ONLY 42«30PIRR &NIUi,ý WwItbyThnedy&SPt. 14t 1881. 'X'ho Treason t'O Ontario., Th uoveatoi wbieb moete XWedueaday) in Torônlo prosenle a startllég Innovation in tb. umages ot Or u rblio lit. and the spirit or oui pol. ideal organisation. The Oonfederation bac powu ont of 1h. Provjoee.* la l1q ~ iratice, lb... *urrnd.ed oeirtain oi. meute oit heir original riglat of golf. gov.rmaà t, but r.talned the remmuder 0E hast riglil la an citent whloh loft them in Intention mai lu fact, fuli powerm .o& acil onomy. In. 1h. nature of thinge, sport ftoqn ront experlence in tbe Unil.d BStau, the danger of Ibis Oonueortion, iayi-noflwihstanding th. proca"a4iof aielBfritish Northi Amer- '-&a Act, in lth e demcy of lb. ceutral autlhorlîy laenoroacli on lb. autbority of 1he. auth.ritiee lu tb. ponstituent Provinces. OcellUutional spirit and poIrioto feeling wou4,ietore, have a delîcate rept $ Ulca goveroumu. Bqt%î&spirit and tlisi *.ol1i bave beea disregarilod by Sir John acdo ald u is moyement be- l0W lb. level of slateamanebzp, onu b,, X plane lu whioh he belonge, that o1 a tumere poUilan. He ha. asmumed from jtii.. dite of th. confeaderation 10 Ibis, tb p.oie oli" orgeanisatioug hei Poloth ptoll ioena io of t were a municipal corp~oration discbarg- icg tt'fà bt nbj4ulb tlb.hegood pliau. of th. Dominion, ratfher îhan asità t.oliiovinot disohargiug iii funa- luol righte remaining with IL by ~vsoÊ' th.responeible goyernineul gowd pon i% by lh. Parliament of "--bôestraI aulhori-i, lualb.eusua bgofach lystem ase ours, lu a qrapin sutbjeol a i local vigilance anti uuyowj. Th"Sebave bhein tarbled -wlih a1rebseson tor th.-Wafty of oun lit a home-nul. by severai -toent ti*lohlago of th. poveof tahlb.Dom- - u.Tbs auloisot h. saomoaah- ta- *7 b indlltmtated. snffici.ntly ln lion by th. poversabtOttawa, goveruaopt oven aur ovu vlet' smess. The usurptionoai lie ral -.- tbdtlby la thion. caes vas sacompani- rec.nUy by su ggrssive &st viel, uelq odaa rrgace lto ana alllrensu Eart igits ea vec crdinrj bdy crae, ba'sdiposr- dot o ernito 1al lgblsdeclatel ho b. trs by alà gb Court of Arbîtration, lui h hi- bad sudl ieulting rmpndia- on MT até cf tls) ig boinug Dow Ucv.dua p in va UOLnvwhlcbpre- p -, taliugaOurlocal S»bler.ospeuly lOto contute dcfpoltiseailbDominion, eboca bd In l. avoetipurpase 1 O«yin, th 0010g ictonas for tuis Provneby tiatmu nt of thome aggteselou naar Provincial inletesta Indigbls. lb.échita tbm polirai ThéeConventon iebuct ajual mel fora outrcUhlg ouraffaire lu acéoox-anci .vlt thlb <ccd piqsur. cf atber Pro. vin..., côa la i le vont under ulister * ILaat Th* tact Ibal the Aot ai Mani' cba enabling lb. F.lerai Goverameat It "t Province a large bod y of vsualad#, bal hein peaed but dayl. ýbifore thei. 4et1 mdng liat, dîtau i s it e 04f ee-ma of bbcMani- ha Asti slrlktag evidence liaI Ibm tva Ait. vag. the resull -Of a astiel pOlt. Ro nlbadîh»eofafiaIplot assl ed cn mnfeoae mboconfuionu; ut Ils origin dMalbetlstands nov b.. onre .pabllà la a frank Iecisration of lb. proemut Premaier of -Quebec 1 The Rôn a.i ocuseau #salinlaa speoia l lis coastituent* thal, m< the re-eleation cI the Hon. Mr.m, asasfl uMnlaer cf MililItinu1878, hi undal i. Msmso a cousultation. lu support ai bis a ohave loua goal servi De la Que- ,Mr. NMosala el hob. Iblal eousuitallon laid dovn'thi poil- ;îreeprthelb.repreeentaliv.s ai at rovimntaret*ereuc the Boun- .ry-Avad B lis speecbvenl ou lia1 've 'ai- sitha wu the imultcaon vich e members ai the Gavera.- 1aa - Iailltbatlt ,lep On"isieo aqwmin Sl "u tet 8%S000,000 se-sigven uir the a b igll demaul su, -Il yonld b. lmn th IeprévInce aiQuebep ta Wbs pos Itio f ab. 66ON becms usy luprave. J acre la ours." "ooeiel1o"n whieb menue.. Seau siS Mavas i teb.Cab.- slémi alutheMaoalre -1ahd mmIbey swob Me. M*èOtsstaa ipama flb.1» J(ad, but lm mnt laQui b#s isuentlnaf c *mmoi-ss Ao Jtli thIe pin kt& 1sreldlil. .frnce rou uothia falii igiat of-day ai-len lb, eit Pr.vliae cf Qnbée confoed in eare, t,lal t aous ripa.' mof othe TeantarWe'el ilt. aiof mâdl by B'ohlaaMcnlIa effl la 41 ecalli alaid love lu w*- by leadors aflie Pssah -iota v Hanse d cammous I Who ex- italie in' - eigc.,as -moefbreoulPnob dem alina soalsrio, omsmtc s 24 riot irresisble ôocaclalc, iflta a te d"aelarl m, Ibal iIttin. lb téresIt aiasQaube d "i. Unde te l. 11<1c~,is mrevela. ou P4 11h lite UN wtepot r s n utmuse1asuhi aka h. 8es 9=4e" >W th~.elm goy . im. apui ts elle itale. a.. a1 thé people cf Ontario, non~e~vuuaj la boy lb. raging min, corne fcw Yban7_ a g004 day'.spor *wia a",o'n ' Wae mnoe ai -eod a truck n as0 In 14 ]NIirc 0nobtîcannI ot Do bc tuo. The only relia loft standing i.l th la stan, 10 1011 wbatî iï onc0 was. CktofficeeoJ uilgas estld. adtch '04 gonst lo decay. lisctramwps had mny a buead a &bternd 'Pisutant ores. Buuinatiug on 1h. past, îhey conoluded- tb go on, ana forget.ÀAf.w rode bronght' tbîm 10 another old -land mark, the oid Raahe mutart Saw Mill whlicb soffe tWonýy.fave' yesre ago exb *plojv.8 îwentyflve men an& n=4m orons touane, mpplyîug lth. neigabor. hlood witb lumber, This ancient edrue.- bure looked s though il wu@ waitulg for former tines. it je in zuniung or-' der, but ils uefuînes l past. Boig dé sermined 10 forget thé pa ît i ai r glories, tbe two tramps reacheil the third, aosuded for Wbulby. DEÀTgqÇ'IOM CELORLOOR.-A pros" report fromn Duuul'ilic, datcdl Sept. 111h, .syi :-Mrs. Radoliffe, wife of D. A. Radolille (hanker), daughtei. 0 Kr. H. Penniy, ons of ont most proii nent marchante, dieu la a dentiel's offlo. bore white hunder Ibm influence of ohloroform whiab bai benu adminis. tered by lier phyuician for tb. purPo.. -or having smre Ieetb sxlracledf. MMe. Radoliffe wam a universal favorite, aud thb. oicumueance bas caut*tfloom Of* the entire oouiuuiy. " 1Tbe lidy i. lb. wife'ot Mi. Rdoiffe, wbo lias laken Mr. flredou's place as toiler iu the Ontario Bank liere..'the. bereaved gentlemen bas ont deep syan* patby. FîsaINco rîtSTuYaeoN Lmcic-Mas. BrOVIL'S Sucocie.-We take the fol. lowing from lbhe 'Sportoemau":.Mr. E. Stovel, of Ihie ity, may he, and w. have no donht je a sacaessful flsber. man, but. b.cos only pay second fid. die 10 his acoowpiiebed wife, as an angler. They brougliî wihbthoama -few day. ago on Iboîr relairn from Stnrgeoo Lakte 20 very fiac Massnoage. Tih. two gemne of thm whoie lot weigbiag il Ibo. sd anI bo. respectively, were aaptnred by Mes. Sîovpl and we con. gratulate ber upou lber brlliant suecese. Ever aller liis friend Stovei must ing hie "11mb" storlet in a naînor key, sud wbuu lis taîkea about the. bard work h. bad lauding s a wopper, we shail fiel ineli4aed 10 amk if bie vif. didn'î do il for hlm. Ha, Ha, my jolv fiuherruan, you oa no4longer sol lbe lesdiasg part, ut yon may paso master to play the1 aaaornpénialuera1.r The aommilttee appointeti to roceive t-mudena for s Pareonage Ioir tbe congru. galion of AUl Saints' Clluh, mot aI lui scbool hanse, Montiay e"eaniug. sud de- cidel la ,punchase lt. resitlncu cf Mrs. Jarnes Hamilton, nov acoupleil by Mogiss. Jolit Dryden., M.PP.. N. Ray anti Col. O'Danavan appeas- amaangst tb. liaI cf jaalgoa on hanses caIlle aud oaraiagîs aI the Toarorto Exhibiton., Il ia likoly bis lordmiip Justice os- lii-, vili ho preeutel vitha pain of vhite mile aI lic. opeii ai tie Aseizes ou the 2ist, thena ual beiug s crimni- Sin u6gio ait prescul. Titis aspeaki velI fui- tie morale 'aifthe oanty. Cail aI Mri. Ailiaus lBook store, Brook tri-et, Vhitby, fan Cieap mnsie anti aIl kinil cf faacy gootis. MUn. O'DÂy*s CoiRnEspor)NnacI an tbm PnoeaExcursion vill appeat Deit viek. Ont riaders have enougai of a dose on lhe subject lunliais issue. A large aumben veut fi-anWiitby ou Moatiay per G. T. R. to Toronlao vituese the bomrnment rut take la Canada'. great fair. Dons foi-gmtteali. at Mns. Aline, Booksatori, vIce- enoucan buy lie best and obmapesl ichool bocks in tovu. lnation sala of tarin stock, impie- mettes, &a., the propea-îy of Mi-. Nelson Ciaprnau, au pari cf tls 7 aud 8, in thm 8tci con. of Pickering ou Tuemday Octoben l7tLi1882. PgawNcîtL.-Ur . Elliot Psove, af Mar- nions, bae bien epen;liug s liv day. in Whisby. Elliol iî loaSing jeliy. G.Y iibEsq., rcturuit froua, Wiunipeg on Salarday lut. Miss Watson, vit a r Mn. Jacksmon, also antived boni. nIer a mîtendeil visil la Europe. lu tlie lacrosso minvilb Bovmau. tille ail Wlaiby. nolieed jasi veek, in- aleal cf Jobby Bravanbeaug Captain lb wau llie BberI. Joihn.u fsield cap- tain. Il l dis gnacup laee. It hioct. covéeit uaouae papera blovlng -in evmry linlcioai. Oviag fla mm, liatrangumeul oi th* pipe. aI lthe valet ak, lhe streets - vers oaly panbiebly vatenel Monday. Tlio-Farmers' Pie-nia on Frisy va' veil alîmailel, sud aIl acerned t ejoy. th, day siaIendiiily. The applecmop is nouas55bal a feilare, as vausupposel. - Eatril a .e lng mlle ftameb.FJIl Ezha'bltobnd uap la Ibis lime arc ibsalpof ther yests. Mr.f Elvaril Hart bas ml bhiseac cf one bandrîl toansta Mr-. Alîxuýdsr Jeffrey for 'aine t[ausand dollars. Rer. Pallier Nagent,.tbm colebrate Livetpool pilianthropiui, ln expeolel lu' Iainlmay uit veek. Hi vilI b. 'lie gaîst aof11ev. Palhei Blafaord Thea umber of boatiai-s thle tfou 9?eningaofLorcîla - aoademy>, Lladîaby. Thésp.cidl colelon oà aï S, t. mâts elcanna, Las ,inbbif tc-fAi-o. - hbibaisi !Don -ssieml2ationseee -A baIhl adlB6114601,ontlb. "tapie" la Ibm Tavu hall. Thes oelbelal Ità liac Baud -luii viii uaiëhbe' thase deys tIioqght ta ble oysotr 6$uite atmndmgT«ornta fain. --- TUe galoxa ~lrruon lb.he ty.tý firsa~gad of cidirîyweataoP ata b. aipet. Mfr. Thos. Me0an olqmote oelarge hIahuslneme Ibis tail, ta à ~I~nbb itiueid $ltAer ué are ies'- agt ho'parÃŽmneslte Sema- Biosk tor-lb bi n 1mJpmsau iiof tt e. v eo odi ý-Truie tlaird, MystI. iouithh, Orloris flfth. Tbe course Wa avotind liai Bay Ibrieclimés. Tb Fipns wae eailed by MIr. John -Watsao oviner, or Ibis iown. ,iatufadayo race. Sorne fourleenc sirloestrîied, asud tbe Maul issth quantitrwam bowilà lerlng sud th. finig as follova:f Finish Time of rai ~.Mateor 2.00,80 8.09.80 2. Fions .07.45 8.10.45 0' Tory . 2.11.00 8.14.00 4. Trixie 2.12.00. 8.20.0 The. Moteor tols lb. firet prize, $8 in 'un'ley, Le Fions $20 and the Cor Modore's -cap, tb. Tory -#10, andth 1 Tritie ,J5. The War Nowa. TU,% GAiNÂT IJÂTTLIî BEGUN. DNpatches froua lhe seat of war upt ,Wednesdiy inorniug fannouoe th aoimnuemeut of what i. generall ,looks&'on .s. q4 ecisive batgj o t lt. 810 04cplete bis prepgratione, ail hacclpa ie lUn. of shîscIt, Y. ler'dy le'mnÃde s final rîconualîsalec suid satisftedhimseif ofîbe enemy"po sillon sud trengîb. Ia thc aflernool the *îlcomo ncws wup receivcd thati general advanop woulaitoike place. A six o'clock lb.e tente 'w6res@truckt, oa tIhe troope began 10 gel fut. position 4t midnighit the. wbole artn was il motion. In order mot' 10 siarm -ti no bugles were mouà deil, snd a 8.80 thei battie bail aowmenaed. strong force of infaîry le supportiri 1b~ sevan batteries of lthe field arlillezj wthhare operating upon iii men>y' ioge botwee.n il ICaraîm ansd iriblal and Gan. Drury Low.e, with s forae. oavslry and hors. artiliery, is operatini Boath of tbe Ftesb Water Canal 1<ý isards Zagazig with th. intention c cating off A.rabi's retreat. The resul ia lookeai for vith tht ultom anxiety. Mr.'JossphStone sold 10 1Mr. Morgar alilytilime aeep-weigbinir, 98W0Ibn.; -tbry krero ja iery finb lot. Mgr. Parl aIea soli ffty-four. 7900 Ibo ; Charle Wdet.iak 0 fifty- six, 8880 Ib. ; M r.CocL ria2, Claremont, thirtvbne, 5550 Ibgi MnI Morgau ships per Dominion Line for thei Bristol markrt. Harbor Notes. b.o romarks: nD, Toronto ta Bt Thomias, ' 121 Oredit Valley Ry.; Or St. Thornas to Delyoil, - 0 ,he Canada Southeru Ry. da Detroil b bltgé - . 284 Michigan Centîralif. ce. Chicaaota eI. Paul, 5'21 t -Albert Les .du;., 0-1m.Ea .'y, B.C.R&N . Ry sud M. & St P.Ry. t 8e. Pani 10 Set. Viucept,. 890 et-Paul, Miaxapolii s aitoha Ry. ý80 St. Vincenîta Pense, N.W.T., 477 ai- Causilian Pacifia Ry7. 'e Winnipeg te Lakte Winnipeg, . 46 Steamer Marqutte. Winaipeg tho HavItLakte, . .175 Canadieu PâÈlie y. Itlt Portage te Lake cf tac Woode, 80 -Tbis midi, a total, going sn udrning, tecf 4,800- mie. *lunaddlition te lbe hotravel on tht regular ltrip, the editor of theIb auoixLu. ail dtemaki. over 8011 [kn direction on 'liim retumu boîue-bringlng D-bis journey up te urarly 5,000 miles. >, The rsilway men vbom lb. pru. bas o. tanka sfor spocial. corures re: >bjas. Boss, Gien. Snpt.d Oedit Valley lt J. W. Leon*ril, Gen. Passenger Aà g et nd C.V.R., csme la Detroit, made- prealir- i. mnary arrangements sud socuued special lupivileges. Puiibing, active, liaaroagb hgYoung railvay in-bas respoueibis et position sud fils il adumrbly. . A F. Tifflu, Freigbt Agent, C.V.R. g W. B. Calloway, Gen. City Paehenger 'Y Agent-s ragalar brick.. - ?s J. W. Lavea, Mic»igsnu srrl. k' W. D. Hughes, Canada Boutlien. niJ. F. Lee, Csnsilisu--.Peeger Agent g9 C. R. 1.f& Pacifie. Joe A. MeConueil, 0. in Gensi-al Passenger Agtnî's oins.e, Of Chicago-Young Canadian - very obiig. i f ong. Il. F. McNalIy, et. Paul, Minneapo. lis & Manitob.a ltsilwsy-anotber regu. nlar brick. General Manager Vanonn>e, C.P.U. -t Assi. Gi-n. Myanager Baker, C.P. s8 Superintendenî Egan, .'.P.R. > W. Harder, Aset. Traffia Manager, 8. C. P. B. te Hnrryiug over'tbal portion cf the.tripj lu Chaicago anti &long te St. Paul, by Ibm Albert Les rpute, wbich wil b. farniliar ta iaeny cf ont rea.ders, andi vilchis 1 Itbeiug daily travcledl by ;ucel travelell Seing vesl, Ibm parly anive aIst 8. se Vincent. -Ther. the excursioniste verc > laken lu charge by theO Caadian Pacifie Y Rsilvay officiais, sud remainel lthe. 0 guestu cf liai Compaly outl bb.r te. w tutu to tb. sani. polt-e.xooipI ibm r:being enlertained the laProsBoud Cor-. y poration of Winnipeg, the corporations1 of Portagd la Prairie, Brandon, Sulkirk,i Rat Portage, Emerson aud Westl SLynne, snd tbe cotultcors of $be Ese. ternportion cf the c1zaadis Pacifiec" Uaiiway-Mensts. MoDounald ai Min. uing. On ai-rival aI Winlgae th. ex- unisoniste vira lak.u ta liasTecumsehm Hanse, wi-bre breakfast tas in waitiug.t Afe asi sshort dabentipu h9 parly wvas' taken abord liai fipe river iteamet,à r Marquetît,"ov.wnadxy tleB.. R. Transportation Co., of vhicb Dunnoone C o., are managers, sud vire &aIten ou il dtdightful rip up lthe river ta Lakte Wipnpg. eligiz«li1, du in vbcIpohbm.aloics'emor" along thm river bs.uks sud a hearty dinuer voeejoy- ei,'-aniltheboy aofbmte emurWva 1 agala lurumil towards lths Prairie oily.1 Stopping aI Selkirk a eshort lime on lb. relaru, the ÃŽecursionisis ersonmet hby tbe MLayor aud Cor'poration sud an - a driss prneuud sud repliod ta. 8clt kirk setep h encleus of -a bowu yetlà desîlueil ta b. a formidable rival go u Winnipeg. Afir daing jus"toc.thelia pleulifal banuquet îprcad by lb, ladies, tbe party re-embartedl eossieg the riv-. er la Côlvilie Laudint, vfle trî vas lakîn for Winnfl., ad via ir the party arrived about l . . si Suudoyvas spint' aoordiug la d. le vidual iciallm- ot heqayIc viaiting lias chloreb". ,OA3mtozisbly 1J locte u ia.thehospilablo résidanot of 'I tbe registrar cf Selkirkt, ont cid rad Mr. G. B. -sas, vio t lochpôomes ii of aur Vsle sdbeca s nmr. ar t nival, bm wnt.rsaPenl a qan&-, su-on. jo*l day. In .compauy tlM.l Isaand Mr. FArrar, eodites cof tbri Tiese, a visit vas paid telabis ras. Arobbiohmp TaetaItbel Palae, B Boniface. ,Notbing eu001M cl a kinîm nsiud confuey "L. soetpgden given lobs liybts grs., vi a mI theo Yacht Grace, io Belleville, puý iu for shelter an Sunday nigis. 8hf .was neîuruiug froua tie Toi-cula Uc galba, honnI eassî. Tiie yacht Rat: Gi-ay, cf Oswego, N. Y., ri-n luoa Ti dsyugIat, shé vas hounnIfoa Ovg.The OspI. sud ai-evrégitSh 'd cI;. tiRoyal,. Ibm loft Welnesln' Mn. Juin Watsona arivt bonis ou 'ah -ions. vt i ra a Tics*1 JOURNA&L or Coumiacu."-A tissire on eut part ho comply vili lias mandate, -Give to CSaai wbat'beionga ta Cmuar," coanpot e lho aardti oua aontemporaa-y, Thie Ma'otrealJoural of dom encret, a higi place mp a buuiness nevspaper in Canada. Its fresh and piliy budget of onlsp neye iteme and ahly aniten rerjuva apon the publie 4seiians v wicebaffect comamerce are iest viti intermet cvery wvek hy thon. sauts of toekeepers sud viiolesals mercitanîs Ibrongiont the owlaansd cîiea af lie Dominion, via aU cobaur viti us Iha thie journi-n aof grea coen- s'uuieuce ta lbernas asis sund nîliahie estence. Ita quotalionm, reports of the generai wialesltemai-kitsaud ak! stocks ire Couaprelisuaive ail voli ne- visai; its records of vsmkly falurea, fine -lassas, Dow uir sanauualc',sd Ils imapartial sud inlapendasut oriticismes upan thei inlividuaîl oiugs oft lb wbole sale sud retail hradc frtnaily, banklag anti iunsne instituias, exeat à ben- effélal influence on ail concernel. In s word. he e-ral of Commtera la fuliy «P o the mark se &s Irade ntvipapet, -ad, vbilql its prisent dreulation is lb. laruset egular-oac ai sny l Ias Seoun:- tuy. il liserées st" tilylinormase sa' no meutobau vbcvishes l kesp pas. vitia-the baiomexigeucises afOnr day eau abfrI la romba i ilonl il. saab. script"; #2ra Exicottiaxe or Urm s an aunox.- Fri -aiss., oonvieted oftantagua. ria mntder,vins bauges) a&I Lmeulck au tbheaaornîug of; - îl 1 uti.,-' à lanme d-t'auamîouteille .geai anti âwaited tla-obsingOcitue - bliai -fisg, rnuy ni îbem Ptay1ng tor lias-eau., vict's sou!. - h klal kuavu vb wetber Hynes mole a stalemeul peoi ouel bS grtb,"buî itiled rct - a t t rurrde,ý TlWe à Iuhiar arivsb -lu teelà, mud70ttr paite el tgo ýrlck l iniiwci lb. pôibil. lly of a siiiâh! De5rg'- nn&~y Iwpayeté 'Wvemro aferipd lu msray Csllialic chatoies in -conuells Lmeriels sudl2 .Zeot ays liai apaïl' oismîvëyëra papel tla*ouglt i a*uay galng norl,la* ruan trihi prpidaaine:ofîbhe esa>tal fnpm Baîssa LaIet. lu Lake 8roe 411e ocnnvy el lbeèbudneod be i BlcoIer, brallier. eof lhé auparioteaslen of tisa Tu-nt i*arks Tii. van viii hi 4et' up'st iAfild, sutd hlinuvT botI W ý7-iitr lako.' Sùxi.YurmÀ»aw. d n 'eSas fý raralem la nioraulb thBauds layinV4 aU.tb. 0?. 4mý abort4sà aue ram Torsto &a à r intllilgent au fà ýult tg ±t.Way. The uami,é of 1h.e b, Usserlnn pag lu Iva dâe leiib.aguide wla tIi sbssqueat -da M. Il oc nu aJi mcd by-l lasI vs bonde ats WIià ipe. -'portage ,ii Prairidaud Brandon ièrQ; bowaver, tA b. made ports cf sntry.: 'P ýourfth8 0c the importe wer6* froaiü-'Onlarlo ari Quebec.. montdaït$laid lobe out bing ont T=ortÃ"'iTba'mmegentlemai niso informei[ un, thal lheý iy rail c tbe C. P. R., aIt taI place for ni y, arn oubîl 10 $O Od,00-excluave of lbi psy b usavvies eployed ou Consîrut lion. At Winnipog station there art nov conmlrncled morne tbinly miles, o siilings. This of iteseif viii give soini idies of lb. vastuesa of lb. business The rosil bilvein Bal Portage &ni Thunder Bay caranot b. opened thii yean, owving lu lthe untortnnate sîste. ol lb. bune on liaI section. The etaite mont is tbat sink.boles bave hein ený contereil sud tb, wonk of tbe conîrsao tors interferal it bt. -Those 'sink-bol.i are lakes, tb. surface cf iali bas beî overgrown vitb vegelable malter, fonm. ing whal appeazus4ýo-,bc. a firm rn cmi But the orumt bwab lbrUügb, ieaving 9 boticamlesl .plt. Tbete ie 'no irast vhy winip sbonld not incosme'u rapldly a«t. Paulýor Mînirapoils or evoirOChicago, It bas in ils fayot, thégreal and in u cresng bd.te f immigration smlling ln from Europe. Il bu snchob bpover- fui agenaes as the Dominion Govern. ment ; Ihe Syndiesle, sud tbe Hudsou'î Bay Co. vonklng lu Ils lavosr. ,Il -buî lbe advsutage of, s Couipliletadva1Y sysiem sud boat uavigieati1 hel a froua the esurI. Il is tbe ouly exi, 1< thei wi0le wvesIandniot-eml4 arn musI continue tbeh. hiÃiisladhstribia liag centre for anl Ibe country b liae Rocky Mounlaing. Audait MUSialway8 hi a winten centre for the large farrn mrs the. caIlle nanobere sud jbiminer@ hoth eaet sud West, regembflug ia Ibis rspact Sau F4ranaisco.* One,' mail id the place taea'ealize ils importance, and tbc imnrensity of thei country aniw s T sources. In lhe oity, on emary baud thene as au appearance of solid wieaith sud confident îaergy and settlei in- dnstry liaI voulil not be oxpecteil h1 the man who bas- simpiy rend about thc place, and Who bas sînileil incnedu. ionsly at the accounIs of booms in.cor uer iotsand land epeculations. Tiaese are findiag theit levai, vithont disturb- ing the negniar course of btiaineî,'or mnatenialiy interfvring witb values, cran wheru .qaecuiation, 1V wua feareil. bail bsd resched as-ruinons point. Honses are aecrywhere springiug up like magie -the number ainesdy fiaishei aud under vsy reaabiug, wo are infarmeai 4000, and ranging frein lbé humble cabin teausnoblbocks as lie Pacifie JXotel5 estimated 10 coul aquairteripqui liou dollars. Winnlpe> has Ils Wall orgsnaz.d pî,lice sudd i-. dipaïtmeuhs un7der hie contraI of efficient affiets, ,nd slgber no lubellegeuî observer eaU vi= snd corne sway vith auy other conclusionu Ibm Ihat tbe ,foundalion of a great cily bas beeu laid. The pevapaper prose floarishes la Winnipeg. The Free Prias, Ibe Times a444 lhe Suu compare favorably witb the Prosa of suy City. Wheu vi strie Ibat 1h. proprietors of lia. tva final paparsndsrtook ail the bardou snd ns of eulentîinig (outie lb. entertainmnt guven b7 Ibe City) lb. Prsexccunsioniste sud tbat they r. gai-tit a couple of tho4sand dollars as a tril., On.eaCU foroi a4 opinià of h. 'nsprÃŽty of Ibm preu lun Winnipeg. To M. Luxion, propriotor of lie Fmi Press aud 1Mr. Rowe, proprielan of tbe Times, tb. Cranadisa Preess ssociation are under lnsîlng obligations. Both gentlemen wera indefaligable iu Ibeir attentions ta lbefr guests, sud Ibm -kiôdueas sud good f.lowmaip af both loft pleasani impressions of Winnipeg upon lhe wboiî paty tli a eer- be effsSo~. For lhe kiaduesa of Mfr. & fre, Ham, sud 1Mr. EdwardFarnr, wbis liasucceee 1Mr. Ham as edilor oi tia. Times, the editon ai tii. CIMNa- ILS is nien ipecial pirsoual obliga. tions., May ltein shailovi neyer grow ls%, and may tbsy have pi.nly of corner lots 'la egisten an&lreregisbar sud alili îiep od boomlng. 1Mr. GsorgeMsoe, sâte of Ilie Royal Holl, vo shourd uol omiî.la mention, fi iavlnga bandsotmeý "Ie bufil fer bie S a uysuvithý hbo bes$ of prospect of la- suCOeus 'ni biabiasa&. -To trbimnd' Goresoi'"di 'n- Seu . Pt. . ; war pasmel. -AofPùnae aichel-Br~av-Bol V.inipg e n.Whéi [be taam îib à Buroada abun12, b oct ai gus. O0 Tbene, unda -oanuvas again, a plerifflul fcollation vas servodl erbraeing a1ltlia g delià acies of lb.essà on-no expias.e n tacât beiug spaned by the C.,P .o Ji Atter suai sa nigbl's meust ooul be f obtalumil, w. louai: onnsmves.uezt nmcm- à - ing ueamlng Ike oity of Brandon-a oity te of a yesr'l gotb-ýviîia à popuIlalio. 3-ococdiug- 8000, a TownuConeil aom'- "0 poaed rnostly cf eduealed sud lbe- f ligenWonqg mon, with Mr. T. Ma yne te Daly, jr., as Mayor, ab thein berd, and 8- evidenees of pinok cnlcrprise, sud a a -doermination tb sacceed evcrywhene. SCarniage. vcrq iu vaiting in vhieb bbc fparti vii drivea Ibrolagli lhe oirq sud aven lie biil*gée tabeigils satosu tbm rivet. Borne of Ibm -prslrie (atm. la- - : spmà tcddrinng tb. drive outrivalel m8 the best te bu seen la Ontario. AI tie a Tovwnbal there as ae.neceplion'sud addltieps, sud aflenvatila s grand ban- quel aIthe railvay deoa.,-Heome Sofýýtte bewspsîbbes de tuhtipptnd lu i attai ve,% havi heértïnis béW e efor. b-Young, M.PP.< led- oit for Ontario lu > au cloquent addroe, sud *as followed, Ibm .representaîlves cf tibeéther nu iau Mn. Levasacur for Qachea, : . eeady for New Brunswick, sud --Mn. Denuls for Nova Sodtas: Mr. Daly, sý the mayor, being foliavel by bis fa- Ibsr, h -aveter o%- M.-P., la a ciiarac* eatspeech, sud 'Mn. Paîtulo w'iiig ýt nat in s bigbly bamorpus opeeci ta tbe a) toait cf lialadies.'0ý d The tapid,,groivth sud deveopernt ofa tii Young ciîy.vwaa malIr cf wSdoer à te ail. - Branen la itdist on the s ligi batik ovelookiug lie river anti th onb. rrding.,aountry. Aà noe uh. s siantiai briilge'ia-biig baIl andi strealo 8 rapiâly icradei.,- Thene aré alal the signa aof indu-,trial activily.eud goaieadalive. 1 noeaailthe piople are fl af hope ini . lie future cfflie place. , 1 An alid fr-inu sud towbasman, Mn. W. iH. Hannam, mel lEe writer aI the rail- way station,. and stacls ta ilajaik. a good fellow during hiti eîay. Mr. Han- usnm and bis brother ane engageti in tie b.akery bu;iness sud are dtring a là rge hi-ad.. Mr-.s aine r. Hanusm mail. B mnay kîntienquiries aller fi-ente lu -Whitby. At lhe "Sun"- printiug office rhia, John Kuowling, un oli NCaiîîLa )boy was met witi. John Hoaa nea aio Mr-. Erastur owurassi. wae bound su. 'gagel aItite puaI-office, anti both v asl dmliglal4d t ec an old friend suad bear nome news from borne. Gaiugz 1 b lio otel on on. ai the principal eit asnobait friend tuInuin uthe pefsan af Mr. Nelson. a brother cf Mr-. Wrn. Nelson, of Seott, vbo is in a fait vay la mare laie fartune. The acception ItBr-andon vasaal Ihat conîd be -praiefd anlsd eminently creditable La b.MaoranxIcorpora- taon ci that Young sud ambitions City. > - Partage la Prairie was lIhe next stop' piug place, andthbmre th. civia -festivi- tues vire coutinned. A beanly r.a.p. tion met us allihe station fi-rn vlience vo oe rdrivou aboutlthava su ad out gmre diolauce la viev the prairie farms. lu onu wiuat fieldi of 400 acres tbenu' were four binderu busy aI vorir gathmr ing lu lie goalden banveut. An aId euh - soriber of lia. CHRONICLE, Mr. Bnyden, tram the u.igbbonbood cf Msrkiiarn bock possession cf lie wniter sud insist-C aI ou dririilm- cný ukita hiefam, twa. miles onteide lb. tovu. H.iliad 820 acresaunlcrcrap. Orui fielI cf vbeal cf 80 acres, boesetiniated vol yield 85t husbis- ta lhe acre ;' anaîher. id1ofad cils adjoining of 96 acres lu mitent, he said voulil viel-75 buuluels ib tb. acre. H. bail twa binilets aI vonk. Blutions are altogetber brougbt inioasiquisiition vlaero at ail practieabie, tbm reapem t w"icl eave tie sha e be boarnd buiaaga i-ega-led as caly dbingbauli e vont. i lfr. Bnyder seul ont bis latin fit, years ago for- 85000. He vent esu d& bougIl sud bok up Ila'for -*limaeiW sud sous. Witb tb. sale of soma pan-.t lions lu tavu Iotsan4U<a. increasul valuie cf land siuc. parclasel by hlm, hé nov coumideats bimslf tr ifromn $150.000 te 4200,000. Notaà bai l aatge t lin Mim laleus Iban fini yeax-s. Aftmn ta > Wansr liter.vas. m si gd ar»nd o netioùat thIbmTovwnhall vbi-ê aà . t af thb, ladima atlla. Par à cijltu *auin, w.diedeeered i ome thbe fa*.ir« 1dm S d ght.r li Côisa, af.n-oflxc iu«fat the junctioraof"the Mississippi ilna, Idbata evlfut-hs- nÙ"Vtln hstory. Il as undergade smre. alers-ý uion$s une. ls us.fuluss a rpdiî cf .satly liasdoperleil, bat 1he parions 10 wviicliattaà acied le iagreshis- boficai intenosb rtmainw Thie goveru- ment bas reccntîye oecteil bunîsane sud. eaavenicul a'esigencea fgrý th M eer PaI Solln~iabciat madvy bcîveeh'th'Ibm Wo aéillas, Abolal Isô. tuile. norIa cf Snelling Ibe*nov cîasie Falls cf Minuciaha aore resubeil, The ittélioebahs reek vhîcb fcrme lia. Falîs camea babiing qnietly Ibrou gia miles of vendant meadov.ltands, drain- luga e slsof lakms of vhicb beauttifal Minnetouka is-one. Suddenlysabreak- coersnlu e'iivcl mesdoWs'nda à depl gorge apptsns, thbigia banke o ilIer aile helag-ceed» villa statltay'tries. thiewoh~cneg i nuk leilge Ie1'lIaIjtiè snbroadeus Aud 'laifes a loip of about 8BOfeal lob 'vhini lug boiiing pool belov. Wbeu thw atal ge lbigia lb. falle same Ihirly fecl wide 'Il vas 11111.- moto Iban hait liat font visil, -but it formes a peiinoid-i belo aÇls'i'e .cribabiy heà t'fal. Tbî wel!i ili Ibe vater fà Ula almasî cinculir, sud hsck 4fe-si lluis -'a deep,*acesseible- ebà babr, fi-m viaicia tbe' scema, la tly entrauciug. itiag-on tbe'cvieiiiuging- hank sud vieving tbc pioluneaque s.ur- rounlingo,- lb. voila 'of Ibm - obarring poem of' Lougfiilcv's HIiawatlaa arose o liai mida itia hIbni1 'iâtoueul, aneeha siagi- "01 lhe 1Iovely Laaging 'Wuf.: In the islai i e Dakolss." Anti of Hiavwatba'u jouri-'viasr.utril: ing on bis "lmoccains of a"' "~Till be heavul lhe caasts'in "i 'r, "Heard lb. fais af i Mieba '«Caliig ta hua tirougi thm ileicc." No woadea- du finI bhc peet lelling ue- "'Plissant is thc sounu l ' ic aurmureti, And boy coulti y, beTp muaing asii Sncb scenes sud sunroundings ou the -tanceut &.rrow-maÉé.r, "Makiug arrov bias af jasper, "Annow-ieam of crlicedony. ««At hie aide in ail ber bauIy, :,Bat tbe lovely Minnuhaba, 'Bat bis dauglaler Langaing Watev, "Psting nmals ai fiase sudruahes." Wbitc vo Worm cîpîoring lhebeauliea ai tie noWglborhooî cf i anebaha and) tb. eurnrilings of Fort Snelllng, oah- ors-acf lie party bal tatou 1he cars ta Lake Miannetaukja, dbeing depriveil of a ssiilhaî o content Ibernuelves viia exsmiuing tht Ibig batl a aI hat, Bt. Paul ad ýMnneapëare import- ant Commercial cillessu are-amgrowing. inlc iauge prOprpî#oIL - ýbe former' coný.ain s meone-,0(iuaabilaute, sud the popujation cof the,-Iatter is iatimabed ah 70,000. Leaviug St. aul aI six- o'clock on- Saturdayuuveing, tbe perîy arnived in Cicagô shoz#ly altie eevm p.rn. ou, Sunilay. The Suudsy ou ýboard lie train vas of course quli ,ey andsaberiy Q-bsarved. Sain& t.ok t. readiug, sud oles obmusin _gr bâl nouehma iu g . z lî o n g h m a n e e f o r v i e cç a d h lu liaI dineolion. Duseinsolot ,i*g lie viiet in Obicago, sud ilu rucher direction froua -the liomevard rtoute, be tbere badc lb.e parhy good-byo. - NOTES. Il is aslonÃŽsbing 'lb. numben ai On- tatio min, radcf al filous in 'amy sud ouLt.a4lway places ont meue-é villi vlen trav lin g u bi orhh.W es, The vriten came serosmauy, sud c aIl vit wlaom lie - acuversiti, vhen-. skel if they vold not like la neturu' ta tie aId -borne, tlb;invariable -neply was,..t'o, vals!ualgp1îb4It0au acounti» 1" -- - I'1 Ont on the. plai[n -bsyaud 'Winnipeg vhtr anau .iéduïnauîof Créé lu-, liane. A pltewng. Iookuigg gen~tleman, liuru lu Iihiigovn tU' e aond 'thaeo- men and .îsûéî ýI ta tà k«.i. ws aora )=nal. le MRa cr;tâin. mà it1 tIh . nà mnéi t i.lf H sudn a tM rý vi vere ifriaib'by "din'îmlvcs) Luxion & Boy. la carryig il onIll gave ail them assislalace. Ion, nusd bisporlera, cvpmialy pati $Jede, .sbould ulot bc tangotten.,,Tboy bal a gneal "deal la o ilh lb. rmst 4ùd cmon of4lbb ptansd ïedtond h i n dutisi a im ia ly. - . ;- ý To aur former tavnsmauà Mr.-Joui I3igeov, and- tla>Mr. Clancy,-Mr.'Wm. Mille, suI'brSoîlen, agt-vkeÙ alo Mr. B telee, cflia. Chicago Time, sud lbe mojanbers ýô liae Chicago Pni;aso'Clnl Or bel-thlansuk e"cendegel for-klùdeÃeà sud canrtesies receive .,-Alderm4ia Balligate, ocf Winnipeg; bb ea ont-à ï' Ibsnks fan coarIsons attenions wviie lu lth . Prairie City. . - - Foieign Letter. - fEegular CoIrespandeà DOa. Ou.eaiflthe Ugliesl spots ou eartb is Port Baic-lepot Ixarbor, - wlasb'not, nýcýptaOle fan thm soua ai CUniaendocu. 'Standing aI the. Entopean eun& of lie Suez Canal it apens ils long arme aof unequal. icngtb lao mbra.. lb. a-hip. p(gg af Ilthevomîd. A low sabragliug merles ai widel reeh-l-umbledovxt mets ai Wcaalon aafe'ignbiycn ou. anoliern d neanoasidn-pioturesqua conin#, îhle dreses' ai aml naliort flit itlier sud - thillieuu'in tle. nlglt, aud coins tram cvèty mintinuth. voril dind Ibeîr vfy inla the, apaicua tIL ofinnumrn-able dnuking-luoe. '-Ven- d'rs ofjaÃn sissd oëelaepbn ils focecrtb-ine s pptetonisl; rivai bc' mt goedoulajte inlais tas. sud aukon t.guttémallïaablo mb ie Éiýair;- - oblu mps seize -upon bis foot, aud, blaSk bis boots,- deipite al prolesl. - A 'bnay, lbniving,' Mimons alilîle piaaa le Port Baud in lime cf'p>O500î WbeÙeIn clous ils condition diffor viatu Bella Zuropiins, suaI inirical' , Béouiine- Panade ilss mInets I arn hall iu Al1exanîia tva daysz. bacS. Nol an-bib o t- gave sud exceps tha '-inoneluss pîmRainilspotl viici a iatliiia 8s rnsny Iranclînrs.- b Mntl, b "Nottbuleeria ansd ý"jPeuibape' noik -u gnaceua linoe, finkel by htm' gunhoats. A Prench-Iaauf-van gusb-ý' miconstaully vill i eaisi lI lzefeI- gable band panring forth iceleahions, " froua £OÙenbaçb, , L1-*c, nevvia ie~somuié t.-Wpèetat.I tio0- A pbere, mslsing the bearI ll;ltenu- more bniglul, tibatair -mo. ch1at, viuili iar nt at -a es.a ,ý,Ii-oluer rolaadi1%one, bîionglng b .î, b ch auulr, resay to' mesaMuagt '-ala]enurse accu notS Bom ,tea hi squainbe Z-*ial ,---lâ.',arnus. -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t mclhs& Afeli ea, coss a l ears, gave a -pull la -le baller sbels, s un d o - sp i ll ,e 4 ltk qa t e o t2 .4 0 . W b s n biîlie oaiyaisal6n' liai Épot'-bîrî mn, ral-aca wmrconsledon fndig it iathb, banda of.nann persagnn. ania pecia i meetig of thlb.Town ou' T i n d y n hg lt I s t , t a h o l a n l ui v c a l . ga ion am té lb'. aa i of-' I eé -sio vuesi Otfh li ngne thelaie fdri, bas aisel tb. ,i of so n m t asJl s sioby. a gool mabyMuià ýter thelb. 6lrm Wvas given, a el eneai fi uTaolo Coulil nol, cl%,t o'had t il.7 been aOsas. -ou aturdaveuaiug-a - tanien frorr Sougg drve - lto.*town 't. gel soin, au ting a at thac J aieih Hall W oks. HIl le fi b i s b ora , i d b 'g g y-sa nd in g a sie tb.cffo. vl3 . vnt *igfor, fev Minutes. Peton e -,came ouit lb. tovu oloat slruckBi,- anqth Iic, vilia- ent a houi a elringetple i Scugcg bons he -Io a l os eal 0Dukesînie, d'ti l urinant the carnner 0ft&.H.-wilkimntu'sbool suarai stop, camecilu cauchwith ý,pool ah thé opposite aid1e S ia treet WhLala spetale bee- asthon. _The buggy bul omib eré adsuthe toadsorl sud ýh e b m n f tra m uortia bâ tt o .- ro* a liglil vaggon.lo gel borne. H.e eiIInot reach bit- destinahion. vithoul lcming, lb.,niglil's ret,a itvas ablat vas 04, idgtbeareOshawa -Pinta! i lehend sna'edofapsn au -ýlavni nediy hast- veek ol~a a ravhng--anppetite for alssudLa:bcu ztbo'or.stur's béaà vas nolicel, people bo kccp lnou Went t. examine bis ceilerain.c l Ing il abokel -up, boltrie& 1 to rs hM b a u d l n g h -t h e ile , bu l Ii ? n o S e a il ýlong theré samitwas bbten'byiaJaC toal. '#Mr. Tsidy vws skot u, sud vas qoon put-an ena. - uM nayï l MotigIo ulm xas neecysidi econaied itil *ra tub cuIl -,alaIe hour.. esilt« '4ati I e4ighosaly ita-the c accuep. fa.bcs bnlig. je m maoi vions kinîs oré n nc nI uornoul lv &r eni-,mA.n.oi iours nia iaund.,- Sec cie ai -t I - r--ý =--!!; MN E m