Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jun 1882, p. 2

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tab~ f t ufIbm .miw asu'oussiu'~ fuIiîb ~ W ~laq5r7D5U.~SomIU H 5~~A ~ts~eo 4* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bib O iib*s di.sut lseh fetSh q>Iu ,0fW *ik< Pm* ta ue 4M## 4b»IWtt( t hé frr,*r'o u b" .W #là ýb 6oibolus1Ã"b btb. tii 1hot rs y big oovmUmbvin, b1»buBU 1 o il1&l sabol t 1he. oo"uy rwdIàdeJhnMdongàld hwe ai ,ja,6bùeàhlIuù ta Lthe etblow tl WhItby. = '. ci' etpifp Sb b 11 1 1a.aaha Mr. pfl ongrrtled thespwtri t e a ssh 1 tali, lw"6s lb. lo aibtb7l- Lt 0.5wa p 1>0 &PM& 1 ý J tiDy o vesp.k i.ü TheinpW mm 055 mo *Eiiat». @ Uivi finggnli<Wh.h k a iumbbof Ui*60 a.C.boUi, twbkIOI1 amaw o od"tu W»ow"oa. i.utofhhe apro u ev*r have*ofavu m ýajiava b" f orts thee> -a"pil h.impi4 i mu saènrelosi lapwjaooshhy ibeloi àoIýltthoe 4oîb4e *tbo tb4#ýpoUpg dey1 Wb* onug s og u#oa te* uInohisiaullXap'O ls wth for lis adills atl -w' 1wp.sid ta ter a bmdatipi ag tiei pue Ig~4pesu 0w.t brlsu earlbsme nle abt'i uacf we a vbq d's maagotis dloonesacbhOH -At -la. lans peuMo tu (d anhe h.-buili lis it teeo- lIbé motion. asi aamin' "Olainooedinu 46ken. He a 5800,000 ofth ta b. lockmdu, instittion) 1% Aaythlflg. Ng decunnood 't groatest -oursi en,"' andi hi latentI oa si lie monesal sstablishment public secooli roW & gainât mient, howsve bers o! lie ol 'ci Mr. Suflt It IWctIsg in Ilst ie. dHsi L à G o M r n . ras 'e g àad liaI h" sers&lie aiM need no 00q moutlioslibr Il com foi tie and rdislc Th. be »aon la fl lime buc lb Illact aMd 6"u.lai W, 'I thsn Ioa «51 s MO.I' lie~ Whi~TbuoaiVoud V i ldec> fa"?a"Won os ltoniaI Up- wIhat, filut,>il4Or . pit ilo~Mni' n îbuge da rund IsoO ad aeleerpvanaleaiss*ê~ niaosa ln.fd fora,. hamIàbbfhOf.tn.ney ln oalaio ; Poo Wu saeber o , Ibuhug b . pre»Viole.aàamcre bsoa re«lots, q= po orOola ,-op et trouf grouailagelul pail la lie affalreasO e lwyai ; Plm- mai, j ut a.e irouglat in areport lff, ind, ho vole f« oi *rpesq of tbm teemltse On *u ftirsu of die, ns% inmeive,..iai, a éà site nendinng 1hat no .011cm be imiilrsP ifllLTt uthaia Oonteuded #bt îst lioug csallos s ieodtablealie,1 l t hé. ta"i' as uble ond ves ievt'Goveiamntwhioh muinlalaus ad ho ns augisti aIb>' hor lie buenweft eho t h o i umit 10 IL ostlncp dpftd e ac ft o f tise anla' luareceltl>'arvanging,64 amy oea-, copil b. jot obutent I.hlii, hs ahluencies, afticîlng lhe cleovîl vig4 iO's>. conlild otnethe viii sboli a theotl-llO.OOof tie pole cf Onlano. information., so tho country hai erer iiadiigl14760W0 (aoltian sd nôt p. tmeat, as 0 cis.vstevi5od utheepa aiigsite tter oee ooualitucy Bu th.i nstie va>' vith h ts sviccrtio vbersin 10 elect a represeatire,tlbigh chieOshava titalion se diaionarable. liair nurnieveentilled them te gaen,. ruaboaut the abt by -Mr. lluret-"Tial Sir Join Macodonaldl bas duereuined M1r. 'Suithi iriug froma lh. <id dis- for Ian yesan tocaane vitlila dee5mc tt ho divudéd samougal tise -= vcepoliticaI atatua o! Caliolie, lie Bsay dnei le af the Pa.eido"-wM aua > 0boy vood and drsw valr up al goa des t Mr. Sti. Tise amenA- for lal an ad hic folovlng. Wéve vs a help ln in hi sr,"earriot-ailltie mgan. aore bérd cf Ciinese, vithaail polîtica.I Tmn"Cait enach. vat thle eXC'eption rightu or opinios, ha 0oculd naot have ANIS &l W anud MEr. Jenée, -of Oshua, igaovsd ne villamore ooutemptua"vaausin favor. -dcead"lnov a a0 à janut>'uuis oo 1f8lm% a. Donovdvendesetapilis he re- vigie." a aveltist lie vaudouen a. la vbleh air Jown maedonabl ad 14 lb. la E5in Ca 0 0atur5 Udtlb d«Ils villa the demuaç« eth,,g IriiGnytia la lie Provincial Bulabt »i fo P» "'ý Um@Biake'Ulh vagi>' ad vIeil tb, cou. mon s liai monSB -.' à, iau ls 9i " Voeas îoaiIacIst i etO M. J. IL 'n a l4 lin shIo ÃŽ, * *btr"Pair bu *,i.aPo ii*ouedeollaned( Zlaol r mor 'viu- "WI 1 pe l '0a ofM.Sm l' ues â asihier h o " a fer ie ae But is d il4e sael hsy uha o cen.tabid a"reào 10 lIa"i Iùut- ialssa1&m S -of thé mmn. Anai vre 108a»a.ksvy, mï" Io3usisfon tbi a lnx Wh.v ui a dsaim dlspiYod fovnaadovu lb.evistebst i uminan hmi venonsfi splyj-iughd aiea&foolla a49wou goge iesu imeeNI " Pla>lipheih* The di>' on.vbljl Mnr. Dovma's Mr. Smill .Whlîby Poundry. latter dcusunelng lb.i amuli n oer>' t il ac f Whilb : . ha &Peak&a o p inaw 6 a l b >' nâà, tb w e 1a 4doegatios et of ugean!% otsh.d »d iv.la i t lach Whitb>' Foçtadi>' sirvJohn ieddoastl ut eslflc&P.'-Major ÃŽ6 iii bIlagmlpn. 'For toil ont la telbeCabinet o! Ur. jelng tamm "s d&MMnlI O! th el" O'Donoboe. lMr.loO Dono.beUY> cBme.r f ~~ ~1 1i seghufas or" olt beeathleu"bttdo eon . oat aeepfsita i b et f le8à1 mâw3n -TiasýPoition viii, g oveaanl rselring lieuappoit, Ihua l-o1 15p55qUo Ila cepl in bis stemdlbe0lie t ithte Omavi lae ti, 1S~ Splladon afia prof fn me, o, *"und- nemn in ~aums u 0lmlbOui*0atmbr im lasao! Touse, tlic *.Ysà 8aù lis Wbtl>' a .tu» bec appiW n d o ia e-a S bléMU. dm evsvuate tasgtur " .cectole __ - iW, lui JuOes,Aaf~ c da m bve hi s5e3orl liii an' cne btii u *as gol frrymau eri &ou si f l.srapbe 5. fDae-t Umm i lou W mîm" <lacsis ,-Dhk.syEilbp tu a le$o, we.tuls' on Wb, sud- »Mre bùtt grangd ondhlier o. Tim 10 irJon' : ma5nl. ÃŽW rulrqapIgersta» tIe, GIleoiaers"â Bai novll la Ochavi md saib flnnptîtfa la m oa tou. !l lb. eao.l 'A Slimua..- - ls.~wglaq M. DUge nombis pdo tTovnaîsp 01.1ko!ButI Wbeew'vilt ous,(css'or,[i poiltiomi ophiis as4dhi ir foi pel *'for Dmes omadbur t u mgef$hLg&coe oêImmtp,1 40=aoa) ls e ýjmpéupm "âliaI hie,, vmie a wuccefi.eake'. meeting 'o Tis- i .tisulm wordcal for flares. he oafo ýsmIEb' -'Hu"ï..iS'locW nef behei for ohwaiiooe orJwn îi srctl vas lerniImmm mirh-rvoiglai knwthakr the num4ua lais m yard or i 0=0a ain ofW shailow nubuts bu d iIf tMo mmd ho voiimain o th but là,to be.Ouiahullew bea léytug mn s lie. 'ý 4atp-e laýtid menysmlii.k s enrb M" onfident of vlotory. 1lac0er taob brlng he âas Of l.$ th , ,Iyb fore th e eIl ors iu th ~. à2 m 13.fhv non. -)Ir. Blake v.s luËiïd lbcame-ê ta Wbltby, anid ta -ad, i.g.et ras tu ooinp lano. i s ith-hârn Wh L b ora l ob e l a p p e a d 'Thil e v n -- iogl tah. Town Hall an Vavêî I 0o houi'u* Ie'of th. *ood eaOtt, 0' ppsn ~agalutheb.'pesa 1, a nèftftibeu l oioy t s non u b . caulie p : ro miT ta M. Blske aàe&»tho, &Mte R. vas mtnt tfhb station by a d'epu.- talion of bis frienida. sud*,wis utcace drivn ta tbe bouse o! Ma., G . Y m l wbcse, Ryad" -b» iual for boginaing tbe, me Elnj; Long ,before i bi.ie lb h" eIli led, and tbeaudIence crcwned thsir -heos with rayaa" , ah # ù Foe. TOW&S V nrtSMewmu*WupdillieaaidedI 1 l,e fe Béfôraersts mî u et Mare 8aIi8gaIddb, sl r p miasat' Befoame M Than il% thbe.nriIere was àfairB@prilký weI.kuwn sanon iber oasie rThe-oàcasionW"as oed by a Mnuch larger aitâdace ofudf..&ban us atonl on such,. occasons. The gallery hâd 0bisn ruervd for heaic, aud as they al o erio kinep lbe hall té- .un i take an jutereat in the proooediaigs 2wbicb did thbem infliie credit. Taipn all-in-aIl, the Mesing l* Voted ta have been the. Most auccessal aud in every w*y îbtheMost, atisfaetory ever heicl iu Wb idi. df. Among '-thé' promint men prêtent ve, tii.folloving :F. 'tW. Glie, et-m;p. for. b. rliding,- Crowtbor, ez.M.iP., West Nortiiomber. *, lid ; D.oaguzMFPWet a Durham -Dr Bas,, Oshawa;i Dr. le. irl urieà Ohv;'B1ey. Fétbelr moznlo, r By.Fuur oBausan, Mese.0. Y.' a NeGili, B Buing, Wan. Mno, A. SAcuis, John WIJILis,0. Farel, B. Fi, It C am p b e ll # 1 0 08p b 1 0el w y i v r rH ryW. A»ls Jeh Iv, ree c I1Iàlov, '~a0 aaipbel.. Hm & foru Associton, vas oalIcf 1solbth 9, eba*, '9o9ni bAetil.H r-, ùM »*odu"edMr. McLaungilin.,M.P. 14 P., for West I!oba , Y'bc pole brief- b, i ba ponlél pon so-bme of -the, W uiâoinIfot 4eslioiIof 'tbe day. le d -lArI vhhebgerrymcauders, a d o st, op is e nd in l.reslgg o b.. ba en-doaq am. eli ld'loud appisuse by bis reterence et tu théc gallant alraae -!Mr. Gisu tO Io vina Ibis uauliluuy aI 1ne 1mbItelea. a l tio* . Tbp mlbr- O' be ou thqb id'Too-a"oa' ' a Mova nre t Ibi Ibal anv-olrovei lu Ibis Bille in- "tqnea he' BFiAsrua Bal ,d La WhoIten . x, âmefaull withmI bat hé àï -bail, to pull it- auep li enrç '9s " d.deàmte" fkeUwij, 0 *'pI bout lth and' v&viII cee yul v9 0" do for ~~oal~ ~~ f ltba ipnmtai7 estimate.": ît40peo te InsisteiltuaI fthé t.t coulia .y, -Yac oud.,!1 knov rn injuriait you popnlautyi amd I vonldb10 XMc Meéi lntinlii tii roeuy and, 1i am faai e Pan- abu h hkey i h-aoy111by Bir John-« p lifls Soc mach vas jus& linuing, ho' Ire tWup h1dsr3- oies, anomal] i4> g the ifrefrng seiiy.o citi du1t'. 'qÈèew&mir Oharl ui';:îpper's naro paid* haWý.-.Èamiur' r'lrs n 00ansd liaI if the dnty W. ranoved that tax <voul.d-have ta hr. p..i.. liv the people ail ovea' thi.Domin-or, i .b.b aaked heniif they vnl 1 - .1 mona Who Woulitl 'ual take aswa3r i .. ty. A. stdnan voice called out e, greatiy 10 lhe amusmeýnfr'of lie aud- iencwi. Mi. BlzkeLs-Well, that'a jusl wbat" lÇovs Scolia people 'Bad,# but I didn't think any ope lu Ontario would aayBo." DickI Hobbs, of Oshawa, formerly flour dealèr et Whitby, and' Called *'Champion cf lhe ligbt. veigits,". ber. inlerrnpted Me. Blake, and vas re- mided by the latter cf-lhe cbory of tieý 1 qnav and lthe vhuske> amideSianàghter MEr. Biais veuf on 10 speak a*n lie' o6m. qesion- milwz* 'furîber inter- rte&WIh'hmqe!asfion-w ny on acount f lieetrL MEr. Biike-4Wsil, --Sbllevè tbàtiùu 1Nova &Scella .dflyes' mts eemploy. ed about 8,8W0 mou, 11u1Ihbue, ,mploy- ef indlg j~iWOntario are, -11sup âcsd a ~boy." slraighta. Dn'Ilf Duey n.aide. Gir. nu al-a Mr. 2BIak ->'.vsré other aides, but ho cotML f ge-in eaait at once. one cther sil sfa u*ýttlzovu iby Sir Mbartes Tnppe fa.mn - r7àpn'iso. H. 1sald praotùi>$ly Jflu.Qnf.rio oughl ho g,1iel caoal Irom ?.n*itJiVatiÏ,a, nd the Eastern shtas'bti0V' clibut i sa lie U a u*id S tm ïI Ïd - n ui4d thora- c'.ive.bay iilaag-jt'aixb oîèl, vo voulil be-fo1stooand ijurc;ouxuelo ' by foUivlug fbuii'aple." ýCboouî.J But thero WU $U'l iother 2ido. -la 1bis plce&Pàtax goémlseson si, > harles1l'npper bme4 'taid hut in hie opinion the ccii tm- vis aU l ¶,id hj lia Ame$omýnoSlêMin' usisu aloI culyhtbal t ut oulwvi 1.obaspernov ISanoven. If Ibis lai "ai hAtfi,ffeïl4 o! ."un dov* EllE epII0&ria.oosi, urly- <bel rajurqy - fif; Noy> Soot li qoal!miner,î sd thlom 1fîre, a vur i ons: defao in tlie-Naon lal F iy. Lodcheerssu mn gb . Here DAokse atoitailnç euiî ie hilà, lint ii îii. a'-*v %ek bas mers amd ail, AIt th Mmena szE s clfq'-uýyua >mr. uauo..... Pe aroeel,mcong dort, read oom-, 1. ýT6*n o rof Whby viti oer1 amie o! tloion of Mn. John Biow es the $bplise f N. W. Brovi a, ne 0Fvm>the Warden 4,- ~oek alng mhention e -j"iv- sedfoi the"pr~eo! ial oseici 10 borrov mofley. -. " j, ze nql .6. Oomanunication ,gesig hn e afrvar 0 . as ér lu licenso by.iav. --- hood cf the ralLwy>'il flla-bl-- -'.prom &1tïMie fs- cùff~'oiBasud I~teh iea lite guolor, relurningthbàilfor rolW - ocnrvative Asaclln' !Sn n ~m o ub tie x& iboo k. . B u c , d-n t u 1 k Mone lha-.-tfha lu- it'ai.t secrulavy onlal 10eÂo4nmk vaqe os loîr mh, i ý.lcgJcr a graul. vntnfivr SmbAith # - - 0 rom Mr. lînipa moPbemuo, tfou hndi. P1acz , of >!tlé ss reeo c Raa, o Iqe la oi., vsspsolng cIa#i~mo v -9r Mi. tkiason*'sVrug forma of auumilvia sldrdàla'as idaltion o hftierd44 n- discia, JosipbWh u& ai jao. QGKeV Oi,ý,'atý qek prîietor of loy, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ jý -sm aplie o'I'-orl al a waîeid u ipon b cleri. ~- l7l ftbJaeLibael Oonserv&livparly 12.'RpoI f g.JaouMoheso, ho s ata îanldon toï~do te reeve cf BRama, of expendi1ie a riots dIAIY'vil, m-d va6 inducelbhm mde b>- ceunq'coua nei nie-trie ta oburggolie BeformÙens 676 for li. use geverameat' foir' Ulief cf stifeers laY o! the bail .turing Ibio eleclioq Cam- fire la tual township. paigu. Batktherearc' more'*JatliBar- '.8. Repart et WiUliam 'Bouton, cern- rys" tb<in eue, and -Kv. Glen, ah once, miscioner o! Narzqova' Bridge, vent le 1Mr. Wilo, vois always A QUSTIN-MBA. - -génerons and kiid) émago the usn cf Mv. cBe~ske ¶rtotbr a rprirlhe Musia 'Hall until 1he eleclion te ov- o! exponditure cf grant te Mai bild ri,i »littho -over haIfthle mina. is ecov2,dn repieéd tain the This l» more cf Connervative tricker>'. negative. Thango hve noe Uebubble, MEr. Parier gave notice ta e wuasteam enýong as flela lo for eav ~ ftr~ gether. ThiCe <urvaivea aie go down-. oDn>to.porrov-gnTO eqd-huEeybav nf piiton duuse 'ab.u eappoint on>'faui.O.af Ihn ain slthi -dola. '- ' '~ ohrýpig4t th y:migitU -viiihave a bonseful mà& voil slbhe.-ivc Who altea seconde lb>' -thoehonused icano-eieei canilidulethasi MEr. Blovw *s pbw1ce'tenh.comiitutea tight i & larniw hs Mnceary to oedalo a h'lco!Mr. Brovnt, YI?'mi11 eelon d "Mv. is5igaeil . flIh-àhbalWbe-a1âme, mors ,liera, by Mr. Dobson, a resolulloat was passeil ipýbompan>' vwilh uome Jmore lafie. expesivef ies~'paby f'1h cen-cam 1(Ohav fevday go vlt ci ,tve l hiecltives, cf 4b. 4cesbd fie inteaipnafd8etling.IeloymLbat hear- donr, Mr. Suier. -iûRg of étr ut- u*Mr. Oleni ail been geciva"mvausiafa. ofhevcountry pe- EQULIZTIO( ' ptïe; and 'lb.th'fanionsrepu. On motion ôet" Mn. Giftham, seê bahion1- ho- lia ~oo apié by Mrv. Dobson. spécIa commitie ael lcallast wvei' sd staricil on oonsisting of -Meenra. Miller; Smith irvvm gh. ' (Wh.), Christie, MoRsCugin,'0'D è Tçpu~ trhi.M s aa~ ve Lin., sudJoués (o!Port - PferF>'bee.g~a r:,rIa5.j-U >e menirinsfur 188,-o. tai - rlte awl f...li liiUa peveonal propevl>' a"Ataxable inoome. if ittilt, i.working'oF£,lheJine. WU1Trjmy WN VI i Thé Tisedribe. cr Mr. Glfl oef.t r . Mr. 8mith.1,Wlaitbyl. gmis naoiice ofibg itki ll rebukc, rmnmulcmi 1; Iby.lsw t10ocanhm by-lmw' 646 -af--thé aui glad ta nay, lin'bringiug him amd- - sowtànhpt ef Whitby. : - "dilicu.al' supRori. Bovoral Otanseri- TAl It TNS TO 9JJ. v. hingt'-' hbouf1ý :hmeeing a 1Er. I»ng- âecônded"-bn Mr. Blow -oueve moid-t mpcuit.u thdeoaltitleret ~tiaf sosie o!fithespeeohiu mihrgv neeulawhiobi. lerJreer lt ifrn s-'vnu-last. WM nag-'-ataesnt" apliaipafotthé - counnlyc oerkubip, i - ý T twoaty.fi'7 - -I . .1na '. f 05 ,forth'ýl foi, . i aslee êt, I~a~i' 7 1,;~'

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