i 26 YEARS E ýHP ;M k' -)1 THE WBITCBRONICLE FpïrIAy MORNING, *Robertsonl & Bro8., .PROPBIHTOBS. TEMS0F ADVEBTISUG.' 1pIralinserion, par Une, 10 CCIl; Osch obequeniSnortlcu, à centu. TiL..laedAderlam ntaam meured r bya~clOOlO l oupsrgil. mailchargsd acoordi ly. hu rte n cnitrmc1adetUOe aibudbo Crcver t eThu oula bÎcu. e iuluetate lai edena orad nti- fl for*l Tusda ortt. 15 amateris f nta teil ; 10 ceaie pet lia.oe«oh suhooqueat in- CorespondanceOoai mIi Pawwof lhe Ceuuiy corlghboini townships. Cor- respcudmntu me taqoosteilte uzonadintbelr Commuiicailalaasu premptly As Passible. JOB m WluIODE ~ENTùe,,. eup iluh. . t asrkict ri equm t i Whiitlby -trot MiVRO8SBIT0Hf lé BIILIX1O AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY Ac W. B. e. tiby. JAMES RUTLEDGE, te olutl Break St., Whîby. AVSIB55T, ,, Office, lu MOUIln lokirc iet Whltby. li atOINSN &KENT. OPPI0E.-la VIctoria Ohambalo, No. 9, VIooda sBInai. G. YOUNG UMgITU3, L L. B., BARISTBR, &o., &o.-Mauoy ta Lama B aorof MartaoIeue. TT NËX D SOLIMIOI4 CON Forum beghl aSs~oel a UlrrIagStte- Meutoi Wilts sud Truste rmade.Specilties. Loama uegaliato'l ouna&H kiails cf roperty. Surogale Ooat; Ciork of th. Coauty Caurt, &o. Office lu Court Houe, Whltby. Ofà ic-Dovoil'a Block. Brook Ilînet, Whi&hy. VOMIF M-avt ui, lu s%&"to O Ob&al>SraitqO terau '-' irO LrimhL I&USi. NOas t8~.~euru, ,e OPO-T OR ,.3L~ai £ #.o W'È 'W Aýâw J*) - u re - p.~4 T4' unttmlng iluatry, vw iearVetJrgIà kolds VOL. XXVIIIbi - ~ont~y~. '~ -~ r WESTERN BANKZ CANADA, Talc WHITBY# - ONTARIO. B - y$BTHla à -o a. Brock Stroot, - . Whilby. a-- .Il 'ADIO P O axi11. , - MONEY To, LOAN!1 Apply t la Plo ntion shen y0oas ltlb aadver- -PJX&NOS TUJNED. THE IBEST IN THE WOLD V~ ~.HOWSE, -z wRONILE 8pocial1CIubbi~__________________ te;O l 1-14d'é ", he's~kt 4*preunLugl. ow X5 .ada Phoenix Fim iaur7zce - ,oalpa,j of Londou, Englid North British and Mercantile In8LJraIlce Co., off Edinburgiî and London. trtIhA riçan *ssurance a i k London $3uarobtecf Accident Company, off e4saud., Canada Permanent Loan &SayIngs Co Ou Irnproved Para§ at las rmtoof Iletreot OFFICE: At Pont Office, BreStree«t.A A. A. PU ST, (lae wlh au4eyLangley &Burke, A RCHITE CT. Deigne for C burches, VillA. ad Cottaffl a.prWaty. Drmwtngm prýdfarter. mOelUi et1~olOaI! on =~for: il, îiS brsildemoe on gton , PIokerg P. 0. Box »02 Wxrrar -~~~ ~~ - 'êii~ te Dominion Wood Wr~ L!TMDR afflm lu ai)otirl <pLmnug, tpobc g o i Wilby,Oct. iBIÜ,1878. 1 WKITET, ONTARIO. Impute£*, ])Md$" w aIrW Sl 'LEJWR i-"IMà ' U il EveY Newspaper and Reader'. COHEIATIONAAflS Chroxucle ($1) and Weekly Globe ($1> Obronalele k a"i -.W4kl>',Mail 1 Chronicle (1) and Wockly AIre iper ($1) Chrouicie (1)and Wookly Witncaa,.( i) Cbronicle (1) and Weckly Star ($1). Chraniele(1)asd -Duirai Canaim .($1) 0 a u4 ioro Hur ($1.60) ihice n4 siuday ut Iom'S.O Çhronicle (1) and Boys' Owu Pager $. Cbronicle (1 and Girla' Own Paipsr- ($1.5b)) Chronicle( 1) and Amerin Agricdurolint(t1,0) Crnclé (1) mi) The Hou"chod (11' Chroniole 1 anda meucn FrUt $ Chroniclo (i1)an)dBotish Amaies. ourmal ($lSO), Clironicle 1) and Truth . ChmQglo 1) aand nsy lio Dollar w.klliSe -x t uihle-.lhr peniodical Oluronicl1c ( s u) auy tbre o J)<>flpe0*4k Chrme. (iand bye Monthât*p sit5.f0-à ,païiod&"i ChoW * ý Mr . I $2 00 2 00 2 0 2 00 a 00 2 00 2 60 2 50 ~l50 2 50 .2 50 2 10 8 00 4 20 2 00 8 60 2 60 4 00 f400 Magazine 1 65 i65 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 10 1 60 2 60 800 2 00 2 G6w 8 00 8 25 Au? uruaij $85 5 5 5 50 40 .40 &0 .5a VALU ' e> tIEMÙ . heg ithograph lifo-like prtri-Size gxg$a [ud m Lanadosue , (Caada n. <*oemur Hu. M. on 8John A. MaodSnlo 11e. r.WW vii4>.pre.l. foob vMenmbsciber b 1h.eOCaomc=, whebhor the paper i.sem *lo" ;or üelubbd vii>afy otite. paorio& I whiaportr"anvmsut by ma l10 ooepu extra mmaaUiêa. dd o bcover ool off postagesuit probeolr), lb i yonrs to take advantsg of tiiese lib~eral terms before it is too ae. Chronicla Building, êDtWB1a & BROsi Tnon 11ok Ubo~enhe~6. 'k 21,184 .N~Q. i4~ forty ftabo a atIdIL~ad.r wt>ut.m~lR.du.uau tbave on WpucilsefMa'svuio4ri-M81 and a4l u alaai.,Po nîgli have *'hupdii .kphr 9,4a.au havet aud laid nad adomluelo and i ahb boot vii a bndi.lu hm lu, atd nef~~~~il illboorai..F. vnMc @toryuldi t ep er K aie vbu aid. lh.imou noble bedbui.browu vIi oe- iPoate, ver. obapeiy, and, net l e a «u ut'u, am)ber oea aueyebrowuf' * vory. Te; eauJuI itlovs ual. hIo ,plclum. va@* 'a -berluinb'thefioe'r off *on a. à ,arbo0-yW>a. ar d*.eai l or, brom 4 l , u, ieré-, &QobMa ; inf5deliîy. hve - ~'lThbm ohrt amîy qië te lf le, frmth'ilmeaJ6,~ -lw, lMeIspoke to;lis£ýE.Hm.,, il 'Mj i.w40 inquiriau about ber 0f-h enll os itli ïhoiI bad-i~ jfTqï~puut.aal 'aoi auoee 1, u,oZ u'. om sau cl auRbien et e-ed o wsà [as le l f. ltl,.at abseded aie, ugi).I coerseS viter hbai l d~ oumo-1. wèivý -,th: vSIfiit ne ope nothrdaeh* er ol-Ccw. a -o t Sk 0 ae4er atube ta.at "'Lotus hopee nl forthe hve- tal ocu. alao 010c.'Ool qllU.es.- -l * "'oiaabuieom.udactrebs.home !Rveulot yena tre - nt?' al *üt "'8h. attico là l b. ôo'aab v elugbe berll a ha deO, sbieré ola ht) iinaald, u l. l vay oarovu l r ee'ialpeaaa, Ihe faior,,b. hiitetola-te.curioe i * aqusut'gt. h i. eitiov r or e, -burà i, 1 og u ptca, wit hm ar blitiero ai. l e rvme ,an hem hreuushwodceai, o hm i. asuberlleu lb iu o teb s -col), coulilavor 1!1=. îi o autingka,' ~mode& b.logiwa o I~hlu LII. la Whaî W. Make It. jM~À~re i oile deeda "di alug dont au hays4 And noms &bout lb. onue. W- er. mot mai.tfe t a mamlgh ~O;s go wu4 a W 1 =#40% - , Thon haro'. la thao'wbaaa Iovlug huila Shed light andja ià t thora 1 Thauka be tt ua lm oeuntia,. gem. W. ue'er b.d baawn wlthoul theai. Oh 1 tht. aboiUbasa hanvworld The fiauit'mq ýi i M ne- Tbwueido rbalmMêoe It.< kucea jébioahn tireto ror T ou muatakom; Z D'a moarly hlp.pAe«;4 *'clr. 7mW Pet on ym am Ionl ÈIand I WMtbam at rounimaa puhua 1t1 e de orm." «*mn "I Iblui ' fthot *-%a tai o ag THE PICTUR a' arase iv rive Paret B? CHÂELE~ BÉADE. (Thl~frllme'ia5oit fuse. lb. petiot lb. pool MoK~vdlui.3 -, - .1~~ n ~ r iVWbal-it h*~'é4ftIaq~'a bralaW ~eq~-b*eB~IibatU#.~4b.. dIm. mh~viaambkbfi **i11alIUnOkcUlba&VI 'sessi) byboakl uloilýà -Pou- B. LAURANOE'S Thé. poetie and exalting aaaoiatians whiob iatirally gather aroad the- are, too &pl ta b. rudely diapý1le4 un sire view aud Close acquaiâtaia~; j for th1e ravagea off time and the. negleol cof degenerate govermmenla have Ieft ~most off them forloraand, epuliivo, and inhabited' forlorm. and repQIs1avp peopls-so tratelers osy: The Wî4 ,ourviving beauty sud impoirtà ne of Damacup, however, la spite off ail aie. advaatagea, make' Il, in a meare, au exception lu t1h.à ofo xnywell -voueraie and-adie b aaec1ue1of ea t, City in hiatoe pt 61uu. Tt thliands of jears area iindoti mmortaýlity. Damaiensla tbe oldealt le1t nthb wrd' Ty're aud Sidon bave ortimbled ~o abre, Balb .,A a rmm Yi& i bui 7ff e, lieveb Laà " Babylona. have Aiaappoard -front .thé TigmianauJthe Buphealta. Damaa dAsya off Âbriham-a conter off taide mandtrave1.-an iulaudof -v à ar"nthé Ji qs noar 1>maaou.théstretthat lé aul f BIiaghS, in- whikh St was uaid ',be ,prayed," omli iruur'through c ity4 ~~~a~~ pbuqidyug; lier. is il b aaI4hoau, a %bishewaî W liieel - 'thé ierehauandflb'E pbstes andi cthe Méel*ïauauu .111 "ooeUpj >ud.for hi. r, ,howaaso.dott Sil luibihs ýworld,7 .têdywbat à Jlian ieà theo "eye 'ot. 1bêE à à ".. 'twal lb.timeof Ivioas. lb. Yrm.Iamaaousa camne -1e-daumac -i î iii. -but i My1 cre R- __ _ CHOICE GRANULATEfl_ý' ' ,HEfi4 Iur NewEvaporalod Frenchi Prune , sw*aâe,î a..-l Nw« V ew Lmors Niew Snow FIùe Soda-Biacuitu, ITALIAN WAKREiHousz.ý ope ~ ,ir~.ie' 1>1= Pù WQrk o P7 Offers~~~~~~i b i.pu1à .lI.sta t IEar hkoï4 10, FIPAY.- MAIRGH Il , i ;.4 1 t 11 el