a6 VEARS ESTABLISHED. BE WHIIGT8 ROI1E rRIDAY MORNING,1 Street, Witiby. ERMS: S1 PuRa à <lUM 1IN ADVÂlICE. Tire CRREONICL11bas a larger circulation hau sny cIrer paper in the ounty oi Ou- J, S. Robe rtson c& Brosq PROPMTORB. TERIMS 0F ADVERTISING. PirstiInsertion, par lino; 10 cents; each. ubseeuenti nsertion, 6 vente. Dioplayo4 Advertiseureits are meaarcrei byae eeof 0moud Noupareil. and cbarged1 Adve emensent vithout Nvritten in- structions isorted until forbiddan. ancl ,harged fer ifulitiord. Ordes for dlscontlnning advrtisements muet be lu writing, otherwrse thre publiabera wili not b. respirnsible. A liberal discount for coulract advertise- moent@ by thre yaar. Oopy for changes cf vontract cdvrtlssmeuts ahould ho handed in net laler thanL Weduesday 'suad notice cf an y Ltendati changea shon- - t e givon ha- fore Tunday ncon. Olirer advertisemercts recived np te Thursday ucen. Business notices in local or nov. columana finIt insertion 15 venta pertline of Non1ca- reil; 10 ceoûte per lins eavh subsoquent iu- sertion. Pive vents e e epartainuor. Correspondance san citad trom Il -perta cf tIre Couty or nelgirberina tevuuir.etCo- respudents anr rquosted te send n their commninca.tions as prncuptly as possible. JOB PRINTINO DtPARIMEMT. Tis Depainent la veU'supplied vitir th1e Nevest and Handacruet Styles of Type sciteile for every caos cf Job Work. Fine l'rntiug a apevity. Thre Cmmor'curva equipsuent i ins reect la strictly ral- 0 iasi, and t ' mot exvee by sy office i Eatern Ontario. Business Direotor) T HE WETERt BANKO WHITIY, -ONTARJO. THIOMAS DOW, Manager. Whitby, Nov. 7th. 188. ly-4 ONITARO DANK. WITBY BBANOH, Snack Street, WWb m slsTHESSËSBILINGÇ BARRISTERU A ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BOLICITORB 'mN CHANCERY & C. H.F 19V nit la> Y& IITCHIE. w. H. BILLINGS, Toronto. Whirt . i - Witwiosn1Pi0 t pod ,g t b 85 ntai industrys VO adv@cate Peae, Progroas, powiedge rtoro4 VOL. XXVII. WIBPOVNE0 NARIO, RDAJJNE 9, 883f O.2 W H 4TBY. iovNEO ON -M&Y R< ge=i rooU 0air OSSM II OUB]i.,-TORDONTO, ONT: ho Palace How of cfanada Refittea, briuel ,and Unzlivalled. New Passu. 9#1I oiZ :aiada w1tbgau. ieu, :I, 25.and zp r day. b r.c Club and others, deslxIng ms,1without board 1to jr day. b. 71k1 78Proprietor. NTARIO HOTEL, BSOCE-STIrEET, WHITBT. JOHN LESLIE, . . Proprifler. (Lateocf tire Simvoe Houa., Toronto.) Havixcg lhoroughly reuevalsd thoeHane thisi feU, Ti prearedtaentertein hic oua- tomes. Te ba is tocked viti thre ciroicest brande of Liquera importod, a i choie. Olgars. Good atabîi and attention. POST OFFICE 1SALOON, TonoxTo. ta' for stt 47 Pic y' - D JQHT< E. FAREWELL, LL.ii., B BÂ18 'R Cnccnty Crown Attorney, wung, Court flouse, Whitby -4 1)ARISRRIr. office forrnarly cc- 1)ou pladicy Farteel & Ru t1odge, nait bn etyai ote), lirovIr St., WlriIly. DAVID OIITON lu. - D4001, l r o Ovirim-lu the Offce metirof tlie post Offce, lan MUKigle'Bke", Brook'Silet, Whirtby. -1 OFFICBe-b ui Vitorta, ChambUaà ,Ne 9,victoria street. G. TOUNO Sexilu, 1LL. a., ARRIMITR, &o., &o.--Monïey tam Locin B Isner of Memetage Lîceusos-ý Orc-Over t>eulnn uit, Whllby. Ibn. 22,.187.. tf -6 suRà caO. r n uolecCue Offc,- De-rnf'a rncdk, Brocit Street, Whiby, Ont- J. RAMER GibEENWOOD, TTOaNCT , ..90 ,CON A voyancor. Near ?bc ePi Office Dreyer N'o. 41, -hitby., .Ot. - Ferxis bon lii&Bdcd-d;Meriao Bl- meula, , * r t2im*f McaU. Loas naelîti Cli mue 0fPtn rty.- 42-ly T CLREGISTRIR 0F TEE HIIGE L?.4b Cour f Jlstice j B"Dïtr o f the Sarroget, o uît' Chk c treCu Offce-»DeýUl'5Bîc treet Whirtby. MONUT TO LlT-rvl ed la enim p te 800 I evrAta 11, a- ARISTEIR AT LAW LI!iO18 ro9 Stree.t, Oshavaà . UltONlqTO TME OOTTNTGA-OL, UY8HOSPITAL LXONDON, ZiG., G h Iba l~ : ô!it. sioatiaro. DRýoi., OG &gw aVbul4by, 1Sept- soIr, 1874.1 dû 1W. o. £OINus.-N* PROVINCIAL LAND 8TJRVÈYOR. Can h. founti aI thé Law Os et ;. 0 Kelly ,Bsq Whitby, or st direreluO.t Mr. osies Jbapton, Ferry"et. %ira 1. j . Mir 0W (I 'sme5 1* ug Agent, 4 r Bowçries dong) NIew York~, &nthovialtu st 0 i4et afOt ,dvO'l menu.lma -.1Cl, ILON1O ýiE n 85 best tatas. ana boi lIGIS, p. MDaweoecaor, of Byroà * and Glbert slruel. P. 0. Boa 1ud, A I T- 'C ' pu T: UTEM BEST ÂCCOMMODÂTIO]ii KBUNDBRTgONJID hiagles -tire Intematonal Hatl, Port Whltby, sbem bi mcny friands te caliand se. n. Fermera and oibers dolg business ti@reHrbor viilfigoo00daccommode. on. 1tf ~ ~ ~ ~ l P ASR-EKRhisummer il be prevldad vitir beats st reasonabe hithy, Mercir lot, 1882.h ;tNEGIE HOUSE JAmES CARNEGIE. Prepn.stor. This Hlouseias ben flted up ilabfut- am tla, &adtie propniter viU give bis nonl ttention tc, guecta. Liquore and bgarao et 1h. heabrands. Excellent Blail g msudBia. okering. May 'ITthIr, 2. ly-28 BLACUt fuEtsE 0SOTICL9 Con, Fecer & Gzoun.oaS=-, TORONTO. LLFRRD OXFORD,- PROPRIETOR. (Late cf Wllington Hotel. Mliar.) TERMS, 11.00 PFR1DAY. God tabl- g fur over aff0 beries. Flrst-vlas aveoin- aodcation-.for fermerxansd tire travelling bubîic in general. (ly'4 'E HODGSON HOUSE, (Lâto Timotiry 0'1#"m'4 cUFIFIIS CREEK-PICKERING- Tire aire premiseabave ben talon by tire undgnslgned, and are nov bcbng uevi Oitted up for tire recepton cf guests, ead tire travelling publie. Best Wlnes, liquore, aigasa, &m. Meset aIl hourm. Gocd ,labltng, ushed ooru, anti an atten- tive aitler. G. DAWES, LIOENSED AUCTIONEE£R, l'OR? FERltRY. H AVUI G tabou out Liceuxe for thre b.LPro.mptiVttended in sny locallty. Plr. AI sou 01Ashburnia ur sielp agent, andI aU arrangements made by bizo wiil be yelid, Brne&a n rade wlth , I Februerv Lit.I 82 'ti-? LI'MBER !_LUMBER1 JOHN SON, LU-MB3JR MEJ3RHAJeTy Ha, on hb i agau k1-0uppy of. &l insitofe Rama Lumaber Bokas, îand al au*oemaXy' -Bulding Luirisr. Feung B'ava Timber, andi Scantlin*, e large uanit o had. fav zdrs t T BAin Sum, =.4 ir K çsha anS nsel so Wbiby lsy thé,87.iyt -i nn apet.; eslefe'5esli e e14IAOQ, TVTEP te xlogi he seTbr ueieébie, and neyr fantei give salis action r Ooa. Luz bxe t.-oare of corr*tefsite and4 ltadoDl. l.e 'a- u 40 CENTS RFI? OUND, -AT- - "c-- lo- IOUIDRlML wmTBT, ONTABIO; Dominion Wood Work8, WHITBY. Gom , Saab su Blinda LiJEDER whoiesalo and ratll, or by by the car bcd. Planfag, Moudingi of e"mrydeemp- mal%,*aping, TumiAg.SrUWt,'-9 etc., etc# Wbilby, Oct. 101h, 18m. .48 K ING BEOTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, imporbera, Dealirs aud )Mauulalaer.eta Mlua of LEATHER .AND FINDINI38, -- aces1'.Watches 1 Caah paid for Hida, Bâri sa d lAther. Elgin, Swiss and American. __r JELTING KADE TUi OIBR O>1 SHORT NOTICE. Moby, 1072. 99 PATENTS CANADIANS mau seuropaten tuhi0b. ni» t " cm c lb." smi ns. CilluesDis buit te peelO a lthe ala, abus securlgs1r yasçereorvite lima vibbo lmte lise yeamsTotelmmil01 Unilsi Stet th. leueeo viespatint l loo Total cccl cf Canad&=na Yomrapc SO foiilyera, . Ou reamipl Co, O~ lu. S. 1 BouclIers cf Patenta, lent 011.. I Washîngtou, D. 0. Pla"sa mntien vier.TynsUV Ib iar- REALTH 1S WEALTE. De-E. 0.1 mener. a sua 'mInas.. Ccnv Clocks, Jewellery, and Silverware. The Best Mad OHEAPE$T CRUET fIN THE MAR- KET foxr $4 and415Q - A0FI)P T - ?rom th 'Wiétier 'lis viser ina a m te SUUer Tire daily venta virici bu outrageons fortune (Or the vaut ef itl bringa .or laketeo ue'% à Tf birfch cf golden charma.vhSOe coin ýWil md tiein. Te pop, s" 6WIIb >' dear, ha rine? " No more; and by tis act te Bey I end Tire heartacire, wbich dresd cf aIbors' bis And tire tbousand asuelikahcch4 A& mint ff.drtcus Prmtôt It'li mnehing, Tqbetbougirtou. Tomarrt (Jbanga.ry Slite?1 Àys i thora's tiremb -.-er l iraI tchange Regrets uay oure wvisu oes irs slrffied off Hie, ingle cod anà laboua double harnais Wbicb ne ea cm k obel claily. But *v6 cobé lte . ,uco f thtlme. Tire riir ruan'a silgIfIs1Itb m.sor cpauper irioence cf rden;v.bhimf Wo be', I b.d ~'oe~ A~l, ydely =y aiu 'IHE ROOT 0F ALL EVIL VH ROLUM-P tL B ORLAPTES tV. jpvnWn. l"10 I 4, M' i. W voma bglffl-]![s fieaee"* te0l. bpe4pwg net tu if sire ver.diapbeesaa-ht only raticeat. Oire mmvathmessir bIwl e:rhsatlbey o hlluiten outI, ani badirMltatle fsolîug heraItttcelllj bsrgmU. ' lo -t saî - t 8uaY. Bit Lithur. mg aI 1h. h pam mi"e M iam i*«evei a sovr alo 0 et eutlailinlua, suvdaus mli à By loval cdamy gyIf tt'éI- Iras 'aý"ieI5r$O I -~ Opel t- fr~ maI uap "WU1 Ibstbii"- b '"WoI ~re1ddfor t" ' .repested e#y*s,-ottbelotW Ilin yen oould do for lIm, sud vut a amn elnovsa li about hobbIaesaid tei»druwayes. 1Ibid yen a'rosdy tirat 1 eonidu't stand.noe mm orcf hiu' êürobjùmu',nov I cal pron esa b. a hugi' ary'im day sud~ ~ 0 ngiAnseilve geli ontlie suas, ier.hL "'1 etocure ou,- a"na tlo~rdelm ButBÃ" Dl otquItti compr.liend "Ka09 en ob hi.avay ?" abs damd lbn b ffarful iriipr. "Wonl 4Utby "ru l book agin ? Slan't g lao âpeg lms bo-aigiri t" Mail.:. broke eut mb a harui Ieugir. i-No, yen vonl, oey dearh se tire souer yen ie. np yer immd te it lire better. 'TeuIl a'lm&Pagamy' 'le, if he greva bnp, bultVIlievhlpt' if l'Il 'ave 'lui a ecttii' a&bent 'Ore and f wn' trouble for 'thé net tn years. ,va .hlpped hirnb off le lirecounutry, vwhere'oibbu & duel botter lookad arter than here;ame hall yeu've goeois te get tebod egin, and nakelthe hast O f il for tire job va" donotfour heurs *90o sudore, aud theres e oundain' L. t6Kyhabyl ýOh. ny bahy 111 driek. ed3ausIèý lu that voléeof duairtira ama. a.BonI4sia h e 4" bayote agrosie hlgsthy maib. dou."' Houi, 'ib lnoverau aamons sesa seatrami, regards&-lier prickad fingars 'vitir adepreaoy look. Il'Tes, miss, the stuif b. liard-I men, i1118hard-theugir I've ubbed it val tee." miss" pairi abd been corractiag Bonnia's ramaramoaget otetr things. nil hrair id begun te ire ashanred of apaaking iluth. aid vay. "ILbt me' anap tIraI eeem for yea, 'Blo.It vil ha vicae as y tisu. And peur. himble -la tee large. Yenl csa neyer verk oemfortably viti i. I viii lend yen mine. I bavre cuetier la My basket." "Thank yen, misa,, sad Bonie, Il vas by uclà little acte et attention ovn ay e iti bath abs uppor sud lov- er classes. ilOh. il la nothiug. Belcen. Il le My -piject te gel tire vork dioue, yon kuov. And I am hommlug thoea trila le triru tiren tih. Tbey are for Misa Nether. voed's pillovi. Sha. h vary parlioniar about tirs appearauce cf lier b.d. and bras alveye beanu usa tt hava frilled pillov-caaes."l II don' thIinir Miss Nelharwoed voIti kno'v boy le gaI ou vithout yen - "Deu'lyoitl Butaemay' bava te do it &Uii as ame, Helton." é, Ton'rae t going&WVay fronlus?" erisd Honnie, lu resI distre ais, seh ïMps1 i Jan'tblse ilir akprou. é,*1w1-asaiprésent, M, *Il 'iv.ren alcym. I mdo rt Po ry1 sou "OkdeuUseanarlsmilJ"'ztz Be.bairuS«4tfiW5b hr. It cou f "Pooli Uniua-y8o. 1-knoev I19 -ide, h n ili tu ye'ilvr'a iubx - 'ieu.Aillmà n c.nIle d Ã0 -lue irai.Prlipe yod -rnarriad . tI 1 #et-& lhumansd irati iait4oean @u«L linof et hm." î lNo!IL did't ',vas the moerut Asawer. 'Fer cmthe andi[nionthis-J voaldn't have bleu ner aveu opaitpeel bmn,bnt grantimôther sald lie-wassch a lbely<.1ev, aud, coulai keap me oc -v..iii 'aat 'tvonbd b. aain te Bay i"ne' Lb. -vot buabauti I anaxr hoard et.'L- i'Yn !MI ty ana ." rllaahc l 6$.t lev, lb. an 'st o hav 4TheUgbl yen nover Rscv m ha. foea?"o -'à I didn't say it. "ý'Tes, yen did. TorS. exattvcerds vera, 'I neyer seau tira priscuer ba' I uaver did, for ha van't a prissuar vhau I seed hlm." "Ah, s vsry fiae construction. S&0 tirat-yen continue te ha an particular. Diti yen ses the quarrel batveeac k- son andi Airic r? " 1 -No, air; nover ssed il." "<Look eut, air, looka ont! 'Wïre yen presaul vhou tire tve men quarrelled. and'tonglt?" "ýIw varr." "Theagbt yen eaid abat yen didn't oeÃŽhe qaarrl ?" 1I didn't sceail. I beard il." "'Toun avery exact, Wa'il sac bey fer your analyss vilcet-va yen. I un- detanti Shen abat yen heard abs quar. 1 con't kuov." "Didn't yen sà y tht yen irearti il?", "'Tas, but I don't kuev achat yen un- deatinti." -"&Hov fer apart ire thay stand. ing 2 '" "II didn't metesurs Il." "Hov far do yen tiut?" "I1 don't think." - L"'Tour houer," exebaimet he lewyar, "I visi yen would impres ipon Ibis >Mau the hmportucet asotngMy questions. , Tire resait oet iis casa e. -ý p eild e on là m tastim efy. n 0uattil wlictyen kb1gv -about'lb. ifighti tmbourrthnr" 4hYeu'r. tire 1 geirok e 'Fz ' i ~ ~ fu ulYe, ' l4U&gs"~ "A'yU ouwne I e vra à , v ot h. lairt .=taiwg.tf-pr te, tîmasndier, f oyo 'b . 1 aacha i-a111 k' theyuWb$- -'Pen e e fit ît, t , e.t koftr nd fiL';l-oia- itcha. 1 s In' -tb.y ù bouasa utn.knay ad"'lh-,oThef a- n,-thon W"tir, 8tr kuoèand hiuir 4ow.t h aéeen hay t.Ate' ie ethéîë llar ue all su ge - u I *dat-inr eu "T he" fi -B NUYfe-ý -AT TE. T. G. WHIITFIELD'S OLD STAND.ý Josh Billinga' Guide b Health. Never rua jato debtOf yen Caa fincd anytbing else torun inte. Be houe:st if yen kan; adif yen kant- pray for help. Marry youngm dif yec,ùakG a bit keep coo1 sud don't M a & .à gboutï Be. .id y . mobr.i-lav.ant reier. Oùly il Io seO Young ; il poor Honnie -bld paed Ibrouglilidh 4 shÃ"uldn't bave boon look ont et the cleemadl ai treughten.-hor bralb,snd 4 deeceudant of tbe ancient squatter w.. maMer more womanly, than mli. bad. ejie, like hie predecuessor, bas rom 8.asbqqg. on a Pair ef slip. ever beau befor. 8h. *ouh1- nevef- be 'e4lIiet reoolleation been living on lands -pore aud a > otrk -tweèd-abeak that baad claver (live as long asah. -migbt,) but wAoese tilla jejust about s genuine s served ber ea'c dressing growu as she the 1'daft look of wbich lier eld grand-: 4 tirtlehe average colenel, was spoke, thongli ber trembling brands mtelar hadoi omplained, see,.ned 10- 2mored irefore court as a witues. vould hardly permit her te de the have been lest in th1e plainlively quiet' eo, d 14 hdierdagel elo faleningu. Only, she vas se enTions expresaion which nov pervaded lier' erte, and ho*' ilvas lire aim cf 1ev. l e, no mbe theoler room and fetqh <satures. Thal sohe conlu hldbe Wn . r5 te Ilketcb a feller il a alia and back lier baby. 'Ha vonld lieBse old,' was proved by tihe pertiuaoy villa .t fn o , u ewsrsle se tirongirl 'ying Ibere abone." vhicli sirerefnsed te give Janat any toteallov biruseif tle bsdisgraced. ",Nov, ye jiit lHe down again," e4aid information of importance rsspaolinîg Wirat ie y6nr nome P?" aeked tire Rit oharply. V1' m t going tl av ,ee lsa f, for' willi te excepti n e f talk . wer yen catch yonr death o' oold fer abat «ngof her litîla baby, ahe vas âs.ot "Wh oee?2I've gel gaveraI." blessed baby.h Lie devn, I say, and ebst'inatai> But lenehiug Ibal, sire (oit, s,:Tbe oaat lynsg? oover lb.chliet over yen." fbe muet -have relief. Her motelle W T don t sngn nons; I cau'l vrite."l ."Yes, Kil; I vilb-ouly give ma baok he4 wouldhà ve krokan -vrtb leflng Isyarme Peggletou 2 my baby, He muet b. very bnngry, il despairî ie.cailainet eometimea haveé- Th t'eofteil.", i su snbclng trne ince I nnrsed him. indulged-it 'villiwooping for lier lest4 'Wbat's the cuber parti' Yen shall se. bey quiet ve viii ha, ly. 11111e eue. "Yen guessed soeal thesfiret lime, ing liera eeter" JaIetentered the roem vithlBosea v uese again." "Wehl, thé% f "0",nt give'ira yen, nebdiovorliin:bat ev bands. Il vas -Thé summsns Bays Ibet your name md we. 1bW. !rd bettet heâer lb.eévident tlit *aleliteded le speud sorni eiKb zPsgllou; la iraI otorrect?2 trulli ai ~'lime lb-ithe campany etofbar erv w rcknltg i!b uote*.~emiAttan oaa e , uBib. atd bWu&dA Benaie asustutal . ý"Yeu have kuevo the prisoner a leng i# iïà t kuetiathatheenihav Id&@ thA emda e.iil ou 0"can*l'zk asts.vri. 'à bl~~~T Airauxin Co., Auguste Iéth 'Sr!tish à nd 'Mercantlil INSUrANC rr iee perun ac 1Provîno mil bi 1ý 1 1 1- - 1 ', 1 1 good irel. Baîhe lhorely once a -week lu soft wsIer, kalateal seap, -sud avoid liglât boots. Exrerise lu opeu ai& sud don't sav Wood util yu ara cbliged le.. Laif every timue yen <seel tickleul, sud kiff eue iu 06virile enny y ..ýý Eat bauli vshiugdayi5Id hethank. al-if-yen have te amI utr..eyes te do,., t.' ibild tiabby iriîe time'and ai-- lus startte tir iralutire moming sud put on tira tea-kettle.' Don't jev bacla-il only proves liraI oen are as big' a pirel as tire aIrer phel- 1ev. Never boro~w iral yen. areabche te boy, anud abvrls hava anme liringe you vent bond. ' c- Neyer get in a barrie ; -yeun a lk- ageod de&l furtliar ini a dyt eau mun. .1Dou' W ea:i .cnio u-u à a sure net te cenvino elhare.-i .' If yu hiave-A-Ianleraeoiet ynre vite bring tbem. up, 'if ieiaqctc u! caseshu n.auboat ailt yre tles..., irovavar' mean yu ba, dp-'t am.yn kow. 'c Luv anud respekk ymera.vufe anuyhv il ici a goed'desl ehesper than te. b. 'iU *the lime vishiag af ir wiâailtir, lime different- Densl havae eny- roas for leng lt lirat yuwent break, ira prepaieda le dia to morroewýiz trget cr_ ad'fo6rý long I kue et.' K e sp yure lieéd -c eola nid. y f e tfet dry, andi breaet iro yre nos. as'l mucira ya. ceFn. Dont haa kievu if yu eunlielp il pepule on't; reapek4 en ugmc If -yu kanJk--avea aftlatkae. thnubraad. Don t miss enny p if 'w ave te get ton miles cte ywawy tald DPon t kaep but eus.- dogi tirer. la- ne ý -Yyiyzgbto .*,cbevq guide te ieaiiaz4 an »q.UllngeL il .Whers ms hwubaog2.;" - ',Hw do u~w$otIpunlbey- JE geing ev-en rwêt-,'c ' - hurry . -,He'rqcan yon 1ell;thal .tire ewe.l . ,ôy il - a hnrry? 1 eu tell-y'tire tliorugbneea- v.th- v hllbo- exawne-u"vryluilg otA" him. w bi 1 V. 1 wm. EGDGSON. 1 w H i ýr 1 B y. 1 . 1 Ta la