thé Amis v ià . rheMU t» oISSU yonn, aiI-ons, Miss Mo-'. i Sabi, *li o lo oimad ai (Jolingvood. COa They i.#. .aol oompadnu, but tbe Woma ert at t 1.1l hesablc a ine H put tbin lathrédoubkle b suad gave tll 1 wuS Up tun, but wu scsî e Mi 10k aibreakfast1I sasfour womcn G WIthi Ouldntu the dabln-onp bad tg four, ans bqut ivenid Mwqbad on.l meov Ibere vas danger. à lW aoplWCv putLlùg ou lits Presrv.m T oi roostion her'sla, sud 1 lhougb il vs s§laielou, viacaJnmpod up ban eu stateroomu, vbere albi beraplep uda*ce brbut lbink 'Cc Ibo nover lofs 111, cabiai. '@childîcu vere a imali coie about Ivo 'yeurset al mgo sud a ebill4 In tb. arme, I'thon be put ou a Ilite prerver iénd et by thue ro subin doori Bsfoow1, wen% La my e.1mW- ocoin 1 sakeul the mate f theit vas any groat danger. ilseai tihr. vas a vcry iseavy assý but Lbey bail already 1 .llrewu nm@,ne.boils. verboard sud di wçatttl hrov C l)t h it $j*y ol ouid. 1lcoulai tmadeT I>y lite bar»$mes 'm tate woul e sar iotae câ oble. e 'Wb@ supeiW fai or teboat., Sb* lay novr 'i aide. 1 teck 0I14 of ubo rail;, eiidbdcnc laIi bewale 2nnd'.atk. -I'boulmeÇpp by lb* .14e aetLbu capt&lste boat. go bock 1me by lb. srîst sud b. mats biètô, ÃŽ, iime î ý S y tatercom lemà utà s'*ére îh -In 'the. same ai boet% baltou cîber vpmen or cblidren. *C 1 411v heuW $c alerIolilfeboats botb ful. _d Thé Oaptaa rand mals. bailsare, aud fc *r4ý"t ~ l sk, sers of oui boat. The. L sPI#ké r., nor W"vet av sud loft wnck. il~ 1*40ga 1, si4 auna. I mev Lb. P e bal.upsel Avise, and wsaab 1 P "t cr of pasecugers vas 61 la iecd. ýTkhe- Ibreaboau 0 "Iler fer,& aboit ime. I a b la thc olimi boits calte i à br sa Z s. , o ttirav id neaie,,: o, Jiil *te, sud btI.' s siincui pare 'nmrzn minute, 'the' ëSb.ncp. el mont liÈm*dtally. Tbbhsd th hlp tbmiue vti, uStte baov f otr boatlok woausir reek I1 cav thbertivo lhottL. hp over Ibîe i sd Whou 1nitsetsav lbem hey emsty, laneeu s ellagtsng te xidet. . 1-6m surei nonc vcrc saved Mùikis sui myasif.Finaliy Our L end W&Imt bathb omrs. We. aM *nsai lb. mey. oyf te vaves. -I >&bd voire upaetoui timIn l i. fert sit e t ?o vmea vere lest tbe Jan# lime. Il beot ecalmer usar- or darr , Il» hast Old moiuplet lai ,bitsre Ivo exbautd te uns W ~r ae e ateaboalons- go' 6*11elité rie Wirleer bappenea. sisud neyertthe b.boat upeetI D a s ua eme n vlit. Nosc noies ý44 , poli) *fter adark. ot upini Mbue, î s ad ma ho oou4u i & els. IThis choeai!dus aIL.i TbieOwpipqpt eu eytal, a1sl isua a.nUe bbabta re oaL enn btT1miý. I liai) sliber bat uer s vc.'ti eo il lu tbe wateruop Le Our oou, bt' Wilb. vier 'vasnet up go théa§"W , V6 ms s&Il ied 451>117, *ud s moored te go ioeieep. The mate M a"ndlÃ4, vas e n. Is " Y"e.. M'y hà t ai sa ling a ronila. ne eeW»'d it la e d#îhIb gue, snd puled dovu -Mybadi. ,t1sske lie <sp" Whvir sosa ""66 ma. 4on resîheut bis lut. W0 sa S a1*1ai Eyng miLo abo a ler. eulcou) e i ai 5511, bhl vs MW f tà d israit, lt ler Lb. mat ie ansd lb Gapt a owisnds. L tisitte arsul es L.(Iplalubut bc vueasdi.Itutu%[k hile *vas about raid- lta& Tishis would isy dovu bis bond 0*h iis* I mked imi96oeomito 0 boy, b4t ho Mo ~e eVoud balance è boal .Lter b' rtiouiag è4 vs pIvre soldtb4lirai r uluE el go t'Osloop. D&yilgkL Sflly devucd aud revealeil t6 hereons*@orby. Tlekia verke) Lb. boat oyard t6e sbote vit thé c ar vs bad plebel up. It vsi a beautiful vaa 0»"Krs, suda6teésun varmid 4ltIgu.wuuwLZ .iie w V ýbout lb. Martyr'Iom of pl.~~ Do your Chiliet. :vi s, or eenvulslonoo grld-a Mb lek êbeir noe -,bave a 6*4 >aek your druggiet for Dr. Omftb'a îrnan-Werîu emsdy (take 1n0 other), on]y Coati 25 cents. le simple. eeti; ad pleasant to latte. If tbere s ne ,riiIL ieu*ovrese Lb slitiaooà uiW i brOds Ilium, tous$oe na wili &av@ many a docier'el. 11 rrd te lbe vrise, stc, Tbousande 1 Butter viii net bring a fanc7pie bat dou is ehave the Lins Orwgpl tad;-bmlbe'U Orange Butter >1eor wheu tbe food fsim. Foliow'e Syrnp of HlypphoSphitfti aved the lite cf my vifS, aftsr ber OMM, caome appakrently bopelesa from Tube- nilair consomption. lo~Iî,9 Humsnity's great hope for the future a liesto be iealized in improed 0coi. Lions of taqtriwony. Wbat a piofon»A )bigatien doe. this *à ftAoIvýolvQ 1t rho..W ýfli -th~.ra i b resnU8lbilL bn hardly do botter "n a ake dlfl on lise. LydW Be~ ikpf Vendeflul remediei for Lbé c5N-<0f ali la.. eeirte *omruit msajIitiy, aiebîaêted. Ssnd for pasiphiet. W. 9*r.tlbnt il Isnifeeeaiy te ri the publia againat so.caiisd re. pectable drouise, wbo for a fêW 891110 oldiuleas i rfitare pabiring off A, for Limat great uumsiiY,, PITriAZNs AIN- Esf0Mlva&coa. A. u sera jeaisample, pureiy veigotablooo-* >oun" d acd puronoUS IDaoopapPÇul gon, ne surprise oed b. toit that »rionls issults have attendancs Lb. u3e of canstic applicationus scb.Lli$etd me above for Lb. geuiue 4"Ceas tBZIvs- Tom." N. C. IPOLSON h à O00t Pro- prietors, KingasLÃ"m' Tbioug lbe prsent month of Juiy the Stomacb aud Bowels ère very htable to beseoe dersag*d. Tbi proper lire. veutative is Dr. Carmonsa Stomack sud Copitpatian Bitter@, for by tbîlr us. b. igste rgane ame Invigorwe thoovl ept .nd Lb.blood rei>dered pure sud cool. Sold'in large bottles et 50 cents by ait Droggista. W. R. Hoie agent. Fies and Bugs. Pies, roachiea, snts, bed-dcgs, rate, n ice, gropbers, cbipmunke, cleaied eut by "Rougb on Rà tt.'1Me. Rest aud Comforttetathe sufferlng. "Baowx,'& UouszfSEoL X secus" bas no equi for»veriug pain, bot internai sud sxienusi, Il usepinl b. seue, ba or bowelsSî laBeutsb Toothache, Lumbago sud&sud au7 kind pain oruace. "It nimoet sureiy qulcen -the Bleod Sud Usi, au itsacLispoer la wondeiuL" "Brown'# osehldPana. ce&." belng acknowleiged m thie great Pai uerr, d of double tch IonI cf suy ma MI* or Lbtlrnczin uli woîdkheud . u aeo lmilasdifS ue w »uted, "s1&4it reaMly the béat rmedy tube vth e ,w r oCrafflu li-U Bamait, andà aPauansd A" bf ,S kinds," sud ta for sale by sU druggluts a4 ISUcents a botUe. Those s&ceted vitit weab Lu, é, Slgmblà ver or Dorangemeuts of! 0 Kindnsys. sbauild preura sapskage et Dr, Carsen's Liver sud LOf- Com- pouand. Bach 50 Cent pa&ne 0ues. Lr.. pinte ci Symup. i na vlaal colsotion of eol, Herbe sud Barba,' ad iLs resulLae mvonderfil,. For tll by aIl Drgists. W. B oveageti Tb* tacet vendhittil curative reine., dies cf tIre piesouul day, are ibs. litai omneriuxG.rapany, or ot leasi midir tien -plla pcnlire nusoet là 661w souca iis-th e .GB&'*iGERMAN IN1- VIGOIIATOB. wviisibas miv beau irnovu te fa in la ring a singe-tae * =07,tucy percmatorrhoes, -weabnee abuse, s serveu )bILy 3bi1y meuLai iuriety, lauguor, lassltui.lé maie by tugisi, or sent frise 6 mail on recelpt of th. e., 1.0arha ors l:bores for 85.0. AddreaF-. i CENET, Toiede, O., l.a gect is lb. United statua. Sent-ýi"ùobslte Bll 6y W. R. Hopte ebeanluM&uji lîeU'. Çsw.ib oure le tsp piter- â toe direotly uoa lboblooa aud lb. musons anrulbdo4ilis ytm~ Ptrise 750. W. IL IHova. abeinisi mut JCldn,ý«ryeue DIsais.. Dr Plsriitlcn. iresnt an Insee Casa.,1.Icu Grevai, 7 ppel h, $zoo" ' i tored' or uy - b. i ifmuy tkbat Cure. T*11. bol ote st~l s Asuh f vsry eof avuts. sD m;ter . s lbey prveaiau a. i; !I AÂ Tae srts caocaausuwsns.1u Or 1ffl, Tbe.Wlonmgmichihfs commodust'ram in,,=Sle. a&SbeiU ~sarLnicbi5y id' gortio. The r à clIl ulvaiurdtrr sudy ieim, tipdrfal tV soiifruténh01me'T Tire noir iraitand b.e outh q arter arev ,boundgoily vatereti by $ping veils l Thoeiru mifhaoftirhe man ba l iras Dne b mde , daboeul 'eue-iraitla " 016cothr i10ber. Thona The a t i h a noir ndy ÃŽlcsm mir 'Daer ollowlug, sud mbjet te a re- aerved b14 tu es*cieuae Il ýbie Master. taee rg~tsn' o{î>li0 uortbhbreeq 0arLera we ucth(1) ïir tir hai ai re cou(is)rs* f nt b ) r scti quaer. Thcse.usensar e mot t lie lsSaI for. Tire tLe .aUhey te n s yotscieh Astire tp pù indor,llm ais»1 bie eSr a",i a cop7 f a Beglsatmn.abstract cf hile -oim id lnde anti viiinet prodno. or favudlrâ.isor louments satin irispoé- vii beirequisal te pay dovu, atet ec srie'stmes % p tapeoladnte endor or Slige o.à & dohetenupiasatefa t:b2rcbue=,,saud Ashar tpsy Uin- Jusilce ta tirs credi et Ibis musa itl one mcnth thereatten, miboe ntnersal, and o'Mnett OLW" bls alasebs p"u"=hra 4 wlieitiele ûportions purobael, by Itemoruéetlvoly. 'Tire irericoniiona o et mlanre h atéasdlsg conditions of Lbe CirauoMyDivis leofthef Lires ICourt. *sarer panicre aud conadigloqa61 mio.cqb. 'zisan aL mmJ. IL,<lardoà Vteor. Soilcior, sud tram MesarsParé-, velli& RtIelge, sud frram J. H. GreenveL whlLby, and fromuithe underaigneu ase of the astI court. 020..IL DÂBTUKLL,, Wilby. . sin.40 ONAIO AIES' COLIEE dB 1fEfa heishbyganit E iar âmm pic etu.Saeod4 et nc bieOtno Lade'CctghiL place lu l te of pc.~~ ~~ bfdadi ite4 esSai, Sth, epot4 IM&~oatis jUSj5&;o 9, DoO. . tà afep.8fl$«#8t4bu iU*. -om twlis e yr 17,fuae80, ept. 9, Dec. Wn hles oto. E. Pa.nEWom ueLL Wbrjiby D..38 'i. Ci arud cf, li r PesOf meiaetkalntas Lircy are iees ea uovUCiO.mfluei» liýresurce D4CxP rtrlB.stmptaefRICK 0eatel OURAILITY. FIILH RANGE oUr-iVO9K, AND) Cu94$CÂefflO IJigxcELLZD I AFRESH LOT 01? BEATIUIM idCHINE »IBBCT PROM T=E PACTOW', .0H*E&PE»RTMRN VER vhs haveprb~ ie".ls"Ms Mia.Semel b*5o I lra.Job= uian.r, Mi. I.. )cy-Wlty;Ma.Bej» i ýow ' tu sortraeà itin CHIA, LS qOGIRRY. Vrat exoeedinglowprioesi, to c&11 u~ns~o~~ o~dand the, Wbilbyiol5po-ai,81ad9 MCrgtOpoiç iestermdao,18 L tigsgnailesL rates.. 4aday~~i, ~légov, Queeastownlt Por ticketadu à Ii.liOPal 1PI Sa7- E ID ~ NM~JSfi~ÀIiOtE.D AC'h Yen eau Lsugh,3sB, ng sud Play Tunes throughi W aI a long dise.Cie. Bl Nocaw]dttf!ucr 1o<la ,1' uwwo alresc Lns macug Ule puipulm ,Oinule eIILO tis#srmn, isoviln distance fren tire maulir-piece, o lcnb slg radi sud by masf ilhMny o1n, tb hout tire lst msclknowledo,.eu nIforà ý eueé et tire mXwh notaiinveâtins efthIe Ir.-. Y. Harald. Tire Muical i oue ondarfultLiren lSemlgTolphoea t, op M 'T h e th et~ b urcaý*ofire smnfa o luiers l* EIISOi et 0 me bori bohs tibeugntthe U. 8 Paner. Il ro la, o»e Hur Tom cau Pilyon the Piano Ognor P4eledeo. alqtirEDISON90'atat INUÀNMUOIS UIC. To suy chiilI vlO e ea iÃaumburs fbou te. iJt 14 2 a l yi - ju ive Organe. s en 0EI>IA 1M~eicine insP o ouvr e lii. l i onr wytru aerr h oanyr ore box containsj Pen1Â~wsvl1 ailenlnsa- ,cationandisli Insisnlanesnu Muulooe vimtiren âcs o Bûlo Instnéanm b ye s FL patcrs ina laIgoN for oueye D PAILOII BOOT and 8HOE 8TOftVE!,I Deverell's Blockc, Brock-St'. Whitby,: MÂTTHEW OLN Informes'customeN that e.t the aovfs3bisieitwilbe found THiB LÂPIGEST, .BE8Fsudý NS, aormeaL c stock of Boots and Bee ouTrooosdMomel D on't be esi te à , ith 1IOýkng4 it th e'*disp1q ùky intb ê'sh 0- vo vindow, but go in sd exnmine snd eee'for. yowa&,,tlie store filled vitit everythin ttan ube canle for in -the Boot sud Shos lUns, for Ladiesi Ove, $900 worthofTLO PRCg- No blow 1 buit whst le stright i saying that in. ~ osfl es ye$'mpsked te undersigmea has novw on band as large~soka m =a esslsnté in l, fine o0 buinxess. See thée new Betlin Feit BÃ"oý6 Lades'iQKi ot s opecisty. 'iTrunks and Valises in .,reat vza~,~~oy Thte YMam$1M 1t 40 l&he Store, lmty, e U '8. :'DVEBB-L8 BLOCX¶ 1833. tb,,WILLIM ,TIIOMP9 LEAÃŽTBR VAmLISR ZL&WxxC. vues, SARATOGA T AT ~MNNIVjB'fý , . - FURNITURE, Chea'per. thffan ev é7t" 8 ne sore 8BRD K 6,T R. E T, *WW-T 5Y. IDruggistî, o Express Omoe> s. Wbllliy, 17&GNbTIC ~N~DICIN~ u-utiNèiveP6~d9 rI o/EainPoI>ev, Bîzm*atl'Pro.' e mIis PervosWamfe, Re'uoe-. gor toe E .tohauusta) aa- Tire experence of IroisaIt in Invainable Itemedy. Thei plauant te tire tasie, and ticir su2ocient for two we 'a usedi- q h. ehaeat ced bet. rpall, r oui pamphlet, vheHlwe le- free te any aildeme. a1 eagnotie Medicine la soit by 50) et per box, or 12 boxes for ,Ia~fe Spostae-ý'on n~ ILÂGNETIO Mr, 1';NE CO., tbyiby W. RH M. an sd mil réry'where. ly-51 1~lr~ o!tia Witby FndrWin eealter carry on tire AND ;ft#HAL FQUNIIIY 8OSINESS, lu anifia branches, u rst 1ytrorln vii b) bo te painamn lthe hmgh repu. tatidi le- lgi«sjoyea by -Ibis ostablisir. w i c ft Co.,b a -Patt bÃŽ rsWo n MantC~ ahrt ubearau. r e ,s, alisirmeni,u eaena t adwedeicondnica -meute teosat 0rbseitbe presenl mai- -eau. Pririy atne 21h, a82. 4mraés2fo TifCILVERWELL-MEDICAt o, O B E 41 Anu Bt., w To-.TO -,ÀND 7o AL GRY' SBÇFI J~IJCNE RI LWAY-TRANS. , uDur-MARu Moi nsuEus ire SpeQfc 60iÀ moueybysddrdmm!ug - T13GAYIIIIE CO., 2 ~ire Gfet ~B cM Tani 8uco antjfýo mUul. bn ou aui nd theti3 Pine: in SYRUP a «Ue.,ar e -- In F REDeTT T s erv'e p..j4) s Su- e >s-i- t-Ca ie-- patmiet '- -'toe ý a ar0~ - 'a he GUM. g i B8s renzarkable power in reieving, certain ft."rnof Bronch k8,ad t a2o&.peiybc ffect in culring Ob- stn<6laclètng ( oughs, ns now el known tof&M publie at large. Sald bmjai reuetbe cslsee -e.i u W0 cents a ball. pcak c».mzfz r- 2 n ne ua rds *>smplif Rd SpmL 47-, onli ete0WRedfae Farki and our wr.spier andtai r i eutrd XEBRY,4WÂTSON <t& CO., Wlucleaae Drimiss sale PI-opriei a4eG 5,ya lui EARSFORHeMILIN lThiO jenïb8 AcQm m Le refo oies oft msai vV14,tOe Srk cuhi. F oiiow Ses, kisovu ae'OarehuafsBd- jetU. -Every chlitsqodliza reî 18 Virtuel a.ratatiey-fhern'vre ger4o tee were:suiunousanîb O rofainn over4tie. e o v e r a l .Y e & Lexliéate meà g *.e chineser- ýeoPte.' Send;Ciriges pesd~eany s nt ' - ear What tIheDeaf Say: Il iras pédérmea a racle lumas. 1 have'ne u"lrâily noises u my heal sdhéraÃinucbêtter. -% Miy de ainesa ieipel a grea eal-tfâ K tC RPEit5o UÂI. T gue r, iOr p em x - vnulwc& AN) emORYoie. -,tea oc mbi,,udn irrg Mtaéfilidrvea.Ân bsggagcheakd sudcarduIl ookedatter. -. - LUIS HeBT, Wb o. piietor. ý;EW GOOI LDS .sde'Gold Watches, the qz*L4tysguaralktçeedad4pri- . - -b Wgint, NicUe end other 11oo1cs-In'great variety. 'Eletro-late 13oods, a Forks, Spoons, Pinner and LTca NKnives, inmPlated, IyorY sud imitation ivory Hai. 3ucske F raes Cretsi isêsi 8ý.'-'e-o. TO SUICT ALI, SIGHTS. PracicalWatcbusskor, - Brook-st., Witby. Y4=hcir22n1, 188e,> rte. te Liocheater. route-- us:G tam marotte, ... 41.., The andorsigued iii retunkÀ Oh0 bIUft iberal patroagffl "ddre i ý 'U " esI:AAi anigreuý hi ,,elsreu6onçis' novlin a botterposition thax, oenvinos lbà l fua Primes nloy onougir le>suit lte limes. m '~'unei~iufu~VSiij I P jobiiu lce #byâdslsu. WIN 6býi il a& o t# m 833:i, ýEýgtablîshèd end