Bu 8 818 DIrèoôt0fy.ý T BO AT *W, SQICIýÃ"1gSN O. H. RITCHIE. W. H. BILLING, Toyonl. lVbAby. notai, *dbr-. J. là . A WLL14LE. ",uy orm nalloue. DominionBuk. s&& corner King sud Yoage Streetu, TorontO._, D. A O'SLLI AN. .L%.PERDUE. laTE -i.ATTOBXEr4T."W.' NoUI7 publie, h.B. nt ratccwest of Ârmloaeb lRotai. Monoy to Los-Prirsti fn±iI..-st loy, intrs. DAVID 0 EtlgSTON. D.B-â., BATLW OLICITO]b Ili *Owuc-In the Office South f h ' i off"ic, luîll&nlo Ricoh. Brook Streut, Whitby. Iy-î0 BOBINsoN & KLENT, (LAva DuooÂà < & Romzuiox.> B ABRISTEBSAT-LAWo ÂTTOBN- *y", Solitora, 'Couvoyanoora, ho. OPFTO.-Ifl victoia ChAmbese, No. 9, Victoria Street. G.YOUNGit iTRLL.J, 04wixo-OvOr DomWnon Euh, Whitby. Ibn. t1878I. tf.8 & o. G ELT StroWltby, Ont. Je RAUER GREzENWOOD9 ATTOBNBY AMD BOLTOITOR, CON- Aoveyanhr.Nob" yPulic &o.-Post ORa I>awr ie. . t#tyont. mne îà adaa mde arige 8Wtt1s. T'oana uegotlatedl on SU Madec01 leaV. 4r-ly C13AILLES Ce KELLER, ton, Brook<0. L. Te DARCLAY, O*LBMSRTO TE HIGfl CoUrt, L-o. Office iiCourt Route, Whltb. JotiNq U3LL DOW, ARRITZBAT-LW» OLICiTOU Br Cb ez , uaer, &o. OMe-Deverli'a Block. BrookSte, Whftby. z MONET TO TEND-Privais Punda - în smnuta 1SM00, st a 0w rate ofIn iOHN A . neaQiLL[vt&,. (euoceuor te H. . RowoIll) RARBISTER & ATTORNEY.AT.LAW, Bntao nli. a Slior for the 'ls b.~ ~ U I h, 78 h pr.az 0 WTARM 8RM fer M.oe% fo nmnton»' Cai . Kuing& Yo autotuin lteo- TisEs, f100 r»' Dox. (r47) POST OPPIOR d1LON. ,Toicsvo.. M coONBLL,-.POPZTB 9W TEE BEST IACOOIMODATIOIt us. for Gueésa. <1>) *C.A.IbD! UNDRRGNRDhavuqluIae The intematonabetR", Port Whlthy. wi" h la mny MfrisiteeaU a«* um hlm. Fsrmsca aud eolliac lg busnu atth U&Esboý Il luI goalsocoommoda&- vil ha providel vit'h bta st Ireesoable raSsi. -10F- . CMA R OA 6EB AND TOBAI#CONIS-TS> INDRIES, JUST BECEIl RD AT %t R. HGW8E'8 UfltiO 87rÛRf WHITB.Y. O]H 1N4 H AL-L,1 71 ~N- . EAST TORONTÃ"~. Fah, rekfaat sud Tus Se. Faie>' Dia sud DonatSla Fcy Bod.iceom sali. S!r Plâted KuieFl asu pos B~r Plated raea utrCo.a Bibear PsI&O $asee Rduera'Knvoan sd Farks. Fezayusu0.rvca GLOVER HARRISON," GEORGE BROWN. ~oinvoaYOK Wiitby, Marcb lot, 1862. ilWod'Wok BROUGHAM HOTEL, Corner Brook'uud Main Streotu, lu tb. Vwi gof Brongham.' Firei-olau acommodations. Bout Liquoru sud Cigare. Goal sabliug sud attentive hotter. THOMAS POUCE, PROPRIETOR. T CENBE» AUCTIONEUR flot the .LIonutleeof Yotk and i4oth mSou eth Ontario. Anotion sales of rosi es"at, fsrm stock. eta., sitendam =doerato chages., à ddre. TPOUCER., 50.ly lOz 47, Brongtham Ont. CENTRAL HOUSE,1 OSH3AWA, ONT.§ W. B. McOAW, - Proprietor. First-oisasaccommodation. RBai Wmneu Liquorsansd Cigare. GoacI alalinQ su attentives hogealec. y.17 WHITBY HOUSE The. nudriguol vonl intia" ale1the p u l c t " ) . a b o y a p r om i s e a a v e b et a 1 l ol u tt p ihroughnt, for thu secmmodtionofgueai.Bot Winea. Liquors sud Cigar. rHE eREA» OF CANtADA" -WAL.Z LAGCR. Alzo pur Uhine Wine. Lagor, Whole- Sale sud Roifil. Board en takon by the iftek on moder- &te terme. 3053FRI A. BANDELL. Jnly, 281)' 1880. 82- BLLCI<HORME UOTSiL., Cmn. Fsouv Giosa u .. TORIONTO. ÂLEBED OXPORD, - PI1OPILIET03. (LaIe of Welliugton Rotel, Msrkhsin.) TERM8, #1.00 FER DAY. Goal utsbl- l4a for ovar 800 horues. Ptraolaaa coon- mmdaion for faritera sud the travefing public ilu pueral. {y4 T=EE HODGSON HOUSEO mLate Tialy oLeays&) The abovi premlea bave been -token by tih. underulgnel, sud are upw be[ug Il wly litted up for th )meptloof ea, su th. tiravelling public. Boat Wiges,liqara, cigars, &a.- Koala et su hourt. Gool sblug, shed rcom, sud su atten- tive citler. wu- ECGO3N. THOS. SLEIGH, IOIJSE & SIGXN PAINTPR, -Can uow ha feunads is u Sop,- TWO DOORS WELST OF ARMSTRONG'8 HOTUL, DUNIS STREET. SM' Ordera promptly attonded ta. Whitby, April 14.,1880. -16 Physiclan, Surgeon, Accoucher, ho., &o. -C. N. VAR T L.D, S Wbitby, Sept. 110h, 1874.40vn -LJ J.. 1. . MAR.»J. Il. BATES. Nowapaper &dvortiots A glont, 41 Park Row ("ines BolIdllg, New Yorkc, le, authiotlsed tu cotraol for udrertume. monte ltuaseCHRDNICLE ut out blet rai. W. ADAMS, ~00MB OVE~I . H.]PL 8N .LhG;pqrySt9~, >ona&I.,Whtby. office hori f6='9 m.te 1a m., sud frcm 1.80106 , p. im. - Easdeue-Obr. cf Myron snd Oilitert etreets. ERT inarI~lon a# h lflesprlofleof~h r, Teu*'gtidedwdhut apa,by prioacoing lolsismthPa,3eu sIoanCOy., laun cibc, ovsa Ml ?a Drgtore, King Set, 0h 14 B -INN * J(>KNBroU.WS9N'8,- D RITAL . 10MB raeoaIfront. kiniboale rug abre ta cetomover Bntrancaon King Blreet. ,ou vat =8 uoytO m*eOti Té wn aa unch, as mas, ahM yOe= ont bualiieai. i-l» grsahpqal1that )Mou Doxk mafe 0"E BLOCK (Six Lots)balu» 4çkaiéh IN SURAIN OE.. LomardSt.usdihslngCrcsLonden. GILLESPIE, IMOFIÂTT o0., Agent erCnua A GENOT ES&L yHDu CANA. DA lun 30. Ulitlluiaty cf &U- tia Stockboldmr, sud lare Raare Fuda odert ratai of premlu. C. NOURSEby WUtb, Aril thjeale i nu c.1ii lit -L5 WHITBY. Geo'. Cormack, Dooc b ah sud Bilnda L gMB whokuaie sud reaUi, or b7 Plaplg, MonIdings of caery descrip- tioz, ý1oor1ng, Sbeeting, ShelvIn;, R.. swiug, Shapiag, Turiing. ScroUl-work, etc.,.*te.. Witq7, Oct. 151h 187.lem imo rouels t hé boa That 1usdn tb litsF Wltb drosi. ml~ not i.c.asysa ne d ,., the a1e? Â5iibmlo cence tauc Such love lu e«ver cdop<l; or lanund banda et oe reach A m"Oage bcbg thut a ujofueedthe=n. t*maert-1 ffle- oppo rt'of éffeel.ý ,lieth~toa é hall Ppuie' YOuî ia-d TLit tbringa trie"5010 outug. OUrwats l'r " r~t~goc.njiit, lea, ut m mou" AitI bo2:'nyoi opinion, sotau' jfbtýjy9 e' iiâwce mate Ith e ealahrophe,- " dmiGrau.i The lortues'joinel ltaI st uîMe*nigt % lin-- ' Il w anaaéb %bat sanpIin - w neoppottea tyofe wo1e ili TXu ulepr) tltwaed vr'fvvbeit vlia alle drh umsb. omfru:rs a esIfuse > ad But love we flntsgongh For loye eU #Ting.> HEN RIBITA TEMPLE. ALOVE STOUF B'T., 011. BENJAMIN DIBUALli "Qoctb Banche 'Raid Lt ont, by ail mussa J ~ITISH AMERICA I ~ daligit b baarlng cf love B - for I A 88ur8flO8 Oompany. INCORPORATED 1833. A 8BET 8, *iiOl,876 9d. V3'A. BALL, Inummane effet the .loveat onrmmt rate. ou Bufillngi, M.r-hsndpaa, sd altas proporo, agslsal lest oc.damsey*dm C. 170115E Whlîby, AprilM1h,1878%1 MONEY- 1-0- LOAN on EASYTERime. Appi>' te- W .EILE Mr Oe vecOntacia Batir,- 10-Ift'it'. "8LLPHOLINE LOTION." BOOK VI. i sm so nervona, abhe continuel "lttit l ea 1me I abs!! ever> Min: ut. give aacreau sud bavele om.?, 11I feue xactl>'the. sine; I am itopi- laed."1 "lTslk le Mnr. Glsasoubury'; drink vine sud talh. Loch, ledk st your Motte; ateis vateing no. Site à dylugtô spsk to ru, Nsd so is seme .At Imteni ltaé lie, vllrev ; Par dins4Atin.udl tem ta lte &»ofe th* 1*4 rBallair shooh peXsuet hlm, bql mast âlge 1Bs lrà sI ti otz,ha aud. 0éb Mnsi adlad"milMs rl son ~ ~ lu0agbs' Pa.Rnuat do& 'é pal~g*a., u mameèdlà *tlma.logrlmwi 'drik a d eofwl", "sd Mr, Tompý l lvsatlumoilw~1 Tite ev.ning -dr.w en; canageu ver MMou4oad; gua reI e.Fr libnullingered; Mr'Temple vaë Fordinuldn ment ttro vabut oee mode of ialis, faeonillY. .#&-ig hitr Mutualaém- barrsumasnt-titay apraug, Inle ao)' obiiers' arma. At! liaI vas a moment of rsplnwaO aveel, tbcnilg rspll ( Thora vas na neal of words, their mvoul vaultel aver a&R pat>'explanations opn ber ipsber choicesud ùtrsmbIing lis h ealel hie gratitude and lii e-o Titesould of faciateps vas hourd, lteé sajated Beucietta' made ber escape b>' an opposite outrance. Mr. Temple re- tornaI; b. moi Caplalu Armine wit ise baad, inqUiriel vhellber Bsn.i alla bal reticed; sud vitn Fordinaid averel u inte irmatTà ive. visited hlm godugte lad bgged ehlbm le bisalfaut vilt It o.môrrow. * ORAMPTR-XX.t.. - - îi ca, ,xoueflhzat; itgnosrs» wiLt fami 1les, tlits a'ebot1i -lt adhere la ltle dobl ýtt-hyuls. tiael upo1hhtBite-nIie tilibediuniitatlou v;iiétPoiee su lol'du béotue n livIZ-ogeIheÃŽi ie> bctlhhoîiesllyuan. fieaihat.théa are a libile iniovavwit éselolhe's vvesftlolaonly tuskeW ibeir- -"., '--er-agrueéi.*-Tii.' - féùilycl"oie-st1 -Ariie hueabewneon. ulddMbIl inreaid -cf I.â; lieralaa ver>'-adibbie-yonngýAlpine ourla. tona. ûIGltonbmoryà a cnronmsîanoa *ai*icitreps>'. -lii. tenant of tlit over fat .11 bis evblion, Jsud titis blondisg cf, Mis namiandulmemory w11h 4h. il- lusbrioium 'race ltaI tauo long occupied' ldoi-hhonghtu sand hopsia ta but a Source of-conslant self-'congratulation. Tite -future BlirGlastônitur>' ba- s liceyopugec brothers, quit. worthhyof lte blood, Temple sud 1)1gb>' ; sud lte mosl cbarzping, ululer in ltse- warlwith large violet eyeusud long dark shea, ,Wi tuuil in arma; sud vito bearu lte itallovel usame of, Heurietta. And titus suds aur Lovm BrouR. Adule.tas a is>'»,muan Lochbe. Veqpqr p elle4 lÈau but bitl, Ãé p h 4tsalooaaȐ'grlp #of keed reioluj - '1~5T1~ Ai .Li~Ja '±.Lu [çT4rpwHcr Love Awsy,. tet hellpO!. ,yon., aet MoGuiie vinceltm Myrtle y * spd theaivraonl a ;tbLt eemed te sear. hlb CJhé ime cf silid&snd Thei uvallova werW "vittér- foè. ori mirsvr, st Id lghsoram 4i ra-hr fï*nm wbici t haéalel 0 erùof.U ý l- greal gùntunl 'ean i,'Mte," lite ' aayi. l û voiechocel vc7 a woi .d c-f- ens t&- Ii-baxveýpligbted. yitr. trot'.i ose lite your. luturO la 'bond, le nin lb," -rèplies thé 'girl, t GaI Inowi mylifo would be l better, itaà ppier, Were il fol 80. ved yion with "->atrong, o. ë- -106 eitI"lbasbecome a Pan ~um '~peavanYeu wit ,ait tn* pa.- MOI cfhafi tuawhes f omonm ualMal tur,4wt'onbqme to meibunhhere-iun= i beavepaoroe- panop iad.ti -sa, sd o mte strIe baâiny'vilft bbepérfume, f1 -rom$ yon 1ea1 y,, - ame '-IuA yen have a notbeI;;-! "&-theu-wirth. mauldsiwugoba -a ginleita sesitveopiuinaeFno tou n botefourdéfUsrs.&do ýlarss g, b o 1 FS. lne-impale.-.g "'You voul sot 2"-asheltlie gir .. :5W- wuo,"tv e rreply. ' 64J ouil net . - - bot ou suything.", "$Tite," îaid 'lte girl, -speakng '-cou slow»', sud vilh grave- ten2drnei, .lui "ýyen hul bolIer itead. for . he gale. Iý Il eau neyer - place my itappinesa udyod ohauoeu for qSping bonkt net lh .oý cf a man -Who svould lektgo asure a lg it se thal gai Sway.!'-Oliag 'rlu.t Texas Bat Caves, gc; -The. bal cMves 4f Texaushave escé n krà ovu le bear. -hunIers ýsud.- turley .g hunerss4 0ohe dvequouosperspns -pet ON"Y . wu"va'lwtequilly, eabar. rusal reply. "satn11s 1oan7 îame- fsiMaYasecof Irritat>ion et go eleatos ueti "'Nows.oloneli, 1 My dut>'bsat bave y-on hilaI 'tirea.-mon-?" vbItihoccsuboed these nufoztlnal ",WeUir, ltse fini omcrr duri mli iactie operationu. Thé ofce bia. AMan insullol xMy, ifs. 1 vas th.colonel of -the rogimont.. -1 vont doWvs«-ofourse, 19' sel) aboutit thott l n s wex ioneit sud ite maltr vo i , ivembgawal., 1 saici, -"That dont eatiafy me, G&aisin.The. main, vithva w u isig 5011 drew o me. ý Theze -hâppened ta be.s Imita hin an sd I kiled-bio.  court-muar- alacquitl0meaftor. tweuty mliuute cecou.d:diMcultby>?» à kdth lboawyer. 46Tha apeel ifhevar. 1 vas Lu -th mg 0f èýoOillou a éyeûtil Wr sud insuultelnu. ho ýw .4i 'ùubùl 1I ob mypiate tcebjusitfifleeon minutes-. saoqutCim BvJfé£mtiecorindlu me tIb dore 1 sizena Sbroie jr tolis dravgr ito, Olsutuun- o HIS PAPER mal b. fouui n IlleSia4 vetau oatmsy b. mal. for il cu MO0N EY TO LOAN 1- Olx REL STATE SECUBffY. AI lo0wut lilviug rateof lut meae'y aeened vithin10daby. O< ap. An,yto Wiitby. ]Febrnsy 35h, 318. S obUtrang hens l e uvou "a , iwe ah term toutem. aileaon.a nlutal u t a hat Outmalimaha,Ȉ &Loid8iO e 'nu dom y-r WRITeY, ONARIOb swr LEA TUER AND> FINDINOS, - - Cas paid fer BiasM, ~ T~xoma SMORT NOTICE - a>,1872. A. A. ýP08P0 A -R C sud's6d SDouiçna fer CbucchasVIiasuCtega1 u ou Kingeo iccru. - L@cky's -' sjpa SS Ifi DtAI C8mrAY "Cetlb botNO. ua72n LE,> 6-VO. [OUJSE iii, 1882. Inster.) wun he oula- ittU an&g (Sa tuncg B.1. for alb. ta po.ltt u aInd titis ko. Port dopa. SslaOcosu ITf DAY, >44 ~GALL ai &aiug DlMctrà . htnd, L ourm. 1 1