LOI Our tv'" u r W W E8t » U Btisrk bans oui barels, tube, or cana, »qle.tg iour o o ed cItizen. lncog., itseséla ithe Craof th* Deep. es b. alle othe ss liions ou l fi osZ.teked, Meehg brut of t.elunlg, lolI'ngses. Tetl t ~lb* pokesof b e ief w.,.s mraugsy, mdly ire.: ipot hua iloinacIrose te bis bioat, aud hli A«tOh, blet «a, ' edévi baomess lOmIem of me." .obberm of ?hsbom. ircs"ijetheoroiginal swn op by the Cogi- hsud 21et cf the.91 the. course of whieh o nerm viaihsd tie tombe cf S muk~~s a1th$e Xlth, XIItb, *I nd XVIIIth -Dynasties, the *Saýmipneus d tbe tomb * tp I-4'inlg amdug ltaI ~8OI. they'foU4 i Itact, lu- liu wo ; othen s betiyed t i;bât the. tômb of King. .ceafs4bf: Quese Nubliha, *fe(lth »711PU7), sud a gica * sftmba aâd "mémorial chapels 's1e *effeSCrecre dilooversd ta +nsnbrhf n sd robbed. e.ie>' o " Bvk.sm-Buf vas 4~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t r4uuuejvltn i l il.;~~~ bu urpddl.privati fqd liaIist thibeves « cePauts froin tbir My oseas, sunt ad osut su,*d had stolon themr ylute bloh hsd been cm, se .1mb thié gld sudt lb.orniontiwhîoh vers laathlsir ocfins.": le t"Amboet Papyrus," cf .i b4flbitg ngsd tiie sud are lait, due thedePosition cf cns cf the aJ", vici vould appear to have taku dov"ila wntnby ascribe heudsnýÃ"Oc*pOG 1th. Governor cf Ws. It beaïi datte b th day cf pli Le., 1h.esecnd der cf th. judi- #tialoeoldln tl#$Abbotl tva." Tk emfèsa0fý the. rob- 141110ug iow hetand bi. eompsniou a"t*Ãœp iièptbre of lng Sovai- We, là etr ou l. *"Il srmtin by. psucuiiisud 0ccv- i.' b ,Il w ,lgloes. We- de- ~nue¶i~lili torc.[the ku Md, à .iultà d dorna- 1wAm'Mtùv«M wth gold, sud Is »t peacu vas entfly sdorned L gli, HLiOenffsu ver. overiit <14 %«sciver within nd two- suad, 4lmtdvi ail kinds of doe tance, '*I.nlch lb. gold Moulwilpe'e ,-Mab4 ie sc, th*tçç 1M lae twob luaitpu e p-t*fà rsIêue, ifr vues g~k~ inIbame, su4 s eMI 400tus scr ettm a,i -" Un *Lo ado 141Mhe oUl Vof eftoy nv ololtr's Tu edeatlp, g e hinvaluable u the. soli e sautefc raining anti invigor- atibg tbé intellect. Disputing la hot service, end ingen- oewslIyýpoforMed with -top tmch eager- iprudlent frimae ; boiter le it ta (10a, iwath t prudenlt enatiihy. Ëolitenosu lin1ke. an air onsio- thre msby4jse uaublng îolid in it, batit scies îhe j0tý'ocf the worlil woudter- fully. The. idiosynorasios of th. Engliab Isnuageoare no btter illustrated Mian iu the fllowiug doggerel wbieh la maïlt in$ .round the nospaPerU; à enim' ber, thongh boxinluthe plural makes The pl;rsà ai oz should b.lie ae, flot oies; And remember, though fisse. in the plural The Pil« goose la no% gooses uer gossiew And reinemberi thouibaume in the Ãplurit Tii. plural af maftnus îbeld be mien, tand fiel magies. Mous., it ln true, In the. plural is mice Bu% the. llural oa iboune uhould b. hotcuos, And foot, it i. truc, in the plural ii test But the. plural of root abocld.bo trots iud nay ret. Tixtie-yep, eao'è sreI generaly a good gcré. Who wers tie firet astrologert'? Tii. etars ; bootaso thoy firel studdod lb. Classîcal ; Wheu Ajaz defied the igining it wajous afier an inflictie. tien cf a ligb:niag ted agent. "Thero." aslth le dealer, 'lae q#carpet liaI can't boat." And the Miau beugit it Re liais& carpet.bealing. Innocence le vsry mach 11k. a batik bill cf a very large domination-yon ofioen hoar of its boiog lait, but nover cf ils boing founit. A fasin paper PCviq coru-ileal rubbeS ho i.hair w111 dean i11. lBai uobaody wsnis lo a lab se mach trouble tu olean corn-meai. 1:rappy îs the. fqýtbr phase hbldron are se yeung tiaI b.e au deludo tient juta lhe beliof liaiticheprocessionu i. t l tuai tiere s lof ithe circus. "1Confoandil.1, yoa've sbat lte dag i 1 tieagbt yaa tild me yoa eouid bol., a gua." Pal ".Sure antd $0 1 cita.vour bonir. iti.s ghot, eorr, I ead' iew Id." Tho proael robe bis heuirs, ti- Mater rabs bcuiseîf. Nover 1laugh aI a mawiîb a îlug nos@ yaa do't know wlli uîiy titra ap. An ingenloas tank.. bas itivruird a wlitotones l arpen tic appeliti,. Neyer mary us wamen tilt1 yen kîow whoro lier draes onde antd ier êOuI ho- gins. Iu viat case la il abaoolely impos- bibls ta he slow and sure ? In the> case cfa à atoli.. Mau nad ife, hgetier, tare like a pair cf eciere. oprated, tiey ar more lik. daggons. A yoang ealmsciber waîils hoinaw if il is boiter la bld. ycar atevioguaoreveé pour idfiage. à ballor nuNew Yark advortiees liaI "1wahI's authe. Minat" 1iaof roat lun- potsace, bas viat'. oÙ îlt isd la cf A Oralina negro, au being ,îamîu.d, vuas akd if bis maier wams atUne, Chiation.6"N* ir; hlitlas. plilleai." vwu lhé repl Y. lïo b vnttaCtiarla "o , my oild; but vhy P""oiomother;1 oul 1 thomcaglat &uMadho Is amno. * A. Miseourintlg for a divor.., IMa ilked WhM ad .0hlm ta taie suci a ous. What led ?" i.O elbim0d, "'Wby, bot iai-in Mp esr-poured 15 Skuop to ai&op winatcw e:pectlùg. toa* à , aiue pint iilia .Young gpuls. ain ie sudting wii greasar"Mualisa. &ud theo obfantac iI7911 vitiMAee- tva 1.0o1à lu a mistci meula ortm fi, aà lu& b. lm $vies, bot negwtthlug &Dy d.rprsn liaI Maay ecrut,.Sud enis1g lb. -cr.c ontour o-he prpclnte.. * Âtaie a ljet inventetiLia aiw ktud o! bisousM, a ntrachu ou pour ipprcoi ta*'&,têt, and lie oiombt 790c 0cme la a puddle i i ts pou over., sud drcpipou-osn lh'botlb ae. 1>1. "Paier," ualda roguish-boy, tIbp teikî m eo e r k 4be b la- D uup 111-110o l béd, sir, imms4dhc kY poig ïisu Niagara hsvlug be eoaeed ia love. wliod out ta -lie pré- odpi... baooffo«,is à loilasa, gave one sud li e wut'haome, -'His body.va. fctdbmn<z twuiag in bcd.' A.Wstsu iIo w armiu vhbis u Vse, W or 0 , " ho le no s 110 vh a ivod ete iage OfhftPj ibut h bait 11hum trathti l ,i thiough hhoir maincis for centuries 1' -Aj An dvoitlaemsnl la, a Nov 'Xork li 'tapitvante ,aboy- téa'.open .yttsa about ffWuton yo ad." Tint aità ulo ot hto bs8fileilby boY'Wigi aih itoimcisud s tombie 66td -lie hesd r ~eue7 ier* eqt b.e tv aabkpo phainîs tame.nigt s "&That ho la mcâeatn tphanuteit," aa1 a pl di l a I ho,ç 4ro h l ,b a Atc'l~midr bial veïiI . isl»iétknt AOf vaet A T i*lsrsl A gentleman aeked an£1 kieiWit t .do.ir al a mafl ,érvoe, oun11* eeuapke' tiou of whicb ho* rewarded 1*1 vè:7 libsrallY. al mniodiaheIy ad4reedl *hlm lias, 'lé Arrali, by the. powefe, _ have a good mnd ta bre Yon ler mY We tently eaw an old book, prinici aven fifv 'Yeats ago, tho tifla of vhloh y"e have no ,ertônil knowlîdgê 0iè tite 4Nï subjeoÃe; but. ou ei -alptnctpe,'cle puti engage ual l¶asu beUiîti ý AN IMPLICATON.-& oolored goutte-'OM mian, lu New Yonk, weceto equeuh à O of the, MaO no.il0i after elating bis oas, s O, James, I kuow poa" 7 wsh vni wnuld plesse, @lit me k A Obloago paper te1Yjrhho tory cf -à i nocînrual erenaà 8riO1lttbsang, "4Wheu tiie-.bo, nbaussi4lbi.niag 'r the la-Irake, o, the-ien l'Il ti. hink of tho.* he-he.heo 1,thé habn l'Il thi-hi hiDi- ai tboe-ee-db VI -The musie arcnmed sà a Obu7ti 8 f a~WWbarel, s43 tb us 1 do1Ëug a woll aU coula hoe: &I 1g.,~ ies Lamub, ~ne ftein0O& iugfroin bu arlyPP WlT, och lbsa", iu-s mr*Weê»à inibasl, Whou a &st gentie. know bew itlwÃs ith lb. othorea0 er#' " aniwered- Lamb, " but t taitt pkece of pie 0.18 the business for Me." a statiou lb.th Harlem Rsllroad, au cl gentleman vitla a beenfut eoouulu- suce steppe8 cil ou tb.epl..fciud ad iuiiallng ti Potiar .hfilslely siclsmmed, "Isus'i tua lnvigoraltigt" "-No, tir; il la Pordhada," rePhmd. th@ eoneieuiicul guanO. Tii. oherf il aiod gentlemnan vent hak iotabhlmseat'la the. ToucluiNOG aaMUDE-0Oncf lb. mcmist oucing Instances cf grattude au Ilîeged la baive occunred ao itlwatikq. A f1111e boy, lb. chil0Of ofia v.lby 'moibn, tnmblod juta 'tie river. 110 vas iscued by, a working man sud rosiered le bis parent. Tii. lady gave tiie man1a tirbe, coul postage alamp, sud sail i ge xonld b. gLad ta bave hi= camee ap ta lier houae and ait onh iu lhe ontry teud luior ber play thl ipana. IH. weut awr- vithlb bAn. TTc nid ho wu,'t usf"d to tucti avArwbclming kind- equal f ,rleilon.tpain, Lothittttrual &snd h îr, iItcirvie pvi u ite miSe, hack or ti't ' e, Soyre Tliyat, fill.eitmtsm, Tob ..Lurrugo, anti endI sny kind of pi 111t.li . w*'l t n't tur 'Iy quickoti 0-i.1 nd tt1I-nl. asit *dwtinge p3îcril l t'en, i. ug ~,î~cIeîig'tl ' Lie gral Fiii flverted <Idoubtîm e i treUgh of te.Lt'etlii% ~ninientt in, the worl, r'nhlbit iaever7 faii.îly ressly for aieé wl,-ni wauted, "a. il r"aly la the bot remette' inte porlelfor Crampe la "Jis Sltomter-Iî and Pain end&a&Actes ai aU kiudmm' tend te for e b,7 sU &rggIdu tta 24 cutt.s aboutle. ,VkINSVIt..LE, lad., Jan. 11, 1882. 1 raceutly hua a veny dll»cut cas of ýoituamption. I treatod jîtit liets Welulfie manner passible, but lo *o effoci patient grev gradually voi". Ilatlior tlum Rive UP, %ud a ait r.. sortstg" -MY tnpus form ptIete. 'Gw oeal u 4 surprse, ie p tit begatoglnti Pa aul sotientlieau 0 Mdae tna er sîpeol, me va cmlste tîur e flc laaIsoe fliaS rMarbabl rmedy labDr. n g '1 "ev Duà oves frd Ocepio. I mev ustw l silo- fetor la p ies . 1»VM &WD Drug Store. Large eue 41-00t. »AE O 5b iS £ m'm dam 4~ fw o mw 'J&bem K.n.=t prbaDugms"' *"~-'~'QZ~ * .1~* APPL~ TÉ~~I &U1~W leOylOO -er tua- HOME UREy4 From b»tOv ofu ra of ge, sbrsct ,AMma#à lmo f IMIBERETMTIESfor Lot No. 8, Sudl Cou. Pickering, on Kingston Roed. Post Office, WbIlby. Bmu-20 '1 nf-St. V/nst.I- IT WILL -â-~ooWn&iinýpetthe goods ( . ppwt icrion téQ0. Tb m" ence -rooia, Ti. *r12e 81,. - ~~ttaJ5n sio a OTARm LINO ztnois» n O=rpaniphloewhio de u'i~U'DV Ktck'm ifeugnudîlO hicîne ta sold by DiugOV Eeet «0 bo, cr1U boes for i I f of Po tzaWitbp'hyW, E 1%OW0ianvite: Drluts, :1veyv i BU OMNtnUSES T.GeSÂei olro"im WblOTs P. P. Lnda_ _ _ ----- To~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~L !2 211eI.E lltn- c. c~ - BRIQK OCTTAGE ou COLE0ENE STREERT, FW. & lit,' lm i7ý prl 88, he "White" Sewing M~ te * THE STEAMR 1-.- "N ORS-EIMAN,11 Win mats henyMulê , lpe u.tlà sue ockoimonarrvaiof 4f~jmu Butl sud WOsL. onete se *1 ohie Ih i.N~ Dbulu8e*,*- ulet ii i miep al udmail M-pollllo ;rouiS a 10- t or 0. IF.GLEELEE sDtUCRA BASET , FN' 1 RANGE F WORM, xa XPRR8 160 -WChoE I.. FAX ig. Duvel DHA8; WES ce,-ain ormeoJinCtWld alou pécillaeffeef in ceorin9rob-ý *taeha*lcng (Joug/té, l iû *W w -cnoten to t/te publie at large. Sadbu dfeetabi liorofafs. P1OO 23 Md eSmwaabeia reais tmi~ K(ERR Y, WÂT8fON ce(Co.,; SA.DDLERY WIL LIAMTHMS *Begs la direct attention le bis'largeand, up.frmor astock, comirrsing everyha in Mho sdlmry&sudHarneau no LEATHER VALISES iNV SARATOGA TRTJNKS. -À LOT 0F.- CIIILDREla-OtheGSià DeeAfr 0PTl-0"'s Blok re t, ulfcekd4 8(WhlMbct8hLUl MÂTTHEW COLLINS IfoTmS oustomers that aL the ahove establishmentWi léb fond THE L&RGBST, BEBI?, oa IN«.saruet fsok Boots an& 81ao, between Torazita and.Mtntregl, Dýion.'t be.Mtisfiéïd vnth lodkig at the display ia the show" I ýio , t g o :ii tan cu m ino an a; se e f r y u r e lf th e toro e d isa it e'~èrhi~k[ba~'Ji, b-oà Ud foe in.tho Bout and ShoeIe ortaio Ana t*an (h1de' iar> 06 m'~OOW t'f>o!74n05 }ATLOW PPJCES! No ýbloiw i but 'wha:ui lstraiglit, in 1saying :tlià t. lu hé mail~~~~-i -salsnnnelbis lUneofo uies Seo the'wBri etBos-Lde'Fn i ot a spectly.ý ~ Trulçsana Valises in gretvrtya ows whilb, Oct. 2, '80. DEVBUIL'èBLOOK.; 1833e Established eto r on --e U8E VITA-NE 41u-47TOHOSTO. patent finai l lbe m,.hinu mtcaiug s!? yoanspatent ; olorwiem vil liM e-limited Ivwo years. Tatal' coet af-1ua te0 isa -Patent O6Oc, #W 2~ou iûtà ng riclicition, lM. balanlce.ony viauptuttuloe Total cost<ci Caadin 8- ynrs pa-tet P4; fer 815peon 37L4ù. eOn reeipIetodelai draving, itdacrL pttuo! ofinventionvo- - l L . oielloraina ne Ofice, f- aligoD. O. tisetuint.A v-fi LUMBE! LUlIBER7 LUMBER 1IMCHANT DamLuber"Bard, en'd .11 necsTimear, ired Sallt ehos rgeoualyo.p TUZ TORONTO ,FUITNT, Ceaper ta ver, aJisnws i ROK TREET,- W8ffTi3Y- l4a1-wouderhnl oe.c atld laut per vîit Are yen doieuabamel yeur net by a slck obUds e AleTo'f Thé 'Abbo à ra.ft of a Op1 'l