Whitby Chronicle, 28 Mar 1884, p. 2

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«AI4 Jw i M.WM4(ùsoiuùv Per. m*e4v. Dr i W)for a «u- :00 à twi.'. to"ba o tuei r , ý o 50 ~ m~ek 'Th hu.)o 0cets. OHEONIOLE froin presont dat# 4t**POf'LN L Ladoigne, Sir John A. Msfonad or Hon. Oliver Mfowat, £0. * gther viSA our new. Dreasmakinj Pre. mius j3oek) fur 75cmas.. Ait uB.cription8 Io be qddrre8vd to J,:S. ROBERTSON & BROSO PROPRIETORS. ORLBOIIIOLII BUILDING, - WHITRY. New Advertlaemnents this Day MI" U Lne Steam'ihip Co--O. B. Yule New Spriug Good-R. & J. Campbell. Sp"oal-O. F. 3tewart. Adjouruai Sae of Lands for Tuzs-Thos. lffaim, Town Clerk. Laadlug inés fur 1884-J. B. Robertson& New God-&LH. Jaunoson. SpmWela 6r-Neaw York Tribun.. mK tbE 4Itroli1ck. ORILY $zoo PIR NNUM1. WMIy, rtIyMMacà28., 1884. ,Ae ounti iu ve conatituencios for tse LéoolI Houa. lu Quoben teck plaoe ou Wdedayt rsauuing in, a direct X44Ibe Pgin cf tiSe ia. .publio ueitaot n the b.Provinoqis *vork'n s*eg Agliulns mervatve rule, sud it u 'ftl queoable if atseBoas Cabinet (Conslws vio ii stad dunt oveu fie eue session. "A~xrsofor le. u t hGlen" seemm le b6.àhe * wSa ocf lie Oshiava viatdîlo. là msolies columa v paillsb#alottlr frein Ur. Genaiswinis siseusbov <aaous natan iigo le editr sqI6g forleslaui uimacéof Tai Lbisli u Olaîo vspro- vopado. Tusisty, lb 101h ai.,afe 'Itideutmuts vIlle mmuobla for 0 4 ts~ eWe mtMb ovi Gev- oet IiY le b4beR7 Of oine e1 bis 1w Mu, Tisebiosiu sud lb. Ici-Avto deu upon al dreAc eim.lal poieou ii' o at tfo ypocle làaI g«osrnmsnt by pmtyleisiw alhbutI a vos-y inapode ois f atae mooblaey. Mmua vsinEgyptstau goesmnamid the.m incrslg anr.let Us te UsiLisia a ta ia .lgthatunSn ... aniint amiens te retire as soon as iber zuipeon in aooonspllslspdbut meneuls-enti-do net mmem b promie a'spocdy terminal lien cf tie <allai sspadupon ier. tTie aubellln lesti94 presdLug moug theAss b le,and thi receul vlntoriam e h anho sd otherEnd"wsipurai appiearlo Ibanchai but Uile inficen ý *9 ebels. 14M ad ms sa milse"lleoor u acrutl paU. "w. -,bu*" B" sueof -nt Wb" vii MsM bilag momate a es ashet'y coing bal fur C,bdmis lai, mi- 5W bon of p bVîn an Ast 0" in im a asAof belpM& &m "i 4wmm ofthé lie ervs t.oor b. alLidbi*amsé te- *6 bondtMAla sl1oe4l*0 muus o g6»ta.'. » by snli q*oàth gistlse cf ie kuaîsnsdby4~4 I Ilit wU b flbe .p ollbl oTtâsumtiesoi = id ut na n terIm a *W&1 *àmeh he plesdup imege e çhsAIi"1*ê &mou bia4e.w T6e Oe am au MW a un 4, b" ssl ooisss, le doubl 1vM w, sud Xvidence before the. coeMagltmte Ivas elese on Wednidy 8andltheosa adjourned for s wook for. argument.ý The Paulam wt~ ivtglo i vii b. oonuuinuted su àr aoonmlssloat. thret judges, to b. ilaosvby'lhe IderaI. Gersirnor ta C Tcul he sMlIoami Sevien.Produd auna u i Iue mû.. lie caem lisi stronga aaia Miasrs. Bunllug, Meek sud Wllklaou. The MfaiU buidrepped îils Ipt tory thal th. me» ueyvs upplied by Kik- land. That Wiiluasonu aselb.n ,Wh e m mblou an sd Bsifthe l. 800 il dffa net préenut t deuy. Quory then: ,If nelppplied by Kirklandvhe did lie miney cone froîn P We kucur the Troasuryfrom wvhioh Wlilkinaon bs dra mouey for-thier Ildlrty work'" The evidonce efthIe Fedenal B3ank toiler telle iu plain termes that Stimson and- Shiel-J wone the men wh~e hanged the. thousand dollar notes, afterwardis going to the bankof B. N.A. tebreak them &gain Loto bille of a sinaller denozaîna. tion. Banting, Wilkinson andi Stimslon vere found ini one anothera companvy on mors tlianonoe oçeasion duning the paut four veeks. Bîînting, Wilkinson andi Meredith epent a oertain Sundiiy in 0Ottawa withun the past month. Put 2 and 2 toÎethçr and what does it make? It may suit a temporary purpose to draur a reti ierting acros the track by abung MeKira, Balfour and Dr.Dowl- ing, andi even going 80 far sas b maie ont that Mr. Mourat sot a trap for Mr Bunting - and aaught Luti. "But," to quote lie i'orld .on t"ispoint: Ilbecause the farier sets a trap and catches tae foi, the fox la nons tii. lass a chicken thief. The goverument Irappeti Buoting but it vuwas nting- the briber tlhey rook, andicil the specal pleadiog ini th. world viiinol m .il otierwims." It may b. liat, vith an exception or luro, leaders of tie Conservative party have bad ne band in tii, shameflil pie". of business. We trust, ini the interestis of the coun- try, tiret il may b. shouro that this as tbe case. I- so, they malte a greal mnais* inalloving theniselves ass a partylto bdrmgged through tihe mirs bontase of th ise idees of ene or tvo of Iheis number.1 - Dlsturblug Public Meetings. In ciar local columua w. give the par- tbculsa of a dîsloniane ataoccurreti atlb lialvation Amy barracka on Wednsa veniog. Thougi like pro- ceodinga fromttatie nowdy elemeut hava net iaen unkuowuin othen teos uhere the aa-my lis been locatedfor the good nome et Witby, b. iL <aid, this is tihe âm sesm lt has oecarned hero. Tiare la ne excuse for sui cenduet. anti the ohani labat minu tli be (ounotin100v communily capable of &e anuoyîug public meetings. 'and vonse still-to assaut tes. wlom tbsay finit unsulteti The matter nov being in the. bands ef lis Police Magistrat.. it wil net b. for- na te pre-juige. Thii, much. hovever. msy b. said - liai pnblic sentiment iu tevu wil net telerate auv reletilion pI nowidyisin othsn at thse meetings of thb. Seiratien Amy or elasvbsro. Tic Cellogiate Institut*. Tie action cf the Board of Edunation iu appoint is;M. T. 9. Campbell, B-A. tel.t te a lIal usaslessiap of lhe Osigate luatt w yl doublest prove a% i)Erau M. Campbellislas geulb.uei et siegular a sM asu. Isimenai nas a »slbauslola. lHe bus' eahpar o e lsUalvrlljcourse çak*b a sobolarshlp sud et bis gredue sias lest jean won lie <ld modal lu fssibsual an sd frein ils ver ilgi .landiua vas appoluled a Pellov ef the Uulreraitîy lu uhini cspocîi. i..ab sluotsdewas sletantto PrefLoadon loturtS etasUuivirmiy Colae. Mn. Campbell bas a ftrit.olaas grade A Provincial esrhifloale, sud bas b.d linos -yesti expasieuca lanleachlng. POT Aapera Ad Alla la the motto aith#-v ColteglaleInaîllute. May il prove trais la Ibis instance. Our Table. Thc Ma"os umien cf FuaN ,Lu Lia' BUiNsAY MAGIEaz if lapremply o0 Ous table and IlleA as uual. vili CIe iigal seding mallsr-edifyieg sud entiiaing. sud admirable embciliei metnte. The populan silon,' T. Dse *it' Tase, D.., contribùlcsaa ebareistieaglle, "Aiariuiug Tilgi etTo>-Dayo" sud lb. Home Pulpiaoa- telia is. i iLssermons, '<Senitive am cf Obsial. <'CenI izewdoe." ibe fMidaeot lu moravian -%O"&o; "Boisa, th#e Oid M biTouh. li ves-lb Cairol a" "" hW hef a Couv PeInes" te., amre ley lila li AS4 5 me. ltseiea vol, Zr8v cap*sr-i SUS ï01ivvTassmr aruii om8ooonW »e o t -»oicm lei~ T..dy-Lady Da.y l*M"ub shcu '11V thw -11 Pm - birs Omlsri-47&b Vioeulas, LSd An à remark"boeab.uu il hmbl Il opeus cthea iamost doetr miel bAil- ity htisu a vss mlu es-spart avSit. Oppoailin, anu idh lie oouft4lns stqatintatiOO av telisKll IbsI Mouat muet go. Iu erdbie lsand Mesi te the rite (ue, te the rougi aient, il la ate. $&*y tbiat ai lente s quartier av a millions av dollars use apinul ln cor- ruptuibte eitiorate. Au' tha pcoel is ou.'very plain anuiffliai lie meney vms snùbworlbed bo couîhracoe m avthe Dominion Gunermint, at Ibm inttince av Sur'John, vin bad iugioeered -the I1le EIe7okatinu Gampalu. The noteti Eteaoubun Agiotsamv lb. Dominion Prsyniisr, (includin -Me dean Sbielis" and tie Vartons Wilkinson,) unr seat. thered troadeat orer the land. 'Thuy boitin iiiiitpookels plinly av lhe spon- dulieka au tbey opaisi! beasti av the pover av monoy iu liait poéssssin te accomplisithair lands. Widi ail the pouer, su lih. palirenage, au lie leade av moey av lie Dominion n1tiair bank, lbey falleti. Bofrennrskip& liru t3 liair parly au Ibalr prinoipisa, su lS*Liberal Guvesinalav Ontario was sustiuued h beaadsom. msjorlîy, Faila idi ltis people, Sur J ch'. ulbes..onde"al a sllaunibas la sabfusksuns trow OU&aathulstiri bamd uposi the Peopica' r*psitoitlsa Aginus"Fhey uspllitmlsppled(om OtssvslVidh l"wisav monq au umbes svordb.'Theb$ al la. thal poshels PU"s.av D= lalmltosan &Ul lbe vy freisévesW1 e Ibouaa dollar biledovavands. Md lllabg g aide thea. u nluss a pltm %ie u clpomehausns lthseifavlte Dominion Gismblt. Big lthwii kinacu la bis lultherrlews vldb KlaUs. Moeile, sud MLsihr Ballons, us DoqF thon Dovlae, ropoundsd the Toi7 pliicy liaI tuas aien, au ch"pe, aà «Yosd a god dm1. av tiravellu expia- sie, le bey minioes han b. going fi oounLtr le oounty bylu up elsorsvheb wodu t otay bot. Tvaa.outy fer lb. 14îmbers sale Shlair prie,an say visai tbey vantodnthea la. bpscf oiceau the monsy au the ffo. vaci ho fort- ecmun.Thecouly oundisitin bain that ti.y abu velte Intucont lie Nouat Ouvermint. BIR Pumla didatl onmsil &iai ho use asti.unuder luslbrnck@uonr frum lied Quanthers atI OIa*ay. Itoy end ie ff? ow- eniho offo: Bogisthur. sihips an Sieriffebipe lu tie SMvther i Dominion Gaver-minI onlema i. bail the authonlty for dola se (nom lioft 'lic bad ho appintinult as uth. renckinoti vidioutniboutbelThe lber»ui Mdimbers supporti. tb. Guvermalt vren't ter suie. Loyay .sIdh tasPa!ty su b. l.thesliuus mn"ss. 1h1 .esi*d seu m tsy spa..- 04 ltae Bi4bom Bot he 1»,« *s dbs,, Vas w a ruopatee-*S- 8, 'ohr se vi ese min uho Wv aSt maina sv liee uabry.Tebsvthat * bébn b . hep"asti..tels-h.wue euh lggs sudgratesso.Wssbw1 Tboy kbeau tsaIliIvu iesOPse trom hl ii býoAs av -ms.ey vur *ie le espehuse thé Gursesintav 00"a0l, sune l "la hswme.4% vii Oma" e 0"6p.iuo. ?ey Wubs o'ldsly th e îàmub -4lushe Etoi. Domilln,an Ibm r"sllbestleav tie po lovwurndanger, anu1h57 tels la a patgniollo jety lu espos. lb. viiaY, &btialvusas vork, sud se Inu book the <bamorsiizin lido . buhie eueltbry vas coeruhelumd. Tisy uaanfully de- aeunoed ltseouspiratiers, su pla.e tbm eridunco au th. hib.ny se son epirscy bu thé Spskar's banda. If liaI viilhbel bheoffset ar ciaekl~ ie cé or- ruptin infialuosa liaI ber iugala on groin hielied Siathes ai Otsay, lwili b. thé besI tutu liaI bas île don fer Canada ino es isBgdin Bill use paasd.(lu epit. savlt4 Toris) givie Canais - fee antonispàl laushubs noncher reapouhble Quvermiel. Sus John b iedalong casser. Bis Mpo ltical sameoel t, every "usasv en, bssu gained b. lullisigueeon -eonp. abua. Elae bas alnsys soWea uonl pricplstbsr*". fan had bi ue.1 li s sà n lterai vdh t.hé asar. b . tho clissa mosaY ,eusut . thie Thtaauy-auhobu o baisa fairs suasv oass wM lia Té t= o eut metesk, m m in ersytboinfuin!ef 1 1 Ja, 1 r IDE 3Žw:E3w Be11OCX~ Nrl s i e NEW GOODS. -NEW GOODS. 500 PATTERNS,, tNEMW PRINTS. TO'BLET-.FOM Consisting of ai the latest novo1ties of theSasn Dress EGoods, Ribboos, Laces, & f-eGiiera1 SprigSt. A rrigIJiy MEN'S FELT IIATS----New and' o1by Goods'just received. A large assortment of Tweeds ad Worse Coatiuigs are piled on our counters and rid for inspection. Ail are invited. - - -R ss *BR08, Dry Goods Ernporium. «- nov stand-For lb. Gîterinn, 51; Opposashn, 86. Bo muoh for the preoies aén vain boastin that Mivat msit go. Wbàal't eduo vldhhIo 1800 in th. Spabsis bandea? is noVthe --eh- u. The Pras GtUsqbave f1« it, m yw eesl.y, me 11% *M taI udu't b. oamneWsi lea Munslandabis Pa". .Tr*u m aiw- <21K ODÂT. Our Couuty. UràmL " VUI85»Me-A.NO5SNU lSUOUi Aoiqumxru-viaa ueiaor M301E11YàA QAsiBxOUIUMI OuL- OLEWDO eumI ex M ra 2Ms AS auxusavsuaASUEN A» n E- (Regalaroropmndeeeeo mwi=ak Auxusa Ms. 8, 81-Taklug My deptature trou br.Ma.Rea1 e<sIsstd Woosîvad vllb s lightbo ut; sudaSI- liongi lis sasuvas desp, sud lb. veaumes harpIssifedA ne*bsv hm hbs ous nos lie otier. <2.11- ta Jacol'. OU, &"muAe 111 eastjints lauMyexiperleneethe applisallofeta 11h11. of tliecil of Awnmsadamo a au e9eolfarmors peue,trsalf'S gootlilag Ilis My Patent humbgae inventei. h p.m.ate m leesy* lem, rwrivie;sud a.lthlin4 thli ~kmuaparla, Md maie e. b ae col" os My caid trisAMs.John Ileel, sd seelii lis ae *situuee uera0pa<e 14lem Mqsed tes Ole s~sI u mMisssl bom th& aMwa «o amedutls lià ladaloi au"teol fes R m e wbahk vntb.oeWb" (Mi. niubsun um,* 'it lar ! brilliatO& 1a»Myâ nsdfl aopoua"msw.tiusaet Ce V. fradeon me.me faidemt'bi ubM Niol ut vith beruseulevosk. T"h detalit liaI 4lettes. and *vu dm Ipte of tb. dellala"Weflob rabbw' e bai at bisakfse mit msalug os-seup frssb le myrelteville I w ast "by jTank &,ma êouth sd niuw, ALM olhlsrs. Great sud uouuksful changes have laben plana incethon. The Iugisi vildssuasebaugi-r au ss ol tulb » &Ital d An sd gsamsadov, and abs boul of tbevollssepaoasbby lbe blesting cf sosep »ami l. v lag etestb. is Aam dlu ii. h boues of lnfosmlng me liatiab@ bai ua ail Travoelhe>lettis. SB id ceolw mo auvery heplulliaI bit of informsation wvas l e.-18bas bsipd me svoe Mms. Kiad vends art mel lest. TRAVELLER. ft isa Uîîasy Pal" 'To thedior cf tid u uoxca Dluas 8m-Tb. fliowtng pssanpb appssssd lu th.e disorlal oclumas ef tb. Oshava Y-idacfeon Wednsey; Oaa r mTauc ?-A tlograin front Ottaalauvs msd nt lb. laIs Lbéiiea Cceurasvt.A"Seticu meeting at Wiby slating thatl Mn. Gisu alteud.d tlut basaseson et Pssiiamenltfour on fire daya for ubici ise dr a u incof trou $500 to, M0. IfIbisdispateli b. tru. nos only diA et us uiner pal 684lYdisfrauhe1h uWag, but forth.e short lime bhovas la Ottava he boa tie boltineaste drav a salary cf oesr en@ hundre ollars aday. Iple eb iete ay, Ibal, 1 diti uoi ree.yse sdollarOf Ludemubty for lie aasiou et 188bou ly imy sileanea ies isilag, l inl50-10. la eslctmasy.nusalm cembesetsm- #«les vth b e mountaulMr. SHscey, be lising Ottausforsthé at sll Mms te on ss*tu hlefoemsfole mehr s.e oe ating lie uuqis.of dsys b. bas beau ab"outfmlb. Bouse ne" l, s Mns ..Msd hfrein i mssomet Nt. atemy aseves m tlb baisss d u embqs. -?t 1 »è4Wive b..me. Hstaey. lu Mao b.»suel bisa, mi vsee hlm &* OsauM . Iï 388 au"y Keri.p. 981., Mee,ênmot, BonofcOmns.uoOa. Dlam Bs s- e and. le réplj bus te ény, pi«lames 011inm Wobvia " uisyuaretssttllilitoje nd.ly 'cf n8e membrs.? Sens parties aji ebeeld sar.bouc prientorblrsy sys -teesmong ubhon a Oonnenvatlve lays.ltime 1 au entilieti te eue êha~isad dbba o-l "telhdollars per ieyoreeaydaylb.he oue as sla tessbse;vbeu I abmsent. 14s«» gir., me jour rieus cf Sy egal ighle, sud oblige, Tour ver-y trnly, Y. W. Gise." The reply te, thé above 1 canuot aud but 1 vrole Ms. Hértoy mean as foi <O*avs ljuse 4h, leu., - N Ou. f 00m of"&Otss~ pflasS-Yoesa-et thu 5&W1U nsoi A $2coc oBiblical Prize. Tbe publiobers cf Ruikdga's àMenth- ly effer «ivelve valuabis rswards in tbsir Monthly for Ap:îI, amoug whiob iialhfelovînmg: W. viii give *#20* t te .poison taillait us boy msuy verdi Ihar. aie in thé Epistie cf Jade, as rseordsd în the Nev Tsslsueu l rptures (net lhs Nuwavm~V8oNj by April l10 , 1884 Bbould twe or mors serrec ns Dwers b. reoised, lthe Rwaa» viiib. divaded. Tii. miney viii iiefersaded te lb. vinne. Apnil 158b, 1884.Persoe. 17- iag (or lt.*rawadmmueaud 5D nuls ilaiver 4no postage -stampi taou>p %itk bà i à*" heausfo fIh by -vaii »«41,0 ibm eusihiya4, n vWlb&*l b. cains snd aidreofetthé vanner cf tic 1twravdd Ibaorrect suvesvHiiib. publilabs, andin W"icisevoral more val"*blersvasds viii heoefft-red. Ad- draen Roz.ax> u ULXSHXNGCoPI, Basteu, Penna. Home Items. -Ail your own faut If you rominn ick when yoeaumi Gel hep bittera that never--Fasl. The veakest vomm, sanallost obild, snd sickest- lnvàlià os e se hp bitters vit 1h afty and great good. -OId mnu ottering areuud frein Bbsnmatlsm, kldney trouble or auj woaknosa viii b. almoal nov by naicg hep bitters. -Tmy vif. sai aughteia vers iai. healthy by the nuaof hep bitter.sud 1 ronommndons imte müy pop-Meili- odbal Clergyman. Akk»mY god doctor if Iop Bitta renet bm baafaînllyMuIlun on artli. -Malarial forer, Ague sud Billifons- uas, viii bav ae vry' elgboqrbSoas s-mun&As hep bia# mime. ,,-MI mollis,-drors' lb. paaaIlisl sua meurailail su ot of ber yses villihep btss.-8 Oo u4&.' bittea L e u ,jrs lieaIiywlhbhp rittrs lsuymd r *o1u vli ep hittara ~ e yotbforith e d sud ,,ave Yen Tbeugb t Abeut 1? Wliy Meeu à er salge moem ul.vn yen Ca". ggpl mmedjam roetefrtr-SUmi ncenua sud etemal pains by lie n»A ef Poison'. bia ne-eo~n =inov te failinÀb 4le case; tl,emnuelfailtfor 4% la &combination cethéi muitpoverm Ipain -snbdulng ' nasiot kuovu. Tra10 smnt asuipta bote cf -norvlm. Ton vilrni If arilins a Surs cure ffia umuareitS *,leolb.nhp, hai e. 1h ad l'rge o«j"os M., il Soya.'..Üà cl A a Tbi. asthmot eJ *artha ly'Te must go* dm s sim6s uzpieltge Asýeey Inu iai ou i smet. . NEW ISPRING GOODSU G LASGOW WAREHQUSE -Il Have reoeived New Goode for the Spring Trade li each department. GE"NTLEMZN arei4nvited tto bk - , fi throngh- the etocof 0 SUITINGS Partioularly taking patterns and moderate prices.- Our new Ca.nadian Tweds are from the most noted mils, and we have piaoed no jpýce in stock but can be reoommende& a Sounid goods,- free from sh'oddy. The patterns caroe xcellent. Ail diases of gLoods are especially good value this season, Tweeds exceptionaily soS -, New Styles li Foit Hats, Ghristie's hard and soft. Youtls.- eit Bàts iii bard and aoft feit. Boys' Feit Halfs.in hard sud aoft!feit. - L I E S'attehtion la drâan to-mgrd. Our' a New Cretonnes, New-Lace Fichus, New Prints, New Satcoes, New Shirting a New Table I4nens, OroniptoxIi'S Cloraline Corsets. ha-s had, added to it lnany novelties'li fancy DresiE Goodg, b1aok-, OMbmqre,, f.e 2TwM SerSec, Nun's Veilin, etc. W. have conûdencqï tha41fr largeen-8 a a é~ tocx&~1 meet with satsfction from pubchaserB for stylé, âdurabilty and good vaineu Ra a"J. CAiPBEL A- J IT~WL< BARNA2 or aI flP Flauno1,Grey, and Whlteci CotIons, LinonMsmT g1D~~L.uuaATiana CJollas.rs, sectesTisa, Ekirt, Veiling, Frilling, E1riuI<aeBSdLdh io LADIES' ANDMISSES'- UNDERWEAR, - atnDresMESS AND -MANTLF MAKING TO. importeZtati r àSkigt redy de. -INB'ÂNTS> ÂTIUE Comt and second: W none, New & WeII, Selecte-d Stock -Of MiÏlI -OPSeNLAST_ OF MÂROIL 67 1555 Visas, lieu York, -N.Y. - SaSe ,fvrm M taj idesiffle oprefle (ria lug Pecpi. Wb9lI*WO ansd'lain.e truolive Mresinterlas *iuld saidsi P for npaescopiai et tise YouTR's -seadbceeet-pspe fr esyomg people. Ser 11 IUM 91,94a mu>roIbu TWO Hu- i auj munlia, ycsdop soîuti Feeineulaposeioîlal, tale mIgre by mowseI naeer, aeudawmom "a ani <l,lm -: TOI~ a

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