Whitby Chronicle, 14 Sep 1882, p. 3

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.fr p% ¶ .. CLO , H 9 - Ç,1 -î ]3est aotùito ~ - New Etuy1ea i JinliÊâ h( ~U nEriïùn nd SMf t te ne*ýGeêds. Wé 9 '~llratàé e. o~ ~yç Ne. »W.~EEL'8~LQO~, .i W. isil &ho lelo c i u..u to1tb adls. smanlia oIswclsa et léb. sloub. "lae 4. certain ual thosuamasls 41 mtherm i bail wlth jo1 the advent iosu'snoba1 the os» ci ta vorp w. bave beau ~,aaue I. a<hr,p.elifr. 6f Dr. a or',ada f tetinonigaa a pse a.s468tto .gnils~p bwf~ cal s> h, ll Ihm esM% Aladï&isvo ay . atrouýs.'wl mrvovs protration;j - ho angor Iteom argântedbpaemut is'h at a e oase i vtrse» atda feeling of Issitu d ; b*itre langui , l lu be useusng su isan 1~eapptlte for flgoot] i la pariqm Ààsà sl ý44P 8atroper heure ismeetain,, sabIudýlbave recoure. & ~ t te Mn. Flakh&eps .getable Cons- Pound. Lyslob E. Piakhtmls Vegotable0Com. - ounst lu apositive ecnfor $tii those weakipeuii s commap te aur beat éussveWs Condition Pcvica Live stock cf oveq diecriptIon, ibéeisatiser bcgs. poltery, sseep, bisome, îV or oxen. are iniprorei in veigist, qnal. iyty ad healtis iy tise.colebrateti powdors. No stable or 11%ru »rd oan ayfully visere tse y are ualosai. Jil gl vp thom a trial. SoId evary. visere. Mopo Cintre, Onk, MareS 15 1FM. Meter. Perry Davis à Son & Lawreace, -Motrel.* 4f*. Your Pain.Klller tiras veil. Indeed 1 hWnmabouse sisold be vithout 1IL For Achsasud pains il is splendid eoti- doe WM. DENTON. meocLui. 8e. sdlertisement la aucîer col. A Nrt sud Braiis Fcd 'lakused lu al cates et pervons asisexuel pro- 011%stration. Maek's Pagutie Medicine =Oseta ibis ent more sfetiIisluy tihsu &uy other pr.psrstiàloudtise pries- ne birns ilt in tishesal ciel s. ,Reasi tise eslertliomsstlu asuotier elumu. Tiseas.fecteil i vh w«vaiLuugs, Siugglsb Livr or Dorsugeusente of tise sel KRindntyî, ehould procureaep6esSaieof Dr. Carson'a Lirzasd Lung Cous. ttlu ~Pound, aEuis50Ocent package mks étilthree Pinte cfSyrng. t ia vilesable k ~collection e of otso, erba and BarS.. . andtite resuIte iae ouderful. For salte by aIl Drpgg.ta.W. I. Bownas ageont. bis A Word cf Caution. Ae ls uouallyitlis eue vIsera Ou arti- mit cle of truc menit bas attalnsd tvcnld.. vide repetatien by le voudorful ro. sulta. as tihe cleisted Eletrie Bittera ha. dons, 0crtain unprinclid parties the bhaVe eedeavored ta imita. thern, a&Bd atoexpect to indue. an unuspeeliasg pub- xt àlic te pureblsa their fmoulent vares. E.AiSy a dal thétsegencielo ic. trio Btea htagusnteesi to enrb, sud taS. ne o thera. Sold by W. R. T- Hove at50 cia. ~ds l'Y Tise mos"' vouderfil osjrative reinse- Mr iM diqs of tise* orsent iday, aue tise.tisaI corne tram geriay, or alesit origlu. ae t isré.,Tise inet rocet prepara. ber tieonplaei upan tise market* iu Iis u country, ls tise GREAT GIRMAN IN. it. VIGOIIÂTOR., viicli bas neyer heen daI Suowu ta fail lu catng,* "aslcase of s cf ~ im pteucy, upertsatornee kness euns &Il diisee nltfug rous self. lesg abuse, snarrons debility, inabllity, metlaxeyè e ito, leaitude, te * depressdu 1ofi f = unlo sier. 'or, augemaents of thse nerreasa sysieu. Far sale by diugglaits,'or sent fres by mail an naelpi. cf tise Prise, *1.00 par box, or six boxâs for $0.00. Addreui P. J. lb. CHENEY, Toledo, O., Sole Agent for tise Untted Stats.. Senai for circuler-. Bold by W. B. Hcvse chemit sd rir r drugglat Witby. ma' 55 Hall'. Qelrris Cure la 'taken iter. i Ï0 Delly.- Il acte direetly open thse bloci, tO ~ ~ n t u b. aincone surfacesoatheise mu. Pried 75e. W. IL. Hovielsbenuit aud' lns druggtst Wiitisy, If Cetansis las tisatro yes our sens. of,*Mell ansi heaneu, e11,s Catrrhý Cure vill cure YOD. 75 ceti pOî'bot.' abs tle. Druggiste mIl IL Moi- Sice Revard va, Io ofered fez auy cae of Oatarvh tlsbt. ont - osaI b. caret] vitSHall&'s Catarris mati Cure. Takou luternally. Prie* 75i cm cetta. A Remarable Case. T RDUOIONFOR ON] ~4 <~. . e - -- - ~UBTWHITBY. rl=pinflt t ot#ion the - ur.vu-Trou&o ~Wi$,t. m, Plm.OhJ8 AWiSérbvaàt tGfIt W'anted. RHEURITISI, Dokacheo, tg o fth ID#& and S 8 i: Jpe <d 7o,00M,<ro nd FsIaraohe, Fs'oued Feof and Ear:; and ait .fhws Poing ond Ach##. &Wssy.A re taillabut the. aopuzalvsly In tieypain c ai, e reesE et lis l le OOLD BIt AUL.DEURGISTB AND DEALME IN KEDIOXE. A.. VOGELER & 0S., A Clergyman%. Teatlmony. W. E. <lifford, pastor Id. B. Chuzch, Bothwell. vaa for tva jeara a suiferer with Dyspopsia iu Ils wQrtform, un. l as Le statusIlife Secam. neatu el buren." Tisree bottes of Burdocis Blccd Bitter. cured hlm, snd ho telle ne in a recept letter tisai ho o=uedere it Osbo bit amilymned.leine now Ser. the counsty for Dyspepsie and Lir Decline of Man. 'Nervouea Weknes. Dyspepsie. Im- potence, Sexuel Debllity, ouresi by "WeI « .ath enovez." 1 s. Bulen'. Arnica Salve., Tise BesI Salve lanlise world for ruts, Brulaea BresUlcers, sait Rhtum Fer Sores, O5tter, Ciseppe&d Rena. Cisi&5,n&, cors . siasruptlosis, andi psitive. .t ce ùüà . pone «box. TisrouRis the preeent month of Ju7 tise Stomecis and Bavels bre veory liable to boe. derangesi. Tiseproper pte. ventastive ta Dr. Carron'a Stama-cisa CoUMstton Bitters, «fur by their use the Digestive Organe are luvigorated tise Iowela kept and tise blood rendered. purs and cool. Solin lularge bottiee At 40 contasIsy ait Druggist.' W. P». Howae agent. Flic& and Bugs. Pliea, roacises, &nte, bed.dlugu, rats, mices grophora, chipmuka, olearef onti by "Rcugb on Rata.' 150. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SCHOOL BOOK80 .T HALF-PRIOE 1 -For 0dey, e uil a»l tise falla*oa b oi1 Bocks et tise prcea beupe les-abot one.hai egewleellgpie FIRST READER, PartlI e. . 8BCOIsD - - Io FOURTÉ b --. c.e PIPT . . . 8e. BLLXNQ BOOZ, - -2e Tsking adrentage of a break in prces anegtthe Uciscl Bock Peabers i the Prvice,'ad purcistuà'a rey large lot of booksabaivery special rates ta caver lie blg aciool tradecf botis our Toxat udl Whtby hanses, vrehave reeaived ta gir. aMr cuseamere lm bath Places fu boe et tise aivantegeous puroisaaea iserde a.- Ful sliîlofa&U Booka set inu Hgis, Moal uee.liaSuisoala, ail mrkesi ai siates, Panns,and ponetils, aibattous figures. J. S. ROBERITSON à IMOS., Derersilsý Black, Whithy. W. . E]ges, f Fauvlle sufersi, Cois Tozontoé fzemsadiseasei!tiseLivrzandi LA n.ys, ltai& brought hlm se 1cm thal hie Sp.8hs 82 lite vas depaireti cf;,hole iy for tan, - and tirtaen siys vitisout au aopersteu W'H12' AdoWde St&, or-to cf Burdock Bloosi Bitire -loe as se. ONxILB Omo*, sept. 1, 1809 ablesi ta leaursbis 'bei aud& drive cet, llî .t»....540 iO thres istlea môcoelspeda cre, ipn Wat.î. 1II85i1 asdlies sys that ho fi nov abettesn PMpeew ét**#* 82's'090O80 mian thonise bau beau for tqanty yeara- 1aIy......OS 4O7 -e...... ........ 07on 000 Ilba 'ien reniad k i iequ.k. o 9 rsl n i a ittr ts gie tisu t n -Ol eI ... o..* 12 O edrlee, by tlisanu. os plytgy l Ri. ,.v 10 00 *8 Tise. ho rlre 11111S, gel ai reltilbo pIs,- 00 antI Udallable remesdy. fçr Chso1 -P= s. ........... &40 5 0 Morbue, Colla, Dyssitery, Canb.r-o i - . ..,....poi. a 010i - ibe Stonssolssud Bovp, asidal lý'UM4rn2 oi chs.ps..........08*l Tise fruititil selasen'cf AIseyear tu prcà- Calfokiùs ........... i 0 l4 9,01. liSc vilS mèny ternis' of Bowe0 c. tie pr b......S(0,*@ plaldts, sosuassf>irbcoa Dmteýi 0POSprot..,,. ,. 79 8*O Colle, hoerMKrblCilea15ssn g2 turà,&o,sa afe.tguard asi' p«oiS. M-t, peres. ........ ....80 0 0 W cuie for ottois duetrssalng a 10 ffl04 eau surpaie lise-cii anti rsliable maiàO.dW.c10 0 lin. Dr. Pewr', EIaet -f Wid jSL g auè.,. oct , - 01 Stravb.rt e;ky.etdL. b 9 1 As %a isoedycure Wfot)emtm, y &, .....cs. 0 12 851'15 Oramp,BâikSltowaab,fè _O 40 0,,W',. SioniacisuadtiBowels, tiand o*aUoÇ .rs et .siet Côwplalts#, this e nô me eri Pot~,e 0> W edy mare rel alei-laTI o*' .lt0~ " 1 EFxîmIt ofWiid Strvbsry, .sl boa . 0 > 8 -Ole wbo ssii it sud tisose vise boy lIts .4o ussed.,,. - s mutulgroundo Incou"" lts smwru mentaL ~ - tetlFS1X.06 plyte wittbyl Sept lotis, l 3. H. ADDXSOB, Poeudry ofice. 882. 81 SCIIOLBOOKS.' CBAEP tHOOL DORS i pareute milChildren 'wil iaititut i advautag a -l'tMe.Ala.bofore pur. issqtseiol bocks el.ewisere. SCEQOOL BOOKS 1 SOHOOL BOOKS 1l At greaty redsuced pie.. PEUSTBREADER, Part I1.80. FIRST 60i . . o SECOND 150.Th. THIRD - .- 250. FOURTH " 80e SPELLING BOOK, . Sc. Full rey of sil"ecoo i qustes- blin ani Exrcie itke. -srb s&netbhsg specia in Drawlug Books ami Teit Booksfor Iuterm.iatse amina. - tpaiscounlIo Toacier. Piese. lo notforgat -Cose pSchSol Bookm,asl:, MRS. ALLIN, Brook Sbreat Whitby, Sept. Skis,18L Il-ti p uRsirAN r tc o rier ol tie -RI& cout of Jostwoe iacq tttY made in thse matter of ImeattlSAI HÀMILTO1N (otierviséIe *o. deoueee Tise credtars 6f these ausA Sera Hsua, late ofÉtýY Wh tby a b oualy e Oia ýJOE1N RARR b1, thsouli itcr cf tish ditae cf tise d11e=01 thir chritda ud sornaMMOI, ai' de.C.ad descrption, thse fun patfcisu af their da,, a6atatment af 1helr mc- coowus, %Id tise natur. tise socuuites (if any) seld by Uilm;, o(la sWUlt theof tiea miis e rom ara xlnded tram thse benedi of tise maaidcrer. Every credtor holding gany seurityla tN produo. thse sum beoem, y Cis bon stet1h. Tovao f whitisy, ini tise coaty cf Ontario, an tise me~t day af Septainise, 1589, t Tan 'olpok in the. forénoon, being thée tisai, PPclnl for anioan on the edaims. D"tédthi. lad day o*Sepl.ber, 18LM OPRO. IL DÂ1TNEL~ Une oa te-lt *LQo-0o Dbo F i EDIION! bes 20..dsSpoos Two- for 5 cents. lbs ed-Pot-ic Sugar 1tor $1.00. 1Ilbs.- test IRefin ed Sugar. for $1.00. .10 Ibs. Granulated- Sugar for I [ ~~ood. . ~Cheâp Teas, andG etlrores A Fr8-cas CatlIEaerWaWted. I 'J. rn. COR.'BROOK AND D Whitby, A.ugust 2Znd, ý1882. HEINTZMN & OOa MNUPACTURBBS 0F Grand,. SquarB, and Uprightl PI1AN'OS ýWc confid. Uisuert that our Pianos ave thse lest vainc obtanable. îver Piano fifly Warant for 1ie Yemr. Pr acami speotiu Sseoited. Viitors to the Toronto Exhibition- are requested to sec our exhbit- firet Geflei~y north 'west "cl of basin buildiig. 117 Kng-st West, Toronto. TREÀgURKRSg ILIE OF LkNBS FOR TAxKg.i &u%=meri&«tise oni cf ithe Waraansa tisede of thse Ccslsroia B7 lmcelmh t o Otmdaete .Tvsnty-faurth da7 af Augeal,18,oz4 a hea.ei'!setfczth : I hereby iwntiet tuniosn tuh- arreraaniaamm r 1aoie puà,I sahinacopliance with the A sment Act, rprceed ta sa»I L y PUbi Àustic tie slAuati~senei Ileref a benecssaI , I& ewtuéeset ltse A..7 0,ail.bu c EIcok ta the ranocu. pait- - Lot. Con. Aoze."trofT axies. Coats. ToaliAmt. Uuni. Braqgbarn, Vil. kt' ItLota.925 Pile G IL IL48 218 888 Petetei YILLAGIC 0F FORT FEIKRYs CaUMeronsPlan, LMll & qaent, 80~70Cà 206 98m Pateutel TOWNIeliIP 0F UIBRIDGE. EN asti f28 2 Wes part of B afta 3 Part West balu 10 7 1~West all' 10 1 Lot X-0.IIL0IIIavst,is 1 i 10 t soi 10 2 S8 st a- i i 10 * 1 10 78 7, 14 -,fi TOWWIUP 0O 20 2098 268 848 s19 a056 226 005. 225 665 227 0F BROOK S 2 19 218 615 228 190 215 2 o 10 8l46 228 1 10 - 831& 2 81 2j7 PurtNorthisi 4 8 -14 418 W2 part 3.î'A 6.89. 19 s 2w0 2540 274 NorlssaIo 10 100 8eO BAR N -9 fh<~ 1672 259 ~J~k~'i'9,70oe 254 pogt North h&H, 22 2. 2 - 5 l12' Drkes~ 80 123 40 11 82 8 put souhiaalfla1 à 8 a 47 219 Part B 1"D1-12'"8284 la lo 1 -7 265 1 7 Southuihmlf10 C M1à 617 226 Baitlislf -. 8 '750 n 6 8*-t' à D 1) 100 ntg>112 8ý D iS 00 8219 1 x F 10 18 96 21. 8 I 100 .'6012 8 part 17 G_ 188~, 284, Part G si 8184 Fu.17 G 7- -l. - l ' 17 'G- -O7'-2%,, zoo- 100 5 n 24e HiAL L8 ATARRH <URE Tu .comene.dby PIIyýIeIans. Catadr of the N&salCavlty-< ronk Mud 4JlCOraUVO ¶ERNALY.an ot RETYupou SBlood toI Mucourfdaces or thse utr./~ i e loBIod Ps' e, * t@ilâ k&O ."gd .-fthiAl OIT IIIEBNAL CUBE FU11 CA1H11H M i SMtu10 M75Acl;» ..w $100 . &ue 1 t VI t ue,0$100 bry utl ".. COn tt ai%I for wo pead mvavery mgeh benefftted by tise= ur0 f 0ai Zatr iure "Bshe i. nov about Our"d W. T. nOUSE. [have usai"BiCaorsOrd~ ei ug te rsteI derlved fraonu viii cale ,et w ure tise mort tbborià oAae of Caterris if Its use be ocntlnue4 for ah reernonabie Ieugt. is ! e. ]E ETrMB WZnW-43Dt Masois 20,11 ir. J. Cv»? hCa.oieAa. CO. Gee.H'esold MU«P Catarris Cure for tisa Ha C atarrh Cure Il mti h at 4i bon atBkl nglt sodWbU ttchateuM Canada H. WHOBONWillandi.Ot SCA LE7d LES' they App, ery -Farmer should have ýone, as soon pay for thomselvûs. We have a good aosortment. to select from; Effl and see them and get priçes. le Parers, the best i~n the market; pares,. cores, and sùces them ; don't buy until-you See them. HARDWARE,, Our uspu large stock of Hardware, Paints, -Ois, Glaffl, PUttý, &o., whi0h we offer çheap, being boughV before the làte risc in pnice. Lampsand 1Lamp God.Ame ican Coal, 011, whole- sÊde and rbêtail. Get prices before buying elIsewhere. Stoves and' Tinwar'e-Large stoek.--oheapi -FHATCH' & B RO.- SWhitby, Aug. 29, 1882. SP R 1IN CO s- 10-tf ARRIV 4ALS BOOTS AND -SH ,O-ES SUiTiA-iLE FOR EBVERYBODYSi' An immeetock from'-whic*'h to inake a seleetion. "Ltest - styles for Ladies', Gentlemen, anidMise,.t rémarkably low TII! $1,00. ).UINDA8 BTREETS. NýOTIC E Oouaty of Ontario 'T E.BYGITEN- TO L.tisaIthse Court of Terminer antI Goneral tac Deliývery, wMl bc olden in sud for-Lise COUNTY 0-Y ONTARIGO, t atie COURT HOUSEiîn tise Town.-- * o op Ir. ,au - t tÊisehour o! 10 ocokitteIzno3 of wbich al ,CoronýerE4siso - !tii. Foac, &d a oteziaou¶rnd ,-:ill talké noiehua goyern iemselve cor!sup .THlOS. PAXTQN SBenlD!e Office, -Sheru1,1C.0O. Wisitby, JiyiSi tI, ' 82. *-B LARlY'g, S IJIILE î FOe SA= OHEAP.,-7NEABI *CHRONICLE OPPVin. Wisitby, ,Y.ly 25, '8. 4-2 * HELTH i8 WEÂLTH. Custâ&î~l, a Speeialty. ~ flem eer ortIî Storee< MarketBlk, hib51 Whibby, Morale 22,1882. 286 SIatfentesi 98 Parmtet 28 64 Peente 892 aeno 841Paets 4à8 Paeaes taoPenes ses attd 60 atna JOH N.,SAUNDER«S 8PRIG TEED J-CLOTH8 I 11 r SIThQ Lirgest-and mose seleoted 4

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