Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1883, p. 1

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ela ure tiaai, ' k es T4.AlAvrla uteperlt e ube ;~zS:: RN à t 0F TULQULÂ8 DOW, l Manager. Wl BBANOH,- Bro.kii8i, - jWbitby., M4.SSR BICHI &BILLINGS e CHANCRRYa2 W A.t IWHOO 1, rocrt. , Wbuê,by wi 20 telÊêHune sudW=l Kiu g 4" 'D A$tS*iààà' *UTLU 9. Emm IlcoyCuegeneu, firdo E4Yoiiut oerstong*Whte. o»J to Lonn-P'?2 ate Stesi, sot lu DAVIKRITO, B-NP l#TRNTZ1 ÂTONET-LAW , OIIOtI IknStreet, A &RTTRS-XTLAW, SOICTO1I li 1 hac' Cne ytbib l Cet, in&o. & Offce,14 cUINGlng I[llLoc LB.okSr, B RRISTER8.ATLAW, ATTORN- a.0.eOuto,&a . ze eiumRA loc, Brnmi Gtee-, itby0U nU t ILL.S. JAIAXBtERko. &o-MnetOLoan 'AB lr i arringe Lios Qr w Aw@ver Omi. ,ltouDtil, Wont,> i JCUA0.S-G. KLLEL, B ARET-AT- LAW, SOLICTOI bS Chancr7 Covanc a'eoy Cnvey au, rok, bb. Ont .J . IIAU ARGREWO,' Fuoa b oul îa.d muId Mfthae onatie Lain negtiaeonl kna iPopry B. . GiLBRAITH, 8If mot &RADUIATE umm[ue'a sud Victoria Uulîveritiem imber ai9ilhe Calegi ai Pbyiîtlm an d àtrgeans, Ontario. Orffl-Brook-St., Whitby, Ouit, (three doora cois aif Royal Hotel). ly-0 itJIRGEON TO THS-E OUNTY GAO> ~jaynon Stkeel, Wbitby. Gels'8 OSPITAL -ifflDOX,,X90,, rrR.- J. . BATES UeW"spâpi £iLLdtea'l:uag iAgeel, 41, Park Rov ( ué I'ehdisg)4,*Ow YSukq, te meuh. bu thét IIo Nh"OLE nt oxe rule. lu Wi aim Printediwrs etuogit. u nftl - -Word%'i VOL. XX VIT. 1wlii rsO.UIWî aiof om.a.Renfite, eu-bo adUnrhvafed. »M PUMe. ger Hiear ann iht and dey. Thé o0I groiait usi n ansdaà tbradu. Mes pri es, vis ;-#I, 9p50, end opr da Meinira i ofclubs and chers, detg rooms, wiihout boad 1 $2 rm du B VISH AKERICAN HBOTZL, (LAT& Botonanoueaz.) WHI T BY, ON T ARB10. Hloue. nevly renavated and inrnile)ed tbaongbout, àmd put lu n t-clama order for lb.à roepton oaiguetteAu omnibus tanmd ftrm ainslu. iret..oleample roome. 0 NTARIO 'IIOTELî Buoc.Sm»zv, WEITBY. JOHN LESLIR, - Propri.ior. (Late ci the. Simboas HanseToronto.) Ravnuhbrogl& renovaiedlthleeHO iolea Tebar la tooked viii the cholaeselbrande of Liquor. lmporWe, aima choie* Cigare. Good t-bliioana attention. POBT OFFICE SALOON, Tonouro. ,WTIM BEST ACOOMMODÂTION jo for Guetta. (11 ROYAL IIOThL a. -W. RAMIEY .. Pi'opetor. * IM lietiForiGonIborne.) ender the proent preprieior the. ROYAL vii le u d ta poette exy deejuable ao- aommodailn for gneate. #W Ipea at- tention païd ta the. commercia agency. 16 WHITBY HOUBE- DUNDÂS-Si'., . WHIT2BY. 'The underslgned would latimate ta the p blta' b.aboepremimes have bc"~ n.ewlytb t s:and Otedaup ibrongiioni for 0i acomodation1aiguesta. Bcd Winee, Liquora and Cigare. ?TEE CRIAR O7 CAADA"-WALZ LAEZE. Aima pure Balm. Wlne. Lager whoesJle mUd retai. ]Boacdere teken by the weck on inoder- mte terms. JOSEiPH A. BÂNDELL. July 201h, 159. 5 M& ýUDI:RSQNXDhavlog leed hiaes mnaany ionda te ocal and ô hîm. Turmere a&" abera dolng husilae I et the. Barbai viii fnd taadaccommoda- %on. -¶ýIlI b. provided gi hbeia airem.oale ý eet. GEORGE BRQWN, ýWIhby. March lot, 1882. il BROUGHAM HOTEL, Corner Brock snd Main Streete, in the Vilag, ai Brougham. mirst.eîa ae accmnodtlon& Butemi quore and Cigare. Goad eablng and attentive bostier. THIOMAS TOUCHER, PROPRIETOR. LIC ENSED Au4rTiobNEEI tfor the LCountiem oi York and North and South Ontaro. Auctiom saleoa of 'cal etate, tam stock, etc., attended ai moderatoechargea. Addreme. T. TOUCHE, Il 0 Iy B o i 47, Brougham, Ont. 3-7. L 'A 'I. ~, w a4vcu~ôP.ao, P~ope,1~ Kw~ed~, ratd 0sJ le e WHIsy, IOT ~ NÂI4T~]JY~IBUR we RH HOWS-E,ý CbciisiandIlrunggis(, WELLTBY, ONTARIO. CÙorner of Brock and Dundas Streets-. Dominion Wood Work8, WHfTBY. Geo. Go)rmack, leon, %sand Bilnde. LURDER wholemale and reteli or by by théecrIoa. Plaàlng,, Midion of0<every descrip- tion, Floorlng, Shcetiug, Shalving, Re- iawng, Siaplng, Turnlng. Scroll-work, etc 0 etc. Whiby, Ocoi. 10h, 1878. -48 IUHIS PAPER may b. tonun nfie st X Goý. P. Ilveli&Ca'eNevepaperAd. verdilng Bureau (10 Iprue St.j. rebe ad. vertiang contracte may ha made for il sm MONEY TO LOAN! *, 100,OOO FR INVE&TRENT. ON REAL ESTÂTE SECURITY. At loweet living rates of intereat Money eeoured within 10 <aya of ap. Apply la JORN FARQUHABSON. Wbitby, February 101h, 1880. 9-r1 K ING ROTIMRS. ~, 1 NE(iIEH(JUSE 1 WKITBY, ONTARIO, ,.PIÇXERSNG. JAMES CÂRNEGIE, praprietar. This House. hue een OIted u n l ra- lasi style, anti the proprielr i <l gve hie pereanal attention ta guetta. Liquore andi Cigare af lh. best brande. Exoolienl Stabi- log and Sheds. Pickering, May 17W1, 1882. 17-23 B LACtk KRISBulEIo:TE, Cas. Egoa* Geosa $=., TORONTO. ALBERD OXFORD, - PBOPBIBTOB-. (Lat$eloi WoflingluHlen K7ht. TZRMO, #Loo FER DAY. Good itAbi- laation for taimursand lthe tr'aelling THE HODG6ON HOUSE, T(.LaTmotIsj O'Leary'e DitrFINt CRERK-PICKBRING. The above prdàemumabave beéan lbIy tihe tuidermlgud,âa n renov *beissg newly, .Oîled np for 15. 'raeetonagume d DeiWleIlur, bgr,&.M"eiti Gadeals, mbe m, sud m a alen C. N. VARS, L D. S.,: D IITAL OOMSremoyed tram At- Shea 4br lly'estore, Ring-Bt., Oshavwa., C. DAWES, LICENSE»... AUCTIONZEER cf 0ut.ult. Fesbrarr li. 158L 77, 7z',~ ~!& MOIE O, i i à ]i BhLN LUMB ineR on< QuIeLm Truponteni, DeuierntMaenirut re au l Klnds af LEATHER AND FINDINOS, Cuis paid for Iftdas, Bars sud Leahe. Leath4nr atretched. 1 ar BELTINO StADE TU OIIDER OR Kay 182.-m SHORT NOTICE. FREL]SIIFISII!1 RECEZYRD EVERY DAX, A" FOR SALE.* AT TANNEB',S, MA3UKT BLOCI.WHITBY. P. MomFlE SURAKOCI.0 Lomb&adSt. Éasd Cbrig Crëos, Lonob. BuTm.riNWD'pru1782. Aigents lot Canuda. Manager, Koutr*aL,, A GENCT ESTABLIBURD JR' GARA- VJAlUMi80. Unlimitdlaiiiy. Funde. Modemtratene opre um. Agent, Wbitby. Wbltby, April 9b, 187, RAIL WA Y TICKE TS! The nnderiigned haviog hem iappointed Agent for the CREDIT VALLEY. and CANADA SOUTHEN, and ailer TEOUGE U INES, le prepea to issue ticket&&*i lavesi ratee lu Chice. W &cand ta aul poin & l~ie ntV anà the Western States. Every informattion eupplied. Apply la- JAMES LONG, Rallvay Peemenger Agent, Of00c, appoaitet aym Haie!, Dunda-et, 2-tf Vadbtby. W.o.00JOiE N8TON, PROVINCIAL LAND- 81PRVEYo1L, Cm e bitnAet the Lau OOffi . G. Xé»Umje1.WhltbyL>r as the1,. îmao Mr. omunrom treeL WR vOlp. vtii. bGw. ram4irnea InDllgsto.Caua4* pauo.or Citueiw They a lyVegetabieandaéneyer leg la girea oa Cs.Lre boxes. contamibna 90Mt 2fý6drasoe by e)Drog- ÇCt. Bovare et o . atosud Imiia«me a. motai.Toinao.1-S wrI, u %-"P~ Ch, viatviiyoqtdo, My 11111e girl, And whal vsllyouldo, My mveei Wh wli lIa <Aiii& comlene-an Icannt liiyet, My ie r, duar, Audifideed Iwubntler F-r ach of Iithe ' dfrienLu 1 Smog Ha.tmaude a dlsgeslug blu24der. TanU neea not m5l#'et at1l eveet lova. An a ounod lnrurm iio A weirysud pAinfl Ïemnue ai lai My braun d heart wvulxA be raldng. My innoen tm eerani l adon*,, And mako e 8luhabais so many do, Your life would bê ucho a »Aadoni. I thinksnud 1 hunk, my tber dear, Tuét trio love fefm m - - --, Thougi beirvytltt ammay belili. 4esi, Like cdown. hhay&rightly haken. And mmd nabltemthougng iifJnab., Ta lUv. audio lovte . glarbon 1ile not albave amu t, my 11*11.girl, 0i yonr ô5A'IOI eahr For 10aie hsumihu," i elrebdirof, i THE ROOT 0ýF ê#LL BViL,ý **You bire kepau meaect "Slrially uïo ri * ' lalof net iiicf AIfed erer Of o et los ë minable vèman fer. bis uaa atanding dimgraee, sud "Ve4a-aeowlloeable tojud«ifcr yatself;beiore .dong. Sbt ed ate Uid yoe o è.t yosuhv on home,, in bopet ef, abafing jouir <ccd x fort=*e." £ "Thon aie vil b. disapaointsd. I'd sooner licou mymoneyslaithe gutter. o 1 gay, Arthur, vialerrmadetislise grand dad learo t ta rme?" tlia "«Vho eau tel ?" îejoined Sir Arthur, ta peiuiebly. sliu'a ual orib discuabg. Sav 1 Supposé thé cît "Msu wueinebis do- eett lage. Il'e your, sud liat'm enougis." au, "Of courseyen sciei tme. don Iiing." uit] "Caly M'Y ftler*, portion ai tisa nom manniage aetlsm$nL." "Are you imaiued, Arthsur 2 -No ; b 9hikely toib.." Netab con 700. 4ul rrtng$Our mo self, nOv Yo tls4 aq do ixk cuiol "NOL I.-Myi a <hwr auhdh Vivian. "'~ eoed mv i5be 'Lo longasd ;c n to4, se -it ioeoui. 'VIX MiAL wOneMr'$boum 'I 'miguy, fir To keep cpeImm i.n"leof ai1 ILSId rouad,, L~a4of k ëiug.abont -the < lerld ud in &t ather in- ta 14 îsesu, Xe.io..àà%ýuw 1 No* rr.got,8 1 offunyIue -ta-spud itou-ea',inyba k*o c an pesriwut aon th. ppport cfa et c bquflulrsie,thslb e -- estomiaake a man viii monosa ults maie la ,rry' o, , , . pghi Weil ho & teuhoBEIhinkit1 Ja basrsMudlalhb 'pesfi a 1 lmigisiIbh have laoked ouI$e'80t1 Itle girl 4 sning r, iViî'elésly u t ta haionejlo tO tus enpl Y Ibdging. BU" Do> nov ai muoli @ampSnY à551ebease. -I1meaù e tg kep a jl> etiof csausbeai ton, oail amdr innov.nsibe0aiilluus wh.aevw e, I ilel iiidi ed, ài1ha e semaüin. mmnlaon. a&tsd whüi houe e-lotis- or yan , >os éme fate lits grand fortune &af *asu+ bey hqV' t*Whit'do 701* rneau"bt Ibauc thinale ght1~ tuh 'sos loflt ta mte'eaeuaY beue imif I dieui- -g nbir, it reluise layon', or yours . e Btlii lyoa haret. U ôiàsa oullire 8. 1883. IEd~v£44 £ ys~v~Jetgeg>Ia .. .. 1 8$<sl1f hrýpuoet'e knowledg., q~r.y e~ghd >loe I ia iu 6"h vas!eua go .youu As4ar pspa #ho, IîOpponheige puîuid. "WaIs iseduMvu7À- haa, lien., aulti n pour girl llke-.znyeelf Ilie ilone wýmsuevet 'Ève b.n n Lindop. or ha'" never beenuss uea ado- anYlhini more ibm u brM orpnrm . -Bau for misel, you ses., My poor ailulw.e ýft I are P$a 0'fi ,do7 8h wua quit. aà 1k. amothor la me. I havenver obild-*:xeù,1 't i tl 1ere'- kzx.a»wn it ilas ta hure a wimb un. , . _f !urpù~,,RmoBonnieîjeltt grâtifleoeaà t Fr,,ý 1 ý. tieA a 0" r en siber &iýg- b thé ."Thmî le a pity, isn'1 11it2" replied bi6 ij~sOi nt of ber" rety solingt. !18amany vomen bave » face Ai~lb'e'rgo&aeaie. p~et wokfor lhelr oWu living ilu hie vorld ty.' sh'ée leheu îti iluthie uit IIIdoes ual do ta b. bropghî up ward,"salÇV_10n %mbtcaI~ - too Safly, 201088 ane hus certain pruuý Miîî,trl a o&hre d itsruged ber pocle l in, befuture." abouldÉra. s eptitighI esbe aoiS-ff s Tr&o, éder, Mies Faitiinqale;, snd meaiuoo l ils. v ind. Sir' Aruurporisapu . Ibave been, more - indulgqid sibe, ~ ~feoedwht iroh bot. îhaén-ýsgoot)fog.me..8h11il vas l, m wtoi' eeb.coulti halva' îiedei ube it7 der-.aooie pleaourç,, sud abs baià thçus.and ..pouude. ,Mr. -PakiEi*ritadtuse.oe.' oa~beughauIebi~ U - ovri. "edst mu aleaps Ho belmnatatlta uki , frluet lin.frxod. I " if - iut ýFt mif 2e3aflujaMa l hViiil A4&ta.t5ie l1;.:Yl enUulOiSae't a, Ifiy ~~osi5ei't ya~Geli-dlfI"of Lut.. have-tàtoiboé0f seol eaittlngbuette. - For ui Ifka the cotrael irv Avtal iol rr hatm rInamuârepa-b, ' suRea ttleebu w.odl iAn i mu'o r t!hi am b lud, pap."I a 'Z-tm mi, isai lee nt p likeyl isi'l 1ct es Gent labullesc et ta ehaveud he eyeM ' apene rei 1 v e.-Pa uitIk *g rur i Asq~eae rpng and . ungnaîsiaul Lian. I heb feeea qfolrle bore. e. Il'do. ÂAid ,vil!ycou forgiie me, -dem, 'Mise f'i~ar liigale, 'if I eay liaI t cannatI elp ro -4gem f you.-.vers leeady xmy *e 94ud r', in~* Dlinvu oi.m4hgivrni ta malt nýg.rIrleads vilsber, ounniezx; but aise. ma i-rpbjçd o7 er nosor phrase, relative, ta eLva,Joping'in Oppenheiovoutâ léok * ii. :ouberasestichii el -Bs a reevdasecon doi;o ' r e tthér ta he mure and., Jteeptheir tenta Mi Iay$.la op sivd o'iRh an ides bu of visai f;emale' rimudu.bip sionld b.." M tIb pet-la aut " emptbtwonie ë Ae .hot,,bIng uSIeit.at) ut, -uth f r e re sviouhcis Ibuntlet 'a, "Ae A cbjOoilu ogess$, lia van.1 îaok' Mi..Maliens. gare me le v re t aIad- Pl 'IL tes. lie> Qongeeeil itquit. Job. eceer liai K Wipuld leoilwIeta teacb *:la al1r.i uîqi.. "ýOhI adnoatsdfor, a goenead," tiongh misee Selina; <'e aieom'l have, Fur beau reared witi expeclatioum. Mru. fIen Mathers iutended you ion.-a&leacher, au lieu, aiseopulinueti loud. DaW "1Unlil My conîlu William <ied, He yen wai iser giandsi. yaun bau, andi I ara oe aocly ber granduiece. But vison munt 1 be vas n.lierîd oi placing hir n th le Ml I world, ase had me home, tram SI. fils Ânue's at onae, aud I have liret)-, itb. ci in ber s"er ince."1 "*Dqes ise -mean by liaI, tisaI -hIei "fy rÏney William vus ta have iieriteti J !ta- 'hýa came ta libe, eed?-speculated Ia The n oit iaa ppeuieim eaid i>mdlaoersd McIIislu. -ae eut tallu fia ai iipl,1 a re, <'#W. t Stmae b bca a svrtlsng;but had~ ~ ~~ t la aylnI u deaolate îra duriug lthe*terim af bÉbanish. ýut1 in vichlb.evirale ai lite loohed iisrk sud hapleme 11.1 ho pquOchos whellier be wsiuld iot-bq- wmer ta d lais perplexziea vus a 'doïi& 0f 'l.et vue iiau over now, heremuember. Ilithjoyns lauh, aseh4-upd n g ' T-f r o s u K e r n n i g t o n t a J JD r r y mle. lais dear aid grandlatber, WbçQ bd eeu very fond of bim uhen aslà. , éild, hbut whm ho hati nover- diewihue muai pqrtiality eùice, àil«t bim indepondent fao lifo. Ho I nothîng ta do theuceforward but bty hfi"élfetheis eoity ho likod t, sd ilai, Vielan could ul ot]Îlp 4i2 « ,»*uldbho.tiseeaiety lu ubici bturouetd, 'bowever grestiul' sgsghl féeelto >toIsas. mvhsd br ie m eedt ln exile. - 4' ler the inflee i suai Wîhii ' gfi veviaface even, mare n~xiu wîliyu . 'Yeii ve ybrng ( f neyer té a Iook4 aI honù sgsiiI' répltêd-lU A he toiseAAdr.eee#,iWlgu.jeuiiIe'd r4ie and bo<lkîéd abe oneGuiAith uta( ont of tho cise t dawsof B> packedti heoufor him. ýn,.vim - W >n hetaak 'w Ile ad, hé, To Evgaàao SaLe-rN, EsQ. fe be vy thé "kailwsay%,an4 iba di viii write.an .11Mr Seev i it had , yeetndmy), vie,*s. ie.inrd von, Bell, with ber. work lu be-hr baud, vas 5tOW5h keeépiag guard behlilt) hi cauler, oI i "ÎLa. tM. Wmesrley, air lýi ilyo«jPf' viiihem Ithongil we avWould'i ue y6i batik ag993M, lt aomo lime te-dayé Sut Buil, iesof hie pro Sin fidgétiug ilire ylii over .your dýSepomda ,dfaner, anti a vonderin' uhoîheér 3oul'I1'Put 0 li U ethliie, or uhether yan'll take ual j t' ié )jéli au&ta eii ic&0'r, wa' b e ,heu if -Mi.. Wàrerle eani ayttlink.ie P e!ge sr, ho cornlle 'onsd tl j , evel' émoi il bm-16pene..I'ýve ouly sun aven for auoi 'eii oitsror iwo, le iO',1t mTS'u'e,' i.Ooiug back la o run -ftieda, sir, I '~Ib supos? ell1 l'irsglat)labh ii@ I Gf o be tie y ra cc ioneWayn;for --y>t?t for a yoa mxi eset y m ta' liuiieid. lÎ8iane lu placeiwï Landau, imd th.e <!Th.ri'i more respectable "people "e knous tie se nadmw6 belIer. ThasuIa'14hay. .Js-,* "Justlsu', Mr$.Bell 1 Tes-, imy 1'ýbeméIn;-8 frlndshae besVery kindtà tme, sud lOR2Sà-he t -arn cure yot wlll be glad ho hesi thaîf T*,4 I'o iame ua ebit - ai good luck ai nié.,- 46Well nvetIlee1tîhinkt! 19 tiah'i juatlwviii tise -uttle genuelmall o ua" aid yeïa.rdey, Ihat l'd good news'for <To .at' yen.I'pei'moeM. atey vkgue yi Money lis yhb1ink ta a yonmieMa'ayon be ceau juHâý . - L 'II amn lad I -à n i létieunnlob,' tlinkIa oi 'lu", E o tnet yon gain' oish ou oaaw. youiuea 'avifeBeas.yau sot 1, Q.ilte euough sd toopmre. ,Tbough biggeraoif Iu~ve. mqn1"fo b. nob fool aSIo' idruj wuy a balhcy matrimeuy. 1 I i btt' ar datien Riooliu",of insrragè as'ift tw--i6iultt id eiep o - iWh-.~weii vaia asi'ni-ý 't p eM melly viii i Igay rd, 1809Mls IMA-b20j rop - ~Ait Diees« .fibeTkatbLang* SOUIIS O'A I c 0N COMAIY '#1rtta Authorized -capital *0,000,0060 f tUeoe#acu».é OffceJb.9 Cnrh.S., arat.. I Mkwuded by PJyi=s lduitgaffl i -SON. FRANK BUMITIi, Se*br rmtmI sat XETRN lbia Iile-Iaruslleee thie moiutde1ealsb IiUQENEO'KEEFE, Emq.. Vice Prialdent- countan oOPCe in anyboum. DL PAiTRICK I8HE8, Xeq.- W, T. KIELY,Es t s JOHN ,FY,Esq I1 'JAMES MASONI se 9làu Si parîlo e tirthe{ ba*tlhnae M or ". f-v.es . tr r , l c îlq cirureas.i1 ý a.* orle e I a %" <, ov nla iumea 1< uniesllis ,e for flr MxDIIN TomolaOnt,t MID, deaer, 1 E MILLI( ilam or Sharki soe Cureale tu Oaesmsb» ý a ver .ouuwé touuse Ofboai au 2 rilrcloo l 9hl v»leemeolunu 1y buuhteu t1 ah pea i 5 amairle ie el 1 wv, sorsmm. iVWbouarte-i ,» 8o e- MuIvI TORONTO Vaporff& 5,Colda Coui L: 1 iý 1.

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