Whitby Chronicle, 28 Mar 1884, p. 1

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26 YEARS ~' ~II~ONICLE la PUBLIORI»lYE FRIDAY-MORNINGp Prom th Ofioe,CHOWXonLa BuildiJlg,BroOk. Stroct, Whitby. Th* CBouic&z has a larger circulation thiban y chier papmr in tbeCounty of On- tarin. J.S. Robertson cf Bros., PROPRIBTORS. TEBMS 0FADVBRTI8!l1 ,, Pirsi insertion, Par lino, 10 0eati; aacw aubsequent insertion, 6 cents. Dlsplsyd Advertisements are measnred by a Tmofon od Noupareil; and oharged sc&din uI e;taa t without wrttten in- stetiel.qru nlU qforMtddan, and willlsot b. ireponsible. A1l,.ridiscount f rcst sdvertiso- kq l7hi. r opy tlc chinges lof oOatrbÃ"5teTt o ulo 1w ibbnded in not Ister thswn Wednesd:y; and notice ai M'y lntendedd changes should h. given be- lote Tuesday noon. Other advortisements rocelved up ho Thuradaifon., BtLailmlocal or newofflumps tire ins 4ote Sep nlino of Noopga. rail - 10 conutepar lino ascii suhisequent in- sertUen. cnte R lnopar aunum. the County or nelg-hborlng tc;wnslhîpso-. respondants arn requt« .ud4M tai job PRINTINI U!PANTMtT. Tbû Daparinent I. voiX supplied wltb th. Nowesh suS Badwmwat lulesof ~p suitable for eay Ma e o Wr tao Prlutlng â_ loîta1ty. -'5h. Oualo"ls' eqim tiutis respect Is strtctly raI. c1Ȉ an isnotxcelled by auj officeini JOHN E9. Fy&RgWELL, LL.B., wlng, Court Roses, Whithy -48 "4Rg18TK1RS & AflORNEYS AT LAW, SOLIC!ORS 1IN CRAV4CERY-&c Vi t )ý>Ys M.I. RIMCHE, Toroato4 VOL. XX Vii-t. FINANCIAL KET MONEY TO LOAN i- pQiO.00 oli FUIM ETREENT. ON REAÂL 4STATE SECUBrr. Ah lovm asilig ratas cf Itri l. Apply to - JOUX PARQUH RBN. whitby, rebruary 11th, 1880. G. NOJILISE, Iusurâýnce and U'eoeraI Agent, a RPeàanAiùg Lb. fllovlag ompanles W. H. BILLINGS, PoixFrInuan 4JMuLý RUTLEDGE, &o ffir' faranerly on- I cped by FameeI1 & Rutledge, next ta ROI&sIURotol, Broc)! M. Wbhby. DAID UOglUI1O, B.A,., Oeiz-In lhe Office South o! Lb. posl B> "IRISTRs-AT-LAW, A T TeNý Day., Boucieors, Conveyancerd ". OFFIB.-I Vicox1ýChambe-as,,No. *oarrLageItazaes0.ob O,,:au-Over Dominion Bank, Wbîtby. 'Tan. 22.,1878. (tf-6 ATTOENBY AND SOLICITOR, CON Forms bought and sold Marnîage Settie- meunts, WWe sud Trusts made Speciattes. Loase egotteton a&l kpal.ofai te rty L. T. BARCLAY, L 00A" BEGST14AR 0F TEE HIOTi LCOUII cf Justice; Ragletrr0aIthe ýnc*«eat; Cerk of tbe Cont JOUX HA1L DOW, t£EiTweffàAt-XsIw. 80L01tiron BiOMMeroot Blia BrokStreet, whllby. Tîe aaléeLe X ~ 4Û zjs, C ompany, of Iýondon. Eugland. North br'Itish and- Mercanti/e - IfiUra f06 ,Co. of Edinbutrgixandu Landau.. Brpitlah Amerioan Assurance Company, of Toronto.. Lor#qon Guar.2ntee c#,A cc/dent C~ompany, cf England. Aftu=AliE Tis H- ciade Permanent ban & Sulojs Ce MUNEY TÃ" LOAN,. ,on !mprO4 P arine at loy rate ai InItesset Alaao Secretary-Treasarer of th. Counny Agricultaral Society of South Ontario. OFFICE : At Poat Office, Brook Bireet. A. A. I5Ua»T, (laIe with Lsug1ey, Laugley & BurkO, Toronto.)' A RCHJTECT.. *s~for Chte îéji1asaal3ttà e 1 ecty. 'Dt ÃŽiiupe dfor re- os 4as$pn ipaS hie atiug Wýo lOw JOtiTouN, Dominion Wood W-rýke; rl aWiMBY. abj the. calo&L Plaulng, Mu"4Igs cf vyeup mavlug. ITgrin.Srl-@1 etc., etc. WUtIby, Oct. 101h, 1878. 8 W ôiTB, O aTARIO ImpoArr, DWaens-sA amalMaurers ot au 10,FJUAY, madrns, C.'L, 8>1W keC., -Plaise m.utlon wlirVoeysav Ibaver-. GXMOS TtTETner vijesIe.ve tbor oralers xvIl es. PhotograhrWl 0O0* pr-mPt r :. iy-1 aci. .5, L AZl1, MO0RR I'S C 0S.% TE E EST IN THEE WOIRLD«I ~'~peiaÏClbbng-Ofer hibyCIIIGNILE SM-oney in the Pocket of I Every NwPCpr-n Reader. COMBINATION RATIa. C 1oncb $1) and Weeoldy Globe ($1) -Chrencl 1) and Weekly Mail ($I)-. Chroicle 1) and Weekly A vertiser ($1) ,(hroniele (1) sud wée Str 1> . - GchmcBcl 1) sud luiei aadna($1) . . Chroônicbe I anil Leisux-e Hour ($1450) . Chronicle 1, snd Snnday ah Home ($15L0). Chroméle isu Boys' Owu Poper (£1.50) . 0hmz-cue 1> udGirls OwPpf.0 Crmicee 1) sud ThbeHelmoM.$. Chronicle 1) snd Grip ($2>, chronicle 1> sud Scontific Ameriosp (*820) Chroielo (1) 1 Mamon& a Prnle $1 Obroiol < ) sd any lt" Dollar perioill-4our peùo&mcls Choibe(1 ans! Ive Moullilies publishles!at $1.60-8 periosisb asucLAý $ 2 00 ý200 2 OP 2 0 2 10 280 20 -8-m0 20 0 a400 4 00 so OCR t! isa a Pm TV 1 76 l 60 2 00: ~:00 2 00 210, a-200U ~2 60 ~8 0 8 25 AVALUABLE PREMIUMcSn oflarge lihcgrpifelike poetit-Biac221! Lndwe Cand' wGvmrG )RÃŽ ni Oýf o.arJh L Bey. Dr. Wild. vil ho presentid fre a" evyabucraber -toe b Osomx=- rbe w ho >~ elone or clubbed with amy ocher peri*o4al (Whe iertraits aâ» snt:bumU--i1êoEiittoee.,a ded te tiever ceaI of poStage a dprotwtws) 5 -50, mue bcbd It is yours to titko advsiitae of tbeýe 1ibwea1 tçrme beforo ,it i8 too late. je' chronic s. ROBERTNON oile Building, DevmOs a'sbý W HIUTY mO IMIAIRCII 28, ~ -. - r%,-_ Oa Grdl of Pricndahip. 8h. Ratboedah bar slender valat The beauleous robe ah. varo; Its fold.sa goldon boit embraced, Ou. rose-hued hem it bora. And narrowceilIm circlet grsy; Bebold 1sgltt.ring baud, iLs r'ustotme&eîsew, Esc ur ecko àt oîunspaaaed. The eatnr-4oud't chihm! Wbo Igoaieiut eeêr confaa? 1 Who kova AUtlip mor. lias.- O1vIîh p# GW* raeau «ueu. ihuouib.fIaLtsjz.euémks.trase, !Whoadly oys.? MWbo wltieOag e âmlad he 0ra 1aiifs \ .x&q twUi4ai Zz t*1< ~çt a ~d c<- a i tr K ~ ~ I ~oa 15k. 1 il M il il'X 1 ' " bsghé-l.again ~ e obr hfanooeut, an euoàrpuoig 514of sonu ont cf lteRéaiPi>.Unot o àtoly lb. pot lias beeakaen off thé fires tput on moe Wood; ýs». thé soup- ivslkvra The championmade. a grimace., IC61, waýhher oulsido sud Cola sou1p vithîn,' âsis 'ho. This vas snot'màid barahly. but lais mother fired up ai-, rectly'. - - 1 1- - ',ý ~ Salntsel, pin is!'aho1 aMd s moo-hIl. Waa.euP's. veTg-ôii ,it su qwilïg isbtov~ f ~et areo vol nie.put-ii E l ôâ 6 ho Marquis «ede str~ea ti, 'ayfréi tliem i1 s d "~alhthon>put squc O cder&s 1,briouýg t'ttio0 euateber'm, astor Be 2ecpf~a& h i vlout 'a word 'of tb akTi aomlsomne pain, sud vire, roiembabrxug, su ppose, tobah.ý !tls cf liéer tohltlomed-ma tla lb. eus! ~ oft&ouhbatZyagbêton lb,ê Cba scae1 lSearnd léhumible >ë rUlbfor-a man, sud do tb, duy ofa ite ýse uupely, >I fait sure aba oudiolne dây loâauto humnble lier. sol botoreaÇQod,'.w11o obasohi be, proo4ý up lftth ~l Uwly. qu~4Li his k*OePu rtuuaa ",b e t#iÇ k7 ýw-j. -, bt;t S,$golgo fo i fdt ,wro8ilnê ââ.u5IfI. U ad- c;tiltic - r ,and impertauce of'the littho thing- the trifleî-owf 4f. ole a, trille t tHpw élhbly and triepi ; gly thê'tds cin ôVar thetloguea1I Onlyairfeý»u ad~àtdn omns-pu allaite may nol 'onseeý1What- io î 5hOata Ariffstht aliOn f h Wr1-bwd *Iotruonfotune, aBuS ùdeojrdivers Kfargo-a ,r 1.tuîtesà ol.od peuh froan. obneidetotfon2 i ' ÃŽUlIfe' rûiorwkngbu il hl miath"balheqoleoriuk.eeJdwik AtfIhît h 'wlaich 4hev «éd onaéo se~~goah o liebhinïf el hý haewaed ef ùpt- aWfigt ars P i.ber f~ Wýit-atro-'*eî a repd 1. chierfol tc rest2 SorneMe erWP "uly aii. Axe the- gre at -evofats of ]ifb'-tbb in aithar casa feeling 7îdti eio~ mortlm ibowildesédand, cauoaray faOI or eýe yng týna Ir Maraus? Â,otoorA.og look ýfor aer-a otU, i.1f les vo muet attend for oa çtml os. ns apaes- orujont tien £rom mîiPu tu i r-.n-~h tli daewy moto. Coe.r . mighL I,ê L #hamher woUlct ve lle god4a * A «oersai on l. hattle.Iîlî ilt tiglh. boot bud a mcml Portia*me8 Ileny.*rtrll" is-mdehim & wnht4f lustofai cfaproudcOuquoo. .. ,Qoly a trfienbal broken..h earWs, dW~ mamera! kngdme «lma;.fsr proy. *u tacpho varrand. famine, *ovaed. ,dôtrU. the band Of .ao.ety, dlas7it olwvas upon lie hthrcnacf-Sa rdsnplp thi4ge have erp niada I - Âmong the, ma a e aok hcr O!f Chût thoro lWsýmI wbieh lardly,avuanm s:n. iee. -ffi.a.o -ott , Muni .v a MVus4lWà; O %e r 'M l* HOW BU8E, »UgTLIG, AÇTIE BMM BAVEg PEPARïïi> POflficiTu WflH C0STLY Na nomo aýppears -on tbliEost cO"t1y 6nd triingmamélemi Wdodiiwn Cemetery. Thé atruotur, ji làContra! grou nsd commandoa a viWoWcf the, tory. TLhe cru# pt~5ip~ini famous cf the- Wonderfal- bnjdngeisat Oncle g sioo4Iwîn' 1o ninateen foot ,i& . ontrýct. o4~LZ.ar~raiito. dra d4àby thrtyDbia pilaro. -1The. uohd ,>rz, Chi*~e ' m6 ngh rafeet lu width-rare produiteacf the qusnry. fio amewit cf Stpeo "04, r800 tnfoluwidth,-aï lb. -end cf wil combe, six on escli raoged-fof the * - ~'oi.$the bo"sr1 union 11 ITALIAN W RE U Celery Salt., ~ lalian miled, ran tham Nuts, bcd Peppei Sauce. Fri, o a i ts, etck. aLta-# Svut Cern, dryed gaperior te, can Corn. Par- -fgpoae&XxIy cajnned -Geed-Coru J3eef 1iad 1 b-, Tzrpp, ]rawn, Pias feot, Y*tchea. Tongue, aile Lunch Toogue, c=eannçaed î À > *Wac. À>"pbes, Peas and [ion, ecrho, ureMapI omates,ôte. -» e c' r ta 8.80. $ 1, J Iaduatry, va dvocate Pae rgce nwcg,,'~. . - - -11 ý & - - Lw, 1-It -, - - - .. - - . - - - 1 -r 1 w- -

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