Whitby Chronicle, 26 Oct 1882, p. 1

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B à AÉ lx 1 MX TaS . I4oeiL#t =Whitby. <YB lemoU 505?p AT LteW, SOLJCITORSI IN CHAèNCERY i&c, ToSott lwty fme ret deer aeýlb eflth. Ro7à, conne rot iore.m ,R,,.KIsoLierTORs. NOTA-, lRIES PUB 10. &c.. &c. O IOS 72 VengeStreet, oeil lthe Dominion Banik ud Corner -Ring sud Venge Streelo, tioeni. D.»AIO'SIILLII&N. J. E. RRE. octoeor 8tà y-45 t7 JUE~KITU GORDON, 131B.RISTBR & ATTOIRNUY-AT4,AW, a il) Solicitor ln Chauery, Couvoyaàneer, Neiary Public, ho. Offiee-Du"d*S, firet doOr wesi ef Armitroegs Hotel. id cônoy te Loan-Private ftods-at1e Lutrnt. DAVID OREITONÇ, B ATTORNE!.AT.LA.W, SOLICITOR IN Osvc-lu lte Office souihofbeFa Ofiee, inMcMiU&a Bleck, BokStreet, Whitby. -ly-lO (Ltrs Dueea h R.oMSaNie.) J3 ARRISTERS-AT-LAW, A T TORN - 6 eyî, solicitora, Oeuveyauceis, &a. OFion.-4In Victoria Chamoéis. No. 9, Victoria Street. J.O. teurssoN, M. A.iiaIUt A. E. Hast. 6. YOUNG IKITO, IL L. B-# BARIHBR, ho., &c.-Money to Loan 13.sunr oet Mraga Licansu. Ora-co-Over Dominion Batnk, WhiibY. Jan. 28, 1578. lui-6 ARRISTERAT - LAW, SOLICITOR B n lu hsuory sud Inselvency Cn1~ ancer, &a. Offio-Deverill'sB&ee, Bre streei, Whittby, Ont. J. HABIER GREENWOOD, TTORNZY AND' SOLICITOR, COýN- .veyncer. Noir Publie, ho.-Pi Office Drawer No. U, WhitLy, Ont. Forme bof g hisud »Mli ; TMarrge011- monts, Wii.aeni Trsm a4 pell*. Jomus negoiateit ou ail kind» et PropafP. 42-17 cIIARLBs c. KELLER, ATTO)RNEY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR Ml Chsu1.eran Cenveyuer,h..,Csnuiàg- Aý0n,BokOW L. T. DARCLAY, LOCAL REGISTRAT OF TUE HIGH LCent et Justice; Reglatar of îLe Surrogato Court ;Cirk of Lb. Couty courto &.0..Officein Court flouse, Whitby. JOHN HALL 1>0W, B AIRISTE1I-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR 1 i Chancery, Cenveyancer, &o. Offio-Devorlb'a Block. Brock Street, Whitby. MO)NET TO LEND-Prlvate Fonds - lu suonsup te 80M, sta a 1erate eof[o- JOHN l.e IcGILLIVRAY, nARISTER & ATTeRNBY.AT-LAwV, I>Notary Publie, ho6. Sélleitor- for th. Dominion BasuL.O£oie.-Next door te MansoouRoule, Uzbiùdge, Oui. U2 LYMAN ENGLISII, L 1L.0., &RITRAT LAW, SOOITOR INi Cacairy, Conveyanoor,'hc.,ho. SIm- 10,e Strict, Oshawa. J. E. GALJJRAITI, n.1)., RADUATitEt ofuoou'a sud Victoria GUniyeraities, Momber of the Cellege of Pb ysicianm n Surgeons, Ontario. Orpins-Irook.Si., Wbltby, Ouit, (tre. doers souo t[yal Hotel). Iy.40 S RGE ON TO THIE COUNTY GÂOL, U Blyroù Street, Wbitby. W.. xIBRiEN, fiJ). HR.Cçs.t CUY'S lIOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., tihe sisy. R. O. . L, Oshava, Ontaio. (LaIe etthslinaBum R oume. Tuto) Havijtoroahirenovate 0e as boes jtar la Èioiet vill h. îW TEE BBe'r ACOOMOIkATION . f 8w Gueule. <p7 ROYAL IIOTEL, G. 'W. RAMEYT, -Proprielor. (laie et Port Coiborue.) tinder the present propalotor lt.eROYAL viii Le foin te pos..enry deirsiea Goomodatlen for guostt. W specl a ai tentien païd te the commu»eial geney. 18 YIEHE UNDE'RsXGNED 'havlng eae L e Internatoual Hotel, Port Wbltby, vishes hbla fiany friands te ea1 andae. hlm. Parnirs asud othors dolng businme at the Harbor viii find goed accommoda- tien. nt" PLEASURE-SBEKERS îb summer viii Le ptovlded wyuL bouts ai rensonable rates. GEOROEB BOWN, Whitby, March lit, 1882. il BROUGHAM HOTEL, Cerner Brockt sud-Main Streets, lu th. Village ol Broughau. First-elasumacommo#tieus. Boit Liquors sud %lars. ood tabling snd attentive hotie.. THOXAS POUCHER, PROPEZETOR. L ICENNED AUCTION ]KER fur te CoontiesofetYerk and Nomti sud Seutit Outarlo. Auctien salaet ofroi esaie, farm steck, ea, attonded at moderato chargle.. Auras., T. POUCHER, boly ]àox-47, Brough&tn4Ont. CENTRAL IIOUSE, 1 0 BRAWA, ONT., W. B, McO'AW, - Proprietor. FLrt-lass accommodation. Denl Wlues Liquore sud Cigars. Good stabling aui attentives hostiors.ly1 WHITBY HOUSE DUNDAS-ST, WHITBY.. The undersigoed would intimai. b lth. publie Ibat the abovo prenilset have been newly Loit and ftted up throughout, for the acommodation of guette. Boit WÎnes, Liquer.sud Cigare. ~THE OREUMOF CANADA -WALZ LASER. "ae purelihIne Wine. Lager, Who e- sal and Reliai. Boarders takon by the uccit on moder- ate ternus. JOSEPHI A. BANDELL. Job7, 28th 188.82 CARNEGIEJ HOIJSE JAMES CARNEGIE. Proprietor. j rThsHeuehbu been usd u in £cet- tisasty2le, and thé proprieor w& gv. tsnatetien te usais. Liquers sud Ui0 the ibe.t brasup. Excelln Sa lng sud She4s. Pickering. May l7th. 188. Iy-2a B LACK HORME BOTEL, Coi. Fuiur& oze...TORONTO. ILFRBD OXFORD, - PBOPFJNTO. (Laie ef Wellington Hotel, Markham.) TERUS, 81.00 PEU DAT. <bcd etabi. ing for over 8M0 herses. îrat-clas acom- modation for farmeru and lte travelling publie in goneraL ~ y TUE LflUJlUOUAB "te ia luoiby Omleay') OlIFFINS C E KPC EIG The aboya promis.. hava esu ntakou hy lb. unierslgnei, sud are nov balng nevly fttel np for lb. reoeption ef guesis, sud the. traveling publie. Boit Wine., liquais, cigar, te. Msasta aul heurm Good stabiing, shted room, sud su atten- tive omler. .WM. HGDGSON. Physiclan, Surgeon, Accoucher, ho., ho. Whtby,~ ~~ SC. OI,174 0 N. VARS, L. D). S. XIrR. J. IL. DATES, Newmpaper £J.,dvertimlng Age fil, 41 Park Row (lîilme idIig New York, 's antlàoriutd go cenirbtct for adverttsu- mania iu îLe CHRONICLE at.ot bemiranes., W. ADAMS, R 093OV* a. H. JAUESON'8, 'iffic sto re, ODundas-aL., Whiiby. '1i0husrom 0.m. te 12 M. sud tréou 1.80 Le 6, P. m. Resde«oe--Cer. ef Byron aid Glbert itrasts. cNq. VAU$, .D. ».- Q--laait prinefp1es e tha art,' a. c ste cioaposi, sud as go&ti bet eeth tlWie il *h u lvr Toëih exraotd vithout p-ub ý»rodcg loc61alsthesi.a Bui item-lu Coui- su% Dov bleck, ever Atk"luaà'sDraiptore, Kng Stree, Oshava. S alon, irel 5,, bt Iy. IGBT 0E*RTM B OUIET GEX %ttbsGrs.ate.,At MatLle Wrlîi PU Xi. Aui. - PYaGLBu P DENTAL ROQMS reinevedfrom &A- kinsou' Dig sorta 'mo o s èov'l"I $bea &h Shilr,'store. Klng4St., Odbva. Entrauce on Luig Street. &)Jre. Néerlsk. EvayLtiu vé. capital nual iul. bmft bop m e yen.vr ythMm e M s ysre m abl er. ist.pAy Ulit îL eàyen oiwlto$, -'Ni-' - YIA ANO AND.F. FANY LA ~JSTR ECE IVE DI -AT- W.R.HO-WÇ9E-'8 DRUG 87131E, WHIBY ROTAM~O.. OIIN A HAL L, 77q<NG-3T. EAST TORONTO. "au eIl adT uf ee etsa. V= ilinur udDessert Sets. Fan Bod.ro~m Sets. F &i a nd Teapqýts. l& Kuives, Pork* ù8 "ilUO Plafed Cruets and Butter C Pier. i' Platod Cake Bastet.. Eo~s ni,.. .ud Forks. lTm Y Iansd Servera. FloWMer Shades for LiIy'@, ho., &o. Glawoe, ildeorpious. Whib .Stoe .ware, .ver, lia.. r ote4,sud Bar Goodi. GLOVER 9H]aBIoN, Importer. Domninion Wood Work8, WHiiTBy. Geo. Cormnack' ings, aMI al kindo of Twlsted Mol4ig, Doori a ansd Bilnda. LItWIIBII wholosale aud retail, or by by îtbêfsr lbd. PI.iting, Mouldinga of every descnp- ,1ion. Flooring, Sheetiug. Sleing, Re- eawlng Shaplng, Turnlng. Scroti-work, etc,. etc. Wbltby, Oct. lith, 1878. -48 rtum PPRuiay Le feuud oun1Me at JL Gm .11 h Oo&îcesvipaper Ad- vértislug Buau 10 Spruce St.), here id. vertising contracta msy Le ;me for Il m Naw Ym..1 MONEY TO LOAN!1 9100S0 o r iNYS8E ON BEÂL ESTAT" SEOU=UY. At lowest living rates «etnerset. lueoued wathin 10 days of &p. Wfblty,.Pebraurliat, 188. WHITBY, ONT*RIO, Krintiset LEA ThLER AND FINDING8., Cash pai fer-SId., Mart, esLate. Leatheriatretcied Sâ3 BELTING RAE TO OADEN ROU MHORT NOTICE. vil. lm.mi A-evii A*A. Ont, (It ihLanllsyLagly h&RBute, A AR CHITBECT, â!R.»claty. Drk*iigi preparef for re- eW$iu IW tlnsttdtures. a ornes. fur th. prest, Mt bis r#eelec e~ Klngton RoiPckering. 4-If)P p.o. 34i m02Wmm. SAIIGS fIt!LAN Co MPA§iT 1 NS R A N CE P HIENuX FIEEINSUBAFBO. Leab"adst. and Chsrlng Oro"s, London. j ESTàn.m8Eu Im 1782. m GLLESPIE, Mo FFÂTT & 00,1 Agents for Canbad. ILE. WTBBl, Maapf, KoutreaL pumads. Moderato ratao reim Agent Wffl7. Whltby, April th, 187. 1 Assurance Oomgany. INCORPORATED 1833. A 8S5ETrS. 81,101,876 9t A. . BAUL, Insurazces offete the l W. [ ucrrant rates on Buildings, Merchajidis, suda<é$her Property,& abaut loisoramage bydréx. C. NOURS, Io tWhtby. itby, April *àh, 187. MON EY TO LOA N os EASY TERns. Apjly to- W. H. BILLINOS, , loller. & 10-tf Wh.tby. «SLILPIIOLINE LOIlON."p Auextaroa n.oas et euriag sIm diseaae. -bte ar7eoimuis,,ze 5yeL thoy Mar..M m b aI uo eeu akia m. 114 î"yU V;almlu wblb cusethes nslbtly, Irritable, pain- LoIo i9mu y ooeOUels i 31o. . ~Ma. b .PEPPM ih CO., Fe~rs uiin dlmonToe trn s b. au$om uma t teute l atub Pepz' Qinnesud Ion Tonli atmie.s M do dw * un4.-1 wldone for Wolseio Dame - Bolt'naidt lite btilin. Peica ao The aurëb grov Ana Wvon sm a tha ail. Ner dutp'hdrd Hae tughts ainai.ima causa. An houeraeat Amu .lte v=l!lsplss The Chest et Drivers rie&. I mitither 'veddlug-oihe uer osUleI iu te ltuth1e eeeouyI And o Abel, ouéee& s àe aspiorau covrtyI-laclf. May. Inmer coulsi va 0ekrdi f yiu IS" PretIy Mary RbbI.'à -eyesj,,ùcrde lI vitb exultation, hba i w'vague "fIl vas eut in 'Squire Larklu'egr don, mether," said she. Il'Squlre Lai- kinîsa thora. sud Miss e nithWyn. ward sud Mr. Hall. Abel vas abiugi- ing ah.ehcbo.ues roof, sud hé eaid it muai Le flou or neyer, hacanso b. îeuld't aendnft héa uese. And lb. 'Squire la a Justice of the, Poe, snd l'va gel-a certlfleteeIllegil sud iigbt -oseé mother 1 Anta for being pooi, wby.,Àbel bau bis trae, and ne oua tan deny Ibal b. la an inlustnen., teom- pexateéyoung -an; anti plumée, meibar," hingi1abotans >u-nultbhe lIlady'. n:efk,' if you'IIZtorivoe atr dibey. ing yen this once, 1 neyer, sec«y vii do il ânain V, 8o M ri. BubbIe--altbugh te m usbe ovu verdi, ah. never oould gat over, th1e menifiostien of-, avins.a daughtor- narried by a IlJutiesofthb, Peo"- lnaly fera -eva gt-eyedti 4M, s emmneniti lthat AbatJouemai houilset mp là $hbop et the bol eft1h.eià=mluse le i o aene. 1the confliet et lit. fàThough I'm quilesure," laid Mn. Baublile, .t" a! he sver viii ars bis ivlug;and I hI. hop@, XMary ye wmtibave manuiet monte ho aeuhd at leut bave leml the mort- p.g. off lt h placel»." But1 Alli sud Mary, vere. lappy. Wbeî. Yeuth so- ,v sud ésMdlting tu lte'4 sauIbhzieou - Cruso e aose toc nauiy'.' Leu hlm go imis vay; Wvo, lares ier hlm?1 "4W. shau gel aOug," laid Abel. "of-ceurse a£hahll *loue." iai Mfary. Anmtinumatter aitoolWvou xMia 'quire* Larbins, vibh #a young fIlu 9o n w l hite mal, itopped setthe. Bulibfam-hanse ldik a gas mnhbk sud e9"sou.metof li. Bubhie cherry sbort.ccke. "1 thpe l.brido a I .1L"ssiI Mun. Ea*iu iigiti* ?TO1'bl, Ihel oe," ."id 14.& Bubl. "11, 's &go»e op tW Deaca Varaly'i teÀ¶,,t their recipe for mas"* mets. eap. rs a l), tee, Ibsukee Il*'& ln tI bp, nov, e at veib. FI& baUsue l sntàoospcn ' ytoi 'ici whcp I-mb liera mien,. on'deys vccnteeoprse Job's'lrkioy, £idi vih Mary'. 1*...-d 'sudlar teria et boeriug-eobol, ubed oghltao 4111 'Eau-clouM slaid Aboa.e.»0, #"Wpl bt tl.dm*1ru~o sb 'I &libéral rmuueralon, air, veitiuiÇ hgai hta e ryw5bPS 1Ti. "Au ol-14 tieNeh2"ruabtiacasoIbl1 11taalbag Wfb the Proteser; usc u 5 e8aielyb u ys.ie Andi .'vent ou bawmmerlg anti gives outs iptsebact brol~e rbisftgiw lh, une et, "Robin A&dà, ," i. fr om f is h adIy seond taug W=ilethe -PME"otQàud4e i. 1ak uhait.hu tbrosbth.prlok .ege pi gooseber lishU ovmn-a et ry bbesoblOk um"nt. suocfrnhlatirefote0" masatic dvenlure,rsu 010lb.tblm p sho .0~. mOTh luati bbec aie or l.betiesauowiof QOM@e W&asnseleu. bnght th". i ti leRiu-ulWlt Hiàoa beennah. Isys oet lite boneyno ettasuab apastoea 'Bleus me, 2 0117j",' saiti 1-e. "îutaî 70055 ior "slcy lheo laolb.renvu usth1e mater? Yen lookel hit caei Ocar' -Iitm.1iÎthàiH.tahs.ë u te datb1" Maurier and Boberl Buebauma in forci. "n nqvnder,"ssl4 dMar. "Tbere i rs u ausn htteeI have been bürglar staIthe.bouce. Ml-j~màllge ieiy'talsl orc choit ef dreyer. ha gene I l'ste u tins e lb. oba riarle i "What 1" shouted AbeL. .oene.Kw smta eofisl - "And thoe vere loft under 0ont of enln 1hànnulhe.lborod~ the volumes of 'Rames'-Notes on ibe ot iaian, arei oockneys, asoii Goap'l' op' th. iteien table Il, breall. 1înwie befoe.reniai-able for devetion k, id lsfialy added-Mary. displaying fivo ton- ine h.art..eei doliar bille lu th. palm et ber baud. 14 6Uo-my-wold Il,sid Abel. APEA 8W.anrHaWum-some 70ffl ITV& lieold Mau wth tbe bal hs.id, ye89c0, wh.s bher# vwacaigoold ccl .icel POIlY, andth1.etse . o orde ttlitaolta"ei«t"adli oi <ý pind upon Il. rI hongbt ho bokb o-0fil * vend , aoMPtIvozbcdIi an ol ntffrl u.declr." 11h teribl v iblawit aItro'~à AIaspoor Abli net lobe ableteW ga.but1eoaap=o discrimià«I.belveen càead-hcude4 t nghLAU 2pul.iLvnmz1 clore-keeer anti t e Iofeior f 1gito oi4 upic ï po oin Ot CUnkerity 1 .BUssuéois lifcl Wl 1s IOI eouçrti-AWri.5e -~But ir'.ateSliig Iloriel jmar, B egbru b&n cté o. i 0 t00 oî* ér toer b "1Weil, ne# euctly," saitiAbel ingh. g1teve,»d' oý4eËboetbo-p Iàa. T1h& 01 fl hng ain. .t1(aeau't wlelàxrm il Iae sd4&chudderèî d Ifthey cbe 4. , lo 1lîùtly, sif vas anntiixý- e e.. value il s5 fvb-îaub c o e uche'thes s Iboad Icdye ona iu th1e ligt oetc peoUnlary ltramein,"nsu sodpw ewàa-bastug lf eb, Polly " plad 1 l'tvuhiue "But vbat viii mether say 2" pleal.%. :t jfçindcày wu à t ïao he Lord .1 Xm7r- ' o julge wo ves m sd yçu ;'ti 0, "Ijve go&asoiber o»eue exy flnlh. 111Uthit sou.thluq cornesClam-ng Ù"uebl ei,",aid Abel. " 4Z vwuoeanlug te oeil ais 111e bouse atdi suhook as. 1(51 $selooh il-t aro a, But %gglo b :s 4csegbue, aIMgo C la laveuY1 il up uibeuoIaee, and utilIsr vu lal" =W,Gotisdal" - nover caresii g Iguubrc, r oer uoeu.idsaIurM umaeblihiliIee." n rýTi .orqrDobu-o 61 8umer twoal t thnhné$Juacae19g long ina. ;beatoved i 'lvplendid ' -Boe trou uaen MM' Bg .oityCam ë"tesoa lite Pope. Theva W ald vas juat eettng upc a, w-cblt of, lcreseru l ul~. Ft 11wr,%n 11yDkam'Isteda I)'nk e- o80,1 ber th&toet tie bagglay, for go aS podrlt1u< alt dinl co.se ofh e oiti oià- o,-t e s- "Fllyltiw.uy.*e ssksseoa fhOThe fliO - lb*e ie ' liwý five. lrntM ladnd't Salie 1h. 'Dcclhim '1tgf101500 hu'vqrlti. jàtua otleisubnF" &iretingt sdol eIstg, Wc'wcà bluseIL bel *ült"raýït b oii - sue ho cet ditlly ta 1 iololmata. 20. »-a- nlaaib.tr. ~iIlotb.r dplio*c. theb "'g sý,m» lb.~~~ .obsl,'drra",lalin.h.0-T lbêmEmuïw.'.ni vhs lb. .utlpclty.=l,él bovte oinehUe, b soit oululbel on» jb aLeOgi Min-Ior, , bal PM sncha.AI InlIeM W. "U. big ta edlo~raciupliut~aeecul4n't, ~ ors came ~p. 6h chin.,~oivor il' i point.ti~tc lbeuouutr sud ha al-teseli suyJkittocoî.,u,.... badbuscruc.anonaê ~ neoli 1.12' led'avav berne. boittbanawa mail la er;g tuble cal ttibidalton izu o. beu pal*galsaintaRs 'Wbaa iu bac li 1tnt.i die.= Tar.xzmAndPophIn the Cclas rgomarsD Locye'sSuphreau Authorlzed O~ec, No. Town ând -Park Lot~ FeOR SALE.' 0" Le on rooù trSimd, iamge Byro. let W'ýV0 LTë0 aig0ftu L tbe.alvtoe la.. lu Nollcod. 'ufl'hkeeu4.'- i'lha~he, r. Ofteabougir th. o epon be Dg te 0q. BOGART, motus, , aeli kitth, A..i

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