Whitby Chronicle, 8 Mar 1883, p. 2

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-ýIpr fthé l. Oowar oua. Dominion Wara. Ot4LY eat PUR ANNUM. WKbThtay, Mar. 8, 1883. TUe Dmalsélection bnmmers ore haiut lc bluakoka ln logions. 1%0 Word lbas <ou. forth from Ottawa iii "MM the b.onctilIaency ai aDy cool." W. am.phac.d 10h. ai. léu 8ual., hoy. ver, "Ihailaetadvios rom ail p<uio f ëb. nerthi ocuYsye the. Intelli. tme. Ibat Mekoka le quit,sa"efor tlie Gtvetmênb, and tuat Mr. Bttée'& elasêlàa suered vth au large -and taêshau amajri s vas oaut for het thélb.bys-eletions. Thor@ lu no wavoelàg or holding back of hise Inonda. Tlh.y pcfacly aaderslad lh. import. S06eorfthe oolsîl, and judge latelli. recUy of the reamous by which the Ottawa pov,. are acta"ainu cekinI Io 0*0 the Nrowat Govrmeal, au d¶Ivc 1hb bannerotclee of Ontario cdbr lghta. tb* bUobtil lo 2 o amsmelaltug front aul P"of et l.ella alatlt Hailg tlhA î-, isi.qos emiebis eleellosth s psaoloe«on cmlb. prtcf hic trWads. TIote s ont t&%ansu&p- Ipi crsvii rassit lu uceeml- = 4 bcmebw.eeoi and a second ap. theImiIsat th@pou$a. Acu linte W fl' lr iib aitc ly theLibecob ata lWatue teshe BagM» hlistrèleti tu she IL% Hall,- Whihyancoderthli aaqhe. cf lie Ontario Ladîce' Wog, eatt, cesaMatch lhit, To al ie tii .plc. Of Wbltby a .gra eppsrquly te bear tbe bcit lecture Waist ai a, lev Mratehcadmission fee lis iteaIme.U£5cents viiino md- *"oticuafl arefor reervoeste. SeO, act s anly aI Powell@ *Dtug bses'. ,Tb# fclovlag notice is taken fmme sai mre Raes:-"Mr. I. a. a ga4ve b4i ltroiucy lecte lai nlgi, aI MasorilsTcmple. Thé o omeuta If ,it.epieu in éthen cibs b&4igùpepathle pullfMr someihing more lis lite averaeleterioffcre ho Wb.bâeosc a i i t .Only justice ho Ur.,» Maea0te at liIIes epects- - Mess vérâa mun more titan reaiset, ta"S Scie p t uSprounccd bils of- f ort teé,oit fasslnatilg letore te. -rgr eol*t grf aaes lu lorolglants *ver Titi saitql .1 b. ulghî'e lecture vwu -Pars, l.4Mthe iand tthe vedI<e e&p"talvat neveu plelaretby &*y c'eut plattr vith More tellasg ot, e.Thé, Iluatiéeuoa vote.xcep- tlaaalW jd, b.t* la intir Wseio à Dansai cr P acesa . - The -ahm niai ro othelb.Otaso is sima a'61svlcOompmuy ppearo alter colauns. rit ainche munul syblIet.1 b. ese i et hopcrty tof teOerngaay, vbl.h mcV forua a ioi bu bea ymeer eparcSodly s> *~ ~ ~ u muhs an.sete a psylu, sos.iband 'medivitouta. To etandrfuua oeu f e0urs -lta faàvorble ozhiit i owi ng. and the Oomuay, 1ia sple.ulng le knovI fubiy appréta iste esaaner ia vhieh Bic re- ed sudandsabe ceabytrcaaurer anges bu dalis. Taus Mcm vAxanium ,LmuaIssux. &N" O00ueio.-Tvo vecis igo Wy pîllisiedte bual repart cf hb!e locisbing oompany. Thte Norh An - erleanbua ire@4y snnlvedahmevi ml. eios a mouge l aursce cn Imelle aud-bifeu Se Ioaiîpsee alrivale, Ibiait th t utb4 a adprudent min- - geugf rn. ti il aim R.HOn. Alez. Mo. NMoCeibtelsSaeble atnd *Ëciesî (es Twa Wmn Jawae.a S&eu.- Mn.G.B. ayorhm. mont laie" lb. . ckele, ac4u l le Ur. Tevseyc eeaft lhcboMurt, Eohusry mesS- au -Sole s su d pUbd gode- béveLi WbitvolW ple bv-asdt if l oletde- dIus u".U. Tayor ite fr lthe- rose Silve hurdaiag M& fsebe semtee»d ta p"edot ej-gluesesin 4îmP8ntioo ue bag*i in lit ci- Isali1114 , 0r -and C«aa diau f -ausp. 01v. bmm a 1~oeosUmua rum Lmt-my A« ad@e btWalMMctmacyof thc "éealièe enditboyei ie haMaol beue" Woaily iit a-S -Londicn. In M(au woè WaIlt ie .ssifor publiai. lacbatsl.net fot.Oiàui.-Âj1te-seuil cf bal- lots t u l iti. eMotion, beganbafoue hh itnJude% u, DiBici, l baf-pu lys os Tuee iay eu vas uutedi soo wiscthilitrealltin' udukg Ur.Gelds m o tm or t t scrW bv ol hâve to thOstU. W. M. "*M. ol, f r 151e um , Il-e & o,elstes"ukotl s Tcvn Cotoneil. Proeet, hie vorehip Maor Groonvootd chair] , Moean. Bbov, Long, ÇigrCamoron, Bornus, Amua, fBob- erlaon, Bmib, Fox. Abont-Mes Dovney andi Wesley. OoxMuàIOATosâ- From ni iliuth Covant asking for remlssia09 t tell Prom John Ba"e, sking ho b. tg. potlWd itreel cammîasoner, sud cffr. li o ote voth ah 15 cents pur heu. From 1lohu Wihis, complainbug liaS a cobvent bai bien tabonupon tlb marli sidthe b. Dceinmlotebaee 18 Iies, bbeteby tamm*g gilsprop- erlylot 28 Broken Irons, by ovarfov. ing licha- ie.,Hoakedt" bals eb en trvn urthier Aillaget Mn. LTa n bouodcta hy-law te- paling by-lav 88u, appcleting a atree oommWaionci. Reperie e t ndpasee -rOWN a"» -Co onococa. Dr. Bogait reporlet Item Town sud matae; Commiuee ou tie reschI=h as go sopplylog tho Town Baud ,vith instrmenta. Tat tite copunil did ual feel Juiget la voting any anar cul cf the Tovu lreaaury. Ths aggestet d subsctiptb im hiIfor th. colechicu of #140, oho b.paIt buta th. hands of lie Tovu lreaumr-cId buen4*brwhu purehase 10beaome lis prorly ai hie corporation, Becoanuen 8e péy. ment of 841.40 t. D. Whitney for qoal. Mu. BIa>von tb. motion for'stop. tioti aI th é retlamse diffeeatu l hov lte alaino eboaltihobe vado.i, vae lb. 4aty of lthe commfttce a doeay, las cr no tothie titian. Idit ual b.aloe 0isaonaIlb aggegt -utti tale te tbý Rantas t. vbat hiey aboulA a, if lbey vete oIbligeai ta ollect fonts by priva subser Iisu tircaitoot Ïue bais*abtt alhiosit vho. ag*cmuaie' aboulA d 5,forIt. ThaS vas no& lnîe 1 ofic 1f.Burnu repcvled mono the relief #8.fta oR. aH Jamesatu. Report atoe et- Council adjourneid. North sudnBitS nt nr1e OFFICIAL EETuENS. The fooiceng are lte o5ela reu»s of-lbe vote. po a llrhma sa"So OtroM-J. . LPM".y Rqlclrer, reburning »Mfeer W lte bale, udM 3bierif Pabiout r.hlttOMM *ee~in tlb. North Ilîding. Prnelpol Riumupn, utth Dollegiatse I 1oS ýbaAsent lu bis rce- 18igoalion ta tt h ord i fBuoo rc. 14ees. Failing leih(oaeaa o anremllling attention te arduous doit..) ,velghed wilb Principal Robinson' in labing ibis step, andin la ocepling the -ofer of a mure lucrative position in the I'ravelore. Insursuce Comnpany. lu. crease of .uiolnmento nions, *0 bave reamon te believe, vould nualboave beau a sufficisal temptalan of ilceif to reign tbhe admatlerthip of a scbool to'whiob lio was so much aliachod, and ln lb. adeacemeuî of whloh h. o oo 0deep anud consant au luterest, Bat, Priçoi- pal Robinson, vlth falug phyla vigor, (el co hal h. awed à d9ly te his famlly, andi that ih wonld b. bothh wronjud unwica afhlm t doolinie lhe 'Opportnnity whicb 0offrt for maklng botter provision for their velfaro, ho. aides fr6eioit hl trom lb. daily atrali to wbichbhis heahlb von begting ta sucocumb. Prom the day. lhefirei anemedthélb dtles-nov close on ten years &go-. Ut.. Robinson llxoroagbly idaatified hlmself viii ithe intereete of, the sohool. M ls no owortnnity for elending 11. reuaion-with 1he reauIt.. uhal duingbiepnioipaishlp there autorail comne saon boutred paplle-co c tbem camiag (rom distant e&rta of the p ravince, and aeu n rom 1Nova Bcooti, Usa Breton, lb. West India Islande, aad fram caverai States of th. U"ion. Over 1,200 candidat« e e examlued by hlm for admlasion-.11 tnder the régulation of ezaminallon on priuteil paperts, uniforro for the province-a very great Imbor , but earrlad ont ac Il hau beau, of immense béeait te publie auool educatlon îhroughout thé a. On- try. Under his priacjiphbeecho, vas relaidt tethe roui a àCollegiate Instituts, aller >.ars of hart vork and .ver.inuceog compathlon. This re- sul" in a coualdorabla icveriag cf the la:.. of the ratepayers of the lova, aud aidtotthélb.nom% snd fame of Whitby as an odacational centre. And at an *vidcnce of the grovlb of ltehe 4o01iti ay homentiono t i1enumber uac 1874-1 4ha teee xho inl Dui rin cipal Bcblnson's lIme 49 4pls ernsacet up b lthevari eu tmivcaallle, ut whom 87 obaed honors andi 8 scholmrsips-includlug 1he Gilobrîal so4olbshp-ool throagh a more tecnicallty on a point of àae. Ho vas aira mainiy instrumentlin aila duciag Toronto Univarsity taoatabii. the nowvol[ krova local examintition for vomen ; andi under hlm the Whit. by igih Batool sont op IbhelOras eau- didaies le the ezamlnatiot. And the brilliant ennoies of thoise youag baàisa le not ikeiy ta b. soon forgottco.- The number of pupila conltoL the various ieaabvrs examinations bac been very large, l a (sol hey may bo estimuateti by lb. score. Mr.flobinson*s ain, vijilo direoting the ammde of pupile ta exam- ination waa more thon thia :lho evûr kept in vbov culture aud r(fintî-cut, and enforced ti it iws by proept and exemple. The school ibrmry of corne buridreda of volumea-obtainod (rom the pro ceeds of conoert&, and the voluutary contributions of entrance examination moneja by the. Principal and bis aial. anto viii, va truct, ever romain a mon oament cf bic liberabity and affactionalo interuol iu 1h.écooi.Nor viiioon fade sway lte moutory of lte adimirable enterlaîamaul. vhich bave beau tha deligltoftlt.* lova. The recorde of the cohool arc for tb. lait ton yearc ia a qomplete and perfect condition andi oactîlute a mail inhcicsig (colore. lI everytbing Principal Robinson diti a hiwork mool. thoraughiy. Ho ncvar eparet bineilf. The cehool andi il. se- un w«ais &ialna&L à ripe cehobar, e stictbu$lthal a ag~suad nca, eceodu l oplinarlau,. waa émostlad- mirably filled fartheb.poilldon vhlch ho Ohlledcoen gg odntosoraditc.hly. lua sciaililfe, and éïasa reepecteti sud vorhhy citizn haogaansd tii.respect1 and s eoem of aft vith vhom hbcame mbt contact. On evary gtrounti, but es. pacially (or tb. cake of the echool. va bave reasonateW-regret bis deparlore from amongal as. And in biddlug him a reolal n$bol kxndiy goot speed, vc only hope that the righl man viii ho fnaud tW 11ii ;~ lace in tbe Wbitby COclegiate Institut. Rejacleti. e I liTu oNrAlRO. No.- 1. No.L No. 1. 4- no. No. Tp. sS. i.C3 PonT rienT. Gouli. madili. 1 28 18 69 63 33 63 74 6 42 7 94 62 81 61 51 50 42 88 66 77 B7 47 ml 84 70 47 80 ter 19 ô5 14 64 61 es 83 164 18 101 49 87 42 46 ou 69 es 4 74 43 se - la 2 st 7 9 10 la 4 Gui -ci1 77AIUI*1N 00i Lrirm.n.'c hi ber cf gu»U cntilng Pcb. i Arclobsii- 1 Frasie 'boa *or&.; -Daim Jfames.'; TIse1 bamas, OU Pea abd ttPorflMpi liol c Pý oftri B3ejected. I 1- 1- a i - g 4 'e iieh Md gt loie v diounsan, ruitrona iao d..ý ' Gay Royi2Sut, D. Jaokmo, Bidon, Fnsuels, netW.uBilr, Sntetleut Stateiy Lady, à. Wilhlmu, P«#l Toponlebl-WihlamGardner. Whibb. Thompeon Oh-John Lcmsk, Grece. ba14-4110. Thotupicu 7tb-Wm. Turner, Boav- citon, 8180. Tiompion 18-James Moase, Flos- Mtl Point, 8102. Tham"eon iti-Jas. Leak, Green- bank, 4125. Neihie Buh-W., O, Bryanlteihuru, $152 Nettie Su-Jas.Lesa,812 Sottieo49h-R. Williams, Port Petty, 4100.. Mitcbell St-G. Wagg, Gootvoot, Mîteheli tl-W. Cotes, Reaci, 4100. Mitchell 6Ib-Jms. MeMilla, Green. bank, 8160. Giltoy 4b-I.ý Roua, Anta, 814. Thompéoon Oh-J. Jackson,. Beugogi $18L5. Titcmpon ti-U BB.m, Boatfli, May Ployer At--W. HIl Ronuib son". #W.80. May Plcwen Ol-J. Les, Gbnbuko Nelt. 7t-J. BOcS, Atms, 112. Sottie ab-J. Hollby, NMm.es, Thompoco ISti-Jas. Lesk. #M5 Tienipses175-W. Wefr, Shirley, Tiompon liui-Join Adam@, Poit f>Leltb-..Wno. slr, ta5 à baill edf soit te IR. Rundle, of Psu yeift etm, 4. TurnerSec- Pour yeur oit mare-Mn. Folterglhl, $475. Fi" y.mu oit mate-P. A. Lessi, Manitoba, $loi. Rutift êo1-W. tgeronuA& Son, 6200. Entire Cot-W. Gordon, M20 Mare fcar yesasoit-Jas. Lsaek, $195. Mare six yeare olti-D. Witmmn, 8125. Brooti Mare-John Heltby, 8245. BrootMare -J. Ranni@, 8200. Bay mare-T. Blmkeiy, 8105. Berkshire gow-A. bearral. 827. Tvo P.ow Pi-T. Biakîby, 811. ThroePige-R. &Sto, 816.75. A Greubauk _qrrespondent glviug » aOconuetlth*uaW$ ayi: Ailer au preseul bai patoen cf a sabstantimi repast Mr. Fiirbanka x hise l regdlacs«10 ommenelb aiilb- ing ncv aout co.sadtiookieg, as it dit, ahlgob to spply lte vant*- of~ 'b u U N t.l a l e e l a s l às b a u b. de eti 881 i bols c f tlb. traiesutd' l M cicr dtble liaI il é týaut beon i 480-M bud f 'UT '0*k aid lubuerebla ctIorterlsle, ià M a "a tùa li e c companicd by rcmaouvrative prises No snhcb sale f rade "kIebl acir bec recorei luaIshMee.nlysut, aor as may knovlcdgca" u st lu lie provincesof Colarlo. "à' xcehocyo rels à . T1 lill eaieta th@ 2tte teOD,071.71. lesving s1.600Wvrh-cft aI0lemol àmli. Afler tice *%#My *bout lthe On"rl ie ls thIi~I e "1co 4 va vomie ' uOteouy obarïeO Tué 01 112011111101 îsir e OAhroligb et, Mafi BM luhoct: a= r aest'nIme. th 1%ie djounneti debqdteonuMnl O-C«co .rouf. (Huron) motion. régarinq-the m double reut inlg'econnl,. - .. l vaeoponédýusi util Toestayautiteie- (y 4ùé dsbhu maouat. is Bir LeonardT 1iüeyo 31111topicilte i baor rkalaisga né eloin u sresta Shirtali ,of tbe,*uItouhilio b ytle Bihl, < in lie Beue. i Mr xob.,uo iglor Bte IIIn restinaof *lite 81110 menuthle con- eclidatet Ralbay aoi1 explalneethsa B lte exlstilg ttoii erua rllvaya0h pool far 21 ysae, turding vicitpeIt i the pooing cmpaLes Pt l lbu partîn.ruip. The publio Dot bcng ni avare cf Ubis etale Icf the bav, have oausa vaios ecslobentitei 1 0 aT bcnütsos l at cf vtlveltouÉitlt b. competiag lhnusbut almcsb as cocu me te monev bat beau pit. lb. rail- e vays se, aldet poolet viii a former i tI~, bsreylalig lo ghve th. Poba N hl. atagm tcf ib l iay cmp.-M tuba vbWh" v84 hai t ulbIe tasi an indlucement to gra.uithie bonuses. ai The iavasu nov existlng bavlng bean i abuset itis vmy, itlai.nececsarte,10li paigainet, ils being absetd stilli i (ru. If hic b.not ansrr aay a amalgamation msY go on until lie i vitale ilvay systeni cf Canada le controllet by a single corporallon, aw state aiofaitenmiitc"lMitons t. tho ta bcut luterects cf lie people. The Bil aI propaiett ltIno pooiug srangenuta or railwv am&aue1ou mcas hamateg del he cmémceGovmtmentorp cf Parianel t Iogfilabst Meti Ouoh- -6 tainai. 'rixe Bill sua remitaicout i lime sud relerre te ** b.Standing Caom- mit.ecmonf"al»Y& a short l bit lwtdue debal. arcds. i ouMr. Rdob e Rts Kmâtqns) 31111 ai Ceurs oi rileds"e&mobail. Mr. cf liehe s-e etletuBOsLmlepaa.He W000p111111 10 bal lt, urne privi-1 le4e cf speedy trial as wu mc* ~ei .d to bec.g .îsillhet. jail, std add oclil t m e ocvbat >itjec8c oulwd<,oebly b. madte t lieBU. Wur lb.n idn.of ummary «tria tic groui t laS it cbIelo ieders tram Ite pubihlly ubicitvas aa ui- sau mu , It«» Ë. *.l"àItteiel. xaý B1mb. egreed vith Bir John. and poinieti ountlitaIlie opaslian oflthee Iav grautiva smmaty trial vas lu lavor cf the bardaet criminai, vie vai enabled by Il ho pals. hinoss fcf sas oe app.nig 1cr trial fcr lte firet 4 lime, amd th6us roer a ligbler soea lene. vien a long tbu cf yelu inte1 penitentifry' voltbt oi nha i s ns d nc, b b. hebutl ling laI .otit b. fimulotis lticelt tell, Mi. P»ortecn téeouiedbimcllby greeiug in lie principles laid tiovu, bol al- leging tlith. fauetblatho va. r. leas.d on bail wus a guanaute. lu ai cenuelat hoecs nola ffenter. Mr. Blake asiet vien important Billite FraeiteBillnsut chien, r eeb7 ite Govermeul lin tb. blite Tbrou.sut ubbe i bat ~ ~ ~ a 'h, hI.lblu iM ý bt m Itent 10 Manitc£4 t8t aiNw ral Iiùsa "éb i - ls â-uls ho l affat li Mdcm=nss.livJob MadoseMt bT la tie Smese cf CotlomusouMon. Ibis saWsisof inlr.ucing a =MMur retuleg i e rebe cf lutter p~ch tu-l Ivo cments. Usielce mat liaIcarres- poud.sa.ss ha-pïogreu vit a vlew Wo aulablt iga aeY crier servie vili prém% boilrmn sd Gerany, viitlte objeel oh ýbeneflllngemral lie 510e 0l~15l5 M;lausepoke at ole uw* li ii leil liug for retunsupgi ister-sti fallet In- fcrmWmýahicacthe Byntleabe'copera- lions tli u papff otenvblr b Htouns. H. 1udcd11ure 8h> sic tâiat he, Canot Pac 1e 1il&y Cota- MWeotho wvIo cry million dollars coak room. '¶JDo uDp 06uAk ,li Ends hall aticzn oftPieft lpêl OISI àther impoeatblé- uqueclu. Eviry fevr minutes hie le bandet a céationis oine ofluullal lpence from hic ovu claie, (perbapu bis nextdoor, nelghbot -whn Ml homÃŽe>lýor wbomùhe hac'bti g hé .oï ecand e 041.Pontoili i x~ 'arlbi enanloto an' làtinlav are ,fcc o wcIyï-ule.H.l. cglàceahhefb înou blasdesk, but ifeflowtmimbers aurround hlm andi ikE~il~Tno ~<urtrlg 0ljl projecle, for eoch oslu ttum aasaibed iu theasanze vay. ge la forcedti lelialen over bail aver again t10the came quee- ions, requesta anA lnqulrie s 1 tote pobable recalt of, 1h. ohoriaet acheme, Utl is .once ai. r 14 1adcdIed bs ta ean.rci1andlngmualet. Truly, lhe lu.t day. 'cf the. Cougresa- mon are bard. Washiagton vill undergo a graal change la lIa genetal crovd mot aspect betwoan the. fouthud anti 1h . ays of (arch. Many cf th. Benatoru and eprescutalive. villi bave lbe clty vih her familles, ou SMe day, bavlg sa oured, M aand utberthct4nthe trains lot ualt day. IPÃ"litisal a Washington lessidt W exorcise a moslt emoraiiing influence upon tha average Congre. mon by destroyinjg reiab for, anud adap. tation la, privatle 111e revet aflervard. Moare titan hall of tb. preont Congroau w 'Il acon bave a chance, 10 tet 1h. truýb ofl hIc, aud meditale Over- Ihi ephemeral charaober of polilical Mnu- once. The cily nov ao abond in poéatuessartal yu b agaitîIl astail public places, JostieAtIlon the sste . orners, oonfroni lb ou the Avenue, oee àl everyvhlro4 but macit c ison B94c po!if cfùvunlg, btoru nto Its crlg- muai Inilaiea, muati *111 Icave no trace or foctprint bore. Provincia Autbortty for Reguiatlug tIbm LIquar TMaffic. JU»IIOOLopDmuON. lu the Biprema CotntaiOtlava On- uonde y 1h. rgaimeal vawuouclouded in cb tLspule vi o fLsat'i Koeu Bnjutgmeal belag reoer"- et. The appeo f Poulin vc. lb. cor. .poratîca gtril. (ti fQuebetswuasnent $akem op, Hou. C. A. Peilaier, Q. 0., appcarlng Icor rspondete,altHn The, quectiou ai issue lale mpcrtauinta volviag ther r4gt aIofIhe ProvicilLeg- lsiature Wo prohibil lhe sale cf spiritu. 098 lilluort itudays sud on 4artain WIre on otbers tays. On lt.e ldib f Vianus a suit vas &aken Agfainst thé respoudnt,Âlphonse Pouln, before lb. idêaCh Otcf Que ai lug 'bia a- ot kepl h in celalo elose tuing lie vbole of the previoaa Bontday. Poulin ploadot nol guilty, anti alec thsi Ihe Act oI lhe Local Legisilnre (42 aad 48 Vie., chap. 4) vas uuoanchllaloal or tdira vires. H. * ba lisieer, couviclt, antisud n #40 anA coe eor t1*0 ii<eii nprison- ment- lu tefanit cf paymont. Chiai Justice Meredith, af lb. Saperiorort firaie t bave 10 Pouli e >issue a writ of prohibiioncuilu ader .W h ave lis ,conviction reviseti. The principal grouadsf lt1h.eAppeal are Ihat the Recortar'cCourt aitidvithont jjonc. Àlo, thon. bduog nc'lav anhoniaing sobh ooudemallcn.Refladetc te r p hé hailB. ecorder'. Cort anceet. id ilsjûiwsiudlcnle viS of prahibi.. ,itou ébotula bave I6.8ti ltrcdbefote epOvlotcu ;alethibaf he ahip.ilaii va wu mprol.riy ouviclt ew ought $0 hayiacurstoalu f oé. o d r On1Sth cf Marëh, 188 h, ae u- ý odr co - st asé te Vris cf Pro- bibiton wb nt8 ýa p»M-peêhO' becsls tees tbe court -cf.'Qoeeà'a Benoh, judgizaat iÃŽteuilétet byltait Cort on ltbe fh Deoember, 1881t oun inrmin< cdei t 1 ii Opel #oToCêd4 -Ã"ule.bfc r, .ueaguâ l uner= = And thal the utanfool sýAetdI *d thsl lave géuerai for lie wPro%ltcfat 4Jlt S$unday,Si imnoer er ote nirt ,fopclttiot c lie 4lqurs force lfo .Conl.enat , " - !it Â#knol .hmis 1' 1- s, o t s s I f Ste pres 1.8.1~. Wm. ussovinJohn umueet, .,- ------- -- 100. ceP sdetoceupiet lte Char, snd T. B. MeMllS sa4int~ eti.tTy Z ta> ~ Th liemein.T minutes cf the-pr.vos anelmetn er es utcn flumet. The Ohairman thon rosa the Annual Report cf tbc affairs cf lie0Com- Spasy for te pait year, ai Ioilove Tfii.Directoérs bave .pbcsu u i eectingislitTuitAiulRPar u rlstmnWlmàmenl cf the afaIMre flb oPai'fryùetnl D- tebenture aconni, wve.#81,985.18,out cf àvhlivc ole atidhW* l a th. rate of eight par cent.rr snnum veie, paut, leàISgee, è Wi1 o! tis ainoant 88,00 s h ben tranclatredto avýÀin5iiàu41. tthe Profitnmo os. Thé Rest cf lte opn a ouelybe lInt a u t 450.00,rnearby 17 pr.et. o f lt.pei.u capital cflitbe OCýmoiai.ii. depoulhuin Bavinge Departinenl, togesiter vil Caadien Debouturs, Dbave in-i erieoal in lthejuan, 898,884L77, -eutthose to>by ",e -d t M1~ 044.6. The Loins mate turIng te year amonnîhto, 180f.l94Y "ci ti i ' y- 'li ment@itb 8160,765.68, lncbutiug Inteset. Thc Iuyeitwieuaof bis COuP"7nye. tfr inoreased (rom 8*772,191.24 ho $852,074.67. eicving *a. net morasse c f #79,8U8.48, ta mua tbe total uast tou #84,582.24 ho *848,17.08, or a sel inras of 91189- ki 78L79.' Your Dirton experienoeet oumlerabie difilcultyinlu lding pSftlable tmpîl c-i'0 ment<or tholarge amooant ol.iacyicave y-ie mpay nAvr9 cm pebe tôhokoep a éocuslrable baladce viti tueir Bank ers eIOPlYeihioh bas, beaehel Offec ..*Wtêle pois flte y.ar.--Tiche i 0 oIl ee!tyeeSI Yout Ditecets have octinuai lie polioy of -catefublly'inave.utiging every ad. vince,anti bel t tith ey oe aiaIly couuatàlaUte e bÃŽatebdalt Ùatan i natu» feeIhcsecaihie.h.ld t hie Comnip y., Dnriug itic .Y.mnryourDireetois bat proectedtob hem: an opporanity of iquining atdesirable site ho locale thir si office. ineaba resisonaitie ool, vhich b beaecutet utandfitteA up Iortlb. put- ponecot the companymb a cool incbudiug lte ,puroisse moncy, sud al&U iroe monts and repaira of 610,6588, mut talng lot. couslteration tlic reul pravaiti- 1 y paî t h le Company, hogelier viii lb. revenue receivet Iroim he portion of lit; bQulngnot oceupimal by.thie offices cf the Company,vwill yielt a revenue équivalontt1114 per cenl. upon lbthe.b. Tour Directors dute..t. ezprées. hh.r- catit. approvMl cf lth enuà er u in ic" lb. Beorstsry-Tressuresr.maàt ia eàofc c ic ,Campiny have tdiscbriats W. F'. COWAN,- a Ctan avPotiary 901h, 188U. o-Pznwv !»be bainin latiing lte adoption- cfte.Report, osad--ovlog la> lieý absence of tb. Presidt io m serions illue'u-, iramotance iblci ve ail te- gr*bl-Ibe duty cf tîong't lb.adbption cft bbcAnuelaaRport, bai deolWd'ùuponý You are aIl &aWmr. UifnamW alcourseof lie Company a eufitinluformer Beports, bas been ouçetoh nvarylng prospertyeIsin,,u, therefbore, p"riolaly garatilving 10bela'-ii îstiaàboulie bat lte revenue aofthltla« volveuý,oÙlbs louma no exceplouis craie, s thefigures submittedt lloWgblom hb' as 551- lsat b c lep~ ireiclter. es bey oare hle Direchorahe. Prm n*amhmtiuo wîhem 700*131 ob4srvc liaItle volume of bualnesm etàlln outeuet#', aqthscansngjowurdevlopet lu proportion,.linm enbing lb. gosit dee-lta thé.r oed trates, chtlnsbleon mort eginsus te s i a langer sum ity 02,000 titan realilet trômebfiig 4r0g ujycn preicu yevu re emptet tunt A&yno4blg niore upon Ibia pVias., oùb e is la donclteet aI lte officeote aiompanY luéltuatettua toinof7-e4,00 Inhabitants. Titis fut iotud ti dicaLte ho Lalen*oy' lie complote co oe *ai tis limilet ccmmuully in vhich il 1incabrue It at thle pÃŽmicloolsk of i»i management is t>t sale " idtprofitable, emplcymeul lortbèli.fndas onfitedtho Ibeir cmn. Oonsderable -dioculty abe c' ond-m ponug lobus, aïti goeoal praponlty àf lie hni u~cnniyltsttoreecplt dimîniai the, nécesîty for bcrcving. I is .clb riccflhea1iig maay manlgago t>procure lbanc (ramIhein veeltiy nelghbats aîoe rt.o Iltareulttaon eôubt b. profitibby entertainet by ny aaflaseimCompany. Noatatemph.haeen mate bo enter tic Norih-We.>,h, s iBoarda wene c lte opinion tbol valuesof realéaitate lu lhé novr Province ver. gui bo uns"ebto warrant bhem in operating cit umlety lu Ihat devebopiMg "fili;'bütu t ionspro- grasses mudthlie contrly bècomes more thickly oiet h7aie -bopefll hatib surplus m2ath OlOuenl Lômnng (Jampanies w*111 Zut. e mpIôymin it er. il the home tont ,ýeon"gtlnost.b.e * auppliet. Lsvlnaog i.fu lune.ha> h. deuil vitit es circuuoWhaccmay arîIe, I enbiî the Blatemeul for ycut coueldteaion looping lb maymeet wlit your eppravai. Mr. Aflen soodi e b.adoption cf Ibe Report, vlt v'as-carnet.4 Mr. Du* *Wedt b1 Mn. W. H. Gibbs, moved tium ofi810 Db. païdt le aatltors,,Meem rs. Onl.sonmildHarilafar-hhbeir. services '$or, lie #est year, andl tuat 9lbè Oj PPclued autiors for theie ter. Carnet. i.71 k.~.eonted lWy Mn. Readwin, moveý4 h, à h o Ias lic cuis bercy ts ~tIo Ibàrecident, Vice Ptrsitentan4dsssrsfi bdvery caie aehcry amer.!Imtuit bi hlaveo cute th*40&finsof lb. Oompny tuing, the nidaat . amdA lItiI,ethé 4250muaçahnasnted la the PtWdidau.. s #Ut1 kimý aIst 8 iod. e spoke aIbi rient Talbot being engageA uplite oa yonglay novlu S. Paul veil uw nvuuGepisd moulionot ser-. ergi malfaoiS osneolt 1h heu faiy, of vioithtie Aneaioocu va aa. Ne eatbon it.f tbr.o yemrm t. Lord Relmate, Governa cf Australie,ýý Sud vasw»on tlb. câaff dBit, arnet Y'aleiey 0ou lit0a-ma1I,tc oCmase Georgc"r-Canita bl s.nviceand rsath lierepose etoined lu lbe ignu a -- uTIPZioui VEPOA.DPe NiNa> K-i- n oer htaovas reogniseti howeverd "alersongh aI PlaiS Râpuniter ttc ishinglOr anuxlnho l~.eua sive-me. Of cuiliea vsn e- poansd lit aveen ie 1hojobfor I cl,ÃŽsutpuS up tbaeasI lie 'Clob, ~ou g- an ft m d l uam W I py ho Re rIsiBe~ ~ ~~ ~~- AAiu- sdeetngyc11 taoon mi lmniuiy Poterit eiaips cat"voa bo u&* -b4i meâcreer vas bu5,-au 01. sue tmvau.urs. ou&. s- vo, ulsboeen liban, lte p ueurs iaditeem cf bye Scbi iWm& thellissera vaine tily teclered elotet Djl Ataoaun meeting of- aletedPreeut sd W. Y, J.Dc.lti D" t 'Te À»i ele s mutn n ws--------.1..48.. InieeilEeehvei. . i ... .....8....... *C pli g i ci -ii........ Revnu Acoon.. ............ 015 c-uuiu.(si) ............ Pao. 811R Lai e 1a on Mtppae. sd B&ook. u -Dlvèis nNo1. ...- ......-,. .... ' ..reperly Aocono ....~............ Là« RaluqOu "no wln Wbl........ aneiî e ceea. OUR IM "PMn, our D the diPooples OUR STOCI ba"t - but nu-- pértinïing a ' Corne an&! NIo. 1 DEVER teengmailol msulue, utthb nevur vu a Tciý niOt5-bA fqil SOUTH ONTARIO. Dryden. NMuer. 9. 66 68 c. 47 87 5l. 87 0 lae t 67 6.8 82 9. 84 5 l- 77 85 81 9 s8 ?oWtior vurnu. ie. 1. 8as 6a a. 8 44 194 917 N.. 78 te IL 65 W a. ce 72 ïï îi8* No1. si 14 a. b6 go B. 62 44 s. i 78 IL 87 P. 92 Oô 4. 118 67 319ci RECAptrtulÂi0P Pbehutiug. 594 5ni Whitby, -194 2t7 W. Whitby, 291 m3 B. Wbitby, 987 214 Oshava, 8or 819 1743 1542 Majonity for. Drydeni, 901. . lie moi Il,

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