Whitby Chronicle, 21 Mar 1884, p. 2

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.tt u iy lot, 1884, (includîmg por- irait> « 1<.v. Dr. Wild) for 25 cent- tus atrialerip to thonaot 08noat'sutb ýOR»OLfflfrocp prwa date" "tu tifr. 1ot, 1884, (iowuding oitr. igww aât5 %5514ê2dpwreusiè.n bock, "TA. Ar if »memcking,' ppqjiu.y iIliu trated),for 60 .'ents. CHRONIOLE fi-ont present date u.til, Jan. 1at1 l&188j, (îelieun! por- trdt of L.wd Lansdo.ne, Sir John A. Macdonald or Ilon. Olivecr Moiat, to- gether ithounr .te Dreanaking Pre. miwn fBook) for 75 cets, JS S RERTSON *& -8ROS, PROPRIETORS, OEBRONICLI BUILDING, -WHITT. Now Advertisementa 1h18 Day. Mîink Boa ILost-C. Scsit4 Jr. Spring importations. 1blm'1rt Cièmpbell. Spocial.--C. F, Stowart. Spcocial-Andrew Ni. Rome. scho.h.lq of Returune o vco.â -Jau. E. Farewell, Clork oft he Peaco. ONLY Si co PER ANNUM. Whitby, Frday, March 21, 1884. Guercosteod circulation CREONicLE, Tgs crovded condition of -Oui col. uituS, villa pecialconuodae reports o 10w-n an" towmdip #munolls, m*iseS, etc.,necessftâteý telic mln of ach important edîtorial sud loca Matter. - l3eainacK bau firaly.msinaled lis gIourîd upon the Lasitr Besoluticus. Ie toits in paille but fin langun e Auneicau Congre. aIli te Laiker Rowseutiaus are offense le hlm a., Ch&celorf te>GeranEmpire. -He tiav ielinludecting te receive 111cm lb giva the Americati people affeuee,hat- la 1the irenmotauces lie thmknkub o -whal je hast for the Germisu people. Bystitu4ers think ho lias very properly rcscnte(l impertinent interféence. PeleLIC juterestinluEgypîtan affaire is till intense, and cranta ire thickeung fasl. Op Thuvaday of luit yack bmseral I-I ti d u fi m Thc Palnll of vhal will tire be knovn as lhe. Bnnting-Wlln-bs. on conspiracy le buy up a suffict .nnber of Mr. Mow&a supporters lu thc Looal House le oust Ibis gentlermn rom power, are very fully given ii. our L'un 0Day letter. of*4 wvek, vr» ior the field cf battte. , The Corruption dIsplaycd lin1the attempt sy no$tle, ualmown in the legislative halls of aur friannds acrosa 1the boadr-viero thc znan Kerkland says 11. lis spent sa nnch as $40,000 la buylng Up a Logis- aâttre-bat Canadiens turn tram mach ata <nshaiùeaid diagnat. The worst foawas.o! ldu as», lowever, is liat il- .s nat th1e lohbylal Kerkland, nor even ie cirupl Wélkinson. whoaone alne impliftedi thisbusiness. Standig alerte those mcn wanld lbc withoal liclr vacation, but bchind thon are to be founti leaders oci1the party ; 1* vilMr. Bnnting, th1e nanaging director of t'ho Ieading journal-of th1e party,'and more secnousthan tis, the evidence shows that aloaq wilh iluis gentleman are Io be feundti hose in high pl"les'w-ho have public oiffice to grant, as volt as moaey vo give-both for the sanie corrupt pur- -pose. Mr. Buntung, tlarough bis banrnaI, the Mfaîl, may 1e11 the public that Ih bande are clean,'" and in hie deepenation eadeavor te draw off th1e scout by nalhgaiag men Uic Mr.Balfgur ahd Mr. INÏceim, wbose pnisles ta-day ,for theur noble and patniatie part in tibis motter, are being eaunded from onae ed cf l1e Doiniion la 1the ailer-but in v'ulgar Sarlance it is ail ton tibm. The evl- once is direct, definite, coniicing andI cSoboratedl; and aur boief is that &0e besi men of ail partieseeiery true Çanaiau-vill sy:probe il 10 11o, bbloni, let suifer w-ho may. We viant n ons cf tlis business oun(aaianoil, -and if in the exorcise ofrnat justice. saune cf aur ova lnnd should f&l, the more thepiy;butloet il b. 50 rather than tbat 11emlaa should gain a permanent foathol.. Mr. Dryden'@ Gladera RfI. Ou. motion for thc second reaing cf tie ZR ! l pvent lihéipreail cf con- tagicus &iaso ameug bonaeana d h domcstic animaIs, Mr. Dryden 41*ain- ed thatthBlleDI referreil to one 'disease anty. ,,uanely, glandons The disease vas cntagione, sud coulti be comimuai- caled frani herses We aibar animal%, and eveh te' human beings. The bast alicrities were of opinion. tht I was inaurable, sud hence the neceeaity of preventlng il obtanng a foathelti. He bat certain lnforcitatimn tail vas rap"dly increasingapsuad spreneain lth1e 1?jovince. la aà communication ne- oeived froun e veeninary surgeon iu hiu owa district (Dr. Sw-eetapple. Oshawa) s many. as twolvc cases wvoi e nion- cd,-vn odfaihich particulama were givan. Lu urging Ithe importance of lixunediate legialalon upon the subject, 11e rcferrad lb 1the Bull tntrcdudod by tho Cýimise Grass, in commiaud cfIlIer Mjety'a iouer of 4Aiicu1ture fur the destrunction trocîls, gaineti anollier - ignal vltcr of vamucus Wooeds,ase estîibitiug the' aven Ounu'u Digznia thé rebel chief. drigrôus caonàeueuces of delay. Ilad Tite Arabe feugit with the nit doter- sdetlî'blt&li'ea aset 40 yenage, intcÎl bravery. and enon e u easi aintuico oMoi~wered tb. Brish* but, and proper stops tal.ep timo, w-laI asusa nt British a taocaanti dise. - godrésulte vould bave foloved ? But pline ~ ~ ca pr-alei Tiu0r O lt hiow,1efcaed iî w-cul nat bave tha eneotyvau laieo efes'1- ou ! idome.!feat. The. veWs nldpane- hialtu fighllg. Tle rebel lobila 11 mateti at tour thousand ilUeti at t ntted tarn anti ide-oeven imb 1the IhousaidvontdcO. '0ovýn e'vety 'cf depths cf 4the .fmoeel-td Whllomre tUe Britista wcro kittddd aonc hu»drett ncRuo a q t be Jonc, il would nt have -thecad1 gireteot i golting id o* the ------.'ttIliiimt nce we&, as Migbî bai'..beau 1the cas, Co.rDulITos ae attanoherahig ba !legilatioeau in n.ued in tilla. in lb. LocalIleuse, and t liaibeeu Tii.semmof giauters vas jusl oh- deided- by a tangoeu>ority tint suit. *lnafa a footing , autheI prempl.st able hihcn aducation inuit i. prc'vided logillator vas nocessary le stîaap il by th. Utate W or oea.-. DnWilson, cut. Unies. staxupe.! cat stonce lie Preelient cf Uuivenaity Calloge, repeti evd vauldbehagreal sud vademreat. is objections Itg lie schee, and -a Theonly way teulamp i itot w-as by oataergunts agaiusat h. Plan cf lia. immédiate deacruotion of the am- %oenag tie Ceiicge to ladie concurr- MAl. If the aunmas affactdwena de' onll'y viti mea villi mach pint sud slroyed at once the epread cf 11e dWi vagor. It in tioughl. Jioneven tubat case ocalt be preveuled. But if efaifct sau» plan zaay ba devise.! w-ionby 'cd hanses w-ove aUow-ed to go abouÏ badiesnay have aIlth. aduantages sprendlng 1the dsecase un cery direction Whlh Urevenity Collage oua aford i w-cIt as in decas of lte noxacua «t iou latrcdwoig eo.educatoapure veeda, ha very dilicult la ha dealt witu sudý uln4lo. . - The clm of hanses affected w-lUi an-gLandars unay fe'intlae 1 ails of ilzcaorvxa-Idu Bnat4b aPoo leqr onm itinernnlIaiers. yaes nithe 1k., dýàeOt«kdover 111e question, &n4 t hot Modefda in=s:. baio! wlli Egypt Mr. Gladstone, «as l 51 eai 0" afimr Acn known, le desivoua of xetlrîqg hum fede u»t cmeby montly afWenva Egypi V$th alpuniif tint làpoesIîte.and vantail a traIe. an*'ie initei BUt Maiy meoea jýb ý &M Mmeove9th ic noeejust hbefore û%& tb femerwus glanderé. t. - soeofihe Cabllel are quit. oâed . tnscorrect, anthia lbtit. n ot, pombi. for Egadle dgeod ôuw-u trded ti of gan, and retag lodi gpoi govamnuwn te onsrn gso t= or hempuetent f fasnboug laStthé allier hors"sa inte M B~ Wb-ablne, tý dit I l een__o c eu.goa1s meimber of U*à dibI9binsnlfq~ I5 e curela i *-I4 It i. ~ïi"- ' - ies*hpr o h a t td*off tw gàoeh.-el inte Ara mamse as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L niulg 4o".pmseania tMmir a M rreslt Vati é ncuitta ~ fc~19M gaet, uuand iug utile pimpleeu Ti a -ix ge i omk-i WIsItIiy~re, uieo lirlleaalaaf4oaw ~ d~ iP>ltol ticm MitmlessMd *192ieuh the $65 M voliasn ilonvfee raiti non PI Pgvinclal ancwevpd b' -*6 Frovih ropoilcd vi uimnua WI AV ICTi<O illHT'lIÛt TE NOàZ-DE'- MMMtZATI' ATTIU<PT TO D flpW GOeiERNUENT 5P01V5T*Ei LUTION 0OPKMM .éTTOVIFaSEEAL- t.RRST AN<D nIsOiUON onOF srO Or 'rIXE "SXcc» OrFnulilie."BIGO oM ,WIKUMtSOXÂm.i. .ETLI<wb --m. W. itUitTuttOà "BlâTOAD'" IN T1Mi*kMblE1 -FULL rAaTWULAES càTEE atnr- c. li at Fi th ne Ir lit i ci pellcn'Srpandcii cf thec CEaoiiIct.5> Thc PrausGllnry1 Hoouas.1Asmbly, TOnDoal, Marci h,'4 [ISTa EER i>i'ElE -Saint Pathiick's Day 1a Big Day-for Irelond. the w-orld oier. [Ol' auil Hislry fuil ai'ils cllibrusian. t Rlome an Abread ? Talk aboul jer iibat Andrew% sDay, anu81B Gentu [)&Y,anathe Tvellh av'JII, aiO 'awkei' Daby, amai'av sy otiUt da aat ye plaze, adiolate t t Saaior sin- oer, but lier. 'u n'l 'vmnav o eauon p honld à cnele 11te SBaiubceliavi' relaud., eu vont ticherne da*da Pshlnocfoirtb, nov boniti% au biger place fa the OCadaKldbr -444" in lahe TOry politiai EnlI- ab = 11cur Uval.Dominion? Iua' ýh y"Mail" maa iilout lic Au- àii'orsaI ai' the mamtynrn av i'Bgi >us-a Praîcher an .&oshtle- ai'Tv 'nanoiploi lut boulm,-yen ilui aa ittle bit, an let me beges ale- Teas ou lic bleu"'sit .ai' P". - riok's Day, A.D. U - T= WOmy ve uner, the Moon vaeitinlin 0l. r inii *tee llnugvidgav i'e iie ne, lelady monsespoudav athlé 'Nes"-Adover aul thora vas boved anopliolaldoméi in vich st nil. ras afuil round nmon, an' aà almoofin ie-vobe that *." iinspire a %pd t " Thevwatchnla.en lie &dc tives, an lie PolI ug. miauon 1651w boit&, puaadn ArsMOu0tic Parliluft Bildans, keepi a"ti an var4 te sa su pire thalamabinitia aiao st.hmutinne hom befa blo"vu uWb.tic eanlgabndava'letrnD1 uithars (wva <ly -have a hbita.him an' ann existinthéliefaucifùul n tEs iuliene.betiènag a. ai'lissiem vathuin. u1 vsan POUlsea- 2 dolars a Cayasih, a2 &Umea,4 .. ai, .formite juty.) The Houas vs f Committea on lic Es*timas..Mistier Caiaygy(the. Peilienbarc ieiy) wus buravlnamongstel i dcpbue"ataau the eharvoaàa a ro. about a- momr4oliee 0aaskoe- adauâpna av' 111e loasekeepe's kilohen lrin tms wldta vhict tprove 111e extiravagine ai' lie Mawral Gsvernuil. The item daiscaeed vas 4110,8»0 for u An nul l tbe bliveil tit av'raIYle-lug items makuninp lIais large suni,,'the only Wang lintfor sainy .>tudfasl widb w-ar tlic kv dallas'.fe"i le hm" dîaners, lie pagea, tb#ueeoa uaà muai rpt ti"s most =="y. ma inl dol M8ýM iýbswondo.rfI.blty questun Il Provisce. Ailier, 1ho 11.4 revélied fa bis maohan asAtlch. cd auithe behoMit.neludin the, . n fereinnabe oiervow, F*gs04 . miaslngors th. itim 4W« 'pêseeti&ldi out faillier queshina-baxrn a tlile slickty gomme from tisa c hldy minier ai' leloes.MistirssMor- ris. Wol uflier lie comzaaltec bad riz, th1e TomecyGlaira! ris te bis ýfe.t, a tin araevas arlatuua liaIba nost, luki a.ay wm**c breti. Tii. 1>elo cIthet sdalibieis ecsp- ray-ey bat been diliveerced ta ul au cvupt lie imbom oas'tle Soute aast0 a iga&bouaahafge av' Gui- enmiat. B4 givin lb.e palful details, ho ùed the OpMer toopean mteks' ia ha oabn »"inames iuge. The poke opnea. an vilep. a ou& Dow tin va bndira-doula- bis, Ticy van,.coapanlib. -not. tr-o'hu 1MislbreRfu M.P. b tla. ia lie w-a hhomm a ilias II,- wub tia ay bi- <Setay), he, Pui ,Wikinso te-vote agie glieGusmiât The Spaker open"tlamciksr-oevpe. an cul mwv 3aM t. $1OO43lc ll lettimrifaMs*nt alor 15.. altin ls-tiy b.diiihâ«ieiWW luim ïb* 1* »i'tâc Kose th"a dny.a4bo belg dclinb 1 hatilntleman's vote agfa lie G wvr minI. s hunt - -1 - a Aucieh asrBduthur, but if ymc cutI ~ ~ ~ ~ qf onya*uest pa b. Pl6.- 6 1"IýKd MMM. i a s- ~TS ~EI CREri 1U(N ~se i. Ne-W GOODSO% -NEW GOODS. 500 PÂTTERNS NEIW PRINMST(Y 01,0CT '-FROM, Consisting of ail the lateet novelties of the Season. Dbrcss (Goods, RI-bbons, Laces, Gekrt prngStck riigBiy 3MN'S, FELT HATS---New and-Nobby Goods jst received. Aý large assortment of jiweeds and Worgted Coatings are piled on our counters and ready for inspection. Ail ar e invited. RO(:SS :BIRCOS Dry GOfods I1lOh!l posu afr.ay m.ntimued, andotificnoce moi libue peodt; te noum 5» ofesO 10 b. patd dovu v. i hhte t itohm by tic satO Wllklu.ou , tat thug 1 t r a cscu W b.- peti c.lia olbr or pt ofavumade. by or a he* id onspirai., b, sM A ucistiby, iid aümc mcubm cfi" s Euse, ce4 £11 be.no »lie Tb "chagee sd mataUMo t. rd »sud eat forth ilu sicamt of ris" ~¶,~0ommli e uicsandEcloae. instucto r te Muâssd or t Kicw~KKiu, n idîher 4Bar onimdait thsl ha"! un s»& Au'dc gu'frnher tesiu*mas b bey tlcY BU hadibiluapproachced Ltile Bribem ,an t hti spuraed lb. foui timptiors, liar 10 cash an "Isr promises avi' rand places 2dI if ihey wntu&Oy'vois iotO tmcut l 11for lu fiterile exPochm revs uimply ~ orusbiia The. Opposishun wilted. to SURa acm bung dowu thaur bail irn P' very shlio me. l 3Tereèi1Itbau iisorîn lirie to in- li: anivtc a mMax= nan BAlfour vSr Mi to blarne for havm. over. rsiclxed the M timptiiera Clark ai' West Toronto, I tu tIat sekeuin Plekonilflu, IPharictical ~ Way ti' it.-Ha iPebsulif an f Miy Gamcn-thried to make bive txal theb T T&fflï.'Gnfra1 mite be lhe Picttber, an 11e lia&pg ftsb. Bil & Co.rmite be a: ocey or rcWdbm= ociutb 1 vi ThéHoe 018o Uiean tho e.e- si porters' Gallery, ineludin th1e dacint r Consarvaiuil bourn abanxed an% amdstscdu ii li* scti bald. di beaded etadimIaiser. An 0& hade %mp (morerthl ver ho ci IndgAntbovldrà,eoqan 80 an panlaist -a "iccharges vur t noV irot 01wtoe b avro i BravEthéfévu W wfr>w in eicd M Wb liq6it acaie $M W Pot tiafra.rsGin"d *01 ferwdayth Co.ùM Iieon pai4m ~ean icohk- ahus. kDoctior Dovlineg, 11.-. vas cianrineti ule eomttilceonu u'.. id dayrnnlnau hi. viine * nrlin- culpa.cKltici'Bimau.n as va'the ' eoupirtioa.Dootior D. vau offer- cd it oçu idollars, -anu "Î the~! vildraa a ai cetaptian li b wwIuut Ilaeat*isrna dolau. orà" ' h. vis! rcineiit ae. Tha" w>. -t» 1Bp.qn.h<MiL1%poti&I A>oni te aiàaubuiMociMtiava sý U =ilmOzn i' - te c bqb. lvM o n tie GOeee.-hhe dGoce uigodain 8101-1 amam,.ym~nqaoZCotbeThê V %XN wd ban qumI ima.~~mpuiowo Jec We 89p,- rwer, or teaob your district achool, ta. th. oirounihtanoes of the ecas r r.quire. ere toc le Bir. Oco. J. Huberlu, ci- agogne, general agent, manuflur- andi formier,, s gtteman so0 long andi sily kuo novucr Ooanty s »neeti descrIption lurtber than lb. mention is usine. Hie loverlug sature se up in My mernoryab.i'cthb [@1 andi shadovs of thhrly yesrs or ne, wbeu ho asubancher lu bbc olti oct-bouse at Ranr' Cornerainuthe un cf Whllhy. Thaotpri cf li. ova a ho licumle "BautWin sor, a me of youvrendodrs vill reelolt. il liculga, la f..at 0 Ù.14 ti.nlru mn tiarebore, ast for many par seqnlut to t.elime rafevredi ta, ibe eIp.r "Bail W 4dsr 'KDWck" ut1 am arnaderini, ant I muet "4n Ibthé living proauln. Perbape n onmn ber occaion I imay roe fagla b lb.h d echool bouse sud fia nslghbovbcod, rmauy recolleotions, some of tbem ry tender cnMs come welling np as Om a founlein, lu conneotion vitb lie calily, but, svay y. spectves of lbe ut,younunaan me for my proet toit. Tc rolum to Mr H rueiu, b.andi [î gccd vif. Invite eegodinuer. Toc e, boseuver, se I have tbenoalling on [ru. Ol'iverjust over tbc vay, vbo lu ie kindnessu of ber beart urgeti me to nain, andl 1 bave bailnouc ma o eret hsving aecepteil ber invitation. he village bas usa representalive cf tb. saling art in that wovîby disciple cf [ypccrat ies James W. Bmith, M.D., boue gealal maniai anti kinti expres. >u cf oantenanteneilbut l11111e ielp -o Medicine (iu many Camses a icit) effeol a ours. Thoen uelathe fa- ispenaible Village Sebu iovt4 ln thie ue a tone sohool bouse, in vbleh Mr. barneu Wilsoune sicher svays Ihe mptovwli vcgal 4lguly, s ani se as1 n oredli Iforrncd, biglaly enm efmnd. Thou bonrs ahlb.nusaIlooking Pros- yteilasCburob, a I11111. le W estI, Ii !*eéhingspire fljsoltigs beai'n- pa," sud rovealngtiolf for msuy les arouud by Its bright relleotlca of " u enc'ra. Go thon s0#d do 116e. ls@ obrlatian. andi don'9t moae a a*. bate of hhyeelf. O17aiet 10 il liai bellgit thon givsst, in ma is g3t, andi îat the 'wili c' Le. ns' production ci bie owu gas. Bei'. Mr. Rogers f. lie eteemeil pastor cf lte Bok &tagala. n have. Owing 10 bis absen«eas the [meofrny viuil otld not maie him kcell. I have ince Lsnrnd liai bo ts acccpts. a - cil ta LqadauButl andi aienot vemoving liee e .0 i ,uch mialu n"sbas w il a&s itvs. Rogers, wbo lu beld fa greaitne. peet i the Conty a. amodel min. er'i vile. The tmne tIà. s cai oli blaluig, lb. euly iricit bouse la lb, illage ezeeopt lie bo" .speaking -o à* botel n.mbdo.of abit of iamllj i o w * z e a l c t b y r . l e h W, b r ather, I amn mot quiba sure vilsi bppui a fallov after a"W«nin ae >fl- 0ge ou ioa't belleveil Ié':ý.1an't belp lia Facto are fiel. viether jeu or IblLev nly ab&*rsibuilding iu tic' 'PU"'c mhari lat Undo444 da àài Mr. Foi bvought la the Report 1 lt. Comminies ou'Printin ,rsommmnding payascut of J. B. RIsofl àBroc. accunt for Slaiioory antdv.rlalg Lumber seUgat O 40fWb a Iliv. Le* alon tie", table 16e I AuditoWa'ReJ rion the rFiancesof iii. iowu, se eaiM. i18lem Te. iota! reccpt@ for the 7mT, Swe #77,U615 aMd *0 . xp.ndlure 7ula8i9.lO int Ln e aae ubaud cf 1,48.The. S sLonecond"t by Mr. Dowêy mýovOs lii'tuc (Mark bu ibuhotiactiWj publièi the Audulo sRepori s ne a divect&. <Orrisd) Mr. Long s b Ï Mr. Downcy move t he 11.Tv. e auihorlsed to psy the Audioru $780 cash asPuri salay. (Oarris). TowW Axo MUKT pEOpEnT. Mr. Fox fron ihfOooeoelie report* ed ihul liauaaàtote tidverlsi*i for a cavoakser for te lb. 0TouHa, tbey bail recelvei applicatîons frooe the following :-Joseph MoBvsdy, Jonicq Borchaoe, Thomas Watsoni, E. Olargo, Wca. Murvay, B. Barreti, Arthur Elli. and Wm. Blinga.Tbey would raommanut at E. L rgo b. appoluted ta ithe offlo. &ia eatagyof $250 pevrsuum. The. repouirtcoas- meudeti Sb@ paymsul of lhe folluinog sooouni:-J. S.8. Bruat$8 48; J. Blow $83.11; D. 0. Downey, $1865; and W. -R. Hovuse 110.8(R<eport Mr. ILb.rlon brought fin à rrport' of the Committea on Pire mai Wst., Blcw anti 75 acent 0ThmIc l. Tii. Pire Oooepaupîibai matg <ppllsaioi fov the sauna! grant sud the V.immittee voulI rccmmcud is iItq graul b. the ama»aU turingth. Pattwopa«", tvis:T t&helb re Ooumay mTIbk £ w SO .U U99 f CcmmjUlllecréoul éatti ul bbstO doorc of thi.. Pre Hall b. repairei, &bat 6 lanterna b. proonicti for thàOooepimy, the& the hookc o i. MBo* - adtL der Go. b.larp.acéd, *t6aTa'ré* a axesbe porchascedamiSd Itble a Ï414 à the Pire UsIl bco perlyg.ouat. (Report adopteti). EELKEW, BET. The. report of the GOmmittes ou Rl~d, broughl in, b Mr. Burs*, r.. oommcndlng payimmi of Iii. flowlug îe accouai macadoptti.J.. Blow 49.10; n Mr&. Joakmon $ bud. iDr. O-0b0i. p ou $14.w., vm.oMed lia thb.Treieurer * ~ -~-'eu be ré- * vbio-orbit4 ievlng p to lot ,or « e.auoù" f~ a mp W-I',S9O 1~WS TOOK X ChiIros~ - -- - U DRESS AND MANILE MAKING TO ORDER,- Ïmported1 satin'Dress& Shirts, reay madle. INFANTS ÂTTIRE COMLT and I;eo6nd té non.. New*cWeII 11Seleoted Stock of IYilne ry,.ý OPEN h&BT OF MA"CH. miss FITZPATýRIO-Ka MaiFizpciek ha. lie geacy for lic BÂYMOND ) 8MWIUM(JHXNE,. Machine (hi., Ne eêies, etc., kept on hand. Alec agent for lie celebrateti perft-fitting DOMKSTIC Papea Pattense. TieC c GLASGOW - 'WAHE-HOU- SE, Ju8st bouglit at a Wg9 sdi sôk OVERCOATS, ASTRACA N MANTI PERSAN LMB CPS, UIALO ROBES AND ,GOAT ROBES.- -NEW ýSTYLE . -PRIINTS- = i va~ i lic w 'I-s ai-I-i BAR-" MIL, i CxIc reeipts fS ondina"ybu LOCAL WNAT 18801 "AÂi Aw i dý î o:w Ill ýà

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