Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jun 1882, p. 2

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Wei ]wm4Miiur Wa.booeas-.,. B.* Pol *- B.paveR à Oc>. pé-8. E PowellàhCo. ~Vtooph-~. E, i tm 1. Ot~LY Ss~e PBR WkftbjTbuzulayJoie Th ii dng-T. FUUat The m7u Wob,ýý juai botwoecu p.o4 paille «iVS r.leÇa wr meqon met th iswth tors or lusi &wd l, hio.1ont bava Involve Part, but a miluor1 vâ blob hswIglu SORlionslaogbt. Th t, SMr John lisodomi La afesj ucalisa sub ~ogty otualy ovel bave, br p~ ~ ~~te %ouviid wpv 0 e l-te io -WtNtoul am i o!~~~~o the tai1Ie ii i cooaud tise rellitofcf hi l.ao atly- in etcea <t-ooverumet; but1 ~Lt*rses sd ase beir P11 f cepllug th. sut s* te n ta p e r o M 4b 3 ise longer moacf 1. -e iLaiuig cBie jury in wHIi uerlully b. iy dd coniidsrs the hune onfll WfeiItouï te 4e.j vi qestions of. $k'.atn Boandavy Avia. The alenlpgcj artise ou tg eot4yoLialfor the viii appear eO .111moi 1 don novr wbim Mr.1 the ocrat.plln la dm' pgqvae. la 0 4o ede. la ebonld bave1osup Mutattveo 0(retiadIatic Tise Yèiaal Coun-Stme r«dta "-IbrI, 8";Oe sebb$lj, 15 (tsaI I"nad liknsb#4, ofise jesult mis, teisr .a doubti. ý -vuld bt ~ei aS altnority. e onfém thatIliý' -o Vitli aiyon biilh aIdes-oCpolie., wu had looked Vits oonfi4.nce for a 'y, Dominion 'Iy lu Onijarîo for Mr. Bàki--lft hsan-au voQlt à Co. tiolpallon w.r. noi revored by the 1 fi.unc of mionq.,. TisaIprvMevçw "I i0, Ou. app.beusn; foi irecoulê not onlyra o 0«h crlny oflntOii thion 0OUthhelo pebylb ales te tb Oâr u olve snOi ualnf àToryoploo eof 1th*. Patla.ittôh, II oit*room isatévor for qU.5eIf0 -thu seoret ioo blg for ]ie k.entheis 29, 1882. plmp~lteui5seeO0~ hnow hoe té -do the ork wlth*'tiiouh uré ud go; sud witie 1h. tctfa l1ikuy Woom ofi làt PI u11U17y, vo brnun. ave n.' doubi liaI a dlturbanoa of &11 eo.at tf he eleotlons bu beutcar- varet ia eld by ibimtWeàtîof rnoueyS'otthe^ Md a verdict Pao, wau,,adrakeo. lie Oons.rva. Kouey alou,hov.iver, doasug tr ýon 01 SWUtheYeoutdefete à tarêswr on.og ot- ilbiHîy for Iliat reauîtrestea thél.. .Bfonvsportiotance, whch hald lu th.e ~iau bo0 "YBlakes@ addIasse th .ls190= e0fWs ,DtLeaingaie a eL(ca*& ré -gof what ôOItito ha" b»e held MIou the subjei, l* vas -M bby th. pu lie wlth mortoN m M lovsrurneut la l1878, by-ooonoltbmvtiI d dt.plY,- in Though Mrv. Blake l a «W by soule 10 Province; but b. a 1hoolsrho_.rt&luy *o whlle au lIm- hîisif, ln .uloring th. »dent contais, :ain &Ina S* te posees not ouly tins -potiticatlun 10d O h e1h stlniqt, but galeo sond mucof 1ho pro~. iff lu sigorous bleui. while It .of bi ie auilates wbo à@ letors Of are put forward as emineutly roaltiOl 0ilng MJOr. have fougisi lb. baîleabove lb.tel- i14 Iun187; lUesof th.eineé, ülbloude of Op nia- Swbéim g t lbitlueoalld, halng boau approved of «on that they. in 1878 by an averwbelong uiajorxty, oston b*te@; ee unvieas. no sesaon vatever fer try- i qusello. tg st quesltIon over agate, nuises on ElO e "" cePt round îstabliabing a -politicaltacst Ileauce; but, vueS ecou never b. sccepted by the. b"ilébuad Rhformi party-tbe ground Ihat lb. .chlag of the electorai body lu incapable cf wise cou- éî $bat &c lusions. IVletiuctions Vox popui i oox dei must bc held ta DdmiD1ou aud b. mineeot the reform. doctrin>e. Cer- Sbut tbiat tbey Iainlmuetuit Ilbc held 6o awhbn the roibe myamo. ratber of the. people has repeated ite epeakiug Zbey- evIetl after four years of setier seoiured ewng ictereutt Ig The Tory cirouumEtates of the Spem'Ig commanda firet spcal il, WO bave n0 acceptanne because it bas been uttered iliîon botween in tho teth of great local interesîs knaw how te whieh wcnld bave comma ded 5116000 AO*IIAW.*LU hsad tiey fDot boeon 601 aide by nallzed 3 doubt, init sud srang causoucusanegs cf righb. El. ot h. aduty an omeut"ryecoanamca hvé, in &Dy event, oqpeople froin no room inluOur practical politis ; and 8 of th. praper muet, therafore b. excluded frain dis- théy Owe thoir cuasione in the naame of the Reform princîpîmu, the Pary ; and th. iuappliiable queation batance of the of Froc Traite be rcplaced heonoefortb Y the-People lu by biiesée prtinent expadiences of a'rer Tii, trial bc': onua tarif soketohed out iii hl, sâdreso6 xieral finance, 1ta the-aetooaf Wst Durhami by th. a Ud Povnc oUI mmn authorimed te <lve vuie. sud floel ahni bsape 1* lii. policy of the PSvty of t ila that, in PI forum. h guCS nmiied In lhe latc contest, the Gonsorvatives provincial lu- ver. solia d miphala. Thes Reformers "Mb "ud thO e ve.nt by a07 meaus se. Tiieibat- ideclsion juil 1ecries ver. diferant snd ISsu 1a4. o0luston that il drewVIbn ucomplots conoard. Thp Geueral; &Bd damS aud vigor sisovu by theo"actv re plI lth5ai mombers of the Party conld net hava movaI 800e tW been surpaasd ; but the veaknuIao ly P"osd ovor divIiou lu the leadinsg brought mreu inrestof lhe a tin ,boseletori Who 9consttit chýbe of poVer--the l-4aA outsilde tb.où. ibodyvhI ivtes bu a : 1L. b011 tle National Party. Not ouîy loit nacésuaryfýb Partylis mot tW b. isMAad ow» e - upon luevitablea deea, te ast "a ie aglb of Partl.a.inapplicable Iistace upos fia. iie i rtuus cr.forafi".] med on theehsI. follow :-On. 1i àal"cn.isarwy t6 II dva auncr fl fdv ýhm-uu t. issvatve4. 8;f* nof party-oppoiltloo .n spg lthésupport of every Indiidum riie. N~o e asdnty of dAlsoille m A iee",C ltOtisve, a304 membermbp. This rnil =80atber- lanwhlob lait rlved ai joitbo51 uncaeaiay dalay; se Q6eb-... g-valise h."1108 of lime to «Y jd ol moflf4lov «aul"zaaurat Iov Sot of- llmiate leunsof nd usl, l8 a, jor. 1thèes11, theaoren Is. 0vVI k-Lffbârïa ! 8;thé roSit l1.te bea uuue uad 'The other prises distvibuled werc, very haudeomne. rlal ndv e the largesau.d respectable gatherlugi Thé rormm was exoiedbugly PART PIRT. IPIao Qua" ella, E ué - to W. sudRav ie. 4 -ýluwm Ea M. rom th. #Ma.h 78. piano Solo, MRèvw-d,, Llou.",-li MUler.y. 1 0. - orùýE f ram IL o % Savae xtaoeflo '-UlmsL. HteTjLus a. Scng, '*Te Battuer lan'-lUss Dol. »TIm aSoo, "Sona." op.2&ce a 7 Snon, " ver- eq,' frei "as"MlaTaylor es» Pi "oSl, 7im e Iu I Polnaseý,' mas Wilson. 9, Charnu, 1"On Dllartre.u - Choral Iterd. pincS Iat are presded aI lin, eomweucLemue oecuea, amd brief ad- -resues Sf o*pgraîulation vers deliversd byMr. Q. lonug Bmitb, prosident of "je College Board, Mr, J. 1B. Powell, Mr. J. E . Farevel. Dr. Buoban, etc. Aà lhu clos. ou Wedneedsy Ihere vas a grâadreceplion. Aftrvardà the alumeSuanud a numbar of invited frienda :sat dcv» te a boInleous sulppfr, and a nast plesast sveniug vua peul anir- oued by ubiort speeobei, toaute sangs &e. -W. are ploaced to be iuforsued that the prospects cf the College ver. se pramimîng. At the cloue cf tbe tomu mar e veo7'2 pupag, botaers, sud tise incoine amountsd a iil,O00. Red. -principal Rar. la doiug bi. ubaro Wo musSe IbidCollage a eee". BuR inceh adveul cf Professer Fisher, lino musical dbrector, lièeai aMLsemua niromeut spoktea cf li bis important deparlmeul. vileMisesDicS, ths toacher cf Vocal musicontiuueuwîvn golden opinions. kltogelher thé Ontario Ladisi' Collegc, &Rd alconnftetaVUwit h l hve reasa to feel plamed at tise préentgvaifybng uvideuces of improvernent sdmees -Tine Gip SacIrk- OIPI CONJ auEx"& AIUal,,7mm8 lm" Or PU5LIC&TIOM. Tinis unique sud rth-diffang vol- umne, vhlch vill Se pnblished very shorlly. lu alesigned s au anitae spinal mquilcesand sua-barus, and <la ~ ~ b t~cm.âdb'lie fsultyeas s sure640 prvnabie 1cfOdialau p dut w ILe-degm Wm isirais wrGan-*tas, nom o.cyvt bu f l"king a boat or ramvilbiout on.. aI vs~. . <ceiases aslargaly il- lendel. antis ' asa4veulug .nJoy- .4 th*ia beautiful<ods. rmoeds lu a&W of M11Saj&ts'Ob" & Cudag. - , Wtoea g c m dinmm s- Trii.brai-el tisa eek bIngangin .vItcled.f ise boreis ter isea The YoungP. P, L. am, eTuïes m»ornlg. o amiuge' 4.14 64~ .- 65, 87 82,4 4 No.1. 2. 8. 4. No. 1. 2~ 8. 84 Al 201 281 omuavA.- 89 '108 8 76 O00 - 98 54 864 890 80 lu 74 46 1 UJIOAPITULATION. Beach..... 8M5 457 Wbltby Tp. 279 267 But Whltby. 278 280> Whftby tovu 2M1 281 Oshsawa.. 864 8M Port Perry... îla 1W 1668 1618 1 Majorily for (lieu, 50. Noth Ontario. ..j'a. spld. 6 6i I 2 82 18 Mr. Long, retumn g officer for Northn Ontario, imade lise afilcialideclaration cf tbe voté eI Beaverton ou Teeudsy. He vscteudotei s hesàrty vote cf tiauku for -bis impsrtiality sud fair ean- duel of lise eteciou-maved l y Mr Cook - bain. the sltting mennier, and seconded by Mrt- F. Madill, M.PP. 1 Tha following are the. figures o! tise offleimi ocant ie dotaii. ahswing a maj- orlly-ci 59 for Cackburn. No. 1. 2. 5. e. 5- IL Ne. 1. No. 1. 2. s. 4- No. 1. g- 8 No 1. 2. s- 4- c- No L IL Ne. 1. g- No. 1. IL No. 1. - I. No, i. -g- 8. 4. CeekSinUtilorGils. 69 79.Gite 809 188 si9 138 19 90 45 83 65 5 25LG O ÂUIITN 74 5or 1UXOTS 74. 5c2ea 65 49 100 59 74 47 .16 9 84 O 30 8 26 21 tp. or SCOT'T. 18 68 87 45 tv risa., vu.tdon or -asÂcEsiDn5. es .do il 18 m. O, or nier sià ouxan. 87 -81 U- 10 ai- 29- a.oir ruOssa. -8 48 07 4 u) loti long romain pooeanof tb. vere., TiabTlan O'Day cud beolruetei b bould, 15 e y, au tisat tlb,-Onoiuor.n vas the, vathful iuy on . lard. Audio0,0ou, e. eecoolmiInti y"r passed round., klier' as àmhek R>ite ortb-tran urchin bawied out 10 is- *49ould up, yer -breeches ald clan. yer uu~' The Ray-join uept nme out ite *bal uit., as va. bot nubekuovu te -Min- tbreus O'Dal. wé~li idh 1bine food lady ou Erocjý tbreel,ë4-ent deana te m« oDnCba4 -îéq a bw>lleztolinuhem w. m.,vbIl tlb.mici? 0 Me vas satiu or wldh me-rfude boy vhi *U t iil vsaIme - ne sys- tint d vaa.daubý ia vn ro for mauY- long day. Wtt, sur.. y. âèu't No auylhln&*about l0 . hook I .xpayvio.d unltaWyes vIr lu tise, tiemattinér widl yey.l xes 'ietres, O o>,a dui, quit. e rade3l baràd a m-t uw4j 1in, th.r unssumblubocune ye au0Usit Wdm- WlaIll, iyf Imst."î.' "M au, hiep.eâi1, "Abyt iy Me esplndhor Botton il vasu5511w *4I'm gan home@" Miss Se, 1#y*O sa kéoe theres o' yu taiS 1* ermeIL ý t'v Ma ýdear," 1 vjinad ivwdh a61 ti é omposhur 1- vas able t10 smiuon ; "Vary volt, lu talSin 10 me-. self I1vii ablasie havaeltheabiauoS.l ien of spaklu th a Bluible lMan 1" Mistbresa '. gev me van e' ISose killin Icoku tinsl ouly iaelf eau <iv. sn ud vs bagnole *f, -tellai sme la lihnrry borne for dinner, or thal .@W wnd't x tisI all."Tinodeas orsy- thur kuos thul I've a paishun for salid, dhlressed iu s pertikiar vsy av ber ovu. «,Ma let," I inspinyuated - "ser the salid a' me Iis, aI vanst a boon sud a blessin. A.nd bore i. a konindbruti tis aisu jitet-Stak me.-Why are je so tiSe a dimb o' yer- owu prepared -Why sam IT he axes bacis egin- first toakin uvet nuitpiazed 1k.,sud aftherwsrde vîlh a daiS frowu o' as- pislmn-'<WSy arn 1 P" asrepaptes queshtonioly. "dBoisa., me love," I anaveorus, oft and low-Ye lak. go much liaein l dshressOD. diàl't stop ta look he- Slnd lber agin Au I vint on mea way chewin theo end -o! me own ooglle.huns. Tins politiekal praspickts aftiner thes elecksbuu battis vas what wuS Upper. mastin n» aiemd. In the grate battis -noa Jauger cf th.eiustis-but cf tbe Ballot Box-I vas forced tot admit bo meusîlf (afîber al. -mi boutîid la Mis-, tinresa O'D.) tinat the Liberule vur bad- Iy ballon. Misinese O'D. ha&. <01 a *habit of ayiu-",she Show WIl hiivat mlliier.l go-lothe tlt.mes of ,ontbrasy 1, ftTààâil.1s.545<in * i Isam, Dua,r5l F.W. LEN. Oshawa CôrresPoudaiice. Lier. on Tneulay laitou acoonul 0f thé- fev 1days P t.Vioe~, uucgba ,tbey voula iv. etceiablho- ssuLter vasU»" POonýbs.r"alvei and ReAgou ri od W i a ilinhunat. tmg uvo te, Iudwa rïly thséO nr- vativs. vore dovubeartd- vwhile Re-m inrmrs er, 4u. be est ofaprs untilIbe oud. wheiu the 10v. cléek sîruok fav* ein.aoiemout samgzlhe, multitudes ou 110 stramba i*"sof 1h, mcml oxreane-character- VaryDprOO being asuu o kuov vhovaa életedl.t luformtug the-people that the Usforni-C etn bai a mjorlty oi 89 lu tisat *&rd. This anuonnameut va. r.eelved _Wlth obeer ater ceesr sud va. oupeoially lthe greateit ecstacy to Mesers. Mg- gmnbotiam -sad Me8wesny. vina r.- resented Sb. PatrtcS'u Ward ln the 'lavu Clunohl. -Wb.n1the 'raîus traom tii. hireotbep vardsa"came mb the. commiittte roornaise Reformiera vers inen confient af viclory. The teiegrapb aoe vas beaieged, and deupatoli aftor deupatoS came, au vel as' inellWgence fram local pinces by coaneyaces-U5 itin tinsexception cf i fow, oucouraglug tlutle Reformera. Duriug Ibis iais not a word vas ineard from lte pîbsa' aide cf tins etréet. Tinen came tie vwit comusoIiop of getliug rsady le go týWhitby. Tins NCnmorL haqWdli hettok place thore. After tho proce@siWn reltirned bo Oshava Mr'. '-Olen addresped the binoudu.a prusct,, aad>tlmukecd lb. ulecborssu.ayo the honar they hait doue SM. Re -vsfoiiowea i> r- aen olin amd hesore- J. (0. Stitb-, glgîug. inthna, - Moweeney s. t iZuaremnder Mackis. a&l eudarsing tin suentim.ents of Mr. GlIen. Several houieca lu town and aloÊg bine Main Boad betwson inere and Witby ver. bliillatlIy iliuminabed, nu veil se tins residence cf *r. GeIn, Sbsllon ascension from Mrt. Glen's awn vas theestimeof <ment. attraolo. kBonfirei wve oos buîlt, and coula b. seeau la lb. distance aà 1four-'ÎlooS lu li e moring.. Ou ~ !v~~~a- isbA pr04. 10, pars 10 Garman: iouiolEurope. The relnmttouïfrom o Zesa cerefnlly gâlt db, eau n a t.A- nlviug aI im ùe vii' do'n n- renaysamle. Borne 1,,500 rne'iav bein marie 'dab prlce w~ .~nr .aIly average -2oie. a pou"'. Fer à umaiU qaautit.y--*lover rate wti .scept- ed, but aies arc novr effeoled freily aýt 18J clu. Ou Sabnrday about 1,Offi car- esses vere ta b. offer.d, and iuntins = r me tcond iton of tr ade t ey vre n ei dob rampty dispeued cf. Tins ,eep" are, on tins viole, of a size verysui&s- bic lu lb. waute cf the Louidon irade. A portion'cf about- 500' sheep vss for-- varded direct. te lsioteci mrkebe vhare imatou bave bien reportpi aI equivalenb pnices. Tino esrgo cotseted o ebaut ,00careases af mutin Sud meua, Solled Seeu is in short eij.ply, sud bhc demnud bau been iesd .ni- bhs hardening bendsaiey previously not- ed, baes uIllu înan advanc lu riees. F ot bcileie-ttlan, on heàttbns4, turea b" beu feaqir u ulys IrniteVdb M hailabentrauihcted, Tbough<qdoÛCtati*si4 Sh6i ow ecaseg, esier ratcqpfroul trIo b.- acsepîed lu order teefc1sie of any magni-ý tuile. -- -- -Wlmhîngftnleter. (Frpntr egular oweupode4t) I ouaoîatiounBade, «erolu.. Whiby.-Do. o, ulru sssue by w. . B Hover, Green Elvoi$,B -Croquet, isI4,Xliea Murray? 2u&aMinS Grscfàl alkig, l ies,iumRogers,1 wàuda iiW LocheThe arpber, litMisaCader, 2d, Mis natre rebeomiug more oeral beu- amq rpoied. Briibh-troops >are ready 10 embusi for Alexaudria'l au momeint, >sud Esel Indaen trooau*ir bcing go] rosi' for*service ingyp necesu ary. Itis ls amerepored hat Franibe viii co-aperats vihn Egad sud mend 10,000 -mon,, if At' ,d~it vention ineomes neoegsar. ,Tins rit. isin Consular official at Alexan abaa uatified Engîihbucurccaniuiug -Ihere toe take -measures- for- -tieir &safety lai cases oi au ontbrenle, wviainu itable ta coeur a au ami.-Abi bau ro. ued a how lçv-thesnatives implicated in lins reccut --mbusacro'to Ilbe puuished noliesa Enro bue fifedothéS xioeriuasif-efeco re sopuhe. TAns j-action ie '-n6tosloulabed te have s pacifie effeet lupon î'he'exaiîed populace. Loonets have decîmoyed lb. coôru erop iu Nev Grenaisà. s Croipti have been utterly ïruusd t-is Fraer River Valleisy .o., by t15. Peuian necwaerI'haoe*O1td- i erid > inaChliu utorb . oceas publiction- - betwecu 1Land- ger Mdl laI list. iS 6; au lîray *1<111- Ur.' -rnaiy made a -vigleùt-istusk: onUrJfa. Jotïn, Brigint, de- fjiàghlmie pol iw eùégido. ILév.H Bretégh, late parLah prisa of -Trenton, las -utartedi for Englaz'd, ana from tbauce hoé wLM peocscd l Homo te liy- bis- ease-b&foraeCOâuaisi- cry smd Ris Hollnuth. Pope. John: Âlexamadrbit.lieper, cf -Asi- grave, for viplalien of lhe Bc olt Actvas fli 0 50 aud cotes adalime liquar fauud On Sïlurdiy- a Manl named Allan MoDomald, smploesd-imudriving legs over bhs Higb Falla Dam cf tbe Misais- aSippi, alippe dlofÙ8hébooem s u vSta ance eam-med over fineklaxuand dmwned- Active prcpatatiouc are beiug made ian BritishaCoIebh fr té isit of thme -in eirb le sboluj inad'eoo sute reurnu e xeureicu tickeuts froMA--e s a«t at greal- Tin ovsummer -gala je-ýCàId theo k a roa gide,ansud ai eà or e by bsnding bishe ipper portio ftheo bodà-g an -suld ftwenty degrees,«, pokingîthe aIbaws jutotai i anesr ide, anit letiügî15e Sù'aïie ~p arcuaan like tine fns ýfa! es 1ion--'Tins- stops uhoutd Se-4lon sud oven, sud lie ohm - lighitls llvated. -I l e gracefui for ail, but pecui ry adaptqd ta fat girls. Ars-count h&Ba ilenuiiïdere a i Norh ýWentvofi,, here Mr. Biain,Eeerm- et, aims la - have. been elâcbed by a Majority of lw .- -- - - --- -Mucb.deatbtioun-prévails ilu Botivis - insaasCss S d.'ab ti5n cf iAb- on reiseivai ou sustainai 1- 'i - Ti eTir a taes, 1 vutp la grafal Eyl., oubi »lby rtiklli, ami pha. »84i Rad vem ialaam% poea- s# la Mviii.. visraàa'nusiv bas beaappoied bthp of *9 »w Be.b" and_ pateeîv&I4.AnMubýf ras- uw ou -AUl liatroam ..l n-1 2 1 ', ', à 1 ýý' - i os qu v

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