4' $vi u Atega& -& e LL KIN D S ]Brook Biraët, Wh14r. m"curt. fit cam. mort. 6.18 H. B. TAYLOR, WMlby. ÂPBIL 2th, 1883, OCAL AND OTHERWISE. RKjAT 18 60196 ON Il TfWN AND ELSEWIE. 'A BUDOET 0F UVELY NEWS MATER CLEARED 81 ORONILEIIOiTUs AND OORRESMMOETse "A ilpou a1 agà e ln' note, The iles of the .lnging 4ai rde ih a à ond. Andl Dov. thm frog il propteIg 14 n. .iokchu el, i <. iewawls., rom à . M. If ouée Mr. &in The lo Gel evenil Tho G.T.1S balfi rou Tbi on Si pou Nioe snpp: Tbi rabt land. dt Deve pmn Th *sis Gel lago for YOCW dog-the Che6f &dao onstable le on the rampage. Manin Trhe Tronso Mvcait reports a nov 'T or"Odo ata ea Th@ Ozsomu sportlng ocoumn a hby's prononncmda deolfsa foaoo*bol WIb,%~jrng show of herses anda$o teon &,211h iact. A Thé nov I1p10 s k building at oe Brand n li col'95000 . ho a leTap o.'te tcn t'e "' aà dbw arent ca " Ugsdedovu lh caret" N*vParaecojuWt la banal I.d Z. N-ew Dr@e" Gouda ina&l the nov shd,,jqit;i t %is wovôkÀ-'.I 9z Bosu. .î tUi Mr. 13mitb, tenant of the Mitchel nad, fera» ia lova, oinan.aced breahiag soal Th en Frlday lat.. dao C. F. stevcnt'o Scotch Tweed@ ara amoi the heol la bu baid.Made op ret-olas haino and a good fit guarauewi , 1vosl Maplucaugar il *Carco ad Isar ia cul. Qnebmo ie. 1voaller b.ing uafavorable Ti for the deofaithe top. Caa Sprnmiboa at aI et bocauea' &ba balai- psted oIaOWn1o Who go loné lfeU aIl 1iaDle Uh 0. F. McGllivray B A., leala lster lu doîng vOll.-O9ý4mdiz SoJaooZonaL. Cobourg in jolr.Ing Port Hope, Wbit. Jaal ly andl Oshawa, la thorel dovors 10 cau mours a McndayV'o aucang Mausilgo. $M ing vomI. rom Thé Moumday mrnai'mail trala l lie lhe north on Ibm Mîdianal vas delcysalbap tlli accu by an open swilch erangins B a van. sr Exoavalio na vers beop* on Wealnee. Cari day w otîe etoe, ýq ya à tllphani capab e.ndlniff blsséuMid la being porfactel. "Young 1cdi4e mi lie bu caraini taose t4f tbh' emeses I te W nal svllobeèOff on tb. rcng mnth. -Wb Thor# r cw>s,~jr eJd! MOI pupils aKtbe hé ta.wntuuhe D a mol atendant. aines tlb gofI a Plougblng and »Msunbas s.bognn cé beres andIher il vWMpqgîils and al o -erai.Ua lil b ro- mcrkably dry for thze semoo, t<Je aur y-v lng bM oss sO1111e rs. An importean ctlas sale af i rs oi. "1""s70yog SholicaBil. frais proualna renoro mIitaie. plinslu the Fait rouadon ýe*,y£27lb 1.51. à ecuple cf malrlooalal p""lle mo Bi, ain a n Tnetday and alWdnuay froe th» *adl and *st qetveiy. B3y.lbs.msy <br. vil! ho omtlm gun ma scil ltequontlaitila .of Noan m li dony <balte drlgmi duckeys are Jost dalléio om, bu) S lhea, 'île Vary nanghtyla0abOaon Sanaaay. t.g 60Lovèly tm;rivi;î-i A ,0,S cea41 day for lb. rac." " Wlial8oce ?" or IlThe.bhumas reace hoébemnm." Sacb Ob voesthé, ooysrweived by &soribe_,p and rnuoehd1 44S44. M o.- t l op 5 asiwbl.kq) SI. lu ~ sîvea BuiI.rlck's l<eshinofor lMaolIseOrcaoeogts just arrivoad. ktyW.', Brook atreel, Whitby. Aulsi tlor P1býbu b@4bovAu, ho voek Puiling inpootica thm o cf Brook St. morclants. orrunde at theTova il, Tnemday inq aqK à * rurnoréd amalgamationf b la so .PU loffe"ltte , or Deïgo W1c1>sohbo, :, *e ïay lune iihtW*.;inaM.far h"d b. bocnlaid oucr tal. ,oé à irHUm.-Tbe gilein »u g witb i y.ur.oaebor beoano. h. lkop biz.bênocul of your gardon * lovwn look-up vau hadly nord np Wturday night by twoacilioens vbo lnoeoe~aed f di Or nayofSo à W i.saytl*ai »d*r befcams~ mllmualion o! <hae fi frro.r 1, ilw» hey ibe Cm ou ouWt11 er"oi. rgQprfo ou Morday mlgbtnt ho 'aMore fos 01tgora. C. P. ,ru 1. S.Beyvibel>lao.dBu*.. hocIUMUfor i irc-optla >a 'l anieer nthtiI and Tma cm of- eU. y evMlng nul. o sm.osto frons o ooa .P Cratio --06t S Beels& ras., areli'. ~ ~ ~ ai B44Ehvedun the bg colnipint. M r annIà îJ imiteNS lb.artol AI. Bow ntIi~ U pu-lft n po. ocsa th.w. a b e aloan ai , K.tG. n' Smïa st.à lae for1 t'. j '25 FEp ir'.tYY i i Generol Groshin, af IndW4ien thel.nov Poatetor4inoral ai th. 4ed 8t -1, viIh b P m-n, a e Wbnn uT nto. ,1týthte raesa l oubùmýLùn i» Mr'.McHugt41hVp#w proprietor of thbe a$~Wa$ni~11Woneedaw and Thura- Benoit o r nCh Conaul at Sluanhui. lAtldiaraa four ays Mmi W. P. Taylor, who hbas op the 0" of Mr. (Jbarlmo Taylor, I101$ fur Obtoog . :.Il "Wtt > 'Ëin'z*uio! &Brook%,. h t. lecture in Toronto on Tuomday nert on "1ig »luadors." latWrn. Wilson, mon of Mr. S. WIson, ué«mcynman, Pickedfng, lait for ma¶a DI4a "39W 0. Fnereasotant uhrIte tlonbeo dutts sS.lion. . à !LU(J'D lm Mb «riung theà ewm Mr. D.By PomI Offlce Inopotor, Bar- Lshmbo iletgtn morne frreg.. iar- Min. LuoyÂlon, of Wh im a spodbai afwdeaia Mm .Arnott&,,z 1 nu 'lr. D. Ro i ern, together vth >lMuu&a J. Br.Powol1 &Co., left on Wmd- no.dey l u atio, n S kt. Oathilee WeraigmbtPrerrw rindseo..he .rti e1tt]P1 eaer. le Menas. T. G. Whitfied and Juo. G. Kel- ly 1'?M . J o o o , ! l . o le pt Im& i-* buto Lndn Um u lmd i ylûam 1. I. T. Gurnoy snd wifo, Englmnal Royal th-oeýTI y 04dm4ouf md upon by lUv. Mr. Fidion. 'The Que*:01 Wu4nr oddtlt Omborne.10 tdbrolaodditeeabhé iras oaci! to !lk and lied ta h. lftmd In- ,J fonuùdel"o for thbe rumaur thet lbe Md- ,he 0o4t of ropaiîria; lb. Pet n ad damnage for ba 11h. Ouni to (0 nha' bplello. oc*a by r.. VioySttbp abaruod toleflnd-n W$nue nigîl. 'The ro o uepeOTttWid ibid varda*ame th *Idbê-M4n.'w&* eStnitb.i. flberona tis' me snob a Obnin$hn - p leao~4p ~ l ~.em lo ce iw*i y7Wb" a d-b. pi thé Ã""gia, @bâtltop*.b of eilusI e q lié,uK1s s slq ~TTEND NOW s JNQ:ER -. i î:ii THE SPRING tSAuC~Eu~L~ ti t .iO t-t.- t. î.t t -i. GOINQ~ BItOS. t I * -t. - '1u2t.Otuuul~.u t- /"N 1-%,T ArT, --4- 'i.--- i t - - 11, -o, -y- -SAIS a k . 1 -«-!1- ý1 -ý - -I D Y,- * O U M, iiï;. Ut' Iý TIM We are ishowîng si. ê è.ge Of,>a~sI t~8a ~~~vr ls pie. S] B WeueofxIn xra.good -value n' Tbl7Li', ni facM 1~ od ipa fTwesta a in Our, Goods. are ail' a-srpented ormon~yiefù4d --1-s'-'W t t- i - ~em t, I 4 -, -k- G&4riQW r Have received a.-Ià xgeo Porb' bu f parti of:, Dress Goods in endiesa Lydge black a"nt oooreêd Satiinï, SLaces, Hesiý tonwanud Sheetinge,9 Tiok u#d4 i - mý ro ICI, nfihaal heue flinsblu fa Waal cmshr t" î GAFhoiO p bié de des rot Mr