Whitby Chronicle, 4 May 1882, p. 4

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jetsolai toi Wiy 084J55wbanuse, a lmr hêtes, WobUboth ba grsy; ##A lmbou ae, a mot bhoue, 0 a tti., valW ý metl, Ion ahil fxstia To.mmOro lo», to.,mýorrow, .AndS thit'e au a" iW&y; Blaue open hsr vibolo, sn, Anti honor &ai i..day, r. 'g lx hi ei AGRI1CULTURAL, COLUMN. Pl LOCATION Ol' I'IUANIKT PÂ5TURIES. [lowvear desfirabla prtueut pas- si turcse may bc, axperimnte show tist d At la1 net practical te establihtheo on @, &Il enuds ailanid. If it l As sewll aup. 0 pliaS wth mosture thit tha mouts of gras& naver sufer fer vaut of il, ISllàa easy toesatablish às pertosuant Pasture f "od. If.ns on t a otlier biand, the soiIla leloy to ba quito dry durig a cooidlrrnbla portion of sacb seaunl ti wAI bu vsry daficl te Sud gond graz- îog grasses tletai vii-remanu lunany t Years. Wilillo elover w11 susat it. self ndefinitely lu dry selilts abtinSdlau ima, sud lhehiele&true ai rsd-top, bot t hlenet etf zuclivalue wlzsn growu on suohi sotià. Land liai la aoenwbal wueky Ainls oemposition, or là suppliad wltti inolululre rom bb..a l0w the surface, twill proiko ne e yaar I after ysar wihbonl tbe trouble iana@&- i pese5 of breskiug the soit sud sewingv tose. Snob landS eau b. ssedsd Io . suitahle grasses sud yl alte bu ex- cellent perupswn p.tturc.It bgl net ha desibrable ni haro tok IntO 16 tory early in thie opiog us lie test oet zaiy gras*aroat4, bil - W111 afi'urd &blindant teeS ctrng.euot et the asason, anti viii 14cre boutlit t te ution te ksep flp the grovîli of grisa. Fcw 'kînîle t graxe, boveler, Wiit long r- c i l o Vkr% lj.tit Ibîîuî dry ê,lit;. tner I tiiC t &ulîre.- wl l i' Io t- - - l- Il- tu ter -A flsU,. . t lli L) lit, tMtt lu Wndlot iboèure Tcu?' la another t" ouong mnu hair pal thaefcutmr aires lu ail ? Mnary bonglît K O<-IOh)fi pqool of tlireud for ,or eriitu [fpýius for nov-n o ci l.11 lie clerk a fifty c-nL pace pipîe -hislthroÏgh làit ritu. en4ta 44dthroosirs lu clini Albert ba it nir irblrm stens four, H.îw tuunuy ar Irepm a dimîe -lrotu bis ptook owallou'n il. What Wan A oul the wbole buiiàsa? t, n cents, P. sud a papor wjth& esteve- Hov may ange'i Pand lItron eê ir<t A.aro'n e&rOn'& pro4il A ventai, paye ntvrvaîiy-firo cents fer a ahirt for lier lîneAbant antd nine dollars for it oitf nit i: olt-for letiî.Whmt &M iO cuit on itl-.îb A. votan bouiti doyenyards of midi anti pi11for il v;-i.h itottfr. giviniz tiaren piuutll# if but ter fi.r eyard. 'Phare vas a APluc weitrilirig Cdvo 1iunnds bihe cenier uf tii. orock,and l thédenIer cheateti lera yard maid a lialfinira tunt iug tl i clt, Vhn tine hond ona the iriSe, sud -hov mle . mjie wbo dêsineR 1<' more a cook steve velghlu200 puude cRlIis la nslgihor te lift 10 pountis ot ihe in- forna!old thicg, wvile hogais îawuY wlth tbe rencaindor, What la lie ne- "çiider ? -À $ruinp ine 200l fi't te go lo esasa g~tP, wvila a farriner's ilg bas 800 foot te go te bite tlhe tramp. The tramp tnîvele il lihe mie ot t-wolve tmiles a, kionr.,andthe .îog et the rate of twmnty. flowtimar tdia gntA yullthe paon, ;dis; couragtîd acîfherer b. wboun the canine ittli,. on - A iicuqc-wifi "ôta a ceaIteW àaidlor' -t l 'i tic-i ! l ,,îi- rih it o ali, iii-I Iîc i iit ovr iSi t','-tr profit di(i al, t'li'- P.i lillic 1ev iret t .tiiîiiî île lituei t l.iri ct 43-t le ii.ou t v-, ist. IL,'na'b u l1il al-_Setît-, I l --î i ti - -, - (If tai apcsnat.. An iairi th librit, - - - , , - - !.-V ý, nîpetaIs cltcandeSntroiuiritin ejle-it. --t U - tî . til %one oud ad iatio tvlxulaeinu ttiteki10, Win li t (4c$'îv lupee ldy kcopr. ohauti foudti eu ttictnr.pU-l-it0'iilps. t- 1-ii a r-sonre agand a ea -u s ey t f rnai i t~ii-ti.iîtt-prtro iwnit, andse asdmretion tva&Ipohe n-.tttiiini 't't cl- nitt- mate ofsthtsjlad r&mKieS îe .-r ny euiti...ti tl th anse whe-lcad p utlissed &lthei 4 î~-c ~ ~ .t ~ rîti would endenteor te praseraspecimnens Titt,,I iiuitiu îîiîy a var agie cfîil on hlm abouid ha rtture uinitie. aî-î ei--rmitr lett oîtwiîîttr tof JusI wheaz bm frit was tulî~matuea an~tid lir ii tir ii Itniiuena îŽiil tle Bermuda pluchebr revilited tau tthientlitt iir--tlin it tu iiiî. laiasdsikad te oo« b.plana. Thii.And i 'sotij iiwlt-W% ra iLît m.iivi sittue requesi gracIai1, b. ntxi relIeS for tbli itt il u i1 sà1 un ttt 1l-t Lei t pePper, nait, ant i alugar, andti t îlenuttili I , iiii ttî - 1,,lt î 1 J1,11 borrer 0 e sgoS d Oy comueuete r-tir il a di i uv cîtel ite-Ettc fat of theosuppoeetipoiiltiuusfruit wîîh t --l it-tIiAdrr,- Li' , l t, itii 11.n-r s ral-i a hat aestoniebied te fii-iiýlderi'. ai-i 1 - - t,1 i. I tet-t ,;Nt 1 'tr After eujeoy Dg LlIte strange ueîîint.tc l r bu -t- tty i t -,uit>'r l îafoîuzad M ns- KiCîsesttt-n lIant tIlfruit, th' juneýt éi ritit - .1lnti)I.t eîînî i-m vegeînite.vwas Lihe trtot. tir !Ovie nIt tî;ti i..lu I C lit I '---- mçjlt. anti il vea it rfonil whol, uk iîu t uruuîltrî iuele. cohu ant uumittoi. re anJ nIlite ork. andtiumrtli,li Foit-t- iii tiiiutiv- -rensniuilig tomîatoeas ve renuliy pra i- v it cti t iii itlttp"I't ii ien,. n - sereS andi disiibulei among tire ei %v:- 'I.- ',111', !ilt iI tpn'fui tiausud tinelgibon efthîe lady', antiil iti, lt-l . -r i- L -o .-itch Liais liaIsnov populen encutut wvalit rtcri tri lt, -trlnîtt truiluced intoliseauctout andi goodiy tborougi of York. For macy ycarc .lt..'l.ry i It- ofI 'tkiAtr!.-1 tiereaiter il was cuiivalsel an au tenue- biitrinr tii-i r'rat miant nation thau -for table use, lut by attîlhlite c t..-~titiSli lticti, dunilî = teismerits begali ho be more 5 i-itr ltys n.tle filmn ltI o-t-nret tul erslood and apprecistti. mcdd ber ti yî e lztit tt-,tn -triir. u ou thora, as elnmwberm, it l ew int gon lit tics aut cf tift%. font, r-liec mn t ecrîic- oral publie laver, tlfizu ilA t ir.l t pîî ilit- at r l - vi te - -- t ,i.- i -v ii Honaekeepei's Hoîchpuîch. "'BrownmsDettie' i. n itpiy anti îssily tuaidepuding. Inltruiqts lny ars of grâelt1brenS erutmbu and echoppitt apples iAus. puddin-g dinh, easane eaCh layor Vithinager, cinnumon. a lttis lumpbet butter. For s diii holding s nl quart nuan liaIt yeunceeS ivo tea cuptuls ai bot wter. l3ake an lotir anuS a bli. Hare Lis top brovu 1tserre vith i pIsty of swoet cresci. Deiis Tait.-Hlest a dîcuor- *i.1tn nutîl il yul nilt bel! au ('unes- oi Mutti'rplaceti on i; taks lia ý71ofet inssi Pgg, anti lent it vii a frrk to lia btter . adid a t@&spiionfi ofetau ebovy sauce, eiyotiaiopeppêrt, anti at tu tats litreree'.iîy someti-ïily i'ronwt"l ulii.i s et toast, itt1t tlltt'tîî cli ie uiîýitre, C.ietug btil A-r~ nui ncmr't- nt onice. ,Pudding Stzuut. - A nier fflîii -- - 11t% lie0teitm Ililite vSY - 0io~ eut sbou4 ie squares whl-e vanna, unaîn s i làlulb, aisr kte. If thle dough as mlii!, y ou eauamark tAi eoqnaram viLli a fcrk imons b*kl.ng. - L t.moma#hau. eu.-Tslle ivo causesoftbutter. l'o @Rue, lIn.. tabla- speufeo e animimutr,île grateS naodsn4- 01.cf tWça lemins, sud ivo ot#à.o. Savprybiscuts(r lbard cnackacs ôf@ny kind), iefibuiy prat.. -i% ail tegethon and thenln smuso'ot b a Ars forai 1ev Minutes Iluasaineepan. Rov>-eady -,nom-spasîty.paaa1 lune vWitAi ,-put ie. ,Pul n avt&yt smnalA bakte for 10or *Ü- ianuitàm'iintitb a qutltekovo.T1ita 'qumnity yul aaka teU~*ttÇs rk~4wntea be-Il.i t n al leIbt i, twm.ha 0 W'zmI bt a , tliii uItlitt. ii li ttt tli t-0110 , r. i tti-ti an tbtti bidiia fit iltît (bouL toulti socetuierelileve hi-r. nesntllnil that promise àO Iargely, with long fitilieus-tosathnonials.",h 4ný flan. - qas*t t u _lep Biltera one. and ni'afe iLtýie yon iibuets Most robulit ana, bloomusn lîaatLà.-, à% Seite.ofWealqim islu oit b y persous who caunot locale aziy patcular dîseano. If they vont It ha. cornes laber; if they walk, tlie? soon tire,; mental efforts hact e buitlii, and ava- joys1 aedimincd by lb. àliatiow .o01thie woîkuonuicblel a ent over thoir lires. iiecî.urse la laed somnetimes to stimulants of s daugsroun eliereuter, Us adatvin otphy. sicitus lrfiY. rIi ev ae'ro duce&notiîappy resiuté. Why? Tbosyi.- lete in dnhii laîâed snd noeets týe h Cui p properly. i>rnvlaazSyrup yl do 111 îWt îhtug. -Ltka the nlectrla curreDt vU" th cor p ornai unionIl ralpau-t a tee led, Drings the colon 1w tue cheak &gain, snd hope te the despeuidrt. It doua ils worlt promptly an&<ehl. SolS hy aIl drng- Wbe'stqïîft Plysbian- The oui tht doees Most 10 reliera snrultn it e tboiisaaeof the "béit é aIl- p îailus. JLliotrie BittferitArndaily doinff Ibis, cunzng wli,'re ail ethar reméies" failed. as a spring taule -and blond purifier they bave ne equsi. ,Tbey pctitively ure live n ad,-kliy.-Complamita. T lie .iîrongest nonne of thie erm, lhey are the Aiet ,êud oiaot~yi nkou. -ýDaaY 'fuieso. Sol- by W. P.t HOWna. A Rcmarkablc Escape. M..C.-.CChii . of Port Dellhnur-ie, Outarifi, mttir. tlî.n el-cm 146 bt-en cou- fiud bto ii-r rociuf or n long lime wltiî tînt ireitfui di«t-eie, Consnm1etion. l'hio lîctore eN ç ite couiti uni encipe nu i-env dzr..,"Jbut fortuntely oee hi.g..ît..kt eDrý Uînge 1Ni-w Dlicovery i. .- Hîtt.î.t.. tin aettort tintie 1-.îî-'iii r.Citîrk, nil l'o coin- Vltâo,,-- Tniul ôlîe frpo Rt i1owso'ti Drnue SttrI-. Lkirvt- ýz'- $1.00) A Wo;d nCaution. lt t1.t - t I Il- -eltilpi-t- -î t ti î i itî-r ft-îiî-lt-nl ue r-ft. -- -î ttiti-t iirire eia rt 1l ' llii- Our. tt- T ---ýel-ttr t, t, ntîtt -tlt<U liown- nilit)cIL-. II 'C,l 'à-y î ;4', I .- - slc Itliltîlit utala îihyic'im. e. liettiel, bavt-e adifficul cnt-i.tif Ltitîtii t on lnîtg ducetît;ëthtit 'Lnflhî ti t-r -cieutiflie' ekill. tlcey. lire- mcribe Pr. inîtg's INt'w Dipoorery for Cîinuitxtpiît, Coügklîsand Coldsil ier. inz ilit i.ýiCptiin teapre-scription botulo, with ulciii owic dinctions andi - &me at taclitti. Titi palict tt igcritî, aud they gel the, i-ti.--Tnlîît.Trial Lotles freaent lIownetimDnitu Store. Large "Tbet- Uesuîy'of laving s bottle ef I'i-ny Dé%% e Piin KitI r in the benne lt, tlttit vrt tir' rr"rî., ifir il-e Iiomt," t r!--i ; t , -I t . - 1,r . 1 lte 1,i Ditt1iidtrl in e poltiiL: refueitY . T- W1ilA, WN 'ritf)-nnt-fuîl l \ i -t t - 1 Jl -tttt- t I i- t-l rt t.iliie I 31 Iti ,ii .i - u lt Um ne in . t I:qt- iliiti t - tý AITf. MIS utc i w ia kt a tî tuii.îiiti l-ty ruîrwtc-i tuytr- etmititi in 'iirolit whti~ cl-erttrctoranî tîitriiun (ti utgnue:litî ad i'-tclti n i. i - lt-t;hliitv t i -î i t- r ulri-nî -iî.t t rtîuniiàte-d t,îogi-ng. -t oncticittel s'tiiy i. \Vi Pi-l Pl FkLEl'S lifiomî,latei anti Calîl-syn nopPLrî the e c i 'uet one natlitionit Thec Peruvian Symnp 1, tiin ii irLtai. pni-purcil ezpntenly te ttiLpj lte bliiol w; t île mmi'ini-îtl. Eu itie. free tron chiI lli aîy forci, t'4 rîtiriiinr e ehcîs are iii folloveid litý c--rcqmni-liit u ~renctiort oIare per-. nt,,ti i' ftisîiti-, nirruglt. rîiger andi Chinaîe iîtttit'llrtiîtga. ctrt, ;. tîititn i " r t-, iii. aityt.in railwy àtistl I .ttoi. uic--tC I t-tttl.inziti 111au 1i coîtiiuinn. aI luWr~ ,.~ ~~ ~ It 14 un xI-nt-lltt Ubrlltule lor wtue un Auierhttt. WVu iti cît - tînt-e fil~in.' - -Yi V Iîr eineu l eu- .tetîî.tîailtîtr u1~ uînt~e ~o. I'N ail dnUggtti. mààk LLe üfcaufià1. Frui [litai 'ilî. - ,t. - avti ti, it:l. î l i-fi h-x , r it-Ilyr s rte -1l itre tilloncti 0îo oer four tutu- woriiig. Mltttltgz il I)iili)tIg Iyeuarp ntil i glil fose nic tsti gênera ul-.lp g iiS-r ctu. -i ngt[îîcrn. t--auci-sn, erf hy -tlsuS. t b.d tîuuîiItiu îî-rtî Ix j, -.-îî tti'Il-A liii il i isciv, ntutF.l rnetilcinlep, alS Iei ýg , c-, tu i- i.- itj . - ti Jý aLiuthnib t- f ernit-rn tii-tc-ne, andI toueS fili 1)4 ut- .u týitI k iil i ,l.iti . ltinc iz , ri I e'mo buhitl(it. 1 bas-e need li-Y t'cti i ttlt ii Ilut-tu tutt ppîy uteItîni-ti oepofNE Miik's Mgnetie Mcdl. tlitîî Cnlîlirnutî ct al.ture et ii 1 tuttian utu emtromly restomeil." Seo pt or 1t tutitm l i rtitt tint iin arlthîmr ceunu. Mu.i-e t"liiV-11 ti r--l-d 10 lins- Mutinyeicm Poutry Psy. mi Lt f t-luit S Jît-.ilt ti i Iitr,'* 4.1ex titenffi-r g'cee, lurlucyn, duukior olaiînt-l au ttirege- wcilwîe lu ti tbantl.i. v' 'lm, jit iWA li&, Jatîu.nCo ~'Well iô. d lar, pei. ut ît- tt-y, *"Inn i )llloUt t>ttUmas U Îi»t,ê tt tair fon etrjtgmnit fot lu bi ocnueeitit riteet loetie ont '06ti101-lin - NI tek nue itp' -il lamll.- cIcr ptiniry pay. ie nitgi-t.. Aer Peak-ohf djnh nnfIUy 1litub- r nft.mcueà sn1ecifice are fer sale lIt tti titIiI--ltt .t t-e-Io M t~otheit 1Mothesi1 ! Motlterstt t-.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~% utn tI-- i tott t- t 5ti ý1iiit-icil il tî i-aui Ieti uf i t--- t tti ut t -- - i- gg t-u -- un -ctl'yI i (! r c illhîliiluitig att-i1 cry. t s-iit u-t~i-tit i ut,-. t(,fott lu hic uxctti e t ol,-tig ta bitno tlitof t A n ti . .ttt.t i WtdStas- tl itiiei5-eCtTtC Sitiuiti. t wili berry nili-te Ialto pioutile eufmn lwiceititëly 'i iil iprit il; there te n iciitake tt.ttt-n:h i l ut-n-t.ii it-e mtter ttc erti tA,1.I lsUi r t - utt - It uti-t CLb taii. 119-, -v-ntd 1 h m'ILt udt teil yoe pl4»ikl e- i iti -t le tIci i li, - .1 l . # îî t u tti. if IlulAregnlàto flt, boawliais, --i riul-ttti é -O Etiti, itdny and rtiihuî-uDiscaee tir cause ut Iui.ulgs )i.uc Kliev ath LIunr Cuî;t lîli ejt, itîd lutte pa'î( r te yiotdt lit m ouf it Ih iet4ttu Ill aibi-e nil rici'. tiluiCîtàa ieticiàe la HIop iBittutrs. iandtpopit-hn imoo)ücfol ibis caunb ttc ituti lîy ôetmîtria, or by - nîun your uciglilýure4, wiîtle éiny lo ue by t. -t A WntcheS Score, leok tinck upomi, bL.Wkkeco ntdeîritl with Coliiiti&i ulliil, ýil su(ýnm aininet a et-iiiuir3-;tic-h iii Ibis jpin' Il~~ ~ ~~~~~i r oieuuiiîVî4~Ai.wtuyou- baitii Lurtiok Wulv tiie i ,oi - irico #LItialite lu enclte. A HaiS Tank ré fied ra >ettnnr pgzaiy on ilyspep sia indigestion, uanto npaaniîeof ilS bloSui liana lndQc4îJ3le4 Blttau' Prie# f11.00 , trial botule 10 Ceuta. WoulS No e aWltb'ouit . One vie lias tain y tonstd Dr. Fovi. or'@ Extraet oftWild Steawlierry, t4olae prejutlload' -igsaI pnýopiltory me 1- aiein lu eralj. rw-e "IwvenI4,Dot Orm àsad Oblara Mernus îor pro. anud pours 4ovu ancotien baioarydraugb.t cf etogdrink, -net sQ-.lWiPélirbeuls !ýpPoM.e demande it, but f<r tis amui. t1,ttiti. 14t1,it it sturriing likut itagie. ter -t- --.-r tii ite i it tii cass, anti pt u i- I ll t i lu t Ut i ji ti e ePreini1 il-e t1 tuti-i.I-tituiidbm eslmaisi yai. -,n utti t itui tt-Cie iii the. Uciteti taiesý Rtty non et %liy you sîtoud go on from day ý0 daîy nomplaiîinîg nItb Sour StOmA4b,ý S8h l iteaii-acc, liabiîuizalCeelvUess Psl-t Ptrah' uiots- 1.1i cTtitIlI, sud disa*leoaitle lu CeË Cumxnng uïp et feuil ter satlng, loi' oISii Ne ?., T? t ta mstivîtisltp ltoufanli Y Uu Hle. ~ e Uit tcj Wrt),ngtI-.....«..and! ta botte utfOreen'a Auguat Ployer font un tni Twe detes vili relieva yon. i -Bucien'a Arnica Salve. Tboea Saivtini lu$le onîd for O"uts,, toai V-u SII11 s~r narse s qI-ý ualanti te. Thé Deati-Rale -cf Ont feuqVf~l etng tob esfuly i.nna. &irmet hcet d dè on the -shortest liotie &~ nthé latest, style 4 £asfihlQn. col READY1"r'ADE JLOMU NtG astanluly on~ hand.-Soni0thing nobby nobby in Boys' JOH N FERGUSON, DUNDAB.-ST., WHI-bY. AR RIV ALS -OF- SHOES,j -SUITAI3J.E FOR.. EÀVJZRYBODY. An immense stock from whiè to0 makeè -a selection. Late ststyles for Ladies', ýÇenthmen, and Misses, at remarkabl-y low prices: for cash. rO Customa Work as usnal, a $pecia1.ty. je, Iemember--North Store, Marke"BIock, Whitby. Wiiitbv, Mutarch 22, 1882. JOHN SAUNDERS, No. 1 MARKET BLOCK: -CALL ON- --0F WIITBY,- Boots and -Shoes.1 ______:0000: çt-Foot Wear of ail kinds sold Cheap for Cash, by WILLIAM BURNS, Broel Street. Whltbv. TO THE FARMERS' 0F THE DO0MI1NIO0N!1 If you want the Best REAPEit- If you wnnt the ]3est MOWER- If you want the Best SELF-DUMPING HORS1E ]RARE If you want the BestGRAIN CHOPPER-- If you wiint the Best GANG PLOW- If you want the Best STRAW CUTTER- If you want the Best FANNING MrI- If you want the Best PLOWS for ail kinds of land- If you want the Best PULVERIZING HARROW- -GO TOTH - OLD RELIABLE WHITBY FOUND.RY,l Where yoù éal always get good valuie for your mouey, otn ev~rysx$Ieboid to give you the best of satisfaction. Yours reS.ectfully. BROWN & PATTERSON MNF'G Co. Whitby uneý tI.1 JOHN ýZSCIJLLY, Itnuatobn f Stes1m. RAîLWAY ANDI STEAMSA4IP AGENT. Agentl for' Novt)c- Weit Trauspgrttiomu CoyandGr'and Truu1k Ry. alio A gentjbr BStamzersa 1'hicara" TICK(ETS TOP, 8îALÂtTO AILtPOeT5. CANADA PAClFIC RAILWAV, To poeonu wlsbldg t »danti oiul-edo9 t nhBnltei ulImceli, oveal-raig WbT Ënouait> ithu by ptter or-io vises; h urnanS seuil for rates; W ite MSblt Gog pstae el iti pinn bavAgÏk oa é sl or whihni to pur. Offle, p1 1 -VrOtýt W ut,-. la a SBtixPrompt ~aolutt amacm for fit ioofW**s.Lroi Muanory, Loos cf re5 Pro- Bobied Btr -c,$Beio l-,:Oyeeq. hoexprncee', esad proves It:sucri uvalulReey Th Medicln lteadsanet iha t e box ceuisins sufliclent for I-vo veels- matit. calion,manlu secheq-pe# aiýtZ ba. %.rOPll sire te mail1 freeatoauy i dii.- Mmacli'. Muguetie Medicîno is moiS by Drnggtsaet 50 cia p oer box, or 12 boxes for 05, or vioMlle ifraea o,postaga on ro;, olli of the meney, by addneasan - MAOXS bMÂGNETICIMEDICINE -0., Windsor. Ont., canada. SoiS lu Whllby by W. B. HOWSE anS ail Dnuggimtm, everyvhere. , 11y41 l7se Great-ýAmèqean 1?4mmia&yf OOUGHS COLD SASTL , -PnceubosihlssbRt4i5Oum i.(Dai. auues tees;yor R'tyese nthia SGRAYS~j ;ins fs SYRU P RED n5 ie t". Ca ere- ust~~ saaB ,J tre. SPvtee~ RLsUCE 00oonai-s salia ra tisa 6.jUli. "Mt lie remarkable power in relieâig certain formu of BZronchuitiui, and ifs alrmtafpecide ofect inicrn b atinate haoking Muit, *nioweui known tote public at lar e a d 1 ab au& a ictb.e K.ERR Y, WA.TSON c C. >wllotmie Drsabu. Slojto Pmw rs na"t sstitt SADDLERY HEAR$E S'S WILLIA M THOMP8ON Begi Lu dirent attention te hte large muS supitnicir stock, concprtulug e-veyhng i-n the Saddlonry ant IlMOeSelino; LEATIIER VAIdSES AND) SARATOGA TRUNKS. -A LOT OF- CIIILDREY'S CAJBIAGE'S 1 Voryh bndsomo anS Cbesp. At the olti l.lialmont- WILLIAM T1fOMl'8OI, Brock Street, Whilby D.â2i, 879.scL, ltii.inSO et ibetesets tnt.-elu Or viu dlbrsi n i â tQb ium 0 mOit- t Deson%' oai t .t yli et, buibts "'0 J04i linO tr uuistiUteiba e es ori.etp.. :J 4... batdet -oleiir iL"SirIuci-Ct tt'Umm l'ill ,OALL A , XA1E in CHâINAt(+]ýL OIQOER at exceeiuigy1>ýilpl* prt 6 to èal an&. inpect, the - lad and the NX4TTelr i'the jp; il dlstlea My bue, i -luesa tire ,W. J.GISN i- rW Pic., inrw tage, etc , nwt cento, or *wo posti4 Eaclaarly do TELEPILO1,NE.Ib*4tb ith bhS * kàÉlT p , suIt doce l'al i fI&ll llxgpn5u~S w~i do~-no ~n efrtan8&.' notes tolpI lnne."-. . Sn.lrm SPECIAL N0TC.-The Mumîcl eM' phone eau euly ho purebdo f j aoa- tnxbrs, the EDISON ftUB1 CO., or tbrough their saversi, branches 9 Chl U1ht. 8 lu One Heur Von eau Plny ou théPsuo, Organ orMelodeon, ,,lth 31DISON'U- lN~T Nt4hOUB'IUTJIC.To àny ebildiwho eaurend nuzubers from,1,tol0oit20 n45âNéadterfal71Q ns ired; ,U hepopular lunesf.-MMinu etouï pietè seven"pleees et îpasesnt bymail for ONE DOJLLAR. Sentistarnp fer cataloguaeoci ~a. '~j~oevoUve iii 'the country away from teachars they are, a mevd.falling source -of y ~ i. 0 vo ili mail You EDxnoN's a vzzvfer onu yesr andsanveu places cf Edison'. 3netn*aaau tfnie vith th. instructions, orft.r 63.00 vo iiiM enti yen n aone'saRmvcav for one year and eue of Ediuseu' Musical Telphonaa.rofgstored by mail. When orde-ring, _Pias mention the piper yen miv this adveMi~ement'lu. Y =180CN MU19910(COMPANY, 215 & 217 WALNUT Bn.,,PHILADBLPMA, PA I35ÂNOH OMIRSE-280 Wt timoro BtL, Baltimore, Md, 808 N. ôib et.,-St. Louis Mo., 25 Sixth ',,% Pitteburfi, Pa., 857 Washington atreet, Boston, Mass., 62. 8 S. 4àueen-nI., L.- ter, Pa,. Cgr. 9 & Walnut, Caxuden, N. J. PAJ'LOf? BOOT and SHOE STORE! Deverellf's. Block, Brock-St. Whitby, MAT2flHEW COLLINS Inforrs býsiémérsthat at the abovne establishment 'iili be foun& _rýM-*AltGEST,-BEST, and FINEST assortmeut of stock ot .Boots an. h -bewêin, Toronto and Montreal. - Dàiit besatfle-dwith lookingat the display ini the show V 1inadc"~in sund- see for yomrself the store filled çrîth1 evenytbing thuu nbe-c4ed'for iu the Boot aud Shoe lina, for Ladies, MessoG,.ts êuidii's var.- - Qit'-jp~eii7to f o h AT LOW PRICES! *lxbr of $muperiour qualty. i o i"; t- ut 2wht 18 stiaight, in stiying that in ,the cases yetr; impacko4 -lhe nndcrsigned lias now on haudý as lange a stock as Miosi~ eimuc-te"lu'h'elino of business.- Se&h~a~BeIinFeit Boots.-Ladies' Fine Kid Boot~s i4'TninU1kýs nd Valises in great variety, at, lowest The Mamuxoti Parler Boot and Shoe Store', DEVEBELL'S BLOOR. Established I&33. FIY5RNITURE, FURNTaJE Cheaper than, ever, at hi8 neffw so Trhe uudersigued ini returning thankq to he-public for ýiberaIpatronage extended .te hlm, begs >te ttte t6xt ' viugremev* -ýile cennuodious OOw promises, ho -is new ic~. ~tter posbitioln than' i - to .auppIy ail their wautà.- His- stock of Furniture embraCes, vpry heandsomuxeE suda everytiung.thMa eauho eâeadfor l in ana a sud azu iriusio eenviuoe that tic pricen are low eoegh te anit thaî4imm*' - - t WIU do Iihzy ileanm-n lisfromn USE. -VTAL Solti hy ail D>ruggtsln- pzicem 1O-pr hoWIe. - -TUE lgEAY BDIJKNE CO., tln4't.'TORONTO. PATENTS CANADJA NS patent firatimn the Statas,-thus seeunlng ai17 years patent ;othervise lIme viiilie mie tvo ya.Total ceet 'f VolteS State »aen 50 nly $20 con maineg-aýppliction, the balnnce ouly -whon patent 'i- 7alloved Total cent ef Canadien 8-eara patent. ; for& 15 yesa,- *74, On receipt of modal or drawngvthonciptionci çfinvention, va ii cddierefereaaand iluifree Addreus, a:A.ShO&C,- Plese mention vherae7on"àt& ib adver- lisement 5 Sa1esien" aiàted, te begin vok aI once -on Bales fer Pafl TkBJ.AIpESI' N -CANADA. Heati ffice - Troo, Ont - S.PaIT, Mitu. - ' Nurseries, PonthilI, omtaniii W I" c7nstart, in atiditio l o ù ah% elred large, force, 100 Addltlonal &e ant %fanbjaiz Who eau gfv hu*fie'a ba buanea. -eady snI!DbYMent, and «ood.ý LUMBER!-1 U ýL'UMBEB >_ ME: s- KW PH O0T 0-0 WE ARE MAIt l'A -NEW STYLE'1 0f Photographe, in sipialf-ie anet SPECIMENS $ON'.'EXHIBI ci~ti: io# iar<s-,&nd Cabi*nets fu.rn*sheý Arýýth. --" rai es ofail size$ alwiyg oiiand-., -. 1'lSA>Mus.c - - - -u-,. A: -- t C I, ýu'îîoî-4 o Marerh 29, 1882.ý -- [S P RIN Q BOOTS AND < PLEASE~ A ful assortment ware, T4T WILL PAY E Dl 80 For Reliable WEIsa 1 tc1'E ué.M 0710mâ -OMM-]I O. Atu i Octbr- JAlim vwo LT& vu S wNu Whib)y. Oct. 26, 180 1 835. .UNDERTAKING, Funerals fully supplied. Hàc=laxuw f l 'm- 2WVXI8 B r'lL4 t eolititt telîco»l Uni 0 L) Mm»M%ý à t*mr WF a ne - 1 the 1 - 4i- 1- ,4 ï;,-e -,ý-4e W c %t ýC 21 IJ eýl 1 ýý 1 iLý 1 ,e -.- -1 ý ý-," l

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