Whitby Chronicle, 14 Dec 1883, p. 2

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A av, theé y - -'~ E~Rcrv&I2sra~ DAILYL * -- ---~--~-- -~- - - . -- -- ---- --- - dv rtr e rM S O. Wrn-4ingsr Dmo. &Law. eéi&lâoain cur- %muaô God-W. a. lovas. . sipeciae-0. Y. Stewart. x»MGood-O, 3, Gibbar4. QtetZum ad ue-Sipion Fraie. Poâamersa *ad Otheru. It isimporiant ibat thosé ln ventost Fîi. BuI iis (aifîl bould remumbur ébt bupew ' tbw eotuy bas neary ne &aî* ormiatoo au Ibm CROmmrLS. Olir booku, s. proof 0f Ibis, are open for tb. esesslimo f edvertimmý t. il élobe B ab i llsprinàt.d'&#tblsorne, wit réélwu oles of. mais fréeof charge. * O oW4 e PER AUM., Pink..PPP onifmno for ii pups..km diise of5~O0 o se &muebail w i Oms. r4vaosa shsutMnre la« Th* r. Lbay kÏam saeoed Town, carroapoudect u irî1v.pertinéàt queutions, relative bê A4e-j* iqsteFie.'ULbrary aud b.d. >alom o bm Tovu of Wbitby. Thmise sswoevr Wle b odergiven 't quiwh'rc.-" Who Wiin bave lb. ~negmm~al c lbLibrery-ah.,t th~yLav(s 4c~tedby' the raie. &trsMP.-4'iigPre ýLibrary Act wffleo às aBoard cf Manegomêent fût '8beet. ussi n.negment, regulation iàdeOMtrol cf the 4brary sud nv ~n"Thtm'Besrd l ieuoïoc f lh. ~~ ~lnt iimboà tu à osée las su-yemr. e M bihe mp le-tue Oee f lit agi direolly froe te x. ?bsé suaponibîl- 'M'a -"blble mxl- r4é,wbo la tutuk are )meleà«0s s other ty sx a*1usa -$vuu y-flie onis sud for i-V la tesut- tist-mo- QOrt RNtA" W iWhibyle Ide, jFssrt for ycu n a lutbhe a dÊ liages, a piemaanmd besitbful loWn v.iI'paatored obarhsman"d manY th«r atîreotions, Ibm Town le saib eu. lime &ýY mein lu mmd etsomas proporiplme for pemmet w#pend Ibir eîem Y no cuber argument vsrs fortbeoplug fojth a it.lbilsbmsat cf a Pre. Lbre andi $Oduag Boomta n urm1dmýt1bof ltsmlfebould b.e sufficient te manu.sh vols 01OIX7 ryParent, anS oîeryveotepjn lova 'bavlmg the aeet foi$ln mon st beart. ibemuantidollar. veret fboobs là a teva tu love, nied uatr hlm, easla niens fcr & public llbrary. The Wbltby Moshiilce' Instiu. muml eneWyprpos o legve iftion hundrmd doUais veilla f booku lIo t moaa Dotiw lniIO G Il " Witbybalà ova ooýU64 41 hY'ere,cund ç»'ae i".é Â uostmb t dlidi o f tbe 1%o LitÀbrarylis îl1fesreé-hig rc TFitg uigsosmelfalrg Dol exoeed 0500.00. On iisuefixeS by statuts, tti o aunt mol. nrt 4b»' oas-hail 1iet dollaror U ucns&,on th*s IM00.0. Osraly e'sihmsp uda emllmam* ,beo o $0 everymfeboil u iaboring ma lulb.*tsvn. A"S te ail b.ednoUonaul epotanitilsetheir umns'%ll p r~t, lite raIWorth of il A ptiblio mestipg $or êis ofn.ene the Fris Ltbrery qeemîbon fa - lilly le b. hiS 'during Ibme omiing veek. A large attendauenoc e retspayer Mmay la 0 petoda. Thé.Streusulon, t is te b. trüsîOd; viii b.e alm and limpersl., aua abois iiMI hipgm jet thal bb.etfme mauy public meellegoAn thebm ova of Wiby--"persomsliiîios--be unknovu. Igest esauret -ltithe.spsaker Wie link il mapeossible for bs meigbber te stivoonte a public esarsfrmay ch h tan aldisbonsst Or s16àmtamInS. telaila mot imuif lte ýMost houest mm aite cmmuatly. -Titore bus bues es oeftMii a mmsplible bvee o'al lmeatmuu lu lbZ eul OvratIcet b. ri.pe~m' e. b imdo <reu o i " aIl su ut u A ala.ara à ýFR uLuwou's lxen mi vcuvraavm or vmulasi,"raa'ncs, eRnuise us.) n oUîmLim." - UALrr nzu FR sTmiecoxvnoeseo. (Spoil o 00 fi.Chrmnlol.) Duibha, Nov. 21, 1888. AnS tuas tare.lte btu lvdh5loeIà uidhtomnjschts boy hiâhrt vas filleS vidit Jo>' an setrev aI lihe'lset im-at Joe- to bai ea mimniiv19part uldb sueû, su' Ibl be tad stue u e ry<Op. poretu*ty te auveIrolenS, su "bub vuS tv.rf.y diday'. itapplumsopui ie'd moe mmi al taglu-an se eu-lb. fialliew 1 iBut,-mbure, sembua mc ita Va the *ces.b4-H14e. lvda lallbss- ite aie, eu1vtia irneSbus bc&kie oulO Daalemry, Irelanti vas frgolêmit ta, fa, athmua,5 ut théi min Jnreùgt sviitiba., auyussIl have caIlm fortheb.ru, tame. s ý- th IslamS Glun, bho' plact I mre splindld an parer than lier lu tbe fore. bsad av ber roy , SieM. ,Au CAs for Femiane an ONvlcbes al&Il b hrab- bige, lb. ndbac h v vmliïd lk plaions i > Ï4bi thlborunnraym 'v tb. shunta Sun. 'But I muaI so hlc lâ sthrein, iadn memeifthe 4tula- -Wili thsrs Iver be a pepiar Englt mianaroh rese up an capable aivuSer. standîn beywogain tbm affeokehaaa av tbe Irisht people ? Tiitheb.ueetlng la tbm voiA, an euS b. dous ln B word. -Justice, Xtndueo mTusfulmeus. B ut île blgh lime I <gol baol frow " r o m v a r; a r r aib r v Tbar's erdiier an pans lan Irelens jiît nov, bsrrln.altile Bit av ,a rok- ka a te mortb. The Gavirmmit bave proiuibltmd bottathe Naeubanal an ,b. Qrrmwi pars meetins lu Permen. mg-uprip u vas l b. bbl wsy sas lopurtinal'the ,fa"elamrom 'é tther. Taqextbreuaq aM of Mie au i 1u oece 1Wu »n«adàboat D eé<l>5 mr. ,Tbo" kaltbmr asre 1'dpieIu oIs lea mbus estn# ho. sal "~rsMen. 4e tmoI binorear s uel salatOIai ontàrio Is nov e Buila .tun vtdh lez. 'Stir il up B ie me Tor titra bina, TIN O'DAY. Our Vounty. oit lrritou TaYELY OLINb P5lN uzeels e y lu wzua feaL ros-tas- vuenrys, uc0vo098,n but S uadn'rerr rein, lest' My 1.eamsheuld runacway yvîtï jus. As thor. la nov ileu danger, 1 v il-reaume I the sjeot, giîidg Il brief sace. I learaed, te uMy surprise, freom Ur.llarton (poil-aster aI Gueci River) titm h.orecoue ([rom lte OoîerxmienS la ratuafor bis services. muni cf 121 c yenr. Whe& s mierel ."**0ne 'for tue important verk Sons. 1Wiylt la iiardiy eaough te paY fer -Ibe .'Sp reu, qvmgoieroemw4mtEratont i aoile =4a-tle t' Udr - ae;at OfiS66 . Msu. Rurloaws-casiso lm Wgoased o». -mmoretssitai.. Sumi'y 4M mscae an vbiskMu&matteen ar e m mim sar e trdly sonsrltw on p i"pe, aMidlyaud Ohapple frlndHeR&M teé . lh-matorsps$.M ofdoinlg road- yvork. Wont sasîverd (rom Gresa River le as vîggie ou lb. uay as vooIS bave doue oredil l e i« gvatermnaskoa a Fr.uobmienmBay. SBiau linigbtwitbt mi> goot hebet, Peaeier, anud-la lbe moralug (bavlng vislled litW&neghbor.- beeti preieouai>j puabed forvard lc- yards titW lZnga»a.Teck &an ceea- fiecai rau tseutbusut, cnt aving r4achosti lb. r.sdie. c furt. Jaes MoCorch okýut noe ,1 >peri»ofe muS wheit oepontion. Tha a ieroo p hymdwal xpen4 . etrsîeraàialis Greevosileulai ias oncla 14 e remsab.sasd.Th.e prîng o prs eshd5s.lua va , .babblguIc I ~ k f. j A *'i~.J,~ - r-'- '~' '1 WHIITBYO' DRY The kingsont, fr th. Millier, sudeAakmd hlm vby ho vas mc obeint.. Becaume saîd tbvb>iller, il vas My /fUhr'e mii aud there ho. ived snd died; there, tco, Myp sen um barn, a.1 viu i euiof#ci Ivwan to bud My palace, maye thm king. Yorur esty forgmts that th* M Uap mple..-. But dowb you kaowi ma iFeefrio, tual 1eau laks 4 %b. miler, otac ma " Tu .r rJdI Tiiel mul«lwodltiîlMmd libei utood on au sieveist position te cobi tbm brueez. Mots me ilth* Greouveci Ml1ofet biobh be .are Ivo, ellà lb. giex; su aébort dlalaneuéboit -the rasanresd thother "4aI a UWâ «rester- ditanoe.dovo iatmi bll1 oouth. The ortb, or upper mi% , i.. oms sbony fracas boudins,'ounel by lin 0 Groin «fté 0 -, bua8 renof ssos' maohlnmry &rt.laaa; .11 vsryou- ploe, but under odprocus; basu capaotyo0980 baems aday; ldie by water-povmr and ir.. emplomn ta about oseuenbande wgduWyIn teIs differept departmeate. Themsoaltb mlis latsJby Fuedrob Green, Emq. Tt la a tl»owe.try fri 'building, with 8 rua7 t mcas; la almb dtivec by valt povr -,maobimsery àt ood Cocndition (A dpomm;o&Paoli 50 barrais a day. Wcrk doms hores ' i"y ctomiworekil necff about 00 basi. ea day la platine and cbepping. 1 reacbed tIbisMill by taking a short out acres. the mll.race.a ,e y lippej oerat ion, whîeb roamiresame tw ')val ciroumspectly," in the iîterai mi sning of the expression.. Bâth milie ame iooed and ourrîisd on by Mr. Johnk Mitchell, P. gentleman cf mucii energy and cnterprias. wbo oour4tealyre- sponded te every emquiry. Mr.Mitobsiil bu"m conaiderable whist st Uxbridgs during tihe vintôr. Supplie. for bcth mille a.et*4 Fimut gel (rom -local mumec. The. upper miiilte vi.d foi Marchent vosi, and tb. lover sue fr ed witlu atysa, theyiold blsi mootbul - I louwod <roM EduitbMass , a (su dayî-Qsfor. Ti old gmjtimmua epolas of ,lb. .ooomvom they vent mralght -to e zy hmmul « Mum# clous, be, a My leouerlf gitain las ong TRAVELLER. Board oe t Sool Tuatecs. The laut meet ing lt 1588of etbmBoard of bdc m tou netiaIdminsc.ma lceat rm t M.David OrsatateaChalmmua Mer.. Birclay Dow Fergumca, Khg, duf LoUas, Poueli, lutl.ansd Smila Mbanie., te SdcnirmeS. The report. a t&eaadacefer Neveber attePublic Scitoa tovu ver, laWd o the tb"e and reas. PolilnglkaaympojMi ourimniasiu oaa couLt. a v. wrreaNem as 449 2ii 34 8 2u5 29 9 lot 5t1'8 îo32 truSTsrs 3" 16d 29 If yen bave a fade oiù4 orianle ma ich eaw by nuslng--p ohmgofthb Triangle Dyes. AIl lb. popueroolors. Âiways certain. 10o. Whmnil as Oines. lteeu0t 11.a vog- sIabis i Wby, wvlascm. emmbishl hsd, of conne. A PaIr ERxcitage., Wtll jIy I ta gba- ditoo o eof Dyspepas, or-&r". l break up a BiI. ion T.epssm.l-tjlv yertrpd Digestion, regain onergy, comifoit.t bmaitb aud spirite, <iiifor 75oe7 à in. gis botus e o ope.a viiido Ibis. 'A fev doses surprise those wbo try it For Biiiomnsum», Dyspepsio4e, tii, noya, tb. biod and huala, Zorsea lu ua Pa a nead lu varraaed & O Ubm Il mole upODea bmstcmach euS ISvor.- Try a 10 centusmpis. A ficuriabimg geis--The vrIllug Roub" <)ouRb Ouro. Deo »ifol'. ay other, 2 coints. As* W. R Indisn ummer le uucoed pe ago vîntes. Nov the latest, and mvry eus having 'tied it ucys, the qulckst and mi>a com- plt. conoth cure ever moiti ia tbM. hewu in Il Hab"Cocuenur $ouly 25éeut4. Âsk W. B. Hoyau. The osucorsafai physician isene vwho la râhie to bit au ail on tbm hem) every lime. Nov vwu$'bis ,pà*per everw1oh#k r ayetr'ao Isara.tht. word s4Pa., llemb4r it ile epomtea Fea'iDvy eP.. aia, Biiiouaneag,auy ironbis arisingfroix, 1 sidigestioan or Sioggiuli ULver, cspucinally IIRADACEII. Joicers msy be lioneat as s claie, but may cf hhs.n are munter datera. *Humenily's grmsl hope fer tbe future dattlonmoWfma""@aony. 8. proend à obligtion dose this fastinvslvei Titose vite r$Oalal "qp.eilll glard-' erme&leo for lh. eue'o a if tas"" pe. enlier te v*oemArenmly es et. Béni forp~$~~ ~)3 Thé fleur o e icfsmy-Tbtvit witk turnusu cae Ibmhst hieS. e,,uLitIo thanl.eare Sdum te hi m vite cal> &ives suya>'vtlla 0 on i te biaisit" Theibeéat ivld b vorld or art h-&~euudon lb. imuener cf Kde~et c1 ugis health teua&l, Kida éy-Worl mores -Ibm beoasragulrly, siecnsealbbe K4,su4 .sile eycpskdib neydeseeguçbisi are ccused by diterdir Hier agd lid- uhy sheuitiyqu Dotlr'l Strage but tmot.-In bntIing a ont.ratemi r&W t. To cure a man cf vbustllg-Bloev "Tamaxsc'" atio~bs t eetit ithe ciamteuealaers VIiIàt. of r9mbw-.,.Th. liiii*" de. Lose an& i in. 1I vattalen ilolaytara&go With bilionsféver."' My dctor promcunced me enred, bul I gel siek againg viit terrible pain lu my back and idm,'and I got se bal tout4a nt.iioe1 I sbrunk i From I8lbo.. le1201 I baS been- ne goeba.-I dia net oezpel tIe vemoe than tire. menthe.. I began teue Hep Bittera. Dirmctly my appeîlte re- turned, my painm loft mis, miy satire Synge me .renoeS s if by magie, and fsa 0ng sevéral botls I ami e«i omiy as uonoas.a soveolge bat vwigl Moere titan I1 idbefore. Te Hep 91- L ovs My lifm.", Dahlin, June 6,'81. B. FrIàTÂTRWK 1e o OGev szo-Expem eursiffl day anS atgt; est tee miueh vitbout igrelie; v, wrktee bard vltbont test; *clcor 6ail Ibmelime; taie 6ailtlb.-vuem cogrumua dieued, and Iben yen vii, inveedf.throeeverd-Tale 'Rée Almeut anyboy enu run îmiedmt; but neriy everybody has te crawl eut et is.1 Demi Bîr,-I bave bien a aufferer tem Goetivoems, Sick Hmm)mcio *sud Lume et Appelil. for miaay yeara, (.11 saa lired, se thel lits vas a burden aSd ail susmsii 4rk te me,. I bcve1hd -inoIh àOa sàce. Mdd bave ti e lha6t ail jýo4e Wrtlia gemoches, bel iurlitm~ffàc -,"ànibeof my neigh., bora, viehobail eS pour Feuntain ci, Heaiti, urgeS me te gise il a trial, ltre betltés of vbl1cbmati. atêeelee e uw "Wbe vas Ibm slratghtest mon l th Bible t" "Jesph.11 "Why2" 'IBO- Paglure ImpossIle etaDn ît mcp ô' o Y et of remedimes falWeto -allrdrelief, > t. -o .. h 'a OODS EMPORIUMO5 le -Y te followng oodajuet reeeiveê bWINÀTLe OqpTH8-Tlie new 1Malleuoldtls ual4, ~ lo ~1t&ÃŽ-0lT» r~gboavorManentClotto. VEJMLUTBENSB'-Gronatà Plain, E= 4'r_, Garnet, Maroon, Cartdinil, 1;v Bie, Myr4Gw k-V eBrlpi, FrLai o hl Velveloon, an extra quslily et White Veleeteen.) I)RSS 60 eesîti lte 0 orit4,o100-SUiiiMe Clot in toe laing colore, pressed Fldà IWM u1IISr1 - js Beahetto <Costumne Olotho, AUl Wool Tartat UM~~4~o asnc~ niY JM48~pi56' - Knittcd wool geods, Breakfast Stawls, Ladies' Kte akt wtauov u leoso AVERY H EAVY STOCK 0OFiDURABLE AND Si VLi8s'i-O EHOO n BUFFALO. ROBeS. ýAN]?< ,wO%]?ROBS A BIG TOCK <Ã"F RE ADbY:MAD, COH,~~ -An unlimiled assortment of N cwweds ALRNOA 1TÀ= IAX1NG. i Store specially bufit suan' db ozeves, abundacsto pt'o buy tothe best --edvànmntagm, sdnilttédhly big stock, long experience la the geners 1 usiness,su a om sire 'te meeot 18aPulio'rqipan i us se:rnùe advantages in souring a .lar 1gebusiness;' Groeres44Bov#n, 1k:a surs ii ehsi l gd :ýrjMj.- - é.,tjàoipjékur,,in wmn'i large variety of Carpets. Our prices are rigli. 'Thé- goodkaanw. The stylos are::ûcziît., a~,uol mente of durablegod.1-- GLASGO'W WRHU! ~W ±iIL 'IL? I~ ~Y If pou vlmb te taes car of ycur hemitb,t take air. xla.. Iue«. Yeuséliad Maso Penu.I Irejee4 ?tr. Hegrg. Nices (l.11vbull1 een3d't bar. the annoumoiment of my merutagi , ~ulte papci undr ihems- lic.e il iThtre ortered Weapea-Tbe di tntangulx abaîe cf the. Triangle Dys periority bave voa thie da naldruven ail etiteao (rom tlis Sciau 0 ol)ore A A Romnarlable Escape Mma.Mar A. Dailey, of Tunîlaan-' no w h. as affiicted - for sit ymars- i vh.Mb an sd. :reoAigdurneg- . * Iaa s s e - IfT $14 Thozoi B"1rock- Ë Ier LOCAL Af URAT le nouuau BU~9ET 0F L~E oHeoli4iI~ "Acbisismx - - Ma!loitfrJa Oitrialmas-2 i ýi 1

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