À" D9UY A BAIRNA1DYS BROOK BT., WHITBY. U. Ooii.tom»4 smvu.v for TMa W.w sia: =a mu.1 4 t hie laud h paut noP el fc*.bmotp«OUah. Md tramuso MARCH Z8th, 1884. WAT teIlSou ilU TM IAulSnaiwUfUà Aw flth w'! u MS IL" MI a Eu, Drff Mmd )MsauBl. or st Mins FiwWaok's. r»hl USa»laf' hurh, an Son-' Clshu. Oh"s odB-Ite, s ..xiM s WiOh WMUGA' tel aà i §Mbowa y. Gùins-v. ai*e mW shevlg New opuiongTwme.§Omoneozow.luly olbol u.m .Tweed udnagaM& ".CO Th. u.eauth m»w doelad to bu tvo Wnkab.hlndhand allev.rthlaooutnent, **s it mpoat hb.u e. vei aund lu Europe. Frlday1 A*4l 1M, bnlieid se lb. daIs, of<Sb, X.od*Wot eburob Q abbm&I, S<»i oi$puSt.eat, for vbieh seti v4 a"dslôarae now bu in« 0-64. Tb. proramme.vil! bu a Tory M$MsoI4u Que. Tb@ youug mmofU* 0«h.&andaMetb oMdlii T 41#ls olds ab»cliounSthe îo=mtdl 4Wmfu h. el I pow aie à e adralte-* '1 wbsfusi t.*hq th mo là bled . a lIa îtbd» bbo llraly latorem t u Qu inmi bals w MUn. Frank Loelea, elmwabibr, iâ prbslT u eaty dae, h eh.m.ulu Leuvii., va bas jê.trvSmxn.d itto m ida lIais. l h mm oIa. em gave objecou h lu a ~ a~ m aI mon lasoleri The LaBuet thlnhati CIai.Gordaon v. hie uuons ta a ga.peciafly Veil.b.I mot mss, saya b h ll.r'b mai eTrfl0Io r hmulg ta vI lie t 111cpr l Il havu n mufnitelAlatà t Prn tboold.at O à .!,s 0!gms lsj> Who' toae lthe uem m r hôa trm if so, a b] s$ «0710114 Whltby Sprlug Austase i ai i COOTIN1YW 110E LUTIMM-TuE umanue rUmmIGoM-TWO ra- a z'Mou" eI-AM OSEAWA S8O&NMAL cm TBAX D55W1 A NO cROWD, AND A- Th - ttag tAista.. ' hl1opèced0 before ths Hon. Mw. Justice Camerena on MIoada Oflait Wsm sud Oe vbsiOb1 OP40 (h. "5.ut golnt ý ta pr nTes- ZOIroxm u1s4th.e aýom on Baturday TI. Gs107urymade 11.1, TEU&Hi L dhp h. HoIsmbe Mr. Julatic mamonpr.aldlng, IiuS l.Of th spring AniM .for Ah. Oouty Of Ou1tao.1 L. The . Grand Jury "eg le proesa ibht hb.y-bave dsapo.d OfaiQ h.nmai tona laid befere hm by the Croira jt Thiy have hlld uader oealder- alleî Abalt portion ef jour Lordahpa charge relatlug tle lb. Grossi Jurlea, sua à maJorlty et h. Grand Jury ara Sopluaiontâat iIIà lnadvlbltSer.u *omgmed »au fron tuthémprese a ah ither nase dspusgva sisir a.rvioos ot la roailu; Iln- beu aeupoalng »h0asèm. 8l ?iey have vltsed lb. OC"md Sd à t eaais sd huptinlM srderly luasaer, Ahey beeverregro te5sta&@ othe l.sstlea-ofAthégr' floot ia ver* defoativ, eopoily AIevas 4. TM>qb« te 1iptm isqr Ahanki te Ah. Cao*a"ifor AI" (bavafor, hie aLtip". ethe buai... brougbt before the# sud ton th. eaioe»" os edil tt ofahr etbAhir dtiles. 5! TI. Grand JSy fuel &btAou bis four Irai viel a. a Judoete iisCounty wilI vhteb u verselon; sd alooely oaso i.boh aetsà lea4ng Qouesul and ma slé repraont&USla leYarlia ment, tb.j uay ou l b it l peepid oangratle yo jur Lordshlp lapon yoer sesleain la lb.Bonah. . Tlsey &rnait Ahatjour Lardoliip may le long îpared tAn111 &bat hîg sel bonoerable pouilles h. datesle.et w" veurxt; at operimneoassualhu amt sud fearisaa sveeste se moly quéli u s eltadisabr. JAMES GflUAM. *Gran4 Jury RBom, Foromu. :1arch 20&b. 1884. R ia Lordahsp in a moet plsaaing ouatiner, repiied le Il. pros.nîinent sud rsfrring t i. pau carert the Bar lunt&biCoaslly, îluanke4 sWI**ud 3w7ns fatrhtbc id aeAai?~ ' ! p» B .5 4 e 4 u d5 il I I s I ilibcw ry muid assaut iii. -0. 1bu lw B t ei euhe U 04d a ,oetr - t . Jhý» Or à «lii>b b. ter theP&arMIUS b«"a"v pitip lu eti daea lvoel freber mar abm ~ rvet jasa. th sme ah. v livingb beruis lu bsws islvig Pwise autd eaelua.s ld r. sud enta a uaI e~ mm, but 0"14 ah.subse- .4 ly ta obarre. nouey item bis. eiri b *hW1tl Wolt&i5bur@1 ,5Efw«crrt2o:.lla8 n MM vMy atrong Lauguago againe% defanâs4 ut, eil vas Obl.ysueuR bis tssily relations, »ud OeueldbtedUa.prlvilogsd. as Ahe Cloue of pisImAifs om t h. juge bld libatif My a osaldegoladastu e plain i teould no t e. d t h. emar of kcis, bustvas rat«etovtu Ie ùAl opo* ocIaedby pAIra. The ?A"I.fer laiithfWalter O!go;; for defeadMt. Board o e Sehoal . rtiau PULL AmKDMIsos or vxma Edasteion. aI vhoh Ahore wu Tifoouea r un o Dmeaivo ulalolu »bgua),Bns.oût muirpS. 1)0v atvlParagon, j motu. Ring. bicellan, Powell, Eulloge, sud Afier reedin; sud confrele; the GOUOMUCATION vas r.ad fres Ils Deparmsefutet I MImiaer et Educalien elatial A batAh haif nft1yOvteliSCt-h COlIaI»Inastius s la 737.*, OOgKitu ON SONOOL XEAAOMMN r;=orthtIAtbeybldremsvedip a a d estluotslaD itm ai ua.A.rahip e b olg* mut IliT.'O - ,B.A.* %il! uieumme t a I eofat&ai par jean. Thot lMt. Campbell hais Ah. auk of Ueporu adupséd. Tbq Piesuce Commi#es repomld Ihe iiowtls ou amts wvItalvors paaad; Grose à Orsugur. ene No. 20 Cas- pion ooaa!steve, $20.50; John Novipr'ti 9 corde or Wood. 649.50. î imENICAL APPAEATUS. Mrt. Powell uoved, »eeed d yMVr. a ppaîetqes fore l.Labr e'Or P Board sdjoumn. ~g~o aqeclde&tï-O. dissolve pa tn«'rshià ; #é à r b ýblWgedtô - - 4tND L Rfr hr ie R ýwillnot be ôur ob à he slewill. a a iI'V t 1LS IU U I i lt to makeý j, -- ---- NEW--- ~ bo~gitat40CET$O «TH DOLLAR. Tremend6us batrgans will be given so as to éleanott ~ r I~rAnch of the business. - ýÇESÀ C$>>DB STAPLES9 CENTS' FU RNISfrIINCS, BOOTS& SMO ES, AT OSTe L Ç - o-nib~y adollar's wor'th trntïl yo'u -see what w a do for you. Corne earlyaind.get your ehoice. * S ~ T~?-r~C0 DDFELLOWS'AL .4~ ~~~~~~ ~~ jLX L.JJb ~ ' 'e/% - WITBY. SPRING 1884~! - N W WEEDS NeW- sUITINS New Prints and Emnbi&i AI4TDEW O8 FlOU UMM&,-. Âyerfs Ssmaparifla bais ecuùolad <h. humaifor- AIt 1 As - qdatut U a, 4padually uprasd o #à a. towla t ovsttreo dy. 1-mi n u ysi-iffl Uerrbly 5ilted sud an0bjeaof eÇptlY, wl ktbo W hbpaigermadhlus» . w.hmr.am fw um sof bàs ps*hoseuY oymmpb"ahb -MU EFATUEIh »m-« am*me4eo t y"deb», NEW9 R'VIrTiSMNTb. Towhoe of our imà mens'se 8oceof * CRQCKER Y & GLA&SYAIÀRE!ý- 4T ITRDUOTION IN PIE NEW AI) JUST' ~t tn'tEzt.svapai te elalai Abat 80.2E. tue m for Dqqi e m b Theolad maid'. lasomublairesoua- teNe; a@cu"eraiin Âm 01e m tbe MIt. ustfor us~u A back.-*adjAieo AkW. B. Bavas for « Heb*~Cugbuu. "t oqulehly sa te atenu alyI. U *No moeloma a.oftiIlMaud dovu o;tte.tIsa Ido." the Mau 58. Pwoama.-Pboyix5I s t h. 1W of th. bicai Ah. mtrlmp,Ah"tb"laupaud au, à ; Ma ~Irk ofaady; t1h.,eara luee ddleaI~uDsri4dln? ellup~ ~ I » RugmlÀtt.tatiee Md pglwriit aseay, 8<11b s" u ma0e. oom , hummt s"d odie*,s; nt w a h..k-Oompoeitioansd Qra mât' Zou ou n'AnsIolpbe BW'Ipbi-...... Unerbsue, Olyu; 0. SiW t Jo prSu-onuli. ndssa Aa...... Fr* Pmer; lot. pst' NE W ,e only way -toi do- sois to BELL £1'. aey bufte sel off st Aklerg t ML LNElT SPRING 1884 JTJST - 1OITD TWEEDS, ~IEWPÂ.ÇT ING ÀLSO m -ýt- - E vaine