Whitby Chronicle, 20 Apr 1882, p. 4

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Au<eicehly bis = lieam 1ite t. n ira hl hm cpool, And sek elfar thou b.,slata4 1 Tb» a tbe&, LA lIrttoaaU n oigh t, Oriarly baigi. Wiereudilen gleame Tilutaet sumuaild prn.a Bib Wihom o pi t sutesrve, Andl cOUI iu!be9h le ii. *o4 look wli 4 h aalgeru go; à" May they kaow The ku ns u j1ýa# rpureai. Abd W a, lP May theýôi mt lu oumrprise, ho e ollieu. AGRICULTURAL COLUMN. Thé limale ie u Mtt buu&ry le Dot et weU adapsed $0 Main- tatng permaflel auèst $8 hué$ are bl l~du hgh eetc. Tha garer mol4 of Our i woere Md the protraoted drouibte Ibat are lklay to tvsall iu the latter pav a**q m», ,yu eod et motof uour n0'te Au id lertel of l.ai"tue gruoet blgbly prtecd i Àà aU bed~ apper t îl edpec teouriloansd dia Mit fin*M of Menvree drougbt. 81e<rai. la V41 eu ted lu fora au daped oýMigruwtb. Ih le aith u S c p u ebsow wth a view ofemauriag i; 1#e - I~e I bal I orail, chotint ad tke buà a 'o laem MQD#01 ut ~folage. hIbau <rea !1Iill2'.011lb.Ipaves forr~e oouftcb e:ia hý rae~ Ti.topmwImmitï my h kfiW alby hi, but ihey wWl pro""#c Ibose bu. lue' tIbminolu 6od ndtIon 1111 laie ta the vioMrmas oie léu-ilepW. Cat- tle kepit a ailt it r ut be bold Irater bava bitu dry aidgreai 16aV4e #Mcalmé ice iers anc havi boiever., itle naos- '~lukeb'iaoi of ail kiâdg away tram ik dug lb4 sutl eýý*41to b'Oear The gri teDeeabtipber sn ée e rfully kgord adaua-eroput g'rajp o afsll4ufgras, 'dedloetlfor :baýY. The ,grester tii irow*Isthe bterl., tbc graee yul bo pro t h.7 vini fait per %d a&&rd prol.ot sa lb. o age balem ' ibin. Goo wluojceturescas uly b. oblaled fi painâMt 14 tek taeuge# afine sui and tï proteeat heralit., ~&paieto eoltaufià e maonida Dy 00*6 *à iiti ai Etn Malpaturca Jq4be»"ir beha wuaea va ofef~liaIE1109Wl b. daàiry cuva uofuuetaly large sts bave an hIeW> of ihi pyqdÙe«i*eio .osrlry fos ao a o'g~at puic dn tebrûar o hec,' o liiy oua durtugMoêoeut ibacurb [toiuf Ui odp*t ilueli patur Neonetaoily besfanle ad t roua inpl.poutvu et oadur bi Se îtldr a4e0 a einUte.Nooe cmel A ou farr arte fa tha etMluat b ls't agcyubiehncdau W.niac te praomu mam eoe illetaw b6 pea uan V sl attbeaue wo a etplail a w#uuaà. Aoi frvoe, :e= 4 of il <ail &«$tue h* p*QaciOfent Iate, wo" k»p mou-adock durianuCa Ident# jo ieru bhe roafi for a boucau& dllats. ,"sa idte #Wby,' said ho, as hoe rubbc&,alanie Kn baotht h ailelon on-ia'T' lhey art vorte uhaa a balcon. Thcy <IjFuorwa'%mss froc >, 4en ryold Niait - aud yon a dTPm ifineyver 0411»d lu lu bel 1206 top tbea i ck yon go, flhgvrrtlie ermqp undertske-aods do OÎeit~iÏ t ua dciii board an$C. rer #?o -tbhec 'i atuit, tir wWe' 4-ý- atp aatS by Wyona andatruck a farmner vWho vbeso #anled. Thi ustomaunirevi Wa.o valkitag on lhé iracit, and.knookad ibrougbout lhe Europeau Cnt an;l blaé over the -feuile.. Wbn lh6 ig oîgk #jh1y ý tu c Moi*t sbiegr6uad bejuoitcd groun&d aif técom odae wiii ho ihought e'ae a #iId man *Slk- thon in-au unub Y : in the air, and bo rau &bru 0o uegbty yaau au eale rig underlabor lu Oua q é . dayI Â i" à euos .~ p~eoC'#X tug aloug about igbiy miles au touireamanl ouffue u ienisdov. Cluvde op tb. by Fait River, asud a ce'ilub vas ptbeîed tueltrs ailitheuunlenab aigut, lurned, andI ietv # buge a !lo. and belon thecend ofuthla.e ok th Po. I* ýolpae wac siêérehawrhitg ! aï acai ltce gavenodotic e lulb opkeepcr hast ioaded e'lub steel raile, asud tbruv me "be nuccuay ezbtitn" muet ceae. tee luar uver lie car and tutu a baC ut 1 A Bvtse gealui buc àuacededin mait. » rboy ijiat a flloe' v ie itng Îttua W bay preOIsandlif ho ball uoi balpebed I wabaru9 )ad tsb<*l< lu ce a fo tickintg culbt estd 1> tbi u fth libd of bay I ehotld bave boeetu tgoIi~O. o Ta apvt the hsy -anl eum e di»A ouIb Whou lemoigl ie *tw ol p #ho l ô$e tet1, ti. th b lu in me. Iob c 'w"anted à mule aoulnsbeve doua botter. B h LWuld laite au elepLiant..ut a It ter et it u Ohio vomai eWho invented -W th. parais el eedaeohs 1) prairie vulvesi, bus nt ul asa oeleai - vîlu il Bb'au1 -d a al l itla ManagereMtI-I .tl ike mi.1Oai4 tt w ridng onuneou ~Io itio Globe là" bien vondt. There vould b. a h1I t troek aIll'ehoêMica l îsuouiontaI al ory of way trot» Muhvaktu Mankuts, if he t "qolbetag bluvu Ivelve nalaaloag Bupainludebutlof te4 ilerilt.t a i is *aeetaDivision. bail une, and bho e I asama u legraata.o * runlng ont v eutluconecut Vith ai Oto vboa Mmp'mmcth*icrosdy trtofT y frulglit train e'recit, vian hiebai came abain taa W"i" M,,W ' bl e- off aud lthe ettlere along telie a t b. efoi~i a. mi îoad, iota uf tiina, nuved a y Yu cdhienus- l A le bI' a houe' Fred taa e baîiau e'«.aebbe! rea ia*ueaedavrbalàg se Tbepeuple ithâught Itiras àaiegu btat rutiair wikrcTf giacshuppcrs wsre cootug thie jour. A pin. tre up oeby iu a y ood.bye raitroad vlucipede," and the audAltta O n îl,- utn vsfo*lu o uprlateiideal votaioff as tbutgtaha te bave 1,029 aina- rings . Wa bcd a bot -bo-.- [ Pooka Sun. lady lu the - borre car vih about the t ru. auber t sige; iai h. ve a A mua tadue' anut ,wOmuly ui6a Wiaps tiabl ut4utarI e cut un 11 ~cu s1 cdîb-'lee te ruehot élanmakcdwlt: payuie a a upuhiagea ià for a $80 borée, e'ticla oakdawneý nea l. ickse a 428 cov tei deatb and. thon dius caoitrit an êleptiant hy a bair." Nov, h el viSta abroken beart. Hia e h acdid what foolebua %bl int îupast tu thtb M the. uain luemîndsofut obldren. Why, beu you, 9 îticertain roumtaitera are elevun elhae d; bae iaiPr'a tbel 1voinen ittiag <owu. A ls<ly Passo& baud tatgbt laad une by tie talit; but, t, n1 lb. bouge- wiîh s new opriaiR bonnet uea itîd you, wu bave oui doubte aven cut SFindit be ,.uwber wbo écot nipand. rusla Sdtt be window'. (Thate 'a îue yoa re are hoiei. Ou of ,'ïn wuatau lamea 01 wtch I e'ae e'oîb *1A0000,' ýd tu gel ont ut ber chair.) sali a gentleani, Wbat good ouuid Tli ca e ro saroJide fonce to il do pua for you don't @pend your pre a #eiMu'siVfein mal < oeuhree cnt tscae? luqlired a triculi. ., 04 tiiuuea tstrice, » tue grouaud t bu à. thie rsi hltnb, viéf Ii to yas, o*ie -*ËWialprtàly cbuldren, ,.nd boy Ili foot aine sud ouebalf tnchec.. Vhat muct. the lookt aube," *&y@ 0, duriug nis the distance froint ht fanc.,ana hue' bineOral vrit ati-fdrl tnoutec. Thev t.màny barveet appleecau a fat boy esal? amre iani," bis friaud explaits. **Wb&&. A merchant bas tbrceeleiks. Their boti utf'edm?" orcbaima C-, griatiy ia *United agee are Pave-eveutb ufthéliert.reid. number ut bor inelua boiL Wbat «No," b. sad, as tbey oungratalata are the exact Oith?~im on hisenegagement, 111,m not sa w À tutu <ied lavinghi£ prOP6rty partlcularly ckarmcd e'tthecgirl, buts avîauad i 07 lu0tea certain relativ. fexpect lu be very happy. Uer motber e igit other ,relative vuld'l bave tt le about the beal lempei VumanI èë abat e'ay. aud coitestsde lvi. Ticitaoe' of." w&4ootyv thon diîided pro rata, antIli e nogte@ytad yu satoee#sar@ waa ollltotdubu sevmra 4eelcug 1 a pd.cyu jïIleénoiP.et, What-,teambtbul,-of butca.o. telukeap avay, um 6t cO="s, >yýtk khoue' tai lte lae'yers Rot the aangeroue places lu lie atretn'ut À. fairittakea four Cos gs < , ir ,gtipl lo- jw lovna n. zobangeu them for îe'o hietead cut'hoe&,Falier'*y f i. pounde ut cugar et, nia, ceate pur Mrs.Sflppi tiinkoe scaboula i.e tyled @. -pound,and e'bea hareturue hume e i otiier outWvaers. e' f vit ve bim dfty-fiva ceuhe',wurli <of Ope ut Oui Boulon pueIle @as eat ube mi"Io1 infernl 1614 cap.btiiltrFigu lte but amateur boxr !àlitheoun11tiy y it auiîlkd ftp4 iC oy miaIt be.iucailletTbiaihvelbtie ho t Mqula atlent n 1 par dozeu for the oggs ? eilibis biade c e'tth ielfeel,- [Boa- là A lighluing rod mnstiti dovu lo tr> ton Couriai. >u and »rmnamuber boy mauy faumerani ab aeceatt --ra 0, Lord,1 Ud 13*'104bnrdtu , d"be4tti W C uf1 .hua ' ic cpt i ihtéen jean', ut experor nld i sua oe hiioL' by eo, dde vei,deubtendit a à74bt~aIiYb ooei eugi 9d. alléte arecuit oae.fuurthut tbe. raid eute. hoc lulil Wb5ti4ilt el .UuredldeungH tots.1 ille Thée le.blra ta a cartainu coanly Gbà.i-table -piopl-darit fur. ilt uc"o est, oui te "lickit e lie cac itiuré. q i» nmbr hieeb u ure aî Tic rifleman makea Ils markby 17 a, testge d'OC la 1 ut o. Wb&%lvaesie eatUfib" beetirgeare a &tiu lu tbc qu auâMbar curuiung as tabear aMjoulil 'làI r *tbouthuvbu Oda à$ fer Iie boy, paytng lbeteor tca thea auriieu Ibe 0( Oa tu &ii y ing. Llke tb.e* lpr~I~~ irpureal funuot; 1. eit oa cadbritecoloîto theuoheikgsa md ho e lutle desponderl. Il doee île roit plly and, veli. Sold by &Ui drg. ,'Wo'îaujJ Phiu'lcbiLf' Tht ne liai doei muel b reeve îffeting bum 0i 1 oftle tbusau of u me Iia îbjhibI ll lb! Bitters are daity duiug tht., curtng ricre aiU other remédi.. faileti. a opig lto niudblood purifier lbey abau e quaL.Tbcy p outle cure lniipel ecc~ pftic hem, hlaIak y th IW ,tWe , *ontegf, ais ee Ou# îe fe ie Biuuuvn bIavedej,ctain unps rcipu arties~i bavg pudstore arete iUbemob epat lu ueuoylec 'ee au cidqetnuti lek u ru ment basrt uie wold- sareBt, aut creratadele t'O Oittra slae -tuevure uis.i ' oe tut» , u ixpeet 5u0l ueas. tpctn u The, Doetor'c Secret. Proiaily aun'Ov deve'télopmaat vili mors suarprise the public, iha luelearu tic, secret o ut ai ut certain lcAding ~iylln.Wien lbhey.1àois'ecdifa" 04of ,f broit or-. lang disease Liat bafilaiIbetr ecianliflo sitkilt , b.>prc. ucribe Dr. Ring'# 1New Discovery for Conumptton, Cougi, andI Colde. hcv. iag il dleguised in a prescription bouîlc, vw". $beluir ai! oaa otis 'aic . taciedI, <'h.Patient la uurO, satLey **Tbi. Beauly" ut Lavlng a botule ut Perry Davisi' PaînXU. in thlulb bouse la. 4laat urarpwdo lq"oc» Croup or Obcra,"S aale m'is ascoveraigu remedY.' "I SwELU RNOW14N-TO ounfulo Tbsrvera ual he injudloafuus ut strychnine te as miucieteyua a sey nC uistia , ù E p a ntr es làoer 'Ot 'ulahof uthte RBIIir*. -eiieiptea obaere tatiâi ti1iàïùfba wÏanhed WIBLWR8 hpian sd Oaltsaya suppliai$iio unetsof nerve 'aIe e rtivianSyrtip aus an rntoutpmpecdezrcsl l ~pl7#~O viB t is mPn elemoal. 9,r naooi' y toma, 44 at~U~lgee -t nl t obovet t~y'mrais p ubageotts>, but are par 14*D. aseisniag asfl* it«~~ie. isdj,. pvfeUA: l arýte t 6litaytip ~~#mC iicdy.A NisaPtROM c4MAL it of hi, a d l h e p of Cim,.d r v - LIweol e. .OVIur4u BE. BOLD YALLRUGE88.ASPrimLU 1 87 9 (Ir-le ,W an~ad Imnig&Iatanp, e sS0 parme in Onariansd lands lu âeuatobli (or Sale. RAILJAY ýAND -8TEAIIB#IP AÜENt._ cÂAjAy'ACF~IC RAILWAY. roe Millcebu 0nyaC e luc'eE oeaMedicine te unld b>. oo box, or Il boxce fur lJ ~ reufpotao og rol mico B MAGNBTIO MEDiCINEdo'0., Wiudeur. Ont., Cana"d. old lu Witlby by W. R. HOWSB sud .11 Pis a in JYRUP , te SPRUCC'oolscaoi rua~ tt Gis4 pce fr emakà, 4oi nrgdri certaiiform of.7e4t and ifs ainaiost aeai fst in curing ob- atnat hai 4ng -&Uusi jenoiotl Ot. dur E.gU*aa*mdi M r ,e S a R ;,42'SO.& 4bCO., Wlanedrugc SADDLERY HARE S S. WILLIAM" .THOMPSON. Beu iet tnion to bis largisu LEATHER VALISES AND SA.RATOGA -4RUNKB. OHILDREN'S CA43pJAGES i Verhbsdoma sud Cieap. AtIthee a 'Dc'. 28, 187. Brook BIrel. Whllby. Town and Park Lots FOR SALE. OEBLOCK (Pive Lote) Weeê ubf'Bï c P A T:,E ; T ýS'Il le octobar ia. knoueC nltnti1 ceoijeLt lt iu!obI i oaIland fr w~ J.zGtBS~N, DUN~Â8 84'EED J' * a Dun! four on ou Pie u~ te u rgvrlan eluiýtduniiElO7? III ATkUMO »Mei1iC, Toýa 1 êIi m rpsd nuMb] p110, ' t' .*, x.'p for onu yelr'a oyenleef ' for uni y-Adb wstuC Mai1 Euu'P4uloe Teepi egiétereiy mci. Wbhét4i.ilbî,, BM£NCIH OP:FICEII-280 We. If tianore 84-Baltimoure, M, 808 N. 6111 clý Bt. Lua o. 8 S.-Qacez-si, L ai tter, Fa.,,Çor..Oh&WantCada, .J : PARO 'LUBOO T and SHOF S TOftE of thve asJ elba Deverell's Block, Brock-St. W-hitby, MATTHEW COLLINS In.pmixs <rstomers that at the -above establishmnent 'will bee fol4àd TUE LAIIGEST, BIST, sud FINE8T aosôémt u"sok if0 Bëite su hes baliveau Toronto sud Méntuesl. Don't be S atisfled iwith 1Q"Iýi9g t 'thé ipainteso .*b4oýW..utgc u id- ua x us i»ad 8au for yual oaoe ildiil ëvaz"e 9thim çatJ , bcurt luocsfq or iu the Bout and Shou e u.o aia iMaeo, Gents anad Childreaufi.weau. Oyo'r $900 tçOrfh of Ocershoec. .1ATLO0W PTCe$3 Rnberqof tterqualify. j * Nôblbow '1 but:what je stzaight n'a gth t ih fi' ccuyct utipacked -he uudumignad ha uow on hand asijugeastShk sas mccl os~ ~ i aIso his slino of buaitiea. See the new BEýrin FeItSBo*os.--Ladies' Fia Kd Boots STi'unks and 'Valises ini great varietyý, ah lowest -Sr icc«e.mýýT Wlaihby, Oct. 88, '8<>. i833- TheolMammohliParlor Boot aua Shuae Establ'ished Wfldo IWO by c1uanziiig lluaftl4"omm liebloud. USE VITkeLINE. SoIdbý ilggq Pc, 00 pur 4lu.47r TOmn.'O Th~'1hi1e~Sewn~ Mcgel SEWING MÙACH[INES. THEY RïT1IVELSL ieu>. - a ra. CAtI.. AND SE Pir er ucNsil 'V - bI , oe~ sie,*sitb a s i st- i Ckè~Mn ver ath en 1ieuehrüIgne un'rék'nngth AteO ti Pi#ôhtteidd'ioki, bege ho shato that lOMMs cumous nèW, prenilpelipe as uBowiia better, Maclai -t Iuub do yopcbaarg ie qart." sait!lie dci rplled the lady. Il, d weua is,"is prmnBI aprobaed tI ktItem bureis i a Oe ani ao vie If' bus adllacâ i the, abmeten dmI îl i-t 0'00 wu77 W Oc ~o ~ B' Oc Peu. R 8ke 'nain a rootar 0o Tiey mre

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