Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1882, p. 1

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0 x grAlflO BANK, WLEI HB BBANCIE--> &*ýý LW, 8OLICTQeS oFinCIES-i' 72 Tauge sïtret neiBo* PoinAtm Bk, anA Cane Ring a Tno urets, oeetorny. 0991I!SLloIVAR. W& E. ERDUE. * ARR.ISTPIflA' ATTOIINBYST-I.AW, NeTary RB, Sec. Offic.d&c., trtdeer wo BankisudtrnrKingand Mene ts, Toro-nto.nd-s o Octoerdit. M.lyf JÂVI:ti ORlITORDON.&, A iittiti & ATAW, SOLICITOII 11 I ocbanqeninChneancer, &one.acr trir t -ori t o Aust oSîs .'.t<i iiPs M(UCnie, ( viiUn, iveflu, lrak st i J)AI OINSN & NT.3-- BARTOINZRALAW, SATCTO RIN OFCI-l.t--lu Vniocr habo. No OrFc -ictria Streaot.i- os JO iee n M.aIIiiIiEi< A. Ek Sr.t G.(T uoN &MTIlLlon., 1 I ItISTERS-A..T-L oney TOLeN- yo,rrc-tivarsDomlnieuau, &otb. Ga. Y2, lS7 [TUL (tf-. »0J'o. G. KELLEYS B AIISrEun-AT- LAW, SOLICITOR B lit Ch[ancery adsudl ency, Couves* axcer, ê&'. tle-Deverilt'e 'liiuek, Brock- 8iret, Wlîltly, ont. J. JIASEIi <IREENý%WOOD, T.TO1'rtiT AND âOL1CIT0II, CON- 7a ctýl'uiiIo &c -Post lira .. i&.. Vernis boiliît siisel; Marriago e Saile- niants. Wild &i.1 Trust.ts iaeS1îities. Loaui,<urgutiarit on &Il kinds t of î')1,.ty. 42 - 1y CIIAItLEN C. KELLER, ~TTO INE-Y-ÂT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN1 .tCsncory, Couveysucer, &o., Caning- "LIBroak, C. W. .. L. T. 1ARCLAY. L OCAL. IEGISTIIXT 0F TUE IIIGH Court cif Justice; RegigIýrârrofthie Surnageau(Court ;Clark oi tha Co,înty -Couri, &r. iicein t"Cour? RIiua, Wliitby. 3011N hALL Dot%', BAIUISTFRi-AT-LAW, SOLICITORI B u i cn ,Cenvpyancer, &o. Ooec.e-Deveril's Bloc, Break Street, whiby. MONZT TO LEND-PrLvate Funde - lu sumoe up te 08m0, Ai a iow rite ni L JélhN A. 8IcGILLJVRAV, (Succesaar ta IL. M. 11eve11.) DARLUSTER & ATTOINET-AT.LAW, L>Notai Publie, &o.,Solicitor ion the 1omnin ank. once.-blext dean ha Msuelon Houa., Uxinîlge, Ont. .26 LYXA-N ENGLtSIi, L L. iB., B ARRISTEII AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN1 coe Street, Qaavwa. J. E. GALDJIAITH, M.., GlA DEATII et Queen's anS Victoria CYUnimrities, )embei of the College of l'hyglcians sud Surgeons, Ontaneo. Omnipz-lluck-St., Wlitby, Ont., ((lre. douta south afitoyal Ilatul). Iy-46 It. J. GIJNN, 19. D., iU1lO lON TO TUIE OOUNTT GÂO, s BJlyron Street, WhLitby.- GUï8 uHOSPITAL, LONDON, HNG., CTte ayý.- Il. 0.L., UeLswit, Ontario. À ARIlD '-J Dit. BUIA1tT, Phymihaan, Sungeen, Accoucher, &c., &é. Wujitby, Sept. 5tht, 187-i. do J., Il. IATES, Nevaper ,Y&dvertisloC Agent, 'i Park Rov ('rimes Bilding), Nov York,la autloicd tu eon tract lIor advertese. mente te the CHIIONICLiI et osa bes4 ratai. W. ADAMS, RPOO Mli VlRIL il}: JAMIiSON'S OLrocery Store, DuuAat-oi., Wiutby. ~ISlfeo heure frein t>arn. te 12 et., sud tram 1.30 te 6, 1). tnu. Icidenc-Cer. ai Dyrn snd Gilbent etteets. C. N. VAItit, L. D. 8. TBE TU inserted on f<,ll :he ps o sp as (hae heapest, sud ase gond as tiÏ best . Tsth tilaed viithGaiS sud Silvee. Tôth exiracted wthtai paso by produclng tonal sus(heeiw. Dental bais-m CeW'. a aew block, ovr Atkleson's Diog Stor, King Street, Oaisvs. 851, L£ alon Bioc S.,Wbltby. - JOEHN tOLED AGINTFOII E YTE E RDATED lob* 2th, 678. ÂybjlR MBIAU OTBL, <LATU EUEoalWHouU".) Rneulyrenovated a4Ianau hogh tudput in fini-ol~ ra t rans lrtlaasimple r"dm$. Cor.K g&Yoelt.,Toraanto,Ou L~~~ OO1~,Toivo al-mBIzu RST AOOOMMODATION , fer Gueule. l) 0 NTAXIO MOTEL, JOHN LESLIE, - Propl'setor. *(Late ai the Simco. Ranse, Tarante.) Good Liquors sud Cigsre. Commýodbana Stsbling. Pirast-cisse Lîvery Stable sud Billard Parlour sttacbed. 1740 hitin. Fermerua sd othera doiug businesa at tho Barber will Sud god acoammoda. ion. tW PLEÂSURE-SEEXERS lu sme wili be provided wttit buste at resaunable rates. GEORGE BROWN, Whltby, March lot, 1882. il BROUGHAM HOTEL, Corner' Break sud Main Street@, in the village of Brougham. Firet-ciss amommodst.iana. Brai Liquere sud Cigare. Coued etabiing snd attentive botter.. THOMAS POUCIER, PROPRIETOII. -ÀLBO,- L ICENSED AUCrIONEER for the Countie ofYark and Northi snd Southi Ontario. Auctin sasies ut rsesta"Ileai stock, ete., sttended et mudersit, chargea. Addreee, T. POUCHER, LIO.Iy lluz.7, Brouagham# Ont. CENTRAL HOIJSE,1 OSHAWA, ONT., W. B. MCQAW, - Proprictor. Firi-ciuac ceomumodation. Beat Winsa Liquene and Cigare. Good stabling sud attentives hostiera. ]y-17 \yHITBY flOUISErý DUINDAd-ST, WIS'ITDY. Teéunederaigued vonid ininaotth publie (bat (hoa aui rmie hv ba nawly baut adttted up titrongbot, ori a tic accommodaltion et guese. Dent Winec, Liquori and Cigaxa. TH-E OREAM 0F CANADA'- WALZ LAaElt. Aloe pure Ruina \ine. Lagér, Wiole- sale anîd hi-tait. Boarders taken by lic veek an mader- te terme. JOSEPIiiA. BANDELL. B LACK HtltàSI tE -T Coea. Fitesr & GoseserSTe, TORONTO. ALFÉIED OXFORD, - 1'ROPBIETOIC. (LatéetfWelington Hotell Msrklism.> TEIiMS, 61.00 PEU DAT. GooS siall ing ion m'en 511ernae. iret-clans accom- modation ion tanteens sud thé trsvelling publie iu gen.eral. (ly.4 THE HODGSON HOUSE, (Late Timetity 'Lesry') - PIIFFINS CR K-C E1N . Thé aboaeprumisahave besu teken by thea endenigued, and are nov bln nsvlv fttteS up fer the raception et guéaI-e, anâ tbe travelling public. lIout Wines, liquone, cigara, &c. Meala st ail itonra. God tabling, ched room, sud su aiten- tlys oetlaer. WM. Ht'DGSON. THOS. SLEIGH,- HOUSE SJGNi PAINTER, -Can now be tuund st lits Shop- TWO DOORS'WEST OF ARMSTRONG'S IIOTEL, DUNDÂS STREET. 9=ï Al Ordçrs pramptly attcnded te. . Wiitby, April 1l. 188W. .6 C. N. VARS, L. D, S. Dr ENTAL ROOMS -rsmeved troai-t JJkisonua Drug store taeczoms over Sites & Shirley'. stare, Ring-St., Oshawa. lintrauce au KngStreet. $6a veck lu yeur ,. own v. $5Outdt $6 freo. No rak. Eveythii o'. Capital net requlred. 4e Mfur. niait yau evorything. Many are maktag for. tunes. .Ladies malre as munit as mn, sud baysansd girls monde great pay. Beader, il yen vaut s business Kt wiich yan ceau make jret psy ail thé time yen work, write far psrticulffl te IH. HALLET? &Ce., Portland, To wn and Park L ots FOR SALE. ONE, LOT ou fBraok Street, i acre. ON1E lLOCX (Six Let)beatwscu Brook tA Ji>rrn Street. ON1E BLOCK (Pive Lots> W.aescf Eyrau Street. TWO LOTS an Higli Streest. Al lu thé. Nàrth "Wmad su ale for. building, garde'or pietere pupoaea., 27PIn'2 te-t~ P URED. OOT5WOLD 811EEy ENS Wlf.~ M.MILLR, H VWM Iken Bobo~~~~~b Bah-amClrmetPton&ss. ee~ lr' IPE~S, TOB'COOS, CIGÂ~S, tJrnARETTES> ÇIARCA6'E3 AND - * .TOI 4 CCONISTS' aUNDRIE811 7CEIYED 4T WHITBY* CHi N A, H'ALL, 71 KINO-ST. EA8T TOÃ"RONtO.- Fffly Bnùfaa sd Te so. Fps»*y DbSum Md 1DeamerI sets. 8 BoKv#Ia.. u Sooa sLIi Plated Crue à udButter oles R4er&ei foraadPerk., o w 4 tn e. vry klud. GLOVER HRISO, Doininion- Wood Work8, WHITBY. Geo. Cormacke, LIJPEBLR MERCHANT &BUILDBR. LU BER wholesle and retail, orby by the Israod. Pl iiiç, Mouldinga Of Cv=y dcicnp- lion, lieoring. Sheetlug, Sbclving, Re- sawe Shaplng, Turalng. Bcrof-work, etc., c.- wht Oct. lsth, 1878. -08 WII~ ~~ ~~n «M EI s .ton ufile At ertilg Bureau (10 Spruae 82t.>,viee d r<etan atrscta msy be mmdi for (t a avYonx._18 MONEY TO LOAN! *iO0oeoo FOR IV1. MNT ON MAEL ESTÂTE SROURrrY. At lawest living rk«eofainjterait Meuney secureà vithin 10 days ef ap- Apply te ONFRUA8É ýwltby, February ifill, 1890. 8 WHITBY, ONTARIO, importera, Iale u iihotare'cof&al INSURANCE. p HR=NI FIEEINSUBANOE 00. Xombarl St. sud Charlug Crama, LouLou GILLJESPIB, MOFÂTT & Co., Agenta for Canads. >f;uagrMulr A 13OT BBST&MWSIRID iCAiA- A DA lun18M. UnlImiw l ablUly e1 eil th. ltook.holdmsu an rge erre pas. IUoda%rat« of aaipremiu. Wbtby, AprR th, IRM 1 ANIEBCA Assurance'Q Company. INCOà'PORÂ.T]D r3. A 8SSBTS6, 01,101,878k. F.A. BA.LL, Mtame. lusurae« edieted &-t l.othe -bc«rret rata ou Bunidlga,Mchadhea0"ha propesty, agarustkic or dainaoma Agent, Whitby. Wbitby, Aprll9th, 187. 1 MAONEY TO- LO AN ONBEARYTEURKS. Appiy te- W.H. BILLINGE, ' ,Offce over Ontarjo Bauk: 104t hty "8ULPHOLINE LOTION."9 , sfrvevum deuyroa atts i Mi' iy tu lmaleel Ppm 's Qmlib.'99d imn Te* l9ýie ciswt Bray ut up lo The vlitue il ma&y iba" oIuow Wblel*"Mu àhieo Thot me.emenscIL - 'Ti@ »d that traud shouldýasiywhere, 4aud ps~iI4rIi b. MENR ISFrA TEMPLE. À LOVB STOR! "WBT. HON. BELTÂMN IRI8APELI, «'QealliSanchr e WIt, tobyalimeas; foimi mlbldlhe u.ilu.oflov BOQE VI.- - HAMBERX. ".whz do yen uant, emptalu ?»"sloy. âpokee MrX. Levlýonq villi Anu pre.. lno ofmsemy. %'O -,I1vaut isiter s telerabi, anin, d thât ls.tbtregh ; btlIeuly wani il forie marnent."' "lIl la ualol.the ., lt bthemoney," gala Mr. Levigon. - "Cou Icnov te anS my parduer, calildi, ane lwaysa au- loua la do whal W81 eau lae sve you." "WeU, nev àoeu eme s real ccîvio, s*u&dby7Oývea yoe shall nover repent it. To thre oiolt-I muet have 'toaa tirasand e>'. lundred poendat"- exelalmed Mr. Lvau. *T&'U't le th. theua"eotaSU iiaff vutirnr vaut 150054 sd muai glv. 14 me." *I1.1 ell ou a i l,..cPlai,"lma Mr. Leviacu, le g e ver-llre4r&c f. my parduer anrey"*'ilhlg bloàya *W sasiiyou ; but vo vaut tokno*'hu =&aTmri*sg l1t4 me off, staâ t's the truth." "Dmulie ar $a,"iu 1d " Amgine, rallier 46 " îhreI la, th h l "muid Mi. LUri- t»irer atr sro-bt à eànu Ibis. pear n. t 0 *» lnk ý »M,78& vihclhù-m Umes"8.i. -sud -baiqoLPief 45'.ok bupt it a. lon- i "Wonl, ybutIbet i,"slA Perd!* 'y. j > m W . hpe o,'m Ma Mi Lein nobI thiga e "agnro mue 1, tyojelt 1"lul. sii. WY--, iiata" sgawy he WîIrh0 MW isr. ]nevÃŽliaputiel aolirDow . stmy j*eaiieur 4s rum up-aA liDta avez "a v.!-Dy o." - eth aibr* M, _sutl 1 n,*b.al At I isa nAge ONta- o e fim%1ou"a "Hv o lte sni. upusr 1IhitL yoit , waenesrly covered withpasp>ëiàý'; ow and (,, B iii ih u o 4~f~a:sneay.oaisepperted bý', day,, »u hà,e qu * rsaid hlm for bie ~e f#ia~4i~. ~ s-~iebln~,hait ro ecwlu e1#enï' bin. , - Be5i e, tfeflow lbai à gi'eat - r gon'Éd $ba «e. -ne- wsan àünx; id, tholgh bora cn a dunghill e,ltôm s .i .ev1'àôÉ,- U4a»yyeare thie senior, of Captain Ar tuýýanre inteuided 1Iii for a palace, an2 av . lhwe iàahéy, ci Wi4i iiand bis, Moued, opf a ery.eegun#ý, lcc hceothore." appo ne, pae,.pnseèand lprepbs:-'T 4$ 4 ItÉis haB been' a romarkable dot't b. do 1dght ad.ueeln' éep thioughteimpoed uirlg"eaid Ferdinànd Armine, as ïthe ý wayiqo ,do-,buoi- x46>cm ieear anci proirodiing*' btowrotv anC&týhimwhocan put hiudown at 1syp1,4rrwii,,o ai-thelbeipression of:.hie -gray 'euit 'Ws ekb. %I amn very muait abligoed to Wa4iee.And,4ï à eeï*hicfrwçre-deliotely arche , ý n, dear Catch 1" iUb. M.Yuaeý p ingularlysecatching. Hie gu wag"o !NoLÀeWord, ydear le' ow. Yen- ou ,your aucep-, eslght, but compact. Rie -drees pt ný) ,vehêpd e bfore titis, and gfad but m'a -Mdci- ýnAts -fabon ie.wa4 1 e Itabe (the moans af assisting the .4eed~'. 8&'~n inre1y lbaôk,,sud his only bost fellow in te wèrld, and tit we fsznèe 'we6hi»ýe. t0s, whiah wers thlInk y1ou. Au revoir 1 We <ino u 1fl to iâ;~, ~ =a~ gi4 t2reaft rnsé lt thre ii,aht. Tho eid wouivad- âf no U" ever your propos!-so maf- -y tiz üGomriilg ta yau." R.aveloËned ZLeiI "Aido I l' if Mý r,,Lerleon, owing ini a-vois. soarce1y aub and p8fug b. oot. -"Do catin. u-sd reaatyfid .Optainp  We*lhtâÉ»vp e, o edace, Indeed. for asure oegpaýt and d# se. low w bsh'av05e baut tint ariteare. 1"Ily da Iap, Tlaluk ot tire ýoasis,, now d., owt or"i j gaingte introdi Ïorgülusom- IComensoptW. 1idamndwattpaeeiotlar -t fiend Il u~c U'ild, gel ns e hiue bohoffileiî. Tuleî,j s7teeClls<su torlie lrf sn f Sir --ft IX< WBICH CAPTAAUM S NUNEXPCBOTDLT assu1Etme àaOqOaniNTAoE Wrr- LOB» CATawmxaaA, WKO 11<- TaODUOE5 zMTa MIL BOND» Feidnand quitted hie limA friand Mr. Leéviaau iu no veiYy amiable-moad ;, but juis as ireva. eaving the, hanse, * a cii Écolat, bb.àutitl1y paited at a brihlant, gr"nu leu'5pic don ýwtthasosme- tahit oream-oalarcd white', sud drawn by. *aho.wy Hautiîn boise o! etavuy tin4. wiIs 0, gsudmlk-wbite tlau oidebuil uhèd up ot. door. 44Armtnàe, by Jove 1" exoaitxed (lie driver, vitir greal eordlaliiy. "Ah!1 datebà, la it you ?' "1Wbat 1 bave you been liera ?" eaid Lard Oatohimwlîooan. "Ai (e lead varà, eh P la fime and my parduer' iroubiuoeic,'Lai. zyar countenance (s Dot Very radiantP "By Jove, oli feliav 1" esid Ferdi- nand, lu-a depreeeed toue, III am n an ieruaiacrape. and aae- a -us nred rage. Nathing is ta b. doue hore." "'Nover mina," calA hie laîdeip; "lK.ep np yonr spirite, jaup juta my cab asdwe viiiaee boy voe au carry an tlhe var. I arn anly goiug ta speak one word ta 'ap anil my perduer."' Sasaeylng, lé slords îp hippud ita the hanse ase gay u o lark, ait han hle h&d abill far agood roundaurasbônt o b. diaooredlunie orefa a ew boSe i~ar ÂnlAepaa" hire eum- ~~da Dh~ r -re- erd stud tooli the x0lua, nov, az df- r. along, 1.11 me aU abous t i.Far if thorn be a man lu thue voiA whoenaiheuld maita 'arve,. justhyalf, my noble Feidirsd." l~aeuceu-,agemen, capta n 4nplu vasirai mon pozausgJis pae ilo s a oge1.a m. M", o,. tfiema f aine? yqu, t ialA CateblmvLoasn. "IThe tact is, ihume elove ber. ire .uaal-sb tmnaý humbago. The on1ly'ides they bave (a nue, money. They hveno euighteued zotiena. I vwiltrd you ta a regalar trùmp, sd it hdoes hrot do yonr business;I âm mo mt -Denoed neat. By thie bye, Catch, 44T bcçmr,7 obave ealwayi tald yon. taore la a certan yMu mlu affaira wbioh ever preveuts -mon being ftored No- fellow (a ever dlebed , vie-&&y ou uceimes.What mam that everlihi rua vu . reallver Ialrly pat*ýw#, de. - coWsb, unàlee ie hoiwse'toe 040 Who oUgbt neyer toaiae entered 1he insi, hlaiuga wsy lout any set, s=&M(g = :* llhdaumd blsd~eyu '&bout m& W l'ae" e a~o1t- omethtns ý-,1 this e~thre cabrioles vas daeh- :" ogdw q.tet tt wligtlWzy ïnely-pm 39 " ea lom. j~~~~aet~~~~ paua, i oý.bam c ~vho..-pez d ru bneti a bisperc,' an.~ "Heuh it. id FerAdi' -hi, ing ander tho fis. aoRpréesn '" sud Mr. Sharpe, viii oonaiderable blieneyç etidnavared ta check bis lordship. .- ý ",Weli, naver minA ; I vii say nô-i tbing about liai," continusdl Lord GOimwhaoan. "Thé long and the shortoaiti is tis, liai my friand Anine- is bard ep, and wo muet carry ou lis var ttii vo get inta vinter -quart-ons. Yolu are just (ha mse for hinm, aud, by Jote-, my dear Siarpa, if yan visit sou- éýl4y ta oblige mec, wha, I amn sure, adi sure, earroe a! yaum varmest fiande, you viii do evarything for Arina. tlit humau energy eau pesbly- affect." "lWh s te oproseut ifflclty (bat yau hava ?"' inquirad Mn Stiarpeof our haoa, in a oalm whispor. "Wiiy, te present difficuliy (bat lie, bas," salA Lord Caiitmwhocan, "ia (bat ho vaut. £1500."' IIsuppose yen have-r rad a aney. Captsîn Armine ?"-said Mn. Sluarpe. "lu every Vway." aacaptain Ar-. mine. "101 course,". said Mi. Sharpe ;"a your ime o! lite oaena nturally does. And I suppose your are Xtotiered for (hie i£1500 2 111 amnIbreatened wlth immediate ar. res, sud aireat In axecutien." "lWho is the party 2" "1Wiy, I foar'.au numanageableoana. aven by Yen. IL is a honte ah Malta." "Mr. Bains, T suppose ? -."I thonght go." "Wel, "wit eau ha doue 2" salA Lard Calciimviocau. "0 I1(luire le ne diffianlty," salitMr. Shsipe, Iluietiy. "Captain Armine Ose lufe .amy maey lielke. 441 âJll b. happy." -salA Cs* pt&iu Ar- mine, tta pay any ouoneidoral-lan yauý ihink fit." $do 1-ny dearsii,1Icannai think ea- liai. Mbney in a dring nOv. - I sitalR ho happy tO secomodate .yau vitiani giving you any trouble. Tyon eauý have4 the £1500, if you plenge, v4 (hie mo-. ment."- - "l'Baiy, Yeu arm verygenenous,",sala Ferdinsnd, very Mach surprisd. "but 1 feel i ar nent entitieaein asch -fuyons. What security c eauI o n." "II icud tho maney te .70. I vant no eecuniy Tan eau repau e e i reayn i. Shaipe openeéd a d7ber, anA tuag oui 'a ahaak.bnok drew a draft for '£1500. 111 heliara I have a slamp lun(lie bouse," lie contilued, look- lpg about. "tYee, haie is onea. If$s on il Ibis np,.Capiain knmine,thie affair- May ho concl1uded at oece-" "lUpon My houai, Mr. Siarpe," eaid Ferijnd, very confuegd,, "I doeirai 11he. te appear insensible af (hia extra. orinthldjpcse, but reshly-. ame beroe ,çiih lir e rest accident, anS wluhoa asy ntentof eholfoiting or ,r,ui.cfVoe. i-an my k'ndlriieud hqrehaî-.&di .eanayou maihto lauglwîng au Usdt>Lôkf MY' resources. Il03aVery piqbbleI iaîloccasion yau geat in- SharplviLl aligit stelle, *if ive vo t oi, ngaf a sum-of any limportance.- 'why sealgtlea littIc mo .re ptLae tIlnbult'r ai baa-ghels- £ *à b. ave- lroacdy waset bô muetùë âIme iu ils 1 usIu~Iam -happy tù ,sernv o4." -, OHAPTER XII. l te meantini10, vilolte gleomy 1ýk4iUng ieit Fordiaucul liad antici- 6'Watermiftated wilt Sgoa areeahie an ~t~ râlitta ced.Liss Grandi- Ken oo_-é.mpaniod by Lord Montf'ort - uzypid't.teir .promised n 11snt te him tii roruinco r-e 1 t, çhawas already ont." l'Re hs.iuuy aflairs to-attend ta)," ~'isTemple' leoked -grave; site Lholgit af poor Ferdinand and ail ils cares. Slie kuew MFeR wht vere (haose affaire ta, whici Giaetonbury alluded. The titauglit tint perliape at titis mom- eut ho vas str-ugglng viili rapaclous creditors, made iber melaucholy. The novelty sud straugenese eft heoabjects wËici awaited hlir; iverled, howevar, lier min froem hae painfel reflections. Mise Giraudison, wlio hâd nover qnitted Englueci, vas deligbled wiil4 overyliting she.. saw ;. but te Elgyptiau galaûry prinipally attracted the attention of MiBsTemple. Lord Monafri, regard- ful of Lis promise ta Hauriatta, vas very attentive IQ Mie Graudisen. cannot haip negrelting titat yaur cousin je not itere," said hie ioîdslxip, returbiug ta a key tint ha iad already tonclied. Bet Katharine aco no ans- wýer. "Ho seemed a eo ait bettei for thie exartiin Le tmade yt.eriday" resumned Lord Montfort. "i hink it would do im good te be mare vitit ne." ".Ho seeme ta like ta ho alone," striA Rathaerine. I wondar aitînbt," said Lord Mont- finýr. 'I enunet cceive a happier lit'e than vo al iaad." "You liave cause ta lie happy, and, F-ardinand has nat," sail Miss Grandi- son, vary oalmly.,t "Laitould have- titought (bat hha id very great caneF," said Lord Montort, inquiringiy. "6No persan lu lhe varld le00ea nhap-- py as FPer4naucl." sajd Katheriué.. "'But cannat we cure ie nappi- noees-?" salA hie iairship. ffWe are hias, friandprs ;it 'saaL'a mea wihsscir friands '&s3 Mies Gr4ndisen sud Miss. Temple, one aught never to hao uuhap. 8MesTeuýple eau scarcely ha esiled a friend ta Ferdinand," said Kathorine.ý "Indeed a very warm ane, I asseure yen.l I "Aýh1 tint is yanr influence.- ::Ney tit jler an impulse." "But ehe ouiy mut hlm yesterday for tlia first tia." 'I essore yen Miss Teepie-is au aid. "Juideedt" said ËMiss Grandinozi, viti an air af cousiderable astouisimaent. -You keow th6y werea- nigbbne tu Liao country." , "In (ho country il, rapeated mies, "TYes; Mr. Temple, ipea know,-resiti. cd net far fron Aimine. '<Nat, far froinm, nl" 'til repeatl- cd Miss Grauifo. * "Dighy," said Mise Temiple, tumning, ta hlm at-Ibis moment, "teil Mr. Glas-' tqoàburý about yauî-sjiitinx ait tme. It was graifta, -W» it nat 2" "And malt deliostoly ce.tved. 1 Lever romember linving, ohserveid au xpres-- fior of aueaix heset*fl. eorety. The:ý ~ls oery tntsitr hthey are.mat. coatcusnces , is qaite aa'mriiction." Wkat Lord ,Màouttart"huA irroutrened- Henrtas 2 It appears li rietta Temaple., arandisou, ellng ;- 4'if it be paturn aud tender agnIl;la>nb My: beazt. We I racit snob £sinuee 1 weep."~ "8Ah 1I ymy wet Iatiarinte,,ypg ane J"Hsrd-liearledI Tho inoa ceinua. cf maortale."- "QI lwitalwoutl LéïrMontgoresà . &? "Lbrd Moii3fort knowa il. ,W. e výy bave lav e Bscene." -And yet you love bitm 2" "Darly ;z I love &id 1 opteent him." - weil," sélia misserandiequ, ai may be wrong ; but if I were a man I do ual l.hink 1 aboulA lilte lte lady of myý lo-ve Le esteera me,"i -:ý 'M.ud ,yei er-toom le o oly gentilpe buriis af happinessu, -believe ne, Rate. Lave is a drouin." - - "And hé;v do -yan knazw, dear Hleuri- 11A11 writers agree il la..! "'The writers yan wero juet rAet iug 2" ",A fair retqrt y sud yet, uhongh your woras ýara (ha' most witty,,- bolier. me' minie are (lie muet visa." "~I wisil Smy cousin wbn1d-wake "Enm is drte," raid Riitièrizt8.-"To (cil yen a secret, love is the cause of hie un- happiness. Don't-mnove, nmy.dearfHeu- natta," -added' Miss Griandit3on, eVýe are sa uhnuu lie. ~fa. Mie- Temilé. self, viaàn Ruive ~~e, U)b6- smare certaina han-tirai, the firet place,. t(c b& frank, Feritu vould nat mamny me, unaing 'W inducehbit;-nu.,thie - secoud plao would ual Mary im, uaitig ýî induce xme." - "oWhy net ga" afse-id eltta, loy~~~~ telednhm ok vory ne, bon face.- - "Bedgause I arn sure luat esoid net ha lhappy," asalA Miss' Ã"ranzd 'II love Fbrdipid, euS nceco i aricd hlm. Hoesabils- I ctunh net refuie hie rpoa yol I feel 11< l' hetter foam meiI hava eet marrli, sud I yeli laa ayrose botter for ii; -for 1I bit vdèry Aealy. HR e iuidea'd "But wby thould you not beelha inuired Mis Temple.- "Becauco.we are -ual s ather. Forinaird'M ns, M anae îaJým li bIt eau sympathise vii ail hné atn teequiet anA onlin fo- wanld suitiim mucli bortter fnriel "Tan are hie coain ; it is:a-mis tue ; if yan veré nat, hé vanld as yau,an su d u vould 'eymdpslhize I th»cco- >Oul likeý.t6o rn a vcry-.0 lever imn," -salA Kathoî ,or. a cammaupiace peison.- I Ubh luke *oj>ary & persan -vory siaptii froin wliom I coulA uat dlffer.- - noaiedinand ;- lue-tlelineglus -toc impe uons rire voîildneithi, eda d boaU -e - IlctaAa i oui 4 Uica78ssGranicuir, V.ry rfnoc ly. - - inyour mainner-'that indlcate.&yjm my apnt, baumie yqn moet her-kBaf "INon Sir ataliffe "Butyou Adid -hnauKMr., Gise bory ! - - I Si-A kuav Mr.Glustourye'L, "Haw'very oAA 1 ' aide -Mi0 I .rhtis oAA? lq1dXfi LEA TUER -AND FINDINO8, Trxtmaà Cash paiS for Ridai, Bar& sud Leslboe, f Leallier st . IN «Ietchedl, târ]BELTfIG MADE TuOMMOa cu MHORT NOTICE. au l tcm Ia.1872.S -A. A. Po ST, gale vlth tan4goy, Lmngliy S Deuigne toi Chnrcl.sVillas sud C4ttaffl VRWW -~SUJ iltt s peIrslty. Dravingi propared f or ne- m oeliig oxltlug structuires. OFI, for thejrsntldat ireuldene auKingston la , PieSlku ai a 41f) 4 P. O. 13e: sa2Wwm. ~ ~ iarait ~RU @ totaiou aeas ha& iaa mtow SW,$$ wmeS ANlutUhf lufflM PUT tLIlàEDJ I oafr ree&lpbuî«Ver Authorized Capital-001000o 'ëou. tmdï O8isp, lNa. 72 Ciraeirêt, ToI.4mrt ." HO.RIDK-811a.iTO , Pe. EUGEIEQ'i£EFE., lEsq*,'Vice PÈmùt54. *= PATRICK HUBHIES, Esq ,T 'V, - - 'I - JOHN FOYaq, - - JAMESS1A80N, - -M 'sud tud 3UlopàDemï) à spurlbaedpiadvsueaa!usdse _mýT"à Forsihrpriuas appiy te- A. ~PO"< O~ DAWESAV.1 mr rap- nid tream ,, bmi 1h CIt7 10i s.3n i4 ho 5-D pm. > DA" ili0 ethé, 8, Vus, Zh lys

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