A - 4 -I À, EiLEOTRO PLATED- sFO0NSt FOUKS9 AND KINIS ROGERS' BROS. CELEBRAnED MAKEi AT S, S~BARNKRD'S. MR. ROSJOHNSTOtI là Collecter and (Janvarnier for Tas WatT- MY CHBONtCLI, sud in aathori@ed tu graut receipte for sbsberfptionm, etc., sud rmamot ordînari business. MAX 2nd, 1884. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE*, WHOT Is COING ON 1N TOWi AND ELSEWHERE. A BUDGET OF L IELY NEWS NATTEA GLEANED BY CARONICLE REPORTE18 AND OORIE$PONENTBî "A ý-tul aaUmg ye, taklu"note, r Ant' tafth hou' prent it0. Ma. The tramp le setîl abroaâi. Town Counoil Monday evening neil. Dennis and bis welcomec oït la "tit on the road. New entamer Roodein o veey dep%&rt. ment ait C. F. Stewart',. Everybody will roii? the 'C *OuxCLE sports mcd Paatioees" coinon.. rSuperior goode iuaime'aad ohil*ene Hosiery a% C. P. Stewar',. The grand -concert tu be giveu p.n4pr 1he anspices of the Ontario.'LId"qw College ha..eberna 6usd for_ Tirnday evenina, Mai, 22ud. Fnrther bartion- lare noetweok. Our Milinery oponing a greot scc. every on..iigily pbeaseel withourHsta, anmd Bonnets. .. Stwart., IT CA., BC Dorc.-Yoa coaa tareaun tpring traita 25 per ceat. by a etrkinit advertiseeoent Onulihe CnoHRmcLz.No gowepaper lua$taie cty biesaarima. tion nearly a pproerching il. WKBSTWARD HEo -There were no fewer thbn five brîdes on te.traia trou» h. sonth tht. mornic-4three froco ý &urio and two froci th. United Btao.-WiQaipeg t ZPM cf lait Flî- dey. The bride of lMr. Wm. Longii brother of car wqrtby Reev, d»ubtes wae one of tbcee rom Oibs -Proncoe. Juet recelvd-Oelnred DnqaeSiIk., blac4 Billes, black brocade 811k. and ottoman Colde, epeclally goad value et C. F. Stewart'&. Formeranudconsumer.aià coù -i do well ta use the Qaonoo ity 011 Co«e. celebrateel Pxzaux.s Machinery Ouî, for sale by ait flret.etaee deaioe". Ses tbeGr advertiseeat. WB WqN'T SrÂceVU.-Wc obserVeS ou oaret ot o i*day. a fine a 0w l of nîné cattle, which ire Osera beeu*j unrceeaed by Mer. W. Il. Thompoon, Geais-for a good,,Tweed or block Worted Suit or clotheu, maIl at thé greiN lothlag bone.. 0. F. Stewart. aprlng fitatB ouFeay 6à a brouiftt = r.b, 1-ce nnore. coes. "clg tu theé crow4ed conition of onr colotmne thiprise M bu ebeeu oeited. ILLBtiius bovas,-Ida Walkerad Erie Quea m eD« otionadforo lobw an-1 Downey aeeuuvely. W&"s Crest asdW. J. 8u14 fl à ed vith lumber for 0mweio.---r.4e au*cerof atone.hooks e » b4Q "la$ng lei shelley Ibis eL- Etvt.ufull!of f rain.- Larnber *'t W*ùed oin- eng down y.t. Extra finc gco4 1a.deroe,eyB lm lbres, bl%a n d eclore. 0 . P. STwRICT D)istrict Meeting for the Witey. Dis. trict wiii commence la thie Tabernacle onu te 2th tans. Taie meeting "I l h composel of ever elgbty doegage uao weli continue ror lba4 et four days. ÃŽÃ AT Rzs.-The fanerai of thie lau Mr&. BReel, vif. cf the Miaither of Cutomi, snd a aliter cf Mr*. J. R. Pbilp of tht. lova, which teck plaee tac Belleville on Tuadsl Anom m on, cf-thie mcmtlaIrroi-e aqpdod& tai 'bas occurreel thae, or eernd al ar Thé services wve. ondnctedb-v Rer. 3 B. Cisrkm cauor of .1 e ,Bdd4p4t Mthodw tloerb., of hiethd, d asietd ecp$ftmbIr.. *n.& lbi. 5 A ~Y. epete the resldenoeo ,_ Iqý etaieoer W.e i Tlbu, eu= = &=Mý fer NoM taiOno and thé.onaid eliclîsed wlahrtÙ lrsô,thé tbis: week ocl l 0Mi. Jeehugavifcrê i envinc:e ltMIy for 4500 cash th.ef ty six acres a n ea rne sadard VUSa pr. @er. aieuW Pnde a.rtb ciin tb. corporae à to4su r! fertli'. nn-iazla Mr.. ohn Siil, v~slepfclreliablo Spectacles. oewiccllberi .._-Tbs Pete 0 pery§ 1 =- o a y rer ocured m n 86 Acr s, a O b « Mr, ood, v s . -id the Of urn othur day W M.1 et~the rjckn. abi ýfoectà S aluptioPlfI a1& for $2,775 mated, tbere bélg a vatounfro Speotailine of lmpcuied b.JaCtle te' l two inetbc$cien thoer focal lengt; and upon Drous arasmeuqts Gips 1 s ygyour tual I ifo4halc e evoxtbin reui!e JAthe, centtre of th. glaaa. but pi lins aet.F C. wm '.lI pl o uceS.oiay three ltat ve THE. SCOor ACT irft QwrÂmo COmerv. pus'.~ -The prelitmfaal ry rniasloo for.'I am, yours mgx% uy Soult Ontario vas effected et a meet. A. M.k ROBEBRrG ing in taie ledlura'oocf thelitbthdist '%nme ont of tondi <kth le Tabernacle on We.dneeday afiernoon.. if only t. frein thebest dealers lit The roideat ministu '*of lteev wore u" qtc artgoo&uhat nîte pressaI, ais alo repreeati!e temper. tae O "se ordinarily role!. &noe ventera frein weepottntsinth* IF et 3._ttcfa la86 ridi it, Theoth ntricBot â ~f etrange i igh o uil jucati .O T.wn.. rsteO d by s fS her es Sp ý W.Wicks el Uxbrldge, thèe. gentlemen Zrenae( explîturng smre important po"ont on. net bcome tosbln iected viti thlb. vrk of lhe campalga, Fcrlnnatbly, -'tflu1i .r e &At giving snceuragina reports of ltheIf R. TmYOn has disovered à 516 "1Yme outloican the nortte. The reports fromlod 80 simple lts a achiIS enu à p,77i aIl parle iqdiest. tais carrylin of taie aiereby aVu? O1M GAI TEs? Act intlhe "o. ity a large maJorlt$. 'Pie S<éthA<»n areforr asItt VIL1mI. meetng ejourned te assemble agaîn !je atained ae o br.rtS lnus. I ta Brooklila at2 p.m., Tueeay, 1M uu8tnoarainng o b r Roii insl.. vbse eae'ery large gathercng of m sree ce tai ioofthe ainde delegates ie.epoled. aid, a .in eti rofc ai au dt« worthlïmîeso b. oglange tled SAD ENDOm F SLNDAtX Exa9uwpt<N.G' r P r otyyeer u Tà imo bau !i party cf tIvere hich lft _eUe a îue a eis ndi Olaus onSnay lait inc acht»<er .?,"itc eeenà lag"i mp% *e'operchece Island, Wheu returan a ere upeet l" Gîîusca ti veue stand hie test lhe about mtelvay belveen FIltPoint anS made arrangements vitit cee a i te Wait.a'blt Peint. They vote intahai e nsiMANUFAOTUtmts i 4u l 0 vaierabout an heur anS a hall befare snppîy hlm vflh orG.!ais lu.t'J' &@atane reacie e n t . filoitard 5STAtIDAKD. istîraclrequltesut e Suffth vent ont vOlai a ekiR -d'as- 1W tbey elidul!be ,madecf01 alm puteil oued G. A. Griffith and W. Eîstigsg. naleti44 SU& m ai l lb. e "'y oo About fifteea minuties befota laite ooelot.aite!ba a&U dicable teovthetand Chaché Hastings baS leS, ad vas the«verset lests eball be returnod aet lytag la the boat, mboiil f4'nr ho he beeeabr'm' expeaqie. 'It le. llrefore. vale. Smih retarffited ïMiii rff noabject te hm 10 4iwc-tome ca Gm. and ooavey hirle remainder of thée perfect aticlo. They ie 'b m 34a party go a yacht, vitore Wm. Cana, P. TAYLOR-S CORRECTED LEN- sgôet for lt. Gr-eal Northt Westsrn SES, mar e âaIl campeS ville lb. Toiegrapit Go., sud a coaittsl'0l traY Trail Mark. "4P. Taylor," @lier nameel Franke Pot.Leas, f Poes. Mat. T,&V.cu mcvoffére titse-inm.- & Ban, Toronto, dieu. Tite remacader parable Glasse , ith lIce surance cf lte party are Seing WeIl. TJbe thel nono ech i ave ever before besa ireather vas squally. preesa tle taie public. .AU Glae Aanv Nons.-Tbe Captala lias been efféed vilk b. provnhlta beoffbt mai tndispaeedudring the put veek ithll a reliable. te taie purcbaser's a Uefactlca, gerere cold. but poà eeeed of ltaI 0of ie viii noe. e aeS le teksemisn leuacily vbich scems te lie citai. NaRINnuaLMx vuesWA.S aVER ntUs acteteâtio of thce Amy affinet4., lielbas oNue.by any dealer. beae bit tel o.every occsin.- Manufaclprteg. te order, anS relair. Lient. Fisher bas itea caaeuo"ingtihe ing evéry descriptici of diowitt yack ta Brooktin the greater part cf vatches, docks. loeoeIry. a Metrst fbe week. 'He tetumen o t ova « o revaisaspealelq wv&4ualeât* give Wednedy.-Mre. Peste unS Mns. parfeclstisfaction la evet'y reepset or Fashr,wves of te WhiLby afficers, are no charge. Remeaxier the plarne, rigit, expected el jeta tteir ainabandit ai an opposite D. O. Doveeje. grain lier- qarly deey and engage vit thoremactive chant.nsear lte Markt, Wittit. iy in the v-.-ie Hliujah Pblip Taylor, *ver Uréty years Pho"ca Btacksmîth le made thé susbject cf a exporioene. Fe nsketch la the lenssea pthe Wae' bnp. aie is an. cf thonseinelaces Ibat As a aare rmeur for Bick Hecie, telle lande. e*tan -auj' vord4,e pmmley So t, ,D wa etq ý ea vhetlte Amy le datins t. cor ov* ulbis e z%1i1 p lnuteeCu4 z towa. Netthicon i i xetOte.i-Bea ien2:1"tecbal. Cadet Smith cf the Qîlcava Corps vas 2 assistent te Ceptain Peste tanlte me$-Qu'n nvictoia "vareeecualy froei rs nge of Sana laet.-The long eyea- P domttryelwae Oelude ioas nov eppr cctchng tpo -euttaion ir ie ozirea 10 toleeIe ïetleu ltai cIhVI fam.ch's ,.eeeeseseolc Yv s, f t e- I s i r. e 1. T. T S s OU Ou oiAtONGa vnz-Who bhs th net lteard of the cehelrated Dra. E & K ? ne At thî'ee of thts médical orgeniza- ai tin ier ites firott inoiption vas Dr. J. t 1). Kereten. Disgatitfied e-th the bue- pu inease notkiode otftte- oli nstitution ils el fnon e nd laie preeluent bas et.pped -clowen udont."mand îakiieg vit i tentd thie chief oaiBeors ot the p.%rent aocity, incluni aIhbut one of taie canadien cocesultîug enrgPaai, Ihees have ne-ar- gatr-- nter the titIs of th.elBritish in Anica omldiomsl aneSurgtel Insti' ri tuti,- - e-lite tee.uqortera at Detrotir Meuh. 't-ho aayorscrdldtethe m ekiîtl of Dr. Keè#ae d ,teussistante !e caos tics sîcnaturee aofltsepatiente' si titémgelvaare ccrtaialy voaderfal, a] as vOtthis prestige ho balS on, ai- vays a"tianslioaeely - itit their , tientu, lte ev W imultOn rnleutq)lSbp nm..froi taie word "igo.Y A GA'tÂt Iflr "Pm cVKOcovsU el day test vas a red-letter 4ay fanr0,15. felhowahîp tn Ontario Coualy. lt.e oecauton bsîong the dedlcation of lb. lin. Thé nev hall takeems; an aong lte bandsomest sedlmosl tastily fora- - Sieeit heCcuaty-. Sitaltei-ceunl- IX lanb tthe gee, abore the dry gooda emporiuu eL2. î~.oOAe.A. of acces. anS est -.1cu ol$DQ orangers rislllng jIne -elis. 11 i appoinimeatseram'e cele*eed*Ue ice becstcf tlui., amd reflect mllch credit on Ihe furnishtng commitlee. The dsdîaatury services openef eta, 4 o'cbock, th. breterea matrchng lante- galla (cpm the. oîd lauge reom tle lie nov b<ili. Visiting bretbren vere crry, OkwAmmaati itpm aSWb&bd ~ '~Seric a c0neluclee! by. Bro. H. B. Taylor, P.G_ of Eaet#ra'Star Loulge. Wittiy, eneîs- ed by J3re. H. Wilson cf Markliam, Eunets cf Bowmantvlie, *lYeea ýcf OubsvÃ, Nott or Poil Ferry, aMdSA. O. Wlseon, 0. Taylor, Wec. oheen, anS J. S. Bobprîson cf Wittity.- Io the eeointg c most pcceastul conoei'I and poscf, ths Etck1l , lace.: Wiliout vitbituiliig la creSit fi*cau tioto ta vitx ( -fer the. satire ntemoiteep c et etbc- n~ 10Ëe vronkeel tegellier aoneanti- je lno vuys cunfair t u&y ltaIt tlte Vbinu;energies pi Bros.Hnlu Ii .G. S29 day'e .#r"«e(lbei.~ij1al and «-449 e n* l uml. !Mir ihchsel Atina te]B mS ofthles taei-Os e14c ore reliabloe co6r &ea- ses thama Haoyar el clov 011. Il le &lac the- beoutr.ntedy far ear ache. uors throat, croup, rbeumsttsm, and for' paine und! lamenes ganerally. Used xternaily and iateroaliy. The religiout preee-Oluggittg a Soaday. toeel taeeor. FraUdUlent Trnlactiona There are maay fraude peepMetd in mfiiciuie, anad ma'cy sdvertieed remedies varia tban naehies. Not en nith Hasmarde yellwov 01.Iltero r4oias se er te beot interaad Ia i me à .n1 1 ilpait, ei b sua ajua i r hilaIthuma ilies Lfflited. A young marrieS voaincsaeys ltaI no El * -v.. i * - -. '4 *1~'- r -, . CHEA? isAv.E '20, -o- GOýOD7 S PER' -BY BUYING YOUR - GOODC - FROM - -SINGER REOEI'V~B3fl Garpes TIIWis AND A FINE ~SORTMENT 0F SUITINGS AND PU&NTINGS." AN-D REW W?. r- s.ec 'EW MILLINERY. 1: .0 I 1NEWI [ILLINBERYS. Dwpley GOING ON TIBWEEK. New Foater, ncv Shapes, Dov Waua,nMv SUiS, nvtnesagncu'M .uesio Otatnl»novGlOVe, »W 0Vi Cau, e* Hcimry, nov - oý bou, uuw mittlng ct oea, ~ ~ I no'Aeaule' . toSs. New lace M i -~e-~ e- 4GranJ'tetuflsê 'oc~ i~ tiOK~S~J~ AWELL -ÀSOTDSTOCK BOOTS' AND SIIOE0, L Ladies,' Gentop,1' Mis? 4a 4Ohildezs siss, and in a greatvariety -of'i#kes. semaig at Unhesrd-f--prioes. for, Net Cash. OUSTrOM ,WORK A 6iýPEGIALTY.- iSuBO 1o iMà rkct Bloclc, W*ITfYf I r J4o~ "I W&II ý)N.S El .C-E NT. BROS.u WEEXL Lace rGS ýds are frbom ntnmended as ýf gooda are ,rd anti soft ine Corsets.,: is lino Twill 1stock will, i1ues. IELLI 8 1 Gla'ecs,Ho, Caps, ORDER, 'LETE, inery,- t1OKR 'Oi1s. N~eS1cs, Curtains, Parasols, M NEW .DVEýRTISEMENTS. NOTHING, K'LEATHIR. JOH-N -SlNDERS- ROBS. BLAURi MR. 1 1 i ýi 01