____________________________________ "4144. - ~ EOurTown Gi1urcthes',ý MINlITlIR3AND HOUBS OF 8HBY100 ALL &AINT il CUUHR[î(Eplacpal). ev.ùry second BUR-1ay. -t ..~ .Wiiiuughby,IL... Pistor. 'k44V444.i tt u:W&)ar.a -iL. .t4Uf.EW's CHURJIK s 1tuv Je baan Ser vice ai 11 arm, #dp. ittp ris r UR . M1v.7r.Nbl, Pier s. A. O. OBURO, (S. John,*) 11ev. Pther l900611.Prat servtcoai 1080am.adI.. in.or Arrvai cand Deprua.of f r ,m non and Sae <.'ýa.M Mt14lOUed . Ei xprt 9 .17 stilitay, 0,01 pul'. Tulctiî. JTownl. blail 18.0JLi 11 U Fx uriiît #.45ii. Tom Whltby Poit OMMo. ot TaMc ur. CLOSE roi vus &M8. 7:46 anm .00 &.m. 7.15 = 1 n. t:Lin For th crth 3p... For SreOagbsr A.r 4. t' 4. £: Lt MD6ÎU F R:ETURNS, 0 F"OOVIOTON. - 4-ltie----h eaefor the Coulty of' Ontario, transmitted by Justices WhosO names axereu -rwitti,'inpjýâid - ,nlf h rvsso h Statutes of Canada anid Ontario in that behaIf. t~ 2A~CI~tk of4the Peace0 Whithv: î~f~pcj~ 11th~ i~80 'f 1) . 14. ,î f, >"iW4qPrmometor. Pairs of Défendant. Nature (of Charge. Hannah Green Allen McDonald Anit sud batter:. M9f~ e B~nahGreen »ave JnugeaSthreatenlngi- "ýa£rdtî tir naui btMry &threaienLng laoguage, James Jfe Wm. Black &Saault George Back Assauli [uqbhlu MUCB.> Wog. S e mml W.JhBnne rnb ieeIylargmeutefby-lap, EBrOdlgsn Tnfriïfgment cf by-law régulating tas aient traders RiranK ester Ansait John Lee John ToAIS Assani Wm. Kerr James MOR&O Refuaîng te give hall the road while driv. lng teai n OUhlhway -, ~ a~j*ei4 ;0 . ie MaDonald * Waeri Tagws aBilte ?lin.payiucnt ofwages Joseph Flumerfelt J. Hendry Master and servant John Presott W. Thompson and J. Dor; assanît and bat er I ~ ~sothy.Dorotby could notibe. - ~ Mary unu Steelde Bdwmrd Bleele (found Assanit (marge A. FIewell George Phillips Visturbing church service s Henry Veiteh Alez. Whitney lAssault and battery ChbrbslWbetr Bodgeon Tbaddena Baruebie Abusive langnage Wiliam RaIais Richardson Thomias ýDrunk and diborderly J. Pair and Thos. Ilartnet -ýwlII8susSpears John Kelly AMMNUt Williamn Quinn Charles Nexberry dé >John Quinn Joseph striceland e William McGraw dé # - acbBryan William Cook Vagrnnoy îè 44Thomas Batterson d. idJohn Gnoss 1-0 John Shielda INSE John Cartwright - 4- T/W . ,SIR HI4 1 MACDONALD. Jan.. Austin Jacob Bryan James Autun Jacob Brpau 1 bawOliv.er-- John eKinnon John Connota Thomas Daly James hILd GeogeAli IRefusing 10 remnove smcv Profane aMd obecenelanguage Iuaultlis laguage Vagrauey Ahusiveiadil ln IM 0ag Cruclty te&animais, or herse VagaCY Date cf Convic- Naine cf Oonyldtlng Juu&oe. tion. Dec. 15 1888 Sinclair J. HSoldea. 6ec 18M Ja. 16 Feb. 7 March 8 D. S. Brown Miatch 8 do i Match 8 D. S. Brcwnand1M. OIlsaple Dec. 14 1888George Home Peb. 6 1884 Gedrge Rome, D. S. Brown, and Wm MoPhermon Feb. 2 Benjamin Parker Feb. 26 if' i" Feb. 14 Calvini Campbel Pcb. 9 , 1 Dec 21le 188 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 starc&t 5 1884 [Dec. 26 1888 De. 26 Jn., 8 1884 Jis. 26 Jan. 26 Mar)Sb 6 De». 318M8 De a 18188 Dec.- 18 Dec, 19~ Dec. 22 Jan. 8 1884 Jais. 9 Jan. 9 Jan. il Jais. Il Jan. 12 au- Peb. 23 Pcb. 28 March 7 Mfatch 7 Karçh 7 L. Peri ti-i Minrice O'Connell D. M. Card 0. BE. Grierson, P.M. Major Harper, P.M. 44 4 44 4 44 4 4 4 '44 Frine, Penaliy or Demage Time "hmn touepali t SI 00 1 00 200 6 oit 2 00 2 00 2 00 200 200 10 00 1 00 5600 1 00 .i,14 f 5 00 wages aMd Cosae 8 60 1 60 1 00 flue Only Costa 1 00 1 00 1200 sc 1 00 5 00 Sentence remerved 1 nionth in gaoi ab hard 8 montho 80 Says 2 menths 1 month in gaol et liard 50 cdnta and coots 1 00 and..coeta 25 centa and Costa 1 month in geol aM haiS Sentence-reaetveil 2 -montha is gacl aflsad 50 cents and cse 60 cents mud-casta 20 elaye lisgoak ai ha de 0 - ' 2 months in 901ast ardai 10 dasalungaoi ai bà d Dec. 17ý18W 15" is. 25. Feb. 7 Forthwlth Forelwith Pcb. 1 MardI Ini tais dà 3b Dec. 19 1888 Match 20 1884 Forthwith Forthwith Forthwith Forthwith gforthwith PorthwxthL Portbwith labor labor labor Time*'when paiS. e-c. 19.1888 Jans. 25 Feb. ..7 Math 8 March 8 Forthwlth Parthwiih Feb. 2 Feb. .26 match 7 Éoeb.. . 29 Dec. 2 Withia lime. spa ceifl Net Pald Paid Not paiS PaiS. PaiS Dec. hiatoUBtyo ROUTu a . heirenry, thsais that In is rdic ti.UerOflhccTaD're- -- 000 TA CI?,VRi loisir. tsea adozdn of tbem1 eue bave been Ild r ih 0 ofd by tise Queesi, blit whie lie le, 1 hezehyetiy-that the -foregoing Schedulept.ine a true copy of ail RettrnsofCnitnsmaeomead-fldn.y mogv7çke hein, KujghtComamander cf thIIDcme, ~te1t~dyifMrAD~18 1o s vinelal Order of St. Michael and St. ie- 4 y-fMr -8 uirlstsie ~j anoe y sn e tis lae Madould, ox-. ohis more, tiais ta. He a i . 1aS~TTiT '1. I'otff e . OneUrotWiUpe.3onbsnoftele Hugh Madonld, gisi. Commander ef the Bath, anS OfiTe of the Clerk of the Peace, Whitby, llth.Marci, 1884. "-~-* JtBJiV2JlJ .~LT tSciiisaloR. ss irti oU aIee, etbc.t erly et Sntharlandahire, Sotlandwhere more tisais tisa, ho lsa smemiber ef thse- MeIt 0nd.Unied Stats. Great Uilihe re ftpolitician was ,fr>rn-on e ~ Pnvy wéki Cds -p , r wZu Um "fW 11h iJauayV1Il nd"s intonenoedI Fo rs t ,Panlu tbe Siomac hve . na ~ O-~0 EÂU!R m~ul Idnnmsud, Newfouadiud ad Imie. Ithofiau~a, ha~7~ aadadiseAs Bevob*i ortCille, nusePer r A5 LyfCl1. U ~ U Ii&l.ad 0P .î OU.nSarrp'84sdboMer.thHhoes S sqie . oleunr e i,,, LuaRAGa FAON MAC! SOURCES Ou à Davis' Panll .Soc advt. in _________ ________ let.oe ttrmute owtMiueinKnsoOtro iiE.Gladstone. Forfoty y n ears - OrsUJBTB boie closeof each "I.& 4wfth tisat idtythe pubisSnd ro-, 1been luRn: IParif A TTVntQ <'Iand AiIE Ic owqf<hib 8 atmp%0arScffloteduTes 01fKleoL, heootn e ane om . ath, SffiigBTe docîlfennoter or atreu icusonfr tisbS = MIc Wro iso.s grdneo fo ta on hsea& rdngtie r twes04-e0à .otRhumais,.ie. the AlV TICKETSh.dre i~4.fl4 AIr'ra, 0200.7,Gubai a. O4athiee @pin r st o ehet.puisrecmmudi os teîev C' f 't . 'A irtix, JarnaivDr. Wilson, a gaoraof ais e oîeinepany j te crn yoter l S r TeotLini e t tse 29CtIIlir ox Fr Si y . . bt ofxcursionE] fsero M ND Y A OH 24 1174.' 1Neibrat ar.d anoîn * es t A ndnadion lvd ie dî'ao. pain . , oriS4ac. incvewM fmontsilredy fo fen U'I. a ssea cdoci b4 tshuotn'bc te à tn alvQ"i I lie, Greeootl uxb re. Lari ft~ *~ ~ r~ eu Os o ie atS a iral te ta.. ises S oke lcn it s lim, e. zncsDonKipOio, oonda tie OWN HATL H rt1haltcrlsotichancesetal adeiris ise «coine. .js14 t4i lit No PO U. Havi-ai hmen the lawforeis temoodv i eavorîasfor anm oe nSrete.Cpei tds hbai on. s's is aiSLs>e 1F Neot oicat or4 ~ NiiPiuPasei W Anta aI l ar.nOifl4'.4.-a'ron&ifli.-Paa5D.aad l ki trpios adpsitie- -AVA T E - ff raduacioors pstoslkto au ýl;. AferVI n de, George Meale, and wu$opo 'peinLear.e TOBOWandaifNdOuboe the.211h nce ofVls salJaefdction or .ntuiy rifunnecessaryeteRpay sVcLLEY, ana stogether ix-r Alrm Bt uS., a lafo sae b al 2cggstsat tisa er....... ...4@ale, htT. G. , E Il cdciBarin 4 1,444, Oramnloo 2F et i.rJoiniA.ntainothed fi -. IntialSpnhb eiul. e Ir.. è, o oeaie IO, men isad a eny eberli e n - a I lierme w chaiu, wtald liîknee u agIo bpat1pad Ws*in vn 8ly ae fo isn er. - NORTJf. vanis, vair or vn but te'leh toi RtC romai P ero.)t e n ,5ai5 040 eny-d 4lrsofaeb. e eitil d l ' i igli O ie n. ** Whe*is a it .gong alingthe- ain. A piL. ,in a pok -thseone tiinait@ ber tentiSlie jl ou npaPnce. 0 Eaa _&i I rea4m hyatteid15d5- ie etID i in h i o be = iII--tkithei rue. New*er 2 cents fevaou of tifare y lin the l theer and mo*o* dibes D.es - ics tu-se8ery Amin'sistratô«cbI oan, e TROTOaMES ONG t, 27'a ai Qsoqsîati-Sttr.TeNia. ai tis uc0 di th peasMn a n law soi nn -t I o kns"Adi o ae l roua sig is t~ , ~ e gat niesOgiaY¶7s .Iov.REIRE 4i ,i. 9 V lr(rAi4 retn ittd t r nA. ladog tl 5 pdloo i ticiiii of tsa!à '15cen hOU c Uri t la 1lrrel e a k T nt he Bpsa ot*ye the --Reïar~ ffhJZ> w G iiu~ ,."r i- ammmoesnmarryhladeoaas.dwnotice.4He4. Dia90re1tLlà 11500 se QSu tiv Counsuli n te186, t a rbotinso û b 25 b ol. Tsea l e otsrS is war in wilhiug, mý à D asa e n n O D »X L i ÇZE D 868 154iU le foc '4 iide wuer - nets excep Cdi ad b m -fmt li" ]iii e ofeff le c 'td a taldes ofellbis ppl'Ig or W en.%"- yoSfl& oing pot t ing * m-o aarD 6 an lhabmm Oet ly d ndre Isca t, Ifeà akat1aB iItudb dla Sotyient betu a l td. ibm~vm e ae chco bee em i blfitAtdtpe tnnu. n MtIse 10 Ui 'otbe.8 1 4D&t £ ItiaCaka motb su Rid ci L nonde ru, Fow. OMP.. 0< Wthe îaeis b<,ttl. tterd aa -an ingecions 0»vAnd Thulry z =>à Poran. E e ai Sheeo Vae o~~15 devoîin ef ise Or y Ai-01 RUH, îa s y onlleapS tur C 1n516 ireatanent iheWe-thtsont rout taisypsenglAgenttu ymlC eoyee he ~ aN'T WE hT0 74o~ tl lve , .da te isu"ien r ai o icéy e iLe foM 4na tloîi. hl nrIl s tA raqki gr ui baid -I 0,4o.t c« Anvu)S:,l , -~~~oltca ofsa- eied aSAL MSSesla AUet the r- Wjierajo isi ouco Gdho Ilter oaarpier. welytaceI abo. xta hage W R HvsWiol. n 5u4jf gt t' '-csva;«. , _n cns itou 5 malasVax- la ihioasettin cmepa IU RS W W -;mlb enS RaImu aentf -- Iby-COnU 8 2 i17 manar dbats.Te ayevn o k ' bi s *Ceraid et. an uop Nièm l w~oiot oraia i ~ andc t bc prumte ffr Rae ri bi1~vaBila~ltc ~~an pet dmybchad iee fr n tyati ae esic r id __.Sar af~.m4~~ f~rt&je-& iélele star lnà a. r 3 jiceitiAnd nelhauonco h anS meniellaa remawuaba alB the cmtéviolentât speechelli ie" ut ththe me -Roy l1Mail1iSm. Upt.to, or e O the opubice vers ~~~e tae smiad l eAiOteil porm, an i iecrtcs tCub oaSA5A E PSAE 6 81C~ s cof50a"SÀîe ia4e f. lng ce1ne%>l vi * Io tbe outd XIO ' 11-iv J i vcyhaioaîoly 55 hd ia n ermt- enalhub h a;a geniof snannth el ailI. oa.stnd i oub&rêa O f r moth, and Head Ache. eforry 4 f7 a iheo atteeianuart iislS tse teiuba o1a 0.t. 0E PqeyThura y fron Portlnd. Byry pr . " wgo i4 datiilna 4o tcisa n oohem = Lad tb ofth Peor lha.i eataeo n orinaely*p aca nd aoure n bei hrge, W. B. ':i owt- WbvI e p LdiMM ~$ $ ~ ' rIntnMrM doadb-fastr. .Mmd 01as fr ' Pnu lste, BHosa~. ' ' ' We and eutil agent, Whithy, O t ha Jav n adventiioeie c tue ~ lis isa t ~OaDU Visi 10 18 DOtiItfigurey;fiie1 tpereu vili 5 umS,5s#tp4. uanuins er un a é elieVe seeuseifth spin leUey u, Tt Lad lirvtivs oncde a obet aldin a-Y, 09 4 9s Pticle eoQé Jath i,)7f e steB ee&1we.aî i tuCe e esoi-v -he h. o tlaeslog tisa l on Per -l-8 rot e ub- ý ,e heOU, ot m â"i jw rtts Palmerston, I Y'w8 ildprsecmet te y ec Tor iSr-lohecA, M" tiw itme r ai a 0 la"ie'Pn*basd., , - . an s,ý . 114Wm t ,, V m for, ien aie d "01' !*1md md- pbw ý w'. W uet 1 t Bumour, -wu 0T 0 e L a K l lb ciiti&aà teaJï a rng té. -4 I~ I~#4 IO .4 tenu s th' ,adT.à tî Purm n g' #p nîn mp4a1 4 m Lý 1' .)» , ë oga,.a feu, d ii - niaisl8 core, and mentally A rtuuwkji"en ngteryfcil eprn;aminid the iorsau of enaid n, A ElGuPSAG,-8pre 0 he c 5exi ; as arDge useou a * -r*. uel¶ wc t pu-ere M Ëulr y a4e sr ,j ordoêt 1 ~'nSaboti bsîa - é n ru ll c e h t. * i o ii , -7 ce M mlâl ut j.imm Otb8 RIRWrà ,Ia co oup't e ,An lin "'a~.jge epocr ieycgmai'a bo1tm= 04ban frdhe ccmes -é.pall 1si t* idaea f m uo. nykapanyco là " l'a m eu t Goe ivd notiseutoiea wa e lgat d 'tli7 .' .oe 4rJ s 4 , inadtinicStr liiof , na.jubienDeFmoint. bra (Noe easol)Tasas hn agî4itdoon iehI l pas Matesoo'f.th*tstsd:& iëkèIý 1apu te.",-1 4 *d eoun A tio petB : mlumtm-be Jo i -. . . . . . b".. uà he onaI ee ' rof' dkl. t a ndaraywt r .. . -, - u"d "reulrIt MLyad» 18 4! To whojn psaover by aid 4 justice and when. - o. Treaurer 101hMarch 18U4 Edward Webb lGlhin. 1884 Co. Treainrer 101h Match 1884 B. Taibot. lUth March 1884 B. Talbot 10M March 1884 Nt paid, apea1e&' Village treainrer Village treamrer Townahip Clerk Townahip Trergnrer Tow.nabip Trensurer To defendant William Carr ~Towns ip Conoil Trensurer of vinlage Treamurer cf Village O00 t,~eaue Treauser M Treaturer MI- Clerk of the leace 26LY THE-- P RIDAI From the Omoi The Cmzou thau amy othi Fiait inacr safflent 15 -bmjýlà 7e Da, Mme 010y in not lai' recved-i Buainas fh is-oC fi, Olerk cf th. Pence 741ece . offi c, t~ 412l ~ the Peace, GCouiiy Qf 04tano. lise a ar 'enAwnm-dad at*Tor onto, Lodon and ut It ibe; Elthr kEi'rIEIfqj Ils cà nwrmt BaTre mal>T s ;hasiuuStlpy n--O ul 1417 The~~n m5 690 - hb~84Ii.tset. A 1670 .. vikgetW i hr~ . . m ci 670 160 26 0 4-'o 96, 1407 es Enla mtIoss le9 ego'. 66 Z 7 1 741'65. the equlipmet i edl"is, a i Baatern Ontum wmngCouit C.,,H. arn AHec 10 cQiA 1