLISII, -L L. B., )AIUISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN B)Chapery,Covoyarcer,&c.,&çt. tin- os Street, Otsra.a Wina. MCBRKBP, MD.. M.R.C.B., G UY'8 HOSP>ITAsL LONDON, EN.,, th. eye R. .0. L..Oshawa, Ontarlo. C RDi.BÎAiT Pirysicenr, Surgeon, Accoucher, &o., &C. Wiitliy, Sept. 8ti, 1874. 40 DRt. IV. UTKDEURSON, L ATH Acting Assistant Toronto Azytum fer [Ins. OFFICI-That lately occupied by Mr. C. Nonnse, Insranace Ageni. lIROCE STREET, - WRITBY. W. ADARS, DOOU$ OVER JOHIN FEROUSONS Ii Clottiicg Estabhieliment, Dundaast., Wiitby. o)ffce heurs from 9l a.m. ta 12 m., sud tram L.30 te 6, p. mn. teidence-Cor, cf Byron s:rd Gilbert treetà . Suitable for wý&pping purpose, ar under carputoec.e, 25 cents parhumdrd Apply ta tf-- THIS OFFInCe AtMERICAN , AGRICDITDRIST, 100 Columes apd 100 Engravings inesaèiisue. 43rd YB". $1.50 A YU5R. Bondi tire.2c.- stimpu for Sarupte Cepy (Eugtih on German) of tirheas: asn A 93ST AesicuLTUeAr. J ousisAnLu0tire WOrld. ORANGE JUDO0W., DAVID W. JIDD, PR. 751 Brodway, Nov York. lINS tan tirs we4l% losts. ed 10 cents fer IiIIIpsssssetw l lmail yentrot, anroyal, Yeu la tirewaye angsinme>,e bu . p% .. Z l oaie " sari Yoe eauvark a aithei.timseor lte =: ie ay Tic work îla nvensal>, adapteriLthursexe, yeniowandt nId, Yoe ao usty rnfranc50oS cei tS eve'seulog. Tiret&aUl vst variamay tte bti. nisevu mals Cthie folîewlnu lnparaI. tuentd effet; t tà di Ileare W eil i îee vsyu "na.s filtus thel,.treublse t na. ullor wili bW aises liiitiose Îvir h o irl lIis e thrîe rt. Oust m., ssa biouw muieDonet due. "-th". dBWs issu ea pur O ' XDZ1J L 1' I I 9 HIIONICLE. Wlth caln Prlnted verdi, grue ehojsghti, aird itrlg lnduMsttyq, adyocate peace, progreus, Knowledge, Brotirerhood. VO0L. XvIII1. WHITBY, ONTAIRJO, F>PÊIDAY, AUJGUST 8, 1884.NO34 - £untan. PA TE NT S THE WESTERN BANK 0F TCANADA, WEITB Y, - ONTÂRJO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. Whttby, Nov. 7tir, 1882. ly-47 ONTARIO BANK, WHIITBY BIRANCHI Brack Street, - - Whittry. Jil. ADDISON, CANADIANS eau seure patent. ln Ire Unitedit Satom on the sa emarisauCisons. t ii irat la patent frat lu tire States, lIns .eeuring a.17 yrm patent ; tirervise lime yUl h. timitcd 1vayanw Total coul cf United Stesu Pa tnt $6, oraly $90 an maklug application, tire btaneaouly viren patentà ta slleweri. Total met of Canadien 5 year patent, #M4; for $15 yeers, $74. Oc recelpt of motel or dnrag. witli description of invention, w. willstend advice,retcrenccssudetrcularirce. Addrsss, C. A. SNOW & C0., opposite U. .tSolicitors ai Patente, FINANCLAL AGENT. 'rtn m" aigov vlu Mn ie. shre yen miv hie adrer- ' . Box 114, tt.osennt. -1 ai>, WrnITBY. PIANOS TTJNED. MONEY TO LOAN! 8ît0000fu t INVESTMENT. ON REAL ESTATE SECUBITY. At iawsst living rates of ieterest. Macey secured within 10ay. of ap. plicationi. Apply te JOHTN FARQUHÂARSON. Wirfthy, Fehruary 18i.i, 18W. C. NOURSE, Insufance and GenciaI Agent, Repreaning tle tolaning compaules: Phoenix Fire Insurance C'ompany', of London]c, Englanît. North British and Mercantile I nsurance Co., cf Editlîîirgl :utt n îlt British American Assurancc Company, of Tîtrouru London Guarantee df Accident Compîany, cf .Englauît. ÂPR'riAI'Ear R TE Canada Permanent hoan & Saings Co MONEY TO LOAN, Ou 1mprova't Firmis at law rate of Interast AI-o 5.- t ,:ry Tresuirnr of thra Ceunty Arîrutetuirb1Sociterof tSouttu Ontaria. OFFICL AI Fuel Office, l3rock Street. 19 ~C e1a11Ctous A. A. PO ST. (lae t'.,t argir'>, Laugley &Burke, Toronrta AR C Il I T E C T. Dasigus fer Cburches, Vilrasesud Cottages Drwngsprepredfor re- 0rric,, far tire present, st hie residence on Kingstan hiosd, Pickering. P. 0. Bai 202 Wumvsv GEO. T. GUXPRICUT, Tuner. ton Meusr.Mamon & liz, Tarante, witI ire in vhitiry about tire middle cf May. Parties vising hoir Pianos propairlytnod wil piuseleaehir arder. with Mes.re. LYON RUPIRTPhotograpires, WibI kinsan'a Block, Wbltby. Morsr b y mal. &ddresed ta Messrs. Mascu &BiÉ Tru te, WIi remeve prompt &Utiolo 1-10 os'Q8TEEpR2 '1 To Thine Owu, Self Be True. [London tEng.) Spoctator.] By thine own saut's law tearu ta live,- And if mec thwart thea ake ne heed, And if mec bite thee bave no cars; Sicg tbeu thy sang sud do thy deed. Hope hount14 hope sud prry thy prayer, And claire ne crown they wll1 uotgi va, Nor baye tirey gru-dge thea fer thythie. Keep Chon thy sout-sworn steadfast oath, And bo thy hesrt ha true tby lraart; Wirat tby soul teaches tearu ta kuew, And play ont hine appoiuted part; And thou siraît reasp as thon shait sew, Nor belpad cor hindered iu Cby growth, Tu tiry full stature thonu aat grow. Fix on tire f utures g cal thy face, And let Chy feet haclured te tray Nowhither, but ba swift tu rue, And nowhere tarry by the way, Untit at lest the end re won, And thon mayest look hack frere tby place Aed s8a thy long day'. jouney dene. PAKE>NRÂM BILTI'r. The Girl7Graduate. She lias bain of flaxen yeilow, sire bas eyes cf sappirirs biue, Sre iras cheiks tirs softest, daintiest, like velvot ta tire touair; Sire kuows more than 1, or Cwenty athere like me ever tcnrw-' The trouble is, she knows a lot tee muci. Sire han gradnsted eleverly, has Calcenere degre; She cen einlueveu lauguages, sud read a dozen mare;r But liow would ehe coreport herseif if Crken au mny knea- How set if she were kissed bhhmd the door? Cen botaey, zootegy, astrnony, sud sncb Add graesta whist dame NpCure tock sncb pains tu reake 50 well 7 1 "hs I keew a littie more, or she cet quite go muci- My favorite flower wa. neyer a Blne Bell. I're nly gat a sing?e hýpa ta pin my failli uht>- Ona hope. as teint anrd viaiorrary as s no igdrear- Perbsps aiaitdra ler classics for a geod, old-fasbioced waa, And ha won frein urathemetics hy rcc crearn. Perbapethe day I kies bar she îuay coyty ki.,stme hack, Like e girl whose ouly lauguirge le her gracef ut motirer tonjýne; Penhaîue but auly t aucy, if. 1 ha eu'C got thc kneck 0f wariug, ae Ibey wunad lire Greeks erueug. No reattar; iuk coecirology (excspt ber mea shaH aear). Sirtirbotauy fexcept lire Saxon glanies ef ber hair), Siuk languages (excepl cuough ta taIt ber sic i. dean>, Il eîndy for the ardent sud darm I-s written my proposaI, sud I have ber sweet repiy, I'y. woncbrzasd lIl wear ber, for indeed I love ber well; But liow vain venu ail my doubtinqu; sire' sa. ignorant as 1- Sire acceptitre, and sire cannot avec spel THE SAMà GA2ME 13Y y. La.tELON.1 In tire day. viren allirhe world vas ramanio, and ne oe e as asaarnof a il, twe gentlemen oonoeived the pre- posterous, but ai tht lime raîlisi Lasionable ides., tiraI, beesuse tliey vers friends, tiroir sonsud dinguter, then infante lu their crailles, muet love socIrater vhen iley graw ta b. ma= and vomaii. Having comparait notes, and fenad Liai y qrulte agroed on Ulis point ibey set go wor# vtUt & ïealwororbf botter cause to arrange mattera se tira tireî muet tur out exaotty as tirsy delired. If they lived, of course. Oair'comn- mande would b. sufflient. 0f ibis they vire assure.. But, iif hsy died, vira 1mev vhsl tvo lgolde4 Young people niight do? Oonuequenty, oaci made a vili, and lmter ver. se srzanged tiratif iitbez oui. ,young people doolined the. band ci ibe ailier, tira young porson voulé be penniosi, a=4 irisor ber "tte go te tire etber Young person virevawu lling W Carry-ouitirhe pi. tomai bobegt. - ft 6le op yea.r, the gentleman wio8ý ,eil as a daugbter loft iri nsAir land for' America, virie 'tirs P lr, w ub as awidower. iis wife baig given ber lIte fer ibat 4>1 f b son, râemainluEngland; 50 tiret lb. 0«=a rehed boteive tire romîntic The Engair resdeont vanamed i ià lYoung - iau, b-ira el~ igh h.sc -te move ]If ,lakot upon crutobes, Money in the Pocket of COMBINA! IChronictei -Cliromicle Clirouicba Clirouiclei Chrou re Clirorîi-le1 Chroruîv :o 1 Chmouicle Chrouiclei Clironicla, Clîronicle Clîrouiciel Chirenicle Chrouiclo i Clîranicle Chroniele Ohronicle Clirouacla TMON MATES. ($4and Weebdy Gloire ($1) ( )and Woakby Mail ($l) 1) sud Weekly Advetiser ($1) 1 ) aad W'eakby Wiiueris ($l) 1 1 an(t Weekly Star ($1i 1amnd Rural Cacaittus ($1> 1ard L-rinire balr ($1.50i) and Suuday at Homne ($1-50) an sd BoYs' Owe Papar ($1.50) aud Girls' Own Paper ($1.504) 1 ud Amuericitu Agrielttiralist ($1.50) an md Tha Honseliold ($1.104 1) and Grip ($2) 1) and Sciantif c American ($3.204 1) aud Âmerian Farmer ($1) 1) and Scottiali American Journal ($2.504 iý and Trnt.h . 1and su>' tva Daller Welies or Mcthlies--threa 1) and auy iliree Dollar perioiceal-tour penuodioml 1) sud two Monililies piblbaed ai $1.50-8 periodicale - Walker's [coming thro Rye1 Whiskey. Dek Gin, St. Emilion Claret, St. Estephe B. &G. Medoc Ulennes-sy Brandy, Martel c Boucher c 1ITAL 1A N the Native Wine, Finest Port Wmne, [Gra,- Fineat Sherry Wino, [Gor- don's], Lime Juice, 4 Also Lime Juice Cordial, Aie and Porter on- draft, aiso bottled. WAR EHOUS E. Me MO'DONOVAN,. Carriage -Works, Whitby, Ou)Ite Offens t lpbtaaarestocit of FINE CRIGS OiI5~JPI8~ ooerad Photons, Bulzgie&S08nrey Waggons, Douter QXensWbs.Jal Box, Side and Eleptie Springs, Enrik& ansIe Tmki ges, Thie bovistook isnuf~u. ri T-hit , -emi11.mù Ib ONTARIOuS Issr.Ai- $2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 0 2 00 2 50 2 60 2 50 2 60 2 50 2 10 8 00- 4 20 2 00 8 50 2 50 8 00 4 00 4 00 Magazine otS TES TVa vo fi 65O 1 65 1 65 1 65 1 76 1 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 10 1 60 2 60 8 70 1 85 8 00 2 00 2 50 8 00 8 25 2 5 5 5 5 50 40 50 50 S50 40 50 50 1 00 75 'A VA LU A BLE PR EM I UM consisting of large litirograpl lite-Mie patrat-Size 22x28-e.f Lord Lausilowue, (Cnada's uew Governor General,) Han. Oliver Mawat, RtL Hou. Sir Jalin k.Madond, on 11ev. Dr. Wid, willi e preaanled free te every subscriben te the Cunaereee-, vietiser tire paper Asesent &loue on lubbed with auy othen periodical. (When portraits are sent by mail 10 conte extra must bo ad.- deai Vo covar cast of postage sud protectors.) It le votîrs to tak-e advantage of these liberal terme je. W. 0O. JOIINSTON, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYoR. Can ha faunrî at Cir a Lw Officeaet J. G. Rail y Esq -Wlitby, orsit the reideece ot Mn. Rose Jairetcn, Penny street. Dominion Wood Works, W HI TBY. Geo. Cormack, L UMBEIR MERCHÂNT & BUILDER. -A large SU ppiy ot Buldera'PFrniah- legs, and aml ilesof Twistent Motdinga, Doore, Sash and Blinde, LUMIJER wholossha ndretail, orby_ b>, the car laid. Piauler, Mauldinga af even>' descrip- tien, Flaaing, Sheetiug, Sirebviug, Re- swing, Shapicg, Turcleg. Scrat-vork, etc., etc. Wiltby, Oct. [GIr, 1878. -48 K ING IIROTHLERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importera, Deaersensud Manufacturer. cfia&l Kinde af LEATHER AND FINDINS,1 Cash pald for Rides,, Iark asud Lisîher. Leather setretched. E5 BELTING MADE TO OtIDER ON SHORT NOTICE. May. 18.2 2 MR. J. H. DATES, Newspeper 4,dvertaIsa g Agent, 41 Park Rov (Timnes Unildleg), New York, la autlioiicd tu coutrect for ,sdvertase. ment.tutahie CHRONICLE nt Our best rates.i T HIS PER my ire tfuard on aile et . Gea,1P. Reveil &Co' Newp6perÂAd. vertîmlng Bureau (10 Spruce St.), vhereiad. vettinrg. ennrits may hi made for Itlui Nav ou.-18 LUMBER ! LUMBER 1 cj0 OH N 0ON, LUMvBER )LE1WUANT, W H 1 T B*Y , Hie on band fkl.argsuipply of aIl linda ef Barn Lûià ber. Boards. and'SU a! ieeeuu g s Clînouiclo Building, WHITBYI Dovorell'sBlock, WHE[JYI ibeJore it is too late. Union Blocka, TORONTO@ DU'-p ue: EvDB LEBRA TED, SETO P CAL -FOR SALE- At the MEOICAL HALL WvV7HIT BY . G. E. GIBBARD. Latest Lauglis. It m-krve a milkman'e wife bleeli 10 abkliber if her Filk drene le watered. The orrly people who never gremble at their lot are thoére Who occonpy one in the ceeery. A New Engtand poat bas written Ê6 bird poem oentitled -Ohirrnp 1 Chirrupl" Yet he would get mad ifany one ehould cait hlm a chirrup-ode ist. A mian in Cincinnati lias discovered a process by which a corpie may be converted into marbie. What a loveiy barb.er-polle Sarah Bernhardt wi5uld inuke 1 L-fo ie tike a hiane. Thers are traces of care, lines of trouble- bite cf' good fortune,braaches cf geod-mannes's bridled tangues1, and evéwybody ha& .& tug ta pnffthraegh. - An aId lady ha-Viug seven marriage' able d-aughterq, fed them excneaively ou a fish diet, becauee à is rîib i phos- phores., and phosphores le the essential thicg tn makiug matches. Tha ewe port recently opecsd at Trieste coet $7,800,000). The battis cf new port wa openiad the other day acly colt sevfnty-five cents. But, then, editors get everything for nathing. An aidebecriber bsing fhauded hie paper right froin thp press, eskcd -why thre paper was sa damp. Tire editar saut ho did not know uesi it was ihe- caese tire was sa mcl due on it. The seats in a certain Western chcrch are set on pivote, like those je a dry- goods store. This ie ta ecable the maie portion of the congregalion ta lseep à sharp look-out for the enirance cf the cross9 the ocean te meet bis betrotlipî, *7founey je taouey, sentaven an cob- and give give ben an epportninty to je ut liko yoe is botter Chue pavenîy. refese bina. -['Il have You. Thougir how folks Tire news of hie arrIvai Lroeglrt mb viti hallahitaesea us peirad off tuigetirer. full activity thoFa feelings of repugneuo One couifort, theugir, mnoiroken dowc that Elsie lied conceived for Haroldijeas yoemtoa le, 300 cen't laet loug." lier childhood. "On tbe contrpry. I expeot to lire te Sire had, for a virile, nasolved ta ha eigl;iv,- eid tIra yoocg mac, yielà ta tbler dre tar's wiýhû8, Lut *rEsptetCclues din't go for ranch," uow sir e fat tiret it woulr haclim- sjd J3eîey. "*Louk how tira nId folks possibte. vv, ilt," How could seswad Oce s stineyer ti\va weo upived cf the6ir affectionl saw. very eeiicîeuly," raid] the Young mn, Yet thare vas eneegli of woldîy via- sighing. "lMy fiitbiar oved yoers dean- dem in hberliead te Leachr hanrliow ly,.Mis Seabriglit." mach botter it was ta ha nic-là iran ta ."Falka will tika qumer notions,' eaid b. ponr. Betsy. "-Well, 1 mat euy yen areana If ho refnsed lierlher fortune sud Lis objeci. I cou'tlilelp haughing wlirsnrver alec woalit ba ber oran by Iaw. I lool ai yen." 6h. woult] force him ta refueebr, .r.'je cli bava a vory rnorry ifa te- and tIen sire vould retenu hinm hisanu geilier,' cait Haroîld, -'if yonr disposi- ail w oetd bc as it sbouîd. tion continues." But boy coold she do this ? "Oh,,I1sturr't seca mach of you," said Tire girl stfor a vhie in deep 'reve- Betey, "I can promise von afler the- riand agthe r -ad l.pped ber ring te un. bandetogeter. «Wbsat posaaesed ye t smash your. A thougît bl atruck lier.e-If ep Boe? But 1 sban't re-tuse von. Tire. as ie tire bouse a sesuistrees 'lt's money makes tire maea go,' ss -a vulgir girl, as plain as il vase pos- Ire Id sane,." ibis for a womaan ta bre, and vitîr as "It snay- lie," i aHrold. "Butilt mach concait as aey Young beauty wass[haemnaestand sitl for mue, tiren. I aven hleeaead witb, qoîtte ctino tC u lhl the engagement. Hanr ougb Manae t nlW06YS cf 80, Madare, yen h@ve tire fortunevitir- eper-eirbait becorna proverbial ar-inuget ont m-y incumrbraucu jen my persan." lier owe diase, île othaer servante spc ak "Aud a g-ot ritidaacecof liad rab- ing of bar geueraîty as Crusty Betsy. tisu, Gany 11i', cnied Baeysj. And tbis girl Liait of late beau occu ITirr are botter filh in tic sas thac pie in the noom cf bar Young mietresa van or vromee woeld lia pennly off. aven saieanov itress-es. Yon'ragoing, ehi? Sinaiglit to this departuient Etle -"WV,11, tira souer the botter. Mies flow, sud Iocliug the door, sut dowu Smith, ring the hle." opposite Batay sudd tai- Far aroseansd toeudli the bell. "I lave eonetuing for yen lu uta, tLnt noir Chat the deait was doua and Bats>', sud l'Il psy yen weil fer if." ber- ubject attained, seafait t]readfuily "Jeat naine il, then," said] letsy. asia med of irersaif. "Wliec I vas a littia girl, letsy," ICertsiuiy a more ubhapy eut singe. salit Riais, "pennpapa promisedat li i(anr object tIse Ibis lielore bar could -aboula mant>' a youeg gentleman whc not wili ha imagincit. 9 - lilvas leEnglant] whee I wae gruwu, Indcî(l, cempaselonato ase vas irer an su iat if 1 t]id net I ebonit] lono my hcart, iha felt that bis appearanco was fortune. eut only prifun but altuost indioroas. * "Nov tir, lime bas coma, et ho i.1 But al ibe moes sould lha bave coming, sud I onn't msrry him, Bat- beau îceularly sud kiudîy nusa. sy, sud I vaut bhlm te refuse me. Do Âud tis gentleman-for hideaus as r yonuenderstad ?" lie vas, laieî-iieutly vas a gentleman- 'il nutirstacit," saiiiBabsy, -andl if liy bnaeding as veli as liy lirtb-bow I vawre yoe lahuIT hm uIT qeick w v onî]hinefontir îhink of lber ? ienougir, sud make him gladt] bge', îir.t Ar. ha teft tira mcmrita fotîowed Lmr 3I woeld." and lire servant iiro Lad ausersd tle -And]1 canet îbmek boy ta do il, Bel- bell rctircil at ber not], 'ut lefitirhe tva à sy," sail Elsie, -and if yee eau you tcget.irn atire hall, %vharo they cocrai mmcit do it for nie. irezýr tlira lorngudnvioet explosions of r*Wit hlie t,,,,s you mort preteud laugirten n-ith vwliiclr iiaiy as nov tbrut yen are Mi~- Scal-right. ftiliug tIe drawireg m oona. "Yoe muet wr-an uimy clotirce, ant- "Mn. lHsrringtou," sait Elsie,licr face taka &il tire airs 3'ou possibi>' eau, an 1 crimsoeing as EIa spolia, "Iourucot let makie hini as ul.appy as possible, cri you go vithout a word af explanîlion. r tiret le'it tiare to refusa you-tliat ila "I-1 lavehae sa grieved that yen nue, yen kuow. shoulitbcha 5 insultoai, I caver meant "Be as sharp as yen oe witb Lim, -' Batsy-cever tire Ilest bit kint]. Yon'll "My deer Young had>,yon have catir- tny, %von'& yen, Betey ?"' ing ta do witb il, and My feelings are 1 "«1 can gins anynna as gocil as' tiey neût iutire toast lent," repiied tle Young sonit, mies," said Betby. man. "l'an no measy-moulli, sud you'll "Bat. I am amazea tiraitirâtabosua pay me val], Miss ?" - ha Mies SeelinighL. I kcow sbe is a 'Il giva yen aà liendradtiends, lady by birtir. I undarEtoodt iat île Bots>'," sidthCir girl, "for yon'il sure vas irmintifel and gentle. 1 -" 1 me se> frsedem sund my fortune. ",Oh, Mn. Harriegton," cried Elsie, B "IYoe'il cot refuse hlm, yaunlruov, "I1tiave beau secli a footieli girl 1 She f Oise aityl libc spoilt." le cet Mise Seabriglit. I am MissSea- * VIIÇj manae"a,Baia l3atsy. bigit. "I-I-It vas a idicnlae r Thon tire Ivo girls lait ail aller vork slrataem cf mine. I bit-d lih ides V aexamine Eleis's waritrobe, sud soon cf a hetrotirai ta a sitraugen, and I de- Betey vas dréesai in the moet eleant sired tiraI ycusaboulat talle the initiative B ittire,,ier hait powdered, as u'as Che in île lreiig cf cnmatch." t customo, andl white glovep epen ber Tira Young man boived, Jcoked ai lber lande. a moment, sud tIen repieit fankly- à "M»d I, ssid Eiie-"I i liab your "Msdam, I quite appreniats yaur î pour cempanian, acd you muet cel mne motivas, snd entiret>' forgive ye. - 1 à MIse Srnish, s0" euub me, sud or,4t -i ' Pi1ejs'dl-90aseépi y»oiur -Inviîstioo."I iraout." ' ccandingty, bMiss Seabigiriordoreit r Thus vas att arrangea wvirn tire lit- s servant ta ehov Mr. Harngtan toan tdc letter ElOie lad besu s0 long eXPeet- apartimen t oIùthe upper flort,; and ne- -iug arriveit, sud hresking its bIne e ai, ired tei ber ovri room to dres for din- abc read tbat "Mr. Harringtan vautit ner. % psy hie -reepects te MiseSeabnightitnluTac mirntes after lier eutrance imb mu heur, trie apatmcnt, tire servant brought beh- Hov Mies Sambrighi isugletsas ebe a barge buntie anai a ateai note. eset aitiug iu t la r-sieg-room,valcir- A bendle several ftest lang, asuda mue fing Betsy ssii op sud daim viit h an era fev iliucireesquare. i new sesumption of dignity. Sire apenesi tire numte- first, sud rad 1 Bciey, viii tls most amiable ien- tirese vens- rtions, vould bave been sure of cffcnd- ".My Dean Mies .Ssabnghe-I also iugbave a confession te, make, I a0so, But Botoy, boni au beiug unpboeaut, before-I.mat yen,* md ùeà flved liai weuld ibe e grand onouem eyeu abouta bcire e ai t otline tle à usL thon Betsy berseif looksd tfram' uonitieions et eus' ftliere ville, iriteuil i tie wldov.ieg sfterwoafdes -le gvon yeack uxeyu b "Oh(), miss," absire e, "tbere'sa a share cf île propsriyi Oaoequentlya caCriatuebLiedeoansd there'saà gen. - -Est about ýdoviQià Rg a cisU2e; sudý olmncm u of'etil. mteetding my eocleôlaay lettone, it occur- * "Bloss ne I if tirat's hlm, -Idouè'tQ Mt re thit ai ne e rs'went-tlirà rtie >wanter'jye net taire off yeur match. ae naany suamît -accidents <uits un- Doary me 1- ah, deayme!" eo sathed anti un married beotre, ntsfesiecoula expîlin aser- " uw ritwavmenveds vetBt bogr E seacetb.n hoti erry ha. v£ery iideous m w m Iel Am5 Wbcssh and viii b. moIdst 1~lces, Uîfor cl Before iPurohasing Particu.a attention paid to&' Custaman (iookieg aven the rer-taursuit bllI of'fae)- "Pe-rmit mue ta cc.gitate.- Iu the conretation af forces it if;a reccg- nizat proeat>' of efemi-"' %Witr- sirouts acros hhabal b heirîlserven- "Bakad bases for oce 1" ICtilyen virai, boys;," vxchaimed Old Bnèn, tir ougbr-ct m-n of tire camp. "II tell yen wcf, baya, lb mie a fellen test kieder vater>' raunitte irs eta lear Lirat littbe chi of a îiig sa ilin' udp thar tike au ange i a-siayitt' 'han prayers sa acte, 1'Mary lad, - a huI lambl,' an saîhin' a ortes on" rIî seme to me," saai a jurîge te his daugîler,1"tht ycun yeng tuaitcatis a gaod meny times à a veek. -Myconrt, doeen'i ait anyvhbee ear s 'oftéb-as yoerstas." I"Oh, watt, Papa," vas tire bluebing nepi>', IlI amu engaeui ta im, yeun Jnw, sd tht întitles As teu s court of special Isln. A gentleman mae. is v' aulito f ihe - bad-chamber of eue et bis fients, "ait fpund hm fest sslssp vilir -ajir 'of- s pectacles upan ibis nase. "Wlist 1t" cnetdire, swakening hlm, "dc yen veur yaur liepectactes virile yen -sta1ep-l" "Oh 1"replied itheailier, '11Ism 50 usas siglited tiret yuthcet ýmy giasr-ea coutd es uaihing vistever in, my lue afi& cf nage sud dionppeintment beomnea, nemi esiti le videntiy 'net , Ibomiug" as ui>' yas ihe visirea lir ise ueigibrbo e Ieeditor etf2The Iorwa Capiw e sclaiMs . "A torjado is 1 wind Stou, but ever>' -avera -,wind siorru iura7t atorncade, ;No't by fve or- sixhundlred miles an heur t, Will noea- papor reparlera phoase nmke a naota- ef 111e, aud stop tiroir idiodl4' Iying ab lit, mvi .weaslher. 'IPlîsshsiamt eei-a LIl GLOITE CLEANERtl -FOR SALE BY W. R, HOWSE, CHEMIST AND DRUIGGIST, WHITBYY Special Clubbing Offer Whitby CHRONICLEI Every Newspaper and Reader. RORBERTSON He JAMESON.0 PURE .LIQUOILS. 1 ih' tr cou 1 1 - . . ý 1 1