Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jun 1882, p. 3

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like Sirý John.A. , still èorne oui ahead ! --00:00- They -have a 1ayge stock, bought before the late rise in price, and are determined to give theires tomors who may favor them with their patronage Vart of the benefit To Builders and Carpenters we woluld Say, you will ýfrnd apccis.1 advantages witi us, by oaling snd getiug pricos.- Alarg8 ùpply of Blacksmiths' and Carniage Makerïs' Cnt Nàfls, 8 inch and over, $2 90, cash 1bi1priaea for lsgalots.Goued quality. A-s BROla, g. y' -y l, gèapciýý aipioe- mon Letter. ta r.Isl4 Whistclil*dB1i -b 1 rsmaitnug msmbers vies. plaet are contesteo. 91, 4q$ntaQi:Progruo ths debals. 60-Dtdrabs et any lime fin.! tt*.BopubllUmovithout a quoru,- thqeaou. lu §PitesouthléeDoevruae.. seno"te iou imi. The, trial ou.tU ta lnroSuli sasso.- ga n he eCriminal Court to.day,,nd- il ta valcis.wlit greal inlrest h lie' bar, a" nemi!as by 'th. mauy triende cfý the defendaula. Ail tis cousel sud a large crosds.!rseclalors vité lu at- tendante.- Col. Bob. Ingermeil opene.! vii s motion lu quasi tb. indlcîmnt, s fart azs-Bousier Doa.ysand bis brother yoe concerne.!.because, as hé ùrgod, lthe(iraiid Jury ha.! icI been drave in sccordance wih tii. previs. ionset lane. Judge Wyiis overruad the motion utfI4w, Ingersoll. Vary ein- meant counuel. inciuding Mr. Sveeny se.! Sisllabarger, et Ohio, Chiandler cf St. Louis, Wilson cf Iova, and otiema, bave ise retanesd by tic defandants, au.! t lu thouglit tha trial of the case viii continu ens ataasat a menti Lieulenaul Danenhover arrlved àI ils home n Woahingln yeta.day. sud vas recalved aiett aulres.!station by bis brethers, siter.. relastives. friands, an.!&boultirse tiouiand citossusiti gtreat demeestratlon of lovs sud etteaux. Bie vas esoortedfrein the depol le WilIlard's butel, viiore about dtp bhua- dre.!oetbis frieude ha.! assmb leadte give hlm a coràial veicome home. Mmr. JuinJ. Olven, chairmnofethé ereoep tion oommltt4e, lelmodnced Lieueant Danenhossert le ommîaiier 'Dent,1 vie vslcomed hlm Inp'a biet ddreas, sud presta.! hlm ili s Dorai medel of tis lest ezplaring steamer as a toat- au ut regard sud eoWem. Lieutenant Dauneover, in reuponse, hhanke.! Commissiocer Dont sud biii friande ton lis cordial vuloeme. given liAn, an.! ual.! ual h. ha.! been me evervheiuedi by th. eitreau ofetoungratulatlou and.j frleudly affeçtîoô, vbici met hlm ati Newv Yorkibt h. teunu.!hituseif utter- ly unable lou expreis bis grateful op- prealation. At tihe\aclumion cf the apeel se, Comuat";Oor Dent Proeuet- té lLieut. Daneehover, searaiel7 ail thea. preuenk vhobi lhso.1.!nul per. souiy lyuow. sund i. vW &gain ever- iheAi Me.! WU congratulatio0u an.! es. prossIans of frendly regard snd gouil.1 viii. rAth b eloome h. vas escent.1 e.! by lise ommitt.e ïle'shAoms e Wsçt Wssblngten.1 ' ecmeary Polgor ham issu..!an order.1 lu lake effect fromie BruI Instant pro.i hbbtlug smoking le the Tn.amnmy bui. - ing during office heur.. Il-i. under- eo.! tbaI a number ci ladies, employ. e.! ine .deparmSntt.catli.!uponnths Secrelai-y send reqqested te i. tuansier- rsd le otier r mntsas loir maie asue- cliseore alqiesl gotniuffUy smoking, tins rendsrln il t try:- a rsable te tbem. Abutittîéfe1à selli ts employas ofthle ýaricus departmmels eau b. seaen rt aDy.îmisas- during office1 heurs viti sihsra cigar oraà pipe in lhiritmothi,, uotwthhdtng L0e fwe tiat part of thsir rotu (snocsied by lade. .The food Ibempttrtipi. ses byj ecrelary Polger- shotu.! - lie flovaid tirenglunthmésvensi dqisntmnts. Croquet 1 Croquet 1 Croqust, trou: il1*00 permoet. J. S. Robertson & Brou., Whltby.ý e tsExpress %Wsgou, large Oise,j stàgymads oely S$1Q.00. J.S. ()bae@esOmoicetatstonery. àApeially An Ibis depatment. J. 6. Boberleon & Brou., Wbltby. Torento Soues., coeraa Toronto sud Attelaide Bt.. ÂA L or cH. I. H. Tits Pmua 9 Loua.- Her Royal E g hues thb. Prinagu Louise arrive.! at Qàebpe et Atlan stsamahip Sarmatiaus on Suuday,. and vau met!by His Excealieecy the. c Ocismur-General an.! driven le Ibme, minae gi th .avy dovupeur oft 41 o! Te0dsai4Clotho of the b Lf~Qy 1'00uu~Ig. Nw, godfi A&Positive Cumre .Dymý j t; s. 1, , 44 b osY tel , p l ., ge *raA 17sdsnirvociFe of etremu dilêrarebeliones tlu oidksvy mAdiosi treatmsnt. E1Y adn.i eaan .-senet phys*ilu of-BUolc. I ocaneei t Rin Pcamm v ùx Sr it aIoel beisi. te ozpsrieu.s bans&u. AMer takiu lbrse bdtlltes %Hlthose ha.! tesllngsbuhaef111 Cly hsaibh lu reiloreo, sud" I enjoy ite lu, wola lasever. 'Most oheertully do, 1 roomnead PuuÂynStu." Sol.! by dealata geuuaily. Nervous dibility s a remiu tu niA. ",,,Iltin gâe imode 0<-iflvinu. bEti uatur'suhewing ivesd tais Buriloci »luod Bitters, bbcs Great Syslsm Ben. -ovator and Blood, Livsr sud Bidory regulator sud tonio. Sumpls betties 10 cents. Consumption. thai drea.!destroyer et tih. human race. is often the. result cf bad blood &Uë low Vltaity, a mroful- ons condition cof thc ystani. Burdock Bleod Bittsrs cure Sorofula In its wort forin. Take ne more taumeons pargatives. ]3nrdook Blod Bitters act 'mildly, Lpleasentiy *and tboreughly upon lhe ol3e), and ocoaBion De ii-onveniene, wbit, il reguistes lthe Liver and Bidnays andl tones thie euntesbied 5761m. Triai bottela 10 cent.s. AtIthÂ' pprobesci esptleg greuat-I tention sbouIdb! gives s Iuritv the : stem engorgpd viti fouihumers quring the vinter. Buuluck Bleond Bilters la >Natures& ove pilifylng and reguiling lto. Iftieumatism is grstly dependant ou a vit-ieticoudition ef the tiide, sud May ha eliinuted tram lb. systani by k 'en ti" a o ' sd negulating lhe Kidnesys. urlodlI BlIoud Bitiers vill do Ibis inuit efl.ctnally. Trial boula 10 cents.. Dropay As essentlally s valerv con- dition oft1he Blood. depenilsut upen disordereti kidneyi. Burdock Blcod Bitters are strangly Dinretie, and con. sequently the best kmou-e emedy, -mat. ing s A due. upon lhe entire Secreory The Chie... hnvened prnting. lbe marînsm's ocompas., gunpovder, &c.. - but lie invention oft Steel Peu% vas loft lu the. elnteeutb ceulury. Ester. bruok's Falcon, No. 048, bcîttg a on- vrial favorite. Nuaisait MEDOîn4.-We do eut believe in deasirgchiudron viti nsdiciues from the t ime they arriva inte i. otA tili iey are Brown, as some' do. W. bats foued as uttle casier olAsuan. botAs of Perry Davis' Pain.Êiller mte sud sure remedies for ail theiý 11111e lla, sud vouid dot do vitliont îlim. A. Youve Mè.t writei "I11baie u e Ifaeks ?i Unnetia Medicineo atil.asm wtutti- Elesa! with he srt-suit." ilf cureit eelattar Dociors aud otier- med laines iad laUed. Sec- advertis.iaent Don'y PauSEtisO mCoNsus.w-B-ut viien yen Bn.!yeur hoee. heep. poniîry. herses, or caille 4f e.y description, lea.n or suffeing trginlthe vaut ef healb, juseuix thir fWed whh BARVILL'S 00o9- DrnSuPou-pý au ait ahe Mimalter et eues ti Tlïeuent Os secihiott are muid everywhes. i FULTU> ALD., -PROF TRIN. ,J.-IUT Mdiel Ioo,.Toronto, saya, Wbsslar'i Piieup jl.a Calissyé,la s combinatlon ut great, rlabl yan.! efficscy. Il bas ienuvryul ru. commQnde.! by tbîmdias picslu boath at home usd.abm'aad, vi rril bas beau tris.!. We have tua il in msnY ossu-ot indigestion, nervors pros- tration, -chloroiset suaousmiandsu e have Dne hestalion in glîng it, -ouW-en- quaifed ecumaudetsoe. W. have, a, e ast pleutre n ealiug tia attention etlb. protessien te s prepar. &tion en vortby snd confinence, and lame reliait. An the trealment et contaie.. ciug patients, and ail diseamas attended vith dibility ofthtAe neefoon aud ms celar syatein. Sk!ney Me.- - The repot Ofetlbhymcian ef Garden *"Wells' Hesli Reneaer"' nestores Island Hospital uiiiolosed an alarming beali andI vigor, entes Dyspepsia, Im- condition ut affaire on board a& transat- potece, Seals Deiiiiîy. $1. lantic tesmor. Twelve ohildatn An the eleerageofo the Nemeais, front Butter- Boti Lydia E. Piukbam's Vegeabie dam, dia.! cn route, and Ov. e n thCempnun&and Bine.! Purifier are pre- boîpital after ri-. These dealis are paie.! et 288 and! 285 Wastamu Avenue, attributee obai! dnuiting valar sud Lyne, Mass. Prioe ot ettlier, Si. Six thie ueflact efthle ahip'u surgeon. -botlles fMt $6. - Seat by Man.i- n lie torm ot pilas, or of leseugea. on greaaipt The Marquis oet Panetiord. hase Pnb-i etice, S1 per box for -eittier. Mrs. Iisahe.! ilpaper lenlte Niréeesth Cen- P*lhau re&yanvéao it Jetters e! ,--i tt- au(b frsiquetin. e aye inqly. Enclse .60. st&"P.,Senti for; a y li sul iternntivos oMnfe uEglauti Pamphlet. Metion Wbis pper. nov ame Hemb Rnis or- sparallun for - Imelanil.la tih; prigof -Iaoyear alinusl The excileisulovr lhe rentel il **701 epme-*\O!~odPn ttike in.lie Petnuyltluia edis :8er, more espeoisu ilati ,outl et ba oea r Ie, ieB4byr My e-oiesrouuty aivice eut purld maeuauf thé 0ldoder -reaters -th try,*Dr.Carîmos eoiiceb r il Ud naConstipatio n. ..A 1V ots vilie s openeti p 'o , ibnr a W in soon convince yen liati l- l4 the - lu ch*Ime. go belliS largeal in lhe uwr!d. -eîrs.! es u' Imunpdaaliy all4 er i Wcle thle stoùmho, anls:itrsd, x4de. Brennan. Secrts -e1thle Irisli e*d hbes.In lage betîlea £M50 onte. League, ce S"asuri holieaddre d à, W. Rl. Hou-e Agpot' - - - latges asemnti 'e .ppla-sI Xiiienny, -'o-ru - -- rofuori li eh saiCain a Tc-Proèot- Penn rss. tbWousCôf 'i u vuvuusasuîfruas su Larg quAtoiel'ilca! raillpr *bas& i, 108jnd y theis"nda ra'0. ifie Syndioate am bqing land sd ai, ew Yerk, Iranerted t ence to Buftal y r"il",% aul aunai, éboerby the 4ner.ý han Ideameri $0 lwhSjj W'tM tiey are iluppqd b.y irai, èkjô »pê vorkr inthf5U .4'J ".qg '!e (ieli slu ilteuse, Vlevelm'tt non uùin 4ffe4*-P - lnllldajo."m À BOhtao Roeîbe*o.se 0 aaffd-$pW*, a.#of the Goal, Quina,*or. Thioa,waf TOOI, Ea,'and Ifeaduohe, Foutd rof and £at, and al llai Pains and' loba.. nie PairU. n Cam baveqnsl. 5a" oeîs pfi GI acf. abura <niaedcam te I)t7ocUm i n IUM Lerr.zg 1OLBALLDEUGGIMU ADDE&LUS .&.,VOGEI.ER, & Ob . Golden Information. Ahl vii.sgo, esid Mn. Dr, . A. à Jordan, U Lineolu minait, Woruut., Mas, ues of, mirfrimeusfo£m li Sot M eO eli l , 7 t et t. eurprised a*6 .1Ia~ t, Is àeme failelto Oum eà!t*it à oiIassoand I prescribe it wihhigiy"ad naidu tfl ig M oy paieu$e rl49ii vt rheumustiaui, spraius And auodl pains. It i ooaeiaily *v e niady, adI 1neau hlw rsommeud iL. Not Ouepf tr peculladllle. So eseildréspetable people von!.! hestate considerably beloze pilfeslng *yenr pookett !D- as-orowd*4> horoufh- * tare.. Tiret youd, b. too too. "Tii. sane diacrimaination la Upti ndicate.! by the. so.oald respectaMle dnugia wb.u liaI vonderfuî mra eff, P ai àu'seCons Exysanvoz. le s Me. for. He wilA piller our p«oola AthebM ost etelmanner by' îubitlttiig eap &ncd dsugerous subetlîtLuô the gent., in# Poînai'. CernExtractor. Wateb for thase gentlenzen, and tek. no-otiier tban Pateam'mOCro Extractor. BoW( by drita eyws KîI Y OR. ý FO R 1Eoug UM Rais. 11 mîmou,1L.Dnglui M- Cii. ont aes fvauss ,ateui, WIuipct.n., sud i dnes and veabeee uOtheb, gsuistlvl or7an fal b. cured by Mac*a$Impoe tii. Besalve.in luthe world for 4ota, Dntiaa or s, ent utRhOuM, Yome ors etter,hOappe. a na, O bblahaus, Coowsd ;mis miii BEmpions, iii.!positive. U cents per box. ~'8:»Notices cf .lira, >ariage#,ý and Deut lèscharged 6 0 eeiti oach.- MAINYl» ...Ithe hause yrhe .&fofthe Belo #on.- OOMPLT N GENTS'FU~ O4RPPJS, --~THIS -PRIINT - G1'GHAM, S3 .RSierya arasol. * lEA! 'BROOK Gloe'S, 'W'htbye Aprl l 8th, 1882.- a Mrs~ PbseoX. Bol D~ l.IptiogXe -1sov 'fo ,QIn orpIl«Ij ure&)1er. ti~o ng BwVDr Store. Iité àss.O. aller %klg sm.bigh(y puffdizp me witlh long testimoniale# tmm Bobp BAllas,, and bave no fear of fe kldasy or Urinary-TrbubIee, - 1riiht*î Dis" >s Diabotes or LAver Ooiuplaiut. Tii.. diseases osunot vemial Aie citrijve po er of Hop Butera; besia t i4 thé beat famly -Medicine qu earti. Brlghi's fAise, Diabetes. Bau-areof the àluff thât pretinda lu cure tii... diseases or othar mrlous Kidney, Urihsry or Liter DWesse, au tii.7 ocly relleve for a lme sud mékea roi ter i es werse aftsmu-ards, but re!y solel on Hop Bitters, the oniy remedy tat viisurely and peMmea. elIy. creyou..' Itdeslrc - ma -r. moeusatm is d sse o0 efeotualiy that t aevar relumus. NEW ADVERTISICMENU. Commlittee Boom, 1. H. J A M E SMNS ITALIAN AEOIE WH ITBY.' OPEN EVERY EV ENING. ?srt Whltby l aîbui Comp8nyof Ontaro TIM« tbeWàutoldrs ofthe, Wednee do 4n 71h», 14821 AT l 40MZ, I PONE!> ic. WISIY,~ maSU CRIeTIOIU, IBEST~L u-ebtssim tinivera l'y cessé. wonRF4~DSTIlBTION-a' OSEIr~~trr-rr'T' ~NEW, îL~ET iL 1TI! IE RIM.A ot Ladies' Gold Watohes, thq ýoo-inIat biGoôr, a ýý 84 oonamDinnet M and Tas. P E C& u PItc, Ivor>v-s o, kltu chIbmt, ieS taslas INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATES viiib. bheu.!At a"D PORT lr 4ïN U0e AT W.'WP. OF MESMérIEN C~UNTQll JOUSIR 0Tusaux CK, u bu= it]W -A s HATCH iLI~ Qetiitor or tq Wim il "h "AEofR ï.i1 t IALî"ý SIJITAJ3LE FOltHERB1 ~ imens s1ock frôijï,Whieh to, iùgk a sèeeton. - , -I and ý ài kaP1W~ pieà,-for cash., - 0 Otstom W rkas sualI, a,!8peoiwîy, , R#membr-Noth A-, r~Bok- W it~ ý"z ,-3UàÎh 22» 1882.,- TWV E, E S,~~" Iu ....... 40o uova spIrl t Yu *go with ont, but bear- etn had besu toiebt 4u t e ls. & re«uing i1 119 hlm s.! té hlm thé m"s40n. Is - noàeo te aie rd. et rm. Gaen. 0 tikc lit.ef 0 bies îso iber eIlif~ tirvasdiA % li'edsah oreosti u bu, etpas 1. ý .1

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