sp.ndent" s~ued geoda-Thos. vs, r cosi-TIts.. Me. ls~mners prodisqe lu I~Osuu, p. asior. ccuu& Ellalr. W%. *Theça, odm9' lK1.-0. Youug Smith, solr'. re Retal-Oatrîao Ladies, es-. a uP.rry, Reluru. Zale f ml ireperîy aud loe çtetile«, on mon. Of Ur). Jeremlir OConnor lee lot No. 27. Brokenu ing ontly. ~ dicu t lid bouse sud lotsa% Plo. 1 ab.-4. JE. Frvyn WkYi, Nov. 80, 1882. #f tl î.II oftethe pr.s "4 clld ete usi. st -s d it lare vecksehé eltis 16. etie press, logeaI, tw thde ug sboved an he oil oc. Irecoi-0 br Il ag thé,sdtuctofr inirdal occuee, anant iosuo1 of t,à animbeiaso san loc.il:th reepouîbdletmoonirea, u sebersle lots su edate taleaeeie. s houpse beg an s»th*6 cam.e ldue Mes. M. Hardy Peosae-gveUe Ire MUI. Rer ethe 16"faitude. aseipsesiby lb. m». otf lss>'s, 41 ý-* statin.d t. Vivae fini sad 1"« tisl îiabd ibu #1. &M wxbnaiori m uden.adeSe. bs fw1881 an> pahjlIebntilete ~MleIcmY Tii. t oxonm. ekometsmisa ont" iforusDo daliewsîwrtevp. miles @outof' leW au b a llvery et th. e 08ef 41 $$"e05t e uapsand ré S fel ame, under the tarif sai1% Bo $bse h.uo is euf* out of po.k6te b.. aidesbis bas of lime. Tbis it¶ hstd eh! p that should nos b. perrnftted The tif e bould bit ainnded, ése sa e, shlow of 18 or 20> cents a Mile, ýons waY tJndor the presse't&taIl!,wbewèthp Constable doe.,-not encceed tu aifestlng 'hie Mau, h. 46 ol( sllowed tIhe mile. ago o46 way-of ton cents par muls -ont of whlch héo bu te psy travelling eipenes, bMs hôtel bill, &o., and of course gets nothing for the *rBI Ho ehould ho sllowed $1.50 per dey for eaoh lay aotually A"nncessarlly, trsvelled. A case i.i istanced by the chie! Constable of Barrie (and wc oould glas other instances nearer, bome) where a burglary iras obLmmltld at 8tayncr, and wbmF4 the Constable fol- lowed up the_-offentbers te Hamnilton. The latter bail fiai! the night before hie' arrivai. But ho dld aIl bo could in boating thom and used &Il due diligence in endeavoring ta make the arreetz. H. was allowed mileage, 95 miles.ea' 10 ceule-$9.00. H. hied te psy lare to Hamion sud -return, f84.00, and tht.. days' hotel exPense 8.00-total, 08.5O-Ieaivzng hroe jus% on. dollar ior bit ilirte.daye', work-noti engb Io pay for sho. leaiher. angtber rlevanes:i te de la auditUug ouslblt sud fî'equently ooc"Mr u oPýýt o (Whou adjoau ent tl lace) nti! the eeUDSa aresd tdby the osr o! Inuit. Au .Iinotvlthstan ,they have certain neoeeeary diebune- monte te Mao, and thés Most cf to anreot in cireumetances te afoýre te romain mo long out of their money. The proeut form on whicb coustabe. ane required te maite ont tIroir scounte bam long beaunth. subjeet of cotuplaint. It1 la à sort cf puzzle to one cflbdm and might a4vantageeuly b. simphi. Oonnty eonatables ought. net te b. grudgingly paid, nor bould lhey be met with dieouragementa libmte dis- charge cf their daties. They are a vonteer force, and the effioiency of thoir services muai depend> te à atisu citent upcu the troatmenî they e cile. It if te b.hopel ha. ue thé new revielon of the tariff their cam will meet wi1b more consideratlon. Ontario Ladies' College. A.86 i riit nCrrar. yUl be given st ltre Ontarîo Ladies' Oollegsoed Thurra- 4day evcning, Dec. 7sh, ander the direc. tien cf Prof. Fisher. Thes Ioliow;ag la lire prog'anme: l.--Caprlccln Prillante, Op 22 (lien. delmmobur............ ... misn Coiemnan. 2.-a. Moe luinFP(Rebezrtein), b. Vals, D Cat Bis) miss L. Rlgginu. 8,-Soug."Tre Wandorer." 8cira bor)...............Mise ML. 5.-Vo olArVarie <De- ....t............... Ur. J. Emylua. &--a. Evening Mamie(Schuann), b. Noveleblo lio. VU.Il Miss Wilsn. 7.-beau, 'Who is sylvis," (ScIru-r berQt.....................ImenDici, &.-Violin Solo, Souvenir de )Bellini (....l................M..... Lover. cf gond imule uap ýexpeet s rare treat. Tirepiano te be usadi- e Dedker Grand. Mrt. Bayiey's rejitation as s viohiaiuit is tee velil keovute mea Mcntioning. As Ibia le the tIret ol a aorrtes cf frat-alaus cencerts te b. given at tb. Cdfloge, vs bop. htiraI bame lakiug part in'tiececr ayeçseI due encçrgowmeut. Sussi.ar EsuevaLs nom orties iv I ~ à e...,,,, 5 Ibis queii. The % *isté, d01165. MarmlnMsilr rem(lasosueýof wLalr Butler esi$&ofhieknight, Rudibr-> He eoudltingulah, and aivfde> À bah 'twz lx onth sud south'West aide; on elther whlchho re v di ' dIpte The Mail should bave 'bad inough cf Msrmion by ,this lime, one, Would thlnk ; ortsiuly ils readeabave beenf surfeited with thé nouious and over- poworing doses te which thoy have bikou aubjected. Town Talk. TIrat if Mr. John Dryden ie nominal.. cd Ufr Ibo Local Legielaturpi (as is cer- tain te bc the case,) ho sbould b. oleot- od- by acclamation -opposition te hlm Thât the hy 1=1sond- b. enfor*od for the reioval cf enow from the ouId- walks., That'the ccvby.law whlch je nov in 0ertion, te prevent t'ho suîmlrn 5ru-i sh. ooilld ýot b. Mllovd to X6an'a dead.Iotitet _-. 2T44le% U% e e ismad lceause ho a6e*a»iappilut" at i e th e ef üQe of<otmslr. ACI liaI Itheappli-1 Caton.f éob üloua uinoempoep fer lire office, vas pretty "checky under bÃŽ ierocaitascces. TIrat intendlng pu rse .fer Xrnas aud New.year'e Supplieare loeking te the celuuné ie!t t nonosfra »0'ummcemenfrton ?4ors ev wantecd fer good sl.lghing &u" Ively mathete. Ur. James Oampbell5 of aie Booth Wiad, getting belteri hie mauY friende ame ploaud t. leare. Wbao 41 corne do*n te the Oonly And who viU be varden. TiraI there abeuld b. an appropria tion, b tire Town ,eunsil or a eub.trip.t tien by th cîtieeuget Whitby te test the dicvery .1 ceai. Tia ti idlà ud Railway should b. rioT*ste Mtehvi as te tho remval o f the, *vorkshope.; alec as ta .S gara-t tto gven 1er bringin useapeordt *Thoat Mr. Nonrcebas been .voru in posînleeer and commenceshie ddue on the lirai December. -Thot Whitby Harber le as cacal opsu, and-cIear cf ice-the lafeel bar.C bor on the North shore. .Tbe excelleno. and cheapuese of lthe nov goals, uitable for Xmas and'Nov. year'a preaents for sale byý 3Ur. James Jobuu t hGeldemitbs' ]a IL. That thoco wh daire te buy articles of fornilure ebould examine Mr. XiI.t *.arnV Tâitre and heautiful stock. T.jbat Whitby leade thre vay. ti good market#. TIrai thre opsoicuaTovil' Hall letihe admiration cf ai l vhoviitl the be.- Tirat the Meurs. Sebert are puttizrg 2p a éreditéble livéry pen..That Lewis viii put rop * Credoceý, ora "1te, on tie rernainder efthlie acat lot Tiret 1h. brothers keep good h«»- and &su d aforM lrs livery as- TiraISimca I'raser i. aet.nlsrig lthe trade sud givlug greM at etalon teA the publia ab th. BrazilienWarehouee Thai au advertiemecM*t ltreCim., roix a-eche mo«@re adrth=an*uein *11 1h. other pap*rs lunlthe teu sud connty pat tegether.0 Thatiti ereia ceir te Ur. Thommei >fceConn'a uew groery store. A eiin lwAper ýr9xs"T AMIUIL--rIwW.a vesins te s611i b. 4ention cf naio l asiuhu rtgst setuý*0»0Ofe of eaderete one of l *lIr.aaîi,ê tire ciiala.Preimet .Arthnr ira. aund =ou& populur rlgc.nvppe -mierdi ie toeai of telirefalai epubilebeti-onma ba e.m tire bout lbDstictet ofColumbia. CharWea E. ertsnte a uecoutry sud4 upa e, HUîry ; Posîmcauter D. B. -Aingr ; A.. re«gerdkeeof expeuse ; Iratle, best sud eletant Poilmaster, M. M. Parkr; M. file book revieve et auj paperjuI.0 ». Rel10, f oefa -cf ngraisoi -lb. co éustry : irablahi. aticles uOnM Record; sud 0Geergo B.;Spencer, oee&sra n.eare ului u lmca ia et the Geverumeel Directete of tihe -deprtrneale ed 47iby p, ralJWa Union Pacifie Railvay,en tire grennade dr*o eFine Artsý. Muâais1Scince, th ira tîy fà lerfered vitir the admieus. BelinsIteallgence. UMisicebool- taien -of jus" inlatIr.Star IRoi. -à od Co011000. News o! ire Weeir,97yma case. -Mlstrsuftda4r.*"oleg1 su smitltst 4ustloa, Bibfiad esao e KAmeov Bsoaii or a 'YOUNeGIsj>î(&*"mrig ",t saunsibe tomadlua', atber nevepaper à l IelIsai Blets.). e-mes ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Fr »bdo.a-Ms ess d ai sui Grden, luecranco, Woo&Iy vai, daghter ef Mr. J.- K. Baivrd. ,Marbel Repoxls, "s-in taot. à suvs. Congresunal reporter, 'aud farmsdp. iPéîMt vier, vithir litivutc.tvo di*- -employoai utr sa&StisTrmue s~eelthe à e ultte th e . Globe, baga narrowracape rU'S100-f 51ovni flanty,pseMt. bauds 5ofa a iglat a short tim t' ing.fts4 t jf.atlorahaviticsat Z4AcesoatisAt, Iraviug a vide ciclatniahc1 Jl cathsie Mirsidlstseom Wo4gtont D. ().I oM tq suMd W B u-op'Wb raere Abountt»,01" coeklu hl. erring hbs ,Tus luixreu-7011,0evYor04 nov visask. i., a imA nn, KO 1.4..U m.LSL. t.... a eI.s.a s sireald receve ,a tes, innQil64steir iranî4isiortl exeiCtli er of chai esocigone. sndd Ier - testi. meny te ire otf thirlrappreolatior cf* ai'&asaMau. AÂoerdlngly, lit 0v- ening, a party cf rep»sahnlai e erxe met "ia preceed a ~Mr.Paera' residence on Capm IlSteet. After he to'stomukry .alutatlous iraibauaex- hagaAlex. Robertsn, Esq,, M.P., aa ed irobjoctof -tire oomparr'e vieil sud trade abrie speech. -Ri markod on Mr. PattersoW' log residence lu Belleville sud bis reputaticu se a liti- u(n and s publia man in ay eryompl- meriaty terme. Tirey irai been seo. cialsdinathe couuc-ne sud thoagli Dot nplitical accrd,lra go& along te- pievery harmoà l*iily. For hlm* seZt otitrrvisilors- &dahtie citimens pcsril>' ire deply# rqretl.4 Mç, lereOu'a meperturo. I i bre rthé fellcving adrose Bru:-Coueaun putr cane liuour bles o iibralr 0 ad uao e l jor peresI amte lIon aI tir eradquattets et eut mobn. faetusing eslablsmt,. lu the !Ova et Witby. - 11ý W4, p«ronsi feieudAa s&eittuenof tire Clip ýofDeileIVe, isa" is afiuî.q Je H*evb à th 1»acitien vho durlug thrty jean'réiaiden60e6ba showfisllyirehi sa-uye e i. pereni aerlfe t 104-la ielplea6 band lu everytuig 1h41 veua tend te the buildig up-of eurtsipy. Havieg darlg mey >%of o re raduelu aur mièlesi bome=cZii jour 14110V eltisesta elte far ieM Wu thIpr m-" fai res1 ul vice 8106:2d Iodi thé clia* ebair, il do"e net requit. *ordo s te s ov at paratlag vlb pou, tae mw bev Ir igir r- gard lb.>' have irai sdud lll bave for W ihile Belleville loesans aofits i«ue. gsilo busiess men, Wbiiby viii gain eue tirat vill add taits bouess ics.- peruîy. I9le splesing for lute refleal tirai lireent'g sudrel pou bave dis. 'piuyed in lie puai,%virile dvelling io eut midet, vibI, ve feel assurei, craras. terise pour future cour"t.*' Iin l aso vwurregret tat voliaru ef the deputure of6y aur esbcemed vie, Mmre Paitterson, vho fer so mauy joan lia sudearsi herslf te a numerou@, circle cf frieude lun Belleville. Nor cau vé o ermt un00rec ute pi waiiouî lendeoing te k bertllssighttoken cf Our reepeeud sm - tw rai leabent tem si ou bethama y rocal omu "tsanti rcolleigonet ou nm0o fcoude in Be;lleilbs.lu Beilselist ).v m , 188. A=. .6o3,1R,'. R :'aclaor% R. ~ ~ ~ B n. Crn,- 6.Wrn The gui, virleir'vau 'roeda lir ostablialiment aIT. B. Bou kCe., la an aimgantchsse4 erviSesa cetO vitraObsÃŽlvur le. six lpisso! e. borate ApIêli rolnrue& laibg otir e btfM lseg Mav~Pz.Y.s, ou acu-we foirearliOur felleit t thé;b.' uarmundlugs aflibis arispiclous 41rJvrary. 'Threre, are but -ev 1.lait mt.,usnDov of thcso vho iaaroudqljuteayh jO eaao.sud inedon t16cr rea. erenaesu. an is utire fidltirneut rof -cheir sets bgtlens; but, the sueessors are h4Msd ln grater numbear ; bose'who Y our ccnnerating t auds havoeefd te the baly mlule. 1trY. Who Iba.é1le Ãd undat jour euding*epiiî ýte ýkiee up the Swift race sud the etreug fighti te perpetuats in tiis ouutr-y" 1he 'acicg of divine failli sun5h. e ored ee ofreligion., We are bers, then, 6 tlfy Oe ut aî. * ud., car confidenc¶ car- admiraio, * edeoislaruith opevolos lhahlgh spi aprecialion Iin li veirold your Grame, * eut r pmb<ltyour jebçg. ct di"eto iriv ont yôCr wîsebe, E. jcying au we do your Grsce's iptluate- lriscdship, th$ Coequnué of jour gresatkind"ueof b.art v.Inrcv tirat jour vUolo1» bau, caderthtie Divne Wam ofh à mia iilfy, 4o thre atvauce- meut 0f Obrl4 edoutosl. lu tire promotlou.oftihrs. "ble betstI fereoulu ~sSOlfjtrose< omt te a«Se lr;ic e8tu orx alId dgclj ~d dsiiguib,4taents,ý ed jour Gruo>i1bot1tir Iraitbeyend measure, tirey are destined, v e féel mure, tg merft. heroafte a& usa bon. Sdunt 'vo@WI# #f glow.Tire present Oppertunisj d" uo eritus te as.] temppteveu l: seccunt cd- hviraijur rGraue bas aà meomllsre dulug, the, Is eteny-tbQwseors, but Iti rp- Sende d dleetter 0(gold;it la ,* imuprintsd, too,lt u ible aeiacter lu intb ost@e lour awpirltirslchlldren; tir of tWv" Yecr Grue.hme ave *becu cWho hboe Ir avee«. psneued ti. len.ruos etefathes" laec, kuov yomr ve*tb »aS snre t 01u in theiir bout of boeta. £Tery "Iraitrr.st.agluel sycu pecsu ed.I tOut basd sud splalus irl= f Mlbs fortih our indignation. eud.proleet, end'- f nov that your belovsd ebiidm th ie clargy are aeseibied te comrnsmotate Sb irenw7 0lv aroyoureocming amongit us tg assumethe bigh dignity sud w.iglby teepm*uusy eOUthoe, pio.' -paoveders ddteu ng. t Ulatrongo&WuIbisjycocas00ion, sudta tplac on reord, oct eullr*e ndonsalocp of jour Grsflesactioni lu ie coudom. n" utnof'Marmio" us a tut-book fer euildteu, te expmo es t-oPain- vu fois tire abja.t edqor;-redlëutece Oper*Wwevl -M sMfreev. mayinl onuter4aiiug vhasver may coder. mun i" se pedglu anêpre Moral.et octCtsIotr u n on. _ioul1lesP. RoMgb* i dm o meuà laornaudrqalppfor tire laqt cee f cru.a ,gpwatual fatie Iud oulelvhple or ly~4priai . W Slgned by F. P. Boqtroy, Y. el, St &Mhasl's- W Re Ranuis mmdth*iL Hi re.rpll.d brisdy, lutvti Oerse lu te'.pprimial iltit" <e' o 'ee om mruuistew. tethé rirlh ry tire Bisirl o f- tireà -pxrvlea tà .«Oe dunt of am*4hêtkireInl vi J;;i bua ; Ãa tbs go ssabl eassq",iutppcrtedile vasted te- masins, le nov pludà se spltertxboieOf lire iatejrreedent. -1The -rotundaoltli Capital isdevetedèxoIuelvelf te worhe cf art.,Tire aid Rpw EUt>roHalis. oenldy exhflbtors frour tire diffox.. eu a ud theDistrict of Columbia. Tire crypt souti merchandisé cf al descriptions. Tire commttee bave pse auumsrous chandelierslib tis bai, vrartbey Intend te hceplHired dey sud nigiri. Tire bal cf tie nation- al KUaerim contains varions agricultar. ai implemente endI roduats. Dona- tions sxepcarieig ilufrow -ullîpartt. of the ootintry botrly, and keep tire mera. bers of the committes bnsy clsssifybrg end asecrting tbern. Quit. a nambcir of palutinge are srtanged crorni the Wall cf tb. rotuada. Mauy -master. pieo.are oontalned l isncle 01t0ion, arnong tirema painting by Meseonnier us 'thre temperance iclure*c f Pis. lji., loaned from,-sùL Wiit. louu The colossal hastcf Gafeld by Bsily ira boe pisoeunder Ihe deioof 1the temple temporarily, tiraI beon g ce- Pletoda bymiesaYluîe Besm H Ioxis b.- Th- , i qptoelIirasbeea à llblauoud vitbiardeofdirooilen for tb. Informoa tien ef visitoe. A cere e epeialPO, liosmen h or' g W, 0vre'Illmi u peciai cars of tire exzibits. Tire 0h10 ladies dévoe.6 Portion 0f their booth t. lb. sale ,cf photographe and auterph irso $pruesltire Aruyry t 16. Comberlà i. ,'Thou, of Generale' Garlb, Shetnau, Busîl, -oe iln sdThoemas bhave b.en ae- casai. Arng tire additional eziribits '19 tire st cf prolln Itemthé WhiIte Houe kinova s u H ayes, ohna," suieà aatlly et rre i-s-bras tm lb. Ciase su Jpsmelégations. l is aedsrtwo=Ia alpries are te irêstrltâoderýate. Tire nlyesirsces for exsctiug extra valuevil b. on the sale b>' suction of snobhat"ces a:igar. fields csaddie. Other timage rnayire raffled vhere more tran a -»*arkoI Value la deoired. or linme of article. diffianî tsoli te individa purciaser.- Tbereis s à perfeal gint- o(ady con. triballonst from Nov York City, B«moie, Pbibsdelpbia, Bufale, Cleveland, Bali- more, Cinejinati. Nov Orleans, Pitte- barR, Chricago sud Milvaukee man'ifac- torere, New Y&rk alone eenning 1.500 pcunda. Altogether tbcre is about fi". toue cf ewects. Tire pluces for the sale «.crexhibition are in tb. paeeage.vay. tirs Congteeaienab library, lb. -Arkanss and Pennap'ivaula heotire,'und a stad .in 0 s'rypt. :Biglit electric' lights are suspended Item tire dome -oftirs ReIuda i,* frithe e otha ai tire bazaar and tye ouleüide tirs Capitol.- Tiee. Thurlew Weed di.d on Tuenday, lest TanIU. 6. 0o0»M»aWil aseemble iu about tva 'Week@. Tire Prsiet le prspariug hin essage. Tire dstatemnlwh4cil. is.ie, .a - s lion -the aLac.iIs dela.Sir John aci onald vili be oompeîedte defeu4 lbSisset sua"lb, Aothoer mammnoth, bei ef ojebere ir.been diccvered lu Long Island Taleplie , n cuuication has beau esta t woliiedleau- den, Ont., sud Ats censist ,oxy. 1.to bhall u %Emc oely nez 't moi2lb, lire 1 'op. -ls expectedl- ta e a.au n ip6aivt iedcir. Keu0îtreal exilorlatuber lfrcesasea gr.atly drriug 13s, -esaec,-the'e chel ojtv oint efuwg tiB i Platte o- whau a.-- -Va"bu M- R-OUI-, M -- -.- aux 'Tlýe-Gambettisearmeedacrn promet. tire eleale fa in tolryloius té the Presidsncy of tire Bepeblie lu4 tire event ofl M. -GWOvy resgiins offle. A uev flueoofetmeabivs Havre "sud Montréal viii b. sslablisbedl by ffencir - apitalise, te commence- runnlug ucut mummer. Caoun -MCÂBE ON rfi MMnu. -Arcrbiehop MaCabe, spoablua ai HWrôid'e Cross, strongly dencuncoed lire murder of Datective Cou. He asked the ýepesto nustetiriinflueoe tadrive- avay secret sociatios. Their. rngdloers cf last igbt ver. no 'doubt abroad for deadilr sud.,motsofIend&hirvork, but --AoCDE>irva-A few day. minme a chid et Mr. i'erkins ofEupblmiia, vae- ecalded te deatb in conseqluene offlU. in m a tub of boiliug water. A boy narned MeIsao,- son of a vidow living at Mount ýVernon, Brant.; ce, parteek lSc freelyýof liquor b.avau eeént for1 bv iemiotrt sd aloi. . Hereetir vers 1k. pearlo btirIgllstened; *beetey were bmautul veY, Âa h .r e rrark s i lIstenla, "This cornes of mny nsing 'T*.zsnmv. Son. A. 8. Hardy sddrsase-tirs St. Thcms libersi club on irait Monday, nigirt. Klngetomi municipal elections vil evidently hé rua Ibis ya udlical, lin.s. Tire Lretece City shows boa eample. On Mondai afierncoo r 01v(!d Mau aamed Eleot Wintersi, o! lilbJ-irnd, vas kilbod w.biie coasiug, tIre Gra Truak track ut Cobourg. HiL. mou, vire vas vith ir hlmnluthebugey Lad 8a uarrowesape. -Tirsbuggy u.as ..tzuok by * ligirt engle from the saI Tim CANADux ,PÂozcrroLIwIT dlivectars at a mýeeting on Tncsday re.ý selved to,e eotatiroir capital stek, frcm: fifteen million to onc bundred- million dollars S3o.oo Worth of New anrd Popular Music for SI.0 Thromas' Brctboes Musical Journal- for Matchr ia uudoubtedly l.ftel standý bees journal of ite km dpublia'ied. 1Tir. readln»g malter ii varia, anà original, hein"g neye istram ail patse -f tier, old Tire Journal vl bave ýs-*&tfeau"o Ibis jyenr r beinrg beautflly ilinslrat- ed sud-prieted oenflÃek r:ecaeadared psper. Bush- znMber vil havo-lu ever Tare DoU art 'xth cf sireot: -Music, priaed -Item - ou buet plates;. sud a e u 70U(ve YoaumbÃr saab mentir, 0ailir,eà enAof e"sar you bave for, emdiag'flof- <theb.flest co- lections ofyo ,m m 4lstnm suîal. Music irnagle., Dorli laI te scb-ý scribe fer tir. journalat One. Pria. cir y»ar, Oe ouar,-"'o * ira sti luI eremut SzOuiO <louar ar4 tA~r$pe-oeaie,4hôEé.beurg tlri> cftbor"ew $.Mnpl.copy cf~ ~ ~~~e tb~aem1c eW,&" an agent tatets â i, ez for th e ora C 1rounss ic,.,MZ Catkll,'i.,,U.S.LA. Cautîcu-Prudeirce- Cars. ýBevare of thenredWe er.u fias, reducedthe price of - ME stock of 'Ohoice iTeasj,n Groceries. (Jroekerrand J? LJmJ~, age -l beg to offr"ihe 1<è a from tiu, date To tha CASH PURCHASEE, duxing tiat timiet of $160 'To EVERY OÂASE PURCJlASER of 9100 or oea beautifni-Ohiue Tes- Bell-, vaieM 0 'To EVERY.' PUROHÂlSEft-of -*80- co, over,--a haidsome *Mojolica -o'oloek Tes aiif,vau 1.- - To tVERY PnTCHASER of.4$75'or over, 10 Ibo. Extra ChoiceTes. To EVERY ?UILCHABEB of $0 or oer, ï bautfw 0$5 Tea Soit.lb To EVERY PURCHÂSEI4 of, $25 -or oe,5bs»o' To I&Y.E1RY UBOHABE4 'of $01roo,&batfl To EVIERY PURCHAEER Of $10 or over,_a hane pair of- Vases. To EVERY PURCHASEIR of $05 or --over, -a beautiful ]MjeIiOsPitaher, orGsUSWaI-, - *EVEY PT~CA8E wil gt a presont;,»«~ wM 1b. disappoipited. Conte and 'geu our zon.y'a worthat. the. BRAZILTAN -WAieHU Followig isIoa 'Est Qf-the le ding lies-.CoieGreen Tee. 511)s for $1, or 25o per b, su 1 rc 5. e9l;'fb gond Jaýp-anTea for $1 Etr ciic Jpo Tea Sibe for $1; 8lbs -Ex"r Black Tee.":for $1 ; rure fresh-grou.ud Cof- fée 25o per lb ; new Raisinsi new.Currant, Malaga Grapes, LemnsOrage, Kele's arala4er ubulk, hJmonids Brazil, Flilbert-a-a dWélrns, -freeh desicated Ooqoanut in bulk, pure 'Plavring Exitîaots, pitre Spices,LoieBkg Powder fresh every week, la tii, -best, demand-lnoreasing daifly; a large iatock--of-C8=a goodz, frenli Qysters, Finnanà fla.ddies, anld other1 ,ih e> ,largest stoëk -of Orookery, China, Glasware, Lampe ind -Lanip Goo4s ln the I.l Oolity, ~t riestha dfjcompeiton,- rrving this-moùtli from England-, a large stock of eloreid Conibination Dîing S ette, 4o be oldata br~an.PaiIa Brooms, &C'., e-ways on. Trhanking My umrn rendeand ,omtomerg -for theïr kin patroage, durig.thà pst -Fiveeami- solieitiing a, ome- tinanc ofthi sm, ibiyou_ iii! ýthe hapii*es8 of the- coining à eason and man'y ruýris - - I 'arn par obedieit- ,exvauf, N&v. 22,ý 188t. . Bszla teoè miuuesoa'e mi draisd. Pi, -P&O. rsaf suda d»rotne hier.- go pago ZuIs' ua ethle negrul ITibe -e~ lady is a relative J fojlopftu 04 f~lyld~Whi I Meruage Of Mr. L. J. COuS-a Min Yobzz:::Pat i - chi, tirs pn as bis b font, l uruiz obuvir icto wait fèr- P