a I aU i e h 0adasnew lGO A. macdonald, Hi Dt. Wild, sud aui Art of Dreunizkl, Or, FOR OUUONIOLE-4 etue of our four a trial trip to th) AU Subscripti Ji S. RODER 1* phc N6w Advertii sootiehng Dow-] Pickering Collage Huston, M.A.,]1 Prepare for the Ei 'Cashmere Shawl 1, Âpples-Ohaa. Doi Outing-The Who rnmer Offer. The prapogauto hâve a-grard dom. EIBYTING. rainBri q, meets vith warrn ap. praval lu every quarter. Bach a demon. CHRONIOL E aîratiai uhoud2mbracedeetujo daet la % euW11,f88or everY rrruulipîlity e hl Poiceuh "dluputed teinry'u, . pot p. And ta denonairation oai Ina nature ýrlb . wll b pWetedv iii, vi believe,'rîceira Itheezà draaion "lbrvnleprte fotsda.asuof the cilizeas of tbe Province genorally 2z, Lord Lansdowne, quite ir reepbcriva af party politice. Thre verner-GenraM, Sir John Quebea Bleue May net bc acy tOe velI on. Oliver Mowat, or Rev. vl 1edasa lb rv tr uv premlumsbook,"Tire leased wt h eiino h rv eg and Fancy Vork. 8 ounil; and il le Juil possible ibul à m cii s. bire are Iva or Ibre. citizen@ in Ibis 25 C NTS.Province ai Ontario Who wauld bave urouthu including hboiceabouted very loud indepid bad lbe de- portraits) for 25 oets-as iaian beau againat their awn Proi'inoe; osi Dot D nov rier. but vo bave confidence eaough i th 10118 fa h addreeedo patriotisin cf aur peapla ta tbmnk ihat lire. "twas"'and "îhreas" nambor euch TON & BROS ,al laiod. It inaraying, oadil la hrue, M ON u 8)but trile cuhint is g, ts lira is"t DPRIETORS, a dirty bird, indead, tbat foula lIa own UILDNG, WIXTBY.neat." Mr. Mavat has shavn himsalf al rue citizen of thia Province. à gainat maaoomgreai odds b. bas valianily and pluekily rSementa thiS Day. tought the baIlle aofberne righta. Re bas atoad bruvely on lbe lbneahold of -B. tepensn. islu avuhome-aud our bhome-.and E. Si~Ph~lIBaiasni theb.despoiler. Il'on -aball ot ePrioncipal. -. E take IranmMy iranea that vhich je mille, Principl. oalyaure. This ie aur home,-aud you nemy- sah taka noting-ua, uat even I"oee est- stick' froni lb.: bulle pile ai piue ueld & Co., London,E.C. timbar in t111.1'aro corner. Go aboutt oelxuau Company, Boston. your huaines." Thre Province as a - hola-there naed ha npolitie lu thre (~V ~ * y busines-are preparbd witb ana accord ~runîcu.ta reud:r tribut. ta tire mavirabas elaod s courageously by theux. *ONLY Si 00 PER' ANNUM. Whitby, Fildays Aug. 1l, 1884.1 GaarOlbiddd cirowlaiion OnuoNICLI 2250. Du, lb.h Liberal candidate in Mue. koka, bau beu eleated by &bout 120 Tas Greely expodition coat 8700,000. The value of lb. lives lat ie net in- cluded lu th. sutirnate. Tais minoru of England held a big demnusraatan at Barnsley on Monday. They decided &bat the Houa, of Lords should go. Wu gatber froni our conuervaîlvu cntemporatie. Lirai th. toriesa ahieved a great moral viotory ini Kuakaka. But moral victorias hav" no noues ta b. couoted when th. houa. dividea. BrÂrq.uysya ie eirned ta Eng. land hoanue b. conaidared h. oad Carnpleted the work of e"tbliuhing uat. iiefktory trading stations &long- the Onuigo river from ia xuouîbto Stanley. piool. Ho eulogises 1h. trading prou- pacte of lke.counîtry, aud conaideru Ihat Gewera Gordon commande a perfectly prtotwdlic roulf escape froin Ehar. tog, .Blasey belvea the a.nlng cf a té rgEuliubtéreta extrleate Gar- do vct~ bea miiprions under- t a l a g , a i d li k l y t a b . a tt en d e d i v i h * glat ouaet lte id oy. Tire Eug. tlub *oldha'iale o stand 1h. cli. Ti. Reason Why. Tire Nomu, Dua'a very gristy prgu, a boIds e" à r. Noaa pretty hoartily sud suIgeste titaihe displace Mr.Btake at Ottawa. XveryI6ody bas a good word for' Ontarlo'. "-plooky 11111e Premier." H. deserves a1l th. credit nov being ireadp id pon lrln,and If sent 10 Ottawa vold ne doubt give a gaod amaont of hlmîself. We apprebend. hovever, ihat 1he very trong autipatby ebhevn by tb. News inan, ta the liberal leader in tb. Dominion, la explaiued by the fad Itbat Mx. Blake bu never taken a. kîndly to theludepeudeuce bleue of Our clly olin shi vouldike..A Ca" cf wanling Our Oivic Holiday. Tuoadaty nolIt . Wbtby'i Civia Hal. lday. Botter preparattonu for a t'hor- ouglu ay'. enjayrnint vithin th. pre. oboles of aur own corporation bave ual beau made for many yearu. Thre citi. gens have caught the truc berne feeling and gre vorkiug earnesîly eaob in hi. cwn vay, 10 add 10 lb. Comrplotena.u and saus af the day. Tire prise 11.1 cf upuwadi cf $800 lu euh je having it. toueuie lu lndueiug ari compauleo aid banda tram liadlng 10wn. bath et and woot, ta vii Whiby town Ihat day.* Port Hope wiii ud bath their lireîCmpany and baud. Bramp. ton ".rmon are Dot cul7y oming tram. aueeî,butiha" esucortd Taeuday, Ag lirýa, lb. date of their ivcoidayIZ, aud nov make Wbitby the ceni?* of aitmefla., runlu aa ýpeCWatrain an h. «G. T. B. leaving Bramnpton ai 7.40 am,. A la««»ua tournamîni will be lbhetiracttcn of the torenocu. Iu the afiegoo%, a prieaal o f f£romen aMd ban&h wfii tala place, olaed by au excellent pagramr cf gametu and sparta, ineluding a- hmrea el rsce, a huuèdeYar rce, a é» a ndred yard rqea, ruiring, jumping aid ather ai- tractiont.,lu th. aveanng * grad Ocuegrt vih be-held ln the Tavi Hall, W1h6D & Bruitplaîtuprorame viii ibe priaented, eimircns tire beti talent tromflDhava, BOvMauville, and other parte, togothir ulih th#)%miell fealureu té bil'odueid by Mr. and Mr.Obrey of Bcatoû, virWhoave bien engaged opeduly for the ocasion by the Cern. mittie. WM a" ue vatrirfavarirrg ne, Il viii be ane cf thavcngh aid tout. plate eaujoymeni for citlen. cf 1h. lay, e, ii canty, andfrMondu tram aa - Whoee holera Roign.. * Tir. Neov Ton TÃŽMeacOf Saday Publlaied hat voÛlà -makea bqui Ibis. cologma cf ho Cucru0, "a a able lhi tt ra6M 4lb. dru Engllih.upaà TEM PORT PERRY PIRE.' Subustantial Aid Requlred. The calanity that ha. befallen oua- sister Tcvu, Pari Penry, le ana af ne ardinary abaracler, aud the large las. of proeat! svepl -avay i n aur'a tino, ioudly calae, no& only for aur aympalby, but for subsiantial aid aud asuistauce. Iu lb. preeent fast uge-ve -are ao accustamed, lu aur daiiy nesd- ings ai firis, upon firis, vitlolases oi ile sud proprty-tha mind sud heurt aneaspt la becorne oullone, but us lu Ibis case, where tLe larger huif oi a tbriving, prospemous Town, le educed toaoe sanasd cinders, il becomes tIre boundan dpty of the Proes, toa wakeu public intîiisi ou behalf ai tire snfferers. Tbeevirale business part ai the town, blgck aller block, and square sitar equare, evept uvay, gone nutil ovor anS abovo thre total ilusurauca, noarly eui bal ai tire vIole a6seable valuo cILLhe muuicipaiiy dosual now axial. Y's aven verse. Tire proparîty laft la depeendut for ilss aleable ruina, on tLe part dislrayed. Thi starie, batela, factorise, vork.obops, sud officia t nov are netiwovire ie mry 111e hmnod of tire oullying buildingtanad vacant loteinlualparte of thre tava. WILhont tri vitalily aid businees activity oalibi ïpari dîutroyed, tb. makit raine of lb. pari rernug, la but a simall peneentage of ilI actnel value au irour belon lb.e ire oceuni-ed. T'ort*Pezr, euterprising bu ts huai- nia. race, pubhig in lIa, publia tn - pravemeita, euea-etielils Educational developmints, Maiictivity aid energy lu aîratching oui ita nalurai adrautagea ou eveny baud, and generoun l sî mauey granta ta distant corporations and people, nov in il. heutr af dbstroaa, appeau for &id aud assistance. Tiai appeal Las bain auswered by Taronto vi tb it. vole of 62,000; by Bufailo, in opening a private suhscrip- ticu listi; aud by aIrer corporatians sud indlividuaha, fan largan oran nsler amenaIs. Sa Ihat tLe immediate vania et familisa are fairly velI met. But ve dasir. for a marnent la look aI tilaquestion af bo1p, froin a cauuîy point of riav sud rmasuno lIreamoui and mode af tire &id l bc garenth47 lire necc8ssty aud justice aI tIre appeal. In Ibis couuty va bave, tLe Graad Trunk, tira Ontarioansd Quebat', tirs Nrpissing, the Midland, thre Nonthen, anutheb.WIitby sud Lindsay Railways. Up t') this lima tIre county, "las s any, bas nal canlrlbutod oue dollar lu aid. ai any ana ai tire six rallvays vitbin aur border,. Ou the alLer baud Port Pirry iras giren large auna for one or more o! Ibese neces.ary public verke, snd la day the langer bal afitil corporatien debt i. due ta puabiug fonvard toasuoces,il con. plelron aur local railvay fron Whitby noribvards. The. question may velI b. ssked, la il net uav th. duîy of tire County te etep boa-yard aud assume as e couly llabiby a portion af ParI Pirrys rail- vuy debt P Woild ual snoir a slip bha but a simple maitaifjustice frein tir 1 rger te tir amerocrpoatsion? By tr public inierprisa ai Port Pinry, rlwaye hurve been bilit snd hy -he consiruelicu ofI îd rosSa, ery féal ai rosi ulua luntire ounîy and ik.ry inhabitaul te s grealer on hser ixtant havi bien beneflteS. Il leaa square question cf viral h just, tad nlgbt anS boneil, beiveen ana corpora- tion and suothar, sud by tire couuty adeplbng sud carrying ont a tain meainre ai justice, vilb ina miiror1 copation, It vil bo a genenous sud1 baneurabie e, hecoming a rio, and1 WWalhy coauty like Ontario.4 The 'urgent uîcessiyoaitir euce,1 ve truaI viii raies aur couiy conoil- laoe, miree local inftLanoees, sud'yard1 contentions. One irai! of a tovu le bast, ina airer bulf cannai hoId Is ovu,1 aud puy ias municipal hondad delpl. A debi made ad speul for tira benefi I cf aIl, aud trame vho huvere ncîived the benefit, arae aked tlaanutributla s litli, (@0 Imani Ileau samrely Le indiduaiîy îmlculatid) te avaritaprosperous lavu Iran boing fdnanclally rmmcd. 'A POwerful Province. tuortreal Wllneas. Tire province a'Ofutario vl, ilu-point cf arumi, Le the langeas viiWOUsatire, Mostlmnsaoniai lu tLe Dominion, vilir lb. exeepiai cf Britishb (Jalm, aid aisa aie terriory, Kev4. Tire, anseo ettireprorluea dtarritile are Province, amil,, popuali, QOula............. *.. eo r-1 eS.ee' .. .....108,00 l»S7T- Nova 27»WaSU O 4Oî : tob .- The tlooving Honora had bieen =a rd by atudeita *ezm Our Oellesimo naiute at lirecetrt UniversityEx amrinallane. Quzart ýa lxzrun-A.. W. Beau, Buio"ainluLatin, Frenachr00;d.Ger. man, Hutr ad egrauhY? aud seconadia la EW ngiair. Mr. BeaUL aiea van lb. B*fras general preficieucy (Gnon) Scboarsbip, vortir $100. ToRNaTro Urqvrasrry. -Juams Cal- line, firet ciaes lu Engliab and French, firsî lintthe second cluse lunCasias, and fourîh in lhe second claaienlu istory and Uieograpby. ies 1. G. Eaalwaad, Ibird lunlthe firat clame lu Engliah, sixth in 1h. firai cass lu Fuench, sud firat clame lu Ger. man. Mise D. A. Jobuaton, firet classain French, and second cls in English, Grrmau, Hiatory andr Geograpby. Geo. F. Jones, second olaus iu Eng. lisir aud in Hi.lary aud Oeography. Samueul King, final niase lu Frencir aud in Gernan, second clame lu Classica aud iu Hislory and Geography. B. I. palmer, second clama lu Eug. lieh and lu Hlatony and Geograpby. Janes a. Underill, firet olu i Engliih, and second claos inlu ist sud Geogruplry.y Nine Final Clasud ivelve Second Cias. Honore were won ut Tarante snd four Firel sud ons Second ai Queens, making asttal of thirteen firata sud thirteen seconda wan by aur aight ceu. dudatee. This record places WVitby in thev second place amoug the. Higb Sohools snd Collegiate Institutes of Ontario,'lthe firet place baving beau won by Tarante Collegiale Institute witIr twvlve candidat&. Relalively,à Whitby blds 1the firel place.a Our- Table. lu lest veek's ianue af Ciicago'. gneat sud acceessul iitirary venture, Tax Cuiucw.(July 19), ia a paper ni nuob lut'ereel an -The Asaociated Prese," ful ai rellable information, biefly tald, raganding tir. varkinga of Ibis sUlent yîî pavînful Islctr lu mari- ern navapapen service; lImeraI Alvin P. Horey, oaInduiana, ax-rnluiater la Penn, reeumes bis "Peruviaà n Picturee," eivin s des tpian ofai abull figLtinl Lima William2 H. Rideing, editar ai Yorifh's Componion,contîbutes a paper on "Tire Ressemer Firawarks "; Cap- ter I. ai "-Doloros," a Mexicau tale, by Ada Langworîby Cellier, in given; Bd- mund Alton, aif Vmaingtn,eontributes a deligbtful paper ai au anedotal char- acter upon the laie Captain Mayne RIeid, virose vaitinga have cberned se manyyuug foika Ibrongirout lire vanld, aud vIre.deatL, lu London., lia. han al year ugo, hau crealed a void iu Ibair hearteta t icannaI ealy bire f bd; the -Southeru Silhouetîtes," by Janes B. Cable. are resumed. and, lu Ne. XVI., a gracoful sud tender piture ai "A Mid- aunsmer Nigbî" i l Sothiand la givan ; Lucy H. Hlooper, lu ber "Oalebratad Persanagaes ai Franc.' conlributes an iutertaiuiug sketch af "Octave- Feuil- let," that novelistatnsdidramuatiataiflire most refined type, who la helu ingnial estecm 11 thea leading litanary autirn itie ai Franc.; Edgar Faweîtt'asinil stany, ai wbicir the third instalinent la given is a romance af -the a bae un- pheasaauess ": il put. lbe sentilment ci oyalty tafrienda lulo cau-flict vitr tiraI of loy&liy ta tb, State, and shoya bow lave eau lisp aven battu moun. Admirable types aifeluaructer are given, eeruxal baing Virginians, sud a mont pathetbe picture is dravu cf a Soutirera family ful aflavesai sympathie*, caught bu thi desolatbug alarin cf var. FRANx E LsE% Poa'UL.AILMor'r'Ur..- Tie Aargnst numnbar ai ibis irigirly pop- ular niagazbne iras, s nal, a!,eral fineiy iIlustratad, intereatiig papr; seral suddaiea-t starres, setces, aS- vetures, pacins, etc., cautaihutad by N. Llutbvan, Aiphanst. Daudet, Hslan W. Pierean, Ettu W. Pierce, Everet A. Durckinck, M. Seym.oua, Alfred Hl. Guemnsey, Charles Calbsway.Oanysu, etc., etc. "*Wberm Cottages are Pal- aces' bas somne twenty illustrations af reeidence's, mtc., ul Newpor,R.I. 111eb -&non sud ira 1nIrubitanli,. "Tire Rie. of thre House. af Hoiczollnu," *"Nov York During tLs Rarolntiou." "an Old Coutil lu ntIre Atb'anlic,"' utc amoag lIra ilnastraled ieuding articles. Tire sonsl, "à Dark Deed,'ý aid lire se.eral shIrt ataries,atî, dephy intereaingsnd, vair tIhe sketoires, poume sud s chicce miscllsny, vilire baund mail deligiri- fui readiag. 128 quarta paguianer 100 emabellishurints suds iransoi ecaler- ad-plat. frouliapieoe.sre in erary ni»- bsr; pnîci 23 centascor 12.50 aWs - p ost-paiS. 1Mm, Frank Lequl, b isir, 53, 55 sud 57 Park Place, $av Yank. Hà î'a'e sMAGAZINE for Augerel lu a numbin oi unnanal rariîy sud interest, vitir uixty-tvo fiue enimvrints. Tira Froniapiece je au engraving by Juas. ouxae, from tif. beautifui painting by T. W. Dsavas. A Serbe, aI papiru, by îLe Rer. TEEADWEaLL W&uuos, intitied "Tire Gneatt Halitcf William Uina,"4 .n girnga panraio viev cf Engirsi hii strae auaoclalid vit Weatminetm Hal if baga l ine" isqui vllia um- ber ai' excellant illulirationus front aulirenîlo sures. This metcd, cf praseuîing Llatary la bath naval and offactive. Jxuî' HÈAWnaoaria cou- la-uulan article eutitled "Tire RNlld ing ai lire Mns'cle," b icrire hhopaya a plauault tibule e toWmu. Brexi anrd Sepreeates prat.a.ianalbsalu ir. letia spart. Police 1Ooiit, FRED RE 451 JAME5 I .TiLI na T1UUD FOR mrst. A viek ugo lait Suinday trie Le lae yonuafrou noilb "ci 0"b eat-ed o» an expoidloi, tire con ouncnie ofsabh wdbllnnaiha.ai 4L~'B. ARE AIL CLEARING WE OUT SUMMER G-OODS AND PREPARING, FOR A TREMENDO1JS STOCK 0F WINTEIR DRY GOODS. CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS.' alona, aud tire ock struck nidnighî a. ber- molLer, to wiron îLe tald ber tale, lit ber lu tir. door. Nexi day the athorillas ver. luforneri and vari»ailuued faortire urreai ot the saturday tre iBraI bearing vueb@sl belone the Police Magitrate, vheu Conlin turnd Queeî'a evidece, bîe stary canroborating lirai af lb. girl'. Wednouday, th. pnaaenera, Kerr aud Rattle, havng bain apprimded, vire broagbi beor tire Magiairate, lu tire Court Bous, vho erar i 'tri evidenci aid tire remark f tri prlaaiere, ocaul he«r. W. H. Billingeau aid David Ormuitai, ion. niited thm ufer trial, fer the felcuy cf rapa, ai lb. Siptember Asiza. Thr@e vasa greaicravd cf vauld-be upectaicra iran tri neigirborbccd af otira prîsonera' hbean ad £ran &round lava but th. trial teck place vilir clod dooru. NEW8 ROUND HOM. MO0N TUE LOCAL PAPERS AN Oua avi 8PECIAL COH5ESPON0E15TS. PORT PERIE. AItILhelaîl meetbng ai Yank Lod@., Na. 57, LO.U.W.,Torouta, s resulution of sympatby wva uimoualy paeued for tiroir ha-dhrem of Scngog Lodgo, No. 104, Part Perry lu trat lirey irad beau sea unfortuumte a ta lame tirir bdge roin by tire laIe lina. Wos. Paxton, vire vas luI vcek annosted wiîh oui Hunt, iu Barrie, upon the Change ai baviug puise coanterfai money, wvu icquitd. For bia iamily'u uake lire public aie vali waa-ing in futum e t keep cntlof au. jMU l ocopany. Hu" ai va cmmittd for tri l.-Sas&sre. Tire supphy ai elS ocp patate« wv 41mla ut lby trhedOn and ta tire riliagaelire taotrful tuber la nov a neeeusay luxumy at, i a buini Ior Dev anis. A 19 Pound *'lnge" esugirt in -hi "4ragiagn ig ag lb.theo eday ticklad lire palateoaibraihriMuudy. Tb@ grain eropi are pramlmlng fini araund bena. Tira Oddiallovi Baud play on thé atreate onie v.ulng a viik. .A pointer girmn teayantie br,'maray ai vhom miM ont ai empioymeut le te Catch Iroga in tire -manies virici abonnun u b. rxcturty cf lire rlllag for tire market liniNew Ycrk, vire ihey are vartah60 cents a dose». Tbirruliage Concaîthave theirlband fuil psang by.lavs ai al naeorda han. benu detrayed by lb. Bm.. A atngent- fia-e librait by-lav vau oue 9 tire Iraita b. pet throngb.. lim. G. H. Gileruacf Oirava lu a t letter 0 *. pneus, a*ment$ *haa apeew lmeeting aI _tri cauty um bc eaiied ta ouider tbhepsty ofk pusing a by-hav surains ii90,00010 b. 's rple eteducloion cf1l6. Village dout, which u in tire niigibrriood of, iy touaud dollars. Tire Midiand Rallvay irai çociealqdý te give ipial ratés. taeirnildem, &#a j folov:-Tirey viii baùril a bal lt utinumber from P*t.boto ait el. o 100 Ibu. Freux WauuaaheOrlta aud Midimad, antBel.,ar 100 lb.. Brick frein PorM ep,' elaandr Lindusy viii b.deilvinalat6eta.par 1001h.. On thebovineleawebte of 15 pur cent. vii ie. b. salovel. apidiy snd ulneady a large aummv .oftI marchants hava re-tommeneed irgil'b FaalioiiNotes.E "aY o e rigagi r Iemi fon tua are uM ma& rtb lb.evaabervomaa ymPeoinable ansertshrsy palauclaaMi Vîi7 gay, vary flg- M anirymuah trbmmed i th lau, madlovera. John Dryden, M. P. P. an the. "New ModeLa (Prom te "Ontarlo Re/o,.mr," De- comber 21#4, 1888.) Our radoeuare, probably, ail avare thai John Dryden, X.P.P., Preaident ai lb.Canadiau 8hcrt-HanuBreedera' Association, accupierouieof lb. fineai larme lu 1he Dominion cf Canada, aud le one of tb. boitfarinera.Ha culil- vutea senething ocrn dve hundreri acre. ai land, and ibere le ucaly an mcoi but wviralatu a bigir 51ate af cultivallan, and trievirole -tari aree Iran m&l verdi or planta viricirare tn- jurions la crape. *Net only douesh. ovu one o ae i b. duansd bmaitill.d larme la tri contray, but isastock trnghontht, vr br» a. ala, or ebeîp, are et tb. very buti breedu, and aIl af trîn Bune anima.le. heV"r diparinent Mfr. Dryden lacha cut for lthe beut, wiatbir il la la the. lue af siock, enachinery, or uuid grainu. Be aud bis', nigibor, Mfr. Samuel Haînan, purcbaued for their ovuneU89, ia yeur, a New Madal Vibratlng Thraeiring machine ai the.Hai Comnpany, and 1fr. Dryden'.aopinlinvs gir. -beiov. Every ana vbo la acquaiurlad vitir hlm kuove tbal ho venlaDont pul hi. naine ta any sîslement vhb à lanet correct lu ivary panticalar; tirofon iris opinion cf tir. New hodel la af grest vaine ta lboue arbo deiire ta purchase s thneaing machine: I3raaklin, Ontario Couniy, Dec. lith. 1888 Thea Josephs Hall Maufacturing Com- p'aayOsheawca... Grervr.ru.-We are higirly dehigirt. id wiltirah 10 Bera. Paver and New Madel Vibratar purcbaaed fram yau t"I seaicu. Lt ruae mnactbaid .iy: trieaserfictly; e a.prmeu iboraugirly aid thb.inng miii da. 1h a rk Ya carnplitly &bati IlcannaI be excelhid. Il la jusl lb. uaib"* for tire farmen "0 bluybecana. il la su iay 1ta contrai. i h ycomparatbvely fioe tram duel, Ihire caouire no waite of grain, aud il ie bound to do good vork nder every ofronnatanes. Wî heartily cougrata- laIe yen on tb. introduction cf Su complot* a sepanalor, a greal boau baIL bo tireberu and larmerr. -Very lraly youra. Jouit Dais* 4 ,MP-P, SXS otms ~Li.. OffTii. Ip"iab oaa QUE BViDKE» AXD TUE I M ni .08 »T'A couMiNiAT B_«à Lovnox, Jly 28.-BaSuvivcns cf the. iteammirp.Laxhaunreuporithat o4 tire eulnig ietlireecihllisinthor. vms a tlékci hcg,, bTi aubam vu golag dc.Bot aiteamner eren,.nndl ririal«e. Tir QUon strnok lbti. Sau arideipe, and the latter wu aeouly eus imander. The Ifunel-vuli md- eleammppê brst.Tireé-chiai, ;îiiier lan reveiug tire engin. vu rorbly ualdad. Mostiof thre Laxhaur' 0riv -baarded, l'te Gijon. (X r Skli CIthian ied isa vif. and Choldta Sim" m a fau 1 ieuirauldaboard the Men and Trmuga GLEANINOS 7805M AS! SOURCES The neweut atyle af engaemnt ring in s dlarnand and ruby, crM amand sud a suppuire set aI nigirl angles, an diaganUaiy. Looi Here Do yen beel blue and despondent? Dc pains rack sud leu avay at nerve sud muscle, sud have yen been dieappintid lu findlng a rensdy tirai viii ffard certain sud upeedy relief. If go, -ga ut once la any ding store sud buy a uample baIlle of Poloaaa Neriini. Po aous Nerviline nover I aile la relieve ua la.crampe, ire&acir heumalam, m a ia ntrnai or surz 4î,;à vezi ivorabi aioftirviline an puchaue a uecond bot." Pal- son .Nervihlina la iald lu &le bettlesa. a 1c cmet; large eha. 25 benle-by al dmiglateadoounhy dies veryvirore. Tzy a ton cent irclîle. in L eWaile, %nland, wvireablack- irnitha s712d, tb. vark voit l.edge and anvil, Itla e taledladanimnuly by vanin. Tireaare mrny parfumai virici,- viren applied ta tire birarcirief, have s véry agnsable odor for aslow momentisud trou dia svay, iesring onhy a ickly, dliugmebli amel Nal sego itr M uzaa& uiçà x FroUMnÂW&=»as be longer Kinaexposed liromone adeicale aid dehigirlibecanra ibts nicir arana. À Louai kept theLensd cf display in im- possible ta a&U buisaf ew vemen, sud thair succeus a te any bougirI. BLXJE Br.ac-Pure blood suda gooC eÙth follcv tLe use o! Golden Fruit Bilioj ansd Pillx. Raid by ail dmuggisla ai 75 conta par baIlle. Slrsv bat.sashowvirici vsy tire wind ISha we let tà e MCll Die ? A hand-bemlid poli"ici eonomist, loak- inj a ple ad g y cidleiblygRuinl sa t imupn pow"Y uatirahélir wâ~il anigiri u. vIidie. tla su wiak and pocr lhira t 111e vili nova. re6ortir mach au-y- boy. Tireremmi .hady a gaad mua r people- la theri ond ira arecf ulmue h acconni aiyiav. Aid viratl' ua ofaddiug ta Ibeir number taneib evakllira bao u bui shender chance cf éIr ammcuulng la suytirtg? 9'-t Nov iektifld'a incubervirai aira thululaabout lettiug tire caid dia. Abaut tri. i tie b ard paiticai econoniet iraS btter »t ent cf Ire va. "LSi My cJo41 dies Ii o) 1 'AI .srgatisreina s-med to befcurs tiai wiI si tia" crl.Se. -the poar 11111e tdlr pà septRe Hareviv« es a i lire. Hast. blood S7r.'KYazuggltsi "Us IL. W. Mion daclare Ibalr-loye bnlemIley teel 11 Women confas tirwa aly alterlbiy bava A veexapeclufe vbiulair ai heaitr Wlé am unike là umiseurvant? Wherýit in di.elsarged sud gemoff. 5OP"t~aAre sabbmuns:rlnea suafierr tra ine anau foyear o.neall BiB iir pobscu~m4bp yt.s, and jÙVA"aryý curseren lhe varsic.uea. Wha à tuhtv.W@iioftneteibhola c1 sud, GLASGOW WAREHOUSE mal0c 10 c 15 C' 20 C 25 C 50Oc 00000 o0 00c WATCHMAKER Brock St., Summer Ooods Reduced'"in Fric e SIJOI GOODS AS Parasols, Summer Ties, Ladies' Collars, Straw Hats, Summer Gloves,-î Cotton Stookings, Frillings, Drese Goods, Embossed Lustres, Ottoman Cord Silks, Ottoman Cord Dresses, Buntings, Nmn' s Velings, Dress Serges, Debeiges, Shawls, Fans, Cotton Pants, Linen Coats, Lustre Coats, Summer Shirts, Summner Drawers, REDUCED Cariage Dusters, Lenos, Fancy Sateens, Muslins, Cashmeres, LustreSkirts, Cricket Caps, Summer Flannels, Boy's Linen Suitings, Regatta Stripes, Sun Umbrellas. IN PRICE. E?,. &éLr 0E EJL NIJJW Ladies0 MILLJNER Y p ChiI~ron:'1 In~ MR. ROSS le odfotor aa im rceiplui sborip AtTGUST LOCAL AND, WIiT laB 0 " 1 015Tu cUOSEir OFUVaYLME CIIRONInLE filEPCiTE The Tovn Coin eveniug, Âgesti 4. 'N yblue» Sffl te aidai r iYiegt s4, OPJJNING. htiits' I Grey aid Whuteo atons, Linons, Flanuls, Mulins, Prit, To'welinge, Ceorets, 'Mantle BSittas andarnaments Embriberies, Lies, HoseGloves, Buttons, Parsols, Shoulder Capes, Shirt 4imp# esPIvi~ E. I. Satin cres Shirts, rcudy male. ,AL8O AGENCY FOR' RAYMOND 8EWINB MACHINE AND DOMESTIC PAPER. PATTER)VS. M1S8 HAYES ]YRESS & MANTLE MAXERi- AT MISS "F1,7 7,000 vuw cnIypaani rk deuli. lime t#svalue 1,Ihymcu( X m 'Tb, nu lot soie0 Bas&, ý 1 FI ON Ai . F-*t NOW'ýý , Ã