Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1883, p. 1

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s", n.- r*vnbtwn>e ut- ' BROK l~T, WHITBY. rera -$10, pop Annam. ~L l Nonparlel, and qieuters of lia. ttqrlpUoi whti là0ed &moagno 3.Mat- lt rtont§ eepr tins. ipeelaooatua made wtth .dvuere tla lit r,or othé.a. *. Ordeasto disooutiluua adv.rt&wmmte a ust be tuwrtttg. 3u8u108ù8 Dirootory. TfHE WB%*IERN BANK 0F CANADA, WHITDY, - ONTABIO. THOMAS DOW. Whitby, Nov. Tti, 1882. Iy-17 OI4TARIO DANKC, WgITI3Y BRANOH, B1rock Street, Whitby.1 MNI8SRS8 RITCHIIE &BILLI40S BARISITERS A ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY &c C. H-. RILÃŽCHE, Toronto. Witby. J01ilN X. IAIIJIW&L,LL.D., ABJ8BB onty CrownAÂttorney, $0 loy Eotel, Brook St.. Whtby. .-U O'811J.I & N h RIRE., ~kE1I8TE8, OLIOIToR8, NOTA. aras iC. hc &., &a. OFFICZS: 72 Tonge Street, ni the Dotiuilon Bank, anîd Corner Xing and Tong* BWeets, Toronto. D. A. '$Uz.Lrr J.R. K.a. Octobe, Sfd$ I, 180 yt J,%#IEN$KEITIJ GORDON, " ÂRR1ST'"R & ATTOBNEY-AT-LÂW, Soi itin Chancory, Conv-ynter, Notary Publie. &o. Offe.-Dandai St. Qral dgo« went ut rnmtrong'a Uotei. ouey Lon-rvaefn-aIw DAVID ORMISTI)No I.A A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN .L.Chancary, Convoyancer, &o. 0,.wza-ln the Office'aouth of the Pot office, in McMiflan's lBlock, Brook Street, Whtlby. -1 ROIIINSON & KENT. <Liv. DuGÂN & RoBrr<oa.) B RiStEgRS-&T-LAW, ATTORN - 13 ey#, Uolloitort, Oouveyairs, &o. opfteOc »-In Vlétowta Chambe.., No. 9. Victorria Street. G. YOUNG Smmurit, L L- 0., BMAIRISTER, &o., &O-Money ta Lôsu - Iuer etxMU.rioge Litimn.ea. Orrxen-Ovec Dominion Bank,. Whîtby. Tan. 22, 1878. JNO. (6. KELLEÏ, B RRISTERý-AT. LAW, 8SOLWITO tu Chancery and Insolvency, (onve anoar, &a. Otflae-DeveriW'a Block, 13ro.z Street, Whîtby, Ont. J. H474ER GREZ.NWUOD, ATTORNEY AN5D SOLICITOU, CON- Av.eyancer. Notary Publie, &C.-Pogt Offce Draver No. Ili Witîby. Ont. Forma honghî al a old ,Marriage Settle meut&, %Villa aud Trugits made. Bpecisltiea. Loana négoliateil on aHl kindaetfProperty. CHARLESU C. KELLEIR, TTOREY-A-"WSOLICITOR 13 11411116v onvytuer,,Q.Cunnng. on, Brook,t . L. T. 8à4RCLAY, L ocAL RBGISTRAII OP TE IGH Court et Ju»9ti; Begtatrar of the Surrogate Court ; Clark Of 1h, CeUtY' Court, &o. QMofi uCourt Hou.e. Whitby. JOUX "8ÂL. DOW, B ABRISTER-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR hi MýChanaar, ocaancar, ho. 013io"-.taril'a Block., Brook Street, 14011E J'O LENII-Pivate Fund,- inamumup to0$M, at a low rate of in- JO Nam cIIVA> (SUD«"« eg leR. m.Kowtu.) B RISTBII"à &rATO1"TY-AT-LIW, Domino ank. Offii.-Nezl door le If ansion HoUas, Uzibridge, Ont. .26 B AREIBTZBrAT LAW# SOLIOITOB IN J.]M. GArLBRAITH, ul.D., CItAt,. i uA Queen'.anud Victoria uivù4retia, blLembcr of tiue College of Phydiiaùtn and Surgeons, Ontario. Oyirz-llrock-St., Wbitby, Ont., (iire dooz'a couth etfiRoyal Hete). ly-46 ât- J. G[TNN,. Si. D., SUGBO TO I B UNTY GAOL, wan. ICURIEN, .D,1..., GUY'&.OSPITAL, LONDON, ENG., the eye R. O. H. L., Oshawa, Ontarto.' DR. BOGART, \Vbity, sept. 801h, 1874. 40 meula.t l te CU1EMcLU À *it ý W. AD)A1S? s Wlth calm Prlntd worda, pear theughts, and untirlng -inouftry, ws Advoca VOL. XXVI HIB r£PROVINCE 0F ONTAIJO RSSX UOBS.TOBOTO, NT'TheBide. ThéPaac Rtal ci .& o tbT - Beuiaed, and UnrivalUd. New Pague:. gr Rlsvatàr, ruu g i i and day. The 0nlixtraoi-lu o e muaa wttgradu. pte ria.., vis :-S2, 82.50, sud sa par day. l(ambaofetClub.sud othera, deslrtnig moins, wtthout boa3rd #1to $9Jpr d*y Feb. 27th, 878. Proprietor. B RITSE AMEEXOAN HOTEL, R A Y a, <LA'E Isou B5 otu.) W HIT B Y , 0N T ARB10 Houa. uowly renovated sud funighed throughout, and put in Bra-cas order for the reospton of pusate. An onibus 10 and from ail trains.. trat-las..arple rooma. O NTARIO uTIOEL, Bhoca.Svasa; WHITBT. JOHN LESLIE, - Propriutor. (Laie of the Btmcoe House, Toronto.) Haviag thoroughly renovated th. Houa. tht, MU1, i.prpared tb enterta i htCuna tomert. Ttra bar la atocked wlth lhé choiceat brande of Liquom importa, also ahoto. Ofla. Good aie liaand attention. POST OFFICE SA.LOON, Tornoiro. M. meoONNLL,. - PROPBJBTOIL W Re HOWSE, I '1hnmit and II'uagnk, WHITBY, ONTAIRJO. Corner of Brock and Dundais Street8.1 OTIM B~ EBT ACCMODATION, Dominion Wood Work8, - WH.ITBY. ROYAL HOTEL. WIIITDY. G. W. RAMEY,- Propriefor. (lit6 oi Port Coîborna.) 'Und"r the present proprietor the BOYAL wtt be fouxid te ponsieovry deirable se- oommo.latton for ue.tis. Sg'8pecii at- tention paid te the commercIal agecy. 18 WHITBY HOUSE. DUNDAS-Svr., . . WHITBY. Tbe undoralgned would initirnate 1tote publie that the aboya premia.. hava been new1y built sud ltted up througbout for the eocoznmodatlon of geesta. Best Wtnee, Ltquor. and' cir. 44TUIE CRXAX AV ANADA"-%%'LZ LÂOElt. Ai... pure Rhine Wine. L.Cer wholesale and retail. Boardera taken by the wcck on moder- ale terme. JOSEPH A. BANDELL. Juiy 2811, 1M8 8 CARL!v m EUNDERSIGNIRD bling leaaed - I ilielnieiuatoua' Roaie, Port Wtiity, vwizee.bie many fIaonda ta Coai snd Seo hlm. Faroiersansd other doing business ai the limiter vili ld goed acoomnodia- tio. tsPLEASURiI-SEEKERS i smmmcv viii b. preuialeil .it boma&aitromienable rates, GEORGE BROWN, Wlùtby, Match lai, 1M82.il BROUGHAM MOTEL, Co'rner- Brn,-k sud Main Streats, lu the Village ai Brougham. First-i'!ana ccomoations. boat Liquars aud Cigar.. Gecal stabling and attentive husier. TIIOMÂS POUCHER, PROPRIETORL. f CENSEU AIJCTI.'NEER for the Cu eofYork andl Notand lSnt Ontario. Aliition sales ai real oste, frm stock, ets., atiendel nt moderate chargea. Ad.ir.sa, T. POUCIuilR, 50-ly liox 47, iIrangkmm, Ont. tAtiiNEGIPB HOUSE PICKLERING. JAMES CARNEGIE, Proprietor. Thls Bonne bas bnen fOUed iup ta rt, eitesa style, and île proprielor vii glu. lits peruenél atteuten ta<uesa. L*qamruasd Cigarse o the bost brande. Excalenit Stabi- lag sud USheds. SPickering, May. 171h 1882 Iy.Bi B LA-ChHy~RUE OTEL, Cou. Faoxv h GzOozai. , TORORTO.; ALFRED OXFORD, - PROPRRB2OR. <Ltê of Wlllngto Hotel, Makhiaut.) TERMS, 41.00rZaD AY, Goed saix* modéion or frmer azd the. travelingi publinlgoecral. > TRE iHOp»GSDoxU9gegEl DIFFINS CEE-CKRI. Thebo raabve beau t»lcp b. the undaIienedà.rtlSbi' tocWZI fited up for Uhe reesi: c et td*he the travelling public, aiowine..liquon, cigara, h. Kealgat Good .labag, shed room, anix naln tive otia. C. N. VARS, LÀ. S." D ENTAL BOOMS ramnoved from.àt- kinaon'e Drag store to zocoma over Site. h Shirley'. store, lOng-St., Onhawa. 0 . DAWEE. PORT -r eRRv. ,U,&Vlaa t Me*ndnUasouehaLas sgeLmuwhcqo rrmtninls Oî Fsbriairulat,1M. eau Geo. Cormack, TU ERMERCHAIiT & BUILDER. .L -ABlarge auplyni Buildars' urniah- bigu,ad Oa&Il kini fTime odns Doora, SaB aid Blinds. Modna LIJEBER wholem.ie§ma dreaiU, or l.y by thacarzloa). Planing, Mouldings of evey descrap- tien, Flooring, shecelur, Bselvtng, Re- aawing, Bhaping, Turning. Scroll-work, etc , etc. Wbb,Oct. 18th, 1878.-4 RI S PÂPER n>. b. feuun c ila ai Om Go. P. RR h &C'. MspaqperÂd. veutialng Bureau .(10 Spince StI.)vitere ad- vcrllaig contracts ay>.b. made fkt' lira Nuvf T e a x.- -la MONEYý TO LOAN !j $100,000 FUOiLINVE8TRENT. ON IIEAL ESTÂTE BECURITY. At loeas living rate. ai intereat. Mono>. seoaud vilhin 10 daya a! ap- plication. A pplytO .'OEu4 FARQUHARSON. Whittby, Fobruary 16th, 188M. WHIITBY, ONTARIO, Importera. Dernir ud-anulactum moau i UEA THER AND Ff NDINS8, '0aah psitt fouRidas, liait sui.asltbm. Lethersr.ee Sàr BELTINO KADS TO 09D» ON SHORT NOTI. FRESBUiz «[:lFISH!t. AND- FOB AE AT TNNÀ:&g i reinember, I rmember, somane *ghlt Pye.ra ag A child whom vInsome pratte Twaa very joy te know. I remember, I rimember, The darhlngâoueheld pet, And how the 4mar ones lpved lier, And cailed bar ittte Rît. Iremnember, Ireuamber, How tirne muaiintervene To cover ftroi nryvioon But not tuy mlnd-thus scorne. Irexnember, I amembar, Ini looklng cor :lite paat, The bud of pro laed-woman.bood That burata i-bloom ai luit. May the riobeat lits of Hoaven Attend tht. cbarighed brtde, A wealth of joy aroUnd lier, A vealh of joy deoide. May the sunahino of the future, Cauglit from thé raya behtnd Shine on l in iedradtanca And clouda b. meural nd. THE ROOT,,OPALL EVILi vo4tESL CSHPR POSSTE I VM.. 'Yon ais>. lic cars tt. Begin& vas DHsERN= FUIE INSURANCIR Co. rad>. ta recoiveý',bita, daeasel lubar pT boit, or ratibarin, ber z»ut. bacouuing Lombard St. sud Chérlng Creas, London. cesiome. For ltaslmoto DCliai. >.ouulg ~ 1782. lady, altliengî bsvasu k- pao:, vm »TABUIII& ix 792. ver>. fatidliopi,, Ils à uel la lier GILLE SPIE, MOFFÂTT & oo., poye: t e 'ufuer>. cf Lhe babà das. cripîlan, and tbirafor. she vwor# uons Agens for Canad. ata&U. Bîsli.leloed utkoas iii>';Olu B.W.TYREIstrigît Cun& ieuladr em l'a lieu Maagranetreai. plain bist8#suaaial34ulae A GECT ESTABmLSHED W CANA&-,tu diapis> the'moeuldid titrost andl A DA 'àle", 4.UulIaIl ié blUli> etroondad samis n!aie!.vithoul mS>. &Hi the Stockboldwis, ud arge RSare mmDWMoIleoillc ie t Panai. Ifoderate rt.. ef prmrum. Ldsah! u qie là*vIlli lsu ov C.MOSS, bande. Tit@tad beeas-quit@bte is- WhibyAprl ~ 158.Agfent, Witby. royal baflvema ler moler an sd hersaI! Wmtb. Apii Oh, 178.16 befere ah. doaeudail te lte drmwing- ____- ------ ~ ,, Sceautht% eveniug. Reglna lied auler. ad Led>. Williams badreotýa, nd de- RiA IL WA Y TICKETS ! tectud ber in flce!monlting snd podnbe r face vill aveu moe lsvisligeuercettAan usuel. The uudieraigned i.aviag beauaponti nmamma' îleh girl axolalmed. "nIwai Aetfer thl .ptad a turdaer>.4ioaa islet, o ouar Agent part, le imaine à" luit 5do aul yen CREDIT VALLEY, and Can te advance My> preapecte in thie matrimonal merket 1" CANADA 8OU7'HE N. '«Whatdo yen mnean ?" demmudoil .Lady Williame, vitl lte powder-saff .ndl ter T1RIOTIG]gLIMEs, lapi aupsuded lu ita opratioim 7 to La ialcets ai loweai rate. te Ccago ,Wiy, yen e>.YciPU Vent te capti. PAi ' û, an d taeail pointsl b etiinaObamrsu o i <ar-P% es andt.eWestern Stéte.. asVvà h*»os n o r Rue>.informaioin supplied. Appi>.ta-.d glbvr>ltagediehmleu JAMES LONG, 'II do net underatan!yen, Regina. Réa>. arener Agent, "DO yenOU "bt, iMiMn, bLt.à ma Ofie» OpJloiil5 Iay'. Helo, Dundaaý-tt.,vWho liai&pont tLe laifeu: - yeie e! -~ Whitby. lis Ide. apon ib t piagsana- be.en the and, lillLato *'r e e' W. 0. JOHNSTOM, appreilés ac=i a ver>. imibatio o!fIthe pro1lsoeufl mea",ste us' PROVINCIAL LAND STJRVEYOR. bu e*ie'lit mien tegvebui" - Cma Se foual aI the Lsv Ollice of J. G. vite va meSt ,aai48 0 "Gré'se > LaUil., Wte rasord«nth tmg ppeaitig, lsbo obe ah."jnad np*' se badl>.tb, aii -rt l(n igbll1kàv4. daoted te lb, iciure.' &Ur ml I WRC Win1thpe abe .-r-ad for mev cuesIbave m, mmuda 11eiJçvieu.I aiLlivenCo=en*poo : ibuav.maesaffarod for year sas, ta Le spebea mue em vIit h Vaelbi Lfyetlte inu&tis. ceerse Maumais too tnl- _0«b&1 'aa on tquite..quiteto,- "satLd nt.adaatng 30APl'l. For eau by i r. ya adrlt >55 lit wu i va. . cf eonnisl.JthesuaiAnitaUher àRT Co "'le ilz b.si u I.a Is heb> t e ndami ut lu.:daugtir. amat. Toronto. u.s Neai, auaum1a-A donmate a mas. &bout if i vsa &U knov yen pint- vboc oul a.lp kno>wing ih e-but i -~,. -'~".' yl yeu'd do I it i rao!eelâiea fer' itsonu eveaiug., If yen:pl5Ojet la zstlg )Mr.OLhee, t.bares l o Cre Liai foré na v, I fel ou»"nr~ bm woureaI! p. .te "0mou"ma yen are, E A.. K ith Say a à rhéli&uge ce.1 Wilia. TeWb. ~UIgil île laiofmil" sab la tc Cd l e 1- (Rh Napetas rasa-s s.i.aa*lsa TRI ERMEIJYPOE OUI mfhg giv. e ea- - c~~~uilli. H ari0 ty!o eru auhsr~yod ff Yw . 4B vith no end of money, and- luge suppose Ihal ho wouidsle bsf* tte Pacq4few liudred- poundi'1no.hie- t Paeft0gres, Knevledgs, Brotberhood. asMamme iI-wf ôê'iai iu- te any one of th-om.J They1uýe'#bt _treeteil us shemefnlly,-kic "4rallier bho red1 rjrl~ I~ Mi'H lSD YMAROH 1 i If -ibis . NO. il 0k-,fb? - ~~tbatý Regin, balou t tim LIE4 - * .. ol- *. l- ùdtth otyebbitdtrena.'ean vithout, heTf? kno,. ae~ aeu. wmeu. hoa H Illenlita h.aofly-linol h terY," roPeatl dSir Arthur, touh "Younmuet do as othars do, IQ w~ ~a 1g~ sen sipe)id i t i syle e bâlie e-fetprtnhakle money voàli ho aceepibie no -l.pose.Getth.Iag.,on-ored"t.â1 EIIiqae4lzm. ~a anqsiin~ f wal edliebèleva, ithouta asigle donbt, ;But ihe lady as not ta my les§te." off by degree. Tavibe -reliovm IYa.eBaon4 ba he. rew~mn-Ieat &liseeke'r'aword. weore 'bu taiïe- 'HRemight have added Ibal the Lapas the expana. of kaeping.me;.ren.emi 1qpontie stAge, est lth' setda .loflaatien ofhler soul.la h.lte firatran alideneia-d h rgrata 11e- "eyes.Bgn ozi arelades eti bybirh ed euosion wvlo liai been entrapped by qsiiergine Nettleship had rendered Mima olever u O Ourss thet viii be te iv. but'lbey era fow sad far belveeansd means ta iitake coldau. for 'purfty, Fatbingaie euh lmore displesig b éOquliedýLady~lllan, suadealy kap ncbi& teuaevajauly 'end :elf-dommand for wai ef gt4le? -'lim thtuishe would otberwjse have memSberia,q that when ler dangi guer4ed by their mothers or lta.i:lins He left the litti. *hau nse lu Kigli. - beau.. ButBorne intuition Made hlM Was00eM Cl moaîwoeild1 banda,, W1tîbeunoh Vivian had'not lied bridge that a venlag, folly- peraead bold hie longue. He.,had aireadjy lie- h diffiquit te getWivien tu, heiphp lb. goxe fbrtaue t e aîwaoaialed ; and thai Miss Nettioship va. oae, of 'the gn ta, suspect that. Vivian migurt end vPay off deblai4 urei for haisv tuegh swo idpea pnieme hrna e ieLd V*t y taking the citedel which Lad refnied 010es ~emUtbk~~t~~ stgeviibiand ong àabout the mat, aad bis cousin' the ubnnkias !1 ncnbtahm n leiiagtte amrow ydîii Âm green rooma,, talkiug, leughing, end men. Z at ho I. a in ihi Jasati' r~maeéhim vely bitaer. in no lie in Whieh le gel -a- trenai ,lrig vitit half.e dozan men every prised. nov that le badl taliàe famil For une-tva monthe Vivien Chase. reIsita ee lmmys kea evnag, had loveral, rallier &lia ly vill her, lIaiaI elad raje3btad -hé more oontinned ta corme and go at yanr dressBesfor an oloua I 'Boyailc raised, liii ideila veiýmanfiooli. In- ide& et being Sir Arthur'@ vif. witlÃŽ Lady William NeîLle.hip'a He wasiehed terSîtagaje wll'be ta leart deed, a i te moment iliatU8r. Farthtu- scoru. She vas a tbonsad imes toc acquainîed by ihat Lime with Damerons neya, ad l.o F.wthiàilaleat'ou; galaie b.d urprlaa4 iaiupon lbe iraI good for him ;. rtbur'was ubi'fapile gond families, and vas a welcome gnut wonder if aid Farihingale.ad any id fe of 3fUrs. ËBe'.aparîments Vivtien J. Ho ied ilie most oomr flnplae £1many honses. Tba Stingoos Lad ut gettiag LDin, rSelipa? If so,ti 4t4 4tepu oleooek uponea îLe br sar ideas onfl l snbfata . sud vas li0ikaIy cpaned iheir bogpitable'doars te hlm ; vii la terri y_ .disappoinled. -Si net às inferior b Id e ow, perliapp, thet a girl tils Regina S tem"hÃŽ , viho Mus.Macdeagul ut Macdongalil' YOU write nt suziun-'. yanr engan b-ut6"eiaîiy as upon someîbiag ihat livad in e beautift]i vorrd of »iLvnç eoraved hlm ouni ofmore titan one dia- ment 10 111.10, or trn4 la Iheir ed Led beaun ereaied t biopetted sud eer- fi aboya the aordid e1ryday lîyescf zer ;the. FartLingalea bail "feteil', the it b>. chanie P": ea eaa val,good, and tkn*te task lier meroenary falioevaraaiurs, hotdd uhfile u lesi.trfyo Idu'i~i~ii Id u Sbby auli>, sud neveu eb lol av t"fdIauiilî hre!wzlhBnn",iii andl parseites of 11.1 km mwayýas vellé:Iditlhem eau itfoir>tho adeeulala ou l..exeutin c anyk raitvIethogli ôflitIe iseWhe0 d woyeipped ithe guound -oelrod on. . - 1 dcît'ê ang thet otio i au *V , pita $Ovi deïW8a. aüle adhi Ã"tbàbïs: e .1'4bwa edii'PXorthre a to ag4rla à a , nd ou snb, ofbW î ,ý n 'Vae ivtha.vi te -? , ....... -a r .. - -tel Fuguez Io-ssc lAisIne f faa & in 1sUVAI e- i*- - - - - . pi-.-jh -- -. .ue eraco~. - n'a t ay ;. :duveapar f1h b paintid lips, aiii flmuinting finery, the, hsnd. 1 aamee est isnnîs -lu î0#nD. The Oeuma appearalua ctRegmua .NJesýi 1usd " Thia unlnky bracelet 1" hé Led ex., in on, vilthit lia ealtli ot dinnerseUg- oh tu he sameeffeut, Poîte pure cool o laimed ou blet docirion. i"Hov I persballa, anid'oard-parties; yeî, dew o! morn'g mighÇbafe ledfa a(t v,à isbai ldlait 1traitogaîlher! 1Il ra- thonugli Vivian vas everwhelmed wyul o£ blàfb4. gai, bâd liqcuor, ,àu4 sirt>. md. ame cf Plse dieifiu tire t uvitma o!mlslsdhdaare> oa4,firat meeting. Whai, a ful I1 muet s moment leCani hi. ova, ver>. fav 8L I,o. oreliçeancd madesi au havé looked la yonr ear o eNtl- fenospselwibut i idn m lu Iwobip 1,île lime-tl aulia i e bou1ehansel e!a0r.olP jffu. l arly"noyer . . , bpray*don'ê aay IthaI The mia- Knightsbriýdge, if it ver.0oui1ytte leave r v iin.orng upvai.lte vas unotlasa, I avu; but I a bouquet o! flovers oare coup i e o a!sle d~.li ~1ul.dif ~i s4 u a 8voa - aiu ver fergetîtha geasroail'y vhiab foirîle opea, or -te iuqtiîro atter Ibe witL1h.naz» i~thaseusnapl-emptead you te pîese.Bir Arthur by healit ot Lady William ad 1er dangt ooli~~eia pw ba el lepreise tei. On neyeraI evenlugseepreaented ~ug, s.weageavae, ud allus~l 'Ha ealirely muuled me." binuseli et ineir rooma, rodeati>. llongh lLm oàffali-su sepo,' "adid .indeedl And-'haensairai>.vitbont invitation, ta crave permision ait*o hecp r, ýCà , evoue aigprw , imisied hlmoal! ie îlte bargnin." tL eOeekrefuge frein tle glia a'ile' hslLath~fee oh eu!Yeub ah _Iappooe hit vial vas faîher te île buatie of hiii oulside 1lu lbithecool. aud nIt~ if to delicaai> aatshe doi hought,"-reiurnsd Vivian, vith anUp lte liade of îLe lo-o' iddeig l'O dîeîo ou Ldnee iduli. er.lao; aWone a. adou aI room. Andl ihose'eveniuçgs vote al' liaiw faievec le bau mamma. il. Poor viatoïïha iebas peid deanly veys ripentuloseb>. Regius'e ide- TlkNuIbezr diseavea 10nemI sud ali. ifor lisi proemptlca." somnetimes «"Ltt-e tete" viit-her-dis- pIe, vithosais aingle rilibon ou lover; -Mr. Chasemore, I vaut you Le he- aussiag t i'umutnal tastea, sacialad euh Lerpïle old tuait vas < 'eXquWla.1ev. thnt it vas preaumption," enid inlellootoal, and finding vith oacI freal iteai aringée lk.Ithe olaiie ead a cf Regina, aveetl>. "Isliouid ual liave interview. boyr ;marvelleuely vol t beir the Olympien gealdeases. Vivima cal>. meationed tha aublect, if you Ladl ual vieve agueed apan ever>. tapie etf im- aav tL.entaille o!fM" Nettleahip, sud ialroduoed il-binusiryen have, let partance. Ail tiisfamilier inteuconrs be gave liermudit fu posseeaxug .&H tl. me te11 yen tlIa ir Arhur lad ao and interchauge o! Ibought had ils due gond quailîlo. hiehher axterier .eem- reeson te believe 1 ahonld, accopt the effot upon au itupresionable younn ad tu indiosg. 4Evan Lady Willtmm'a: offer. He Ibougît doubîles 11. Le ama cf le*4d0wnî wvas free palaied andI ferblddi uenutonase vas Iwateeo good a matoch for a peùnilesi ta malte hi.L chi. in marriage,, and povrlea & ~tat rom lier d&ugit. girl to refus; but ho did natéltnov indulge it as seen ns cauvenient. 96 ora alarma.' Hesuav luow uniksey b.' lat->..tInt teverda the.-claie o!-tLe Lonaon voie, sud friu no fear iti Bginasa aId -Whst iliai lim did aclnav 2'o de. season ancl justsa Lady William wai âge aboold in anyvis. resmble ber Jmnnded Vivieiu, yuL interoit. - vndr bgvether il va.s ual heu dut>. mother'o. Ho paused vital asemned s'a J 0btfo0 e ti~ he oas n Mother ta, gareVivien Chmeautore dalighifai aventng vith bis uev se. .-airriae ha for a ama"lt6fied me a li ove: î1lie barreofucfnao,trtan quaratauces. The dinuer va. very lýýîd clote me and keep n roof! er ta> whloh îlood belveen Litasel! andl bo asmpia, but, mverysig %vas veR ooctad, ýlÏend. Sir Arthur ls ver>. goôd-looklugDeune,9 ,a lii latI an: andua apolooy (bLet moet certain aiguaa d pleainu t, ûkm husLed (4f1 emer prisad, lhaugh va'y muchRaied* to- ofvntcgoobrediu>vam forcî av e et uI Myaauitllectuaesl i eia .. aif livr , lmà a tse pesarI>. cf île pvu rIL rpi perler s vel slu>.friand.» 'uin#pri an 1 tIhing in tlLeworld: ev oe.bere -lus bovî l I. Tiat is it a l"Vivima Ilicago. i "ta i liI mme epue. euwon tee b. tbie, asi.tue>.lat tW liasirolI*d b ie*wiia tue11"eball. ipueo4lieaigndv nmdtb RBegiuis lok a& dm"aeýe sd ihaneu.: 'rLuanisÏ. *h~ufja eridîelriweek-ilu Septenie. 'il seeatad tje.atmoMpbevO-arnIV-gt l.is *il-reà4'6"0Weoliufd6ii n'ha<»,-~ aiengatthmee bamu neimled lha: uýmuffçeà b fm ýta' usw Ilireat, à" fou a&*mae-witthl b a.eucîoALu e wusrýin pp up mu in emîloas of he-maoipp.uu M Vivian, hii la v-,qokfe, LiId à nibul 9 ne utlstic I aihal éeuvèeaIhis p oc f sab cloe h> beaftu-disai anl Mled se ~a~tre vî), b. H LW no ea lier mcllimu's bedroom, vitithe>. aboLhlpashl~- W*liaibsl ~he~aal4tot o taéli. 11 11w eule.Lady ililem'hallxmied ratbeerierî beaunia enoigesakh.Maedoiugal illon He wçald baveç vearld a, girl thanusuel, ,leeviuglier daeuglte~ t jw jelu Ihsla p&fly f1« e@f.reaev at S ili Min' 'Netlleaiulp'à taés in 'C'a ake-tho li as i. ýte Mu. Vs .i*.s~wuusaa3gia a.g Ulgb.mcntb." OlimaEmre undar tli'oraauiecaver 6e" aah1ê Wortuto .I. . Anbi vltaaî xactly decidhuug bLe thi. e 11oiJiglîmd blta.-~b *hoore ,adsb Iusle& ýto '-à« is evu lhking feu ihai. iubjedte 'ennevor tison effuésire inilier demon"- daaegbme& a"rtegy 0te -ei ql 4 "wh h ii lunin fallihotveouldreidér liane cf. affec&.ion for Reginat, but< -the' kuaov~~~ bagae i. portuatty, ihbl h m or ue deairable comp4il'u ueldmîahatoauhaûes niai! mastocaluse ofet .Tb* Mac- Blý»na'a eyea, Mr. 'Vin- uiaioîe efil otbecaming the-peessêor e!es-' 4ouffl04bLgovof msdy WllJis " eo 'ertainly botter Iolied-.tevpadi jhpuand pounda - vas, boo ma>ch fût blîlqire0ýfe& usbh ba hastoc, vas, eh. bieif and. Ià elgilral, as lie t'it ed> ila'naea1olu ter tbe fasbion o! ..fr1.114e, ii- li a i mblied 'Ilal nigliltPam l a hd boeau - . yprecions- dhil , I c~ 4mariumaacqt oity 4o! London. pel> tué, for Ilsomée- limaprgavlouaiy. c -' iîmed. '"My siseot, 8aveet 'il 1 i - 4a l e seb Lau îdaiges or -auppoea -Hm hîd net loft 'Lmdy Williami sud really thé a ea2 -O! course 1 'lnw 4 viten sitebell aolltingbeýteinlpro-ber dauigiter lboaî ueoeiving a cor- muaIt e eomlng'; bùlta- beau iliel yeù eli emn ateees d i Jiaiinvitation fromth 1.eider lady y aru~ hseeeIav rla Se tr. cme aal a. Itm aéluLHo zmînd aI u u anading ai lai, le. fideeclê bat te talg. auuI meau- ben-a ur 90, ple amntly oabs nuorrel, e! hieg Zoad nevsl, And leo mauriin la h-- dm1 aamighl.ae.ageed le theai', viet p 'ràdmvfjLr 'wh 'ataa ià Ils k am emboui-iooe; ouceql a tuonth'blence-1 J Vî*YmaSýntiD& gaa*escuced ,Musai. bfierioa'nej i ideu Isys; dlti u nerai.ài vi hndm asiqe. unI l chobira e l.open 4e uebAlneverseen Gemp'ral'0lissniore eitloment uPon-'you. - It-woutd -be--an' îviadev infrQ Ou4 as! l»Q1çg4thucugli duuing ber 114UP1' aï nd -$h a i ilWnleéh8rdoôf lhibtuijf did-ÏotL», tli lme uralas~ ii.carages apl -1ôl~!1~~eîe.rwsiblé- - Egi naw,ýtbod 'byý tflih'-d-laa ùg4bi& ai I.ppe" Lh JlVli , M bW ro6e é oeêupî witeu ~ hiiiob~a1puu lai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tig ip eaoagyla saa$ êwî~na vL1a-i àt)nmdu;itinélzeLIu oi*e~dsyinate4~jobuiuug letmsse luolrs huhl1~~>. bingIlkés .in!l eéip i - .1 bae l ii li lier cen4léïhk a Sir Arthur Was il Lis -couaiîn ,",o hlm.-Vvn heeng'agemeont hm lia4lieir grai aovw wafeo ii blas C'oteaii' Ld i ilnt, Sate, tri luy-O pe frlreph. 1 Aim more a wieneu ve vetoi oh ie barsà i enlih oee reauoti tle9hip. To- toar tii soon Jie safy dispoe névie3lrt te worMl, ai Aituar wyu the rlit very firat acce.loua!o Xe - OrerM prmpt im olaro& CO 1668. - luSi> a - .,. Mw>up, ~1NFRANK SMITH. 8~ePai ait. ,e a RXPECTO EAE t ba PRICK HUGHES,'Eîq., W. T. KI!1 ZÏ4, j bonsapiS7eéiibrelbý Foi JOHN: FOY, Esq iuglti I #AMES MUON, - -jar Mey lomeodon Mi aesof luteretansd on ce ifroment Neommit Poar tbýe pariacals,a au>l. Mrle a4 MI. liai MO.NEY1 O . ONl 4T Êffàl ~TU. Cauma ,rarng, tee fer oup rBathu 1 ýl i

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