$hm1b,1b b.ail M tr orsgo ban hautitsu,, endta hât bhaîd il IL inde ci inidctes aud ga- ed OUM-Ml t Ibous efface. H.W 1;Fuý.Lowever, of Sb. Jacoba 011," sud »oivd togielt $aIW, wbleh ha dld, W~i1l.g'. ab ve fada'l eae)b ye,1s.mrkalecuaà tie poputesc IbisGree Gema,>Rewey, T appirs odgug ron hetoui1ru lïsy Ihal l. bel on Is ium. ues inora.r fully Srkabe Boug tihr peoplerteof l thusé,subalhinisecfue Ia ws mure usUm( from paln. NoLpstent mediotue, 1% 14 A5#IIw hu evr bailthe sale Ibst SLlaobe as bd. o doubt muoh o! Iblasbeeu due te lhe extensive ueu c f pi"< kit'Iak te w&y of ad . vtISoluSUbe, aIsuQéso, Posters, aiu bilte, carda, pumal.., spd erytbiug lu the prlotlsg lue.. ut th. mauy sud -MaDt uyort1fied csuesand tb1e lutereat wbihistLby bave toid bhahd a t'est deri te do wli t t pqptilarity. It iI; tongbt Il Mil, sud te -a boom td our ;orîr te is thtie dt5fërent 4fug e9trébý ulieutésau esa frompiutI1ïensBcame fWteregarding lbe bal. %fe 0it. Ho ieitd, sînong ot th eunesof Waltu iWilliam§ ci .Walhs who infgrwed ble.b u and for the ýOil wuê4s ? 1ý% drol. ne esat t t i ojeý .éi b:devsu'l for iffyP4M uk 00n e ebdever heudi oc' aid ihia Wb§ ssylug s great demi, 88 Wà X-Ieo bsbeu engaged iu the d business (or many Yests, and tht b au et bighà te ievery ges&. Us &euletd o0the .14 andi well-keown druglapusof ! M 4. &î"4. Santos. Tb# lt.slor oftI*e bpueewa. net lu, but »trtsgbt ïn 77of Our ireporter, thai tb~i'Ooof,8lJsobm 0i1 <as lremcnda alve e#840lblmot o1J. 4d All tha genean hhn: fiow about th@ Oit? Bts reply was aa!sCUhie Ã" ."'S Tho 1lu auswer ta Our ru "ueesd sale.4 tisaIther oal te, - e.Jacoas O-â th beefsc#t b ave b..i 1'ille onn.V i &b0. mai _ 1.luguo!tbe Émultitude whý Tbile lhiey sastbeteh.itre, t an % g mt <114hl Assir 'e erlshte iALghec AI bits bomarlb 1gb sud higber, And Wýews@h ands uhyti, 'Whou ho dit ul p coce b>' ber. Ai lte eh";<s W4mherquît *nquî.f 4al . 0,oseol à à thcn, dukrow by er, Antiepre Tbsn ]à iier Tbý progaîdu of!'the Imperial ?mrJiamenI is #sip@eed letek. place wb*oýr4 gKse'rofthe canadta SWaegfor M40.&"4yrbe m* lw it set,4tiehhie »W-m posmor, w#4 représentad ~i~w xv. O UC Iezay *'ncory t4 u w ouhd bave btien alt.- ÛdeStuu.saIe for suthori t-only n'en wteruot Lt Sadt Il ar aa4 vice., and ov Tory MesMY orveur MI ri i..1 mu mi Ie mntst tnuce 4aý ssue.tsli be bs4tl -oii u4uqus Orà î bn-rdaoki3 desirableo 4 Try Il. - J i ceats el peuded Wo your drnggiat f<*,,à boIuleof t 11,î*rd'@ YellowOi * blq, marc pain aud cure more diacaes et"t" dollards peist -farýori'ayý Rbe44ustiom, - Borne, Scaldp, * rost Bites, Sore Ttîroat, Croup, Stîlf Jointe, Cantraoted Corde, atd al Laine-eecm ,Ma l.ziitntion. .1% 3. R.Seymaur, DrttÃýglet.,tý Catb'eriuièso, writem thbat hfuea vr lncreaisig sale for ljurdiock Biood Bit. te"e, and adds that he -dan, wfthout hsitucy, recommeud it. Il5rdook Blood Bitters is the grand epecifie for &Il diseamses af tht Blo6d, Liver *nd Mrs . in. Allen, of Acton, feeys tht bas nover been witheut a IîottIe& af Hlagyard's Yeliow Oit in the hoiee'for tht last twenty yeurs, and woulJ net' b. for ton times tht ooeit ;a-ldung thut &be has neyer known it to failt or Colds sud Croup, Stet Trout, Stiff Ntck, Burns, Scmidg, etc. bhe conoindes by sying, "if auy one. toubtsiftb efficcy refer them t mib." ?dlarial fliseagos, sto prevalcut inl the Spring and Fait, euoh Rt Ague, Chili Foyer, l3îlione Foepr, &r., depcend upon an inactive Adateof1the liver,,ý Bow#et, Skia, Kidny, etc., for i f bese outleta cf mort>id polsuotit i2mat. ter fres the systens proptr)y, nou ick rntsc wonld reenit.. flnr.toek llood Blttsèh elTetually -,rgalts thes ar*lbho elt uorrects thp Ktbict u l secrotaly .yetem aIS W,11t. D)Çfuo@m tha is ecuueed iby che lammatiou of- the membrane of the casIt 4d a"sobp, je often uetrd by Hagyrtl~~ellw 01, th grel- terus "ei ndlttral itmody 'fdr alt P lain, ýSoreceen%, sud Ir.fltnr..tion, Rbenmatism, Bnrne, Sedte, Frost 2 ýBites, Sors '.Lrort, Croup, Co*trNeted1 t bcloe,îetc. Neyer b. wthouî t W IL It le pure healîhy bict that beauti fies lb. tace aud brightoe tht c yt, andi R ives laticity 1e tht ý-Lep, obiainAd by Suslng the Fountan f Llclth. price ,25 cents. Pimples aud blotoe »enish tike obahff before the wlnd. wheçp ChureIxilI'e SCimax Eye Salve *,ua itnt iula*P. plit, Prioe 25 çouts. iorld, pnrely vegetable, at 10 oents.î sampla box, Iliuy aisa UOPC'e itegnliîng Pilte (ougar coatiil). Au important de-partuie Irons ti griping, glebillatiug and icketiîvg coin pounds, are ltope's aegr.îiLtig Pihi enly 10 cents a eSaiupSe box, try tiens It msrlghl 10 b. couteuted witrtWba wo have, but neyer wilh whist we rlire. Vears sa. Large quantilke hv.e beari i.-(t tor Dyspepsie, andi ai a paîxlateitfer tle Liver, and the nîznWîfetîîrere bave yet ite Sitar ut a cingle cir o!f lyepclis g r 3li, ut- lues&, wbon Zo"peen wan osel asedirectel, in u-hicb ilt wes net »wrf ttu sift-. mata>' *rite, tîtt tien atecîderful reuiedi. W. ran gshnete echtre sa higl' ", 4i)X t w-rt gainleS bys tgatt-lt trezLillT u1chruîic 131iioesuit i>yspiepilo. II lieiii- crue" rry tet,ian l alil teluaie adirc-cted arc surl)iâied and gralifled. Tihe experenuce cf Tbonsc.i.ds Lias abowu thal the Stumtecb,Lie and Bowels -May bo kept lu à porfeeclhy healthey condiin-Ihe aLtack o! i i tact war4idaoffandl a vigorout silIe ofbeetthenualulsiued býy Ieu oD. Cara'a Stoniacit and Conustîpstlon Bitters. A-e you troubled "bllxp>ye pepais, Iadigsllcîî, Saur Stôm&eh, Bitioueaor -constipatian ?, If ai,, try Ibis redxofr suad tee catil. Fà sale by W. B. Uoweo inIrrlge bottles aI 60 oet. A God 0(er. The Chicago, Burlugton. & Quiutoy Rsitroad Compan'ny u cPsi isued a# Ullumraled trestha., ..The Heart of thie Continent," steecribiug- the wonderful growth et the Six Great Sitto. The book le beeuUfuhty printeel, sud iiniire- Duea*.pgrsV aaof dhi mrldeil n e eningitrl ss lap4.aclrouZ I to thtee cent post. age tslups wili reoivo a copy Siy te. lur msait, by applymng 1cr. Pucsxw ~wzLL, General Paasseger kg-mt, Be caraCof ot er eyec, for once tort conte. Ladiem who wonld rpgain their lea ramy oomplexiou se juslly eoveted, Wiii realizo their hopea by nlg'uti ai Heal&h. Price.25 cents. Hall'. Ctsrrh Cure l akion juter Maly. It act; directl>' Uponthoelo spd the =usfle ariapese a! t.eyqalsx. Prie.7.5c' *W. R.Ro o mItud drnggigl Wbitby. Froc af CoaI, est arelremedy -aune li wmJ'ai. lvycCus tlo, c o n of .eh1t~tr d Luae--sa requaloe ut cati aI Whitftold'm Dntgg9*,q* *94 pet 4gaBolg f Dr. cgw L>sev- ceis Cspptlon aI10, i lkh iii iwyouà vbat * ,,gu1sr pui-size botte ýwil do.a ,#*~ucd.1oé Ferutersand Mochsulcm. Thoesais f ol~r eu s aved ~ tmftb~%yurslf and tmily. yon bave $aul4w dam. 'pleilou poor ,appette, la%# riid de- presses spIrte, andigeer140VlUt téwï,io sD«delay a'giame4et ut 89put ~du4as4 ceene ~botU&M ti hose ajtoj. and -,Cmfori tethe uclg th. = hlrdl. eh =idotb he hosophy,'ltbo the11 mo eume, the mprowig the newm cof the blisiem ot id84 prose" revolvig lu spae. 1MUutaueo ,tes epepb ave lemred tfluainluils !be aboya la a potditsSte M qt ifrm.L5Pi* - remerksconncernlng persona and affaire Timue benfIlet. um O W Box mak ' a practice cf telling lhèm the leiJtF~bEI eacst trut t uItebest af lts sbility îhree 5as oOit etber t lee.'tI e f., 4o eu ber.Sé hundxed- anA aixîy.ftve daym lu thtye.r ab. ý1 î UY4vatuïool.e WO'k, çtà Lie5 fort eleution ait well smagi ler, boti 8hI wbaloe sa wellas about tht sanuioWfl i eh hOU lu " li, .x'si. e . 99 ii M ~ ~ 5y5~L1frO t.. 1 theyliacuofidissoubavu ptruçaaiand leailèated ave thie informationaf a lerestiers and the * iurthbrance of thte m u e 4. .;ý,t~e~uciuii reemau t o hie w éfare s d hie rg ts ; N a i nu e m80 L î 1u r aley h u p fllf tfll rich that it oan allow injustice lu bo donerte t .net, zueorrlioe., ireeew and pinw him. No mi, eOascation Of men. la NenelitivrInrulc nim ansd powerfnl -epongb ta hq exempt tram theje uttm uearla , g il Ieplaemoqt% and t1wieCel strict arplication 0cf ttcprincipee of right and ee.wak~tSel aac 4M!y sdaed t and Wrong.th l oU Bocaut lu poliiesit lhem fouglit forj ti7cmyttUi, afdgives dozen yeart, withî,ut intermission "ils anme cwifae'it.i..- enae.ttlt timee alinoît tione amn neoVapapera, the cbyair~*ite-t ,lî..fdei~~Wl 4igt tihat helu enîtilthe recent ovèr- et tbaztnmecb. h t ' lili tlag. Htadcbý, \wbltniug papflar verà iot sgaiumlltobe6eda- fe.tIP ' what pîrity le in powaer, Titi SuN standesud dwiteJ pict./ritCMt ewiu will contine taestand 1k. s rock f oi the Pern-eti7 eured by seit vIt ail à lio»Mtc.id întereits-oi the péople egaiuat the ambition t-d-t a&Ufe1"mtB5i i;l i4iittilWultht te ot hart, thte eroachmentei of monopoliste, Clit goveis the femaui-zw. and the di&hoiiett oefli fpublic robbora. ItCeo oedVL pr -W -!e e:.t oit? l ,imute A4tlt.Ju iawhi we aietold almctdas* aiiit ,iioi,ý by ôirfriands. Oîu5ii Sn olde thà tTu iatit t ce ln'ett .iitilÇ Sun igheboekrlioui1newepaper piblieh. obtalneibyadeiit : ' <¼5 tA, becanee tslI ritliauity te' undiluted aule itnhiii,, with ecatt.,Anttier hiolds that it la the t brFottide l y eliilaiiitj hoat Ttc1obuiee.n ewapapér printeli, becauije u,,,a-- esedti,-.i It à analrot*dy'whilpea hall of tht-racale r j,4a&b..dut:ç, . t.'c out of that îîîîty, sand ic proceediig &gailliet tebt <in thecnrld for IVe 3 «,. ii,1 tht ther hlaitth unilmiuised vigur. à .<, suad TvpMl]:y -f i'.e 1i. I-r 'i thiyA bnilevea t t o be the hest maga Ile of un.'ei t 'xeiL_ general litereture in exîctecuce, btaante île t. eulthe ooownî nlIn ..i rejetr', aiotbfng worthy 01f xictoth51 il, Mt ?ePb ber *. ,.ga orut u vitm jse cnrreut lu t-ht world et thonght. 8c anulteun is t. d"od fi.te . , &a 1 th prthtep & If yîu îlri-ady knew THas Bn, yen will Lyman, roitnto, Geai. Agente far Outario. oteervû tixat in 1883 t la a littie betlet theu ______.____......________ Ivr f yeoiundo ntlaroady know nUhumn n5ctfVty' etrhos o heGOLI3SMI TH'S HALL. ooiet 1prduots aet o o us. and In- agoutoisnctnstay ait h suee agioesI onuio1t ae te oeuntue o kedese t govmot a spie sudra nuani-N W O F efferenian Democruycyqa scou.-gwtfor wo N E W G 0 0 moinly good luvetmext for tho comme peear. t Term* ta Mc'ii f4becilberg. T O H A N*D. a The geveral editioueot TE Sut; are seul ebymuall, repaidi as lollows 1AL-4lct5S amet, 66.610 a Yer ;Wa1daü Witbeg, Key and witlî SnudWy edifion, $7.70. e SUNDAY--Eigbt pages, $1.20 a verr. stenu whmiig' arsô ita Patenit dust a WEELe3tYEighlpc.ef the b;StmaLUerprfcae ôe tiuly Départ- prArîentnrstcDsse. 9 ment-etfitoeqnalled h»erit, market reports, nuit hterarv, teie-ntldb'and dorteEtic îinteihi. 0gecc, imalle Tut Wrilxtustl ee Ladies' GoldW ths h *ae £Oir o the f armer' household.0 'ro cubs tc dWTths h Addrers, 1 .EGAl, Poblici,;, £netsokIhv 4 S w, 3. 6in)4Aq> Ttua Suit . .. City. quality guarantecd ana Pri- ces tie lowest posible. ~ ~ Walnut, Nichie and other .~ <'lnnles in ureat tiiricty. Cor y OTIOHJý GN E Ci9 Iil¶al"dfirthlt COUNTY (,F ONTARIO m ttc TO N 0F WII111Y), -n Tusay eci',thé l2th, 1882, et le luo! j 0 'clock lLti., 0f vhlch al eatkee .t tteJ>se5lu ecri esîtiia i'sud othr eucerueB, v-it! tom notice ,*bd gqveru theniatlves iaccors-, Bheelo (0-ceWhlb. heri, ÇI 0. Nov. 4t11iéc~ - 1<-48 OTIn T Cll&D RS.OF LATE Purcuant to Sec. 84 ot Cap. 137 oet ha Ré- yiued Siatuitea q niro, fin ahehy given tlismauaIcrediis Àun i *tere havlrmg clairu agint the Ejînle et Richard Hr [2x, 1&w of tihe Townhip et1IBeach, ilutho cctcfotang riuéyeiq, AecamcLt clding et ýhe tinte ut Site deamiS between eor Peart>'a Mlabéetet,3 vhîlie ci; lhelIbh day of October, 1M<8. a"re ruqred ta atind Le >conait, prelpaxd, le Ilubert L. libbeha,ý !lotcitor. Poitl erri', usirbe-fre tise Ud day of December,IM2aeAlt1ltO ii usines and addreeas, viti fuljmrlcitm of thé+ iai"iaAtht aêtite f tIt eihe;l = b>' tues;; 'ud ilaat 0tqçIh tbey 40eltigr tribole 'the atiete 'of-ll 6 A ecese otc ilihavsen gliq os &à a,.b0e4 m- %iUîrdan b adlu1 tttO"-VUIi* tab. rialo oi hýwsétôr Uy part tise.!to, auy peir CS r ysoan cf .wiioeeclair.or Claitusnot -bstilimlbave bemu reemlvodý aI tht(e tub'itrnlf. - Dated ut Part Per e7 tii lîboere *ma JISfaJ C - DISOUIoN or PAUTSTERSuw. The. P&rtnerýMi heretotooeelfg 1 e tc,(ts eCrainmi ieethila day beWt lssalved b>' týiaconsent. t of tht Iste fi" %jgitiu aU *p&os mcassignea tô c Whitby, Nov m83. -.-48, AJtLYT08» 1çLB Mé UNDUIRTf N ar 1 braillesof ýag0 1 ' ai wrate.WulIim neFereô t&£u I 'Ieh I D1 am inDo unimry, but thoee. lio ce Irm à 1ytül khaith lhc1 toI b ehnoe futi. 1lin Electro-Plated Goods, a full stock. Forks, Spooris, Dinner and Tep. K inlPlutril, lvM i-d imiutaitions ivory lauixii. Pickie Framres, Cruets, Btittçr Coolers, Berry Disb~e, Cake S P BCUT,UJE'S TQ SUIT ÂLIL8Q8 J4JLAION$<IOINS9Y< * ?raoIETEà at Ralomtkes M arcbi2< IN - 18%N -t E1 ii0ÂTî0N DE-LBTX-Néeam: -dMth*e bus ay .1 noe m &-M mci', :,8ci 1: j', v z -tiaetleea* a1-*~ila s-Ioe »p sapdf vai.~. -w e exaney, Lad a, nil7j % Noerb ehaâ t, P'iidersled been able to'offer a-' Oustom and ordered work bs.teetofore. î OHN §SAUNDERS,'t Whitby, 8ept. 20, 1882. 1o . 9T, ýaO0K. U R~E1NTirM-' __ FIESH FISHI! IIEClIV.Eu; EVBRY3l AND JFOR SALt,- AT, JNBJR>S, MARET 13LPCX, WHITBY. Ordtre promptly lieL Msay &4d,1082. lui-Sa Blzofbepbatem sud Calisys apeektIy reottrss« 5 dyusr* t*ninaa ivlicknownmSm à ts otuPa chemical Fod in g Tanc uerve. 14 The "IhIf' SOWing Machine, POIL SILENCE, BASE, DUiEÂDILITYI, FINISIL, *M<AGE 0o' WOIRM, A, FRESH LOT DIRBT yEol<2HZF&TOUY, REFEBENCE ta lad> sftiea to the Who hir uCRýâ lWhfte.'-Mt CIi.a. SoetI, i Wâ u . Mazahahi. mga. Wu= Bat, u. . W=.'G»ner, MmCa . F. Bliw- Me. cm A Omp~,nas.Ju. x*e~ lire. ~ M Sese uJobn Tmnus" &l. Ag~bhta sol r giFA1EZAh E I & ~ rand Square, and UprigIi Ne canfienty'srt Pia ou Pi no arthr'e bevalu (;) kP~~jeotou i~oIiitle CHINÂ TEA' STORE. "me Into poshtIot*tstsi ma -g vai,,,iSsul~tà .. td ct. 901h, iE i for Nrveme us ÀLL »steage,>V natt ie thé, el mei Toeiean<fVigor ft Hd, callonadetccasandnd lea, âà bot. E'PU: pe;m;ar in our pamih1e1, whiola wedo site tolusil fxeét la snyaa&ee. -ý ,--Z Msck'a Blinetie Meicino e nsaliAby- Drggd - aq 1og.:1, MAÂORIS MAGNETIO MEDIQ[7eTB 40 -- Windsor, Ont., Canada. Sold lïWbitby by WB 'HIOWBBE sud &U Druggists, etoi7rwhare. I1 i Fiiie .Flavoréd Teas, ~~ Ilaw and Reflued Sugars, g PLEAB-OALL AND EXAMMIE- h$ 1T~ ~ILLPÂY ê~Uana inqepte~~gosmd~ê~ W. J. GIB$QN , chers, i833. - Ftblished . i w- ev-ý B fî ô ô K thIlxt3w r - IWR 11 PILLSL 1- ~Ufte ra~Saaii, *î4irclIê~e tltille4reubica mci. a htl *eeteat-4i,ésvitkms.sch an uic. ~ Tbe8,eoloMeieeoIL1byaU dxiig- Suine a441 ir-xakagioruIpakaffor $5, 'orwllbe lbt ciyam eceipt of the T. G. WHITFXLDAeaer,Wýiitbhy B«R 01ClRrJAý -ZOSS oF #Ëzgs Zcofot ft' t ,4.ON L SG RXd. t bl' rï f T- s FS RED0 TisSr SPRUCE cotYis k e cetan forfm of B4oÉwMticïnd ifs almoét epeciIio efeet inezin4g ob- know t &ÃŽ the bsfiýat-re. 2 n t'. or*s Sgiw cof RItSvr11 x ,m onsts- ZEIU'Y, ÂMFOY,/d 00., E~ S FW Jj4- ingb hxouthe oLinable.- 1 positi, thauka tlu