CAR, lst'l and B, --- T-HIS WEBK,~ I Inst. IEW--ýGOOD8 .AND N OVELTI ESAR e." L »«a tad, ud a»M Wh" pro. esaU iflsplay mday ulgirlpro. po the ae vo ia the sr e "8lsed lunE£nu- Acd suspecteil deis the ory torl.Anotir- offl Idla rturu vMo crPlace ho Ilnbiloilmord. emitsi, Ibi *in it"4t ibs sIep irsiili .vgrnt- o f a réprtsve '0 u fraubmtt IV"l as»g b à f liraOae" e uthl ypaclettr aisfe tohéba as Imup of *8ir e. pop tic prefeol of )lae, vir rsved bai boeuemp. mita, - bar erabu eu te, vile éredue. 4 by h ibe 000014 Ià Iblrhy troussa. of Auserbly ira- oitire loel. A et Cabinet Ulula. 1. lqets li ilmain. olndI thoir retea.. ulaed te b. libers. mi Mr.Lo»w*iras est asiebraie et'a fb bhrirday saut. â»Oel ies, Kiser att. ftcvmig sa".e Prete iuWiam. Wlu wu olsbt daIs s Dev osp upon tire snd laugilgnlu MW 1for,l,'.ry* mItp. I1110017 oe1l wp fur thr Il 1*"s gralsstoo oldesy, for snob s s vtn ov ertook. «, sud, iappenlog Il" litins p loto ths le eQ'rse ulhilu-S rtie acta ' " y o u t iiriu th é lylqg tirtreou théo le# -a goodlook et I veteran sirugged 114ld > "I darn @&y SKinrg. "ctlg a tri. bis smlllug cousoru; l our -tialir for il. ver fer l, abo'li&ive cese écap foaci. »0 tire Qnuoua- Dev thalers.,sad Sby eue, ltob*tiMAl 'md baud, b"Ying CAbnAOb mone Liesil, .ertZtarg 1 ofvreciTh 151 ar aier.Trial 4~p .1'Rova. Drug tore. r av er w e ill udtiplgtob10h tie aliments. wbsn, lrerefore yen mara ti wrktag veY bard S et egle O 4mf4rtng fram indisposition of auy dis. ex sud h..rély khep te ler Oui. eripion, pnrify yeur ayiom M OUoro Tir brai Aopimp aa ýM da rait. or tva doses of , Da. Uaaaox'as Bura. TPt ou june I11h, 1881, ahé rIe.«are- COM!E» VtOETEL8 PILL8ht t noyueer t Théie amp.ioved <rst llnldm tsafail 10 restore ireallir sud alrongihà . *1 before, th, re~ .k qivresud t, wvas *vdent, thiai athé, i" ar oIdloui Wstsres laam of Wild Chery, P mui oirtoger. Tbre mon prolpareil tir.Tire puai remedy forconusomption. ai boats*ud made a camp baside thée vas-Thia velkuova remedy ti. offerednh sel. Oire roue sud iuruebd tili lire ysrde tire public, sautilonsd b ytire expérence.r ioucired tir este. Thon th irerllfg of over foriy;a; ud viin r.uoried si gaye vsy sud thre muaesay-prostrate. gointeseseo, seldom faitsa buieeci .peedy ki t four n'stock' lu thre rnringae*part- ture for ecugira, cotda, croup, broucitis, ed. A cry o ari elled aIl tbupe500iullueuzs, viroopmg couglir,hoareseua. fron tire crawlalt irsthelas. Il opeued pains or sarensse ln e h.besi or ide, t ustirra0irtire' tant. Thon bleeoiig itihe lugs, irer complalut, begsu tirs retresi Tvlbtiu e dys oMe. Bevare aicounlerfellt4 Blie iirsy truglgted soutirvard, Tire. hbon. memirer thaltirhe gonulue Wis'rÂa*o dreil mites of brokea ticever. urus Btsu or Wxr. Cazatu rsou tire pasued over. Four mites a day vsa outaide vrapper the. signature of "I. tirougit good fortune.- Afler onesaerice Butta," sud tire print.ed nos of tire of fourlesu daye tiry oy e.twenty, propretorà < , "Sethr W. Fowte & Sous, 0 seven Mîles furtirer north tbIan at firet. l3o#ton,'" Att otirers are busc imitations. 'Wiito orking over tire lo. dragging Exauiuetlie vrspper osrefully before tiroir beaut iey diiscoverei Bennett puroiraaiug. Isat udtexplore wviîci iiey spent 50 cents sud il à tboule. Sold by ibrue vekacf ubslr preoloism uer dealers geueralty. day ud xpedsduruir p ti. tmîlil Tou vill ot bc sorry for birorug b- .trppty of food . To Ibis détour bosee &ioerls ttrbuats mu&irof uhsl fre Juiiâgg, for tirmukiug beforo speair. sufferlugm sud tire destir of thre con. iug, for boing kid btire distreaeed, fo- mander vîi hnîmelsen meat. ferbing patient towards evsrybody, for tiresmoniria of ibis parlions sud e. doiug gond bu &U mon, for oourteoua bu r bsutiuvoà ihe ese b mu vaer&Il, nor for uslug Esterlrooh'aBSetl saudtn liren, viii f viadaloch oeiiro Pfls, wviteare adapteil for aIl, vitrs- sud ton, ith air whtokou1 for tire mcclii of le LoansRiver. MuCKus MuGETc )rIBe M a isa pos- --------- ý7 itie remedy for nervous exhiastion A Lsiy'a Expérience. sud ail voeesa of the. <sursllve or#- Iras. T. A. aloi, lNe. m 4 Walnuu susiluboth i sc. 8Se sivarisaornt @&rostepUa.pil, i.nrte: uanothirrcolumu. badi i!fimmtey b mals Véry 4«Sommas Cows."-Aitireé eoMmonce0 bsdty. lnu on font msu elail uem- meut of a oold, lako a tcepoouful of @a bu bave.l5"@A bold lu the .doier- Ferry Devis Pain. Killer iu a littie mîlk urlualiot bu morne lime ; sud tire sud ugasd tho cure te more eudden 1 moing I tbd liefi. laobe it han ýtire wld. 1 could uoi p ut rny font dovu bu tire Biue vitalityo evu teghl fibale@veonugfor lbu rinstant.,sudotire sugedimosl spsodity by tireuse of aei orlug for *0At i.eeod theudFallova' Syrup of Bypapirosphutes, it il tirait eruoouput my fot dovu for - teediolo« 0 o ul a ii @eVe"almiaulas.on Budy folov galalievilac f vaetinigdiseusea, tmg 1 eould tand up smd valk a fsv sard indue.*sarspid reoovery. but &att clape. Ou Tqaday cauli yalk aient prlect snobr as use il from b.lug attack- lu iour, sud Webt- dovr udcl"rby cd iy epidenlo maladies. boilm o leti. aultss.Nov I ousa Barra kfl Woea Rrwgu.-R. vslk allteimclI, sudtire.là svery li. Meorriacu ollire Dominion Elocirotype psinnait. lust tihil Eout boite sud FoundrËy,-597 Craig etreet, Matrîi, a hall sud I amn airnoat ffro ran pain, cap e idos. of Dir.Burffles Gaz-tr Il lasa wcadstul moeinle. GERmo Wonn Ruzar remaveil 18 c oiug to aie Grave, lge rtufram in 115oiild, 4 years o14. Tirr.hiregoes&gain direct bus a oon 1T7T LBNOT WBAT YOU EAT, BUT sud pours dovu suotirer iravy drangiri . viai you digest, tiraI maintalus ai strong drink, Dot éo muer béecs tire nutrition of tire body. Thora msy &pelt.demande 1, but for tir. Dyueppa i out eni pperenti tomcch liraI buaysuey il produee-tire &fier troubla. tastiras. pallia, armi.cases affecta cf viriir teave him morete ir- viii<oseraI doblliy sud vaitcf nerve ablete ian before ; 1h la tris dreailful power are positive évideuce cf ayet.emio pracilea tira le ag slleadtug uhousauds igupaveriairmenà t from failura ai lie to ibeir grave#. AÀrmeady for &IlthIis DIGESTIVE APPARAT015 ho couvert là touai in lie true friand cf leuupsr- food «eno oin rteblotcoweupplthie snee,-thbebS msudpureté cf .11 mii.dailly aute aoflira body. Lore * tes,-ElMite Bitters..Botd by W. WtiEEERI'8Phroephsae sud Calt. R. Ravau aI 50 cents. asys lei i<Icaied torestor. tir- DIGES. Drgbt's etaae. Otabetean, Ktduey, TIVB TRIPOD - tiers tTOMAOHb, Uiver or Uiiury dscutea. LIVER sud- PANCREAS-to - beir Bave no e, of auj cf uioee disoesenormal vorking povwer. if yau née Hep Bittera a au h"i pré- Cet tira Nest. Veut aM Oure tir.vout "'asisveu Dr. Foviera Exitraci af, Wld trav. vbep you baeau mie vwoise by .Z atr at otpop u sorn grei pued p prtead. cueesaltscure for Chiolema Ifarrue--Druen- ait John'$ Poveîty. aîd Chier natortr ia - -beau discovered. itspoppta&rî9y as un. Whoeu tire Si"i payment f or thé, dImmed by age. ýAU ,midicine deatere seultement cfeth 0w411aoculd iî cdam v as*eetà a' b tb heGoý# ir 5rJobu lMsodonaldfa lué.. Tiie Léavais shall bc for the Heallng défoncé of irlii li Parilamacat maie o f tir. Natlong." oa tmat&tlous abcv cf hbic voty The. lîaiof the Wld travberrybhs Eo vas11only a poor -ii"Wos ai " MU b Srptr loation. Dr. sud Iris follors bave froime d , prfe;tiat;crpurl urne put forvard lie sane 4toy t Fvoler's B£.xtrtie of Wil& tsiryl Sir John, hhouigir selong le poiler, 14 lie ouve of beatug l Iln altie suItpoor lu t. .imi b Smmer Oomlauts, sud Ftuxay. h hsti o u l " 8o011 teque-Choiera Marbuô,.ChoIera Iufsulum sud tinbs ee raleed, le ir Johna sPo" veervftorm of 'Bovet Complainte of Ma u d hIs-o, ugirlrbu h. éPoori oiren oradlepo ty idso An o~veulng aper Caiscuuseinhl@ qe$-lireov e alroPngiedab tiotj, ho esbenmc ikdi a.bout ire lobbieslosf laie, giva tire fol. B,& Slckncas., lovlug statemeut of tire Premler's au. Tire boat remedy and prevanlstive nusi receipta for Soa Siokiteas la Dr. Bowls. Ex. As Prime Micister ............. $8,000 tract of Witd Biraberry. Iii, alo SesallalOtov .............0W )tira bost remedy for ail forme et Soin. From tire Trust.aud LosuCo ..4,,O0 mer coupislars, virtirer ounses or Iutereat ou $80,000 graiuîty ... 4,800 land h it i not fait you. AiU Druggie tucome tront rente, etc ..... 8,000 sali ai 87J cent& per hotus., Total par yeu ..........A2es % gclctasMedicne. Bu l adiio b bi6t1.2. irI Thé ecollng. lesusln2, matblug sud l ra Ê Ful,$ocki COMPLETE P 80omcirFeU L SUP co. u o"aststloeBit*oe. i, ro, bottlée- &Ã50 obnte. W.RB. owéue à gout for Wlitby," test and- Comfort otahe Bufferlug. "»4Ovn's HotiamoLu PÂKAusa" bu uo, quel1 for r.evlug pain, both "ýiternasd asernesl. IcapIn lf" u the aida, bock wbo*ls, SrsTro' ,U e ood sud Hemsi, sa 1 astnpar la is,o" ea üotoedp s b pa alu EIad,4si doue4h arsgt s. vkeu. vantai "aani?.'.1l ', abes >« edIlu tuagei varld for a thelu lb. ià mdach, *do udble hcf ail ids," and ia for sal by &U drougis eta B5 cente a ottU. ta Nouta of Bsrths, Movue, ad Deaiha chargud 50 oceeU u&R I1&Y.-At Wbitby, onuthi151h ji the ife of Mr. C. Rsy of Raya' Bolt, of a daugbter. WUITBY MÂBRWJ'. OaaxCarcnaOpvsca. AprIl 101h, ileu FaU Wlr.a........... 128 0129 Iirln<*** 1h . .. . . 25 *180 t a r e y . . . . . . . . . . 0 7 8 O 0 8 5 !iue i.....800w 820 R5y..........077 O0O8 Pme.................. 077 082 iluPes........08*a08 ................... 042 Sfb a Uap............800 01000 )oVereeed ............. 40e 4 01> Poacee..,..... 00 * 010 Igp..........012 41 014 Buter..........014 aon01 hus.......».à ... 1, 324o0s wo .......... ....... 400 a000 .11 OIS lild, pu lb.. *........ 006 0 (11 Pork, psrcv. 4........ *. 'l198 25SU ?uruie................ 0-15 O090 celer, perdo4........080M5040 Chickaia.ppait.... 090 00 Tutrheyspe«t.....010 oit1 G~~b.......000 00 B.fb ssc.e 5000 700 Mutton, byue .... e006 06 V*4 ",cs 6%seSrol 0 Co0 0 aup ...uaet. 01OIS 015l P&M i,, p«0,40 O00 Cabea. %pw t.s . 4o 0 S Ehuheriperbuuob ....... 00 *O0 c She.Ita4. " ".... 000 .0005000 ........unvsuibed ....000 5 00 'sl........... 020 0 12 au' sWhvo are p "fterlig oat bem~rs~ re:kuusa, uarly docsy, losof arsahoodkc. Imu "Mod a stirai viicure 7ou, FPME 0F CH EWI. Thia gre*t remedy vsa dlsovered by sla ioaary le Southr Ânerie..Bond suladal&&rmtsdea«Veio te6 b.-Rit. Joeam T. lux*:ai*"iMôa. Paresat, duoaï.4 - pUISUANT to û DovmIbe tuCisu ceryn oft ehp 14bCourt of ofiWhthy, e tCeoty et Getae$otL4bor. enWo l u ora"Ontthaeuncath of May, ce , ~ nor bnlare let 4day cofimr* tI gaily op r ega i tW. i EilIugaSoilitoiWirtbibe hbristia tud senaU pu idisat ar ruet itiroir acoctnte sd thes nature of lir »aurtias (if ay>bald ib tu t o, lu deisuit birersef, tbey viiibu paestor arcludi t he beeA of eh.msiLd r Court,et My Oirsiubèe inluOwsgod ll lire City et Taronto, ou tire Shdae of l<s l88, etbi2 0'clok eeu he ie %> pildfor SAdM*u Ml o o edims batrte l'à eidy Of Aprilm0 lin T. W. TAYTLOF. WANTED. April 1,'8.wbtbp. Whfitbye, &pril lth 1882, GENTS' FTURNISHINGS.S LY 0'f FAMJILYý wIM REPR!NT & GIN.GI-AMS.,a OLOTHNG TO 'OIWER.t G i. XI -OHAIIOEEr"DmEMN. Thes ifotain, thore inonebiarod: T hbl.e Mastemrréa bs eapr" cWil 7$i beHtSi i h GLNr»&ZoE L os o ol lb. o a t teaitiff Tm i.lovlug:laud lbus arce ii Eibutu r rdr Ortioun. ai Lo aM ill Plcerlg, ofmualuing byadouremeu lnd and abtou tt b. spla&utye Th soua mer. Tom aoa«srla a 8 instreof vaeruulgl tru gh aId sd sudi about eun~pe rmee .r sud about on. milsesud abhftou Esiau ii. Vendor viii culy prgduce such titis dbeeda as abubasin imession, "d Wiii mot fori"b sy absractother th=asR.. ~isws>sbssot or. oa0py ikooL The. ÇjSwa r _- t1oauvemmcbut aM Tb*e PrcoeiF viibe sala ubjeet taà esrt IV= )%aibeu asstgutaG. YongSattbuitu h"cb heutinovM due abou 108, bllmsyrerau U tpro- purty, or l.purobaarm py ff the, main ounaidpromises 7par countutireat v itimutva yeara TKRMS-Ten per osai. om theday ai saUs viiib. requiredhte b. paid la tseVend- Mt oBDSCIlcItOrsd lb. barsnee ulutu nou. muou* b lbsru, or 1000as abpve mayae. sar6per g ,ySt i a n * lu ai o h r ea"Ju e r t ers! lb etfOhauuy. GRO. M . DAIIE L.2cailass, m . 7.1 51~tund G. ltbyAprl r, 8 51a48 FÀRM PROPERTY, TOWNSHIP ON' WKITET, Na tire Veuuty if Oamcrte~ 73%uslaeas nov beforo tiro public. or va 7Tou ouma.uefstra jqq sie mo 91 ýo- risie ai rooni by r onpointatý omen bogys sUd=&-,ta vptied erMau rfo if.Notl uHe U it"roeuOrii sieA£noal ardar ; rrden -and good stable. MES. DAWIORD. k: 't----E -'t-- A" TUE IIGSTONA.NZA: YET! 9, Ibo. fine Liring Japan TÉee for $1.00. ChoceGeenTea only Twenty-fivecents per pound. 'Choicest Green, Black ad Japan Tea, 3«lbs. for $1.00. ÃŽ2 ibe. Bright Yellow Sugar for $1.00 cash. Pure fresh-ground Coffees, -from 25- cents per pound, at SIMON . FRASEIrS.l ual aCi n IlTLJ>Q mLà iAi l cice stock of Family Groceries at lowest* living pricesf.ý NEW GOODS TO HANID., Wsltham Watohes, Key, and ,Stei wi a,* lso oPatcnt, duat proof.cms.- Ladies Gold Watches, the cou thei lowest possible. Want idkle sud other ffl stock. Forks, BpoosDÃŽnner sud T& Xaives, iii Plaied, lory,. 'na, Pile -Frames,' (iets, Bu#trCooloe, Berry Dishes, Cake S P E TES TO SM P Lla IWMT. TNlRO R8OFPBaAAtu AND' AWML HOBTLY 'BE A IHISTORY- -COUNTY 0OF . ONTÂRI 0# Dy W.- IL IIIOGINS, - VOiJR0F 88MO PAGBB., sd lM171 à 01Priinno5ua te8'~l A LARGÉ A»D VARIBD &SSOP.TMZÃqT OFCHINA,'O CROOKE='Y AND GLASSWARE, AT PuICES- THAT DEFY CoMPETTION. Beautiful China Tes. Sets, and -Colored Dinn«ei Sets at prices to suit- purchasers. - A. FREeMI STOC1K OP, FIEUD I& GARIEN 8g F30If7 TI« MOST RELIABEGOE Onhand :-Ohoicest 14'sinily Flur, Oornmeai2 Qati CaQHI 'CE HAMS A1È? AC 64- ÂN ERLY OÂLL BLCTD ih b~ N. B.-Hnghest esh piepadfrany quatity Potatoë 8.-S. 8P11NG T.WEEDS ý CLC>THS TheLar'ee~ nd a o areuly ected tokir conny ndapist ey anM copeion AND 'GE1 wrP"; la aisal, CKOIOE NEW pTEN8 FOR SALE BTý THOMAS8 MCANN, ]BROOR ST.. - WIn W-Tepris suad patteras buat over thngot tho kind, yet shevu or udvatlad or qetBargalua lu lime. .1 The "Whqe' eigMcie FOR fIILENCE, £AE, DURÂBITLITY-9 FINIS«. 1IANGge*P WORK, AND CIIEEÂPNESS. IINEXCELLED 1 A FRESHLOT, IRERENCEla kiudly parmlted tb lb. follavtn< Iaibs, bMU sa bet cilb. auY pm1sic W . eri*ir. m. ~t~I. . s Bel Mn eau!Jakou ira, oba Tsuasl# MU«i= Wbitby ;MUlm cigr Moqur, Crus, B Hstr"c, Piekeztngl 19. Br vurel btby. TEE AIINUAL; HORSE -SHOW Op TIE WH1TB a BA"T WHITBT UimaO AGRICULTURAL 800IETYI vmi " sat a ATApril 2Sth,18, FOU R izES, aspoche. Bwi syoi4i ebe i',ü Rc d iyal, ie ssi- - l0UN WfLUJ TUE E EEVANICSF Lié 9 Ia(.mUwoGB.BRWNUG : 1 ý:'WC VULYOMI4170 FItfLL,ýj ll-,ý