Whitby Chronicle, 20 Apr 1882, p. 2

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Smjte a __thei.col lsmuM Wt* i. Té'uDw Ladi ses Col- ,Whi..S.wiog Maobine-L. Fairbanks, sol. agent. Go and bhep W. Waugh Landes. Kouakaparvuc-icaiWi Noticewo îelocWi.laaa OblIresolîbu-&drvM. Rose. Spoat to tbéLadies - An4rev M. BRwe olai Gatlreuu- Luira.M. Talibring-Ândriev ÏM. o. 'Wall Papav-4. &. Robertson, & Bros. sUnta. ONLN Os âoPa CERA1ItNUM. That Whltby Meeting. Threvs ouseryutivegaliierins held te the tovu ef Wbtby lest weok. I. .as-eileÎ. . cat .- n %10 -b, atral shecÏÏ"theicrcqual of lie candiiate 4tf the Libmel.-oc»usvtlve Prt>." -Thera ver, lbivty people, *sil bld, pro&. out ïi tAei meting. And al roely oee-4 haIt et thoe versvoternc 0.1 vonl The speakers voe, Mr. Arhur John.- à mon, et<»cenvcod 1 Mr. James Mo 1 Creight, of (Ohrryvocal; Mr. Jobs Me-c GilIvra>', baWrriater, et Uxbrldge ; Mr.j N. P. Pàtarson, ef Port Permy, (the Oou.urvstiv- oeudallefor Norh on. lento.) Mr. F., W. CsseJ, banvielcw, il lbe vsy4Mroni naiy",si te lcocu- t> ' eýtLuak, sud Mr. Smitla, tie can- didats, Ili vboae- raequithé emeeting Wuva oslled." M. .Iohnsteu opéesalthec baIl. Thé Giraffc.roport melse us thali hoe "4aid ismes! an .stvsmdinsvy Meisaovn ta un O an." j3ial veudar liai h o ebt se, rivember- lug bhaSt ss aellg cf1WAtS boviâ# ho. Inuelib.ovasent of plae, M i ne otent bunscifvitAi one-,,ha tbully nasale*ta ##ospeechesPBut, thoen, va supp5se Ibal aa-aoonon ,luential hbo boutthât ho. iaac nlýto lift aop bis 1e Luger *sut!t he Con»sea- tires et Pleerga rc âwbouud -te toUov Sralaulo aad htm ehtoIreellevote lie eleeloof e'ti*ovcf Wbltby. gr* Job& Meihillrta'raniankare câbleal op ln sneha besstly vs>' lu the rf. aumal's<poa$,*Mua<e leau. Ur, Pbte»" lie ltoch bistéxî froa m, g olllvna w are a itbl, andagalu v.e have a jumbleot1 11111. ~ bluafs, ailecl up li théfirs maa StAit»! - 'ouby. 1he&GRs&.aplur ThéeId =16la isspeanenod lb cale. 4ueues01athelie gts"ic"vba booi tMb sotet bre Mr.Mlmiisra>'. bu oima-ts*tI ovr,. ne M . u destriae, thc revva a bud Mcas!»bonisl. =IUUethm oit lau oe, vu lahhir laea1!euSet Wu*b l.>bas! hemal POP.ople .ev"opl Wise have te gsov, mi an wdslq o p lotie oeavlellous ss4wteh etc,'vlli embof amb a se« wjusiabout esMbyN mm " a-ie É&U Wmm*IL 4% »orj-ff nile u "wus Mx- elh t vona givea to ttaeatand IflaI-the v#uld do avay vitb* aUl bis. 1 mîIi ue sil it 0,îýbèr@for îome nneo. i ol 1b & oratable teaton vare deteruMied *o vheiavel th4e aaet Iin or, _ p«àogalofunda. 'eoting b ut vIattll ezpenditnte ý*b& noUbilntto abev fer b, AGadcnet bas marked, tbp plan of word apprOýar1 The, Qu&irt. Ldies' Collegta a allons for years. The. intelligent vay poliiied ont by M. Rigé npa4d co4ae 411.5 teid gii a cnetitW for by Uic ratef yesaiii.aini â t0I hatll'iiboaramambead. For' cipal election, is thatihbat skonlïl be foi- .-prpoae tlaey have .secnred Uitec iovcd. Make lb. grant as154. &5l'". hall asud bave inoarred onaldersal 16,anlthon e a n thie monoy as Due Il u.ngiN#g lb.ey*boata JQdicOusl8y aspo bicviire itprove. î*prfeu1;10liet. e rab mente sre doaanoa, rrospcotlve ol ,anaotft.arle n u Vardi allogother. That lu vha Ui c nr*fDaeof te tise % u e Connil vers oallod upon te do,' and the, ii l abrn te et Lu thallef wbal Uic ratepayere expeot front-Mr. a1 dato -of 1» tbe. , ilàis10 o regïrcttc Iat thera v c bellevi, thc only Canadias p vas not a fil meeting of thb. onn i iis. --lu hin " -.ea i npon. an important' ocoadan -of Ibis vib uinct.élees kinal, and l unier the. olrounetaooe1es arc provM(i*diaM rae usia those prêtent vore canoely jutifidIn lu ana k lotovbihd ha &W aaWi bnrighrnbareport vblch the anit in o b o hâ h b comileaonstees ers flot Justified by th' c u.ago tt hherM in lutroduolng at aIl. Il diséloceal ne 0f course neo uu ts-pu$Men Infermtion, made no roferanes o. s a lover ofm~~& mnia wbersflanprovonaente vers wanted , o i, Wth unm«W aS *ha obiascter or amenait Ixt v mis 1. p1 _ , il ~lal. rnori f htofIey Wbitby. *1bl.ralepayons lid a1rns4y b, d4emuca. The ratepaym e %dérs........ u* deparinre. Tb* cotnéil 'aeds' Fias wIitéi-ITba ol M spOb'Iite 6min tudr sieelabôPa store, and e3nll )âe hoce ad h1. obefoareal 16.1, w4 _ .VOV 11~ 10.0O0Pýdstoi" y.dBu rcon ueaesla matters are oiy sefM verse. c,"4 A. perusal o" proeedR il1hs v i1; b~ thatthe i.levadb uud@ l aken by SEv. Ring vas that cf thie mauncé, of buiness and of oomon sense. «%:cW*6 eryeabr-h bOin~$scd~tlhèI tgale tn The mosl Important pointé maàde b>' Mr obarieton in bitsapeech on lie liscussion vere tuvt tbe Governinnt polio>' hiithehail boenchangeable- ana lesu liboral than the polie>' of the unitad States. As ail Iknov, the. latter country 'le Canada'@ greal compehiter for immigrants, anal iu or-don te gelaur miare cf desirablo imanigr-aula ye inuet daa viti the.» viti uqunî liberulit>'. Th. prenant land regolations of our Gev- overninant permitting the ot&e of the pblic lands ta peclatorsautler- me cal led colonization echeniasst aI af pr-ce, and liaI 10,000,0110 soras iad beeu ai r.ariy disposeal of l in. s wa, ai cf whici vonlal itimateîy 6e sold te actai setilrs b>' tiae peculativeocompanisat a ligiavance apen the original cash, and tbat timber lionses ver. granteal vihheut compahitloîh vers mli poinseal oui by-br. Charlton in bis able reviop,.of- tie positioo. Ko aise pointeal eut lýq pastovagolandal ase vers granhead vithonl ocmpetition - liaiCONaI sud anal mining rigita ewro gr-ntsd witb- ouh coinpettien-hthat thc intoreste anal rigits cf tie insses ver. utir.garded, sud ý li nerestaetofapeoulators and, favorites carefoli>'guardeal, anal liai lie faclltties for co5rnplion Malllng lnusuce anal gvantîng vatl airer weroe alartnlngly graaî, anal uieuld »nt b. permîtteal 6>' "-Y bonest go*ern. ment. Iu tha course et bit argument Mr. Charlton fortfied o position by snob unansvevable tacts liaI even s show of antw.ring vas not mals froan lhe T=e ouh e#ee. But b.acceedeal lstrngup 16e bile, oflie govcmn- ment lane-grabera anal lana gsmbiare, s vas bot bâterai, sud nov the Cocse. vallye organme k tu hé 11111e Uic effaut pdcelb>' thé Opposition atts"., Thod nal ndpolicy le bail d li telling hsem so Sir John sud is.fri.at.ls eil kncv la v hrtncl'tMli i ru h . , Lt Whlti>' lest v»k, at on* of thus "«grea etingo" liaI are oui>' tonus rearted al tue6. irazid4 st, but neyer ucea b>' au>'bo4,Mn, SihIi pt dovuaM ssying: "A ppcrtsoklain te tati, si tgbât bybSfr art lho tloagwu t she bWIehaortham. Il =ehou al.It, , lesut The C)Usoacu.,whid IIbI- "W. ià eert*dul>' ourlt 0kno v vta hoabas le tir aluieult BbUudey-Schri veeliBg viit u t , t Lainb ucn~tunder clantrol sudpro brazetading. Tbe Otarbo: tie souch, éaalMr. Nourse', CIU resdeànce te--the norti, ver. miluent daogsnt. -bul tirougi b aie».>'ofethle 1firemen, ,bavin steamer in goed côndIion, plentfn.lSupply of valet', aI damiatewva averleal. TAi.lose anated i t11200 ; lurance, lIeu places vers unocoupiai John Sturges baviug just mer Tiere in a Iaiult goiug on ai Ovnerciip cf1 te preièe. UtM loy tr-aded tbe preper>' fer pi lin Chicago vilb a coloreal ianz ChorcivehllChurcivsl'à vife ed lie Cliicago property anal «e diel i la amit, anal Mv. Bigeîov i trouble vihi lie ciloned Cbicag getting baak lais eva. -Theup Insuacs le belal by Mr. J. K. wocal, in trust. Dr. Galbraith aber gel 6ai>' acor-ohea, aui pane ý, ail gîsos ovocckod omfce vindov, b>'thb eat. mmx.-We, voulal again, rani nresrof tia entertainaitl S en SIy. licpupils cf lie Collet stitute in hia tevn hall on Fr! tnlng next eah 8 ocloek. ilua Cniiet anal Literavi Funa. amou ls van>' ftiUue, -mi "bmi gve te gay. -front lire] veia." Auyona ofthe cicruc fcy or fifI>' voioe, or on*oftiib be &'rait on amn> ""cso, bur presetal -b>' n ou q a eple proueca l u>On rareasao r li.eOur etn, epasdI aga enu ré rlsvrtt Wez cacrms iit u t vwithut being ahiu 10 rsaah 'as rportant o en th$e docitlu hare t.staund nier for: lb. ce Pttiug cuiter. ho Ibis greal t 1. ..i -&n a n*m b aAitlau coti~Oil, 5 ual 1h. a, hiadIrue loa I TTpl E... atueis W. B. aeoua . Ruter - J. M. Bok Demi,. shop leinse. ëcAtionalor liceca orUiGlb Brookiu. ad for the Ilfrna. Port Wbltby, stand ov fo rocslideration. JeYom 010, eb The parties théebovnsb vho apposa td andad1 lion, vas ai flnnnty Au uesdy HllWhitby, Wed-ro»hoe Biglv Otari mifflwY tll her parett in*&, Crmpanyl lher moterof' ,*or*  x i>rnoomx , «4thhof Marol, =dry, On Thuruda>'15$ a large "su »peo, aa ~ ~uuUa deutsboa, rpvseutng 6e-woak int@UdIeoï n Oulavieanal ý g ctini mentai etaW l Cc., vasreaveal at Ollave b 'Sirvildvua lls~fi5 JlaiiMedonld. Ters ere peswn rigae Isesn.4,>. alge, W. Godeniam * erthté o - < 4ai UNR emy R el .P?. ..o~ btioeI.LaeH..DvitB.211K.. ýo R.;R. Waddil nalJ.i. wWIlamenadi lu l i. amilto -t; -ti ap. Liwin. rap., anal the le effi. and Aid. RIllîtt, -Osi ibarnos; Geo: jOu'ne si g~~~~~ ~~~ 16 llsd ~ . n IL.Vox, Perboroe «c i& and a8M.Dun a,-us ; J,. ~orl i thévnî forth M. p. . àMeQuae, -M. P., J. S. Mo- grand jury va î l e ti. Vaiaig, M . P., T.' IL Gibbs, J. [ tllos inIcourt an d $700-McLld tevârt, OttAss; J. Boya ud for "felononol, , Mr. j. Bell, BoellevIle; J. White, M. P.. ~ pidt cd Ut.UceorCamoron, Id. P., J. Brown q1fr >cTe, l othe M~ A. P. Cockbnru, M. P, ana lqui*hIAihe. r. Bige- otbars. On rooiviug te dupotatien, taï il .diclo ,O re8vJoAn maonsitavas*acoupaned &,bat by the Si ,-Me= by Sir C harls Topper, M esur. à "Mac th etS Scaim.. keuzie Boeu anal >. O. &kins. Thei lts o aa >t~ ~ o a vr ets en eeintrodoed b6>'Col. uPoron. mna. ct u illms, M. P., alf atter a cordial -W the 1 rap. éas oai e ue h aiso the. Premier " seeas a elîcy et mnd those cf bis coloeaspr-osent. offanc vws ci Grsn- Mn. J. D. Balgar- vms calld on toux- Farovwel,.ter 'es office plain 1he parposo sud objecl of tii en'Sac ocf U. ' A sOo elsatealIbat il' vas thi. in- ml sktdf lu ibis tonton of the catapany to m m i. e io- gr n nearlons <f soa=cha bractser ai ie grh..jury * -RTaAIS- a et hSacnîta e wold bmng Toroatto vb$l'sr lis ~4 OuirHamilton, Bt. ,Ai wO as it.' ldlplenît >be gir. and other tovus lud ils 9ii.~ Spoit Of Onlrio indietanuu1. ftS5Ua5 Ba.ebldge- c IÏê M.IWvbét- ne lutu hi mgIt by frexo *040hmdg ob an da '- h ouy , ~ le.Iullu 4 'olef a Il"elb soWl .a vom sue st uoommonb>' aui oetlug rail.ialI u 1~ ~ ~~r snbavy. Algar sitoves!on a M 11nzas st"e v ii hoplldott.atblteadiui tfrdm Ds e»for- IloviISoftemnaal entroau àW itrf4r'iM-gI il lbe s(,aa iecla up sasroute ýlbpiltWa la as ad M UOtavaa-foMndenat e go- tg Ra Is »,Uver anad b rK. Gooar saaîca e mobiv' b=s. U.-il MWddllOp. glvoep-poa r bJct. arluandoulbrg, *flr wllii - notia,. Ti ai. ras i obA xIaadOald a! laI tae ltoes., bth rylhluu n it icol b. on. bo Verd flcesd ou avlnlulitg parsthit. as! viii neonven~ as lvii ea ofenreevsn Btin. sutba$vl.cke~ e ¶«MW P * laultp odbjet neau L BilTAie r ob1itbemi1hdre Tat v rera"t tiMfC *. -Ileathg ,ot»roi» nirs a, pougt flronh»& sond ua ord o raun' saatont e ar bFsati =eas or teral aIgp of Plokerig. 4'I terned -nie 6ill" on Ih Id a trasébuMlou lie scou' y" auauiike.O Tieprii "not guLtt>O'tet .felon ail, for-us prisones move lùdlchmeilt enlie groom oed neo -ffamée. Hb -,biel "th Viol., csp. 50Wamen( s te O)ffeticos A.gaîet il &"tût vitb loent te cor a amïicalambaeur, vieve lu char-th6.e ffonce i a feloat>', una LiaI neslu, crealealb>' an>'stable. P.!l lAthe pvoSeountio, iin tics' Hfodgln, tic Crowu cou' t e amona, t, 'Or. till bers, anal ,Ilt *o .ef option a'ith lAie prisotal aioaald b. tried Upolua ns' )r bve 4lie oâa.pro e edl court gralelnb eho etlqlmeut. MrMD ana! botabagftispiaî a eisteal b>' tMv.broea 81o, .uit Bra der ah iutent te "iil ra elles fan 120hoape andaknd1iCi &ol tthe, toimW tcTuimc e' t alSa- pl1u$f geisndIl t, ati itan e c action. lu' PlîL 1for10. s .(), sud FaeailS for daft bih vasu trut g Droevfor, OQM oidW itw e -' o- - - - supposolaihés nelnt wold b"qar$u e;if not lb vouid 'o no *used. Mr. Ring strongly 9objte o le ju<b priations beiog made1 icreh vrds. L ai lb. o mn m itte-b rnin l . W report "clin for a buk.un; suadà- e lid pend it vbererq 'ra.The repprt? , ro tug bt bI i s y ea W, pas j @ thé am en 1 vanbted.ot'eipcctc. They bWtappoint- in, Ode a treet conzmisuei n order té do the Ïvay .1 iaI à&objeotionalble plan. If n icI il b v i t; i l e ï oney 6eb zp ad ' te adc:actily viire iLvas antad vitolt »W-feoec o vq t &Uai. ,For %ise Sp rp o se be pr po se 14 Otô à la * & C o m 0mca 2,000, 1t ict e'oreit iof the for conlittee on mIracle, and lot the coo-.dit * geponsblê tiarcçn I. Hi port ci v would. beresfter oe ailysbwvlwee le t i a i b oy l l ad a eï t r e oe t . c I i u t1i 5 5 l c , abandon the old system aapuit an en& @eI - Mr. Fox sppore t èsrport. Ith ~ Ring-Lai. te caittesa vbir.olb ewd.llJ;e nones »Ycnd go g sad andl «ive t16e probable cool. Before la Sthe monlb vas ver, suly tich re Mr. uinasilg Wat it hi vu an10odblt t d o bat Mr. l If ing ante a. Tfie com aitte oe cula kh n t givo n. estimat. w Mr. Powell uad the commîeiflfer 01 f ond ho could not makis an stimate so si id 1oo; thore wouldb.ovra dbdi places bre and tere wich hlla not yt si A-core 1 bis notice. Lot the mouey sokeal for be granted andl the commis. se aïoner go n ita the work. Thero as i M s a litlte jealoucy be ilt the ardsa s iu , 0 bo woul gel the moist, asud !opr. i e -vent ht is wotild be botter to give 60 ti Ir. much nov b o ac. Re as in favor al hb. Of doptin« the report. i Mr. King replid that tbat vas just IX ho bYat ho anld tel prev nt,jelousy be- tI tweenthévirils; and 00 place a bulka îo ù th -theb. aredit et the comoitte-.e od lua àprôper reportia -thv i e b A O m o u e > ' vu v a n l a d s a it b o y n u c b s 1fr. Long-.v orry te-hAine lP.pi 'i ýùow of oan &ia 1t,,p eveted iii. t S o u th e . m o ti o r a d o 'io n o f U iu 7r 1 Me. Orudeton sint« ott~he ,PO vihole anad dWifslàe question. t S M r. ing, sacnd at! by M v Er; i ,- "0> mo Ïifé0 t'eb*o kthée report ith in. m ëtUlR 'ta stuke onitih.appropris- elio'lau ud lea toinrt lAint a uik1 Îii7o s 42, l950 ho appropristeil for thb.1 f« public vorks of ithe sovn. 4b For the. motion tuere appae4 only !en, Mer. Riog SM. Mr. Berne, whieh vas de. aoccrdlngly déd&W sdiL' "'Id on the mione for adoption cf report, W' ýouly Moesr. PoansdFoet oal p - Mi. ormuèk id Mr. haînes .>r osal lapon 10 vote,.a a kt.ý -aodd tliet nor padoption ,of-r- 'W . t ho d a n t li ha - b vote ag i nt i. aby.Iv for , Thoera bciug oun'îoocae* a th . o fa l v i a i e n d h iil s r o 6 e m o t io n f o r , din adoplion wr d. » In rt e, toMr. Ring the troarer cd ogn bclin , ltbe bd alvaye concînel- ajdî14-+from ypure -lai aic faceinaly lift 1110elthe ruaine-whetberthoue concludin Di u f r m an -zt 1 0n ey , dad n t 4t ho hâd not intindealàan>'pro 6elady, an, tho jury 'tonna y. 1,giv thé story as a, vaun se yonng lady roadbcrt av the 0 -e t, iÎidin by ,ne manier cf" manas cast . a reocksbnn pon lb.. pro-. Ihad Ieltber freinafrina ef the, ,nnt Terey'sauin meif Il vur- brue abouôt hiie bainngoged as. oginl Dr tue Family Bible. The. corriapon- lnI loa anoriberu Maishhrate, sud la bit «-'sR ga e..part -of vAisI ho ëz lu, he ILollbor, -De il T s . see much differ, iven if friid: F.'gave ue lie iaw for thie )ok agincy biencus. in canvassin fer ,o Famiiy Biblte,, Wudn'I ho b. stilinb- ýagoal b thie Law an thd Prolta? I Me vu adylca 1t6iii» yod , 1* tub ikeh inggeomînt an adal thei good vwork te ,ia prosint puvfeshnul ,jutleu. An, if il rudn't b. 2 purfano, b. ced thin cmli himacif an isabuer e ofRwly 'Rits as wel auetiier ]Rits au Lai t --toail jugde. The i brunci avi.> lignes ni help tbe ocher. Wbin z.;o the lounhy Torney toit hlm me î-î-ahtun, au ay 'to bim, liamany * îîld frinds who mile hore24 bevy acyrlos . jeck- sbons te i cf bisl write wud . - . tiuly ijucoal to pathronize hlm in, ccept serviceocf write undhcr the ààvw- dis- Nov, Misîher Edillior, yoz will a praps, V've give yez quite enuif about tho Law u the Liara, an thiat aumîhin about me Noble Frind l'he Noble Mark- se an cther Thinga lu jineral yod bo more acceptàble. But the slory V've te tell wod make Ibis Loîther 2 long, an as ail vil cOum in odl ime. I moue îonpiudo aWidh iubscribin meseif, An remain, tYer limue frind TIM O'DÂY. N. B. le il tetira dtAths Consarva- tivo candidate, Miehher William Smnith, bas fonal à Tbroup te go round tlb Bîi ii xiibinhuus? I'm tovid 4bat tis attvacktive fWyolnves av tii %ompany are lIreýor -four Lisas vi ple in luakin a bi , 8p:ot-tiaï pute eui tue dlmain t iUoftslIé bloye aman, sebal as 1 . of thé, è ~mbleys that cua a1S'ongibtVOf lthe candi date ; tic Glrafle -ltaI unike ne in portahon.- and acmei I threchor ,an Miather Arthur Jobnsonl, à Maillee -Mfanage*r, but, viir daims liahlie ova the candidate an lte whole coussvu 'Hev'c this for 61? T. O'D. Washingtou LoUter, PMM? LZxoeax irr-Tirs -so=LS U VWOIC -OZ. TasLau. Cmumýr-. Bàtioxae-K5. TULrsTrea.' Washingto, D.C.*Âpl 15, OUB9 -Nov lhiI Lent le nv.WasbingWb has -foi sibrief, eeaso eameslithi 'social antertalin m nta -<onazwiich lio e>eýh buâbd a ébért- cspite. Thie-Pn aimtbas given eue- ,général, roeptiol <ouI *bich occasion thie Wite Rouei. c 1rovded bayonal preccdaln id 8i AI lj p .................7 ...g.an........... . 2 onrni...... .......... I ..b............... -n ln ........5 .....r.......... . Uilran........... 1 No ................ 0..... 264T e ét g i r o n . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ,7 6 9 -- i jThedhird table givée tieooriiluEoet people, tie totale being as felloeu AMOS ......................... 21,04 Denc...................... 1,22 B Egèman ..................... 25,01 Frenh ................... 1,09i India ....................... 8547 l Icnai ....................... 957,408 Ihnlian........................158"7 ...îs........ .......... .8497 BuOelan anal Polish ........... 1,227a Scandinavian.................. 4.21ý Scotch . .................. Spaniali andl Portugueso. 1,1 Svisq ........... . 9 ,8 Welai............. j4 tVarions other erigines.......... 2,780 -Net «bren....................... 40,806 Table four- giv.. lia birtiplaces efhhe' people. Tii. totale arc as follova : a England andl Wales......... 169,5"4 > .......................... 185,526 a gcotland;...................... 115,062i o Prinee Edvard Island .... 101,0471 i Nova Scella................... 420088 ht Nov Brunswick .......... ..... 288,265 Qoobec ...... .. ........... 1827,809 Ontario...:............... .. 1,467,98 Manitoba......... 19,5901 BrItsAi oln~bis....... 827 .....vtoie ............. -d,8 ....unlud ............. - 5914 le COhsnuooolllna.............. 2,84 d France................. 4,88 e. . ...a.>............... - 25,828 e Ia>'............ ... 777 Spain anal Portgal......4 . 215 5.Svàden analdonmk..4-. 5,078 'U Tnited -States ............ 77,55 a-QOi'e counlriou ............ *-....,7,45 Alts,......2................. 880 ev Net given ................4... II ommnion Psvllament. Tii.Z11140 iconsolidaI., lb.. Acte rs_- lating tolia. Moulveal Telegraph 'Coni- pany. andltoi-mile au arneudmeul m- which, i gvoshem definihe pover 10 - -À 1 -aa«mt.vithiothe o pibules. oc- A uitl suedeable &hanaofiat4onuiq 4ing éýhi puaI vweh, boh-befonO tfi.' comarnitlcc anal lu lie Houa.. OiMon- day -wieai the - Bâlcama up lunlthe HoU04 the anialganation wvas slongly on oppoiéd AyKMr. Whithe (Cavdvshl) anal e.spota b>' Moaurà. MoDougaU (Hal- ai.ton = aitCainov6aa (Viqoria>i A nu. ré- ber of amendmenta wcro'moveal 10 Ihe an,- Bili,- and more -rmleavammydhcused. 'as -The maximum rate of -25 cens ferleu, las veroT8b&d beau fia ncommlbtee, but- tàAikebnresieo if i he ràelldUrs tatoep - lidsnlep tph*ln n of aurorsi IWgitsou Buhdayn;igilpro- lace! amsnked effect upcarlbervloae rasidente'of Cleveland, 0. Bdr. O. U~ Cinroi- vms -proate! lu ie Pulp«t- vii. praylng. sud a numbere d Ies fainltial lu ChurcAi, -A report hms beau civoulateal *lui Eng- luant theliaimprispendalsuspecte lu Irelanl vill b. set satlibert>' ver>'short- ly, but a cable cit!ah iiàthiaste or>' on lie vsr>' higiiest authovi>'. Aneli- cm ruiner his 1h iaI KtParnell .111 Ae iimoediatl> reloaeal upon bis rotera le RKilmainhani, for wicAi place utartat roin Paris., Dr. Lamsun, lie Wmmlcdon uurd enr.i As.beeu&gain vespllad, titiwlime t6. Homc Bccrëlary amnnu, a tI &biis th le luthrpite tliaI vbe graah. ed, and l"aI noehopes cf a vipive' should. bi- enUtreMnad, seü6- ' none of lic evidence so fao nit apurcea,lvould varrant usnoab -" Niltlisa e auicat ofi t he ap- pieS liic orcnatià c1f 16e Czaýr aI KCsce, ud extraerdluary protecloe - massmures bave Aiea Laken for tie-lm- camion. Thue îimtMh evo- lutioniste vas matioar.=1he pro etof, .h. St. Petersburg - poice, -vie rem«vet! lid eft hbir contents ans! charge&r viti [al>'n2I~~ an t irtyotvme i î.....i« aAin lTpuiad& a-ru ~wmvaeit cliib. memailm hatses bout liaIquailion lj U.(.cý Party' lth'belterfor t TMbah""l1 abouli a . te 'An" &ald& <a.crdwaig 10 Giralu làg-» Irvasthe péppqm-Pt ;TWati thé. anver cf a Ceuse pa ," ate ia -s'thbyas Iton ven Ad m le iï i J."»ý .. Mon, on $mua The. B&RWAY

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