DARIK1ÉRBATTOIWEYs AT LAW, SOLICITOUSIN Toronto. WMOsY. lh*. It door oeutb 0f th@ Emirmi ZUMIIËuTTEGE, E. A. J. E.ABEBWLL, L. L.B., OWLUYAN & MKER, 13ABRISTEBB ATTOMBTS, SLO IOkOTARS.,h. OFFICEs - 723 stioée te laturlai D)AYI ojtÉIâO, fl-à ., À TE~. Adt-X£L'W, aSoLOITOnf Offia, l MMEt li, BrokBaet ROBINSON &'MENT. <Lava Duaà .w h ftm7se.) B aBEIBIT-LAW, A TTO BM. B ors, SOlicitr, Ooavejaas, Sec. OFFICE.-lu Victoria Ohembea, Ne. 9, Victoria Street. j.o. BoEiEsO, x. ià .Humais? A.B. Ex-m. AB1~IDTB ho , o.-Key e eLoan leu. 22,1878. (f-à 'B i hur n "e =neu0.ecOffic.-DevkUà BýB - 8 1ae, Wblby, Ont. 3. MURER GRteENlWOOD, ATTORNEY A»D SOLICITOU, CON- ayanceer. Moiery Public So.--Post OZfceDreyer fo. il, Whit&y, ont. meula, = % m adTrusta madie Speciallima. Loans negetiateti oun R1hiadie 01 Prerly. CHARLES> C. KELLER, ATTOBY.AT.LÂW, SOLICITORINi eA Chkacer Convefancer, ha., Canla- La T. BARCLAY, TOOAL BEGI8TRAT OF TUBE HIGHI LI Çourt oet malice; Bugarar of th. Surrogata Court; Clrk e Okmcounty Ceurt, Se. Office In CeunitEHome, Whiby: JOHN BALL DOW, B LRISTEII-ÂT-LÂW. SOLIC1TOR BlunCkeacbry, Convejencer, &o. Offics-De,a lBook. Brook Sret, MONERl 10 LEXD-Private Pui. a- inlumm'pp% 9PM, et a 1ev raie ef la- tercet. (ly-51 JOHN A. NèGILLIVRAY, * (SuMosor te H. I-Hcvel.) 1ABMISTBB Se ATTORMEY.kT-L&W, B liotri>tl. h. olloltorfor iïe Domu .Offi0ce.-Noxt docilte i gln-oume, Cabritge, Ont.' 1 oe Street, OIb*va. J: 'E. GALDRAITH, .». ef Physîians MatiSorgOus, Onlerle. CrncuL.llrek.St., Wbltby, Ont.,.(fflue dora South cf RoyalHtu>,14 . J.GUNiq , ND.9 ( a. m usc non%$,E. W, = ,QNOMRX. 1MN L»SLI E, t , v-LO. (Laie or lbe Blobe R130s, TO»oeone toml theIf ion.- t5 - ibmt Ë08T o7pICm ÂLOoaom. ROYAL HÃ"TELe 0. W. RAMEBY, .PvriofO. <laie di-port ÇolbSru.) the pIm ruaent prmét.r lhe ROYAL vil zbun 10 o afSU7deulrbl. so- soMmodaon for gue«la. tVpeoiaet- talà on pald b Ibhé ommerela agemo,. 16 T 0t BPGXD aingl bhlm. Far a nà others dolng hala... ètI thm Rarbor v i" adgced socmzoda. viie~vlded wvuS bosat ireasonable rates.GEORGB BROWN, whIlby, Maro liu8.i BROUGHAM HOTEL, CenierBrook 'aad.Man Strela, la the Viage of Broughum. rirsolaaa seooanmcdatleua. Beat Liquora and i gmg. .Gooti tabling asud attentve THLOMAS POUCHER, PROPRIETOR. -LUOMM $O4yte:47,Brougham, ont., CENTRAL HOUSE.,1 OSUtAWA, ONT., W. B.UMCAW. - opitr Firat-clmasaacommodation. But Winss' aos nLg Good ta tblga WHITBYHO E DUNDAS-ST, WHITBT. The underneuotivcld intimate to the pubicthatt km aboe .premteeshava bema n.ly buhit ant i ttied ti pb Ougk ofr the accommodation of gumata. Bes;iWlnma, Lîquore anti Cigare. THO U 05EAu 0p CANAoA -wALZLAGE-R. Alao pure Rkiaa Wiue. Lagmr. Wkelm "lm atiRais. !al.iitk18 e. .8-. CARNIEGIE HOUISE PICEEiNOti. JAMES CARNEGIE, ProprieWo. Thislomu bsbasua titiup lairaItn- mIaWsye, sad Ibm prepritlr wvil give bis att11. enti aametI. i antid of hebatbrs.Bsenoomnt Sebl- ng ansu atis Pickerinag, May 17t, 1M8. îy.28 B LACk NRME B9 OTIL, 0Co. Fmoxv h Guoas Sli., TORONTO. diLFBBD OXFOBD, - PBOPRIBTOB.' ýIalUetWmlllagl« on ol, Merkham.) THBM, -ILOO FER DAY. GeOetabi- ~gfor over 800 koree. Flnmt-olams ecom- a fo £&= manthéIbetravellng M HODGSON HOUSEà (Laie Tlmtby O7A'L,ny's SEON TO TEE CoumTTGÂCI 5PN REMPOEIG n UYýB HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., the km y R. 0. H. LOukava, Ontario. C ABD. DRt. BOGAUT, Physioian, Surgeon, Accoucher, &o., . Wkltby, Sept. 80t, 1974. d0 R. 3. 13.NAT rap-epNe MRLuieDfAIT 41 i park Rew (Tilbes u; di g qNew T«- kg ife enthoised t., ootraot fai t dioftmaia meula tu thbm CHRONICLZ atIeus bot ratda. W.mstovzu aMS-,à m 00," .avIýmea zD.es@ R AI AI aflena PUE IThb wo eprmesLave bien taken by t.hi undmnlgnad, ati&arnov belng nevly itdun wor bm reeepiien e uaa n. tbt oigpb Bà " Iqolgans, ho.- Moab a GociSlsùbla4, .hed reem, maianalln. tive citeRo. WIL HGDGSON. C.N~ VARS, L. D. S. D BNMTAL MOUIS. removet frem "I i- asonms lDniag to enrom eyer ab@& & aRgwo - *A mes Ebag-., O"ma EBntrnce on Ezig stiet gêvek la jory=sowmm- QtI 7« waniesodomr To wn and Park Lots FOR* 8ALE* oiE LO o rook stmi me, e OwnB)Z Bj iq tns Lt) of eiByton CIaÂRS, C1fL4RETTES,~ CIGAR CAISES AND TOBA CONISTS' SUNDRIES, JIT UB'0.91TED A T 1281 - -I i 'to - " - r- 7 ý1W - WBJ2~ C!H INA HALL, ltimr or TU It*»ane (xmiuEZ>) i1 !KINO-8,T. EA8T TORON TO. W xy Brskfa.t anti Tes BSes Fbe ianrsd DsmntSsé M*bjusanea"reI.. barm Ptet fork. Basist T.rr'i anti ervars. Wles Be'0vnser 1 Do'minion Wood Works, - WHITBY. Geo. Cormack, &Ua ai.31Mnaet fTvlate. Moldinga, Doeà , liaS andtiBlinda. 1 LeNDER vbaelesudi. ani imlor b7 byll carouloa. Plenlng, Meudiaga cf ii= doscnp- île,, loonlg, sb.etiug, abalviag, Re- s &lng, Skaplag, Turning. Bcrell-veh, etc etc. ut&b,0..1,18un. 4 veisgcAttoaMaybe iaaa&t o îl M .X Tma -W8 MONEY TO LO AN!1 4100,00S FOR, nms'ru.#T. ON IEýL BTÂTE BEOUUITY À" Iw0ml bing rats t of sst. BY. UN 8U RA N GE pHo M I EIItsurimOE00. Loeab>ad St. suid Ohanlg Cross1Loulou msTAELasH» in 1782. GTTILE.SPIE, MOPPÂTT à 00., B.W., TII, A GENOT ESTABLIMHD IN CANA- ML D n a18". Unlimilai abilE7 Of bue S tokbclaeu, andi lar ge erve Pluas. modestiaisofprmdemu. Agents'Witby., Whisky, Aprl 9Kh7. 16 A 88u1'BfCO Company INCORPORATED z8jj. F.A. BÂLLI .Mà limwer. Inuuraacea efecluet ti he loveafourreal ratés on Biling, Nerohandime, anî cêher proPeriy, againat lots or damage by dre. C. NOUElE, Whisky, APU M9k 7. 1M MONEY TO LO AN' ON EA8Y TEEI. W. HEL U.L[NGB, w-Omce UoV.nOnlarlo ne, "SULPHOLINE LOTION."t fad aay Iergsem 5uare Ibo.cim fu "pbolue; ii uy ibmanmai&l PsprsQdinneamilmTâo*Tl tonte Mda lawa thu nala. mmyI money meo une in,10 dseofp mnue sda " mauamt Appryto le ym ions PAEQIJHAUON Wbily, Februr75180. 9_. WITY, oM1'RIuO, EA THER AND Flnl'ià o, Tr:om-adPo Cash paltf«iiorBldes, m caei il ib1r-qu'yoby T. O BESLTIXO MAll O IUE SHIORTnogICEn.' -ARQ T C . Doavbsp.. ne4 le. ivi M L~SAI UAI C OmPA! AîqhoPlzed Capital $2,000»M* D, li- Aad vene a mes Mien.1 Tes Kiovino Grn, Wqo'avairetbli meakea irls'jeà To pae ker ; ems. Tua ILx or YÂs No longer Ple=a Who thiaka that do With. penka4ps, té1- NO. 43. Excai orsai p il.n wt loua kiud. WI le ifuâteti athe; Ãide of, the.isol a. lscoamiruo.- uie.unuip' a sIt pousesame bo 'iruan. 0zî -oentring themdeer- a -lad on jean n-ight à a mmmi ~ b orner otîhe pasge, sud ~ f*nforgmlug atisigile iuIIwIst o rscliog edform- geoetricaUly arsnged. The- &',bipp6griffg, end»"tasitiefbleds. liaag tl the , m~ethero le on- squareo,, 4tiaed by columus, noia, -sud -leatùonwà ain la freme. e le.one'Ihtror ae' dIS ch4c 'ibsi ils oie' la-meut lw, in geai Tua Buvons mai, Thamncina wujeufnd a Of vkom men Sa*, 0Whola the f' And wvemen -mmmur Ibai abea fau toc Of gWuh= ~ ie aneh 8h. kas. a kerl, atbJug spat-Ira. MTom TouTrne Mix, .Wol&lka aboukt 4m e e er, jý our top and hlm go woni Se. Ant e ey uingle word yonu tar; Oen'I danmea M4, sMdltebo iglas toi atutier... Tim Auzons Otan, q, ttBot beaonti-muoh before," BU% Mring W ontulmuck more; Who,,vmn ah. le odance, lookuvry reen4and tbluka tatboys TaPz.zaime VM4 x, Who f Ils l in t"lts Taik toeumah girl o1 ove-in platitudes; breeth= oen Tua PA« TextacEÂx Wko drepelinfor n hmll Who generelly Ieara mu».lauge kite Who quolms froua omte ouge. 4a mi sill lAd ka a realpropenslly tuIo olz*g Tua CauÂxc Who mt alfa il ago seVOMMy To ber a dance ýýmut bh s tblagzigk rWho beama uoq ,=un maitk iIot- PF or y g om a mhm=£*aineam . I&,m GuamL nino», T?» arragemm milà aaliedn, Wâh Ineer. tee mu*h hua «bmaty glam. The Mti ci pel t" cmmmml. nt da........... "TYour mmsUnsbta ry aauoh atlcol- e1 le yen, Albiet," am Madame Iqua. ne te beraeopbev, v-be, Iogetjaér vllh atms of tlasInmutul si nidaas palng berP c vlaiI aIber country bouse. "I tonal bita ymra m e mrnng v licggover jeu uSjeu@alspt vla* leeheof greaiaiuet; a m ..~ Ir"si alamel cI jour sulela llmm», though he cppecred taévW"ixtomlaid*IrF "I beieva Ibmep"«"Wuivlealtachel loins, sud Il la oýwne eu e "I Sol abeulti b., for I arn o o ay talmudlle bu. la lb. wenld."-1 Wb,bhovis (L uu aldeVed of ib ati t n1M. uObl to Wo, v.wubave m aws " Il ~ ~ -vt v7 mr w sw I tn.n&bhk-éIadMowilà *RmVe1hoy Akp tmâd > g ei~tbe'.lIealgt il inknlovméSe tmi ohaim au.rmeluai léad0Wde an 1d the Ott »i douobt hb. voulls44m bava miada Pà evwll m 119 61dIabaI scspatilnt of bis paver. omader suybodybenoezed MaidameP Lyas,-hee tuenvas haum"aist- ky lb. e*câinsse - wlt, blhibffl steuw s Ibie very > minîbtans-'tom-Rtsout .i Don?&avod Albert ha Offl go ai-. ,-"ly.tpai" tlebeh ýiWaI, my deay euurti-if jeu -lio vu lt,vbea je yu hbonadtbee;ad; do oftM ni sry," Ii "Thet esd Pl' #Yms4 Ibmead.* Dumlng ahi mexabll vatobed pon Franoet ois ry eosly; 1 evmry day ineessd my good opinion of Oe' hilm. Abiul Ihat lime 'soin. nobebourl vars lake n up.for-e mundenin oa dvel- soi mngbonse; but, buleg,-feuil ýgulllyOf ci Ibat arime they aehnb*ltdgeti cis Ibm- rnt murdir of the fumer-*nd bis vite. bri I"Heangtb tramp of -the gedar- pi mas hersés,lb4ay brew aSway the Wa"aI *n-tald.oro:e IéHi en]ar ta-Bau~etnIsêg gioifa ho, .*t .s *uat1- 1 *te-' b oio e-Npe ItbIalé bs astsaits ifI by aneiber. Tbme bride'. motber* qstWobmd lognhe a-placeotbrtsdT ewisgi Ubter'a b1.dAnben talla- iiaiess bi aeg a we.neg.. Whoin mm-sdtet. Wiiae le&ombats-kds &lut t.sCjbis a bille. anne là ave, on vbil-the. b"ammaîls sng -a ong vi- a aohonua aoanetlulng1k. bis: 4PraMllhapybrldeogeem. But ratua 10h lilimore happy.', Oounllag ime m asnovbmgunEvary re lag the lover ornes i10hlm lady'a ime villa-a preadul vbiob 15 always tmllgg o st a-gmnerelly cakes - suar lam. H mesajove under Ibe ekvr leummlancs, for the -idmmids il a&bout th. betroîbeti qir lna a old, ainÈlng mangs deaonip- The Raeei,#nnag -cd thie oourlaip le alivenel by Ibm prosentallea et lb.ý fI-ithé bÉldegroeiaf,:Whleb'oust iii- auu00e Par- ano.O fs-tiOrY .eir luta. isa- Iird comut, in s- cenury M biWù~ beea visible tb thé W ndk"-in lu lb. daY lime. WRAT-MXilEEAppNN xm ..srl Pm pipaton'lmaabema& vancel by. Prof. Boa%, ofAlbenybbeajr. v#atory, rmgsdiag Iis bjeol. Lik, £bs. -ra ore o! fl sud et 488, ocuzet aotialyp ud throtgh Ibe mola 8Ãtmoà phmre,- approaobhii gteiidn tge, à hort1distauoe cf dambudrel thcuzand Pms oorreslpoud le auggest tiltPréf~mt Bosn that lhe*rbit sud -periodothe' *1848 oaaemI bas beèà o n e8à ioi tracledti bougli friction vilbUameolar. atotophere, and tathal lb.: oeaune*t viibe Win relurn ÃŽ*Ãeryshort- pendos,. ad possibly ai the final reppeara ,noei Tbo-pooailhiof Ibis camtarnnbhe l Onée ehvt 'paslôni 4ti îh amys ibis May bceur naîit ymeym l 1bf-'atdmd-..buehof'grapeslthim e- are ter. The. elbrated asain 4gtleiew iba-fliengt4xm . f~A, -Protler.; tome- yl Ilau&'en iootbe iup f n tiîbaa m*e-it&ammla saloi n b abeider-TsdpeaiwU b the t et*b 184S1, tIbmrturaof vib itahedconitonme Ria uUuigem 4oé,r,,bde noexpeottli1 dcoinnbd bi fitirn, eawf Risproduction eie acenaider ea eobalà a nismm en. TRi -tr*vea degre.etfalau, te, allay wbioh covemdast aboê I ua IbmkilbenProfei r al xo4aqte bpublièhaà à -, asecond -utoryï, te vhioh -acoain *as blb h a .W oreuo'w 1 150 *lof hb eEIIL XK8EE COtTULSI d oun o )-usmage sud by iilar' -What-effeatthe lb. otsrophes!lc ~s~ 1011e'loI oih paamg) eeze- arth As impomi e 0Conjec-ta~r glu lu ls lW.d n indow- lie c edngy k8 . atti-e of - a u eltreme end t b ia e a. oaialdalra o lt qiker ammii oem, 'Iilk e wrndow opea- oUed ounItmheaether voulti qnolbmr aboya iL4 a l îlim solà eonnmo ielfdnibete thm gelear n lien btveen tha upper rnocutLvlhé lb.l.OXOOOI10InrmmeIbdità 'therdth Ioloti,sby meenilf as-lbheat le ach ,an. emu smat 5 Ieau E,Çgm on 1h. mcond lor. Man vms~Ieodus 4mnbne ft.è ahelel brnuh mdampboroe r'i.* -'iompler.' Ile ià nol imian* fpünd la-lb. e auè,' asu ls kéeteoà îe Iheroform, thal 15e final ffuil wéti -A .0&ed;.u door duithe leftigalletb à azîiof tébemapérature te %U'ta ieora makeaitprobasbletbai.tbho oume âedeat&d dgreoeud a ieribla-l'hu ,ras once a Portion of neme othor large - Iyý-venlId ensuge from- sunslnok, 4welig, sud thati4- i,1km mc 'masny ever. auxomer ptýevails. If the ei oISon., bal bema muidseP&ratelyWid - otastrôplie euld'laeoplà eo luw i#udergpqe varlons changea.,' lRe brng 'itloethe, bottaet AiI tonnaI lun Meuico maaya -andb« titiin tL, ttion -avpnldsotc- ontwi$b vijr.4 Rieme fa eatbyaeI~s, esy iy'la'- u»Btlytbe latent. beat would mlatir beforo suaniam. A ser»Vt ocaea- dîb4.hÈrapid -'vapnaIiza d antil jour room te' sRa if pu.n viibavo stfiitiiixlfLoléo wuaeit offpe. cr cbocolatt'kré, or viiigo te. - *-lhi*OIbà io +az diming rectafor ilL Yen muet nT 1hea woeildensue-' temo'é l~mefentm4içlb.bot l al li ishU i Igp&'ëIIî .n.h seced k -tapebm uesus mcmi vian atm zu J- I j t-lablg liizelurns for tant bita -a'asaiuua hlm vilS a, ta etidin 'I Loèky.ts ~ni~n Il. - ~ I r~ JPPESTOBË4C, hulote erdng le al le gev. Ocen it fa. C.A r.,ý , 1 ýýs>zmçbl lob. bo"d4 1 Il i