Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1884, p. 4

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-I -UM TÈà AN RUomiiOP BIVICE3 Re Nv. IA . F ier, B4. iector. Smerromat i1 adn. simd 7 p.m. St. JOHN'B OIIIJROU, (Port Whltby>, ner. W, B. Watnmey, M.A. Incuinhent. sBest aI11:0) 16M. Aloo 7.00 pm. 3i Tovn Hall. Ca1 à A KTHODIBT ORUROHI. er If Mlloahby.M. . Pastor. Sowao..s 0& .m. andi 7 p.m. ST., ADREWS CHUREXE (Ptesbyterian Bu',. Ino. Abrahrami, -l'aster. Service ai 11i&arn.ond 7 p.m. BAPTIST OHURCE, Ro. . P a. Barker, . Pator. Service st 11.00 auxz. and 7:00 pin. R. 0. OHUROR, (St. Jehn.a). Bey. b(atbor MoCaul. Pbst, Servicole > s:3on-m.tndi 7 pin.. ON THE WING. Tîme eo' ArrivaI and Dtepirttireore Trins, Mails and tauies S'lANOiARDtI(M TE. OremimiIrssnkBrilmamy Gomis.o50 Exprea. 7.5'7 su a mm l I4.4i pou. S iie, 7.37 llu R.p25is 8 .37 n. 7mee .fX) .ifl. MIei 3.201 Pe.i 4tîi .2 RaIIom, laay. Exr.i p m ,x1au 7:3 0 aul. FaI.sII 13.10ftP.mI. ltx ne tl. p.in in. 1 , n b i. 1,. lIn,. Laaia fur OUhwa a% 1000 A.inmand .0, llnauglihmnt mi.30 a. Wh3tby Post Offico. M.ibA2LLS 09s ONVIA. LOS8E pyo nu, "fATý VU a six 7.(X)ar m 7.15 îI. i . 7161) pni. Fo te ortS pMr. Fer llrm'iigumuiiu .m. ARRIVE. ?un05 tiWtiVI. rpou TUE IAN?. 10.00cm.16.00 p. i. Pros e rt 1 Issu. rioiBroammn4 . Où . Onssima ii, ls oss Piffer 7.00 &..Due blogidlti 10.30 c. ni,* Ptoga ete Great OrltaJiî-7î for j ais) ly eth aUte, . ra fmi tm.5cm. Muximi Ostaxms mgrantou *aJtiiMaoy miner '.0. floms (si <1soade, Uniltedi(Stteit, (Irvat lritaIn, Prince Edwmrd Lelati, 7iamonidlid mand Inds.. OuBmara rocaloniasiumder il. re4ýuItiammi -4 the 004 OfMce OSalgi' Bliai mmtweani tea lmurm mA *sM tua&d Co fi). m. Ristmred lbotta,, iiiiiltic faoted1minmubes bittore Cia clof ma Ah mild. Offits horm s on. .tuail 0 ..iSuays et. cepteif. lbmrlgmm Petage. Oasuca a lma'lîm laosi amitted In iothetli I',a Usilon tiere sit Are.siraogemieiit o ma lu te sla Fur AustIIA, Baiioins, Donmark, loclammi, Ery f t. lPmo, Alganîs, Uarmmuy, Gilbraltar, retlirait- Asoi Ira rlidi, Oroooo, ltai%, LiixetmIlmra. bMAltA. MlolitenmO(, Ntitau NitiAid Narsi al 'ortu. rs1, Azur«., ItUmaniA, iu.tlà, ii. Pierre 8iaronlA Sîilu,-he suilalasiila, Swemli, SwitzpriAiml sud' Turkey. Ai vinUniltedl Statem: -Bermuîda., Dialianism. ,Cuba, Dasais mjlontit ofM it. Tlîau, S Job". lit. Crolx, ismotia, Jo m ansd iPorte Rc.(NeWiouudlsod lîtîQilei t a ota<l Unioun but thes Poilai Rates reniIts ubalaie.) Lmtten ô conte lier 4 osai. Poimel cards 2 centms eh. Nompaîm P conte for 4 ougu,. itaalmtastatiom Por Adenm Argentine, Conoderatlon, Bîriant Britimh Quioa, CeIon, Groenlandl, French Colo- i lluAils, Arles, Ocuem if ndAmrictioiexop t li. Pirs snduifquelon, Pers, vie IonIa C0il1, Portugum C olouWsmln Ails, Miles, Ocanîca, -iWe.,Spuilih ColonIesln lu Ma, Ocroolos m»d AMerlos, except Culbs sid Porto RIaie, Stits~ bltfomeoc la Sl.oosoe, Poasui snd Malacca ;- Ltises toc. es 1 oz. *flmio, &., 4 et&t. O4ast. Otbsm' Rat;§imtdfou1a lu cecta. Ws all ds lol&rda vis Hlifaxls. minie rate u lonn11s.y. rspayssiemot y laMio mle sIl a.a.. AU#toalia (exasPiNew South WaIeo, Vctoria), smlig~aneif -LoUonrs 70., pâs 4m c. Austrmli,o4 sw Southi Wales, ltoria, Quoisanu. Land., Letteen l16 atm.., pâioro 4" No ew alan, ifrs Ssii Fmnleca-Lettons 1à conti, psperi 6 coua.C. liCUlSE, îotnisti. La Mort. f Froni tlecCiroent.] Tho day in ddi. . ehow bis life blujodyez The sot loid.pillows ini the wetern akym. Wbst tho' asinila tmlIglorifiai bis oyeoa? 1 tell you te in deadi 1lVhy liter haro TUI ithîmme îînsi lit.ly iroofiofmîdeath sliiear, And the "Àd Nght drimpt ars lîjon his bien Nay, lot us go, wlîilo y et tho skies aie red Ere dgrknummsdrswB ilie curtsinâ of hie e ai, Omr lut lmuo.k imideis imI» louoifii,thi' iead. Deat Love ià dood :siaiuu by lis uwxi deiglit. Wh" thehbie feverialu obek a. straoigcîy 1 to u euo clias doad, in a ieml isight. Lot usn t wat tilI on liii rigid face Thora resta nu lin,, rinq lutr,and uil trace 01Ies urpuiug -aauty and'youg r1100;1 Bro 'round hi. îtiffening transe, t rmimn liad Lu tout, Batiety sliall fold lier windlng hoet, Whillahls stilI toion, thu doami lfait snd sweet. Lot iun shako lîsndc .Tlçroe nnonors to bany. Wopart witb Lovuritil the J udgmenî Dmpy- Thi l i thie end ofdroenm ie ouris olway. ELuWîîu£Lirî Love Tempered~ by Discretion. M sorg trangtlmoed ais t gaeai ile ordî camnee uamhog to n i tiy1, The olnd nId talenutfImove wue tmld, shote icsdodwn at lier inger tiia. Andi thon elle sîske lu accents hmîw Whilo biusheim ted sulfoîsomi lier checmk, ft MAy e wroul ftormeu toskI, But Ue oyou otsaweok 'fliCQomplexion. Oomplexieue differ very. mucha vith lt.elimats, saia a vnitsr. The Eug. lsth.have. beyoud a doubt,,tin o mua b.autLtoh oomplexions in the wvend. &met ica poasea imoelieanty ar tes. turc, Ionhaps, bu t theit complexions -are n'es, noarly se tino. As one gaes farlirnutia tavanda the equatar, aue eu danker skias anti darken bain aud @yue, for aIl tbesphysicai caracter- 14t, averetereue ta climats lu- llueaLec7Upon lwo ,Iligtugh. cou- tlin cf le akin dopentis-ail sud corý iog mater. Thesakin of a vsry aid maan or vaines, for vaut cifi, becaino. like wrickléd, dniaii-up parciment; au AiUbino ha.uacar o y olorlug mater hi.MebaIn, yes, or egnaplexion. To 'finieh I wii <iive you a recipo for beautilfinig lb. complilo-the eue *eetiby lIa utisons f tclt Rome, Probably ill â a tsniia, ta jmy, -bat -Shon. m.ay be éthaers *hlao yer rosti of il. T"'sWho olsa a t a tfpute of ipe flor aýovèred <bair tuas Vit1Il ona*b'.h 10 Iat.monnl 'hhey valati l off vIlla miIk(thy neyer nar vaaé') anti appliatia lit11e povtisr, il il was de.ued nosay. This, ve are 1.14, ou gocti authoity, la rosy tis béa motiotiof I~lurig the complex Ion wbals @vr MM0b uiOa i"lil ussq«imormd it is Thaéyq gour la W b o ttlvIgdrav froua goeskis eymai uI.ve. 1iëg ea ou -il, Il appoars e tob. afiat êII# Ibis amali quantity 0of alulu wbiles the. bî'ead. I his,05laID80Ma casas of sdaltoraiton, thmre ate lvo gnllîty partiés-tho bayer vho demanda =impossible or unnaturai appotannces, adthe manufacturer or vendez vho supplies tho foolieh dernand. The judging of brsad by ies whitenao s na mistako whîoh bas lsd te mach mis- chiof,agalnst whiolu the recent agita. tion for imwbole eas" in, I thinkr, an extrema rosotion. If the busk, wlich je deaxndad4 by the wholo-meab agitators, wero as di- gestible as the inner flort h07 vOuld unquoslionabiy b. ight. but it ls easy te show that it i. net, and that ilu mre oases. the passge of th1e undigested partilas onay produco nileoievous irritation in the intestinal canal. My owu opinion- on thi.s ubject «(il u romains in the rogilon of opinion rathor than of science) in that a mitdle course je 1he right ana, riz., that broati ahouid b. mode of moderately dreîsed' or "seconmds" fleur rathor thsn orerdroeeo ilfirate3,i or undreesed 'tthirds," Li.,~ unsificol whola meal fdont. Snob seconds foeur dcon. nt fairly produco white bread, sudcoensumeaî arc unwiso in dernanding wbltenees. Iu rny bouseluold we* malkn aur own bnead, but occasionally, wben the de- msnd exocede ordinary supply, a loaf or two i. bouglit from lbe baker. I flnd thot, witb correspouding or ideutical - flur, the bakers broad js vhiten tIbm the home-made, and cor. tespoudingly inferier. I may say, cooless in flarer, it Isoke the char- soteriello of wbeaten swoetness. Thon. are, boworer, exceptians ta this* as certain bakers are now doing a great business in oupplying what tboy eaU "homo-moade" or mfrm-boue broati. It in darker lu celer thau ordiuary brçaif, hut il is sold nevortheless at a liigbcut pnoa, ound 1 finol that it bas the flIsnt of the bresd madeienl my own kit*hen. WVhon their customors b.- corne more intelligent, aIl the bakers will doubtîes ceose a Le murthei.oa- penseoef buying packets of Ilstuff ra "racky,' or any othen bleaching abo)mination-From "Thec Chcmistry of Cuoki'rpi" W. MATTIrEU WILLIAMS. in Pmrpuar Sciaence Muni hly Jor Auquet. The Bursting Force of a Boiler. Feow people caoeOive how powerfulini tirs force inprisoned lu tbe interior of a etentu boiter wlion in active aperation. Theo steastu.g shows a pressure of perbape 10) pounolspar squaro inch, sud the uninitiatemi spectater wba worke or walks carelesly beelule the oppatatue, msy imagine that 100 pounds represoruts the force witb wbioh its fragments venld b. propelled inl case olan explosion. But fb. wbale force et the live steam n 9 *bolier in equivaient Lutbmtheares cof the outire internai surface of tis bolier multiplimd by the pressure per squareinchi. Suppose, for exemple, the internal lonuth o! the bolIer je 240 luches and iLs dismeter sixty-six iuches, aud that tIie eteani guage showîs spressure of 100 pounuts. A matiomatical calcula- tion shows that the total internaI ares cfthe bailer in 86,005 squsre juches, sud bence the imprisonati agent ie not 100 ponnds. but 8.5,605x100 pouudî, or 8,000,500 patuds. Th"i of tirat the nexoin ie you hoar of tl:e onipîcyment cf au incompetent engineer t aamle a bolier whose explosion is hiable te scoud hlai a dozsn men to etsrulty 1 ..M- 1n Kaumiss bas becoeoà very commen, article et diet vlth dyspeptica, anti ae- aarding thle Chicago Revi.ew iL may bce made aI home at a cos1 et 15 centa pan quart. Tho tollowing directions are giran fer iLs manufacture : F111 a quart champagne battIe up to the. ueck wltb pure milk ; add tvo tablospoonfuls of white sugar, ater dinsolri' tle same lu a little vater ovor a bat, fire; adi aise a quarter -ot a tvo cent cake of campresast yeast. Thou tie the cork on tha lotie aecurely, andti hake the mixture vel; .place il ln a room ofethéL tennterature et 90 0e95 0 Fahrenhei forasix bolir, and flnally iu the Ici box orer uigbt. Drink i nenobquantities as the stemaci may neqoîna. It will lie wehl te observe severail Is- Sortant injonetions lu pneparng the oumins, and thoy tare:0T e hisure 1h ai the. milk la pote; that tbe boggie le ceund ; that the yeaat Ja fieuh; ta opon the mixture in tie merning vlth gbeat care, ou acoonut oe tauseffervescent prepentie; ý'net- ta drink it at aIl if thora isanny aurmile ert tickeniug parI re- somhling chease, as Ibis indicatea Iba tho fermentation lbas been- prolougad beyond tho praper tino. l(ske It as you neemi ta use il. The virtue cf bau. miss J is t at ilefreshes andi stimulatma, vith no aller reautien tram its effecte. Iti JOflatn almast impossible 10 obtan gooti rosi keumias, eapeciahly avay romt large owus. The abave maksa tg possible for any physician ta pro- scribe it. Levity With Letters. 0Out of prinit-The lbIter B Groally in demaum-Tie latter D. Always lu delit and diogrce-Tba letton E. Nevmr outcf office-The lstter 1. Alvays iret aud llu nthe river- The letter R. Fnequently late-U, for iL freqnentiy cernces afer T. Qooti <or naught-Tbe letter Q. Alvays lnueue-The btter U. The mrict veicome lbIter of ail-The one willa an X in It. Alvsys avay tram bome.-U anti I. Fenrevar in bed-E. Alwaym crïsa-X. eaîvaesil drink, but nover intoxîcat. aK. UBed to ThatSort of Thing. 66Are yau boi?' Yhrîekod aàticicu pionicking females as a Yong man vas toaeti aven a neigiboring eues by au a,'rm bail, anti ianded on ils hoatilu the midltie of the neati. uIl Hurt?" ho ansvered, "lWi.y af course net; I am usd ta eigdw Iliat vay." oaugdv l eed le 1& 7"' exabaimoti lie fain chorus, smlWy~, boy eau th#I b.?'" 0I1ovua abisycle," va la rsaign las r.ply. - MbYSe Btopp.d tbe lper, S [?&Osa (Ky.) Beacon.) 5mo usonungi, ir," usaBatal yolaugbath au .ashe#ingThé Buona oafce yesterda, leulb.eediher intl' "ýY.. @, min; 1 a ryour" 'Pliaa. tilacneusThe. Naon x *at-f Iortiretinuhu, Min Jv. ai mlk- Waloh your Ovn àpesch, sadnotice suid.d yoiixleu. consciaus A conscaience vo18 of oi1ense butors Goti andti uan leau an lhntanae ,Ior, eterity-[Dasaiel Webster. Mab' ms-à have just enongh fjthilo malte tbem nalseroble, but not efougb le maklt hen hopefâl. Young mon, do îomethlng lu tbis busy, bumtling, wide-avako vorld 1 Moe about far the boneit of manklnd, if net for yourîelve.- [Gough. Otodiaors bave botter memanies lhgn debtars; sud creditors are as upermtg. lions seol-great observera -ofet daSy end times.- [Franklin. To graw aid is quit. naturali; being natural it is beautifut; andi if vo grnm.- hie atit 1frmis1th5Ie loison) aud be a&l tha beauty.-fPisniiall. 1. Tiie moea a diamond bacult thé brlghl. er t Il parkles, and in wvbht seemî bard dealing Qed ha. no end Iunvbut te psnfeot Hi. people'. grsces. - [Dr. Guthrle. What gunpovder did, for van, lb,ý pritng proeas dons fan the mnd ; sud the etatesman lu na longer abad lu tbm eteel of speciai education, but eveny rsading man in his judge. [-Wendoll PhillpE. The grovth of grace is 1k. lhe pub. isbiag of matas,.Thor e initra u opaque surface ; by-and-by yen eee a arkM dartiug out; thon a atnong Ilhl; t1ili et lengtb il .ends back a perfect image of the son that ehinas upon i.- [Paysan. ý When a sumidon sorrow Coona, like tho cleoid and iiiglt tVsli foîr od'g k>tororow Aind ail *111 be brlglit. Only wait and trust Hlm Jimt o littla vlnle; Aftr cveuing tear-drojîs Shah cmainete i murnmlso. -IF. B. Havai-gai. Erery Oeot iu Ibis vaniti je a îyllable breaking tram the lipa of Gati. Every apoch lu affaira ie a campleteti sentence et ais thaught; and lb. grest atreani cf buman hictory je God'o endi- lots rerelation oft HimsIf.- [Ber. J. H1. Ecoli. A book in a livingRvices. Il leaa Apirit walking ou the face ot the oarth. fI continues te be the living thaught ai apersannseparateti tram us by space sud finis,, Mon pas@S aay; cmenu mente crumble imb dusl-vhal romains andm survives in bumsn thougt- [Smiles. And when it in aIl over, and or foet will run no mare, auid oux banda are bel pless, anti ve have ecaraely slrengtb to murmur s lest prayer, then ve shall e* thet lusteami of neading a largunfisiti, vs have left untilled many eorners of our single acre, anti that noue afitiljl fit for ourI ?tlster's oye, vere îl DoL for thi s'fîouiug sbadov of the Gros.- [Emivarîl Garrett. Qonalo commenta. A gi-est vag-a dog's tail. Ing. Hurling bricks ai each other la misa. lleanaouasport. "A bachebor is a man vho haubot tb. oppontnulty af maklng a vomat* mimerable; " sa maya Lillie Dsveraux Blake, A queen olti gentleman, boing saketi vbat h. vimbeti for dinner, neplieti, "Au appetite, gaod oespay, saint- thing teest santia pkinl0 "'Yea" signeti a broken dovu man Who hati giVen bi&Ssignature taoblige a frlend, "thre Moslt oolisb lima I ever didin lumy lits vuaItemintevrlte a=y ovo name.' A voman Who rosadlie ataienuore solentiot liaI man le ehaugetionce la seren yeara îid *a ie hé lb sre yeatm vore up, fon any change la ber huiabanti vonld ha for thea botter. A <sabion item aya : 'Taned'ilkda are comlng in tashion &gaie." l vi» be harder tbau ever ho oax baye ho gp Lo sobool, iTanued kids" vweut out of faeil ou tnhIe ottistyle pedagngu aleppeti dowu andi out vitlrhie nttas., "~No," saiti a fond moîher, %»"gin Praudl' of hoo twonty.fixo ypar old daaghter-m'uo," Mary lan't èdoltqtui 1- marry yet; Sho aree vionever w one "oode ber, andutnil oe. iconesé bardened aneugi ta tslk bock vigorcas. ly sh ire lt fLton a vite." "Jaunie," saM ltbes'achar, 1a IM eau be actet84 asvll as tld. No*. If jean father vu ho p ut »dmasth le eugv', anti ssII ii, io vould be acting a lie ad do- ing vety vneng." 'That!. vbshoudhll. bold him," gali ,ohupie, iinpftuoueby;.1 "No, Do, MI 8-s-n. do Dot lanugh t yag vaman basans e anoMtibrov a stone .Viîb accuray. Weyo shall have Inaniatiber jeunla=« a that bor avkvarduem lin plUng misslles ia er be ir ah.e retarbetifraiis' ho ie lnullahlug 11h. tan y vilh Lb. laesat ucrelahia, Il abe iad ever rt#ti Bbke.pmi.r ée, ad ber pneîLy beati ant aeverai, «8"04.- PeaeWby, of caurseX baV»a. Ipsat il vioni Ît iret Canao ont, 10 eQGorge," sai a .young lay <o bar lver, las our arm vak l'"IlNo; cf coures toI,"vas ;Geoarg'Idlgugat repîy, for b. vaute t o'b. oualdere au atlilsem sWU, I i àmli I nit bce," saldth i mee "tir 705 dou¶ bugi halit o bard asemoine othar dhape I knov of." rive ?=y, _lp &pb "Do cs eason ?" i&* aànaarosqwu. dent. Oertacly. TIeare n hQ lu v aIOt rera51 b m g th'e fade. fo It out V uwwun nain, th onnck, anusandhandm todbu teeat t fers any artific- lai aharta. It cursGreuay SklnFreck. làey ,Wlle, Plmples. B" Rkeadea, Orow'm piftSl*ots, Face GoubsflunBora, Tan Rtagvonm,ObalppodEii HntiBorsor Chapped Lips, Barbenî It,Tettursetc. Il Irew Ibe pore,.olU glandsuant ubesa tramlb.injari- oaa affects of powdor Mdtibooraekwlaishe. i*3 Iy lsuse aI u em antiMdxug#rsuow lîpre it coit, amootir, anti wiite'impartlng s tiU cale soittuou producing aperoculy heahby, natuel nd outialappearance, Tii. hast face lotion that tire vorhtiaven produceti. Wavfl senti a large battue ta any sudreau on raceipt ai pnlaa-nne dollar. Wirsa or- tiering mention ibis paper. Atidrosu aIl leiterl ta TEMAY DEW AGENOY, 71 Yoioeî.Sr., TORONTO. Ur" Parleur.anti Beceptlon Booms tor Dyppsz wiio Àfe 0 h.LprndKJie~ip~ ltceBoils, Humora, Sait Rheum,. ScrofulaI j~1lreZ>zûes~Zouo! ppti1 m a" ftm imprBl#dle .~ry.y~Zaa, ord aU daeac r ria Ipre"WBqo 4* lioned.oaho griis A .o2& The chiot place cf the Inanufacture et marble-those 11111e pi...et ofcatne whiah oonts-ibute so largely ta the an- jopracut of boy-à nt Obersta, on large agate mille andi quarries, the ne- fo..e of vbih is làurneatitagooti paying acanut by boing madte into @ma&i balla, ernpboyed by exporta té kunokle viLh, anti are mostly sent ta tho Amorican market.Thie substanoseamatiin8azony is s bard calcarecus atone, ieaislafirsI broken inta blocks, usarly Mquara, by blove vitb a hamman. T=hs.ara throvu by Lbe bundred or Ivo auto a small sont ot a miii, vhiab là farmeti of a flot, etationsry slab of smue, vlitba nuinher of eecntrio turrowe upan ils face. à blockt ci oak or atier bard vooi of th1e diamuitnia aize, le placeti aven the atanes sud panty reating upen theon. The emalil bîkoet oodus kept revobving white vator day. upon tbe atone alab. lua&bout Stteen minutes tb. etanea are tunued tatao phere, and being fiM foresale, ar eheoforti calleid marbles. Oua establishmnent vlth bat tiree mille, tana ont slxly thousanti onarbles eqoh veek. DR. LOW'8 WORM BI UP toUR re. monc o ùali o f Worio m..frichikidreior iDgu-Destroying H'W Thene la probably notblng more axw noyiug andi mare difficuiltg overcomme than the habit a gmet amny bans bave of eating age. Wbllethere ana va Wy ai cnring houa train etinlg eggo, ho prêeanthlem by nhaalm.ae vsry easy. A nesI vlth a double bottmn, lthe uppen oue inobelaso a. ato &Illavthi.egg hoturoli l, t b. lovei ans, anaversveny volt i-but hbbblMt laeue thaI is alwale aaquîredi aud therefora a Waalng oui. Roua Ieaïn Il by baiug la the Fr«"» oe t brakan eg,.but lbey haugit. If lbi nab eart io. atnnged ai ho kag Iboa.gga cobt thefr réaàh fuyvii<rgot lb. habit, If foi lirailly iti mai for a vhla, bel tb. satil-auin ho out off thebeaileaf sncb ov sbeon. lh. habit becamm peraila b oê FlsOe.LO' MQL PET es~ ~ ~ l ý5 O8Bthýb wan s, as tbey e.ah. tbem eaon tIi. l au or vwoul& 705 prafer .tIr eocl 0s6 ' O - -e v*pf ho', b.u4. bho mmanyLta. n, anti vf~aerÏe. saiti Il w&Wini' 4eO té blng îeè-sItnpttnmà andi Cure. The symptame arem olature, like peopiration, Intense iclilng, incnéaaed by teaalg, r lariwparhieu. lady ast1gb, sesea aiIl pin-varmi eectviglu anti about therecua,; the priv*t a au ae ometioea affect- e. If alloweil ta ontinue very serios reaulls ma0110lw. 4,SWAXNE'B OINTMEN" la aàpleaaant,# moto cure. Alio for Tetlen, Iaih, Sait Rheum, Scabd Hea, EytpelsBarbona' Itch, Bloob#allseaycsay soin Dfea. Senl by mail for 50 contse, 8 boxes,31.25 lu §tampes). Atidreca, Dr. SWÂYNE & BON. Philadelphie. Pa. Solti iy Drng- giste. A Hungarian voman carnei off the champiouship of th. mueh-marnlsd of ber s. MUs. Probalti bus just beau unitoti in wedlock to ber eigbth bus- band. SHILOH'S OÂTÂBUH IIEMEDY. A marrellogi cure for Cat&rrb, Dip- thlixia, Oaktr MOUtb, a11d Heasi Ache. Wlih abbottîs there in an îngenions nasnaluector for the more tuousful treatment of these comiplainte vithout extra charge, W. B. Howee, Wbole. sale anadlRe"a agent, Whitby, Ont, Th: greateut distance ever ridden on a bicyle wilbout diswouuti.og ib ua ta b. 280 miles 400 yardso. The feat vWs &mm ~ulisein )Loadon il 1880. Anaver This Question Why do so --ny poopla *0 sc e &oonif s, noM to preate in u e 0sbe Mmimiser- Imama Appetite, Cong up of the Footid YelIew SUn, when for 76 dd., va viii ;;g them Shioh's Vitalizor. guaranto te tOcura ,tbem. W. R. Hmo, v holsmala anti ratai] agent Whitby, ont, lapan la said ta biave the cheapse postal servicein the wonld, lbItera being convayoti ail aer tirS empire for about one and onebaif conte our money. Duclo'u's AndiSave. Tli e ailSalve lu the vorhifor Oité, Braisesgore, ierBaE41 beuon, Peyer Bors, ~odor <IepotiMade, Olblajs% Oca, ud.ff1 ehaplona, andi postIve. Ly urepiles. 31 gh auotitjve per. M5 pota pomr bo=.For"saleby e. a. R&y. Father Wilds The noev. Z. W. Wlde, vsli4mevu dt7 mlsalomarr sa Ne*i Tank a"i bratmr et the late eMipo ludg's WaIml, of Iii eassachi SadsSp 'mm G ourt,. wrie. asto fliowo Lie A s8uraoe Go. Mû»i Orne,: 2U Toronto St.- Toronto. FULL OOVEDNMENT"DEPOSIT RON. ALBX. MACKNZEM.P. x. Piùýpldna1er etcanda :-Q.ALEx.MR SM P, E- A~~LBA XE uq., .Prxiiont i. MANAGINO DIRECTOR: .YZLIAM MeQABE, Eaq., LL.B., P.L.A. -,This Oompany urnigsle uamce aulteti do th. demn dayanti neestleîcf lire li. snrig pblia. SPOOWaiattention fa cailedti atir. Com- PsMY', POPuler Plans 01 inaurance, viricb saw-aleotiug vitigreat approvrmi vireaer ~<1 flba antneand'somi-Tontine plans comniDtahte atirantages af iLe Insurance vith prefitable lnvesment. TïéI nanrcd ira the option o! vltbdravlug tire entire, reserre and acumulateii profite, Aitirhe end ai tho Tontine perlod-1O, i5, or 20 yeari- seletti by binisaîf. By tItis meani tire Ivoelitb i at iesirable in Liie insurne are combineti, riz: mi 1 Ceaalnty of Protection In Early Deatb 1Profils tin Long Li/f. (9)a=h Tire Commria2sl M E'ndvau lan ýoutly, anti an Endovinent aitirseanti ef 20 YUhislan, placas roliable Lite Insuanc VIt"mneb.reso f ail at aneatlmatdtcoul, ct about 60 perncent. of tb, lovesl bite rat«a. 'AItr admission bas bcen obtainedt t Iis (8) Thre Reduceti Entovmmnt Plan. far- saube$ fil Insuranes for tire perioti. of 10, 15, on 20 years, with an Entiowmeul at lie endl of lie lime fornslow rate of prenluni. (4) The Company lunes ail Lb. approved farin et poliie s sudannuities. Ail ondin- Èry poicizara non-tenfeltable sitar fire. sanas payments bave haan mamie. <5), Ils peilcies are printed in caber, large type, in plain, simple ng a ntienstooti by sanypanson ahIle reati. Tbey ara re. fironi lie usual oneronu conditions su ellen tonun taLiteIaurauca policioz. Ail polilaes ised e i a utispntable sitar Ibrea yeanc tram dat1.of Issue. Olreubaou sivl.ng f aI explanstlbni of the 0ompany'. various plan. of insursuce wyUlbe turniairet on applion ta lb. UMA.GING DIBEOTOR, Toronto. SHAKR Cure compItelat.sal, mc* It"1'ie"v ansd akuomiue ffelaeblaàem of every deaaoap. $1000 revanti taan&y eifsl Who Win Wun au aflsf e1W bttu-otfiSker Ilon 8rupnoeeparticeof et'Mrcur.r, lfieoaPtaalm, or Loy minra sub stanme SOLO EVERYWIIERE. blot.,- SLtOP M% ra tup*5,e For sale by W. RKHaves, Whltby. FOR SP~tING-184. SUJPERFINE IN NEÂT Only -the tact- that buymg Oint Iy forour Toronto amid-Whitby. flouses, we Obtain. the eloôsest-' prices from the- wholesaler,: enali- les us tot seli at 80 low a figure. THE -PARPER 18 FIRST CLA8. J. S. IROBEIRTSON & BIROS. WRAPPEiR, the County.I Jà S. ROBEIRTSON & BROS.I WILL, BUY c R01 0 80eh Value ever befors Stock thî At S ETT 0F Offered in Whltby, New 18: 6eUAon J. S., ROBERT~~ON -& BEOR. No A Bt, à=%'sVlocty. n.Jobu Manriso, vol inou lu 81. -1 An',NSba î :iacus -Kidaey Oonxlalt tiat iodard oendrap4y. ar4by BrdallBootiBitténî areporter, de.anblng edding~4 lit1 vu &aIl onulu a t.v i"*ite li iDr.Fcisa xteh '3 lftrssb.ny sdti ais audincol tI nnegm.0u ETinmm.rOnphn I The M» fahsau m . CHEÂAP'.TICKETS@' p ia I . c Erale for, DAKOTA' andMANATOBA -VA TEE- :'OMIT VA="RY, and CANADA SOMJTU:E lksves TORONTO aI NOONCI the m7t 01 M&BR.' THIS ROLD 18 SOT BLOORRD VITE - ~' artl gelsWesl wil mare lim sai pnd ebydgtis roue. FpS tickets ntifurirZ miraion spply ta JAMES LONG, Bailvay Paaaonger Agent, Office, opposie Ray's RotaI, Dundai.s, 18-tf Whnby. ýJOHNScJN- ln DurlaBo, for your DRAWING R000M SUITS, DNNG ROOM S UITS, BEDRIOOM SUITS, KITCHEN SUITS rAt Priées that.DefyConipetition Corne-One, Corneail4 and se for Yourselves. !E. J. JOHNSON. qUEENCITY. 011 GO8I Awarded at Toronto, London and Gueiph, ln -1888, for PEERtS. MND IR MACHue=1.:0IEfoILS.& t V i>Su iiPmt-O.BlÂu a2 A . eryarlGurne ONKU LRXG LO.Xanam FRIDAY Prom the Officaon JStrot TELBMS.$1 nmz The Cimoxcxz1 thon sny othar pIl a'daio. dJ S. Bobei tiret insertion, au isoquent t nsertic )isplayed Ada B byla sosie of =oa seoaordingly. .dvertseenti" sttions insrtel .ohrged for ffUi <idere for discai mbsthin writifli wtlnot ha es1=on r A libarai dsco moante y the ye co trao sertlsa iu not lait'.r th&ot sny intendeCahi fora Tnasdsy oo reoaived njp teTh Bushiess notices tiret insertion 15 rail; 10meta spar ortion. Five cool Oorreopondancea ithe Couuty or neig rampondonts are ré ço.mamiiOtoX i i 1%'i. Dapartmea the fleest and Ri guitahis for avary Printling s spaci aqtdpiliait ini t'is close, ant is1 notE Ea.starn Ontarid. JOHN -KIe F wing, Court Houe M ESSRSBRIT BARRISTERS- AT LAW, 19q7 ] C. H. RITOHIE, Toronto. - JAMES- T) ARRMSTER,a Icpied by 7 ta Royai Hteim Bi DAVID Oi ATTORNEY-i OCh nîery , Omez-In db. Ofnce, liMMfli Wbithy. (LÂnE Due OFFiOFo.-If 9,Vitoia Streat G.YON Tn. 22,1878& J. RAMEU ATTORII1Xa A jvyancr. Orea Drawso- monts, Wiis at Loase egetista 0 42-by o0ou~Lr 9%? O~T8 ian REGUI4R 0IQE>'. $1.25. cc 911E TIIaUSAffU- FINE WHITE ENVELOPES :FoR.$100- Nothing to Equal them Zn Value in 11 ROBBIRT-D

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