4%»W& Jar, of l h ire doùw, -1,b. 'ment the old furuaoe bieO lm iwitwbien. "remc1 ved sud the. immesnse~d lot tLouer. ouhybeu i& lul. i 4d tel ttbbr«. g«-Indon Aiv boir btngefthebtank. sud amIiw&po i tiej, aibUks, A.uioneer. t~ii l9Xsu île i Ileu .sit kOusbOld ffuulr-ILh coutly builldings,,'>Incldnr the coourt In' Faibanks, à Auonuer. hote s adIOffie, "the IBîîioty 000ée, Of de tMUe. andtbe <sol, aà re now te b. heated by St L~uu ?Iis-auey 6~ esmn, as recomuieuded by' lb. cMmit-ý tee ou ccont>'propertyil the lutale@- so "AÂuqTOx. SALFB. alun 0cf htqcoupt>' cOucoil. 0ol4 of- AM le of housebold furulture, piano, plpei'elati lu b. court, repm, ooeo ha *t the, 4L.rket b 9 O'Clock s.m. and halle, sud pipes s aosrrile theii lstu.rdy Ot. -71,3 1882.-L Pair- regisir>' otT&c sud '<ol, whêreilsIiilsr ka, autiqueer. ooila**ve benli ubranchie*sfbain t> m italu.buiO. -Deep<arà ide lbave V i. c 1'~UAstok, Iupltuetssudbon dug gnd tles inserted, sud O' ler ahbold furulture, &.,' the, pV<POri thse1h...l .steain.pipii bave beu 1à d. V. a. Orivi, Lot 1, lu th. le% con. The latter are euèooeed iufait ;-stiff co .rlug, 01% Pria Oct. l 18 89.M - oâ&W.rdgý, maailla paper being wt4#ped gî 'alil~.k~, uctioeer. rouud tihe feIl, aud tuoe.sgaîfl oper. 0 redit malof farm.qcck, implementé @a by fitssud coppei vire ; ail lasi'tea va lb.ri popet f Mr. Prà nk Fitipat- in cedar-pump loge. Turc re Lw '4 lot V 8 rd cou. Whitby, Tuesday, sets of pipes-one set oOnvyiug1the Po -12th. -L. Fairbanks, Antioneer. stebiz, sud the olber returulug hihol, ' crgM Sle<~ ,oue ndlo, u jer fromt lb.ondeusai! steanut'o he, r tvu Of Whle Wdue idaylot.u bdur-thusieffecting as greatusinin lu ilowof S. ,wenauctioneer. fuel. Itegisters are pla.d lli e c 11 1 . Pýý]Mrbkterootu sud théi ol b.suIiugi. sud fr as, Clore. bl iw~it tibs esoin of heâling i okp.t.- uÃM1 1ction- oftem f mtlltbon bas beeii~ilS )rt sOa f Pau Stoek ema .Who bu. Isa d ostin M Yilit the; ut#@ 46 4u pé pri cM1r. lJm court ront eau .peaik lr,'a ÃŽeeiéiiS. arJt1,~hco. >celg Thi.ooo-fresh air id, lu inby* regiters, roda>cu" .P121. Thos.radiatixag thyoogb lie building, sud the MlONe1Y e. 1t. *ho.Pobchsr, bat air dravd ca up telb ciuiueys. Pire places ara no longer ueceeary, ýttIan sale Of faim stock, Impie- sud t î,,touty-tbree toyes boretoforï ut%, 6.9 *l6 properi>' of tMr. Nelsonirequlred, en. uow altogether douetsW > tU5,oipart of lots 7 bS inlull ot-tl.ss preohutlug danger-froui fire uos. fPiekerlug ounTueas>'sud Ibe danger fohotuur os lu tb; boberifiL 1882. <sol, lu the.«Os of Inuttics or vicions . ,fIeltlamie Of lands-Ranisy vU >Mcicnelnc u aInme der,,aiu esdsMY. llth October, L. suit frcm ti . upromut lutb e ueti uner. J. K. (Gordon, rautfrmteimclrfoorein t h eu teken up and a new floor lid ; the jury-box et tbe south side bas benu, ~ aken way, gving additloiis rmoreil ~itb~ fil lWftttdI vlas badlyauted by membersý ~~ t the. meetings pf the. cdtity conneil. ______________TII.jury-box ett he nortb aide ha..beau r,înodeiied sud provided wtttishion- )*"y Si 50 SR ANI JM d chairs, so that juron vwiii now have rootu to turn &bout sud ait iu their Tkmây, daoct. 5, 1882. pa, iimrees.isedc en obliged to undergo the. purgatory ohftthe __________________________ tiff old box of fermer days which vas The. Crooku Act. in itseif littls better than a place of - punisimeut. The , jadge's ana barrie- Ths mii4ot em subjîci the. rlghts sud terd' rootus sbire in the .ventilation sud Mrets of bis Provinacetob l.Freioh timpf.ovCfl26ts Tu the aIdgrTand jury, mltion *ver the.overnmetat rocin a ver>' ucesar>' sud deirable =4 rwarchangu ha.sa&ho bien made. Aplt- ~wbas Pot ÃŽfor-adinuit. platform forin wth demk aud railiug and places. E charge thâit lhe Liceuseeisw bas for wituessud prisoner have been er..C bbud-théonnelpatte. Th eiht atudat the.ûorthhenui of the. root-, ,be 1h mulclaltle. Ti. lgt bus oouverting-ftinto gecourt rocn om, 1 isttuucesuhciare about t be.btt ueed vhu ec eeSsry for th. trial ofi m's bW4t o! outetiou for $et% l in ours thfu e nage viticut Sa E LSgiItEré 'are-Est SSuoe. jury. The* tualis have ben icraped sudj Oth BM uteSortis Beufretu, Sot calomluris, sud tien, le nbv a «0o4 ""lis.01nMWes FtinedeMof asc.eearMypaintiug md al g 0a o, Gfz i srr, Wsthasius.golug ou. Outaide, adoinlng the 0cour TI» «Mli, eé cki oft14bouse ou thlist nd dconnectlug ivith. "Obu re6 it cf laeso"I serof tii.l *celiar ocntaling lihi -baler. s few Mlustrats th* sotual tanteIsoffho old coalvant has beau coov.uintly bhui, ilO ti Itsue su cflb.Crakssud othen improvemente have heinu t. The amsenaIs wÃJeh taci cf tlie Tmidi u b erouudinge.;. Bin' rdions Pim4ed ou13 ave necéein~ Ti ctalr aeMsi.leiit *4 Yomr unden lb. cld eyet.m sud théle Wrlgit cf Toronto. 31r. WS. Berce 00014 bih tiy ov fitualyob.isdoteliicarpenter vork ;Mr. Wm.i htotuer th l's er. a otru b.Wstlake, Liii matou wort, W'1Mr. osi :iditepo u dcnrs Wilon,-tbe pslutius. Tiie tender AM as b.ecutrectorais 5for *SMO. Tb* . a Or imir xrnow*mxe. viole Vork le beiug doue antin lhe under the, lu esuperijiteudcne of 1Mr. A. A. Pott, obutliv Oro s aoitet, and v. ae perauade4 liii&tn mml Smoce....,1410228 sncb bande il vii be up-te tihe mark titall Bie..sa.£820a1t.12 "thi R.fn . .8;60 6481 sd<v slf~Lu. )dbt Witeîioo...... 4,8 121881 .9a7.p...... 01,000 5,841 ColptgtIntitute items. rs asls..... ,8& 0 95.718 ,t,~emer . 1,00 0578 The. uurnber ou lb. rol le sunusuaily Ouka........... .1,575 8,728 large for the. hlmo cf lb. yean. à i the. fongel n ut b. 1M te b. a lMn, Haretone-elb.. Msb.mi@A r eampli C b. ý rnlg cf- lii. Master haviug secs pted lb. he.d rose sol.~ ~ Mi 61tinea .donbt that tenstlp cf lb. Sesforgh aigu 8Ioboé bas no4lnlsned,bit,,cou1h. s cn ou 'PBord cf Educahlon bis61W t4 hi b&u ael the lb. mualp resieurls, vaeaueyby th. appotutmnut cf mr.#A. Bot lie, trneser s»d eoutr'ol ovraroÂme B. A. Beblar and Mathemallpil reine a& ban rtoa ithé uleipali.l )MedailelTonoooUniversity'. Laeme eltloe, le tin t b. "cen.- Theannual games viii bu beld ou r te ôfar t IOSMutreatoltain- M bOot.ý l, ah lb.fer <4ronds. D â- ù-t pn Cfl, b t ctblng - programme bus bien,' repéïed i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~»n aeefielmst hreI scn m s neI joyable gatllei mot on Ilmose povie f nmnela di-g.viwmnt vWhcsn2be ernleed 115Lavder'a clame lu losriutal ilhi the bt teeile u Ieo Sb@ e. i"d MUlo&Bd Mti uuaolie ases tu a InLtimia.l illseahols cetrlIa-pcil dravlug, valercolore sidcilse, bsr~ stuc.. bous d' mnic he eleaeeuitaae. Thc posiloffie a mue'lissuta.~.ef -Ovn up b>'thelatie tmncuWu0f11e 4 O.otc udoc ml lbie plie. soinauua 7 -vtu bIe&LbimpclatGeriru- umtmlposition. To tlice.tu-o icI-ial Ust OUOM00 o a p ff eM, mce ,lr. f tlset il Ipe~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~b oruio mesmougaa hiDal>', tepf - mci regretter..- els b. feules cIaepîtal cf à ýiin.d le etlck te bis liset ima 1>9 baé5h:. tiooe e îW cmi -vti e pet 'e. s . - .. 1 site, 11- celple tons salir>' tf I#20yis& rew iMys t Ictbi8iA4diy- iegiet -e lu iwébe e, Ies poslmasbor, the people rejoice ismtl* t deesuéei o f, Ki..Alcool. -A fr- U*Ofilhr. z î»re boom wghnL4 (eu0p1:0.ttliouihi îming munci more dIfficutyear. b>' pIlou o eGorrnntcimrge» muid aine eniable ut* tlimbei ; and 4h. iattleuretl of4hlémuitifatiou n oh Lima - mp1led hetiouutuiii îoftlie$- t>ri lue Catiraiset 'aIumilii ievgtlu, se linge, -'aLoriîtony.- Tic fol- ,viug figuressua'aalmueshotheii r -decideailurei.lu-the work bow- ruesa b>' tli.Deptithëllntt, as ceai- isal wilii the yeas 88.7-a l- naIsse ~ ~ ~ fà 'vmc iii niLimore guînr biub bas océýeume. L i (au - - - -- boneace, 20lpet cent, M-141 (agial avMngé)..aeta5. 09,4W 872.8-1 - -id",-.. "'4 .40 - Icnesse, 80 pin cent. - ~y~rsrsn M lan md reilu t - 187241 -ýC4 t . ...11,1747 apmber ofillcuhntd .......... 16-1 - ----..... . ....- ....... l'b ,&ver g iberof -m=des per anuu: 186.......... . 1872-81 ...-............1... o 1 Increee, 210 pin cent. à mles of roa repareai 188871.--....-- - 44...: 1 1872-81 .......-........... ... 814 -incrs"s, 185 par cml. Nuambor of bridgea bulit : -11868-71-...... 18 or 4 per snnu 1872-81-......141118 46 [The bidages blt'duriog lha formait perlod avormzcd au aggrogatu leugti sujer oh 53138 eel, aud daring tie latru,",. a ggregté lengil pr eu or 0o 1,955 foot, or an lucress. oh 1.287 ho.l ic-a bnidging par anumt.] Ticcorresponaince la conuccîbot Wuiti thé Coiouinatiou Iiosaim branch bai ars v .r>' mariéai aesai ashe failleing figurea sbowu:-. Ainragamnber cf lotuera reeived: ....8............. . 41 Increse, 2MO Par cent. ANitrap imber cf-lettirutwitteul -488.71------------- 21 lucriasi, 12 perce. Itt- OiiD P OADO. and bridge. 110ce,1872,lIs beau luerg amouutlug 10 no là ouea a Omxitia $9781 511. Tii iffecl,in derelapiug an prc mnoting .ttow enttunthe itéuvrtio cf the Provinco, h as besn -ucuteesed gneal. 'Fh&allua adflaon. t-b. moue ba weu vfandtbfflcou*McIYi> c Durm the perla8 18018-71 lthets" -nember of tulles: of rosa haut pur yeu Wèe 58 a o f rusa rtpalihll11, Ih avers» anual coït bâing #«M0. vii frorm w ho 1881 lie avorae pr pua w&%lotSilée cf-nuiïd mut »nti81 miles, cf msirapatridaIetsanavert suuual-ucs of 497,851,: Ita cîber vori dadug-tbe itr piriud, semopan vih oli efrmer, ibenýe n.thf.. uitu se MU'h'moti buLilI ati neanitbuti liSemes amuc roa rpalreti-pin Y" aM »n aVlnage an il eost-ol litlémc than icule lii. sumonat -iedt thi formerata". au iupn Colomltonrsi bridge. in lubth» ùit0iebei eth su61 , e Usderhii smllhitlX 120 mileof new rosa muit, lis Mo 1;if rsa éý4lad,7 rgê1buil jm rbnig jpqseet-bs t-stail *bu- df r îbéin«a 10,55. flei1ngtbèltà ruile, cf rosa, -P&lmd, bndgW s1ha 5jprW1t~ Uhe araitinamd,ý*eê rVéybia.n- tuali., Bo ver. t-élie mue fth1es pnd colts sliceni b>' -fe s',Pyi- lIuia~, Srow,- ilmrJ» ~bbrn, aIl ohfiin kbot inzeasinthif*liis. In singfronesl ans,1~ad Messis. JB . Wilson; C. W. ashéved 1.1, 2ad, sud Bri prixéà .' nOît ôîaus, êver li. i bauds-ic prize- - winnersiuonden bs!Èn-W.L- Baubiiry, e addtl bano eu hoe vire 9 etriaes, cou, ýéos MauI "W% 0;~. Wi -For 2pair 'oh r fa4ge boisep, F. J. sAbd D.ýLlsk Brai- url maré e. W1, Waa4r,Wm o ipd-WmucrO5i~Ob n-ugoff liii Fors uLai rdr -mesie. jo ûuelle. £»Oyis. And hie * Jffo> Bolbrsooa b.Iwod. Ths oint isdfouae e6libld î 4b-a 8 p'ar,1 An tv r..ad' yeunlfil>',7.sud ,lpa . ~slug cqlL-sfirtIe vounersa aI 'Pornto sud s lihePrMvin- -Tiie Juin.>' Brotiie h adl.14 boise illtogilirmI on lhiariud-ail Clyds- r 10 ipotd, sd 4 Cndiam bred.- Tbc>r.à do a 'fine eibibut as ui aeW tie s.o! Mr. Eoyeoe, -anti ,srnbitioff vsli-deserveai priz4e. Mn. Ji S. Thomt- sou sloi a si a sgecai 1 yr.-old lut- pOnteai ril>' bu lbiu clase. Mesrt, Chisie, Deerili, Doolilîl, J. JS. Ticuson, Jasé Lessb, Wtni.War- deran sd liiiJeffre>' Bros., yen the rT succcssfl exlni l Cdia a dra g t.? e For the beqt pair oh grooued bouses of in auy clae thi irRt p riz. vas avard- t ed John Dryd .n M.P.P., Jeffre>' Bras., 204, F. J. Hlylanti 8- i Mr. Artbur Jobuston bob hle an -lu * ubothiornu hiuyemr, being lthe principal e exhhibuo, sud carriati off moit oethie P izes. as von sasMi. Gien, X Pe Prise cf lie $80.saespr frntLiiebeet bird. 14 Mess., WmrHuron & sou, boIaconaiu ,8 pias. hwetbndle ik, suaI ivaeli noiru loiders sMn. Dryden, à &. Darideon, as thb. Millens vie o ,S *iWblbitothtYeu . . J. Moabli v as t-b. cul>' "bifor inu Refrecds. la mb.ip, tisesie..W. M.-Id.iller, R. H.LSPenser, A.. jwmoon sud W. C. Eilbunu duvIed tcbget la.c l.ý -lim prises, ýMr. -Ufiolr ,showed', sotai 9, aueelasslOxfords.. Siepu»hlne &d Dotuni. Mr. Bpo 8 e 5 iesdo-raIl but i. 2 lmaup ont f, p a iovai u aid -1eS - Il sures. e IA*br» 1ng ret- Fn [Y Le:eesens IaiUt. Jobn e ol #-t. ly ro~m.M. George -0rmebu olloi là , foIbot Pelr fat wodie ndi tr. W. Ãœ,. MinIr lbitml fit absp iap3 o go bross. . Join Dryden. M.pp, liti à n lu» aesIambe. ma T, suu -a" vauci eremtei « the béat t; mpnood brode s sioi, C. 14 Lyide à am, IL PIL8 0~>1u> 10 e, ~, Oboa Soetl, sud l!., Wsn l id -the, pnluulpm pse-wliflens. 1- M, 'The poultrn>' disu' vivoudenhnl ",sea algttrotida PO, i 4iaQiobè Aetionihc of-vl»ýti o limahala. bre kr bre Iqisgrlétqm omltu prduge- a ie lpa - vaaisver>gcaT.6.Kdiqa ÉI~IM!krkvp»,. an oti PqgIo- the sa I.fit toistx-towe bailoy- m lse, hielmoIullm. ee wlo ll.h" f m. talci eaisael'b lot eibbgos, maungod.uudu t. u Ie At the rvsoil, iudAI Wi lniorý la -T , - o b letuu , 3c .M K G & L, Jo h » ~ Jý 'For ç.Polqul. . ýG*rdcnJ. D,, Blotti. id' W. Boy ,niRJovIa<ildoene eý t eiialiieop u rs-s >At are. sureoimei jl' leIau -of ';i of - - lb batd tuovhlfotbiflg WIii$OyOte tttlhyuIildlb.ealtO t tend ho My uins.Ihà iu to loak or driukl without' faom ýb.Doini LÃ"IIt thc hurmng cUu-swilterm, eat.thei,15th Oêl4imr. -sinun. It SÃŽ l,8 eai mestrcken. JusI consider tubaItli reudtcraulïluinsnne - 1, s - of Foims hâe len iîÉà ,onveylug- AUsriau .troupe bé- lu th~e p6lpeO%, sonee otn.irI11m à hm -oalleddusndden6ly b-béer eoyai: à 1 ULibug<ba bridge ôor thelB. îver' ba mbî a ii iaiul udioYal Drie, aI Esmek, on Salnrday, drow u.-WIIoSlioild 8tffer. bail mbarkst te weaifulSinià jfifeëffsud. SerioinsI>' lujurnug thint ' The maxi>' tho dli ii>'a suffer sg 1 go- sud turmliis [a-alneady sé o buoubotninu-U55iS.Hh tuiler causedjhe diss ý rMýc ù,bunione, -cemlos o su Uee-eemârohcidfortii ahsi0060 aster. - tu he i ie- sof- rimedy, eau.i sezi vithout more than s camuai scraP-of Tii. Sovereigu GrandLodge, 1. O.,O.a t f-rocnired. Puluamlib- g 1tef1, o thle front, viiene lie>' *ere P. tuichainasbecs in meïion for ceveral f ce---le r e netuaisth la.,, ilo bic n-torMc»to4 b>' lii. .nabs,. day» pset at Bialtmore, cjosed ils -pro- il co>mallds0 in, ooufidencc cf *VI , s u&biAr6elfdPtOd bcr.etUles cedig onabuda' sd ajourneà d- dkuggiot lu Canada, a i a e ro, cas so afn edisblw v W . -TiiYi pe l.aýnv)auà u s0pW ï3ýthat-PIUrxsAa PiirLuSs Cog X =E- ueez rush out, caracole, perforn S quille tti alI: ---- a sura bn;Ti i dan 9oc ataI sdmtanoe cf, Ivo hndred 'M -B ----e'ipÉY neglecissusugsqioeuu 1ars, litep¶eteucc cf asihing dovu Befortu n" -TheExtracln pgI * uifeor-s 'Ibe entaille ju Pas gond." Ples 4t. poi them encules. Tico Englisi rouiebD ýe.~;p. hoig onà gioa-iusiu 'smoe thhcmclvem-fire ;lb.eBedouinia di. .g datunda>' wamwute dis- chargét leïurifles sud vâuish ; noîhing tirds f Lwd thà usan PoPiye. ý ofii s asbstiefor PUTN£ mded ta accu but- min>' dean Paire ofhbeelè,MDî suad te lbHou. B. -euh. recexvedOscber. rack.' sud s cloà d cf dust. -The Eugliast, RAl- cntiusiaitioAndovation. Addr sscs th Il. 1hemelves dovu aza -once mord e ren preentîd tu Lie honor able -<enl ie- - S v su seay is le n o Lic Omi <Mii.. ~ main from théie onhe f ihaui5 Steadily',but not uluvi>', Kidney-'V be&arve Lic pisutom, edouifls opOpi:P nd ntign. - îAPean a Ilcopet~aifor ' Vha. W, floqni-4h ýà d f'ai ttQ.pCý, . DIi -- -»J' egol~uIrv dueuus y le ii dusf,,udC.t& i goes oùl ui w it 2 Àti Aiù, Ti'oronto or okisiudebu&it su. bwbulbts ,Lb esse Oltpt nei>? tmc&Iusud itteespieofally beli bonl h ~a dy ce4l o1a t. th As 1 observed, 1 lhink, before. au4 big exîe uded lu lhc Royal O0pora Hbus lql on. 1ept~plh. - h-omeveagin, in 0dr i nlma ine tic, lusugarationlý-,of ,%be oputa . fr . ïolice 'tiot'bc forgotîcu, thec Uuhapp)y, brigade .managemfent oaI. Manager Conir. hou- 0>iiX IM>'p 9e s icia -foupdthenistlves. udelQD-Svà iil bas baincrsuim itid ery evenin , ud i i L-vih 131fficieuçy luee nublun- plain-kf isndïÙuder % éineejSun#wiei 50 prouýocehaîs- hein1.sceefi "edariteel a.g~ 12 ueor protection. of a>' ind,, su -It lite-treasur>' coffes, tue are tbld, noc vth nol in lu iiietmahu;? îoed arein abitter position sth hie eaniy; veny color coigf Diamond Dye& le Ot: LIiope i rea astsi L. f Bon- knèiw pcx-od alibi i.seon lian lboyWie l foat --Bé. tb 1aple. of the col en I boter isa 10 lo h e rn hosieep ithe e1 ias eao'snceipte. ". eod clbLi-IhIIduPi. nqa ce R ad ti>'not Made tie, brilliaul discrimination sud souud -judgzncuh. bnillancy.--- - ciarge-bad lbcy ual routed hein au- sud 1Mr. Cannera lange licatnical dcoLn- a . PnhifiM'A Vegetable le lagonist-i-eut them u Actulig avà m ni cctf"uhave coonbinea lu eecurmig toud aimafl sk -a s, ie s ody -ingeaul -of lu --difta--h in, .0 he »rceuihu, by belng aile La <nage hce: u o pane etle ov n ri su> ckplg ohdo a disse- publichas te sud bit off the popular ne- i ncmlit euiiëwm upn hrh irY migil bvé,a h ecr. quirémente. '01W Bor . D*rsa Guar. OPoî Ever>' bour "tuitléUing on Lhem-hh>' RfanTO6E5Yr r.8i ;Dw>éi r mabisoben released - at n cane i p.8> nlin.Ex. iW'olseley sud Admirai sejuhour <o upam rf 80,sd bho aipeeid sa iey v.no~ ic M- Oer bave beau raiseaticthepeerag. - ruulléi. dge Luionjustice ed i made a supremo effort, tOOW 4 a p G ss nu'e,5ad laIjsc suo>eapci i» 0~il ii John Dlon, M.F. for Tipper, an s- - nov bien vxliue:ate d a .beller tes . an o y uup pilêd v -thail he , i i t w ëll nunc is i5 eiiremt -ut rouxIthe Bri-- cf Ihige s obervahble li ra be o aile tenti (bcanig à aFreuc -, r ugislÃŽi ehiii l iiaiiiilii oauacconut f iU healh. sud b. turne not vitim t- hope t bur mc mark;' how tuobaiued -l 2 .' albc;îfoiudry at shouffvile ha. reaction-tolspugpagn :'ci- uape, trainlexaudnia) b li (iuhbendalryd b>'fine. Lis $00;system cof crime sud outrage wbOI t as lies, biscuits, - vaherbotticu, 1hiu .iisünd foi $2800.molog 4agu.ed i try. ortic lime thii vere inlu e : viat Atntirhnia vp v s t.aluaky bit! So' you îSeewhà n 1 deit- TxPOICA M a OP ec isai yeqteîà sy. AI Queinsboivu1 2 o tcribed uyseilf ne iaving seau lieu succoes. Bingolon le saldt ai" ra 1 "à the iii l.arbour v-ud -dysweit.ering sud -uun-îlricken, I vasu tub- poil $5000 b>' il.t- hr. <ra dmage was do] 0-da-' ing pardensile pacha license te iarro'v ,HIeLAIs BowInra MATas.-By lirpae7 in of up your feelings anu malte you urdii'> mutual cnsent the mathesc betwcen jgestand thaet hey viere deaerted- by tie Edwmmrd Hlanisu, the champion, sudj Prosildetl ur' bas been ai Jue ouiiisat, snd vould bave bal but Kenuà edy.- ae Rose ruespcci:vely hbava b>'bile physicin .- le visi liaest. ve mn o lime cf it if Iiey coulaual have been '-asF'and untitlînue,- iss&- - iucaor aai.H a lag . epe hieuselves. Wien I sawt m nu ~ ejymg ome huse _fiiug at therir tceyvers gehting on aoufrtablY, Borne 1fAxarouà wo E inYADRi. >ihule-aadu.4e Wal t er coiffes inO ientali -audkôroiefs, re-- It ln tepoted liaI Premier Norumy , c s o i ia e <e hi t cing on Oriental ousbionsWiuder gail>' loliowing ÃhieizamiPe-oh Sm3ir ohnMac- aocoftejattoribn pr:painted oavssi-iikce e ballet-ioh ofdonald", viii gery-tnnder tie Province lu Plà ri, Ieonow- almosl dei idhie Lcopera. It'i @ad no aloubtit if-al- of -Manitoibetor. li ex.cit <encrai 788 a"sof >'iliow lever sud 78i Àdteýmail inextricable' tile ou éonfusioum. ileahion.:1, .- li &ai but lth. offfials-bere- aoit'be bli-ued Tbave', o -- imai en...O z I u opid-ia. ien a ewi hi 1 tnlb.ea o- foi r thle muaidie.Thq - anS doiug their bsbi la mira trib ~ tu: i:~~î, i put beit ho binÃŽftqi ùôto~t1qhao53. f tie, naKmouu alsa.- -e 9'n>t M tj ~t .TranspotarI -is .ComÃisomarIiDePlit- ade ii dld-ciime -sbca.cI , uiihat lii laterb'v t>ntnl 'meut ibai béeI.. ladai'st once sud*à naa.layii maeerdou 1mi cocupahion lýue bxildoeilihereporte I lie agnleornt viii. thbe Oc mirer alneAt6l tIer tlb. - Micilga, n La tîe of Isimalia, Ibuy couilai bà re gone l;d ce>'c ea a afud. Cbsui- sheili hau recou.rue btu kw - v oik b u h a él erf ela. B u h n , thl i t a F r cn o u u ae t ie a rticle <e n u i e, a n d O n l i a à v u b ,. > i troopa muset 1a tad nuter, sud. iasali lihe pneciaus mitelaiu fouin lu fthè lov4ii Mà irnni.rrici iy auded Lhjyiere--hurY.skrrY. boîter- pîylug quanhîhies lued ay O1ý,Sui. thdà n aliiIe -trâck cf lhe skelte'r, sd.iody-4bdut ftyveanai-, Tii censumosV ritor 1881 sovps)OiÉn id di#ert attention frcm- Bcher.Ivn> ius;lcidd tmla a total populianc 8684, cf tubour impontu snsc-Qea l m ove r ev-ersd b ntIrl1%2 ynChinamËin, sud but'780, r- oi iqýofth oinar regltWùibi'ieýsoldjos, ; tu cr bvin edffsboi b.'ha ie aeo, PI~Y-~.lrulhby--oft oie.quisico ee ofont. te tv '4Yqnnor for 8Oceoenr0 Mach lieC o mp,* yX sin b aku igeul. TRE CÂS8T0c R THElm IWLON, prnialainiksud Len miom ti> Clu ia itelaxKg5Ol<n~i their vnhmrieti t of hougi tronium o. lace maal ç "i telliatusl ¶ereicopaatiit andixenla ulre cfil mua- cesdiiggonerahlol. Mxi>' m0iolnlyri-ý latll 01 ofhou bea uenpublldtau&i whtah bave bienisai ttiprcoittieO- tmentib>'thoeiiibli to - ros&ti.-.oiginaSl liongué. Tihe ct f the presentipihOMe in to aDora h i% limpgei of heu contente as ei timuale~dsr ialaauc readenu for a -bett.ecuius iae vlthe eanliest s<an utraiensnl forts cf, lie ner t ic housama sn m. -8111entr ed - - t Ii~.- A KX TO WVBL' K. tai ~Then Olassai for tbe Mlto. -Gl paLc»em*dN -York. This vz i oul-avr> m ini 111e work, tuta csnchfiiui beVOlém by a ling ols f naiens fà or sdnes ;ad a s meens cf rouai>'nirnie- IMaosVmiNTiAT TvRai otniv nov trame addition lia bea huuîlt ho the lonniry,iîude cho-rc shniel. The new u iilaing:le 180%40, aud 25 toit bigla. 111e lutepaieiforsa vsre-nodm sudpalul-she. Mr. Bd. Carter Islaklueg thé, addition s 800à job. W. are pleaseai 10b. tutoimiidh the obllging book-kieper. Mn. Addiecu liaI tie founair>' e OUed viii ondoerslor work. Mr. MoNsmo. ha. Do* commencec s ail alun @,gainithe.Monîreal Peut. Laying amrages ai 69.o0o. TiE 84TI.-Theo fficens sud min of thme 84ti Estion rehurineai b ti bomos cOU Satur4s>'.,AIllook nom>' suE Wel ana speak Of bavlng pot la th- drillin bu itygcd heaiti. InlawrICvnid Districts and District Tic officieI liai le, publimbcd of tLé Inlanai Revenue dla$nicleas 'ti Dueuinion, i, uti emreepechve.ellet. tors andthie tennilnt$Inent DEf saci. Heur>' ,Godmona, chiai Inspecter lb, the. DOM'luloh. office it.1 unti. T he foUcvi g are iio e for lb. P r* .vinai oh Ontario. John »Dae, Dlt I0tapecon arni Inspeator, of Di èe a.ou. t'Wiut Brantford~JcS~s Brantfordl the couties cf Bait, Norfolk, ani Legnaoou_.W. 3. Gid. London, Mid ;. >iammoi ' btoil. , à rBruce, Huriion, sud Peuh. windsor-James Gev, Windsor; El ,e »Zana ReuI. John -iarrowu, Disticit Inepeotor, CI ifloe aI Toronto. g AlgamS-Gec0. A Ironside, Prine Arthuis ULidua; Aigona district, il LI cluaing tho Manilenin Islands. à - (3obà ur-WUII5t vvalM Qo i Dnnbam anit-Nerhukib6nliiid. Guelph-D. MaLesu. Guipi; W_ y llugton ntiWilo. - - il ilu-.G. Portier, XHsmllhq k- eHsmiltaueil=t) sud Wanxwtvcl., Ov > .na-..itia, r. oundi; Gney. y Peterbffl>ue-Juo. J. Hl sI 1- Peterborcligi Pehenboouigb aid V D- taris. ke Cathiarins siB.OcathUxito iL>), Iff a Toronto (cil>'), Halton, oL i south Oalsmtu, peu , Binese,'rot r.uiti thelalrictsof Miukcka &MFâa Sonnai'w .- jant Sh trohéb4inmyof, hi lul 101e sdaîbth S r0cf.ih. -Be blaakguard ai" Manuion and lite. dolni, as clevini readint sud Christ il*ad~ukobùun t lsjleb f18or ia oint <lii sd-boys, leé-ryhe that's juiltubtIMisthinesO'D.1 Nayticr eaiibebcneconailed iudi gay anê'feahivo flurtin of LiaI 11<1 love, Ring jamÈes-a mariea max, éie se-and mronicd te tici &ai respectable, sud g<mlle lady as QU biait liyvcepiii foi blin idLt gov'e baver. AsIar-tie venlon Di Hôron, sud ber viles sdamliies, plaislU he evin-bubatumOd:Yrout aime, sud ber alher fiuiuino atthL sinste caphivate amd capaimiit Iufacbnslud m'nuarci, sic, regards l disnupuIiable '40r'~. $o fui, *tof s8e kansoiliens vawhOW1u bilenateai in respecaeble uoclety ait 1presint day. Tii abominable insult teb Catz sud makiaiPriar -nd Pxiqshsw et vakabones asi tir Tiu, p- lssez hIm as bein tounai idi culai Eegý v il., nudet Ospisiitigaretumeha delikit but sinfut la road akbout, lae lt-bsa h ficoiun And 'tie neferec thie- - Lheapin.insu Il upon.tusull. So siC l , t i r e s O D l .-- "& u d 5 a t g o o a i s u a i v a ! S vite-sud tuotber. lo authority i matthers of"ibi ld te whîch I an I iariuly admit tltia, lu boyl Y days, 1 raid MarmIOu--a tit bave resu aIl Bu Wslthers pro- ýr auun-vlideldote. Tii biemieli is? vern i laginssiuin tuunet ti d obvions, sud the>' wur pà aeai ot mýe yonng esgerness 4-o fol'the -dints of aie uhory. Anai the von nol ued s heitbook ini lie sciao )fanatilical digesitan. Far frai [r Rain it; over again sud.referrin là wiin I vas yor.ngar tien -I ala o I was struck-s no Catholia cal e tobe-widi lie iffensivene99 Of Os the pqsgages-alid wvatbia ta th..t liera vas no warrant i alev .t oehwosy hustior>'- for the liccaent abou ha the pool in hi,3 du slins-cf: monks, nune sud priait». Sdiscipline sud weye offlte.SSr el tbet-w4maginasiUfl raun iot- vidl e~ ~ ~~p anibescnc ut uted. snd ,. ued or dhrarnali.b iffeakh. Ra hkinai,-dean oulai fîllotu' iver dieami -Martuion vud lui fuccur Yearslb inîo'tic mauais ot-girls ana $iç5 > ounnei - ovaer,-,iindvaib. mos 'ý lu wtuI lie githon. - ELb.th - thiongit of h liblig, »À is plain-lu bie conaludin adaiues ai reaer- d. , Te lbh.. dean shooliol', viaimy IJ Hie cieshiai of lb>' bourcftp'sy, ;Llgà t taik, anld erri>'iOsy 1 ta Ri vas mc bigot ot immoral tes Butho viole e 10 nismoidani&À à - ii abl e peaupi cf tleeCday i l v a , i ver havi bien gi>t 'f hi stdéof lcibculbi.-e hu p r e--sud notabi>' thé Mud ai- iii. saecf m4at itt=- oliutici itilit sud denotamioes ace mbuutubliti iecoursgê amira'i, visaiiUs lates vr pint à il lii b. lb. -Ké le Ad lb uil t s , eLoi hi thel$ re te tnadagn imar e s eottias-, islsdtber, .Y tr aohe ffcl1 Pa Tue inareaelu peruoual proà perty-sud inacote ailie Up thettlporse I at>' ýtuiu liii letyoar b 18,85,- -i -000 - VI mozt ui- ar 'M'a. Loit- bdrfor lIern ]etrsai oilone. ,s bail tt iak nke ago pdeneai merted. rfeof unm ratis nel et, À0iai d .uhethuk vas ~mrl1 athel fol- ti.à Led ontl iarty f ionorea ,e vrié ~ti nia - 'or, 4je~ Revd. F- "Nlp tf.Vunr foiuc.bm t-b. vate the rob 009 the Lit tt li s'- 1 va oiou i puilffi heai«u. 'Hr cer-vIt' llc uays: tin t Fluret veck i 'SeeîariIri bl yacek l in " hé=u sectionsabout- &h.ý îogtlfùr a f6WoÃublë'îkbh-ir toiu rai aad 611.TIti tuI-w ho s vy etormy rnoibu n 'Ontario Sud-