Whitby Chronicle, 21 Mar 1884, p. 3

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w*Tolr w A w N TI TO BU! A A H IT WILL PAY YOU TO OBT BA.RNKRD'S PRICES91 BBOCK 13T., WITBY. la mulstoa dOsuse for Tua WMrr ai OuxxncLazin=d tinatb@risêd tb grant reoipli for uubirlpis*, i.. m rahas erdiuaybuneas.tiit MÂRCH 2ist, 1884. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. WNAT 18 601MB ON IN TOWN AND ELBEWHERE. A SUDGET of LIy[IYNEWS lATTER OLEAMED B1 CHRRONCLE REPORTERS AND OORRSPONDEMTS 44A .hel s amang y., t.akln' notas. An' ttihe'U prent st." Ganta Tisa a fair amortmont. Andrew M. Roua. Thé Collage girl&' fàvorite Roman haro-Marina. Nov Des goods, ev flntî mwv Oretonnes. Andr. M. RBoasa. Tb* buis.'aui étagées Dow ruble' aad rosi on vbeela. Znsv goode lus every department Dow shows a4 . F. Bevsuis. Town Tesurer'a amûe cf "ada for taxs on Monaay nit. Tuai recelvda aOWevlot of110op0 lt id Bu"ls.Audio, N. Rpep" .qpeAiainolg 01 be Baudciodf satiou Wednsedal eveulog. Hou»e trulshug, lisons. stock of Dow goode s a0. F. Uevar'.. Thé polhugday for thé Seotl &et in Oxford Coucty teck place esaterday. New ButBoni, Dov Buttons, in aIl abadusansd maîày deigne. Andrev M. Tha Fire Company vers ont for racUces vib the Mrrywealher Tborsday sveuicg. Gens-ve are nov ahovlng Nev SprigTveO.scamorne xeeingly choloe p"raleaTweed suiiuge &a. &o. C. The meetings of tbe ESalvation Army eoctinue as orovdd'mever. Con verts aie being adsd aiet ry meeting. Thoms vho lakoté bmei leapuahlng their buai&sa lrougb thb. nepaper, gsnulIy laà thé lssd lu erythting m*lu.' Hlsas .I,'HsIs bard.Hla amall, and Raté luige, l il &Ub.helatesi shape.. Androv M. sa OsmxuP. - The"Iispemal" MsM on 7fldsa voeulg, lu the roooe ever ;ameou' store, and vîli or. alsfor theLauos se saon cf '84. The 1P860se" eA thie Onaaio Ladies Collogo ou Wsdmeday e«eung Tii. Uabbalh oooMe llma "Fséiemsble Milliuoq SBuWand mi l 8Swart Atoumos laifre&MIo Ihé adjurla.. meus of Ibis Qumeu O0%,09Uco., vboee dIferel isas lumlusisugud machime citaare ousWM oi e o%. Doams.- ov barber ahop bus baunopousi ou Brook aswsire dccii sout cof 1h. Omgmu OMaO*c., Anample polo, vblcoh once diidulcy lu Oshawa vbeneMr. J. M. Mamulug lb. OoPrletor 'bella trom, mark» omspio. uouely ibm Icoation of Abhe at. Il la generaily asknovlsdgsd tbat va have the e mest asaortramni cf Tweed&, bug d s shals, adgals lié, thai bave beaun asmu ln Whitby -for a long lime. Aedrov M. Boa.. Acop y of tb. réaolution passai by the Wbitby aud XBsqWbisby 4Agiol.. tai lty, regêdisi gb: deth of Uuefr lais e eets M a. jobs Wilhb, bas ben on visu lu Ni. 3. J, Jobeeo' storesvludv. lài ls qnttn~ -m e ssud %&_b Il e mda.tt oV m e oras utà ugM à «Ma p»uai nse ta lMnsst u et Ni Jo W .ksW* 1s Warrant eVM " sit MaWm b>"us mses ~rfeclttormopoyreuii.Adm Thte Empoxo Williamc, of Gernuan>, vii Mr. M. Thwaite vas > tovnoe illa>' Bumbu jut rotnuusifnom Englami. Mn. 7. Thbmpsou, t eloIlove aicet. mm, 1sft on'Moedsy fou àtrip te St,. maq'o. Meuris. Bd. Blicu. Mai Bsulagtout, cf the Townahip, laft lut woot for GisItou D&L Thé Rév. W. 13. Roero, M A. A*bahb bas ioetsled, sud viii lkely accept, s6cal1 froin Abs Londan u at, Ont., Preabytaulan Ohurci. Mn. B. B. Blov, second aon cf 3obU Ilc Ruqa hb eh Appclted station Agent cf1 Mu. Jamea Grahsam, J.P., ai Bciigog, the Poremn cof thé Grand Jury * thAesasire siAlug uptta veet tnasu ez-wirdetucf the ceuni>'. ir. SsuuL BeaU. IBroctlu, sud biUsoun Fred vho bu btes ilI for tmre lime, loft ou aip to Chcaol vowek, le commît mu Milientqmi"lInMedicine. Thé Rai W. P.OCampbel, mlalnary agent viii preaci mtsatenary sermons st St. boin'a Ohurch, P. Whitby on 3unday Manch end at botb morninsd eventng service 10.80 .M.Omd 6:80VPM. méepctiîely. Mr. David A y ss, a former shudeut et Abs Colleglate InstiAute,- vU lu teve ibis veak omllng au friands. ReHowccnis «* oe" cf thie mmy nf 0,000 CansdtanastdenA lu Dakota and su able.bodied eue toco for ho turenusa $Wsosetai14. Mr. Thoms. XMa,n on cf ouitevuinaan Jamos Madil, Esq.. vho bu besu iocsted in Port Psriyfou sm* ou ealof t thia vec vlthi& sfamuy Wfoi SsamaILN.Y. vhare ho bu obtlmi saposition muFrigbt Aget. Mr. M. J. Ouiàt, vel tuovu bars nierai yun v Whu à tudet M he 0I1%ate learu. aller puvaing s four am0sw"oo a. te moidici <maieu1 of ( idumty cf Nov York, gr"aaçms an MD. Dr. Orna lubmouda p.setiutg b"s pMrefesa a bis ol boume lu Wtaeon Wititby Spring Assimea. 'l'*.a ring *"£eu -s-bumanémitbe Court ilouso on Monda>' Wone Ah. Hon. Mu. Justice Camerea: ifombera cf h Bar proeuet ver. B. B. Oier, Q.C., Walter Cannois, Q.0, (Toronto) 0i. E. Heniaecu, Q.C.. Crevm Coumasi. (Blelieville), C. R. IRitoble, G. T. glsck - atoot, 3. M. Faroveli, C00. Aterump.; L. Englisb, W. R. Billinga, N. F. Pat- aeo, Q.C.,,H. L. Ebbeie, . A. Joues, J. Rutiedgs, B. MoUoes, e. Y. Smith, J. I. Gorion, J. B. Dow, J, Hamer Oneevwoci, L. K. Mrton, D. Ormia. ton, T. W. Cliapplo, . "do'lman, (Stenifille), E. C. Campksil, (Ui-- bridge)-'oCoulter, (Cayu.ga),ito., &o. The folloiring gentlemen asavec te their esues as Grand Jurer.: Joe.. Qrham, Eag., J. P. (Scungolg), Foroman. E. W. £ý7ieevortb, Edvard James. J. R. Rie ýj, Samuol Joues, R. E. Brandon, Roes Jobeistou. Jobn BrUtt, Déaiel Liok, Mihel Cbsbpmsu. John Là&, Sîmoon Combe,.- John MeLood, R. B. Diotie, H. R. Spencer, James rciail, Thoma Tcdd. Peter Failovdovu, Chu. Tbcmpson. JamuaRomtp, ilu as nlae, Ris Lendsbip, in asliverlng bis chargs te the Grand -Jnry, remariai ou Abe ligbtnms of the catendar. Tha Count>', Abug quit aargeue,uVary fi eV rom crimes. This vu suau ioiatlenof proseaily for durieg piceperoua imes &bon wvu leaapropeusily te crile. Man>'ims h lave aretiaugresaed tbrcngb for.c f oionutanoesebiought ou b>' dire distiesi. Thibie resufroni crime ie youî midat is s matter upon vbioh io conguatulate yon, sud upon vbîch thé Conut>' as s vboie May riitltly congratnlate iteplf. Ret-rrin6r te tii. îwvo case, on thes caloudar, lie deflaed pojury and imiiaily «aseof h. cases of iarcoéy. Ro said bat ho bail tatou cocamion lu bia round cf duîy te as. tertain frein Grand Jaries Aboi opinion ceAbs quesation cf the jury system. vbste the bsGrand Jury sbcnîd bW leorned le number or dons svay vitb ltîre vtisi or loft as at proeonh cousti- tOLsAI. Fomo 1ev sessions ago, be sad, abill roduon eG sradlur>' paneifrem Iveel>' foui te ffteen bai been passed by thé Légilature of Ontario, but had net yot beau procisîmed lev. Nov the ?qustion wvu tebr thâs as a malter toi Abs Province or. te Domnion te deas vith. Bluftcooueiesslsen, on Joly 1, 1867, cetain paera e e<ieu tProvincial Legllstimea md certain other poveru te tbe Douminon Pari- menA. As, fer instAm* e, b.Previnoe of Ontario àu the pov«teristabig courte of civl »àd eiminsi jutice, vit.le Dominion bas o o&u4 beb aiuwsbsl uof jus".esWbeawli.. -part of lte scmsituom of Ibm osul os of is dI1ls ~dsoded vW"s shouId' lalW lilx Ibm question.es vlaa tte bave tibiropinlen, as bsla a non.polilieal suad rpresntalvm oue, on tbm pprlty ofoeitgthlb.jury amer v-a rlgedon cea ch args of Isissu>'of some foîka, ihorashoemails amd reps ironsAbte siocf M.Sandfoi J. Mugiu,lusîdvsis murbaeuo s% on 21 aJsutkyluti.sandplaeddbot gul14y. The gpol>d ve r puoed ln Cout, amiIdmtlea by Mr. Martin as bia propeil>'. Otber vitneesa deposei tbsl, h.>' boqghlsereraI cf th arlils fron tbotiîi..nuee. The jury allen b.. ieg outabout hait au bonirturus. a verdict of guilby. 0. B. Hendereon, Q:O., fourtse Cuov; G. Young Sut for the pieoner. 1 quoeiva.' Oo. .ttweaud-Thepriseon. au v.chaigéi with b ssilai offeuce sud pleadi net guilty. Titere being no ovidonco agaiu iathmhos uis.~ charged.0. ER. Rîtohie for tbe prisonor. Queeutv#. (Jard.aur Vannckklr-In titis saiS tbe dot. vuaohanid wlth a sutbefore ? =" DmumII I Z tit Dlvielos puut t éiW4MM v.RoI*1, ma iubt»4cunlviavmatlvau ewtde.à tand a vsrdfl lfor lbethéfdém th@ ladS Wb"obwuss 1.1 mua fanes..0. Touug B me It Pickering Tp. Council. The Plokerlug Coumil met pusuaul minue&ol1llut meeting resa insd p- provd. A feu cossumepmei ed for parmeal. ou motion of Ni. Milobefl, Mis. Tipp wu hoard. Ssaaked ébat a grant bW maie e 10furab bor wltb Wood. Mr. Macoy, sesonsiby blt. or. rester, moisi ébat $8 b. patei the MUn. Bell, for rené,cf boue. ccupisci by Mn. Graham au indigent. Carried. Mr. Perey, .eoonded by Mr. Mackoy, moisiAbat lb. Cleîkb W and te horsby. lnstructed te motify' ailPatbmastera for Ah. year 1888 uho bave net îeturned their load.Liats for sal yeaî, t re.. urnte o me at once properly cortlfiad, sud la th. avmnt ef noe.oompiiance witb said! roquit te saure lhem that lb. penalty providsd by tb. lav in éhat oaa. provided viii bAntrcl>' enforced. Carriei. on motion o1 Mr. Mitchell, Mma.r Jobnston vu beard bafoue th.Bori, and sakod fou aid. Mr. Feriester pres.eted the report cf the Standing Commuftes on accounta aud petilions, recommending bat the followffl8 accoas W p aid -Gao. Burton, clotbing fer the Allen family, 65 ; Dr. Eaatvood, mod. attondaue ce Lavoil, as per ordsr Mr. Porcey, $5; Chuo. nue"l, gour snpplled te certain indigemI famllla, s, uar or eder' Mr. tler . *.60 'die Aat s speclal graz Of 18.00 W maie te pure"as uql or Mmia i, 3. A. Doqgpu, On motion cf Mr. Porsator tbe re- pert assdoptea. 00 motion cf lMi. Msokey, ..oned gb M r. Forrastar, the Beeve grmaed o ru on the Troas. leufwcr cf tbs amoral parties usoommendod in tbe r~. Forrester, seoonded by Mr. Mitchell, moved tbaA $5èea grantod te pmurcs.noemsanie for Mim Jobiston and thtt Mr. Mitchell he omr. Car- iied. Mr. Peroy, econd*d by Mr. For. restai, moisi bat h. Clerk b. and la hereby instruotod te notify thi Pres. of the, Ont. ani Quebec allva>'Oo. that thaoro b erob' required » te mèke ait Abol iBaLvway rosainge iu thia Muni- cipalit>' ie exact oonfcrmity te Bhc Statuts lsv in huat cm emaie sud =*àvl.sud iletAh. oyant cf nou.oom- pliace itb aid request bt. 4legai sts&viii W taken toe sobrce. tbs ame. 0ud lbt a copy cf [bis reaoiutioei b. forvaidivitit aaid notie. Caruied. Ur. Mitchell, seoonded by Mi. For- rester.,zmcved thst Mr. Perey ha in- alruoted te grant ne further aid te h. Irish immimgrane on 91h con. Car. risi. Mr. Mackey. sacomded b>' Mr. "beel], mosi that thm Connci ad. joui lnutil Monday Abs ilsI day cf April nazI, at the heur of 10 o'olock &.m. Oaru'led. MomdayMarob 17 '84. Glass Housa. It *ami ltat te bouaé cf lus future vii beoet* gluse. Thb. tuauute of snob perfection, tat Il le claimed a glass bouse Vould b. auperiorin .e.y respect te oue cf vood, brick, or atoe. Glasacou e cslat n ushap, sud in blocks of sny aseo. It sequi. asm bard sud durable, aud vould nel b. mor cemll' th»angranite. lA vii take any cooer'ud W maie te imitato peifocti> .n> kaome preolous atoue. Tbe pro- vent &bout the. danger cf tbîcwing ftus nslglass hanses i. a mitkan one, foirlinge oobble-gtones vouid mot burt lb.etaterial ender conuiceration. What a splenid sigIht vould bc a city or glass! Hov IL voeid sparkie in he sunlight, sud refleot atith*bscelora cf h. raiehow I 8cm. cf oui yeng readers may liv. te ose. net one but many cittea cf vbich h houaesa viilbs built principal> of gîas. Uionsuw - cluicua-On MondÂy.] Ma.rch loti), at thue reiidonco cf the bride's father, by 1ev. W. &. Weogney, M.A., B.D., Mr. Thomas Deils Rob. son. of Huron, Du, te Minuits, dnoe cf Mr. Thos. Chambers of thm Tewn cf Whiîby. Wheik Abs bleci hlaaci St Iýmpurttles. and aI>,nelgin ha in*veu, au alter. aü à mfubt"ula ontitIoncfi thevil, si #ÛomalacQ long viitoctmseins me LpyerprI. n=ppulil oe A Great Di Mu, Wua. Thanuas, of Myvlia bas bemueui ,on#ui 1er SVoitty4is uurutg mous stvoaslyt~ tnt usi rnany ns uelngurgs4is turD: I kt a ~'a A~s we have decided to dissolve partnership, we are oblied to reduc e stock, the. only -waýy to do so is to SELL -A T OOST AND UNDER for a-short time.5 It -will"'not be our objeet.,,tlo.make money but -to seil off stock. Aio!g withl -the sale will ho 'Bold OVER $19,000- WO0RTII- 0F "NEW MILLINER!, Which was bought at 40 ýÇENTS. ON THE DOLLAR, Tremendou--b ~gis will bç, given 80 as't'o deait out this brnh' of the businss DRESS COODS, STAPLES9 CENTS' FURNISHINCS,BOO0TS & $HOES,9 AT COSTD Do npt buy a dollar's worth until you see TI 'EW EE Mm is s INQE 1884 S'PRIl-NG NE\-ý TWEEDS,- NEW SUITINGISe" JTXsTr New what we ean do'for you.- Oome early and get your choioe. BR.O S-0 ODDFELLOWSP' HIALL, WHITBYa SPRING NEW R630EIVED. Prints and Einbroidlrie 1884 TWEED .LZ~sO 1'3a toryCotn-sIrU vaw AND-REW t IM uAxlnav«mat teDaoim lta&$ ZO'PD- si s auncm or ma ith* E ter c1 pr&U lisd f«orAos troblas t ine. t004 àath Ab.ocgauhaSlfcmthé qp<' Veg "Kavicdmi&» mm, lu B f-"Oh bit aepeeds. Whsn IRo mut Ibrndtal*ar 12, but 'viian1 go onlvwuitpapa 1[aum0 W fA 1tuDus tisat.- 1 "y.; amisufel aloi*g D a O be uo e f- niMlla*t 'iv.. urai by tua Roi> BithibetuaPeZ âasm.bbout. Iddom 1 la 1.ev "isutit.somUlbe for IlIUM W"te." Whou A&Oîphua placai hia arma awrun the nck cr Anelina. . aatd itA vufer a eeckos piom puipose. An Ohio femala InsitAte Centai»a 30 red- headd irgtUasud thlie ncipaldispoes viti gaa sud AUi chier "suiligot'Vu omiy te Triangle Dyc0.L 10. Wheu ayoneg lady givesa hesait Aa, ahe naturliy lbahr self.poaesslou. Aàk W. R..Ixovsfor «IEub" Cougb Cnre. It actsoqulohly au te uioniah you. 2U Tihn ug f ouA icustu mse0irlm, so tind, ge rees4 noeci asmvOman. thebmbt~bueuutimem. liai bqilh'up ud vonda boueha4 ,mo= par sQ;eb I*surugwt. E ugagsumt brceets ed.laboS nov. inMy ~~ Im80 ostlo eso arctu. M. 4,40',o0 s ..... ..... ....... Q ......... D'tMuOBù~SuS u~ , 1 ,W tl.' * 100 , '07 ...J-ýit-. *O 9 A ]C ]L.P'0 retable sicilian ~~~ RE1E vu ait Iam puspmntlouS pq ly S&tp6te ffe dbumocf t. scalp, Mmd the itsae- amu sremis-et st adoul o'r gSabain 10 Ais naturat celor, gis-s-l, and youtbtul beaaty. Ilba-At âm m amy Iiatorm.but atone baie 1» ftul ymit ailthle requiromouls mesifUl for tae propesutomeote ha b ain u cap. iH"L1265 ha IAa£rwra bu ateadutigreva In favot, and epresd lia faine amd ulefuinea to overy quahter of lte globe, ia eunma lrh.tl ueracancm é sîtributedti tebut on. rouie: Ahetaifu.iiwtc *p'U& The. prnpriOlon lis e lle>,bosu uurpalsed att cie reerfpi of"at«-~r= m nNmwo em0 tries. sure th.yitadneier uadoan etoitfor iLS tutrctiuffi,,n 'l'u Uneicora shortuie of HALve RAME ltaiiicvnn twondcrfletlty nprofes the per. scubja piuasnca-. iel csnsesAiescapfnm %Il inpuitu"e.urés i> bbmucet.faier, &" drynàmi ud tlus prumib lduues.IlI Msiulte thie roakeaed iml4anda. ad la lteu e oilpu hfous-aida meV ant i vgaec grosIl.. Tiée ttecla 0 tAla aiueAreMtsma trenaeIt, 11k. thuosidcfatoboilo prpeji- . aRu95mn .e log *D.,xhtçtmates bl cUfG Doos7 -E WM dmflchane .beard 'tstuaiiaVs - nc ls -ifot sav>. CUtiof as tage f-epimuala taupni vtuom B5 P. BLU IJ IJt> 1L SFOR tuTu ro 148W &DVEITISEMENTS3a STO-~KI~G -A-LET .5 NA'LLsG,- BiÀLÂ-WRHU1X Th wol c ~nrirmenSê stock of M -NEW APV~J$ 'N SPRINIJ JUSTBV FRO~ .R.o.s s,. y-f CROCKERY & LA4 AT REDUOTION IN HadoeChina TeBoitSft'~NE V Toit Setta, 'wiitgiD r Whitegrmite Ttie o ~iletle e in m tono stl"e, ami Bow 'liCh.sMd an hure o 1 Ça tâsO.&e t -peW Ln otl 50 De le Ï01 b 90C. er dz. TA liOc r.. ~t,-Ai- -a '"-r-,' - - . i - ~~.rr:$ , - - -~' -i- A. L~E~B ..~wm N roi>'. - itou. Ta. rar 1oi*spon tikdoekt e di y' 1

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