BIL ER JEWELRY i GÂII D AND FROSTED,, NS.- J; 8, BARifA,9 Brock Street, Whitby. -MR. ROSS JOHNSTON In Oollhctor anud Oumser for Tas Wair- BTr OHIONICLX, M.d le aUthorÃŽeedtO bgrant receipte for isuerijtont, etc, sud tramet ordlnary buemmea. FEBl.RY 1.t, 1884. LOCAL. AND 0THERWISEt WRIATYl là ia 09 î9TOWN AND ELSESHERE. A SUOET OF IVEU pEur NATTER GLUENEIÛS ONIGNXIOLE REPORTERSO,10 OORIIEPOILOENT5 3hA ala mang ye, takio' moLes, Ana' t"i abe'h1 prentI a." Mildier veather.- Wreloed valkicg. Blagr hics, sale as pied anecée. Town Counci Mcnday sening ccxl. Orova are malcg their appearance. Ev.rrhlcgas cps and under for a short lfiata Singer Bics.' Counsîy Cuclcoeitersal saturday .m Tb$. burnieg Reader queatlon et *raoma n estti. Fift awpaooa baa se opsidlpt1i eNrtbî.lem'st,ya Do ufaifcal *il andsthéeLbri.a claglielr foi tfie rdered cIoLblsg. foe184Miabu en siardedtgoliae O. P. Stwartfi buy' to4h and te 55v. Wrlg dowvin, lgive big bariÃin, i .v.rydepuatm.eL. Tht x;orlli Oulalo sélton caseWb@ Wlalby lotige d.O.U.W.Ieepe addlog udteW memnhere la'tb. rohci aS lie usydeprtuen t Ivéeylarg.e redtionon pformer puîces. TraIeson the. Midlatiat d,,Grand Truizorahlvays are lpgfniate true wilsengo=*Approximation Le boeiel lime. A number of race-hortshaepee lhrougb bown <hie vee the b rait uNewcaste ou Weoday aniTarday. 14iial eeivcea lu <bthe Vthoote ehurela are eill accoompIi4$ig gocti ret.t, anti vilI hie obuuld ceat veot, * e' cogogte eapthelp a là pand üaopa mebuliti a andIlimbott,uolpallîy tia endeedraa .vhe',nli 6saiode Maoux-.Atu r phm hto il Greit , ida la To0 a W.dpeetio anti Tal day wttlh1 pa..qmn e - tne- niuesvof obawktc» o"(et.Ubýaz pire cd d reladtain the New spelalembcritica ceu,ât ia the -ot; qu e f er virose atdoee nül ex. a pire uat cettBtesibIlnihe o Yeaa',*lL boin S,. uingeLb remem botr SIvsbo b i 0etoac and dolandvtta.f" bgr pconte iifafIas Y. ço rý N alec o iSoarboro. IMi. X14ay le' won -bnown A s a genîlsmanf igf v.awk.ti ai1*yanti a mcml,, sloquegnut >plu1. bWdsY sveciag Illitt Asi4iza1'Boîroe *Ml he bolt. Need. we uy'ieying of thisP Hardly. No mci.e ueuef. ohuicli gatherlagia"à iheldi' auyhee in Lb. Couutyy Lhac the Boireot Bt.' T Androî's Olaniel. Tht. year special et eoite vIl be madt batite lte eue. oeit of the gathealcg. Mi. MeKsy andti I xmuta osr.-.Ovew u sore of Oà uly ' CocliIeîori"Rsi m al g ,?lvd y lng a ÃŽoÈ.M @tns bs artlai 0 Th" Botn O=?.& pany ooz peolegavet 'WfiWý MrC T4"A sa mdiipro t tel lva induneo lit uJ*M me-articl eacbe pur foi~ ~ ~ s 8.0 oW adfirrn ahoniia bd 80 00ul dreu Foode for 18cîn. ; 85oet druegoodafor25 OU. aIl wpol; 20 et d»U fr 12, et au ool; Flng ,jngçola (ewit. &U imadie Min anud Bocks foi 80 611e. vortb 50 et& Singer Brue. Gozai OLT.-M.Wm. Foy, of tli lown bau beuglt oni Mi. J. Bloc1 Poit Ferry, lth. Brunswick Botetendm goe n. m b bfsesafor hlnaalf ià 1ht "Village by .e'Scagog?' Mr. Bloc1 intende building in th.e prlng., Oo=.ruTis IxamrusLrTraIat so. ciET.-An antereticg programme co ]Eeay@,B.adingi,an¶ Musical Sélection, wua ýgven by mombere of Ithe eooiety the. aaembly rooni of the Inetitut. jl Fraday afternocu. The. meetings arn fcrtniRhtly andi cpen te thfrionde oi the popila. KxN@aLa Eiwxros.--OnFriday even. lcg Jana. 18, the Young people of Kmn sale aaieed by one or two blonde from ak distance, gave a benoit coýoorî luaid ofa teaident of thé section who là 4t miet witb a painfaI accident. The on- tertaismeut va.hlgbly oueooessua nett.â ciii flifty dollar.. The. o;oi8t tee ooslaing ofMisaJ. IfcBrîe Mms @7ént Nld Z=,eevgr îpra' ferlbffob alomsklm hé .enhertain- inant a enecees. Beide.- the commi&t leeý o telle wto toot pirt ln tb. pro «rra*nm. Mis* Bita MoB1rien and i Mas H. Stovenson are deeeevtug of speciai mmtis. Misa MReIlisialgine vas ofa high ord.,. Mise H. Stevenson reati a sélechion le a style that ahoweil tbé bae givon coneldorable attention Le th ay-O 1e0eatai Mitan . [Oang to tb. beavy anýw blockadonf lastweek the abosspotice didn ot 'reoh us ini ime for Insertion in ont laet issus., week. Mir. EL Gordon le.,. ciPort Perry, vas ln iown Wedeeva. Unr Dr. Caran lait last Ssturday for L 6.Kentucky. Miss Annie -Renoard lidt on Montiay fer Cbiesse bto j ieLbr ant Miss Farquharsen Lung cf owacnvie, wve.rogletereti au Lb. Royal on Tc.ed4y. Miou. Urymazat Ida Wilson daughtere ci Ur. Hcg Wilsaon, retuernd frein a visiL to their oncle, lu lhloncîs. on Wednesday. Mr. Win. Smnitht, Columbtus, Re.,. ofiRast ' Wb4t pu- do"4froua atteedance ai the aoeson cf the Cont y Council-lat veet Iby he mddsn Âlpiaeo an4 tesuit an Tbura. day, ct li.itele éè% *WIllm, ageotitcur bu the synaathy ocite coin- Iiiuiity L i uevncl Not Content Wlîb Beizag ut eat. Whiatsver ma7bee"id inLeregard Lo the pvopeasiy e t é management et great rail. vray linée le provil for Lbe pubilinc ry vhaL V acidtty dm-dl inthe vay cf accornin- mios ndcomor.cau nn ar aappl~ ttemanagement oi the Cliaigo, Ihou laacti &.avhiac B.elway, or ailtis nmono M","'i.Great Bock ZelenS ýMIWbbal or u MW bii t*but "antmcati ee arn.. betveoaChl a a neso < iLY andth ie Socthvuns, anti bas beau %k uadantl able en alalscceani teu "oeoeaf elp. viLi competitomu.Batl ii afld itb ibis nucsuand ti lereity el é *t qioiaaaenL ILs niaore bave caumd t Ab. tain out iLe &bop*etaiCicago, a a uifet lin. cf DînIiLOGCars vbkh ci tog c m nmealateo.*r- Vicea tkoeKaases U<y Lice. Thon. cars toutniail MIb.heconvenlences ci veil fus. bd di uLng racina, are elegauL Lentdesign andi fini,14,,aed nedele of te advancedi railway IL 'ut lg. day. Witbi it etaxaeais are taainsebe eqel Sc those cf any faret-clasi k eoila tUelanti ai the 1 e os ievsn:y. vo conte 2riavolers on tii.lne nov fAnd on Itstmi"na ithL. e miol and conyola- lencai otiret çlaas otola. Besides ihoe t cf tit aMal seondclass couche, Liter. are Parier ChaIr Cira, fwiiemiefree Le al ps eu~e .holding lbnough fidit-clasu tichet1i, PasmmPalace Sleeping Car" andti >nimg 1buA Çeiulp"y1 lice. .of, ni hare s~elh*ell qe ppdM .Iso extend to Coan. sit. Pýo1 n4 No!llavee; sudLtebooserved prle ~lwed upon t b7 roturne tm rv- alî 'W 0 *kftm e onsce, makeal ae agbpat tii. W Mir th byowors anti managers if Iiiusntpaletu phe -roture 7~r Lb, vanta b. alrd beu ppî~1ayIq~4ougS xtideîto a Iils b pa el ~d pelron hseIlce 07ep qxe is teyedQlte<qIs coxnfort A $.oo Bibhicai Pria.. wT r-pi'lAlajs ' Rseg Mele W e wI 0 t flie oso MolUR etwhia Iugéit verse là a h. IITeatmemtatSsaupîure hy ub, boer. be'rélld, mltheae lampe ae and, Llderfauvrni liqiili,reè he tlmsjfan teMoem4 aviwP11hh&pfflbési d, dla vhicia aw$q vutaâdiè,lI1 h.offéredi.' Whliby Township Counj.IL coadbil tif hVatlwd palyoôf Wl ovnmiiip mest b-day pareondýu ';b. foIOWv8 g enflemeniupfflil aselveslock the tieclaisticu iptuacstion, and of Cino#, anti. bale ëmt. -Timava . .L itb - - !Y. .ut, tieret1 9 anapoum VIUeoAre io yfor su,34 lb. council.adjcuanoed bfonday in IMaroi, thon unshlp Haillà #10 a'oloo Brooklin J'sn 21.1 1884. Pickering Tp. Council. le The Consefi l ent cf tho Township of pu Plohoring met purenant te Statut. Présent, Jou. Moauhhonae, Be.,.; Win. r. orreeter, lit Dep. B..,. ; Jno. Mir, * oheli, 2nd Dep. ileeve; Jau. Percy, Biti gDep. Reeve ;andi S. Maokay, tith Dep. ta Reeve;,ait cf whom fliedtei .eeassar r. déclarations cf qualificatioc nti dofc i- a ge.nsand Look their seau aIt th. Counoil . bos.d. Minutes cf lutI meeting reati and approvoti. On motion cf Mi. Mitchell, Mr. Bobt..Campbell was heard in réference te drain through hie property on Lot il, te M Forreet moveti that Mesure. le Mitchell and Percy and th, mover, be a standing committae on accocnta and la ptlticiisand the Beevo anti Mr..Mac. 91 ~abeaesaanding commitîecrn dam. il ageo te16eep by doge, for the present 19 Mir. Perey introduoed a By-Law La appoint cortain township offlcoes. In *committee cf Lthev*iol& the blanke ýf ver. tillei lein witLbt.écame of Levi es Mockay sas Asaaseor, a.nd of Tho@. Dune n andi M. Gleeson ae Auditore. Hlliag t paed Lbîough Lthe several readinge Lb. 0 ByLsaw was adopted. >f Mr. Macrkay, eooetided by Mr. For. rester, movedti hat Mi. Jas. King'& *taxes (#80.70) b. rofiandeti, on socouet ofc loue by lire. Mfr. Forreeter presenteiLb.hereport c. f the standing Comtuittu. on accouceu aasd petitione wblch reooumminded. i. let-That aid be grantedto thLb fol. a iowlug lndî1etto mJan. lit tb May * Bet. WldcvYoung, $2.00 peê wvei, 3. & D. Maonab,0com; Ahi Stoner, 75 cia. per week, Jao. Otidi., G0cm; Mai. Lbpp, tillearewee. Jas.Taylor, *o (c; P. Lyons, 75 et$ si k.T)à os. TripCoco ; P. 1ef . t00 par w.ek. M. Gleon, Cem _ Je. Robinscn sud wi, 1.M par w*ee. M. Gleeoc. CeeSa; j Wi.lev MoRce, $800 per ve.k, Jue. IlMeltyret,0cm'; Allen famuly, 82 00 per veek, Ueo. Baiton, Ccii;-Mie. 1 Tri»p, 82.00 per w.ek, J. A. Douglas, Ccm; Mia, Graham. 62.00 par veeh, R.Û(lthie, Cou;, A. Miler, 1.50 per *week. T. Monhlaouse,0Cns;, 0. Wide. uxan, 1lM per veek, T. Mcnkbouae, Cam; 14ra Stak., special grant of $10, Wu. Hbb~dCom ; ira. Jobceta, êpeoiâl grnt cýf 810,J. Mich,,l. Gem. luti-Thal the foilowieg accontab. pati :-B. Abbo.L, aid ta Jane IAeîe, 62; Wm. Porrester, mediclu. for Lth. Alee famuly, 81. Bepoar adcpted, aud on motion cf Mr. Mitchell te Reove granted ishieor- der on te Trees. in laver cf the parties 7reccmmnended therein. Mfr. Percy, seoondeti by Mir. Maohay, rnoreti that any aid hereafter granitd to auy indigent in ti i aniciob1ity, be graciti cnly on pétition cf the Laie. payera living in thé imumeuliaLe vicanily wlatre salti indigents reesite. Mr. Mitchell, econdeti by Mr. Mac kay, moveti that te ClerIa b. insLrnct. Pd Le na Mr. E. E. Pigi toLemeet Lbie Counclat ias nest meeting, for Lb. pur. pose cf explaining Lb. différent ieme ln bil relaticg b oWm. Norton, amal-pox patient, viLl a aview Le aving at an aralcable settlement cf aiti scen&. Carriati. On motion cf M r. Pecn>i, econtlcd by Mr. Forreater, the Rebeo a. instinct- eti to sigu andi forward petition to tb. Provincial Legisînînre, »eking for amnîeuets ln theexiqtiog aygt#m cf6 Lranaferriug landi, the. sali ajeteni itoing coinhîcue andi expecive, andi elaolîy uncs.atifactory. On ilor 6f tr. Mitchell, Mr. Jas. Uedetbll vas heaiti befor, teé board lu refermeeo condition of aie m aai betweau Lots Nos. 24 & 25. Cou. 7. On Motion cf Mi. Mitchell b. cou-, al adjourneti mai11 Mccday tLb. 251h'day cf PFab. ne-tt. Piehalug Monday, Jan 21e1 1884. A Remarkobhe Escape,. 1 r J PI tira. Mary A. Dailey, oi Tcnkhaucck, Pa..W va fiieteti for air yen wvtit Astima andl Bronhie, durncg WbtilLim titeste piticlans ocdtigivé no relif.BRerie van tespslreti cf, uti n 19le 1a1 Oc&oost precFre4s BoLLI.of Dr. lCings Nov Dia. cavelÃp triton mmediate relief nas fait, at by eentiacicgis ou-nefor a smitatinte te wau oaplâtely erei, gaicting le tub 50 Ibon. lue fevmouiba. Fiee Trial Boutes ci titis certain cure ci a&l Tlanai andi Long »isas at (L B. Giti- sudsa lrug Store. Large Ilotis 81iS. ",ridai h vbttI allaa olti snap,"oatu Ibe burgiar ai teitandeuf, vwero caamped on big, Te ana. econsompione, coration lu <ho lueg muet"oppoti, the nieLLer muet be tbrovn u ..tiaimembranes andtiLsu.. bosisti an&l thepymloni goratet. Dovnet BIir it ial titis. Try IL. Every bot. "lu rot a free trader," said a Pîttaurg fathteue o a mng, auhb. edhlaisme.oui af the PantrY lq ene esi, 4-but 1 ainpo» te snob attacka on sogai."1 ne. volceaul aveuz toelandigos pfron polens, taI eNtsp"id daugltar are an feéeanti ý se*ta12ne eretaaiu ent ef >rotht ant i7te It.e leas e oisln. Whiai bv e do for tnem ?" The aeaeris sup. loentiffllofitope. One te four veske as» of Hep Bittes wtAillnashoSliea«ltbyrceyo o*tghtli, anti oboorfal. I 4 Site à ista et relative ci mines-Sbe Vo't epeak te me,"nid the yaung Mac t#f ý15 preLty cousin.erce -Te be perfectly estemed goay SUl montt have varices se martotiaIo e oplain. ~ pparet. Theogooncme cf th. Trlang. DYes in evudocce cf mertl. They prove »Iemves ali raye nelable. loc. GriefisL a qceer passion. IL icceaeoaho 004. sand ti ecaus$es otepin. avway. * Pain Cante-t ty Ëoéed cf themont -jowerfal ypela sabdulcg remette Iown, Ut ec cnnai Lait le W"v promiptrelfi in rhaasshisoi,tà eoreigxa vamps, PaienliLithelamai andti an md <ho #Ici cf pinuitlafociens, Internai erexteru. td,arlsin.uxaillammaLony actiona.'A 10 cent sample boulee ct Nervillne will gAve tUeieà t pro6fi oi iteouperiolaty .arer evea-y kuewn reme4 y.Titij ?lerne -Lurg, bot les 25 celtai b*Wtlogpni 10 cent., aet idieni le b.Most corrnpting 117 Liai O*nablaen te human miuai. enleiaite de W bY4On. iPWtLla naotistL...othit. i~ -1 a * - .- n SOI iL .LuL¶q OFp PARTNERSHIP. As -we have ýdecided to dissolve partnership, we are obliged to reduce stock, the'only way to do so is to SELL AT GOST AND UNDER for a Shorttie It will not be our objeet to make money but to seli off stock. Al-ong with, the>sale will be sold. OVER WOItTII OP NEW Which was bouglit at 40 CENTS, ON THE. DOLLAIR. Tremendous bargains will be given so as to dlean out this- brandi of the business: DRESSOOOD89 STAPLES, CENTS' FURNISHINCSBOOTS & SHOES, ATr COSTU Do not buy a dollar's worth until you see what we can do for you. Corne early and get your choice. 1T~I .i 771:9IRMEIS s ING0 SUITS1 OI::?jlDmI?j B3R OS SUITS :ccYvi~ SIYITS 0 p - We eau with confidence say that we have secured the services of a first élass cutter, whose work wil omare wth the best in the city, and far superior to a great deal of it. Mr. John Work bas had chlarge of*our Tailoripng Dep'- ment since last July, and duiring that short time. has éarned for himself a reputation which cutters of muchJ largerý -experience miglit well desire. CUVE US A TRIAL AND YOU WILL.NOT RECRÉET UT, A NDRE W Dr. Durectis French Bougies. ME common sunie loAmetiy for <ha cure -L. -à Goucrbuea, Gleet, Spermarnoraa. No. ce(1) pores Goeorntin eou0r tia,,or lms. Noc. Ive<21curer Any case ofi lest. No. Llaos ) b? er only remetiy for sexuaI veakesu Involnumy louns, otc. Posit- ivey cure. Sper=Mlrboa.- Sole aency for Whitby, W R. Hcvse, Dnda et Why eboiti potatosa grcvbetter thaa ater vegetablool? Becac e by bave .yoa &0 ure vit thoy are doang. Anaver Thie Question. Wby do 80 many people vo ese rount us, see o Leprefon le suifer and b. matie miser- CiI b7 Ictiigeuon. Constipation, Diaaiceus. cas.a AppeLlte, Croaaing op cif<tie Focal, Yollow Skie. viten for 76 cea- vo viii .ia item Sblob's Vilaliter. guaranteoti le cure item, W. R. Hovme, vholoaale anti retail tgent. Wiiiy, Ont. Ton thic-Fil ove il. On tb.éecntrary-Â mUle<ý Tbe Triangle Dyme have &*4ainod apoy lariLy .nreoèented lu <11V ir i4dr tufts. n7o vondor for Lbh* apefct cn y. their stades. 10o pe ïï lol Floatins money.-0umnL coin. AnA 1-Dentids Uteho ave tried "Ta..- atz." pronounce it thé fineet "lg on the face otis *eartb fr thé testh and bresth. A Â nk'abart. ik e thmoo, awa? Hnub" Cocon CU».s. ale, pleasant andi ui, cheeéper Ia cougbing. 26 cia. Aak tipon the square-Lb. c ompeas. Slck or Nervoua Hoadaches tire .88117 andi CSurtslycure4 witbsý>o M a.Is eii. ratlev1nt the b"dt; ou thi re eprncizle it Iml0ebe Bloodtiat b. Urine. A? cent bWofZonsi mnay as,. yenmach enfer. bis anti rnn7 dcllââi. Plebalti-On vithoni a cruel on top. Beautifij Glcesy HaIr May b soeoureti by wsttlng the. bah t idnght, ù antvernlght for two ortbrée. »av a i.cingalea Hair lonorr- a came wonsdl atavorabil heoun. h aconealih even betueeeutt thée il adt.rttir .RaId st &0 cent. per Tickets !I Tickets 1I EAILWà à T Â!D OCEAX ITIAX? Ha! fer the WEST, thae OLD CO UNV TRY, cu4 Uc.3m. oe( Anti d= me bsE foirate%, routia sti E-,..STE PH-EN.8-ON, - Iup"e o-« hm âa sngle antirir 5ts lc B&imwz.YTIOKRNis The Great Dr. Diao Lewis. Ris OUTSPOKEN OPINION. Tho vtory niai-led t«nmeni" frein Col- lege Profnasôre, reaeectable .Physiarws, anal otie tigentlemen oetl4oliceandichai-ac- ter te lc tt t f Warner'n BAYE Cure, publci <dn Lia.e di'nrlal colucans of aur ewparpce, bave grestlyurpradet a. Many ni te"e gentlemen 1 ltucv.anti i-ati ing theui esticu.aay Iwuis atpelledt o pur-. char. aùte battIeoh Warnov' SAPIE Cure aand ax.lyze iL. Besides, I L o mae, uval- lowing thine tiatues te preecribect quantiiy. I amn iatisfiet Lite anudicine iDtct Ijurions, and yl frenlaly add tLitifil1Ifotnanzyahf the victum of a seriom 1hidnfy trouble I ahoulti use thia preparattion. Tii, titilai Lte medical prefeasion sta»is dazed at belpleeu n t. preSce. cf mmrethm a kHiney malady, wvilie the. teatizncny cf fSun. drede cf lielligeti aà l v«yWvutà blea. tiemen hardY leavea -accto doubt t <hsr. H. H. Wsunr haufalen aipou-oef tce bapvdiscoverlea viticit ocasonaiy brlng hel nlufering hcmanlty. Lost. spOts m'nge,'ll 111W" is lame icne»li"tifoot. but la lb.undirdeiguoai h Ni' E A D V P Ti' ilS EM -E N'T S. m :a ýJ OH N, '!ocsisting of Seotçh, EnglisIa, and ýCunadian-Tweà d. Wored- aud S re.u Olotit for Suits, Oveucoating mu Boaver, Worst.ed, mient and Napa.,- AR gaymentg. maide up ini latest style on isho6rteat noLic.- IN 1REÂDY MA.DE Menls'- and-Boys' 8uits Ml. Ladies' Fur - Jackets, Mens' Fur Overct; Wolf, Greyi, Wbite .and- Black Yack Blanhtets il incdaana tbliieti, Shirts, Dt)i All - he Mini, -1Jan. tbsvhife of T. ' Iersat-law of s son. $19000 ~L a MILLIN E R, ODDFELLOWS' HALL, WHITBY. .- SUITS l"4IRO]SL 'LEý% LO' D. EL PrIC Seteoi. ROS'-S. NEW A*DVERIsEM,NîIiS.'ý WINTER GOODS -I FE RC U8SO0N S BUTin? IDDT mOI l O!GWEICMMEC Our celebrated, CABINET PORTRAITS IIEOUCED to $2 per Dozen FOR ONE MONTU ONLY. Corne early in the 4y ty our Photographio studio, ms the bet work only cmu ho donc frorn 9 o'clock .n the moning to 4 o'clock in the afternoon. AUG. -BARRETT, PHOTOGRAPHER, BROOK STIREET, - WH[ITBY. Ner.t dior tk Post O01900. G-c 1 ot tt 1 ST.Tirrs