Whitby Chronicle, 20 Apr 1883, p. 2

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sak ro, eg J;s. ituouia rGs1 Cho %leBiding, Whitby. BUSINEss MiEN!1 Tlhe facilites of the ORBRILUsteam printi lsdby my rmntlng officei Butera Ontario. Contracta for aU clauses of work iae on olouest terme, ana work in&aU cases guaranteed. J.. S. Robertson & Bros., Pro- pji 4moe. jou ' stanton,. inohamocal superùmtendent. NýeW Arti..ma thia Dix. nom swuuge P9l1-UE.Taylor. saes dà-iL. lua a6iak hue-Ga oum Oh 1« Ibssms-L beboud. Rlokemule. 8. aIbtoL.arc 04l~YÂuet 0* P"eamos EmmmearJ. 5 £oeeuo.a it&. Ashbun New Pestums Tlae prmpnlaîon.0of the. usozr.u bars pleseaen usauta MMs- M»«WbUlem a imodi1h u y .Wý humaii W4" ibistom b bfl, Oi. Psu'.bai" py d lb Ula gum hor Wb*" l4 l hm ipel ai* bàSgsaws sdammu..i gmh&ag -sueer#,ma-a wt e-lIt buM rpfluwem lia , Is Ths pIbsesl u sesal- Beecmi, n.Jâmu. fatm aiuh lut sur arWGio*ln vat, n mIl ud 0-46y~~ea.l eatby 'hOmoerlte, e th"lcsIfuss4g X# sm~Ie pb béut ll tide muafleaslsg e . rdnimf- Leue&». yu thomu wbo obefly um t,* huffla Ipothulle.to'tbm publia ee, in abaleecilI ot qartnel -it hem eutkuce-ma terrn hqgieam. son Un-we -qt. sonm lta oresliai, Word-A la làÏoli ldlâspî by mated&Ïu- ..n nos, sMd in tii.Bohots haebsehow lb.e uh-. -Jeot," m isOs pofa 1h. progrAmme cf * eÉ16 .L-nài."-- oee.stg atteuitcilis abti* ýàUt&oAi the& relý,t« gota dividua.l aun pPub :0 hmatb. Purrmri$ but ltl ielo IwpF paitteffemilb old oomoealtem to snob oeatteam, itud it .wa, sot until' oity or 0011017 wu repatq4ty @'COUfi by DIN40e Orsp~iduemimm atthe pSbIeO» min& wumrooasedatutake nmre inqtw ino be gjue ofsci idtuum.u. ain W&boody 'iioem a»d D tomb of victime wsre suppasi toi* ras. ithe angryfio& d aion 000"lé. lîtnaa if. wité fresly offrsi b av thlaonmmag wràtb. WlatleIï tepl de.d were maise upou n4 cf ore rat aidlesnoubh siAm"lt nomne, or mtassei t. o M ut? h. publio wealthby.sîablmbtnp aàmym g 1f pubhiô'itmlmmg of whieh 4e.OS3 proof, yul lb. vons of pee1IlmÜ show "ba but litte progeru. do", ta oi dey Imutisbosnmaie linmeur the muros of disesm ad laPwV* lue a sah ciof publie aU'b thl ela W. ans bead le 11, 1 5Y4i@U y1 oul f The FiretA**awiRopeut tf de". , a mai enu h e'hsekla- aMttL te "" ey 1QnlUt auel of whioh t fi tat. The Rpr auat iii 1.1li $0 three patua - Lanl (b us tZeoýrasimatîou of the Boarmi:the duamenldtou ofsaiu- fotto; toie ugslloean to t wuussifaa mesdit"@1 bnblhûLkdf s aa ti*.r .Reportd nrépes mai làsailfte'muom- vecab~ Olle I* !~ to lire ilunt im-litil uuplatto ut ' itsêi Wa.aiý : &tiw»ok ti b o îeàe Rort pwpenutbefl"fbe't od, loa =u14 tô"1eetis heW bà" fu' 11s4: MOU rto té iessum uî' ati fui4t se- whlob mur bu ett~*titfu ERugbsu« 'Âojeilt fb, Ibet, o Ul"9. t~daloo Ws rem&utbstht î4pee tourdie- Pp bbyr mon1su lltujg u of 'Onti »ed« wJ emo d 7tet b ri4ti" a~ l»Wb. âsi e oW,- tl o., ,a oe wtyp 01*1 e.- byl ymel mu. bu' 57mb uebl pelai ans. test mas une- e-o et Il e-oui ~jr~ ~al~1 M..reti Bso.Ir AsleIsU toul àethypite oO a ifs. Vo.-! eàt ao otlw ye.h ilaé r coutn l en t oêurh~* F16k a _o..IWtIl a1veh by osier. 'ý MIL Fox-Ws uch fan esise, bdt -be t~fiol«mou~ aas tO ýU» tit lm Joh~venn, E lisL.Wp yu n ami I lroaow ïv in.Be hm oaqUa b. t , l îihehla M4- =htbspumsa sml~lil ee" tuil ma he &id !at tu Vit. Mn. Ormialeat Ma Bxu,-b mco4 t u alb.4 lS9tpt tidsiko IÉVln letmenoosmmi Lajr'sucoessfruI. DrZBpfig Opeui A 1IWANIFIC0xTLï fOTDSOK ~s CbMi~et e Wanenow showxmg the largeet and ohoiceetseection of n4 md seaeponableGoodse yet placed.beforà&the people cf Whitby and nrroundingo.utry -. -~~~ - - -- Spr-ingan&nmordiplay of Stapleand Fancy, Dry ~d-aeao- a ll4e testnoielieg in Ved{~ c~UmneCloths, Merinoe, Crape Cloths,iBoaeSls , BItBB indns kerobiefe, Corde, Jet Ornameénts, Tassil, FrilingsUW ags,4~i~s ~las olrteTeec 3, - -aè es -ý-3 r, -Ready Md&J lothing, ýLace Curtains, Carpets, Mats, JoC era eQulta, Floorii --Cloths. Table 01 ~o'tTâble Clôthe, Table iLinens, Napkinsg,, Tickixuge Dtokor, Denims, C Otton---egi Factory 9Cottons, White Cottons, Pillow Cottons, Window Hlollande, Shittn* Teds 1oh«,Catna Pani~g, Gifa hrte, Under B;hidï, Drawere,'is, ColrCis ats, hard and soft, Christy'ýs celebrated manfature,'iealtelte xmrcnpoutos TATLORJNG BOOMING,i udeir-the-- management of Mir. J. R. Pilglýe* lb buyer cf Dry Goo s<bould'Paée ouür adoôt ilgodemarked i,'plain figures at cash prices. IROTIERS, mT aJ8,I1b1& , 0-a 05.=I liu.OI h é l.Toalvto àmoï . Of». à1 myI ie b eý lub. god b7Wl ~ Jp01 Th pri faqwe ssm.srlàé t"VW ;W" ý *Ubbl Mr.D. ' 't t wo~ rgui Isecit, J. »ZqeIl -s 0sr4nuuune, . -W.od bt " Iti ?.thle"k h a 9i T t B adis7. te mbp, hNî»t WU bon astth*etl. *eOs e-siigursils ;Au2OO ii Lîýu Bebel% u ef bjl~s;Cm' TTi ..s. (iwiose-m et'" s De, ILh osue.Ù, nliusslm *en 'Z.m.4 A. M Bade, arefPu4, ',GenL. Jamos anA T. Il Sb e. "brf Clsas~i.-W. .na, J. uco A.~~ ~~ etet ~ ~ D dpaciUesui .Gn'Ges Our 'sbb; M O.'Oeo ý MIWLls tolDrmanuso sguobndigptoa aeetiei h, eeu o h houy aI b. '(tollg1* WHITBY t' i - Thre Bad and Worthless ar, neyer imaakw onrcmus,fri&d. This le mselfytrue of a fmaisl medicine, aud, iis thé. ne. a ~ Aio Âoon as ittidboni t.ted dpnvo'Iby thiqe-bol.e-anrld ltat qp Billon. wmm the purest, best and moit 'iIuabi, tianily anediciais on einlb, many ian- t a anae m m _ , - rrdiî u n ofILE. Msn o' à tanle4i mtruaspuv Oix ere ften la *834uUe4sol* to 'g the t~uu he "mNtue 0us ' off. - - ri, sols a oùnt..omoii eult'é f gos ~'mst~inpnso. "-*Mo1 n 8n;gaj~$$i~a 19 'atursspe, d.y bO AeiOuvii&lsuee-irluie m i i b -ié,Ktdscy snd Brighrua aiss. sud Liver Complainte, and bus to re oolt thern. ou& i elomyctena, DRY T he blood as the founda- îi.,n of life, it circulates tiroatgh.e.vcry part of hebodV ;nd . 'f-~Sit ispure and ich, d.>ca!e kas çxntered the sys- * tu. trie only 1sûr e and quick 'W'yto divo-it Out is toppI* 1 '.y an cnnctebod - Thw~SirplUac9ts âtre well _A -ibirgheit nmedi- dial futhorhies a,,gretibat noîhi*n:lhut irom. e-itxeptore the blood to, its ataturl èondi- ',beadache, and arc otliçrwise injurious. SULPHIUR ANDIRONIRImTRS ill1 thoroughly' nnd qulckly assimuate,wits.; the bloqd,. purifying and strengtheaing it rathiià drive diseasé for any part of the system, and it à'lll flot,: bliacken the téeeli cause headache or constipa. fiorî rand i§ positively sn lin- nious. .St. Johnahury, Ve=ont Oct, test198t. C nd esities, wid beceme so-debl- Lta.edda could Dotre 'nthn « ý'y mtomach, in =f'a.h.ad am beooabszdmc, Md when hope ha,! tI3R. S. L.- NOOR& s' 1110008 EMPOIt-IUM. 14IE W A D V E R1ISEMKXENTS. '83 Sring iotldg S Io now showing anl ho ewest gooa w -i Scotn chug shan Canadian ýTweeds, DisollloB~trin Ovrcotin eMitons, ec., for ordered elotin. 1 ilOlothinM*ctmnder--inyoi mpewu isoe JonFergson, Mèèiit TaioWhit'by. emfin 20yeamc Ithbu made a oorn4 ploeoouzieand iswcth #50 àbottli b Two -Girls -WantecL dits' Collegeone tsg1o sd' itohes i '&pply to -MRS. DOUGLAS, BUiEjst I3IJlLB m 4q'OtQN '13W ADVERTIBEMENTS. ERNGLrI JXWELLEBY Colored Gôldflrbodhes ad Co red~c1* Colored Glii Keeier nAGe We u Xig wqTxil ÇÀik -' '8P s'PIatÉety6od I R E' AIR 1N-.G là 0àrefnly AtteMeda. JAXES ioimBToZ h -OALLA e-ÀTla ms0 - CIRONIOLE RUi &îi&i geemî Mbe lime cf ma. &ma nov t n'ne stoak at tige fi: miab nhîi %OeCRJ îoUZM macs e Mr. siu rm n uaIi c. F. -si Le- beut iu ~t -c mot T AJWI Dot muni Mr M$m, à. tl()If mof beul, Vaur sas I 't 'j I L i - t -t l~ 'i i k -i NoN 7;-., 7T.- 1 - 1 ý7- 1 -

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