eg¼î :0tob ChroniÃŽole 8toam Print New Advertseoments thie Day. SpacIi-The Dominilon Dry Goode Report. it" F. sawoat. To VFamre nd Othicra. llmpoat ant s ibon want ai aueBl .fit,,ahould roinember thai Do p=pin tah. oonaty bau asariy 80 laro lrouasion sthe OHSoNiCLs. Ont booke, u pmof of this, are opmn for tl aspacltoof adverîlasi aiK tMm.., Sal* bUis priaW ted ibis offios vil, reesiu. uuIl*.I ala freof char". * ~ ae os 21s#t w n a=c. Igà mea4r f21b uwif, the Iargeit of mq ppe pubiiahin tAs, Coua1 c EGOHNSbcemngbaoming, la lb. report Ibs mi tra rm, lb. CznoxrcLs amvolers nov blard at 's'omit au ltam rca&!.Oie report frem lb. norlirlà a WÃŽ.k shovedthelb. best lVO -days vork ytptluby'a individual canvasar., Nô i IS iucandidtes for, mmicipal bonemliavo came 10 lihs ftont ti veui -1hseesi1ea! ams r gussul Ih l ibughr ottiesin aay ame lIpp g elg oi'8.Thie can»"" .eaoh for lb*. Mayorali -a.ebad Daputy'ltevoiawp voum Y sittatm lsps toi the. establiala mmniof&PreoLlbaryiu oya ara »nov bakg tà bu, ant b the calo.of tIbm ma rercti msuecea«. Th ieoi 9 ft9à boing laffely sigeti. * x llc ibrM ynow ovueti b' â~Mexhue's Institut., vbleli the *rthe» Oum li», » %"tlb le ladSclaeol pptem eu bu tome dtm à alil c5.ti retemnam eb; r * h*ý *wlts s.ftpOhOl nt ppta lieus01othe Psovinoe bavetem; ma fo'b. oe hragisaeatne tm in aoumnidsâ lla pbaag10 laImm taI iie es «pautakang anti miee Iapep~tOntarlo 'on Ms. lMa- sým, t * iaPrésent lmauaig - rI effrts le bavea ai t alla oin "oolion vit 4"euy acto bonhc Iia COUD#y. * - m. Mflrin laglvng vary caistu ltaIaa4 uoit ie tie malter, andinblélaouroflav.aamufane in effl1hriierty, support frora bolb met nioaipputsl"nt 94ba veeh ll . pma"Inlat omi! tpeliulm laelite seliranguhOf li.HOu.M anCek the spiris o et s fO!lýew. ~ 0- question whltaever tüaibe dy a lae.MoA& boo bcç>n Wqto'- be don't-ga; 'Ott lb.oentrary, héauffl governient becama pliaonges aiy.The S. P. bau oarêptoyfail ed. I"Mlcêa *rvding god imes, it ba u "t&ilts la eeetoC»atajuotlhe opposte-lsa tacttt2a lai* v~ratically seatimed by many wto warefooial euougb lo be deltded by, Ithem sephlstries of Tupper anl Tillay. Matera inithe Northweat point almoal 10 o ora rebellon, becaua ofi the' iionop<>lrea hât -bha'yo been. irpated lu tue Prairie 2P vl by 1h. ofvsnm t he day. -0-y ara 1%k sJue '.Bis johzlW eeloed ter the Tarycoastilumanoy eanox, by a ' r0 . 752N. He wauttaeated, sud on Tadymr. Allimon, bis old opýpon- eut, Chauged Ibis <Jaservallv lnajrity of 200 lntoa Libéral ,ictary of- ilve. Borne monthu inc0 e .GkboIoenty charged John 8hleldu and ,thergovarn. ment contractais wit b bin pled with publio fadsta dbef ie o taot.. Shialds,.the mast braaeu oitha whale gang, waa the onlymmn-Who a*emtad a mae 1a efeo sud to keap u4 a show tbah the preumiuary mtepe af a libal suit againsl l " jour- nl. Dfaaoe wau prompIm,4lrsd. This *waek the casa vas ciWin the courts, but no ilShields" wap thore. Il was onlargad for thice-nWo4but arorything points ta tha matter being droppêd by the paintill. Th* charge isb enata ha faced in thaect.Ad sa the bail keopa roliiug Coaservativa reatian-y rother Giiu Tus 'Toronto Maroing Nèt4s la th. tlaest laimant for public favor. Il la ta"iy ptialsd,goos on the piciple of- "hboilîng down,ll sud oondeasiug neya malter, givlug in thus vmY a wondermu arnount.otnqws withia ils pge,"d. asyboY# lndapnd.nco, the eleoimo f eus cvi GovmrorGeneral, thlb mioIo ot «*,enals; gocafor the Pivil Barèouisaaa, the main su extrar. y mêlnmootty conto obm cout- ~twryo aid hra tb * d no. e t aia lt *vmiy tem wrttmn. I aa.bmweenrd oditor sud prop*<r iolstr hped sou 0 atEleiSheýppard efBowamule. mid a reltiveetfM. LyrnanT. Barcay otan, 0w own v. Ai.ODyeCorrespondonco. Tira ou Hs lm Fauta Thiavaea."I (8p.CW go thefI.Olroniol.) ras g=LL0e KovTH Aà ,» ITS ElAlT. VOL 5TOuWWING5o, HsurOIa » TEHIil To-TRI LovI or Eoq5 -4cmi21WAXL. Dublin, Nov. 12, 1888. IlovIli aa oaled lu lb. ould ,,Iri, Ben-nat-Dais, bekas. o' lb. gata aumuber ai oak Ibr«e wbicb forierly g0rew thar. This wvast aI vu ime long ao At another lime lvaa callsd Dua.%obîn, bekae t. w vai Ibm nimle a povorful ould native king vbe muofully opposed Ibm ad- vane. et**b. omaés CIla wuab4 Ibar vas aP eanpr.nid lb.theRoman =Cà @frmi"dia ou lb. saoied oit a(dî t .U L b. 0111 liai »w fine ohuioema, ainaoaalie.!, aali îsllvay Saeitis, padbatela boUtivIllas ai d.ahu*$ op ail ovar 1, an aauleor pol for villa regi- dise.. eat 4h vIs atad. The climats la viitmr ta aot.d' for bain anuhdrrmd, a. ou lb. e uth aideet soft soatbery W"ndblov conatanty over Dublin Day 'Ivards I; an vby vune 'h. hi baa.'a no*0"nte . l'M' ovin 1111 fl siup Ibmtao 0ac et b ame fayam M JIL TWH I 011 la mileaorbetthIe~i luuIsl, aunouerij mils lp baadth *set 1h top.Th 'h igbesttop t. about 000 f1W sheerabovaetb ay. An vtva lir, thinkin oftR*Halou Whitby. an lhe obîldbr.,-anofetrfiade au uaybor au lndîblg a "mv..: ecuverm," ".l40d au~ ~ ~ ~~~. -0- d el. iel ur9ina, bth, n aIe oui lu mni t . da ~uiiungio'e~j an t: k« rossticSuatedraoui ov w fhi ad WbouI sf tin4 imaS agi%. aibat! snybmica hlo malu i U m...l 1, la ~r:R, ~: athbratagim tokeiihber dénit or iMiv.. Au Qumen Elizabetb flue bhan- diii. pouade rmvaitd fer ier pbia. aha. kv eoort mli.dtsregarded Ibis. aasti ! lip onber cvi 1corsý es b. a au laid. Ai lait, gettilred ot glory, an eft voiulubailles au tabla ýpulseaua primners, ahé, au berot cvifiee akord. pea aviolt 10 Qumen Eilîaa Ihls. ray' dlplad ihat ah.éaatanlmbedtIb 3nllb ourtiers lu inber reglmlatals ana aragg>,'& b. the bewldumm vidh-vbhleh ah. latbarid 'th.priaince ettheeVirgin Quisea.- Wbln thee raiobod oiat bar baud 10 b. kimd, Grain sborned tu aioep tle thé like o' tt dogwadahun. Oh. gov lbé Quest1a band' a barty shakm ilu r aua ý1èced barslf aiwant pon ah alqail din1 Ir"ahpilnomn Ibat had i ver niver bin enquerod. Tvam upon bar rtn home afther this. olabralad iait that obm lsndmd ataS ovIb.8h. valked up 10 Ibm caille an foudîthéIbgatho abat, (lb.s famly hein ai diuaar,) an ah. vas refus ad lmmun. Ohéeandimee ed that lbé boit tb Ibm titll vasunet tas off vidb bis nurse; av thtn vbaî do y ê! think ah. dît!P 8h. earM thlb heu ou board ebtp, su lmmejily tnet omit, au arrivmaeil y aItOailig.-evoly. bmkaae yezses, ibm vuas se effiet a Ibi vant of Irih" boiltty. Sbm kep b.obtît! as a prisouer Il ohm vmapot!d a largerouions, didt! Iis cele-' brai.! vaman, au Iwu t ib, 2, tual ah. exactetIb1.oadiahan thal 8St Lavreno.m, u bis di.iuduita ,ab4 m an ivays Ibuoveopen 1h. onute, gale ai th. dnnes lime. This promise va. faltliuly kipt ou til v.rytely. 'Pharn vit lu me yeag day. a grat. msuy peIl"lea hlda about ran Wt. ilmmbr anveso- 8 G1 1A= tU lfv'to beao,' Whllalm Uraslak, #1yheb.tort et lu l Ion an sel Uaryayarm anaWt. 1Ibà aiu"miaun bd endin vidb Hovlb hthtbe wua.ou lb. 'Bou Liai, etla lb. aimlit., l as eafthIle Most povoittl Onlb. ièhset s au that lta biâlon lb.éve"ypol vhar. thadishua afIrma thb. Dansa vb*he. caped trom lb. talaild .ofitaf defindai! lbemeesogn Shah vietar- loua enamlus Outil lbmy vert reshut! b. lb. abips osnt 10 thair aid h. Itoir fallov ecntbrymls. Tbraln a onou trom & lote Dublin euuiy bour, giuin Teveristi a goed chanc for ray. *Yr thru frtnd, TIM 0'D&Y. Oui Couuty. TiAvaLit isa-iuaxi in ras "VALB Or wwwTI- Aul LNIIIIINO e laiPTlo or Tas VU.aOI A» rra I»ust5uts- SQUIPXNK AN»OAPACITT or tu IG O*Mn.L"-TEî "55055-HAJIDLI AC. TOITy, Aà IIUONASLE Wvu OR mcitEHi- ni-anam RsRC11515AUO SOIOOLS. fse6 Bpctuorreffpadsc. a1 the. Cuaamcr..) WrravAnz, Nov. 20:i-I belimie va ltm patai!ooçapauy ou Ibeoulaklrta et Wbfteuale. nam.d 1 suppose lu hoier oftT. P. Whie, Smq., thua lb. piaslding poins cf télb. c. idl ia Véry ruina lalty tu the ru » ertheb.Posilion oses oecpla by hlm bem. TTe , rI~ocours lb. brevaeofthéb billion ,idai of thb, oiek, baitlis malsay on lb.esout aida.' Pg ar ploaalysmpeof etvod, 'Ph. &MaIplace visiaittiosnar= .ï a tb. vllage vas th.eodmr oil- geg nadeibeé ama et "Major mfit,," nov undes tho mauagemi o t Mr. A. B. Whie, »aof »T.a' P. Whie, Esq. 'Phée mil. svolt buasumotur, stands ou tb. aéouîhaide oetIbe rond! (main Street) jusl a 11111e caiI et thm bridge, aut! Phonix 11km arase tram *theae bot ofet b 4«"ln railla ter Ihé dimal irous Ire Ibat duatroyet! thal mosS lot- portant, xnduatry. Tb*i.ellalohhue oi lb. tugn . osid sïleu build ing euce. uad sa drymig b«»' &ar éti11 asutagemuthlb.reina of lbe tac- te bau emdesly soit je i Jdwhte. vai., obr vc wuldîW be olarge a quatty ofolclm IroiIoniee; but perb*M thinaesstty of bavig te cas'. ay lt sp kW lb.aïo onit! b. oamva lad laIec opper. my liâve bat! soma iii!. compatiton l intaemiryngtade. Th suie.tou-fuamlon et lbé minion. Ontr ousto-mers are the newest 00od',in, 011.MAN&-90A ouTE Is doing a rushxlng- business, with us. For a first clas0 guarantee., l iiug. Our st ock o-h Goo4dth .Se .w4id.o it to any eity soel teD. more than pleased ýwith our seleotions for the Fail and'Wintero. We.areWreîeiving dail th aI~ç~Wht41 nyr~casgos atth oseistmarke utlin. )vercoat lea ve your order with ugr P N e&ashîons -moit1ad îtést -ue~onept., We _do the' iargesýt'e1otig IlusinesËf in South Ontariee at, vi A U WlI.TBY DIRY cris -GOODS EPMTM - Hohas mealdings timade., TboemlealmIsaa planlag machine, ai combinsd planer aud mnatcies. Thor. l a a aparate maohium, (1 faîgotel lb.nmeoetil) made b> eseaemeâ feilov-ievui«mu, Maijor Harpr, Esqq vbiob la sai t 1 g.get.ustacllen sud ta select ma t ciedtleakli anti bîil 0c lbaae.Ttc abneîry oft Ie es- ïnt>tls at.diven by a 16 honas pvrengiue.. Thehalasabas bimen runang tont y*"satsdi aeeé«r hein lla, nshe» ae ! Lter pointa tram lb.e e. hgot1sereibuti -1 muait d. glufrWtt -Sralsll,1 i Ua, "ïI onudiblhie l," t. viflalia My i l i oi rint! wax. PBobeon hv84,aaao euthmog h1gs. tew ya.t*bmWtby slcepyheada lb. iomaes ofst _»g>Me muet eun 'pin u uilova. lu aintoa le b aoie buscinoaMr. Taylor cane. on age»ab ira in*lb vitiaço sa su a b b. doing ,avery lonhig lade., James iadas Ean., amo% salage gaamuaffl n Mean- fils businssmoi! appam a 10be Veil p atonlsad. B'tee- laMs. Jabot Fsvîhrop, gr=o., aud doaler ina udiy drygooda; sud Mr. Donald NoPhte, Ibm votersa er vWho mitekqspa a gméetsraamorm.u etfgooda for a! and vboso houseyet bout n ne eWin t!oubt vho ltoek#laie hie kiat tace, an wbich &go bu asbi!bard verk 10 bave It. traces. Then bore la Mr. Wmn. Gerov, vith bis blmekam"lbut! earilago raker'a ahep, sud Mr. B. A. Elliion, son"ra hluakmîth, plymng their reap*etîra bsailem vw"bteir vigaron. arma. Het tbe la Ur. DatIdelMoody, boet sai*t! l miker, vhe o "chcelrjW eaeagb as8 b. poe s aay sI bis lutI, uolvllbaland- log bis Dame; tou acroueo iora hlmi lUs! taulier op, titli s aiiet0 lite occpallea, Mi. :&mes B.., an tenea Beotbisa, 11uSt 8. -Orspta neeti noC fui absSi.i!Of. ar o lole' Aioî B". ifilas. rdealer sd! ut*krll. or-no relation cf t,llnoa. Bo lli wbe kili PreudetiLne"l, s»lt b--, AýM r veut!nos; kill a imas eveu for th. sait. et ooeucingIse fanera. R]rm tee lae Jamîs Thornici, lcb.r. lb Man vho «U'luesekIlt, sud kils et lvd,' ma i cea 50mako ugod To«Dtaw-botkle@e Agtloîtlur for goèîsd i ino.ais.Here '10ta Ms' lames Be, ibm Villagtaller, andi a good match for asy mita litasu, ooui I etithber , ort ha ales. jflm a tacd itet!, tin!beaa'hd ina. Ht. n ode ubai dayOi aiîlaevialÃr$%gbU Welmd Sais foum,sudo«B tell açg da êlery s* à "t cabag ta dinner. tb l ..e'4 thebmPiogitea dl tt( dames. Othorvise the vbole oft lai aide o et l.trict vauid bave -heen fvept avay. A large quautily cf <oda v"um removed in a damagail condition. Foituateyno i!uâvera ~ bul riaka vé anui lampte made le roscue.m oosai, gonds. Thorton P. Rea'ter,- EWlit'iro Waynse, I.,"41Gauette," wvii..s: "For ttplatâ»ueyauvbv--avay.ul- Dr. kin g&a NÃv Dlscovorsy, for cougbs of mosî acrere ohamsier,s velsfor tosmof a mîdar type. Iteyvras tal effmci a!y oui.e. My tiendi te vbou I haieréocommîded t! l p.ak et t an s»me blgh termeabi coued by il et every eough I 1 fer av* yemr, 1 ocusidmrit ile lb. noble sur. oui. es orCanas. CoMos. ota Caltait G. E. Glbard'o DrugBluam and gsI a 1-re. Tr"alBetie. Large in Thés obama ole-Walklqgro-und'tii.: room villathb bby aS aight. l'b.NewvPain lClng. PalmaausNnasor~AIn chlis, spaèm, and crampi. Nerviin. cures prompty lb.he nt on..s of neuralgia, tacihaoe, loathgff, sud sciaia. Neruilteisdeath la alVpain vler externat, interna], or local. Neiviline may b. iteeaietthe amal oosî ci110 centa. Buy ai once a 10 ceni botte o eNrrline, the great pain rem- There ta su oe w a-y levear à besatifal dieaupÃopary-ta foigiiblit yen bave il on. * 4"'ean peopltat akvadantage et tbeir naichbot'a diffloutties ta auaoy tem." Meou disemaca, sncbos piles, rbsnmaiium, constipation, dyîpeputa, malaria. am» hachas @W, laiteadymu- lage of rOiO'W* expesuros and tlack thora. t 6 eu thât Kit!ey-WorI oà ppearson th.e1.1ad by Ia ag.icy pou taroolîbia leo f evil A mainet! 3 as a daning mas.l ter in Minnesota.Bsot.sfa» t hoiu., *Is la împoeublf<t <bat the V.g.laýbl= undim.- tbm permami diection ot M, Lydîa E. Phiaa,vit lthe superler miese.and seutof modern pbaruy, la thé raont auesma lmedicina for temale diessa im $ à sainlo aeallawau lt!salI bacaUs, te ninai.lia gttr on aboie hé la tnaa. TriabglelDy an ieai perlent. me tb. brigbl abadt..- Thy neveu dlsappeit te uaer.IOe. Parity te door *1 aUlce OHÂPTER I. 11vas taken aick à yemi &go With bilions fever." k4f Io gisiok aawilr utertible piL la my baok and aides, and I gai 50 bad 4qtjpg formjieb;1 did mel Do god.I i ,tezpet laliv. maore thaà n ibrea ranths. I began ta use Hop Bittera. Direotly my appelite r.- tnrned, my pains laft me, my entire aysS.e aemed sif magic Laà d afterunnseveýa1 battiss amn oct ns saond as a savereiga but weigh tba 1di bfoe.Ta Hop Bit ~Dubin, oue6,'81. B. Fn,PT==O. B 'oy Tc Gr lko.-Ezpoae youraelf -.iy and lghi; esat too much withaat 444roise; vork t00 bard wibaant réat; 4Ir 61 h. lime; take &Ilith. vile '6meadvartiaed. and then yau will ,*>iil1o know how to get we14 wbiobfi bu1WOered in three varda-Take Hop 3tltera 1 In Narmandy drivera refrash their .trd hon.. by giving themcidar. The power af tbe prss i. apreadiag. The use of pilla,sats, castor ail, &o., and ather nauseaus, griping Cathartica la unnaesamary, as a pleanant subalitute la found ini Dr. Carton'a Bitters, whioh *o- aia Catl2aric withant griping or oa à Mntsi 'a.Ail dÃuggla a ei tri d0o~s Wte. Wmipe*i~...& tt1araUnie. They ail tel lb.ý am me slary. Mr. W.Iýhomso Jeweler, Delhi, auffered Bt~il. " a&ya s.vý tb.adi aine Ianmded. It h»oureme A calic&, wrpper-A dry gooda clark. Boy Te -OST Bras. Expose yourtelf day ail aihtao00mach vithaut t4m)a _Cmoe çadea rom adverliad, sud thmnycu "fviiaut loj aav. tara! inaa ioiar .opin.ywt wo Ic,ça t4elauentioneof 4f!ouscnu i proiaers gênral to the foI1owin- gooà dujre oivodlýà ;iMA.NTLE CLOTUS-The new Ëtaû6uiJlthg;dflralerFîngish Meoi Clobu gcy ocy e~laane'lahinaWNp loths, Ail WooalDiagoa - NwnaIet Cea (JiohaPili Ustetng, bave Mailia'C1tl~ VEVETEl~-~fimsutPlnm, Dregs ef.Wine, Garnet,* Maroan, Caidinaî' '-ary Blue', I1é rçeu..Black Velveteeue",r e.4(For I h lai an Whrite Velveteen, an extra quality of White Vdolveen.) DRE'B Ë 8sitefvrt-S Csue- Clolli in the leading colore, pressed Faneoii1esie mai4m nd i n è B! 'S' re:Gýp&Ae/Loti. i8e-8ca1ette costume Claths, Anl Wool Tartan ~- ~ a »pae * -'Kaitted woal goade. Breakfast Sawi*91*à âx~teliakets with-iceve andà býlcti - ýA VERY H EAVY STOOI 0OFtrANp STVEÃS1 OVEROOAT8, BUFFALQO R4jSD O~ Y - BIG STOCK ' 1îA I4 e Th G I ~An uxlixnted assoilmant of NcW>wd. AlO iGAI With à e tore speciaily buill sud ownÈa by osé#é 1néeiÇtutIttbily ta thé bcst ouvantaga, an'. admitidy big stock, bang experience lu the genouoi exnasà nd a 4ceit Wt4 give us eornd advanagee in securing a large buns. to raa 1dro,;io * -a8e,.1 ii itwrg it large variety ot Carpts. Our price u-r41' 'U" PVi2ge 1 %hÈV týeë,-aesorl-g mente ot durable ~d M - . WIELiU2J3Y. AYER'S. 'Cherry Pectoral. iines trilled w tl by the maielty a sufer- - ars. 'nie ordiary coagli or coad, resuatlng duli! ,SPPI o- i i ù iîte takeu iusaucam 'Pliemat inco'dubcua are foscad-ta . A Tarar adi hlfor, perfection uiclor" ie "la 1857 10e Triangle Dyaa have ne equai.Aak fer r t e ng ttsee-Ãbond package,.mien.. li tai gave me ul'.I yoa geI il. 10e. - TOUAL, whlcb le. - ý 1 laep, Msd affu 'ýa r%ë,"teCUO tsli frorai alcrad do cui trlIigmalles. (lisnliatmd eiinetilslyh',-wmm SMII Crop,- .d hin'g dhasesan d ,hauid ia "s wltbo0t de!ay. -ile! Oonglt curie& Lt wta~,~t aae. lctois tried X mi-s'.Caaas:rPme-, reliava.!zay I1, s <dulai 'rldme tue. rast iaacuarr .to the In»i4à 9rdua* E ètors of ftaring basa inktaôèQ by J. IR. Gv *0- r- , em n a,,! For the veas 18m, Z boa' ta annnnnh*mi 'Pie IT lain elu WHAT 18 mab 4 - ~ - - . - i tA.Lr 071 , lm" en lb. 1emi1 $4