Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jul 1883, p. 2

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E! M 31 Dit pulishel la U.t.a R. TÃŽJ R. Try It. » AUJS ail -' N ~ ~ aob.rts n & pros Ohronlole Building, Whitby. ON THEWING. Time of Avvlval~nd D~~ar<uws ci TimOns, Matis and B gos. - WHITET TIEN. q.smd 2'rumi BU..vg. ocuts vu~ 1.~~st 5.OOa.ts. I Mliii 4.1Op.w~ 8a~wu. xyeum. 1.40 Sua4y~ 10.00 e... uis Esprit. 1.40 i... Local 6.80 p.ts. 180p... I Espion 8.50 " kiéan~sohps~, * AUSITU. 8~ÂGB~S .56 456 5W. Ç~,O1U ica - uer Mia.. I i Il ..m fi5L1~I ~ ~l0 655151. 5.E 565 548?. - ~m1I~p4s~' 'Lu s... VrU% i4~p.u. Du. UP ~Ie-k. ju, Il oea.. b7 N. ~ __ th .g.bàao.. oS lb. hoUP... oh. boots ci loNgs ~he pedol tS-Mauoss don il euh onu. OoniIiW5I8.u.Uee.U~h..Uoudq.u. W..' N.,taOoohs ioskl ail. The resu1~e if lb... soleiviewe w., zepotted t. lb. Qoaio~I, b~S vlth* gaj~utng 4.1mb. bsl.~ ,UnPl ire psopI~vIIIuaywhaS 1h1.~ ar. pri~ ir<4 b do b Iu4~e inanufeotureru 10 sema ber., lb. d~lh.1(sndfao. luise Oomuoitbee, as a oouniol&tue, ai. ta a miasure lied. Tht. oomwilteo means business, but atheis er* eal, or wbîl lu woo~e- ~ Othar munlolpulloifi âaj .~z Je~ meute they eau offer b asnifaoturuu- vh.thir lu 1h. sha~>e ofbonooee.0exsmp. lion fromlates fora qnlat~pertod of lime, fris site, 1h. formh~boa of ~olut~. ebook compaulea, or whal ~t. ~4ee Icoalitlsi lu tht. vay.p1soe.~oemne1ves ln.~~>sitlou b deal lu a business' vay mamies 00011. Âud0 as > riault, tovua eotreatlng hi~uesll~4,33eto dayr.apiug lb. bine l1*~ôeI~ad4I houa frorn Itou. 10 lime to~iiir,~ muai' ulpaIllieapppulatlon and.~vegdbb,~Wbat" fev manufactures wî havi ta oui midut are lhrtvtîog. W. eau have more of theus If we only ~e.t dova 1. mIra lit business. Lit s ralepalire tac s tht. question ta a business m,, ami 1a1 10 lbsfr oomrnittee vhal of uo.miutthsy viii Ina 10 offur 10 outsiders 10 becorne eelvii. Stolid Indlffsrsnoe onoth. tmg-positive motion la noedid. Harp~ Ing aI othere ani do nothlng ourselves le a~1 .aUed for-lt ha. b... bbc han. o! lb. lova la the past. prepeml olroumstsnos'lla Ul e5s~o-ttoI~e eau b. ehang.d. Bot ahalf.dozin mea ofibemaelvesno matt.rho~,vlIliug sutsu~rli!5gtzuî,,raU7 v aie. oaa har~li7 he npsobéd 11k. 'le ese ~tfOflnsd.Le lad aotlvily seutallves la péom~fy ~ ~ptaelieal àhatie te Ibsir vishie. nov. Captain Webb Ovimu toD~ath' For sorne Urne pail dispatol~estavi eppiuuedla lb. dally papere aunoumolug ths prraj.otsd ewimmimgof thsJplde sud vhl#col aI Niagara river, heIo~ 1h. Falis, by Captain w.i>I>, 111e horo cf ths ohannel svim. LIIIl.imtesesâ.. b~en luths malter, ai very fow belasi. si for a moment Ibat hi venu tlnder- 10k. lb. perforuane. cf etloha b~O~ oms fiel, but havlng sud? h.~vô~il4 4o~ w loufait la duty bonn& le lump bis word. Nos more ibis lv. or sl~. hua. ~ peeple wllsiessed Ibe uebl1. lb, ways havlag deelinsi 10 onake &r. r.ngeoueute vltb lb. hou Natant. Arrlvlagfrem Buffalo at noon 111e Cap. Hoche, ~ cfmaklng liii' eite~lefi ut4 @'*ouk. At haIf.past.bhsee~. bols! anc~ ~un1 clown the feSU7 bill4Ot mb a boni vlth Ils fsrr7* - 'a-r Joli. Mefry, ami vas rO*M do,. 1h. river. A.rrlvlng ai a point .wo4ts lb. MoiIt.(~Miaî landioog hera,~.. aU ololb. fb~1e .5... M 4u.m. h. ~Iunwad P. Bêlait vwlnian;,T, utoriasi 1~h*~ 1~aesIfoa, lbyrsslwils, The "plty'~ve hara'4.thUiol1he~,llh us. ~u Iutlreatlag ~elter hou 5b~Robi. A. Méchonsie at VOnioi. RiS OPINION OS iÃ"ui 0SNYINEISTÀL OITIfl -AN 17.5A5A1<T 'OOXAiftON - EU aire, 0 !hf.L ET PileMie I AIt WELLI" The ~ AIei. Maeksiei,4 bLP., under dat.of3'ua. 17.vrltus t11ifoliov. lad .frdm Vimei iq ~Lî~ ~ toi P.P., aI TorontoS- As ou viii eu~ froon 1h. beadlng, I vrits hem lIe oh, old se olOy cf Vent, le., vhere I arulvsd lest uI#I~l trou Borne mi Ploriasi. Ioftsned 1o~ged tome. B00.,ani Italy sud lb. Koly ~*d~ the former I have now hbnIêl~ sien, Ils ~ttc Il h aallhely I iver ue. W. travilsi eut Paris <wb.re vi spentaveels) loTurin by 1h. lieunt OinlàTmnnLTlieno. hy Genca and 1'iea 10 Berne, vhîre v. Sm1 ~irà. deyaonly(Ivlsh vs couli ave midi Il veeksI; llu'gheqeoas Oburobse mi p~deo.s, Il?. pend oh struoturpe of 1h. OoIIs.urn anC Pantheon (ils latter iaoweobu~,ch,) tbcu~h la ruina heu tes- Ici titi .. - cli. î,fthafr ~vchl. ~ranee of a Jumbo ~IN, VV PI-Il. Complete Stock of Summer Dry Gonds. aring out Priiits, 'Uuslins aud PfirasQ1s~ Spe The Jnmbo illoase of the c I~~%J~J~j/UfCJ Aie uow clearîng out ~ll Summer Goods'&t great reduetions to cash bu~ers. Each aud every buyer of Dry GOQdS should. grpp this j<rand opportunity, as w. are determined to clear out ail Buznmer Gooda and make room for a new and largo stock of Fail and Winter Dry Gooda. TAILOR- fIG BOO~XNG at the Whitby Dry Gcods Empoxium. We lead the trade iii this Department, and we daily receive orders from ail parts of the coimtry. Our Stock of Tweeds, Clotha and Worsted Ooathigs is large and varied. HUGH M. BOSS, haire, Loba lb. groupi~ol ste vire sIre ofpreoarloua WHITBY DRY - GOODS EMPORIUM. o*hlmg 011biloh~ lb. Cous ~rmerr1 mek.~ wb~iaebl tribu toresi of ~si~ow~0vn Oo 10 nmmeileoi. ah. IbeHallu s surs ae 10 lb. valu. tuvlbui. ta ,t'..'--'- - w. emoasuansar reepsslPloren.q or om ani V.nto. are oleanllneas 8teelf. Cosu. ..oiy simd gis paued te Boume, Pborenie le b.eulifoolly pourlu. eltmat.dcsm lbe Arno,, ina beoci bemola.. o,,~ &.lup b. ~ui Ihe.~r iubu. île hillaldie are oovor' ommuante vs oit villa vii.ymnde ami fluevlllssasslolel ~L Kw1 eibish, lIe SaisI poreibbi nids a~e ahlu adn huila. Evesy olty, hoviver, bas goçi j --~. ~ roade lare. Tonontôvoihi m comper. nov sud thea as to~rosda lb. Il Il la a oaitoue,'lbeqmgh aulleipabea, aio-41h change liii te bemit ai 1h. eteilon W41 vas set ~ goniolàa 10 oonvaywlabc IliéboluL We ~s ut hear .uallu& bhrougb ueirov elisita toi s mile ~ ami !and~d on île tootelepe ofourbelel bon "mii~ spifleudingon svbart. Nuthoaseor ~ &omh.y pohlules lb. oity. No rusnbhlag *i~.~j>~ ~ cfvh.elaenearriegeuisheardenlylhs ~ joui of gc~delleim ai lIsp meul sSii cl.om~m.ut 1 pas.. Tnom lb. wind~*s ofotor vs Snob dn~n ou a namai amoCher lana ~.s W ~1DWU5U5 ~ hrlug.enp et peu obempor -~ 1usd oit Ils b or~quaal et lalige Put itou. vb.a a me moso malter lieuse M olais Tov ouel~ rt1 m-re velu uf lb. bas ge of tees <ou. >zbl ms.l- 1110 if lb. eus Ivlth ailla ~rau1- lb. 4 Whal <tee eQo. Tu iii mv mia site u~womue U5~t5eiu amieauiy srraipd lu lb. ia~ uatlea~ lbaà l~a lire uetlsfautloa eteil partIes. ijader ~iime,~'sai o~ the.. àlsinsnstane~ai offere&aooppoit. <e. A.f*r lb. lieu i. tii. e.neud.4Obawbsr,,adtime -mise os leee people . bavlug uproossi seilafaqlloso sol Use ule.mlu lbwoogb thelrOhlet Meglatraie 1h. mal- do~elLalthsmes 1er vas allcvid 10 beeoîue 1ev. ~his, ta fan asi rimoeubir, la. plain etate'~ vbo vos, lest meut ct.btio<iourrsd~.t bilai limebut' le pas. abpva j: preemune lii. Btillmgs vili b. quit. g as tb.p dli, prupeni te <lv. pou luthier Informa. ehaltbt diesi- 1105.5510 Ibe eouWenoe uhtI tii. offi. ~s lu ii1~54b.i olalsoIIl.Iiy,, O.. is Ion Sf lb. VatîbfuUy~pcurs, ta. . 1O2E~I DBI~DRN, rosi eervieàbie - ove KL 050. 051555t faut wask utile GBoBt~E À. BOSS. Mis. Jo&Blgilev, ani-Mi. ~. Nervlllne, Whaî t. it~ k Apropo. ofifanlan, ~dit lb. cornet NEW I. H. Mu%)lv, ai. bevlng I Poison'. Nsnvxmra lia combimallon I thinglo spesk cf bis luisait hotu as île "on Abs aboies ( I>~gem I cf lb. moat poisut palm îellivlng euh- j barbon bar? *Tovuship of Harvey.~- etanois, knova.temulleal ueleuco.. Thi~ Kl4~zey Disses.. veilla a visiOn, ai 4< hnnia ~ Lt.........t usa ion oui bu VIE r. lohaathaul nsblp, bai lb, cf lb. iouutij ~ iono.bred - ~Ei U&WUW iU-~UJU JAM1VWIA8UU~, UUU omuuu litai I~inthe 1boIale~l dlaoo~erl.s.~ Ion n~uraIg dramps, peins la lb. heai-esieru v.îk shippeit fnom laierai!, sud louul-Nervtltue bah ueo abeep, about as uquel.~ Ezpsadl0eeîte'In tbe fI Ibis section bbey obsai cf a simple boîtli cf Nervali Biookmauyotlbirn md b. coneluosi cf île marvilil IlY luraed Ibebeule paver cvii pain. Large bohblea ou~ aoumdgotmphhoa w.. oints. Sold at~ W. R. Hov.u's s mal. -~ ~ ~f iTuLia.. "GIA vas ait a mans a comble. ava 15, Il le meetbo remsaik Ibal baah lu ai, ecampossit cf ohope. 50 ". ~. For Craoe~~ain lu île Stcmaeb, SIC Bovel Coup Obhfla, use Ferry PUB Davis' Pain hier. Siendri. lu otbp coluxun. 'g, 53W ADVEITISZEENTS. r!. Juil Pruisel, ',aud onu teugue. ou t ut Be vanta yen b bob a ecubhe I . Civie Eoliday~ cml bellwe jeu sbpsak ouep." -~ fle 1,~JO panade. lis, Hew~am ~' e~e"xî le îaiuuî b 1oc6vlnoeNa mmm nausi bim "lmoebo" .54 i~ll.ti4S hie sinise tuas> againsi bis obibit hlm tille fallatIta. d<eieaî ~1hi." Wbina.aiok man bas givoti biliona. Tii. hay ofliargtu~'s vIs. Kldu.y*orte Iborcugli trial, bIh viii Oshava, lb. mont., W~ ii.hlhlt. md senaue oin lu unqmallftod approval aeaidu show 10 thousend. A Iceal ot ifs omis vu qualillea lu ail diseaseef I .brueb off a fleming suaves toi liii User, blinuja md bovels. unlatie md falay' vas shova te t '<bUalui.a." Tise emgagsd girl la nov known as e ta tropbusawca in thu sport. Dc. dmp bulle. Ion i>eyet ~oi1 Ferry, by*ui boys "Tv.uly'teur beaulitul eclorsot bing exblbllui lus store vtadcv. lleDlamond Dyis, for Silk, WooI, Ccl. oprovemuos. ns beiag miade et lb. Imun, k., 10 et.. A eblld eau mas vith rsy statloua perfect subeesa. - te village vents lb, ~%id1end 10 - AWistes~umagls«~àte, ùmedPitohei. l'ov~îl2,O0Ã" foi nemovtug ibecer Ita ovldsnî s-lt h.. ssemlostedlui lb. Bond. ~i??? sud hàrty~et9.~ r. lames Cmi irai faveur la ~e exienalvi an rrn.n r~ss~o sun reunesnrnenoa au 10h OIVIIt IABTIE, Be.. I. mN. T..Feb. 0,11 ave hua- vury - loy nytbing, te ne advai ~op Bittais reeca ayI eoneiud.d 10 I dit, md noy natantlv Imniovinu Eyeui IoE~t] BLAC - GUI V/ai Biook Our To" MIISTKRSA ALL BAINTI R.v.L P. Pille Brises' sT2:onwnc 5onvloe stlO:I 01U7 - CÂNÂDA M Eev.N.B.WtlIi Bsrvleealb 8T. AiTDBZW E.,. lac. TA] -seivis.i BAP Eev.H. O~8pel Serviol ail n. a. os .OCAI -. T'~?~ 5~ ISPo 41.50 asoe, sud le lever Il le doubifml If phyhidul ouurpge vouer 110110*0 pair hue. me' bhiel kIhh.meelingof vbb.b bas bel te luivorid lb. Ilfeot ~ ~ti~îna.,41 - lbe~tevl~èt, Poilmuber ______________ ~.1>b. lien waatpa~ss.1 ÃŽu~' t Tii ChOIOgU. eepy cf marne forvi - of tlu.Iale~ohsrE» Au Ã"nthrieh lu Bappt cf eboiste 0f We, lb. ~uubeE* 1~ mohissellgasut lina, audat dailv ~ e7IDputh5l1lu<~*Ml i.dclesce.

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