C0lub~u ad 1ï~ allon., à &n&Tcit aDirotoicry AT .LtAW, 80L101'tOR8 IN 0111>JC RY C. HIIITHIE, W. H. BLUN68,I oriu Wl, frotelhltby1. * *ATMB JT fjEDG, SE.A., I.E.FARW*, L. LE,.,&c OMFTOS '79 Tone Street. next the Dominion Bank, snd Corner King and Tango Streeto, Toronto D. A. 0'8ULLUVAN. W. E. PERDUE. October 98r4, 18W.17' JAMES 8ETI ODN à n TSTR & ÂTTORNEY.AT-LAW, S"to 'iancmnyoCouveyact NotAi! Efblo, ê.OMc*e-Dui4 p. first door vmet Pt Amsrg'sRtI onay te oazwx=it"o !.wl-.at loy interest. DAVID OkMISTOti, E ATTORNEX.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN AChaniory, Convoyancor, &oc. OrnIcZ-In the Offte soutb o4 the lbu>t Omie, lu MoMillsn's Block, Brook Street, Whtby. y1 ROBINSON & KENT, (Là .ru Duoa & RonxysoN.) B ABRISTrERS-AT-LAW, ATTORN- soys, Boliltors, Oouvoyancors, &c. OFFIÃ".-In Victoria Chambe.xmNo. 9, Victoria Street. J..Ronrosax, K. A. aHmaaA.. 9. ltxur. G. YOUJNG 67MITH, L L. B., Oruîcu-Over Dominion Bank, W'hith. Ibn. 92,18M8 1. B RRISTBR,AT - LAW SOLICITOR ancer, "c. 0E everili c, ra Street, Whitby, Ont. J. JIA.8ER GREENWOOD, ATTORNEY AND SOLTOITOR, CON- A ouee. Notaey PbJ~e.P OficeDrawer SaNo. 1*WtMy. Ont. Ptrins bought s&»4sld ; Marrlage 5.111e. mont:, Wiltfs 5114Tirets n@gpcc rîan egottateil au aU kinds ofProperty. * CHARLES C. KELLER, . ti. BARCLAY, LOOÂL REGISTRAT OF TUB iMGR LCourt ai Justice; Regstrar ofthîe Snnogate Court;. Clrk -cf &. o uty Court, ho. Ofie ini QourtI Hon.., Whtby. JOHN BA.LL DOW, B UBBISTUER-AT-LAW. SOLI01TOR B inChancory, ovanec OfiIce-Deveorili'a *Block, ,Brook Street, Whtby. MONET TO LEND-Private Ponde- in sums o #m' At0,a a 1evratsei 6. tersit.(14 JOIIN A. McGILLIVIIAY, (Suoceamar 1 H.I. H Il.) 3B4IMRn& IATORSBY-AT.LAW, Ofie.-Next door ta, Uxrde On. un ýjýR.#J, ieRATER, Newspapuir .detéfAet, 41 P4rkr autimarzedi.>ocontraet focu dvertsÃŽii-i menusinathe. CHRONIELE nt oun, best rmtes. W.A.DAMs, IDElmIIIT TIST6=3 'I DuO VER B'. H. JAM4SON'S, R GrocerjStore, DUndasými., hb. Offie, houiro9 S.M. tb Il ., saèfroil 1-80 to 6. p. m. P.eideue-Car. ot Byran sud Olibort itreets, Cg N. VARS..» .S.0 bo Ty, h TR .4ufte.&*l& U the, sale né,« blok,, 'w.Âtel ]%om#-in a 8ov King street, iiva. 8 HSon, 1ok8~,Wib~ WHT IY, OtT4I gL&te of the. sime oos ,, 'Pouto.) tjo gert nbis eI- 'ÈOBT Of'P1on BALOO, TaOsmo. M.~o O~~~..PmORTB a TRE BET AOOXUODÂ!UON Act <or Onese. <>? ROYAL TnITEL WHITDY. G. W. IUMEY. prcpriewo. (late of Port Coiborne.) ' Under the proeut proprietor tii. ROYAL ,wal b. iunacoud eus eV B5 ersry ec- comnmodation foc guu. oe peci Alt. ten"loji 1d ta he commercalageue. 16 AQÂRO D IMDIEIRI(>XB vimg iloased Tlh UbsnIrnamanualeZ, Port Wbitby,m i tktu Urie CIGARCA- ro~AOITS6UDIEY JST RREIYED ÀAT cDitsud Desset Sci 8-' m7 T' oA "et,& gt* lug aiTspts r.rLat4Z.lEa, lomselpan hlm. Fermer, sud others ioing hosana vmnl or8 aI 10e arbor viii fiud <oi accommoa.-DW inW o oks Mr PLE&ASUEL SEEKERS lu summer WHKTBY. wii b. provi.ied pIîti boat% et reasonahia rate, leGea. Cormack, GIIORGE BROWN,. J Whuthy, Match lut, 1882. 11il MRER KERCHANT & BUILDEIR. ____U__________.11-A largeouïl fBMrPnl BROUGHAM HOTEL,-OP u "Bns y LIjMDE£R violesale sud rotail, or by corner Erocis sd Main §&Mt&, in the. by s arla. Village ef Brougtam. Pl , nineg Mouldiae o f every doacrap. Firut-clamu accommodations. Beet Lîquars ticPorIO§ng, Bhetlug. Shelving, Re.- and Cigars. GOaci.siabling !Md attentive - &R bpn, unng col-ek baillert Ti eîc Seretc.k THOMAS POUCHRII, PROPRIETOR.W4y c.10hL88 4 LICENBED AUCTIONEER for the JUCounnues f York sud North sudBSoth Ontario. Auction sale. eftM ruaim la rt stock, ste., atieuied st mederale ebarges. Addrem, T. POUCHIR. G0.îy Bas 47, Brougham, Ont. CENTRAL HOUSE, OSHAWA, ONT., W. B. MOAW, - Proprictor. Firut-cl a oommodation. Demi Wlnem, attentives Lhlsrs. y1 WHITBY HOUS DUNDAS.ST,WHTY The. nudersiguc en udintimai. b îLhe public that tb. aboe promises have beeta -eevly boUt sud ftted np thrangbant, for thre accommodation of <pests. Beut Wneos, Llqucrm sud Cigarm. THI CREAU 0F OANADA**- WAL.Z GE AI». pure EbLine Wiee. Ligor, Whcie. sale sud Retail. Boardera taken by tho week bu moder- aie terme. JOà BPH A. BARDELL. JaIy, 28th 1880. 8* CARNEGIE HOUSEi PICKERING. JAMES CARNeBGIe. Propriet or. This Hause ha. been dttsd u nflsfst- elsas sà methe propriotor i o"his = nal ~ tmeseiloirta<na. Liqucrudn igw crl&" beOb, s. xoe tal cn sudth bLes lckerlng. May 111h, 1889. 17-M 3 t3~ACK B0198BIOTELi, Cou. p,»ouv h Geozaz Sis, TORONTO. ILPERD OXFORD,. PBOPBM2'O. (Late of Walington RIot*4 ,MSrkham.) TERMS, 81M 0POR DAY. Good miabl. id# for over 500WhbSes.Firut-CIM Se cox- madation fer farmoru and the travelling public in gencrai. (7-4 THEE. -HODGSON HOKYSE9 .(Laie Tlsnothy O'Lemxy'a> Tbe above promnss have been Ichon by tlb. onregned.andsarenov ltlng newl f ited npfor tho roception cft<ute, sa the travIsi public. 1 Bout Wncliqoors, cigar,o. Momie et all houri. Good itabllng, shed room, und au atten- tive otler. WM. HGDGSON. C. N. VARSr L. _D. 5. 8hes, & Blrlejatm, N ico-t., Oomawa.. $66~ aluL yce ove huais. LadS boya uni girl ycevaa$ a b greal psy ail pfrlfbcllsre t4 ycur ave *êva.MÃ" rus. B I eirei.~o!L g.tl(sny aromablag te ai muob sefisea, lotin B tis(10 Ipres 841 , b.ra& vetmn enta lmay b. ma"e for Lt i MQNEY TO LOAN, #1004M0FOIYSTET ON 1UEÂL PSTÂTE SEOUIRIY. M lcwee i ng rates cf 01litea. MOony ueOord wihbis10 dm, of An&, ta WRITE?, ONTARIOP Impoter, Duere4Mafot tw, 2 LEATHER AND CahpaforHtslu.k SitAi. unuuo TBY. IN8URAN f .isiri -e, 1 Irieth oy a éiipWi , nvlte oi * i iiinôw."! eym~T,~1W04~ I04Idn'tdo il."I w 'af j î,41,.~ -!'tBajedge; l'Be gon QI I.a~*i lot bis I 4JIIL~ Te ib~ioV~e >t.km*sge.jsuI neveu s] CE. RANCE 00. Lombard tMsd Cbarlag Çrce ' nin NSTAR N K1782. *GiIJJBPIE, MOPTT koo;ýA- Ageiilameor blanad R. -W TIR * er.iIclr faa lm Assurance. Company. INCORPORATED z833. A8SSE TB5, 81,101,M7694 P. A. BALL, inmSeeaeffectel Kh the lovit o=*" ratue n naIsecani. mote wliitbr, A&enl9Qh, lem 1 MONEY TO 0LOAN OR I Apply ta- BANTEKI W. ]R. BILL1NGS,. t' Office over Ontio Eanh "BULPUqOINE LOTIO. Tb= l Mmbut vfll 11.1 Xv <raa, sudumtuso 'ouo 'ws h ae tse uaitl.mrm al, sn Sld<Use m eri o u mesh if: O11à ýbebiséIaMM bie" for aciô WiIII ne visible iekesa oe&4 the OD p1a, id ve zzt's iÈ"id Tblo iwsm bthegriefma t h, vishi'& à i, "tuI ai'it1au4hydu. q T1 Cl t."094abf sud t,< hose i - eob5'ni Ne ugite nome TM ia wise cli owtvith a knaving lc, 1al'b r0> 1Nstis, wi 0'i o 7,"uo4agl")oeh&k Ii'.dom É uîilol.Th orenot. -k" mer ai hawk for ber, mother,, 'l nîs feeonaew i yh Esk for-her&anditer, for l e. ltesitiumecoboâ di . tas or, gel aWi.tfo&à ,but >bà iî hoôiu W«110o»e han tliedelie tbla0 culi béai?.doee it, aniL.. ,baralùit oueï. . 1l Obe bath vingai bhr vay ta a roalm more uotà adbsdmi clooa s nuto ia dre fsmon away tram a vru, inetý wSochad the.bavl('els- ISiva bar another, i#hea yen batig4hlé Voli af.kldness sudlovoe, Iwlth asiovereigandsoIVl. 1' is fbarda nesud tuef." iM r. Bodi at dowe le a chir soià Andih vsnie tbai bld hem, the, cher bird, fclded bis arma in dospsfr. Ineu' Tho.landlady .antinued Tisai hlm vu. thé ià usb, Maithéverdict "Gocand Put« yoor ioa S", is, wumirue. ,Mdni uah yoor face smd red 700W Lai =-~f« il néede It-ani qoti e h.)pgei OffMisDarai I ouà rran'a supperi for pol"'i e oà * Off m Bwg"about ft,» Whaekl wba. I whackl fr. Budd i rosuud Lnby "WaUtbt7 abs M. ai. q l" 4wga of* rag a tré -air.minaWre' i> mot Utile san cet 11m pyd. Es titim! "sit sud dld evuythIsg a 11111e. PQUtthg bis bock sud Penolladovn. é lekwela tp obd moaulig oft pile em of ~.pc~ s~doe dr feu..tIsal Qate b ar de n "f of "dte$y sotAgofImm Lb. r&si 6.1 ay," 1à r. 3edd hgaagist a man *44e bsiig aïvcmsu I 1 The omnawu as ing lb. bleva qoiely enougb.. Thoteur i ooured yu '«1 &71" criai 1Mr. Rudd. "You elop the ro tia, viiiyen or 11l'-I'Il ualI "X eonsebody 1*' thé,lb «4Yo holuyotir lontue, yo niodilia' ýbeau. Talpyo 14 roussi thk Msu; "aoDd 'b clW enare belvees monanâ i le" >"j whie 'remi -M t' >' etressg li uss" bsià eý ba ln& er. imu ! l b4 abrléluLapê er ? Thé. saou minuebu ov iu -da 'SOÈ fir eibfu. iemsmeailasaar "A. o olnY t munIs.,01 r- hé. ,J fStop beailog Ibat vomanT @"or, &uiglit ta bat. beà ior.Hm y 1Mr. vam id týis.reu meremor uevas,.v1bts lor meà bvr$n iripo ichw g ite ond 2"éfi <IIovUg 98 Wibrin t mie b neaiiad, nà , ompdoo ott*nde Il up à maooording la h.mo faste. Ho ao*t hthe yum a*tn 44 Segan igu a&idl p1Mke .bixa .Ai s t o gaiui, ÉMo. mye-lads," émaya bejue -oh i e'.a" da . *npgb,sud s oMthe'wcn vhiii makeâ *tia * ditee "' ta-binitl rhoineË -o.Tt boet eldy, sud tb Oiztleoh1mfy -*0ysd Chaie- anidibee11111 escapod vill hie pIhac ,.x4oum afrd I Leoather artbd Wr BELTING KADE TQORf SHORT NOTICS. A. A ffOUT (laIe vlf.h ouiyLegk D h*ibeoVII '-'-mort valuabl ni me eling eziatIng atrnctarsm. CmosIc, fgr tho li i q4o auKnîtn Pibrn LwCyIS W<U 4-41) *P. O. Ex.- w~ Vanwiu mn arr îsg SOINCS LO-UI1 ouI7PUYf A utfiorfzed a ut5 Q .O J~ 885110 .11JAN Town anti Papk-Lots FOR SA LE. 0BLTon Ereel tro,mepsr.- ONU DBLOOK (RIX Lots bweenUEsk anid Byron Stru4. I» u o Joug WOLFnmoElN e ýt Wolfendon, Doiid.eaSt., Wblby, pýMxJREmiD OTSWOI4b SmEP W4ILAD DUUR MZ LB. t, aisd' fr RD I Psy, bw. fer ithe Dlreoloni, Il-et Sin4O