Whitby Chronicle, 15 Feb 1884, p. 1

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RIDA ê MISKýNG SéroeS, Wbiéby. The Oiononu e argepr oboulatilo th**n "uyother paper in the Couuty a1 On- tario. J.~~~ ~~ $.k4rt a.LtBo, TES 0F OPADVEERTIDING. FiM i nsertion, pet lias, 10 cents; each subequent Insertion,& cents. filai e vrisneneame measureti by à icale of solitNonpsrsil, snd ohargs AM L ert nta mnt wthout written in- etructions insertet unUli forbldcon, andi char dfor full Urne. f nor dlecantinuing ativertlsementes muet be iu writing. otherwise the publihere will »ot b. ponsabls. nî tlsti mente y y y . 8 oTo f hgeo et outrent adverf.lesmenteshonitibe bandsd in not laSer titan Wedneedsy; andi notice nf any lutendestichanges shon" ibe «(yen ba- fore Tuesday noon. Other ativetiesments rpcivd up to, Thureday noon. Businss notices ln local or nswi colunne irei Inserton là cents per lino of Nonps- rail- 10 conta pet lino eacb snlsseqnent In- mer Ion. Five cents pet lno per ennuni. tb. Oounty r nolghborlt ownmbi pae Cor- 7pasdent. ,a r quesrteàt 1sen=din bsr cemmunicatioum ae promptly au pomibie. ThisDeprtientla e we upplied i th quipuet la Ibis rtes lSe etrlollyBrut- esg, sud le notezi mdbysuy oU i n Esetern Ontari. Ji& otNoa.F&EWLL LV.l. MRMU R ITCHIE& BILLINOS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN C. M. i LITCIE, W.HBLH. ù G81 Toont. 0 JAMES RUTLEDGE, >B REISTER, &o. -Offie formerly on- cuIple by P arewell & RUtietige, noei tReYebl, Brock Si.1 Whtbyr i DAVID ORNISTON, B. A., AKTORETB-AT-LAW, SOLICITOIR IN Ohanoery, Convoyancer, &o. Oreac-In Ibe OMfca sontb #1l~Pie Offie, anliuium Bock,Brk te, MOBINBON & KENT, J.6. oAursèo, xi B.ot . KuuNT. 3 ig. oUNO ri?* LL, S ,~T. 1BÂRCLAÂW.4 L CA STRUkOF B34UGER Surroa1ù ou4 Cict is ai t u nty i Z çï4uI.o, k. TATE A1u sItn oot sln O r .~iaby M.tO.- Oradualof.1thécUnîvoil lb t1 Mdat TuS TOIeNTO Theas bulbare uetul la aheualu, neràalmi o odu, coup'tau Skia DIUasà »!Za BWloeýues, leForeui r batmeSr p -t aL 'j tr k , ~ 'I11*lltý 17rg~pp~Bgtiad uru V0~. ~J~ J . ~ to.I rAuuo TRHE WEI flÂNEASR0F WLIITBUY, - ONTMIO. THIOMAS DOW, Whilby, Nov. 7111, 188N. II WHIITBY BaANê],H ý Brock Street, - ,- -whitby.ý FINANCIAL'AGENT. 8'Iy WHITI3Y. MON EV TO LOAN!i 'ON BEÂL ë.STATE- SEOURIT!. At io*eeî îîvlite cý f intoreet. Mocney seour.d vithi 10 days of Wbitby, Februery 101h, 1880. 9- Iný~~cç 4nd Ge lig$t, tEoreenen l.folliawlag oompsnla-- Conipany. ofton.luEngland. North British and Mercanti/e CO., of Edînburgil and Lontdoî. British American Assurance Comrpany, of Toroto. London Guarantee d Accident Compau»y, of Enbsnd. T ÃŽkl pS0q~~ MONEY TO LQ&rN, On limprot'eJ Penn. t lmv rate ioteres Ai&q, eç4tTr ciu enflbOpty OFFICA A Met ul Oie, rook &$t - IL TfY A: . A. !iDT, m oaa..triti Langley & Burke, A RCHITÈCe. à esigni fur Chorche., Vfllas anti Cottages Otritesfor thejpresou, t a iresidenne ou Kiageon Ba, Ko en W. 0. 10H NSTOM, PROVINCIAL LAND SUkVEYoR* Cm bu foct *6l. vOmAàa JL Mr. Eqom johntoa??e4 se tirinion WdWî ko *o WiWtkY: by tb.uiu l". - t. a- -. -e L EAT TJERK1;D ~AT>~tS~ OAPADVIANS, eu eonrpae tbu~eiStatos on thesn eme"M li inen bout5 t osil tut intinla leita,tis.scu 6gi17 ygr.ToW al ost ptof 5le 0hWle ny an eupaîtel tsi1&ov To~ ~~o f ifesh8eruntpu, O ateu face. citsti i PtonW .C Wssblnglu, h. C is metllm lqsywa PIANS TUNED. iDQU,,T-s e ARZIUTuer, ~XbîSss«m$m 'a4lam, 'oecuta Parku wielr Piano&epraparly lt" viin pleeoeleave Ibeir oxaru ouse. LYON *h'RUPERT, Phobegvphevs, Wil klaom'eIolhlty wu. b"- LAZAIRUS, IORÃ"RI1S& a .s TI=E13EST DITHE 'R W. Re Ho;, wSEe CHEMIST AND DRIGGIS-T, $0, VUS &#MWU~un1I95 -4 t- > Offer Whitby 'l -&GOOD FOR CHROIC LE FEBRUARY, 1884. ÃŽ OOBINATION RA&rM. Obronicle Cbxoniole Cwroicle Chromi. Chronicle Chromiicle Chronicie Chronicle t Oronicie Chrouiclo ChroniCle OhroninL. ($1) sud Weely Globe ($1) 1)and WpeklyMail ($1) 1i)and Weekly Âdvert-isor ($1) (1) and Weekly Witneus ($1) (1) a.nd Weely Star ($1) 1) and -Rural Canad"r ($1) - 1> an su eurure IUo'nr ($1.r>0)- 1. n Snday st Borne ($i.D0> 1) and Bo3,s' Ov Paper $.) 1) and Girls'Own Paper ($1.50) il -and fýyt1o pehIti ($l.10) - i » dBco#ah Aonian Journal($2.0) -eidi 1)aidayhr.fPlUr erias-au pediaia $2er00 $2 0 2900 2 00 2 00 200 20 2560 -2 50' -2 50 2 10 4 20 200 - 85go '250 P«es V&, i65 i65 0 5 .1 75 1 60 2 00 2 00 200 2 OÙ 2 10 8 70 2 00 $5 5 -50 50 50 60 t0 65 w -S 00 20 0 1100 lie VALUABtEPRE>UM 'of lurge lithograph life-like portaiu -e22Z28.o( Lod Lnadovue ~Oan -ovuor oera) -i. erMowat, nt. non. 8fr o..Tô Ifasoonam,, r - By.Dr WI. ilbepressnt. febo evry ubacber to the omez.,t, whth»z" tà« alono or clbbei iit ay othet peoicai.(Whou Portraits are set by Muni 10) eeztIo eràa u~h 4 ded to Caver aet of postge sd potetr.> t AG1 -t- ~. s4v4~a~a~ ~saoe, Po*~ai.Lwi.algO4 Drotbarhoo~1t. t. - - -- - j t- t - - ~t-~t -~-i~~rn "lDear IK «"Dear a Shy 11111 Thatflon The dàri 8h. givu ýTo nçot À ihousai Yon kua You mou r Dim",'.Iknov eh@ mou %cek" hai h Sentment :edyu)lf'wib Gmt poutra-eo eb jerkee; i$rustiom -ha" 1 lIo tho 1e 90 thraI,~adwt lid ilan o Psy Ohofie 1u j séant l-Iromain wW, n Eut thino 01ee.lepage Jea mmml ; "A-»g -k î ÎÀ"jd - st' - 701 Di eh* but$biaveoas-Laitier ihought, Tuaï-per4ehe&wlittm.blteh Ih nbrth, "ni-momM# g th. bifà eha,,o imms,"- To hide u oa'et nbame utPhsJv onaOTo odrod of Tb he t 710V -0f Otalêkîhe is oanno -t t ~itatlém~ ha.'--.. shêl hi. .1 ho, axpeot t~ site muet ary -w.itii Lin Cone 1?j,- -4h.. rbroib~î,, h. je o~ig1iig bpol~c~i ta s.mp4~~ ¶~tWu et b.e E ma,. asti, -eube.pquently, wheu -lte D- nOof Fred's deatit resohet borne, - lire. Morgcu's reomntottered iàuils ý*bie;, but afs or moMhebofainies, -Xe 'turing whioeh h va hrougbî near -la -ber deor ai death, site- aroce from ber be èoou,nDot a m'Dise, butà, cbrieiiên, bowing t the f lb.£ heAlrn>ghty. a4 Wàdie4i ii Flore',.CÀ? :t4 1w ensaudiî tsfuUbloenmof hiesu b in te llè t, b e i u e d G o d lia i h o e o u ld n o t "Editit Ellis." lq'(ho pre*oee of ber est onabcain of the golden ignm ýîejIl.n rmY. arc bave p&setcd ; but *Ediêr&.à e. a ib( tj li ndivainîed, ber étep -i igbt, a n sd bof vaine at3-n'urical sebn -ebo tnt liri-lêokcdout upon-Ithe "gôýJytherf -tage of lte bsof -iJacob," sud ber cbeek bau ual becmetsrtugoi-%½h ibineit w" hib en matiel an'-boatifiR. B ut her married ti i.e al e a busine, for. buide Matty; ou titI ladian m'ouadisloops a faifr4abuj-hès -i4it --«*qut-'ont eros il bÏ4 ikEè"a oclai. ionib. User c~IOaÃœ' b1ie h oy the Motber's he&urI éâsrUd fart tb 6-1orinfi. u etelohrtr1s G.~ - EYGB~I ' oon -- téth bu j -aKU - 'Xe,iy-po -riu "Oomrr, and ItItir ohearl ý made 8 fondu7, 111e afauio "st "Thos. SaBlagenlp me; sud limagl. tikber- au As a fLI owvtb frasý, or pSus beet d*» i "ot flehs-.Umui W étabt be yatpte4pptil Tamenthe eaiâsaL , ,ýhé Mai i - - bi*d~youpl - lic ~ I ~h .7- U1-n bly.ei -la eh asst t ntue ý.ign; pi a mure. -te aule da boboldit bic it fur in lte - UD OVer the Catuaci. It i8 yOrrBta talte advantage of these liberal terme before it is too late. je ROBERT~ON Chrticle Beilmig 1o tWs1 y û unioni R ~ , 4~SON. CHOICE GRANULATED, WHE.,AT., Nevwis *1118, t --4- PaiSfl .â-j I~~J4~ - s 4 ~¶i ~ ~& New Bote,. ïw Java Oofee, Lt xun., ew <WAug', ,Nw Lemusi, uts, ppobeime alt. -0W- LL a 1884. WOOý

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