»u;lTj sAD i0o1188OPS"la %0 soi. A. F. pl aB.A. Ba'loeà Isse, eeabIil sus. sid 7pa.. ST. XOKWS OËIIUSR, '(Pol Wbibyl; Bau. IN.8& wlouthbyMý... .l'aub. Servioe at 10.80 a.mi. asd 7p... 14l~v. ;no. Abrahamu, Sarvice ai Ils&. ndTi> e" Be. As 1PTIBT CUR . d 4 Service ai 1M-80 a. .sud 7:00 p.m. Z.l0O0 1RBO, (st. John's). Seviest1.8 . an .. ON THE WING. ,rlr t Arivaiand c,.pmi'ure % STANDARD TIME. Grssssie ru2tlwu "oMi 71)7 u. ilxed 4.5pm Express 8.43 Express 9.17« Bunday, 8.43 Lin Exprc.i 9.28 &m. ILocal 6.40 pi. Rixe 1 .10 p. I Express 8.01 Town. ÂRV. junecion. Exîrela 8.10 .Mn. 820 Li. Mai. 1i0l.in. 1.00 p. Juncllois. Town. Midi, ,3.04 P.. ~ 13 pin. Expreà 6.46 p mi. I 8659 p... 1.evi feor Obs ai lOt1000&..Oauid .0 tpu. Brtà sà u e 80 a. Whitby Post Offce. Os tua B. r CLOSE FOR TUB 5BUT. 745 inm 1 700a.ms. 716 .- 1.a . ila p,. Fur ltheNorIAs3Sp.m.. For Bougsa s La. ARRIVE. NI Uain I 5.La. 10.00 pin. 10.00p.. T-ru 2=oth m p . rom Bogisi .0 .u 31 esRYO 010s448 antel .lMoney Order acf- fice§ In I:âsda. UsocnSeta, Ors xBitalis Princse EwIldand , d.Newfoundisd snd India. 5lbP)gTâ euiviluuder &ho cogulatluns- of thée Pot . flrc N4oa 5801 hcan btwoon thse bougesof a. 1.0. stid &a30 p. uM. itailstcred oottWro 01011 e pated I& minutas buf sre tisc*'.e. of ratimai 0iSle cour. a. im. tu 6 30 p.M. sunâsysL. 0554. étoitned J Ntttraèd iottad 1Ià nlassai RAI, ts tre% o tuas, llos lits. Ierse, erviÃŽ CeùperilsnCira. du Soudes2, t4 «Ch. t. litmi f4D~ leN11 -pr j 51 Psa asi 'eoauas Assones, exmpt Cubaý. ud Porto ItîO, MSfe sottlesaesstu lunBIMuPOtîs. ?ant sud Ltt.,. #Oc. pur j os., BooS, iho., 6 osé. for à o. -ad Rdala 1-i .5 conta, papers. 4conte,- C. iXRItS! otm à a Dat'e ton2d"aitmmeutesnssal vi. And sas berrslnky oye. grv <(su 'Till, 1loi ah$ dieufor lova.of bin. Bauds lb. baby'. oradiae SI ip MtIbe virole li t loua "Th ite kAb is. aballlabh in hà g, *To drink," sire softly a berd. à b. bire> And slmulatsteb .To aevb*thara vi And b iNs -Ths otho l g "s carsble ' sLu er.lb lascfWsduin 4LJn hte î 0 m« Or be toutS ountb ton , "Thomsa*.»bthéisa" l 1<1v A lth tle 1hep. <And ho .haB navar lnov, et, imbi, It nav«e a bai l . Wbiach a or i a Wts oîs ait lisé souS lta t vorîd ? Ne eue nase. Bvetate isa&asof advsrslay0 but Mou espeprefer sugar. ou sa oeasa of lntelligeoca lnov bho s aS, Poverly destroys pride . hIs diffi cut for an ewpby bsg b stand uprlght. Brave actions are tisa subtauo, 'of Iwae* goe-saYlgN 4 lia mu t ofa e qé a@ ;ü&qMIloI t 0ail tinlgs%rt'eih.Evefifcoins hav, to b. pareS nov sud agalu. Euery man as bora vitli.s 9puior. Tb&%'% bis cà ou gnse.î Wisa * nlaie* eider hi often <t. a 1rmentor. Tbmî's bis vif.. If v. neyer apoke of sà nman'@ virtues before himao8 or ofhbmsaqtesbiind déstlu iefaIa eaniout A amont yonU man pliceS op a in ov tl i.hall 1rooc aftar ai:Uie le brâd.on, aW sang pa*lioai l'#, 49'-Tia tise last rose cf anme ber." 'Ella" vautst. 10kuovifove cen 1.11 ber vbasthebs Kigbta of tbm Bath are? Uauaiîy Baturday nigis, in velI.regu- laied familio, eat. "ql'o m a e"ailsl"' ho ezehaîmed. woot as thée inquiry. 0"I1 on. faietaea1 isecrieS. Ha vas etaylng at a cb.ap boatding-bousa. 'Wisab setisa big corner lu perk I boersà about ?"aked Lanra morose tIi. cisaary tea-table. "Tb# big ceeues la porl,îî rmplled Tom, *liatishe ham.." Of s&H passious jesiousy liota bavih4 axactaslthe hqrdeai seivie an ",tae r lb. nns eoof aibr 'eueiy -goitave. 50 b. sure of if. à onoduelor on th. Grand Truck Railvsy nsad So poe bis mother fiee, but h. vau ediargea froua service, aie re ao", nqW1-aks,"'li - "Ys, ~y olasi" 'SMr*..Rama botisocu, peakiug of ber invalid oncle, "lise paon U asulJsm u bedbal vas nbý un a1 cf, si ntuaf A photographes Iu a coouutry tinv vau recoutly visatod hy a young vomamu %ho, vitis a @West simpiiîy, saleS, "Hnv wlong dosaeil bale tb gel jous 1;bofnarapb aftei yos lb&s &jef& gour If you bave great talent@, linatn Witt imriou'e hem , if nod"ra:s, siit.->.. WS~4 l,4itt .. bJ 1 ll ir 1cised . ÃIlilS fZ6dgh. svsr .Iwbu tI4îue' % il Iout il. Uucls-",Do you resu>' ihink. lcector, là ast I am improved Pl" Doctor-"l1 .fuarautor yo 4fp for soma lqie b cam', Un K*'PIe'ae bret*4 ê114, beie'. ly pas bew. TbWpqlr boy vili eod'à y ditppointed." A misuaber of lis. PisosieoC0ub voa MO e6-iacng. sd sal dialou. lo,ýt4 t .Ws ý* ou llg to d u*go,"bîimité& actent, but- vutez lb. language club saIs us te opeil glu. gl, va protest. '4 C yuiýe " uda l e r "I7 6q t 3." n N ysu. pÃŽthy cooes sud my beabaud insista ipnur perl = blag w g ole srîc. in't tha i oven' rspiladi e. gaent le a Ws14 OUvs pîsil vas amp tf1 uffient tb provide hi. s vxhi I it thinse ugnu.dful* 50 rhim, " s UIjW04 hu, lb but W#b O<hld Y- ilst 1 y hinUwot be. ni in atarnai .pquwbment r' mnft. Nol iWhat do pou meau b y aernai t Taik *bont aoÇà ibug daflîlle. ly, anu il think abous it. Mr d y ~uudiaîie1).'tTbat's boti.r Ibs pi Tq iasdo amvtmug if yon hava pallbue, Said aà old une:, vbo b.d iaId (sla6vâ f pouly vais.", théa oel reply. etM luise :awl&d ourir#aa ~ i~ gvasd a Orama. wu v »ste maniaI te a ehureb, dee.,» Maniad:. st 'atlved seiber vlil'unee té tedfoî plionographie stloentsat a amair sumi a&n hbpUr. Tbitalnd(coja esa o thê earqrs ù is Xtsad-t beO nuuiber or tboae va1aou0e1 bd ~ eBy sa sahrthaud vrieié h~ry3r aUsalisi pared. vitis Ibogea vueattemupt Il sud 1ai. Paît cre I. due vary Oton te na Il, o fapreo4 ltion Of the Iga;QPISî a* dualiAnssue'teMeoy lsiiogjg ortia bodau b Increly leared thir gne~u, a ib nd thenasolvea iniable, aItlbhebrat atte Pts, to folovsa'rapi! speaker. TMe ha ai at 50follov pofspIak r ? rodr te speech gos. off a? aea train speed while the wnitisag keeaasbt ni a canal boa t. voviiaoeoeoildtte asVaèc ,ý iug ta Aise oapacily of ltse wviles. To do Ibis wit.b exaotuns, to keeop samsng fast enucghfor te;*r(dr'a ;toeost Ppeesi, sud aItlisesaune lime amy enougb to enable bsw te keep up. isaa delîcate sud diffioult 1maI hbut bas ofeen bisfliod the patiocios of tise mont sifea. tionate rosSer. lIbmth vain effort bo amiS learuefr 'b11shortb dsflo e ueoeez j rtic., lId meDbr ", v~a beau Irsartedmaideu Sunt@ ~bunbd chiien ,qoro bgh,)itiie brotbera s a peratïd. and Othear relatives douguueoï. The oîty young vomusu bas, thtssefore, penesi a fruitufl d, sud onue long vaiting te b. coiîivated. Bbc propos.. gosaubttute' tireexperienced reasier, familier vitb tb. vante of Ah. mtdent, iu thetpiaca of the tised, un slillfnle sud perisope uopaid relative. ltasay inuirîs. are t-made by vould- 4. d lrphare in regard te the bout method of Iearuing ahortband, the besie boo tab-Y. ',tui le scafs An say Ibat tis e stdaulis Ia lilsly te b. lad aaîray by a well esîab ilb#d book lli', ns$ba A tioîrled. Ih lev -'a Ã" Ille &m a t Promise Abiion.I ao1, ab in tuarvcllouaîv short poriode of urne. Is le a quos.îoun ften askcd. *Boy 10lon vfi i itale me. tocIn sh orîhaud?" Tise reply mîpht weIl be.. oy louar elr,)uId you rs.quir go learu 10 play ibe piano o'r sho vîiln, or te learu Fretcb, or to learu a trade ? This la certain, thal a ynung nman eau geurâli lepain te b. asa i 515 lleosi'aphsur inellésma te ihan it i% re-quiresi Ae I*ooama,...good t-illiarsl play.r. or a seoi pokter player. ,r s o gobchscler ployer. One thirsa oeit be unserstnud by 'bhume 'ti4rig to lears iotan-ts report %o ti4ciuf'bédosa not'unde suad. Ye-t pensons vlan are net nnly unedu oasd but ainacit iliterai. suppose that tbtqy can write a scteuca lu shorthand or !e' wnt1 d4tinildbjand tbat, beféone eau laooms prollosont, i lu ores"sa" t e quirs as loast à glipieaIl novledgo cf rhllny 4ohaL Wbsiic"omeatsi bereport, îog ofà feon #.Mu , q raq ide range 6i bformatlen CbeOoassusù sa beosusa IZ reporter oesy at suy mo- meut be cilles! upou te vietisvl obecuiet. a inachaisut, su physician, or a tsun'ih liakisova their lixigoha Ul"ld bisa self idnlyid&pm64iîb b,4! ' ' alibly i lhJeregioua of b.aaa portable. From iho SaisFrwnci.eeClscronicle. Tise British ahmp Obarles Bai srrlved ou Weduaaday froua Houia Kong. Tisa Captain tslaled hi#e *%perI"uee vIril ,pasaîpa ahrocgý lisp Straits 0 acnda.4ur. Ogtirs avaulng cf lth. I2"iof Auguat tb. skysuddenîy Wssmnd amilly visite sp. psearnoo, oaugting tloa ssroug vbii. or mlivry glare. Thia phenotuenon, vitb- '24ti, 251h, ans! 251b. h. ailp lëd i" alld bJavae.ià d ?slt*?e Wî: laud sud vas asmfflg Kakae*JWsad whicb u" amil babolo j t-'0 -i aO terr thM onlg ns, 24b 1 ' bournwded SlWthn *boc"Lto "i. ..~- Sblh'ucOh*saniptionCure. Thia (s beyond qugeiocti he. mW aunoasfal Oongh Radfie vm have in tb. être of it *la bout Sparalel in th. hfiory of suedioins. Sinos ita fire%, dIaove7y it hbu,,bmný other me- ci<a t d l à Xv. a Oough wt .arneqsstk you to i ry* iL Price 10 0.150 oie. à 'â4.1.00. IY 7011 lusIgi are sore, coit or baok lame, use A y0ongman ln Kano".. wad (ta tesob sobool, but oouldni't .1hou ti, froin~ra4o)sosdve what *"cirocil&r" vas, saiddlit vai a fur. Iicsed oloak. The Progresve Age. Every rone .bould know for hbifful Iha nowi made i n da. Th ecb . ,dsmaisWorlltixtýe t bau oeus4 the mudis&l W a tletact o..uF I1a Wbolpag*elkmr zansd TohooDzgsia Made by &DANS TOBACCO COPNY, liontreal. a Obe.ky Pamuaer-*<Any fear o' my dipturbing the magnetio eurrentet1 p Uainby golU' uai»-rthée opin à , y Ooplin-,.Oh no, air. Bisa asno effsot ounltwbatuvar, air." Bucleu's Amie.Salveý. Tlhe Best Saive in lb VoSu for'ua BoreagiteOap Ru, lllan 'yi atisfacion or mcmy eftud . Pelce IScentsuperbox. Forme by T. G. Wiri Scientimseaffir. &btisidisuessnua bypboid fs'uan are lu many camsa"nosue 17 traceble to tise milk cf soyv wo bave baS nnly impure vaber te, drink"; htchg islu UC -W114l4 &4e M Tbe #êympa4.,ssaý ati,.h perwpiramino. junteuse tobsngt, inorasd lîy soratcobiug. vsry disttausîug, parUeu- larly st u'ght, sma as à Ît if auorma reclollamma>' bAby. S'WAYNEBS OINTMENT" lu a pleuaau, supeesurs Alo- for Tetteep Itola, BIî5.sxa or BoaS, y e in uîam .. ddraus, Dr. $WÂYNB& 80;' Phladelpisia, Ps.a.15 dby Drg. «Taera aaid te b.euly qisot 18, .Ulmbesaof tis e .sy cf Prieudu .avin Great Bnitau n sd Iralaaad Fqr Cramp, Pain ia tire Stomacis, Booyd QomplIgon orChilis, u#Penn Vas tg Ja eu a. Id b 12M, as an- board oiis"g atlaalraoafor msay ~5For ôëà bseBurtis, Oute and ap»gaph app.arsi "avaibmyh 1e~s 0, 18m0" Bable la i oaHere 1ItîFb- 10W*rA ' ; - - premrptounci a BSton lylia0da pen» ymnbs aBouton d2iuist. 02 CUitt. su£ vOrtissmenl a pastl luna msîat mue ef s6 -8L5. £1Ur*payai " 8Waatd-A oanmortablso soami for s yong t our test by ton.'l l ir~8CAAe sR BEMED1»* A siells i. o sn* D mmto4. u Msue Dy 8au- 55i555 uma 1,ar: To'8Youase0" aid Blooma (o L jaew4 -dWdlbg bovr slep sa tdore rou isae t mIs" airacrueli quterilMoteeil ot your rul b y a iek, Weisuffasina, and tryang viAb th. .:csuolng-palu cfeutling leeth t Iso,.gostaImma. sd «ueam- , tle t MB.ïý, a -apeud upon Ià ; hast.la ne mimlae tzrbhw" i à ro 'evarl usai'ik,*bb vill noS 1.11 you at once tisatitIlviii regulata the bovels, sud glv utrasA othenao. Biser, sud relief sud beasti ' a =l04cul opa!ating liII.magie. Il a eM, l1 Wsfs.p,le l U qil osan d n a Sir iambe, and im tue prusonlptioirof »P o dethoais a an sai fanail4raihhu3 spd'nundla la tb& unite t& E~olqI eêwyvbve T TeBny4 oeua ibot ie. AnA let orne vondara atI mima: 111 a. soing tb plat mlfoot dovu," saiS "Wal, 'yas going t. «J m.osora?lu. terropbed thse MasM s<4Oshowff.ssM AYER'S Cherry £>ýtýa .nie un tnuflcd isAs by thse nuanlty ni suifas. veil Provelo lis ecflrsy In a toy yeasm' SilsI viSAs tlsrai oui luasg ,ilscaaeo, axsd shonisiha tokeu k,, aJilcss ilinost delay. A TentAnteCouffii Cuse. - "is MSJIusl aeveeaolsl, wiilcb mitcted oîy tuusgit.. 1 hu*iasterrible coughand paesuc ni1lit site, oh gla itbtout uleep. YTh ctoers Pte mea ulk I triesi A VER,& cîu xiPu- TOERAL wlitcli ellevesi Msy'l= s.ladiscei satee%aaEred tise thes ue euecs for t tiseof a rCoIIAk5 larDas effateAJ 000*2yeà rS isCay.d r5.1 aWdou 54Utir. FAIiusoTsio." liockinglmi, vi. .1 ui131, 11451 crousp. - A Motee Tribale. "WAsli" lhitiese ountry lmx violter my littîs boy. tisee yeAmrs oluî, wvsatales,11 tiivIlcroup; 1: oausm«4ê au iflic wo«Id dl. froni trAngo. ltlIo.Oas <010ofthe (a=i)>' noustesi tise t nt Aviohe'aCumati PetrouAL, btti of w5sIsi. orsaalways hept ta theose . Tis vu, tnhusi lu ihsmual soit(uent dcean sd qux oss elgIlit lm eedmssbat( us bons tam #41 hsV,3.aaseA-.i a<lUfu l'ÃŽs'TI5AL lua usy auuhy so sfor Iyesrsamss41*0i iso A"d itrfisngasM"yrasews lsn0 mwso- am 1 a s urtu lm a A.ucf AÇrT1 VUra- use j kcroAL. J.:i Xsnz" pasllauija. 4 1 ilq th& bIsI 15li us've i1sseuoid 1001i surs lhAise,s 14 ioc uaiffwAsstl01tlie tbrfflt or lue exista vii"e anrot 1 gucstlY r'slildvcd spd il vii l ta nevt sea "tisa'Il su Mtl alsemq IooSd tuei Me teS c itcb rSu yaisi~at Druccits. TUE UEWYUK TIBIL fl OENTS, SUPER 's. a D,~ l TCfilW «UBB ErQUiSe$,weobt&kà w ~ cs prices from the wb I Ber; ..THf PA PER 18,IRTCA6 1~ -~ .34 ~j "1 2' a LI~Af I IN~YV. I IN eededby E very'Lady. In4~pesake .q 1very- Gentleman.' CÂJ, ;SE~o ~ EXAMINE. ie. u ut-r 0eÇ - Sedsix ,cents for hosir. The broad rossi Wr umip..W161,ýt workm, abobli'4uly as1ftb-Âtoôlt-ddieoTMlk o., Angnaianc.. THiIWY T ~M~Â PT).ýKETS, PIrut issp Excursion for .1DAKOTA 'a lM NATOBA I CANADA 8 UTf iLes TORONTO at X04 27ontir 5q 'THIS BOAD Id NO T BLOGED IjwS' ore"ates go igWest vlS «vFeu ,, uâ,takg tisronta. For btidetssud fu etinformaticu appîy An jý JAMRS LONG, usai ~ ~ 'alvay Passengar Agent, O ecusOe.and0ose- Offlps41,RaY'i Hotal, Dundau.t nouas, ln Deogrell'q Blook, for g.our rateITURE pemYNGRC SIS lit pro4i for YOI.isSqlv4s. ' üâî&7roHNS.lMM ailifliÉpuriti Icetions ; ai1 Aciditv ucf t L4q-d-nr»M avai, Â: 0! DUIWUUL Z Baiupîo ~ *Fs* sale ~cU1LU1UN * 516 r OL» .,A2 G~k~8. 8I~ TRÂ~ ii~.aK FRIDAN Pwom tha011 The Omms Ats Sany clb DiaplayedÀ by a gocalcil Gaq sus$ - ibiade fora Tusday Buiasu Do n Correspon TliS Daim the NevuuiaM Plga u aquipisasi i C. If. "a. Oseras M opeousune .050 Tht i 0 q1lqeld m, lu th cia ir; lps a ubis atc rDas lbw ýh, ols .A~i Atp~ i . ié.,j~sBoy, ~Xo usa talirla..." <salA sassa.. 'Passa my; "l'us' houas! te S. aomslllug t. gsi niob vissa I gu'ev upY "1 feas peu an ~VSIM '0 lova moopp~ %efl," P5~ê~afabhen lie ta tisja gfl tu i s PI go$ f. i d ms1dbifarh Mifsl $sp s )a~rbl1th 1;i ..jdý Ivbst v s ns Wles4 bte boy s" los la a tvMWapMd TslMag~ Nasie OiE THO,&AI m1Pb*g toEtt hm inmý Valu-.-t n the County. . ]ROBERTSON~ & RO. -1 'y 1 1 M, 'V 1 1 il 1 ýTE P-,ýlý