Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jun 1883, p. 2

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E IufiC~ EMÃ"ULB, r 0 QIO Jof f OHBON aHtffl qr*n, boit ama brighlest- 6f On w.lqodntuy anad 1.InngstenograVhio report 4 thiuA.d. J. .1.. RàbertsonI .1epnio1o luiing, w , au-.~tewart, ?lain Trnêhs-Smlphur and Iial Oh..Ezormioa bToronto-G 7.: WhItby, Friday, JuDO 1i agpp4m.wsam& eowek. E GI =pS o tilon 0 lm P' QpDai.Correspond a&u1 eOfht" oiM" ofIleton - vitenmafor 1epaaI .4lbor am propikior. Yb homww tf Wboyh..5,tL.r et Mn > of 0r e * 0 l E p" l b Md. outfsusilo woI B1» ndO.Uo Tlm on EL wlUw. ré iv re; fovwUiddwkiSnàtonaié<ifii th Whisby £Iuaoacm. - 'C~yPooa !Zou4. On W.dnaos4y luit Mini of UibmÏo ,porrestei', of by tow% M a ipeolal oornmil Oouur otsoil, ppouU.4-foi pou,#,we , tia iit to l', theo of ,eomio.Tbqy wr. muIgd byWatwhn $aooî of Mdan forilwï i.ull.4 ytheu h.av 4W.gi 0uo .& 1h e osarh oFwm, ssOt ,bom?.- ad jOba, modiga., 1b l o i bdinggbonourtothoi,i -aa~sV nd $0 à"is i eruua tu 'eaier. od, o eîàtbiSo a. n. Tho ile iii osus uait coi1e, tor. qigly tbp wooemgy emt.is o rm pros- cagnuihUD5&U~ i grest sud fO.Iuàn b rns Nor semîovled g la nd te. ts hbJt andppklipoweoîhas boee _____a_ d eval within that cita- rmonths d 10(ia, . i, Unê.i g."QI igaiI Ipossible that oeouhaîlu in lu he*Îý "Uic ï4a th.eaole~té,eo illt tble same unwillingneu 10 ohîsin îodiose ,nood the for peliti1al vnge by gober and coh' itario Oo. tttutiobAl me, the Icame "ed j 'do boelveen labour and epila, lb.'ý igoiougly slas vlsionary' sobemes cf social, tala- tionshlp. in fine tiie came uiter disn- WB. Con- gard for -the unaltorable decrueos f' ÃŽ- f pu b -Ileren, that have characterized emre Ê___ *rpubletome ioemeats in the composi- OMO SUd Iin cf -nations in the Old orld, CMl yet b. 1éreloped Into action. W e Must i 0 dWl3 jtadge ton hastily of teo pooplo of othér coutrips, a a p oit4iy g thoio with vhosn itls18imposrible fora~s to- b., intimatsly- acquaiutd. Chco stuad .0 Er sietof histoay and eacurate obsorveiê blier. ths a Rus s bsiowly work(ng hitby. ' ont har desliny, and ltatin adue lime, she wiii tako lier stand amongst the- -rý mnst ellgbtened nations of the carti,' 'h/a Day. aud b. conspionone for civil androllti, ces libeérty. - Wfithin lhb.'tlîài ,fév yoe. stase thé' *nobit elüini 'aou cftii lb8rfi'the pséapIé n ids 1havé made groal pro grs llielf gevoninent. Tbay baYe ce eh te leaniapise doubt by slow sol jl to &Uw' aicmi alilà , à&l7. - dlo 'lo t~eîyvi.Â~S .1.eiý -aljé oel i rur$noa "yp? !wr e e*:,btl8 thé bo L4' I i » arady been i n lathese col. i~'4n ~ taçuga a 0"we are- ed halhi.witdraal rom pub- ruidéth& aliO bboth Yo N 'W C u i ' q u ais eo. u n d , kw c d Wp"amloum temommr, bî vus cv 1888. popular cmu boUs aides cf t l Hse. -lUr. Wood ws iot ,leèié o t 1h, RosaiaLegulaw[eiul7l-repreoenîiag - oelh Victoria, a constituency that 7t Wïiby peyer falled le cîtand-ýfioIy. by hlm. teeb.I Obe poltiénOtn;tOony t1r. Issu. u tuViétenla Oouety, a wnk .Ibau keumimzkmgonatilihbe m eêve a. apecaally op rlà= -ie 1 wd uiiti Usiorma *14 ~pWOdb5é... sfnthé IbN fdelà Fé T e? n tuaâ er dduPv~1i Frexietaiy, Ç, i. g1po$at of b : attn of ni &niultdmi,tbe Prov. ýoe h-rii&J& 1ol4.ùýRp.in.tm iai ViI4 dtqu$il oi a. sulàaPeéh li OM litWan*s, abWiletEioe. e'b loswkcd àtho bac don., for l. t snntuï hoeeeîfrein tia4rmmIio bi Piovinui, na Ooopi- tadesutpe'sî stailjoîüin M rgrets Ibut the- 'pulie uare lI o"e lb.,serviomo t oo mblii a cileu. la bits retIremont aba' ès Oiearylo n o ftlbaffars ce liai p1aYa monotary institution of wlicbh e bas MPaiker.' become the head, ho viii Lave lhe boit Picersing, vlsboes the Province gentealy tietl. To ýfiodlb. mana pecîolly fitod cary on-any important work thal bas or tbe Pr.boeensucoceafnlly accoatplshed by an- rk'Oonlty othor k not alvays te ini s i n alter. a ogiqt That Mn. Ifowrat bas been ahblop lasce' Mtile -in Mr. Wod'o "OSizin. ù0worhy, a F tb. Conu- fe irti, I3rauxttseairsvolumes for vltb' 40o biiovu kown aViluYiipdjadgmenî 'as , , ý 1!ea4.r of th&' 0!rnant ninl - m iime.4 t fbku s-tFfogl ýhp, i . 11, l 4 Chutais- u" ei nlaem'bm'vsIi Fm's U,&Ik ji M ter boug,.o4. P4NIit 4I~ Pfome te ii q dnot tlobe on- alsyb*ekae bey»VB't bard £ i me 000e1% ni ab.&ûldBcd. Cp~iiiiÂik. Tho 4ink aPe1ý Leu&pitieIfl 1hï1 orprgnowu place, la ae pruinltiime habilsohun alîhe 0.14 IraJ.and kme desîihialun. y ortiin Thravel ks a very fine thing- nnIgol . l k ell vorîli rilin about, eh~ehtllywIiu ehlaradrianros Le 1.11. Tho Porrai advipjuros of Yense Tbuywili ha daicrubsd in, luis mn Whlbnci. mete London.? MaYboý lyat'c the Quein?2 Or lthe Prince cf Wole, vioo ag n euld ifnadthat *ava owtl ablrojaced ýo me in Canada, ,wbin K.IL R. . an moscif an -a fov. othbr4and a hotu. of, Som Fanle t- *gether. Fack 11I .Beoýinc oursolves. me late silence abut I le !iarkiss au the Paincogs was tbrubUn lHer bIjesty, anddsite wanited tO kncw Vfront ta. own ipjs lb râie thrUt'lf cf matthers la Canada. '(This G.~.'tnCk oolwlpoe.) But Wb& l a 1 Ihinkin &boutl$ I.an.wlbetk,.B"e & s ynit. têbvoM»ilbaeson vois lt l"à4- -b"1.siIii bi A, Pnk WY, Jbý,Y o %i ?I"kbn au n ,gI~~I'16atsa. ll" a u ays81nt in'- mas et eboewvobuue ¶ s aav*. We ocup ide 1bTlhe bouab*d aS swe .sbur. Ta ver mualy »W wTbuub Tio lmdy sle I&round beras.d<aoe, wilavail u iaou bi a' fUer, il viaiti:oinapt»u1fmou-wM I'st a*Bàd bo" To a hoan ILioe ethr, hata 4 niet 'way,4omïinal 1 tau berm Ihao ea tiebn hon in bo %ebaite lvi a oubod ben ty i calya1dbn o -Tw SU a a Ibene rvn.emh Deep. i;tedoov b.et ibun c 07 voi ÃŽbbiokbf a br 8.1 heg h -ZOIT aI thr Om.botbeua. DuO é tkasl, ea-me "ï obea As , s b teg putoi deibet'e' vwmp;ut ia h.m ivib sinai s sy einh Mfo apbe 'Iwt uZýiit mtbi tà*Su f kot 1paWhl, ou I 'intile owin ensW Ilowandt i %eIi ' n fus o4 1os ai u ý wâ vai rovld gteth. erà vs ol imil 44 jlk.An i LMInY 91wr . n a. a1 aes.,a if,vitaa mïitêu ie s ioktb la~aoi gaptbte f-l venl a4 à'srw " bu tiov paWwai,hon - ,"1'rr 4 ~ w A yes sai h ave pane <fqoi' * ,aigd, ýCoqa b *t' *tID th gS:eIxT~dbit~mrar toIs1treûàu. KTeDbuhaésk 00 b thélMjyÊe 1 O'cîwns 1 latten, lhe. a' on thm Y O'D'S ASýF- .,RTiMIDTw Qp ci Mu. Jobn'J. (iullook1ang.ld rosi doaaî t'ih ' 'iedvîrysudgla?: t' ît'prî If N yen are sick Hep Bittors viii surely aid Thia ibe *e-b' e. ,Dsamtdowo Natv-~jiue annxnsbng yen veil wben ail eWs ncifi IfVon are cestire or ,lrspeptic, or are the r ola oushroEngn4~1L4o8 b. vnc%m Ieesrriusidin aomp -te. apara slel-a waumo~pp~q~q~sp. ' If yoname vsalng avay vi nyfort cfiSineIls fa I Piia*~WOzt CL" t kldney diseas stop tenapting dea b sme iold con a gi ri~ Spinks inella a ,ln aiv - mnt, sud loin for aP. mtoe Bitter& otbeî med" Mr. Ja"M à W=s Lîmeyén-i üe ab *sl9hff gh*i' Mme oueel noticed abal" rwh-voleialau thrig r'U ueeb' Solr ,The. aei aiwtuIU1siý-omPrne ~ * cot a s eeac4a uani the site b ~ righl rm.3 ààt 40*0 olde n thé g IiL ~t ne ro i as ,àbosn. -stepaen , tlwf "4T '~'[ rouk, Pre#idqtl »v ï lveny, vice ~ ciounob olu rt as Po. ; W. V. RaMs Se .ytî.vb06t',mment. D.iilIf5alla4!.gêmmdi àWWt Eii.bealth andvi olsaln tat 't- ~ 'Inluone reg] usrityt ~ C.i WeB16 ivïj l e *BI,, floadbLàeadache, lKyPf O- Ii.Bne'~f 'soît intÃœ bil - LyiralonE. Pinkham's Vegetable.o 1maI.wbi!i Webs,$~jp~t5~ling e stlwhih al &U ias enr"Mo~ h tuaio. tun Uol-, sg~' 'ai Ihe Diaruond Dyesimore tb il ODICf 14» Ibc 5,uve for ç10... mi ùn bau tlii A ~ Mt.n sud more brilihat colons. f. -c' ~ t --&0ea» oui take 4W î qâtaiestIkeeps apon lb. çpvu.- Foro -.5td ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 honi me h ~ Inînln f eulhuh If Yoi front' ms 'd il ueion ur. beyond questioü lhe mosl Jongli Medicine vo have Aew doses imvariably oui âse, of Jough, Croup, and ah di bstory cf medicin. But disooveiy it bau been naranl.e, a test wbich no due cam stad. IlOU b knd ob hby. ~p~rI~S Ao( d ml Dî~~bity"fftra )psol a boolblack issemblea EiIeolIct]îig1 it iia vonder- ~t not*e t.<ia f S o "l- - e- -Rough onRas" * t rats, micam, rosesfe, bugé, skunks. sobimuks ovéa, J1j. 0t tr -N EM ~' 7iji i A . . ' 5 aleIlle Lrt 4A L a/rinr n# j ,. -pantn-âa,» ifn 4ýeMh c ,1 Jin t kTfrIAXIIUI ijXirh1 M pifli f4, C41tt- » ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 Ï itn n-zpiig thsuuju go ioy ~g ft tt' 'LauS,î - :î di-' HIT BY. ý.,D'R GÈNE'RAL

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