Whitby Chronicle, 26 Oct 1882, p. 4

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1i -Gad @the bpur"*u 00fl lupSipils 6.&' a mv.udose Tot «"Mies moeIUSi ni-lbeylIedomoeain. On waternsi;b 0 li, Qoveno d rva utbful @on of A Bu"e CaI" m~UIHAEIE tédA tie gt6at seâàu'of iuelit l " pop frein hie evening V 1eI5ug &o. e'h minged matou- te.aa t. e..ýsnoa u Md soM, as'o hie hopeful,- -iaeshIlPt57 U a *,puutook ai¶ovp, ué 35TOU'Uqsst<td orou'1 -gela il xeite su," __ - i 1 mont . csea l t oves oan.keep hia tom. eia ut. TisaIs the great ~ ~ ~ ~ s the -rouan tonî'shigis u su S v4uamsono"s.Hm ~~ n": -- 16 i vh mu ot by issu salef 155,wt«eIssngsss os youi'.r," salitieui Lt sowsn ara e- hisau aIteeuhn À trackeu té1f. Bet aseo'l woke up te tise ksàèspe.fuus1g avay Uek ir l s *l the ooutrj, s i. ogfià Yau muaI glvsnaol-bsaded young se..Yong bicot in poli. t lanssed. Tsal's the Paand vs mean te 1~.72oit duffers ;16 g ls. case, viai 'Put -yuyou &a." sait the youts of susoke lovard the D 5Ver ou keep your *e o u on eyer kudir aSIS&btrougis ycur saur isave brouetbî busparties 01toe that il isn't vorth a - osbantiseu os, Wliat u slneets mle novbiot; nev elgvessuseu-; freab issues, sud micomas vithyoutis sid 0 vautIo b. at thse iead, -toýl ire t c f b . b a o k r o , s d frget Il. W. do aillise vomis 0relcIPu04, "4 wviaIteow. gelT? MI, enou visaI vot el;vge lolft, yu keep on iu the same ais! rut, &# tb hesîusus ie cltse h tor ,OU. We're UM o f bursingcOr ersfornotingsudyOIa cas put la par ipes;w uïeï1i. 1us$ 0 45 a ¶séce oq«WSy, -ou'» ý to "* ! j4I e ostoiWsc" lgish le dutt we4*p. 1F6v onU us OU bave eutgeov*panmeeUL ines ehul reireno.av pw U-rei- it ouriosi uwe Uîért -f*. bm. honlor bon«d." lo-, "1h. '9fblu augar, rÛAs" - - "o, lai' ls o4.1ahioned ,ros- ~at; but 1. eutsde aDomw «dbeot muat gis. ssy le ,grlor of inssYs a rd-fou lit plitlcal eaMP&IS1ga, prlnglg s .ïhopeful, anani wlb isouit Se Endymioa suBusibe arvin tchah't, as Se pro. George W. SimpaonaprepoeaL. mas," mesVat.thespIns.laa slrog, FVu-basi.s M ielcoesd op at 'IeraW. gîMPio, ssarasiea et Wonder aisupin lhbereof, Fvlsa s".V7boautmMIvas Ibis gil, as 46soo L ishaffl% Iit of tise rougi.e ussuet. f s-"Onsms aiu. dora semlog smo» àti-asumuly b s ll u 1 v il . " " J»be w i r o!0 115 ouaémossi Wyt e .ly Ple be iseqdlip.o! S. ondsrfl Lira Ml."aieps cnlduis irones, à*:. a ~m Bimpu-ghyfou-vogoul". baveo iu ds~4P~u~ fm4t, Meca sreatloa bvmg>e$a l. fe"ds' M-wa uiel> , h -eu 1.s sns' mos R ate la Lam ..Valse qlh vs>'," bss4q rdon es WI, elij **0 te ». iemùtlSu, vilS lb.ý Ism, 'bt go oves lb. val ii m- IuotlfnS ik Tovwipsa&U sar' from offa&Hlf5eU it amkobard for mottas; but le alisiaa msfirtusles'vllh.n hsIe Mcst lilsuulepovetr. Tison mayat as veli expeel t4 pcv slronges by lvaYs -ea155ns vu iser by alivayse jadlag. Toc usuelsover chargea mtureanid turs aMoo li" disase tisanoui'Ishflell. 4gho truly virtuouu do cet ...aiyoradit eassi tis i ld tissu of tsir usigibor.;, for if tise a peé 10Sis amlsu, ManLia frai!, s«d proue 10 evil, snd therefore May scon001 fAl U ords. As tise Govomumont 1gb.. eur conata for lise protection -ocf marinera and thse beuefit cf commerce, so Il ahouli give to lise tillera cf tise alithse lita cf practical science simd.experience. Bueienle Arnica Salve. The Bast Salve in the vomit for f"uts, BruisesSocres, UloamaSaiWt Rbaam, Pever ores, ýetter bCisp asds, ObblIn Corna, asutÙaiss ptiona, ant posItve- ly cDres Pilies. Ilte gusarstee t îyé per- fect satisfaction or maney refuntet. Fric. 2S cents per box. The Doctar's Secret. Probably. ne usv devlopmenl viii more surprise the public, Usan ta lers, the secret of #110e" of certain lesdlug -physîceaus. Wheu Usey have a tiffloul case cf Ibroal t r ln uudie ata baffle iéssu icsoitiftc chili, lheY Pme stibe Dr. Kiug'@ Mev Diuoovery .1er OonUwMPUtiýOffl Cone, li olts, bai. tug Il dilgul"i in.&a prosàlptic ottbile, vitis Ihetr*vu diretios ïsuD"»sos84- la.hd. isspatentAs druansd liuy g&bi W*.puiTiW Trial baila fi" .et HOvas DrugstMore. Langsl Througis tse pressul mentis et Jly the stbe enmci id lBcvls are sexy Habit te beconse dougs. Tb*e propos pro vouaais aDr. 'Carons Stomàsés su Constipation Bittra,- for by their us the Digestive Organe are iasigoraled tise Bovels kept and lise biot rendere pure sima ool.SoIt lu large hottles et 50 cents Sp ail Droggis. W. B. Hava. agn. -Files sut Bugs. 44c File, oa.hes, autos, bet-daga, rats, mioe, grephers, eiipuuks, elèteset by «'Bough on Bats." 16e.c Reansd Comfomlt ôee seSufeér1*Jrg equal fer raelu«g pain, bolstrna muE exterak. t esroeam_ aintise sid se or bevels, Sostbr tie, D pain-or a«ha "BIl mccS usy ifb tie Bicotsutma g, sls ou," bolng acksseled aMlise Pal Rllver stof diublelb of auj othar Elixir or ILiimeut lan vorldesuht Ib.ol eiry sa remedy in tise ve for Crampa n tise 8Oomacis, sut Pains ma àAe.,De!mal kluta,» sut ia for'saaleSpai drg'&U U cetsmabottle. BloggUahLIses or Druumsiatwe 'Klmdeysio. hotu oeMrea pu of, i Ds r. o' -0 îlises sund-Lonmg V pommt . baci 5 egi aekgs . h tbr» vpbulsof iByrup.I l-- iausl eqiells c Bots ~ebs miBor%, by e a)Ugglula.i W. IL Howvssgoa. Roit ats-ft gephr. 15. PrÉs ~41sothe reSt *mot!1sèl~ oê»Wil *fo,", .*masy. oralffusl Ui- oloiB&are. W O'aosa.m". bpasa lmtv. . mari4tet tetibis te tsum -4bIll, g slili, a mouaisbe euy, O~$ET;~1eo,0., sole à fe r .t yW, . R amaes -MA druwgll~hl N*w York ohwu SCHOOL BOOX&,-. Parsuls sud Ciilron v111findi Il lalisei SOHOOL BOOR1S iSOL MORS Il At getl d ouca. =IET RUADE14 Psrt I ECOND "ce IMMLLi 1 tOe, - 80. - Oc. - 15.. -95e - SOc. .85.. - 20.. Pull. supply of aIl scsool requisitas CPyo in s, P omiFuels, Siatea, Somb- blUg sud Exercise Bocks Sowtilg spc luli Drsvlng Bocks sa& Pencils.1 Pn lstock et a&l bocks seet luCoilagate nule, e.Model and*Publlo Scisoci. fret Bocks for Inlaedte examinab- lion. Ziberaidiscount te Tesser. Pleesedtenet forget -Cieap Scisol Bocks, at- whitby, sept. ahti, 1882. 12-If E.U m mb SCame is ttén inter- ad'y. Il acta dfreetly upon th. blood sud thse mueons surfa»« of th. s7stom. PlrWse75e..W. IL Hovus obemsat asd dsuggi$W itby. ONTAfiO LADIES' COtLIE[ plsolnthCÃ"I ,ant FIRIT, Tmm BOTEDAT 0F OCT. aM Tv» o'loa& inuà1h.ahe«mocu, fer 1h. pur. poefrcaulg the Finues Saauet, efiserbusiness si- *y habrougU lbefore.l [1 h *ob Sa.iofet ai ch Meeting fS thlie lu.staiti.Colgm o~~mSi, "PS.cratVOL, REALTE 1 WflÂUK Deo. 1. lkor Peryspý,;us!27Ma.Âu. May 18b 0auulsFeb. . Mar. 4, pr.M19 66Is~9 , Ot. 4, No 5l.e2., o$- abs e Do PHSETSar ieol»sWe TheS~j~aein Ani) CHiAFNssS ý4 FRBSH LOTI OF EZAUTIFUL ARIE DIRECT PROU THE FÂOTOEY, OHEPERTRAN ]SVE BEFEEZECE lakindly permittadt t thea 'feilcvlng lal>exnga 1ev lofthse sany who have thcaadUe "lu V lat." Mtm. Chai. 800# Mms.Wiss Karsia, Mms.Wm. RelIs. m. aruger.Mm. OP. 816*-- ar lm Mi.B. Ârsnstroeg. r.Jas. Idm Mx. iu. A. Oumpiss4Ulri. Jno. Lavder, s.Samuel JAOkSOt, Klt John Tunert, N*lc5, PIciserlIl;. - Soie AgI, whilby: L. FAMRAIM, ela»M baoehYt"5Dhi Ch& SADDLERY WILLIMTHOPO LATHBR Y4IEE "SÂRÂTOGATRIN.. 'bud" Md Ât is e& X ptAOS W. confidêntly assert tilat. our Pianos are the best value obtainable. Every Piano fully Warraxfted for Five Years. A. Persénal inapecti s~Uie 117 Xing..St. West, Toronto. CHI 1NA TEA, SrO'REr IYAMf1Y GOu IIRS OF1W ALL -KIND AT-i PLEASE CAU.. AND EXAMINE A. f£aas"ortment iii O , A,- - & CRvOà XERY wire, at eïoeedii1y lw prîcee. IT WILL FAY to Sâoan lapfpeà 7the goods and the: "jOtber 12, '81. DUNDÂS STREET. EDISONMUSICAL EDISONTELEPIIONE. 'Yon eu ang Tals Sing aud PIsy Tunes through il at e long distance. Chsldren t-~a eadm cms a play tunes at once. The Tone las equsi lo any Flute or Clarionet. Nonvedgeof Musio required la play it. To enable sana n, withont the slighteat knowledeof Instrumental Mui tb perlorm at once on this In8trument, we have rpred a àaries cf lunes embraolng aI mappslar Mir, printed in sUiMpl.d«urea on oaras a suit 1h. istxuentaI aoînent dine train the xneutb-pice,- so thâtaItIl an be essily 1i~*dM etluns ithut ny ar w}ateer."Tse usial lPhon Muc uITels asi mat wodarui isa tbsrbnsnisPMme ast dee il betAtwM ldo besides ensimai- 18<pmnus is d, silua b~1as4utu ope~tnes NYBun. Pria. .O0. Frice b~eua<e.id~~r~sterd 5.00 B'oinsrumet snt y mail vithout being r.- i~era.8eoloa :b'P..O. rderrrgstered letter. SO XA OTIOB-The Musial ephone can cnly b. purthased af the manufab% lux.lIDIR>Ii UBIO00., oithIrougistheir sveril bxsulIestbrogugis thUe U. 8. la Orne RIeur Ton c 'a PIa inlb -4)rgik ,«MOW80en, ultisED1SON'S lNTIMIDSMUste. ca bi~ cvsdïmbr rm100-il gopuPlmd5jyIIit. No teaoer eqired. AU tbe popuWartunes. Millons cf aur pieces boj&fgý,x e o "dp umand Msense t. ,comploe.in&tr.cIOnt vitis esenpiees t mniesen by ailfor0MBDOLAR.Seat tamp fer catalo geoflunes. ~~o t~aes6 ~h6I1ve (n tise countxy awaylmtsc hiera lhsy are anvrfiigsuc 1 1 va viii mail yon Bnesox*s REvIIw for oneyradsr vnp 1Iao Instas.u de wuie b.einstructions, or fur Ç8.00 va viii send you Enssoxs s avuz for-o- oisaraueue of Ediso'. usical TéIqhcnetrglsaeby Mi. Whben crdlng,. Pissa meninthe e apr you saw Ibis advertisamt An. RDIZOON MUSIC COMPÂNY3 M15 &a;1MWALH'JT 8.,PMIaWBLP1A, ]FA. ERÂNCRFI 7C M elBaldtlm 19eL; ,Balllnsera, Mît-, 08 . th gtst. 1 Lois, Mo" 8 S ixti Aeue, ttabe a s, 8M7 Wsshlngtonstreet, Boston, Mass, 48.eu.. acstr aCr I Wluadn .J 1833. Establisheèd- FURNITU RE- Gleaper tl4an eer, -iat ki8 new 8tore BROOK 8TREET. WNITBV. Thou.uozignd E xtuxiag ta"ks "téo-theè.pnbi3 e:oâthe bis ~ ~ le hémdeu o is inta ab64telpodumti n ý ve HMa stock of Fxnut mbMaes very -handsomieýsoti oenmcoth mo cPSZO ov seurgis th îlb es lueraJs 'fnlly supplied. - 5' W& AKR MAXUG MBri-mAt NervC E 1o -ouy aso &rs Foirer, SesïuniPro. s$rctien Neght Bicacts, Bpermciûivloea moser. It repaiakre, ctBejt- ilatei fisç .Ta itoU1,f lect, Btregheete leospeit& Bio ip>eOrgcns. Tise ixperience cf thousanif uioe ti.a Invaluable RaBmedy. The. ~ zconahs uiffcint-ortise weeW"s nedi-. tion,aut is thse ciLepWsf teebe. ~u là riua r4upslet, vhil sete t sim , drest. - Mack's Eegnetc Medicinie is soit by ra g 5 a 0 la pe box, or Il boxes for itheb money, by adtressing MACK'8 MÂGNBTIC MEPI-1" CO0, Windsor.Cn0 Canada. Saoit u in ib yW .U-"su i Dmggists Vrvee y8 Fo UN DRY, THE undefmiget avig p= CI heb q.entieof ' -te Wbitby Fudwil hereaiter onry on tise AGEI1IL1UBAL IhlP[EMENT AND C[RIEiL FOIIROflY OISINESS1- in, ail its branchles, and trust by their long' Ixperience. andut bundant facilitiez, they ellb e abl. ta maintain the higis epu'7 ta mc ý0 long mjoyea-b Ii ils ment-- ýTise implemeusts hore r nmanu Brown d PatterBon anffg, Co.1, Wini slllontlue au b h ~EA DINGMA>CIIIe8 aI Iis rasas q eu es4l e t su frilh ~ ~ wh Us"Yrvmetlaoirogxui ve~ -es six THEGRAY MEDICINE CO-, 00 ,9-,% Oeoet9l -A * HOAT -AFB IO . tisa ,sss h em&afre tis -so0eitdeu5 tis ssot vawabl fPheon- semai d eui f. septerate4 recta of the aced c$IUr Bpruesoa tci4as-51O and the C PT )iSWftlJex- cases c bafitande IAsag DIS. or prerttea efase. are pro- tevï# RED ghis sO- sumptive j or 9 ff- woanfoo 8ofBocht and a ifs erèonothe puUicaM a. -P'a&l" tut u, ecoeiharae pStand.,e u ,rv cndlabels ar as eg0 re kn w 'o te P-pulicta rgueeomo "0Fo Ch spof Ra~ae Sha~ tu, is-On =and sse-ur frPO 1 wiau..mKxcv.g. oive "aaiQWlt s ieIs, cugtin'ot ne -~~~~~~~~h Yeivra,Ê&rianCcacdnBue reuned wu mcal t 0: tie ela le assi noheaerele rselý .q-eilt -REPAIRING. ?A1f1~R~ON & BRO~ Wisllby luise ~9Ib, 1889. - Lus-fl IJ9 IT '8 HALL NEW LYD ýW' ltlia-M atcos, e Reï na Stem WIid fingi as, the Patent -dus pr-oof cae., ,Ladies' ,Gold. Watches, the fisal toukIhav e~r hown, , q'sl.ua pe. aipi -ces thel-owuekpcssible. Wainut, Niekie and other Clocka n sgreat -m'-met:r Electroý-Dlated Goodo, a f1 st ock. ForSiokiDain Oraiete Buîer Jos, n P~liisio, ke- an Baske, Or Ièevrc S P E C-1TA, CLE TO SUIT LLSIGHTS. March 22nxl, 1882. -17 p. RSW W in m âal .--i ognlarIsipse l n 1ab O c4 - IlbuprorustiacinluMy case. -~eta 1isiave iseen getiy benefiten. Rae -my.dafnes hee. a grt eal e- tiik bieesi "'It'situe.ar ,equemtouabie cand t is -- YnmMe4l unsuivos.WrteaIonce - , bC i mueruas>'. UDS as. !ià -a.. $1, - A. 's a - ne A 11, l'i iule Il Promptly attended > to ý nt lowest xates for 1833- 1 çaoh, or &Uwry. -., ý - m ý 1

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