Whitby Chronicle, 16 Nov 1882, p. 1

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Bujn aaDits PYO111 WRITE! BRÂNQEt Brook Singets, - whltby. MESSRSe BITCHIE & BILLINciS BARRISTERS A ATTORtIBtY$ AT LAW, SOLICITORS Mt o. H. RITCHIE, W. H.. BILLIUGS, Toronto.-Whty ABRsRg-SATORNTS. SOL. ctons, NotmAes. Public, and Convey. nuire. Osfie si oreUih cfthe Royal jAMo, RUTLEDGE, B.- A. i. E. FAREWELL, L. L. B., Couuty Crovn Attoruey. 48 0181LLIVWN & KERR, B ABPISTERS SOLICITORS, NOTA. MIES PUBLi1C, 40., ho. OFFICES - 72 ont. lirait, teit the Dominion Bank,ý sud CorerKing sud Yonga Stneete, Toronbo. D. A. O'SULLITAH. J,. E aa Ouiobor gOnd, 18W. 1745 -JAMES KBITU 60111011 B ARRIMTR & ATTOMBYITAT-LAW, Solcitor lunObauomr, onveysuce, Notary Public, ho. Offic-Dunuafi St., firet door weut cf Armotroug'. Rotai. '0 ouey tu Losu-Privale 5nd-astlo1e DAVID ORtMlSTOÇ, B. A., TTORNT-ATLÂWSOLICITOR 1IN Oruc-Iu the O0fice south cf the Pout office, tu MoMiliu'a -Bliock, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-lO R110511110K ENT, (Lava Duêt T h 0 B Noa, B eys. veyauea, to- OFFICE.-In Veior1\3hambuNo. 9, Victoria llet. G. YouNto SuITa, L L. B., BARIUSB]E, ho., hc.-Monel tb Loue 13lae fMarniagiLicous«a. Ouîc-Over Dominion Bankt, Whilby. anr. 0M 1878. (154îZ, Îvo Street, Whitby. Ont. J. UflÂNER GREENWOOD, A TTORNEY AND SOLICITOR, CON- vayancr, Notany Public, ho-Foui ofc Draver No. il, Wbilhy, Ont. Forma bouit ltad sold; Manriaga 6f.11 metWlaad TruiteamdeBpeciati.s. Leane negotiaed on m&U kinde aif Proporty. 42-ly CHSARLES C. NKELLER, ATTORXEY.ÂT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN1 ,Chncer, onvyauoun,he».,Osuning. on, Brook, C.7*W. 1. T. DARCLAY, LOCAL REGISTIlAT OF THE IIIGH LCourt of Juatco; BogIctrar of, lb. Surrogato Court ; Clîrk of tbe Couoty Court, &o. Ofiae iu Court Houa», Wbilhy. JOUN BALL 1DOW, LYMIAN ENqGLI§NS,. L L. -9., 3 RITRAT LAW OLICITOB lN mbnory, Couveyamr, ho.,. fl. V'Street, Oshevra. J. E. GALBRAITH, M.»., (RADUATE cf Queen'a end Victoia ilUnivenîitleu Mdemier of the Collèe cf Physiclana andi §urgeons, Ontario. Ovuxaaz-Bnock-St., Wbitby, Ont., (tbre. doone south of Itoyal Hotel). 1y46 [. J. GUN<, il. 1D., SIURGEN TO THE COUNTI GAOL, S BrnStreet, %Whttby. U Ym , M OU RIEIÇ, L O N D N, X.R. ,5. Phyaiolmn, Surgeon, Accoucher, &a., ho.ý Whiîby,, Sept. 80th, 1874. 40 NIR: 9;I, l40*0i pwopapor Lii 4vetîu.ggeI,41 Pak R,,v (Tli B'a dingtNev Yack, tal auuîmoiîzed le tCereal fer advertîmsi- ment u lb. CltrONILEaI ntdba boit tatou,. W. A AMS Rom. *OVElaR B. IÂM"ISW 1.30 luO6, P. i.R.leo-Or < yo and Gllben rebréIL'. C, N. -VA~,L 1 Ir su0o ua«,ad es good U theb Teath eausatuda.tot a yprdc an'a nov block, aovtir lnaon'o Drna to re, King Street, Obae. 8 JOHN ZOBlN1141N b1. uBsiIÇGAND -BRA'PDIG A 0F- ~II8i KEIANHOEL HA NO/NOANODFA'NCY Wbi luyro ntc. Olt 140b yçuu î,er$hlu. I"lr o ig~. lr*y P !611 lbthe 0you ork, iîe j«, Town, and. Park, Lot8, Byroà. inem.: 011E EOCU <Iv. ot.) Wes t fByron 1eWO LOT-n Hlgh Street. Mli l .he Nruli rd, sui s ibe fdr bqulding, gsrdso or pe.luvipurpouu, àpply o- GEO. T. HAILL, AIt -0. DAieES - LAMYPSî, LAIF GOODS, JUS-T RECE-IVEDI - AT- ~~a.Lii' 'Qfo~ r WHITBY, ONTAlffl. 1HMNA HA L L, 1INîU MAN-OE,% U ir =3ru mreie (aaorsrxar) il-71 iT EA81 TORONTO. pnoII' FE IglT3KE 0m FayBreakfast sud Tea Bole. y ie yDirrrrr a ueeirSt. psx ~Bed-rcom Sèe. PauçyJuge sud.Timpots. ail FPlIed Kaî, porlujud sos 5flvl Plikted ruisud DEnieroCober.. Sir wPlatod Cake Baakela. BedbrlKnlves ésudpks Te& a*na S«erira Pbo e= 08u for a. &oh., &c. Hoiel mid Bar Goffdi GLOV211HARRISON, importer. Lombard St. sdCbanug %rema, ondoi. ESTAEimED m 178t. GILLE1P-SPIE, MOFPAÀI &à -00., Atget.fnma& IL W.,mE AAGin0l18". Unllmlted Motrer. &Bl the Sloekholders,o L" Bfiy cf Fondu. Modealte rtei fps J~ O. NOURSE - Agen, Wflby. Whitby, April BIh, 1M5,18 (Liéof lb. Simooe Hou, Toanto.) Zà, egoroulyrenovtea lbe HOUa. tiUN proae b uét la * IPOSBÈ owproESA.LOON, Tonouvo. -.I TanEB31ST ACOOXODÂTION ROYAL HOTEL, WuITDXy. G.W. RAMIEY, Proprictor. ,(lite ci Port Colborne.) tnorti roent prop"rîetor lthe140TAL -v1 b .Ouit tb posa... *017 deairabe se. 4 mt" for gueisé. w» Spécial at. tenUeu pald to the commercial agmnoy. 16 RB HEUNDERSiG-NED bavlng bud the tuternatonal Hotel, Port Wbitby, laes hi. macy frienda b oel and sée lm. Poarsr and otheru doing busines et the. Harbor *111 ind poid accommod.J dion. Lâï PLEASURE.8EEEEBS in summer wil b. provided with -boata at roasonablo rates.. GERORGE IBROWN, Whitby, Marob let, 1882.Il BROUGHAM HOTEL, Corner Brook 'ad Meain Stroots, in thie village of Broughuam. -Firat-lu.acoomrnodatâons. Boat Liquoers sud Cigare. <lood stabling end attentive boeuier. THOMAÂS POUCHER, PROPRIETOR. L CENSED AUCTIONEER for the Ceunt.. of York sud Northband South Q art. Auction sali 0f nu eiale, f ara ab1, ete, attended at modora. charges.. AddniSuT. POUCURI, abir hoz 47, Brougham, Ont. CENTRAL HOUSE, OSUAWA, ONT., W. B. MeOAW, - Proprietor. Fini-cI..acomoai.Boit Winui flhiiorsauml iar.Good atabliug '&P WRIT16Y HOUSE- DUNDiS.8T, WITBY. The underuign4d would intimata to the pui h the babove promises have hein, new1y huil ansd fitted up throughout, for th. accommodation of gues4. Bout Winea, Liquora sud Ciaren. THE 4<C#0AM 0F CANADA - WALZ L.&GEL AIao pure Ehine Win». LAgon. Wbiole. saalesd Re. Boardera taken by thc week on moder- aie terme. JOSEPH A. . BA2DELL. July, 28th 1880. 82- CARNEGIE HOIISE JAMES CARNEGiE. Proprietor. Thi. Houte bau benu tted uP en irai. aýflstle, sud lb. propn*etr wili iv. hm. r a ttention se gueste. Liquon. andi igarso thboabetlbraundi. Excellent Stabi. àfg and Sheds.. 1½ckenlai gay lYlh, 186W. ly-23 13LACK HUÎRME RMOTJEL, Cou. Faoav h Quo»6da Sva.. TORONTO. ÀtLPBBD OXFOB.D, - P13OPBIETOfl". (Laie of Wefington Hotoe, Mrkham.) T I APEE may b& faund ou file ai MGeIo. P. BoveIl Col& !ievspaperÂAd- yertlalng Bureau (10 Ipruse fit.). vIrer. m vortisoug ocuraci. may temde for i lux 115v Yoa.-18 MONEY TO LOAN! $100,000 F0U INTESTRENT. ON MAEL E8TilS, SECU=UY. At loveat iviug rate, cf ntereut. Itoney meured within 10 days of aàp- Apl 0 plication. Apl o ,JOHN FABQUHLRIGN.- Wbltby, Februay 01 680 . * IGBBOTHERIs, WHITBY, ONTARJO,- jimporer. Duelnma mdauatureof a&U Kcindeo01 LÉA THER AND FINDING8, euOa.mpid for Rid", Bark sudLlo e. Leather stretchea. s*- BBLTING SMADE TU «DEON1 8], &9.SORT NOTICE. (late vitb Leugley, Leugiy A; B unle, Toronto.) A RCHITECT. Duigne for Cburches, VlUuaisd otagu iuptlty. IDruývîgs preparoal forr. modeling exiagotrqotuïee. Ormzc, for lb. promut, %t bia veslinece on Kingeton 1load, Pbokming. 4-i) P. O. Box f2wpmrn. A8ssuranoe CompanRyQ INCORPORATED z&33. A SSEIRTS, $1,101,876 9L F. A. BÂLL, Inuaaseffectedait the lovait eumuet ratea on Building, Mercasdlae, sMd other property, agaust loua or damage by Bn. C . - 1OUESE, Aget, lIby. Wbliby, April Bah, 1»M&le MONEY TO LOAN' ON4 EASY 'TERIE Apply le.- 1 o-if W. H. BILLINGS, lolicito..1 tae O sefi o tnarlo D "nis, -i 1"SLLPHOLINE LOTION.)# 9Amti.Ba iuoSeuaaI'iis. toSuds mvy ov f 5it les-"u u. r dlàUay phmn ==e81s, o *,aicn woubnas,--a etn.ilSb*eo; -BaSet ur<urlmg skiae dicMmie ,Iht have piguid th. safeiri rfr vians bovuvrdapll routa.,ip lboynaiu b.. 'Salphohna vUoeieuliy atlmek &r.m.lth.u*cel. s ie viii cii Ca 0Ue eunetlbf. lï,irtâbl, pan su atacu. sdavljcaiue bo~Ilb. nubral o*lut-c Lholou. n4 smn nly raek, thoghpoone Ond frônl that wliiohlsagt -üa erhi 42-rekbbI *t vdhyi,10oen "- lsm teïseuof t auryngofflrnor une.. Tirea va smimven voe1h oneig ipnient a hie mui and preou!oin o- tte~ byhe o tasi éu a. h', .wicoked'.?111do iui red lu î ê a , -ahuiiî 9fyslllig neW, andvehem., Too,& i ogrue wi1m me Auifbyssud girls, o Yculq1:neyer Irevammîlg -; For omethngiedo. > Yourfl~raeii lu * it Btweri yS.~ ugo.Iadàéins or- ýUilufoiuun.to- b 'tttK4bys; babviusdl fue o- osi fe' buI W#thiZ th u theri41 lb. putfaoblentreôthl *Oud j! M f!gm y bsdà huà". det um f w mb y v .1--$ OcUet%,. , iritb le uile thu6 té lu4deaM Mê6tsun o* wff.uruU e hi "tuSai Itâal theo- IM'tw Bê:èI&. d.1rlm wb oh"a vustitdtbaiux& db.nr is bmAh. sle tholeius have more ooherbn* e Mmd eity tho lb. »uInaI hinga*bIu,1, Ib abamon yuthou ao»n "à - .My valle ade ~ueea thai wvs visible cly to, m.Teromblicg, .1 mnvgee on lb. sraéi sud l.,ht*ai of- buâoy 11f.cmt. 4idi ohngdl l.piai smy aura besame ithe Smrmurofe-vautfoiuS, Uherevoke qiotraa.d lou-auIit tened briimmiand uqmaà nbiMr d., n thtôoeg h lsrailme jval 1m trimA din Iisuau« y M dBum amYu*i sâme., wboe. trbee t i cf f*"sgu vapour bino th. biuedsaue . a@reauewho vuat" tti hi sra world wvia a ort, cf <mcm. ordrf uboi IAra cv sandngon th. Pout et IL. foot cf mibed.,vithaaenmouon porIofUo l uU as biwmolf nr hie arwm. F*i va hideomas, jutet fmost1 frIe4Iy sapaU4 , s d ahv ml pacàloielyat m o eeiu rp round, mea4himmas mi pIlIow iat tbv Wi bier. me liii porto. <tUb, I bave sm un rIi!IZ rate portfolios,- bûL inoe eo vt lk. Ibis. As page alrpageb. u ode 1 behold aoS.she dw taqUp bot ltb.,, ouais lbecmes I' 'lvngmA olanmg eoa m.Vo lpt me Aié4vlps 1l b% trh&se I& ~emvult, M *MY an ,eeeqe yissw n ô.uuibut i. l*iulte mum "ITo relou,. mp.i" t 0 rr Or rmpeombily. EuI9I6WsouIed as a napitble perae., u anal ne nuu Roum. memed lobe 60'aoqua",.ti-ih bis famllyor teo m aptlugmtl bteory of bhierlio .y'. toiin M th uLsnie lIme IbtAa oshi 1l mmmd frunk wvbimoility attriobe me. I oud nôt ut aml toeiiimind Lime. éa fiand, mmd st I thlnâtl<4 myb. of service< e; n eav nd, fli- Jors, broughi YOD tLIstsi vlchpo dan aueor nosi, Uttanis totycboit." I lb"ksd ni W.fMgkldsm byt~ heilatdy lW.: tia réUMel. n*omtig - <lW . -m téd mi" E . MYn bnlelofo uovs hi= perfectly Wall, and' *il tIr midadi~tv. Imaye o,' lie lbrIIl'ga~uidte ht n*ïio. kn mdig.e" Le mns ,w e r o o 0moegv.etnd ma.hie! i .h aithàt vhich 1i ndl aPlir'ygian.l. 1 cet oiïei araceO .oudyou veilý * a' oi admiratndû', ejoted wuy, 11when I could pay- iréeà e icm,ut ~Lh hi1i M~. - pýnpPbli epeidl buer? Taul. erA elgion. iSYÎ!: ~imodegâ croho es. ,usdIindee&I -ri ldi<ttl ierùlatdo àîL-divine ÀAp10- 1 Itel2liim 1'vul toinattaldin mlri.ig frein nerons luit. boi Me, nai - ihaIre migLî be Ab wu va vre et is p 'ý#er, sun tlhad e n~iam, thal t, WoIzU bere-nbi abeordhmg' tiheiOhtrob--8t.', P6 * lied: Tbe da thb owný wây,mu'd lok, .-.'who use- *héilr1: w., ehali e e-iWe obi Il caù bruit yafo 4look llrrhugb rme., 1 Theno-wauWln ,ihose arp black oy sgreeable umeb foes aubile ohmruoiim changea, ever, mobilea o bqqick ton., daauameùna ee ers uutlir hÎùW évàed. ahîd salA,,I lnmo à lzie:iy vua le .clô ih i usodPaiuo, Ipreie h aii ,twhall*, dm âôtury, ot llb. right I lltoned foir a ut tlmra II'theoIA'alèodfle I cUha si or 1d -te uilldfrn . twtdilu-te cf îLeinvolteon tirs e!,] -,pu Il- knov il by lbth. to.i as"LeaO oferuLof-hooA aaIs., lt)- ig brov, ao if tpua idihA nus viehutscli! I rewus a ikg, "Wo£ ribèi<e~frte pou Se- preeed-wl ~t'.i; 1 iovkélaeûb*l orrd ahilviped'O' e rkin auer ohagetfs.Thora waM the, ixuuiorent and alma l'of L±e la Ihe naev m laina Qui oié orI*i ce -ouIlleq 'Sc., th. Pepper's Qu1nIn aim T porneueneteiers m- alcr byini merw iui aiac r Taraxacum and P~4opIjq~~flj au. ucrome. IUIaiiJiY Lockycr's Suiphur HgIt Authorlzed -Capita $ODO ' HON.FRAMIKMITII. Semmé r Prusident. PTIKJ6E,, .T-KEYg WW JAMS itïwfOYZq 1* ý notions of ver- er pirur friand naeloielyz; ýDominion. Wood Work8,1fBS MRC ,5,.,......I. t" UNE L. 'he, O et çI, Ç0.i Wur. alp lietâ anc muai- robbed o( thd* happeuait< sÇ" of 02 <am cf, mai4tr ri lb. back, 4lWo' 14 dl ago& mm mia laity on coum- nio Ilmmali rs FOR liolda QWITB FOR 161 14, sept, Apr. Il Dos 5, sept. 0, Di MILLE tOum guaranl A. anA ai seti VMI»j IWZI»lu' &Cqý WHt TBY. OGea. Cormack, T CMBR MERCHANT & BUILPiEE. lu-À large suri! of Buildere, Prnish. Doore, Saab and Bilnda. LIXNER wbolenale mand rot&i, or by by theebu load. Plaulng, Motldugi of cverydeicnmp- dion, eiooring, Sheetlugr, helvlýng, Re- aawiugê, Shaplng. Turnlug. Scroll-work, etc.. etC. Wbitbi, Oct. 101h, 1878. -d8 49

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