Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jan 1883, p. 3

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t4 ýý,-r&NS, IrA.NNELB, WiNCIES, OOTTOXS-etra pèle, in-~oW ~Lt~~~à BY, L&NX LIS. at 32ô per yard-speoial values. 4rP8$4*in DRBES GOODS and TRIMMINUSp , whichm fÎiëÏrU6ties wMA.NTLE OLOTHS 'and ULSTEBINGB, stock complotepnoes DECPAIXETPECIÂL NOVELTIPE8 ÂND B AN ie #re oftriiu to-day ATEan LTR tatna' 1 nu, 4awe amocetht w *reoffering - Arng'MIKUFRENCIJ SEAL AND PERSIAN MUFIFS ANDB [APS, AT PRICES THAT ARE DECIDEDLY THE VERY LOWEST'. yol. - wa.nt correct goods and pecial prices in gooa, 'we eau and will supply yen. Cal and see our stock.1 EP E 3 I W IAt %. 1 DEVE1WLL'S BLOCK, T- BROOK STREET, WITBY. IEW GROCERI CASHl STORE!1 Fs to inform his friends- and the public that he OPENED A G'ROO0ER Y lias1 STO-R E,« I-the premises neit to bis Agrcultural Iinplement Shop, jý a few doors South of the' Mrarket, wbere wifl be found FFIESH CYROCERIES Of ail kinds, Oheap for Cash, Fine Flavored Teas, Raw and Refined Sugars, Fresh Ground Coffee, Spices, Canned Goods, Fruits, Qatmeal, and general Groceries of ail kinds. Try the New Cash Store-a few dloors south of the Market, where yen will get the best Value for your money. OZ Wal Paperrfor sale-a fine stock-at less than cost. Briffer,, Eqqs, Poksfoea, and all kindsýof Farm Prod&ee ta/cen îwa exohange. WVhitby, Nýov. 29kh, 1882. HÂUMG 8MD DL R WE=E'8 "ond afflI*r of Poepitat.c sud for scai Y»a», &1h avnobitation lni roccmmanitlng'Ilcas àvcry rcliable tocdieînc. Wicn I bagaouIa.ing il I bai bllsp off gncstinl iah an trenati, m he tc cftet,~of a cougi, wilb rlig ef pilegm, àcd o00"00ena cpittng of blood, vic prominenl rbyolei&oslw>td toe b.rom dtacaccd lounge.. Ë13av g ontlnuod thc nemedy I fomnd myr symptomna ebain., a»d *vent tle 1bhome omplclcly actai.- ad, b la th nicanlImegatn.d thlrty jeu oclo eita. job vlm% »rtly havll u, oat lic il V tetscoqoce. Thtis remi. eusn tat C'18458*' P*Ax.aa Ceas Exraàs.ooala anotite -0 esueaa *M tait givoe More comforita lte e- ord Iban Jobe bell 41. X.Mcib#r lie Bnai, tien, 1or th ig' 111ep*ytlcoca eiti. antilte rcmcdy her r iii g"Matida *ti ar,? Pocivcly soiti by al drugglats. I. C. POLSON aCo., K.içgtoo, Propriatora. Tb*e aa» et dei. Il i kiornala- moés t0 a ourtalnty $lin Îlutaaidia- caes @&théi dlvidaal dles .fthcr be lb. brain, heart Pr lunge. How via. tben ia th* effor onl la inti a p.nfeoî &bats of hsitit Dr. Canton'. Sîoeaendsu1 06u.*Ipation Bittera arc a vrfabi. -Hcailt Gi"rn." Tibey frce thec ys- 1cm tram Mai hpariimec ur. Bilions- neet, !DysPepi&eand I al discesof lb. Slow ac, Lver or BRaal. la tgc boittéesat 60 ec»tc. 8.14by aU Drug- Woman's Truc Friand. À friand in kecin aafrianud indeed. Thu t. Omà gn en ,qselfy Whouen a- sis"aoc la ratdea w vime n ascoaly affi1te4 vitt i 4Iawacmorc partienlar y tho mpiWnU i rcefncaa o casa m- mon ta cor femae.population. Evcry roman abould knoorthba Elwec aBittisa. a"a Woma' truc triad, aid viiiposlllvély1 rccloro sa la hWti, mucaviienailU berj remedu tait. Aaslaglc trial alvays proies aur aaasr.IonrThcy arc pleanat ta thc tante, nd!auly omt. t.y cet.a bat.t.. mSoID; yail mdt*e. For Ooughc and Colds, oe l.u'a Long 8alam .. .4v.di.tinanotica Iflteora «ver wvaa. e lciIe for, s M omlafit, theé: 6~4 U Llti.z Live PUI m aapcofla for .lek heai. bobo. mni cvsry roman shoulti know bia. Onsly onc pi» a dmc. ladtes.who rould rega itatier ro y oipiaten o»uatiy oov.lcd, vi» resAa. hei he.. ying Fou" Of Hêsit. Prie* 26 ceute. * NoMec.aof BirlM. «Wt~ and De*Ia chargad W 60 4e ei.. tie Bov. E. Coekbumu , .D.L. Ber.. Is of:botowdàpof Pioerlng. te M7 m k1it, lat w Braulfrd, OnI. 1DEÂTES. THOMAS MoCANN.1 NEW AflYZITIBEMENTS. WOOD WANTEDI. Tenden. viiib. recie,..! ithecTown Clrk'. office, Whilby, up la oon au Friday, February, 2d, 1883, -FO- 20 Cordc tlouod, Dry iflardvoci. 15 ý d. 66 Grees 64 To be daliverai ai the Toima 1a61, Wbl by, immediately ailca liaeacmpace o a tandemra D. P. BOG&ET. Ciairman Tovu Prepcrly Cem. Wbllby, Ian. tuleu58. . -in GRAND CONCERT. êGrand Conussai viilmb.given l the TOWN HALL,. WfflTT, on Thuî:day Eïening, Februaqy 1:ti 83, Proceeds i aid of the landa of st.. John'@ B. 0. Chnrch, Wht.by, The. management. vill @pare no pa1aia or Lvpone. to niake Ibie the Concert.of t.he AdLu, 'Rion, 250. Reaerveui 5eate, 600: The. Great Miohigun Paper! THE DETROIT WEEKLLY POST AND TRIBUNE. ONLY $1.00 FER YEAR 1 Contain. m&H thi eye ci the vcek tram a&U parts of Lb. rond. 4 acrapapu erit bu noamupeior on the. cosMucat, in the qQ8an* lily and chafacter-of nDom il u le" conmbeglvlig valuibiy lta=aio ,o 1 tomte iiabaolPipm eà "îo MANITOBA NEWS&ieuiavm i m.alc Il lIratiai"g to #aI miffiou cierih' W. vant 10,000 ubscrbera y.er iila an as aprmcumrto jdu it>eborib e sen a cop! ai KENDALLftingri"w M*ba ie or a ha a.. w w a Bat pobu$ àc Ire. Ovi a br. w fim>blo one Tmr E « OU » h m!I ut~ 4114 DMtro% MRECI1OSELE TES Il WATON.-At Whitby, on tic 241i Jan., 1888, Anns, vif. or Mr. James a Wataon,'agcd 78 jarsand 8 monîha. Fumerai ah anc oloak. p. ilà., an Pal. e'a,201h i., boam tic residenoe. aof r.ceepit whitse#uoeil treet. IVHI2'BY MARZRTS. CasouisOrvicaJà. n 9.86 Pau Whea............. 908 %ois Goe.cWhé ........... 06 *00 sBarlay..............00 92 Bâte............ .0 a0085 ................ 07 pelu ..e........... 072< V Oais................... » i 8 ................. 100 14 Ooceu.......... &'» *00a ........... . :: 000 3075 .010 SDU1 rHuapvlb.......... 0 Por-prol...... 100 a .oieO SOUýTH BIDING âmmm OETl F TMmRE ]wI rQWN 0,F WH.ITBY, tu tic aal4 Tora, an N. eisbeTh1J0,D L,*a1Dit NEW 1ÂflVUtmmIEET-1 a01 nd Lung D7%ssoU 14 D' WILSOICS PULMO?4AIW Cm r-prt-eBALsA&M Ytould have Prov.,nîed. SoId Iveywhmo'at2SCefst a Botdt jW. BRAYLEY. MONTfRÉA For sale or'To Rent. T m OENORT= 5lOCBS 0fLOT M lTu S$rd cou. Wbitbz, vltbin l i llas 09 tic otre of tb*cTouWbi tb.Aid «, collant Stock Fcal at tersi, Md lb. but aitustion l ie h uaty. Il e*OU-,& amatipcyment down; blance l lIv wlu- terct in 16 y.alypeayin*iIfmactai- Xlviiibc tor ter= o ton ye,rmntato be gnaded for tBnci lir. yean, tIlt rpai riu tiicomaplet"i. A/f ir"MR GEEENWOOD' i 2~T I ~R/OOM8,~ 'e ~ic il * -c -a. . sa.' *j.i'a-a c '~ ~ .e....2.... -' - _ 'é_"r.' - HSieérynttdWo SjPECIAL Ii'S l C(¶< AND 77A~IA W~S ,~r Tailoring to ordler on short notice. Dreas Good.s, Brocade Fuil~tb~k 0 Gets' urnshigs.. Boys' Overcoats, American istyles, peIy 8 wcl- b 6 4. t f fa v*M. ntl.1,,and. Fur Trimmings. )1 ruggets,, Carpets,- Floor 011 Cloths, Rug-s, Cretons, very cheap. Buffaýo, Robes, rUoat Robes, Horise rug8,- and Fur8, extra value. A and I Our, stock',ris large, our prices are, right !C ýlan7cets, Flanne18, -Winey, al- bottom t*s FUJLL STOCK 0 GIWCERIES F"OR XMAS, lat holiday ýprices.Alrg and beautiful'stock o6f Cit. cke Glassware. W r eemndto reduce our lartgestock before the new er WHITBY, Dec. 5tht 1882. ?MW ADVERTIBIEME1#T. CHANCERY SALE. Dwelling Moutes and Free- Iiol Propertv AT PORT WHITSY, IN THE TOWN>OP WHITBX, I1$ TEEOOUNTY AND PROVINCE Or ONTABlO. la puuabc of tiecrierofethlie iai Court. a JostiacCbanoory Divia%i, la ie L r- r r r NE-W ADVEjRT1SEMEN"S'. JH NO' Try the Boot and Sboe 8Store of« N SA U.'NlD,-E -R RTH STORE, MMT.BLOOX s> For the greateat oomfort in thia "idweather, Wa&M Estate of Sarah Hlamilton, .îrQ r Deeuu.BLJTJ àuction, wvii*0app» it. Datatn, Local istaer of lteé saVotrI at Wiuy, byLeviFalriaa, Anatoncr, On BÂTÜRDAT, thc 27&b DAY 0F .sANUARY, A. Dl,, 1883, At the bour iof » lo'ck.p! sa,ast BÂr5 Ratai, l in cthe!dTawnmf aibtbi, the. tol. loviug valuble prapfiltia PFJIIL Wr.-'fh East i tLot 1, la B1OCk28ODM IS241I, outh 0et iaiian élý ukll tic ekcte.!a i et.1. FrmeDwoingHotnsetapressat'vacnt PA CxL TvaO.-Lal t'e Bliwit4. sci. dian aplan; baU M»acre sor'ifac; vacan PAICUL Tma.,-LàM a Sonick 4. Seai- dîne pl"*;#bivéarmree grisa; Vacant. P&»» cmLoL-Lai Vc9 e coh1, 8 ad- dimga pla n am mmsniraor u; Vaanmt ,Pemoas.]PM,, .-ot 14càM Rch4 ei Pàsoa'.SEL-LoItiU on Blackt d, S0" In<e pla;fbluam or oM1pývacat.' iPéacaïa umi-ZLcl oâeB"noht, Boad- dinga p"a; bail acreMmre or lm.; vacant. PsaczL Eimer-8OUtibail etLotI 14 r" ii. 8; vesant r »et Lot 2cO tlm ILiOa, ~aiigy.bu velacesoreaor cm; ai prumaiacup=u by Saecrs Blae nants, Ti i h là deciraielelot., belng anc ci thceaiMat$SIn PAncxL Tzs.-About le a.mmetle wtenangtct.l Tân4l fr In b. above parcels n lb. re. eivolb! 1he Local Mster up th1o icck, a. x, .Iilbeday cfmale, »an. ne ar lo b. vlthllrawâitoa thléepcruiaiCofetbli Thé od= tobu i ibedy lte pul la àoet,@*.té Ua 5dé ,fe.&he b6klb Oumie 11.deel or - chier *hano P b.SOn csi, ~1slasgetalqaoli ü»ster. Ic - t 90 purn. visaý m moat. wiuaaý5t hW ÂND SHOES I 0F FIRST-OLÂSS QUÂI.ITY AND) BUITÂBLE YOB AIL. Lateet Styles 'for Ladies, Gelts, Misses and Oilidren, souira9 reduceti price, te maie room for Spring "tok. Custom and orderea.work of superior mi,.le and 'finish as us"uel r Puuctuelty anti chuapuose in au "higo. 41 JOHN SÂUNDERSe Wmhy, ?an. 9, '08. CHANCER'YSLE Proert opàtbby n TETOWN 0W VErfIluNTE cOuITTA» IlOVING op M'lmKO bourt et mi*. wo bà u WOOD m. oIu m wômO güç> v. ý Tie nu b. ulu4ul Io edf Iy Pubic Alluo Ioub etl'GSo . SATURDAv t'IoiffIth day .et JAN- lu lie cati lonlng esIsi y b oe Xirp 00O~Iok « pL~ u .pl TUtoviefcblsol mb hot.pro. Lue.or ay hertileicdso co J. B.. POWELL &O~. NEW ADVERIISEMENTS. 1ti~~ '~Moncy8e o ïyGic.'3. lias 'deoided to offer ý4he wbole ofhis iîuanoostocko Tees». an&(oerai Groceries,,Cin#eCrockery and GlaQisvre, for CAOH or. PRODUCE, only, st ý iv htrmg téduct - ,i<mW îo Offr Green, BlaksdJpi e.,w h£ el.p25 cents per IL, 'or ilbq..for $1.-G.Tes r8-.7e *~~~~~~ TesorO.ffeslo7o Atiofour0 TesI if cenSvi 75c.y À riai fla04iIe~ic~ Te mey byp 'c sin aI PBÂSBB'Save Brazuien Wrhose. Ouitr fresh- *Pet r roufin i Oofee . ur . lin.t(huêblJ don Pri (coa6e64 ud à"itIle niutricions, 2be per lb.zod 12 lb. bright Porto Pies, Sugar, for $1. Prou oe.xmed S&Iaion sud Lobsters. Preali eanned mntuxfie Pesu, (CornTomatoes,,Pewachssud in. -'0uau apple, uamsanti jeUies, CâadiePels, Plevor-., : r mng nxtrects, Freali Lmons -aga Oranges, NeWr currants, NeW Yaàlentis anti.'erRiin, s,]TIiý4 auna e 'enie.Pure Ores"> of Tsrtar. The Oeleb,-M. -$TWS'D ed Logse BldngPowd4r, manufeetureti fresh very-weê,dc.çiy? monl i 13 S.PrûSr,, te pronouei ie e by 11whý usê iLI -~ ~~I r âskin r ao pQoiatyin the'.shape for, Tds whie ar deignti e divo'eyre oa irm-icdie ma: an ilth of good DriedA Z 'j Watchm&ke dJe welfery r-Soré eia TO AIIKOUNISAIEt QV- WA~P( e, BELL TELEPHONE MW lt ue Ih Tre Hamults, 'W ufr liq t. P.f. 0. »MOnie Aiy WHITBY. ,YKING 4.F-ALL SEWING',MACIiINESI .0 UNi Il' t4i. the la t" 1gi "da 9na.gecr, allen bal of 10110 eluve Dc ow olcanmm thc Ty a1Iocent 19M. "du lio;se aieada amien. r«r OMdLAS JEW CHOICE asie Isadi et fitoftu op the 80044. ii Tiblers id 1bI D-.] dét ls. Bo teS = 6t i. Etagyarâ'o Pou. .m vonat ceugi, d os,...e s, its ditunbeti diladim.filve, - acnicay e liaI b bru pri >y lie r 'r' s*todby .slpatliin. SINVIGO. c for lipêr ..reai lass. -i 1 1 ý .LUJL MCC-A.I'lZTýýtT ei.zl- 1

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