THE w ITiiICR9i1 FRIDAY MORNINGj' J.o6SefRobertson if Brost, TERXUS OF ADVBTIDUO1 Pirai Inserilon. arlina. 10 subaeqiuenil MdlOfl, i6omis by 80 0aU. i ' 0 hOI wrlt& i la ulaot b. e poneble. 4 i in Donou aSr thm Wedneeday;a»4 notuas cf an y lntended changea ahuld beEhU1e fore TOWeaDsy n ooùther la 7eti recoe'iI UPte Tbu»ai nocm. Bainau noticas in localor nova oclUMna §Oan.- lIte cent. a n pranm reaponden iar. raqQeiSoiUSIILbl amitable for ofr % ak Mn Printini ,.c6 M'. a tfoi& 6' cel M segiot t"x»9â4by m uy Ot joUN E . F&NEBWELLp LL.D., wlng, Cor ose, lby BARRISTNNS & 4TTQWUYS d n4%a nu ONTARI i VOL. T~ 4AO WB~TBY . Drock Shoot, - WIN MONEY TO LOAN!1 rôd tVoirENT AT LAW, SOLMOTORS 5 ini rnean snr~ t . H. RITClE, W. H.. 81WM8, J)ARR &TIM, Office tortwlÃŽ ce. I cpied by Frewell &à RuaS<., nazI ATTOWRNE;.AT.LêW, LiIO1 (Là ,im DuxSahEome».ao) OPIcg.-Ia vltor babsa o ô 101 191SETUt, IL- B., Ornn-Oer omiionEak, Whitby. ÊivoY5SW . iiyub, hOt.i Faibb M4 aS o marrIeslSa"*- smuW e "l Trusta ma" f8ýecialu Loana negolated qonu ail dnSI?~roperq - L. T. BARCLAY, L OCA4 IMOEISTRAR QI TE IGH Court cf .lnstle, Rgltrarof the Surrogata Qoit-Clark cf thaeOouuty JOUX HALL DOW, ln tum op tee eb0,IW slo aei W. ooaSSrUsO5h5vifilm. TIIE ÂTEW1I Alýmale 1rulr1ea ou A4d .4I O W te. TMD wîiIstu a iii oitub th* AjApýVV;ý-RRIS & rB ElT IN THE W0I r B. we advocate Peace, Pro ré»,Ktwlde Eroè " ras. me Ave R. HOWS. E, t - ~2péia-- ~uBbn4 ~ OferWhiby CHRONIOLIEj 1vJoney. Phonlu fin, lnsurà w North 'Brllh and Mercan tile Coif et Zibugh anS loadon.> Oompafy. cf Toronto.' Lo4 il U*n tee'Aedn -MO'NEY TO LO&Nt 0OF -i 4'M' o.0 Ockeq.. prck "I'e p.oA. roi, ~ievit ~ontoe) h N lre.l ARCHJTECT. D .reiiea.111 fo o.q P.O0. 13« 2« w, - - ltepertomsDmloesau&Meaufuturemset aU - 'Kl~c LE4~HER At#D - Ff~4D~NU, ~ Ioslber.6rahbsL lie ~ rSy- loi ~ ~ _ ii. hePcket or E~vey Nwspperand Re ad er Magazine, Chonoo $) dWeekly Globe ($1), . $2 00 $16 $ 85 ljhrOnlcee <flamd Weoky Âdeat(si) 2 00 165 85 Obronilo<1 md uel siiiss) . .2.00 1 65 f8 Ohrowtcl(_li "a Wu.klyoSar ($1 .-200 1î75 25 Oonc. 1) .4sRuîâh1cauan (si) .20 1 50 5 ebrici aindLie ire Hur (1.60) . . 250 200 50 Obroniclo and 8unday à tHoffu«I1p50, *. . 2150 2 00 60 Chroniole 1 mad BO, "Paý«($JQ hO 2 lm (I )an oirWOwn&émsimS(si.50) 10 200 0 agu.L.ram gnuliuulm (1.O) . 260 2 10, 40- Chronicle 1ismd The Iooli *.0, . 20 1 60 S Olroi an sd hsntl Anui$.0) 8. 540 8 -vO 5 par~u", a en oma (2.0 . . 80 20. 50 20 200 10 Oboil 1) mmd two Monueï st. g 1.50-8peCiodioalm .400 825 74- 1AVALUA'BLE PREMUMW r klhnA. Mau-o od La5edowno, (Onadas new OGorvu uxosn.)Sir ' '3À. uof l&ord Bev. Dr. Wild, vil b. prosed 6" t vz ubarbo 1h uouxoi.u, hthr hepapw à $sMts alone or« olulbed withimny allier pea sL(huPOr"W Mil BOêel lqnsal 0Ouimte tra muest bé md ded b ocroer cost of postmge and proteetomu) It à e your to take adatffl qfthm elibera termi efore i li s ChrouiWe Building, WiTBY, Dorelrs BSk IWmTT & sauter. tirnm frein tbionglts cf grief and ton la, e, thethorestheambameelcrm The taunta of flendl-ike men abhorred. Tho traitor'a peed, thoe upihed lord S1 aturèeshudderlng, vraoled and A. Go* sud hopansd hcveu Sne ; Tôfhrlatu. ...Iemortiity I Ail talieo h ond.riug>sracae 8~~~ ~~~ ouhg tag <d f se exe h& Words whooe eaetcoaeasr Tii. vorn bei truatful centuriees.611; Singing like'lrda cf Edon strate, Above the atorm-oloud. and the rain ,Of mortal-vS a*-otl Pat' <Our Larer4lùen«M--,- séa "sef irP0 0h %yyo4iair"i Wüutuwhpheth.eeRe.uorbom --oms uiuz o Tn mm01 iereZ TMu1fleest ft !To téai 1,S = . Uraa -re T0,ap q8aonce acoredwith aoar.' O~, ril ~niangU, ~voIy aeet., me ewen WiUI reveoenthôugptet u~nhigo'o 01 ratilurioa err"on #rue, rmdmg, iâ"es me e Ase th acdasri lho ino!a THE OLD >TL/RNP1KE ROD. IBT vLwGnIAOP. TOWNSEN». -Itl. two cen$s or foot fBlenRergft li "us Tory euguwa, -but fLoar thmn toues atm!; th. amali, nme 1b4 vbje, *1ndIno -ln uanld' - tcf0Ue-198ellmte sylabla, i-&ne "I ste. h.lli èbÃow4a, tinh-avhich vos thruslup at el tofl.gbt..- I vas uiXtD eenyeraOlal 4 thal b imand hv 'lai'd h u*Ste bc*' 12 I»e i set M à pskwý o. ý 1 i sorry IOO v 0,'Aine lCfw itftitoo, n "»oes-y~ ~hiittyo1rr1 -Wévslying cloae1s' bey ldv yen 2'.'the b ook-vhieIbel l lun ay hbd. 'Xblhng, r gusu, thaa6kyen." lu ý4 ua oiiomee- ehrmns ah. vinced wvithe6h.pain eau oah. Iad fi tlntb-the oêbtw.'ý-Thêo iub th. e rd.. - 1sS.*y ooà à *lbgi'non'ie oumir - 'f'yu'1 té me-hod ~a~ O~Ibi auaght-tbe gloty. à " thé-9là d.t yqû auùet oEankia - e dl t4i..thereof. The fret. tsea ouepug4d rail, lt'Iea îeel ~~dnalvu litea:sdf11 "l'e, fraldý,I'am to hthe" i scn«gof- bîrdx.-~w-clg~l4 1 lfued ber op gengly,. or shc wý a * 8ev; aud ~.;y 611. d16 llghêilttle orealura, anal aeaed ber m 'du.~i"ut; rnhhy.l.c--h-é mny Lee, sud'-oe .reaftsd ber foot qw lasPltêdaspà bgupaita 414, ' thealI- - -A5dehbôokviawiob 'lI tvr.irediag ï er ?.To mi ocf ou. vhomebuesuviq -"Y.., a grèsatdeal." be bclook-' Uu4 von;à tir PAlLIabèr od ila ofcria.. yuL ier 6ri4h dep b h inabame.. - -~~~~~~~~i op,-erdys "e r Iy114 vlm ahellilt f-b Ben! b&raiSWbob'b.a 'leeé .iý bcodv a sa'aha ged... aa.t- a..,. i. bM -eue Iwwww.t1u-U ZUw iU'lii5Cla 0oi er. hae innbthsg uilthluk 18hèt hihiooadmiA oi-a emoobed 'h* iiler ie '-- . p 0-i cii ~Ia1 tA l ir e na e alUbe nourlibâed.woeag 'MesrelWlug bj; Sai or &"br - Fona~tit tiathçr'bfttcir or a aosd jivid- befor-nlh.wfr.- vts- lergrsdm,:sr *who > #pt -ub e doriek-MatheWrdcme ia toil-gale, sud AniS Sainefor Ah. ti. sa ni ouba~ wl mers te g0 flisbng linlt.easommer. eilk &lippe&l roucaS -L a o Tb yvo or ' rery.* -pýoor folke,lW 8. &-d kWudol-pWOuco: deit&MrgmbrMd&,saiSwh a aveet, ina anS embroidèrlng;su elbust grmvity ou b.t 1166!. face; atil!!»sok 1l;bh her graudmother -baS ýmamageS le bey -forer .huoying .tie.aSvfe. oei, "hatsommer, aervbonnes., -aUnie 'vos a klgbti, c trimeilwith white rlbbon, asua splok bLebdatdeai61 nolÈ m iavu-dress. end'a pair if Monue.&boom.; foreg tô ber, 6tà o n anSil as eibilet udecuioBonjuilsuoh'a vifa us IreS n th bé, eh.locwe-ame nie. as 6h. other domeli.Saom - and Smala,1 itwfeun, vhW houomundgnmadm& weut and grecefut vwitheL Soi ou Sunays ta the hrovn.slone meetinu~- hlm uihetieally., for ha Wv ISraph aUl his'lu graediy... 16 vu :Twetvuysars ay bel,.. a no eWPLalien cf lit. te me ;'and>seS6.ieSoaIdps narfiet froohena-of théa- nhU..ihà e ai n--, I - q%» , â.8L -e---4 J J a. .E. JoeDICÂL KÂLL. WKITEYa .r:i~ i Tue ~Th~ and Wh.r.for. of ~sporsars. ..TIno mr hv, reporter. hoans.they whei tbay -bave a if estis. officionseous bide uwmSon b la repeue e betu datinmIb2l an'ai4~ ne&Pt t ty te ïa. jlongeai pariaS tI &nrtsL, toc" sloa~; "-anA - -- wno ITALLAN. .y!ARF - [4. omitaegBut, foli 2al'O tiie "Bm"'] oups '..Pp. liy.v »Mtis.~ fi- t 4 A-- t ka~ O.Wy&I~. ~:j ~ 4sf Z~' I ~ ,- I ~!M5qi~4U~PLLJQUES.. a - t LJÂJ[ M. Carr~agi ~ers Be4~pu siroteS Pheatons, la Dos Sida éa ian. 7 tle îîlbà îe -r a ROBEiI!I!~ON eREDAY' APÈIL * lt 6*Wqlý z,ý «ýý