Whitby Chronicle, 26 Oct 1882, p. 2

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L8ouortfor ibeap goodi swyt4t Tbursdsye Qq. 291-1882-' à f mBouïlas beau Chang. usa-the Indienappelllls eo -Bonse" Tbe-namemsy bO ibn lmpraveamsu. Bat$' "Wba1'a lu à san 'The pis o maie a vnsOth- eada16asai' for lbthe qpibal ofa pro- -, DO ais ever v"aaaed. "Was-Oea must bu e oeli, 00k Indien-ion lIOY -w r -tostcoanuy -cobia lero wout in for plo'klug lb.ePlias o! bousudna k- inug vmey onI a1 Regina. IB leasd tha Bit. Timu O'Dayifaull-fiudlug thel lb'Plu@ e 1Io tahlsebsôageofa Danms. Onitanlo Ladies' College. \ Ths onnaI es - - boliers langer tIbm üausl. ;Thé principal que.- Upu h14marn upforoocidiratian vas tbea.usg t pefeeulsistock. Afler 0ooidsrsble discussion il vsu deid.d \ o tQ akos an ffoil la seurs s iobu aI a li Pm 15 p «a n r g c, a L e F r hi n s 1< ai n fi p ai fi a IJ s e t la IL I e c s I I E i f E i I I ,munit1.Wh~o d b x p g grievances.. Co%@iùually higlti np th.ecolnaus aof the -Tor ~e.-bel.Gi~fH~êe tiues g0o banddl reCirk 'Il-à's ,sphool vh.bbÃ"'btthis nlleitègr4* should l a Uêtiýon u-ptio h [Ilme,'ýoa d 'iek la alose attbvio thémorafMrmb suit aace, rai ese hlelary I1IbfsndyViolfirScf- theb.m meWont ofthe i.nuaaule dli. 'W. tbick iKv. Orooku lias m resiou ou bis side for rejeotIug 'Mariniono' no uit.rhav blgh ils lit.rary standard 68 a tott book. '1 BîEralford Beaebit :---1here 'ws* s ime wiisu tb. pulpIt used ta denounce "dancing, <'navol iresdiag." sud ïOv. Orsl mriof lt.e4alloî vicés lun od aul terme. Thal day coeore abont orsr, s0 fat as tb. narlis are ooncerned. AI iqail Ibis. 6ivinucbave laken U* 4h cndgol for Marur an"oel, lf'1t copallan, iflaber s ProsbytOrla, a$ strange to gay, tb. luird la ~tlth. Il wil ua longer b. uscssu'y farÀe <aughton oof Preshylerlan ldsibtd Moîbodiet classs.leader la have as foIn valunisu o! fiction- bld arbouud thad rboaâe. Acoondlg 1Vu' hse. gr5 polélt ÃœM sgoe" booktà r& btt'àb, 68 for girls t0 auaiys briially2I<26yanng talko, you lave 'our ecanié la lsy nP sgoca @lore for 1h. long aévîninge of .tam-1 ing lt. Footbafl. >l, pd I ra e o eefnl lat aî a specndt Tousu»mh<î AT Warrn.-A senlet ýFd, bdeif uo«du, t Cai seondofAuoiOu matches'Wvie played at e laI sifastaeboiders lu about twoc iîlbycu SaturdaY lest, l in-wiol lia ,4oconelcer lb. aAvsabillly af Nuisons, of Toroto.ethe Wifihby Col- - endlaitock. logite sInstituts (seniors),$ 'aud lIe, vers elsalsAl dirndons pjsi#Érg Ooltege (qeniors) tbah parI. yen: Meua. G. Y. rraugemonts bad heu psnialty maîde J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o yaj <,,~ Contenti haleesthe juniors -af - ~ J RicA. oa , . oflePickeringCOullego sud Wbthyili A$ BoliSv . N. akof e. gÂte -Instiltt, buI oving tLa smis- 0 .4,Guo. A. Coi, £Beva. F. J. uuncmrtdiug the match did uci hake eta, sud J."ïNott. place. AtI lstpse twio le Piakoting BingaI le Areoru, . ~ Cjloegbays ueri drievuup-lu opposi- meai bllywauee1e' LiUt ta tIcs. ofllIe Cohegialo Instituts. et WhUy, wa aleci luInveight the. géusial physique ofIbl ,l, . .Janet, M.A., ai Toron- sides vonereveuly maîched. W-ibly & » ai àsd H. B. Taylor,vnLILaesu che esobon *qf ilyé, SBearuansd Tris- o h os n coeteguhr - . goal. The College boys kiaksd off, mrid folavins coumurnitsss esop- the hl vas borne vehl dovu Lb. fild., ;# - ýlaele returned in quick timq_ hy the qseha..-Maar Simth, 'Taylor, Instituts Iseke, vIa id lb. te= ngoard Janusesud Devart. seorvice &Iatroogh the gaime. For a ià a" Finuaces. -- ei-s. ias hhinge were iveby sud uruetain. lor lot aro, Rose, MoDfl a nsd île haitvwe kept iu motion from oui end of tle field Laeliae oblat, but il- Gronde--esus.Powell, waeneua long helore Lhs iniliated oh-- SmithI, amdC. Shaw. terr icoulA plIÉniy esc liaI, while the rireUrg.-Mossrs.Powell, alai, Colite ebaya vrinlgo" cadftou, *4 Raie.sud vers ase inalilduil phayors qui. 'Tia prompta alenda'oo of lie aclege île equale o9 h Ihin ppounus.lbeiy laed largo anA lb. prospects for imoreaegd uat lIai etperi.eu lb.thegae. auIc sîrouago araesonrsgng. W. non- aiwaye telle in a long sud sînbaru càu.- raliqlsts. lt. edireo$ot@ands sud hache ra t. ol na! IlsIebnuiplayen eld ýpou% te mated aucceus vîjal i, "geraaId lkn,'! squn-d paeiii rovmûleg t fforte - aud hope taI ghrsaku rqel advi haïr bigbleost suieipatienu =&y b. esained astîskou the. Coitîge gos!, eIll.ed, sa d1,lltliecolage may agwhicb ver. rspehled by tbhs lard mrk: yl*' oftheCollage Iseko. Wbihe Ihs coq. 04ullvnutagellu , W te nla r tei sct vaclos, sud excîting thle Ineitute W, odrslatîhe C'ong hAdies' goal -vasaseimom ilu uy couideribtre lir~faIsp'luen gvis10 pblcdangoesd vlaiu lime wasecullteilie nlel-lsiuui.l u rldsy sveniug, Nov. Iustituts boys lad scored liaw goals ho nil. aMd lIaI -Mn. Baylsy, tiie lesdiug noue. For Lb.e Whithy club thseol leUhiltel-fTmaolads axpéel4d ta be toviug deorse -aecilt Mestion:- reseul. JirneqMeOulluna (oft boriard), John ________________ Eseîvood (hall back>, sad Jerry Pal- Mr. BIaks sud Tempersuce. tuer (bock). For the College boys -- - -McdLed, Ohanbes Wrighe; W. V. e oca ceso ooiu vrwc s cacxe 14Q005 Wrighit and John Gormlty Aid goaui vark. Ah abe conoluaion oalibis nate ÂCl~~OiiTUE ISCAL LM> theb.Neliioaas, af Toronto, and thlIn. lu va.aa~stitute baye of WIitby bign anothon Kw. lak'aeesc aIgerce. At furt the aides eeeod vet mctl"e aMuitu nA sinlipregliaul is. matebof, bt theb. omblued play af marks vith éie teoot he Cracks Act WÃŽully wv a s bll toa muci. for Ith» uf th. lemperlue. question. -.Il. visalars,&04 bufarehi-liras vasu called owlug synapel of hia speeh ou Ibis the y hmuaupc.0eda",in placing oui goal ihjeel fi' verlh&igud wonll ro. ta 1ho1, crodll. Whou lb. gumo vu- me * beilg îa'1141stoucled, hesasid, coneindecinueir aid.e1usd lid 1 al or thb' final lime in bis tifs,cunIlie toena thier &avantage. The Pielienl£Ug»o tanes qàssI nd uAIf, &As h. elleveA,leS 'oys lieu facea the ."Neisge " he cOnoitAu$ aiad %a ms am sulsar %fT-sIn a- ' alme hat angea the pe- oe# au hhulaalils e1lIre puople,lI vasu cTi saioMieargvil goàrt ucMon miomeveud o.mnuurbhe pro.-for lias N"eleu'goal ladt lasustain.k iddnto. atask liais mesore, . Rel*Uiubelalesuries oalaltacit. Dtr#' Mdltdeitla u iné afllly ofasudA. u poeldlI ocnue f un eamalent f prtalbiar7aglia- ues.'ingg&im, sud vleu play osuic oi. ees Re elsi ahasunaîm r, lad neiber elfe 1usd ootaa goal. No men e for'eeiglalys. lHeoharrd Frlay lie lub. of Vicela mvi ul' la. inteanpuaos abrûdln lh. country Cobourg ; GuI Coflegiate Inelîlute.,SM, pan Ihs àmoertI.dnr, andin ts Pickering Colage viii vLsil Wleiliyb aguitai Ibtis ficilbel lad bmat>i a Whvou ssaitifie play'Of "AhiiO rdeuiaà 1Iai aholsiner. PMe#,lovuvpr, vAsualeo ees,.Tieecontents, linl>. jiest  s dvOr O onbi 1iV fisoler Iban pub. ae llotCu. IuBakicA lei pLulan vu mnufaclleotrespect. pWestern Associatione Vitii b.arraye bbie Il, 5.8l eeIb.l'lh. doiruPd# agsDit on@ anaot, iu ooked ioiV*s bage. Rddaot tlbfù ih atnni 10 videpoi t teeîiayfotalpVe spil ooils deuirsAa ehange. ilu on ara h ufcinslih me kélnv4tou 4nIyoi grsullng u la bAssociation.- M40 dwu *borne"aili grveel-*0rpi.- aiser thelU eiaohmenolpai saiIci.1, - - BOAS sCA-moue Deooss.aarDucr.- ene Ir Oh. a1b anlllynditiaugs a d the MM omoe etebl cft*000,00 i &&I. à -rbfjsou I mil5tiIli . ifor building durceos sud. lber ie-asjl&ns i cnesalia tuo nt- Objetaofas lîku kinA, bas beppadi >80WSll~ts fit nowl.u i b.Danc tghieput lwoiuans* liongh*4 mm f S- Bnuly lb Wb lhey e a.lag.um iae iIiséat;e 7,0ews*ddd mm.lia th w le eue. ÏL uucvu if-i*l, . piaait L~alim hier#ineli boA bàd a ,s-, aBtilr. n ig ulsel-a$qh M the, slael d PI~.h h of emli OWWI bêb" y lhufrmuu l ot*lu mnuls siu. ai ne roisvo bs- llma en he- -4lI.oje M ~~ba .$v ~qrlente Ilua o iM COý nehaa o, Arrylab ueuir -vas sl.&rea dbo- aetup in iA.'mIA.li vn ymbothuaIide a Mry,_ i'. tticol sebuo h e p Chbs urckýain iew.n saaetudqtat ebge o! 1pOltlO7. àtm$.taare "M Mde Watebsâted o. aveltse. IApilIle nye0 ete 'la;Wte ti te liaI su oforuv i eg . rtubi auns av ieysboa'lot hie a ie I.lefnsbug 0àoau ao utaida Iby l" Polr - eain, t a1Mlerc4, osmas'p Peyandlli ohee v r "Se dbyplbu chaaucd-Ibie-vautln.7I.esia prieli ouco s n tam in- 1.8 the lut-ad illiong p-1qrin ~bts i ficfeaIrusThe. o àbblîel' acte a..s , he irle......î..'01,184,r Man i wrs buloylhg IIé ulhàor-tb *uoslbwfigiu ci~aown imagine dion, witten for 4thes' sàsre asud sun' ouseo f ltote whose ltiuled lbsm Who is lb. greasl Dnsa whé uald, Wtàt"yau puin .-te! 0418lyod Win, find inthb.coauntry. r.yuoss Main al hnerai psu &ud ink pr lrr4s aa ls uurkansd Issu aný gerQus Ib im iôr npings, snd 'ýw1at pare uGaeawould saolw Ibe l~e 10 b bibit@d' in tlb. caboolî#, sudi if Dot, li. ttlsr wby Ithon: tb. ha. v ritene-tîsî lby as ffsusDol4 igoWaUoIl1oroffeuuv in "Mar- -Hugh hMiletr, ci oiet sud druggisl, ITo.1 ronloi bau *Maraion" onhi bis befor hisi ýfaily -10 :-read ,sudduludy. H.' spesirsof 'Or scboýS ,*.Protestant. Mr. David 'WaIkii, of Torontî, "#culd dlibg tb he ahse 'f lumoralily te lbe vlindaî" ThétiBey. Mr. Milligau. ob. j*ea oî tc he.-Modo of vlidrava I f "Ma&rnitorl"azs i exl-book, sund dsmsss l. rigbl of bis gyms lbshe Atobbiebop le*tob se bbas doue l is hîoa e, H esao suhmon etjst ta excelltbis- luesscstiso lhsy'refisol- on bie I suppose I amn withlu the lins. of {bs Lruth suddzadIviolatlug the groat, làobarity, but etating iony au un. plssans facl, vhen I cy tIbsI ler- '~Ain psrsan& the sdp f ntirn elltlug and injurions ýo .Ithes.ohanoler ~o pretesud aunusla saton ly ual -f Isualvo or objeotiouabls, bgt s:cssding- Idelectable, palatabis sud cavory and ..Lss t. iis Dot no P A.nd being go, Who wauld expsol mcli gentlemen, W~itb ltes taiformed, gl a lks ffenos At sir Walter Sootts figmnîinutu ii rmian." glutpnieos sud puna. Thes pool lW ta> furui&h epic. tu reoherchs a ditb. D^ protestante reslly expeol ue la cousultt liem as to vhsl le or je ual of feneive tu us -aith matter of our re- ligion 2 Wil they wait tu take affenos I they hsveconuxa1ed us ? Il le net for theni La about ont who n oacrns (pardon the word> are tranpled upon, buat for ut vbo féet the pain; Il ie omething very kew tuaunetubcb tld by crinl gentlemen that because t.bey sec uoLhiug abjectionable iu a waak offenpie s L-ne, lberefone we muat Dot ses anything objeetionable in it. No man eau bo àajudge af what il offeuivs ta angtber ;sud, as <Isîbolice, nothiug oSai beoffensive to ul se an juin11 la ont religion or.tc, thuo whaaz oar ad rcoe. Inour cburcb. lTh. Rer. Mr. Millgausys- blstory' î&a agaluel nî-tays mucli agaluel aur ehuteai. 1isory Maysy whul il likes -id priîat. boutebolde suad lu Protestant scfioole, but noibhistorie will not be noed in scbaols common ta Catholie suill Protestant alike aud uupportsdl alike by commuon fonde. Onr sools arùcoar*ied on on th. principtes af part. n,osb(p; ans parly lu lb. fin muet ua fl thenu otaheL lItton mucb te ask tbe goverumebt Ul ai ISfise eouulry to single *us us Caîbolice clone fur ln- suit, aud go -elothe e sauers vi$la authr- tty ta lsacb sut4-psp>1 biilor*setlths public erpeuse. - Thi shahall tb. daus-lhî$ cannaI ho doue-tbis muat mat b. ait capbd hoaver m=ch certain getl. eu n M doai. ta se. il doue in IiîuIrest ad for th adraucéentueofaitheir joWu do. The. amsrtion Lb% ur s aoueart, protessatiae n sd nov à 0dfor tlie, rïl Uni. IJulilno* vse r 014, a l <Vda e "Iboy 10 4am national wbsn jan vanI oqw ousy for Ibsir su~pport. but Prop7 lhn yon vnlainsuli to mpe ,au aur, r thl u propaoals aur Pro- A a qsd $iut.-bisfls 1h. Arjýb74ho> of tou byHuy~alyfr~ in Iruci' icg theo-vaundrous ch"atel from ils mo, sid next lu op*nibg.Ils valts la tmamd lueroune.-wit place bis Dame mousn -lb.' ehief bouefaclars oai mrü esukid. an éoeStne 1 No. o - oreava rd. jsu 'iiâan-Ih eprei b aclnda. elcpaised-hils Ho tbe hkie for &l ha 1 d tiscovs va aI llwaalâa iadauiitillmuvili b. froni helovlthe -Conigo Caltacte la Stanley Pool, tiallake-like enlarge. mornt cfi1theaSteamidovn ta vliiia av- igalionuje luansd easy fnom 1h. -fat lulenlol'. But, wbile atley -vu pa- tiently lallingat hie roâadd ailiau#, aà Prench isuteusaw- M.Ase, raso, grOpiiagabon -the ,mntl7 ry ohle.Ga- hao, ou,ud,- or thiski thalhe faUM ',a Ïborter sgsy libe rooal b 1h. Ogovçe sud Âlieanîvsrs.There is, dnulesu, molh a paîl. suadeA.Brazzs came hy Il le a point appolethelb. hiof saton ofamIbSsly, upas the Pool, bullho hsd no--pplsuee, follnere, or lauda le prove tho capabiitios cf bis route; vbal b. id vas by --sme oau.paoe vilb lb. nusîlves laobtain vbslhée calis, sud vîsI lbe French journaliste malulmain ta be., Ua remly af 0001M. haon," glviug hlm, in the nams of Franco, poasseian of 111e very Import- ant région aofli3e tiver. If ever a noble wark shouif bhave bsn loft la ils projee- lar kud hiseneuigblsuod fIelndu lao om- puesd ta prefitby, Ibig, by svevy rtaIequiLy sud abivalry, vus-Lhe vork. Lot, Iberîloro, lb. plain Iruîl le tla e e modo- in vhiel M. de Braira bas ecugbi Laý, eteal the aredil sud novard af Salera viet labours and what a miserable preLenco i l J vhiel tle French journaha are ual ]ulahmedltuautain, becante they hopo for ciaeap sunstaàtiont in Ainesa. De Brazzteboaste tle pooteesian of a "Lety" wyul Makoka, the okief f atîe. Stasnley Pool country, grauting hlm a1 cession of the land Iying belveen Lhi Gué sud LIe Impila. Bol Ibis vas lu ,reslily ouly su atdiusry, permiseion ta hbuilA ast Mfvi, which De Braunzolmle Niavo and De Lessepu Brazzaville. Miva is ou the nortb bauk. aniA ooice of tvo 'mati vilageesr' inhabil-ed hy ivot-buying Batéké, vho tel l vory Lth 'the Baoungoansd liabveudo. This ces- alaon af pnivitegele ins gno anarsetîs lias been midi la auy Inavellor an mis- elcaiy by Jiskoko's chlefs, sud msnehy ufot, 1"yen msy buila- bouses, ma. gardense se anasayoo pleasenbut va viii ual give oui fatbers' land sway la tls Mnuger. It le al b.thecuetoini'ai lia. Batae 1 " Thie, judesA, hbae beau Ils very lauguag ued hy Gaucho, ths gRrdsl ehief af Makako, 10 Ibos. vie baveaed for landAlau reloru far se iv*ny mUA aisier Ds- B»ou gave, e si7rua =8y41nabt gid ro gus, virn * Preoh 1<,fou bs 091ngVicla vas 100 short for a lalu-clotb, or clbervles mighl have Itebed a savago, lveuly- four celiu audmaeh an d tht.. ftouis ofa sbrWble ulrpod lab, villa daxszn glass hedi, the. vaine cf *11 b.lng *2. î A. oi dias cfthe lraaîsalou vit h. denedfankowu hlII 1arn"me iO vie brougltDe.1)èBrasai ta Blqaaàey Pool ofarsilto buliaotbua paran sgraue but, lvsuty tstlong 1 ea àbradm i d ighl feel lilgb,-for 82W tersas rde, vatue p25. O . M neWblrcbaeebingdrnum i raI 'I 1.lie ho, 01 .ieee -ci paper, gai Gau*b muid iona h ta w h the peo.i ueet o! vial- lh.y vers doi lislef lae crgenlmuA tasiollo illagts o Uis, as one m ;h tIrdlerlb. nI reae eolit r alenaalsto ohIlron 0 iamasA bâhm h U on lathe "rin luA corn e ss'csurlsss. x seamier Psorkes rrivdait b. Blii. wsp Mille aI noon. gBi. ,Bzohencj Nau receied bsgadsal 1fgn and Ibrea bearty ceosefrain the, ou- <torsaiPsOli, aembled. Theo-ad- drtOS. vasread M.Mars. nie Ex- celieny mad uoxLmpore ropose. * ev.. v-w45"ho o n. tlswbsrf, wvias mnany -of tb. saIllers *vire preneeued.i 11o Ithon addreàod the Indiana, vhoa *ere iouuleiI'4ýd marelisUioardsr round bim. .Tfi Party Ilion luuoed, sud lu the aflerlsoon tbey drove la tbej lapaof lbe bill i1Iiind the lavu, wbere HRe ExoeIeiuook a sketch in valet ýOùlours. to pieussod b sfvl pbssàsd vith 'lhe arrangements o! the seamer &e the b.recoplion lis re- ceivod, sud lhp 4fbaufflfuireh oeeld, sud vas del- llud vulh tb. sosnery. oêr Perss Jaahen.Ti vIl goto OàUmgaù, andmnasreturu by lad. Tbey axpetol ab. aI avana'e S Ths gaod lisoile ofNsnslmo are de. termined hntolSabe bsbind th o ther iheir Iaysliyl ta th. titrons. Prepara- liane aie belug nuade for lbhecoeingi reptiou n ;'ou -sma7wbitextmusive ucale.. Thero v41 bufivo stohes.uoatly sund iuefaIly dsslgnsd sund dsoorsledt baeidesa ulage paslion. .Tli. ,Chinoe reîldeule, iulend' .weeing an ateh aI s coul af #700. Everybody 1'lanaxione la] veicome Hàr Rayali Hgbnsi tbe Prineu Iouleead hsr illnstriaulins- baud ou Oct. 9u H. M.' 0. Coma is ousofai sicoervet- les, halbI of sIssand itou shealhed villa vodad u vs ouruelod for Ithe Royai Navy by Johnu-Eider &Co., of Gas, on lhe Clyde, usai (Glasgow. Theon uso f ltéix are th.éCornus, CIw.elpion, lopatra, Curma, Con- qlu4si, sud Canyafor*. Thâs. rousis are madsevai hiran fraining sud SI Platina, sud sheathed vLiadouble thiokueus af vood.; îhey are copperAd inside 8a au la requt.dockingsau tel- dom se oeible. Tbey are ehip.rigged. sud Lb. propellar being made t0 lit they oun b. used as eaiiing veseels vlan ueeeteary. They are filled vith s spane rndder under the ecrev ehuft, lunaone af Lbe main rudder befug dsmaged. The englue, magaziue, sud boiler spaces are protected by a seeil- proci dock of eteel li inuchai lhick ; lth.coal bunkers are fdco te îlesdee, offering a con- * uderable nesistenco la chat. The. stemn aud gteru ponse caudaL af solid gun maètai castings, eud lb. stem belav water projecte, o<rming a ramn. The dimuensious oi the Cornuear - Length betveen tperpendiculars. 225 Ffot ; ezýr@me. 1ne*dlia. 44 feet 6 inchis; dephancolded, 24 fel; dranghl af wsor, $ feot O luches aitL,7 lest fa. yard; disptceeont, 2,877 toue. The. engicos *re compaund, eurlace-oou- rdenaiug, sud horizontal bave Ihros cylindera vill 2 teet 9 incIe sîroke, sud are goaanîeed 1 ebow 2,800 *horse-power indjosled; vill ieispaver lb. veseel can ha propelled 18 kuale per bonr. The armameul consiste of tva 90 ovl. gunusud Ivilvu' 64-ponnd. ers. Onu of lhe 90 evt. guano le fiîîod lu the férocauhis sd fireu aIl round th. *boy ; lbhéllier onder liie poon lths 64-pouidndosare an th. uppsa- deck- slx-ou-eoacl ids-. Euh veseal carnies .agbt umail boslu, anes elaIunela, sud-ans pionace Thore ie a Sorpedo ptu fittod on lb. poop. Tho Comuas lisa conne, eblsiusd notorety ta being the vincel la, briug H. RL. t.he Princa Is ouis. le British Coumbia- thlb firel visi* 'Of Royalty t10the Pacifie Province af tiie Dominion. A Navel Duel aBRUTAL vMUT WZTH BaoaUZWKIP-À voluxas sI :rnoTTas Or vs: aAV- Greoubgr', Cet. 28.-Yoetotday Bd- yad Jobalon sud Charles- Wilams dispuled abaut a afa n sd Ilr.d ta -usîti the mille tlh borsqvhpt te.pruee ofa1 60 laop1. ll%ÃŽybÏred ta.lhe vAIsl. and. ogl irbv.ots until thsy vere 1 ~e su y lonpsw4 os e s ipu. laJbuoau'Zkiu bong lu ehfl £bro tm blubody e fu a", Wl- 11=1sua ast.iobiy ranliàsdi sud bath' %ri ia mrll Icndition. meeamîg or the i. zaotof uKent-and Bn'esz an. ek-or cslled ulleclion 14 lb.10tscl lit albu smtlaosIius for héla aduugthe agitation iihdbesu pes<tful ianseaid lîsI if Ibisgrase lujusliie0v4as sllaved la contiuesho acauld nual 1k. lba hiserable for il belug always sa. Anahher speaker ai& Il spposrsd to bu eliameful tIbal mon- ey shonld bave been dnîvu tram the pankelu aofuuvillng panieboeru la Bnp-- port a eed lu wulob they did ual be. Iliye, eimply tlasdd la lbe slroady'llarge incarneaof many ai Lhe oietgy. Sir E. J. Bsd, MP., ioul a ilertle lb. samo meeting giving expression taIe enlire sympîlby villithe' movomeul, sud id. vîelug continuons agitatiaon sud persIs. lonce ina spoicy ai resstanco ai lbe mins aooinpsll lbé allenlicu aif the British public 10 lIeut josl demand. lllnulraled by rofîrteuc 10s tecenlesse il Swsuloy, Kont, vhore ths ,Ilîhe, am. ouuted ta, £9 an saiholding oais yoarly vaius cf bul £70. Iu Ibis instance w saie vas ordarsd by" lhée esôn sund ebapteo f Bbbeser, vbae Bisaaop re- ceivea £I0,000.snuÈaly, wbilo lb. rov. ennes af lb. Ses aroe etlmalsd ai £80,- 000. -Ths is penîspe au'exceptioucl, osm, as tb. average rte la proabby, iaI morsîhan 5 t107 per cent cf lbh yearly value ai the iarm, hoUingc, bol a iing tthIe 9sbilrry manner lunishicli IheÊs tillies are laved, iu8tceoo I - mait equal bardsbip undonbledly oxisl. Thora là a generilfeeling tthIle Gladsbone Govsrumeul vil b. compeil. éd, nov --ýIhbî thé eLîlttemàu af Lb. Egyplian quesion relioveï lhemftam fors.igu ambattasuasu, ta pay èpeedy attentionla noesdsd .reforme -il homo, an7d il lae ley 1hàt Ibis queition vili become inuths nekr future a burining ie- tueo.- aPickering Council. Monday, Oct., 16., The Pickering Counail met pursuant la adjonrumeul. Members aIl presoul excepb Mr. Mitchell. Minuntes of laet meeting mread dapproved. - Mr. Hoover teported tramn tle com- mille on accoontusud petitione, recani- mended LIat tb. foilowi.'g accoonte b. palâ :-JO@. Ellicott, gran&tota ea. Ou- Oins, $10 ; Wmu. Pearson, msonry of bridges, Brd cou. frontI lot 17, aud -side- road btvenlota 20 sud 21,W. 2nd con, 0562 ; Exoavating for bridges, #87.50, -sud tepsiriug bridge on Brook rosd in 2nd con. $24.665; John Barry, lumber sud gravel, $195-25 -,Eay-King, bridge on 8sh con lot 27, 64à.,and eluice .vay betveen lots 80 sud 81, 7tb con. $20 ; Jas. Undenhli lsîice- and grading le- lween lots 94 and .25, 7alci a.$43.50; Thoti. Triplt. gravîl, $5.90, sud for cedar, $9.80; E. Dehart, gravet, $8 ; B. E. Freâ, grant ta S. Tripp. *8 ; Eli Sharman, bread for Tnipp, *2.80; T. HunIer, repariing bridge, 411h con. $5; Levi Mackey, attending Voterd st i Court, *2.50;e "Pickering Neye," ad- vertieing, *8.24 ; Wm. Edvards, coai sud vork betveeu lots 4 sud 5, 911 eau. $1540 ; James Harlburl, grave], *1.05; Isaac Palmer, building coffen-dsm at Pslmr'e bridge. $19 ; M. B-. tzL, àodar sIfa crk ou side raid ,befvesu laleBs"d -8. 4th' cou., 4; -C.' Han- ulug, piospstiug panesud inspection of maury7, 25 ;D9L. Beid, grave], *10, -Mr. Forreionpresiutod the. repori'cf Lias comilleon damn.es la ehep ly dog, ho reloum ms .d thal John Digauo' opsd*7.88, sud Lawnenop Ou motion cf 1Mr. Hoaver tb. reota ai ofle cammilto. ou accanuls sud pe ti- tioue, sud of lh. commanillon o dama- gese 10heep tors idopted.- ou motion af Mr. Forreeler the caun. cil »djo*rued util Moudiy, the 201h dey f Novemrnienexl. Hfigli Pileus Rcslzcd for Jerseys;. cn, 6 of The gra-in tbhld uom market aturte'§ lime mueI sconen or laler ho pa.fi ýL urilli aI Ith* lalesI hfore a rc 14 '» roaped, sud porài.leDèbo l ePoli nov being -pnrod by famors vi simply -e tenluh.i yslipmeule e( n grain asuer 1h. opeuiug oa. navigation CI nexl spting, -,nd a flnfueLmrdoclei*idie af M - .. Bolilis 1ualotslone - lase proablscondition cf prices eaIàa 1*1er pooin lt'ho ssuda, lIaI .hhe fartoer. ahui cudy; he' re4q i lclnia l" the metl itivoIved'hy'sta6ring lie produco bi for six~i-Ih olb4-è~# asoartfstn 1t advsn 'go,- r aé isdbZn snob, s coune. He bu tlasliov.;u bis]M clalton a'considerable marganfor h, ubrnkage ai tbe grain77 hie coul of! là- t surancea, i1h. he saprudent minà- sud 'w the bs afi ltereel aunîle - money î1k az wauld h be le 10 emplay flls rÃ"ôoduce as ai once msrheted. Taking Iheso li items mb oconsidération hocss2ll dis- caver IIst, an sdvane@ lu lb. price et grain six or eigîl moulhe hence vii l ual mate Ibm an peusale hlm fortIho r risI sud expenie cousuqueul on lhe. t clarago, sudif1h. :carefuly uludies tle h présent condition ai the markets, lhe relation ai tupply la demand, the eau- lusian wrn ho irïeibleiethatntaonly ù ho tjust4iadl". îoepding aei&f. thue <elay iW màrketing Pli i'&s e, 0 flueotue uifida cr-v weil if iz rnontle* lencce heo obtaina s legl a p riee a8 îe afffered fo.&a..-Tho farmoer@'of Canadaà bave snjoyed snob eantunn - < por. Ir ity the paul laur yesrs t1ii',t bey are dieposeedlta, opider thomig,!%et ina patatian ta bald Ibeir grain vithauL iu- convenieuce la Ihemeelves ; bul, if Lhey vil! cafry Iheir memonies hack six oai neveu yeai-s, llcy .wil 'reol lb.he 1t01 thaI the polioy ai slorng -produce in expecîsîlon af botter priait ait a lats? petiod in the soeuan, iuvalved no in- coneiderable hase. . The isot Ilat Bir uret Wolseley i. tonlesa ad Sur B. Seymour numarried, makes the giving themn peereges a mnat- ter af litle marnent, but the QaueAC hbee giving peeragee 10 pon men vilI sons. The Goverumenl je eaid ta hav'et offered bleui *10,000 s year for tira, iver, vhicb le ta le commuted fanr $250.000. bit.. Mary Âusîiae.vho lately died at1 Washington, had farly.fIonr male dit- drin, elcvcu ai wtaom sourviva. Sho vse s dacton ai medicîn«s sd surgeon, sud seretrougi'-'the' van vith tber rnnk ai Major. Dr. Mary Wabker le @Wmaall tts la adedscompsrsd vitb tbis lady, ublivoriisng even hsd twins wbile Mre. Austin -hadl triplets six bumes. TIe dirnusof ai eUnian arel ai te Wahigon aqueduel, il vonbda- pear, excoeed Ihasa ai sny aoflte cels- braled engIneerig ulvucînres. viin are1 anol cmme clbed-tla.asvwozder-; fnl aoi.vomë iîlmaoory.- Tie-ou. tho spau ohi220 f..t, or lvsnty liu ex. 0055 ai lismpim cf lb. smaus Chiester1 Fanal acota li.Dei bu Euglsnd; 681 fool-haugor. than lb. conlrsiarcli aI Landau brige ; 92 footlanger hhaa lb. nated bridge ovor the -Soines a- Neuilly, aud10fietlolnerihan the arches ai s tsoWaterloo'bridge ai*von leTfiAsues. Thàéigtof tibeshingoaai ascii î; 101 feel. -The Dublin .luJpreoa poblishos à leLe ter from- Lady Plorence Dlxie. domaud- ingta -a* setstemnt- afI-ha Lsnd Liagufndsi ould b. made ley saule erninetl im ai.publiec coante.ls The £turas m is eliotimàted AIbîl' nd su thing Price ift Jexuey lid mua as Mn. Lsnglryvas Jfndo01 scIil bocuiuefsuanertysh a nu sd -we- ornd of a ' Of.a odoexorcisése S Ionla id to e aehnluore.aof thi mont outllei T wahis u Mr.n ties tartist. 1 le rusafterwrdq 1151 ei ga snêevnig I thaihé, ana, "rs uVain ladicovrWho 1lyse. H»- weo u- hieclubs sud smoug iei trIiel- ine ii.Iariug thatlh siSensa b6eùtY; an h., e=cnibd e toaverybady he, knev, until oue day one aifbis frieuda Met -eOsud, le vas duly'Intraducod. *ThonMr Mle same sud bogged me 1<, oit for rY',otbait 1conssulod - sud vasw h . pathe sl vs.fin thatLime I vas m-invited,, er anasu madsioagreatdeal othyIanyumbeao the Royal Psra" y sud lb.noblblly.- 'My inebsud vas delited, at uoôlai ucces -vbich ho did al t.hovever, amr. lae -sud suppliA me ireely vila theimes=e oi ,oing about in EngIrel eciety, The paintets completed LIe vorkof i rng me ÃŽppuat Ihey raved about my "clessical head,"a- taey called il, sud declared tbal Ibsy dia-, coverid Ilutliaschape af my usL kruts"lunes If beauty.» Boy y u et know I nover set myseli up foreauly. I noeir Ihaugat 1 vu ane, sud dou'l hik 1ioan oi.nov. 1 amunover lutheleel eurprised vIent1 îear people &&y Lhoy are vory muec disap poiuled &bout my beauty. But the. ailler insuitid, laI I vas. Aller Frank Mles I eat for portraits to Millisud Rurne Joues, and nov anit is puttlng my face in oneaof hie great pictures. It vould bu absuad or aie La enter halo exlenaition sa Lite pni- aiso mode, adopled y my finidi la mak. n<v.ecome among the. Engliel nobilty,' and I -aouIt hink iL vouid be in good -teet. to Dame anl the people La -whom I vas intro- inced sAndwho neceived me. Inu hie coun- try vi Lhiuk il le besl tois'noid Lhe mention- of great uamies a mucî as possible. You, want ta kuov aow 1 cerne< L asdopi ibhe pinitere Lb.hoorahore set ta v Miad be gn o lamous Lb.hepeople elood ou claüire luelas treel la cee me pieso,sud the ahopkeiper. nmea dheïr gooae citer me. I tialby viii yon blieDnot. mIdi rai Wal co mucl about mysoîf. Let us gît la lhe tlaiçalsicareey, Hou'funny il le ta talk omy testied career i WIy, do you kuavW madî y - rsI pparauci ou any stag balaîbrTlaamtvaiZ the] Town Hefl, Twickinuam, sud vs pbayed "Thae Fair Encounter." Thoiue'xt tappear- eA, il -a malatie performance astthe Ray-_ m2arlet Theatre, Decomqer - 15, -plsyrng an tgSi. Sîoops to Conquît," but my* profes- sioasicareen Add not actu*hly beg fuil Jilhnry 39, Wou Lte prezînt tour- aie Lie Esymareansd onde lire týi -Iaiga. Ah, [dlniphemsag lofeiuouvhstedahotaja hiiLondonalded tm Z;nbaù'iw sxpendltuansd dicnieiaig bine fram laie iiiproperty,-had reauce&,-aurmsisgo ranch tat retencimeul bcaemecisary. y. wLngryvnt on a tri p to-Anezican d Ivelaaclay eýryomo. 1Où hie- muve .vpct'baâ kaLoudo-ana.udived lu vt uDo ui es, oai eonmilng._H.lias naer kùmWn"ýhat il in Lo deuy laimeelf or mésuyting ho thougi ve ougëht la-have..- Iba9ve lîvis auang myZfiade£*outil n.ý Miles sud iviral,,ai m#y vm .admirera sugested the c" I. tjun aLbid, te- adlopt th,pofpan M.Lugt cgreed, but h. ssidlhe- auld ual touc u moneyli=ghl oanas hoe lad enoulafo bais cvu eedeain thé £2M or &M-Oa yen6i rrniainlng lahim . - But t am sure I ShàelL lilas he.Ameioe&.They ae s. mtch maro courtli'Ansd gen-ous lin lau- lla. hoArnnisu 'havemt em la AUl vIa ue, obacco uçeur i in. jma.slbem, blIaok Iearicourage toqutil ils nie. Fountein i Healîl viii b%'os yonuDp, 25 cdii apackage. -Beaidee belug a pleavaul purgatve, Hýopo's Begntizig POIS '&etlUon tho 1ie sud kdn»ýrs' anAdenaffic$40 dis- fr4 a. .$zple loi 10 coula, An aid, lady of bý evauly, afler neiug epaoacle forlveuYyr, ""coulifsne th rad-ithauî lthem afternuiung a bat ai Chuiàoiflh'Q Clumat Eyi 4Salve. 25 Par son. sysa, incurable by ail other moieu,"resazil larocbllWe Climax EaeSéJo, sudyou vilils surptiied- ",Faco,.spesi Plafiter tha. yards."' Pro af - "ýýT h s fd e r- tlad m e la lab o -abIieillhbut Ififn'lt for *I ladi- i ; esdy een poWecfed Iie.y mereury. Th e drggs jld ana la ry -Kiduey.- Wolsd-I id. il vasjui-hoetlalng fat bilioenmema iianAconitipaticu, sud nov 1-am -àa , - a,»as-eDv3r"-Â. P. Bfor. Sl uhiadysalqi lu fýia, lamnd Dyoiiacýoé oarlug_ !Bgiveuiaz 10 -cia. thea-lui.*- 15 on 25-coul dycs, sd -theyPlvefssorasd more brilliant calots. Of *10" t affete4 d lgoad fiilla fat a bard casieof corns fIaI bave stubôrnly rofusud la be nolieved'Iy the nie cf Puirulaus P.um.ms Ccuu -Etiueýcrcn, tko gi.a corn extraclar. Tboueande lu England, Canada anA lb. -Plates tesLify tl Ils efficenay oai Ibis omebra- ted coin cone, anA.Ihe-proprielt. sare iauou to est if teeeasing le case ai failure; AÂddraes N. C. POLS -ON & CO,- Kingeton. Usa Punam<s Corn Exînialon, sure,ale sund- pailuees. On Lie Water ae veli as ou- tic Land. HaoWil possiblo -ta ioprcvenl a good tbing htau beingînov, Wi. lb. question. nov agitating soaefev individoale lu bits alîbogli notleifferers mcm rben- malle tkoublee,, are ai le 'opinion of Capl-BinryoaI]Kingston, avuer of mcvi- irailab veiesan sd bimseolf siling- master -of-one,-'Ébôao eys: " 41, tua, lsvo hein onned of îlenhiornatitaby -8t.c xIýscab 1, -tlb.-Great Ocninsu 1 mdy andI iavfaisevenal aLlers- beide imyielf vho lave heea cuaned ai tbik-dreadfuî almaenl lu the rsiaeman- uer;I ;is knonuou t he vater jual as uveIl s' an. lth.land, and it considered su in-valuable r.medy everyvlasn.. - Eeideue.-Bshouldny butter'mÀiier 'dai 'hosto-044delume-cf,41e li4oenr r-L. TI A.ONo Yorkb legraun siyre-*.large é 'j Altecey tram te. laud vitiiont lo uehla.oai Il bas iu& Englind, wves ffered -for eale aI tQý g. - i in-i A A 1 -

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